brenham livestock auction
Brenham, TX 77833. . Steers: . 940-665-4367 Established in 1938, today the Cattleman's Brenham Livestock Co. is the oldest operated livestock commission sales barn in South Central Texas. Cattleman Brenham Livestock Auction date of sale: April 23rd 2023 volume: 463 . Saturday, 9:00AM Sale Results | DVAuction 888-433-2236 0. Doug Bass Livestock Report: llp According to Special Ranger Murchison, reports of suspicious sales of cattle arose in March 2022 when Jackson brought cattle to the Brenham County Livestock Auction. More info. Created by Wilcox Media & Marketing. More info. Fax: 979-277-0080 Market Report - Texas Pork Producers Association Cattleman's Brenham Livestock 2405 Hwy 105 P. O. Terms and Conditions. Please take a minute to view our weekly market report. Diesel prices down 6 cents this week to $4.02, down $1.49 from last year, NATIONAL STEER TRACKER: The largest steer string sold on Monday on the National Steer Tracker (700-899#) was 246 steers (850#) from Worthing, South Dakota at $201.25. Phone: 806-705-6800 Location: 2405 Hwy 105 amberbass@cattlemansbrenhamlivestock.com, Columbus Livestock Co.2000 Reese Lane Columbus, TX 78934, Founded in 1999, DVAuction is the oldest and most respected livestock internet marketing service. Cattleman's Brenham Livestock Auction - Special Replacement Sale Live Event Starts: 4/23/23 12:00 PM (CDT) in 1 day, 1 hour, and 9 minutes. Follow us on Facebook! Six weeks later, he built a 35,000 sq. Cat Spring: Please contact Ryan Reichardt at 979-877-5605, Weimar: Please contact Robert Poppe at 979-732-7289, New Ulm: Please contact Charlie Krueger at 979-732-0310, Damon: Please contact Jeremy Bazar at 979-799-5693, Taiton: Please contact Bennie Woodruff at 979-541-7993, Yoakum:Please contact Myles Pate at 832-260-3281. Forgot your password? Industry, TX, Monday-Thursday, 8:00AM-4:00PM LIVESTOCK COMMENTS: What does not seem to make sense is high feed costs and higher feeder cattle prices when live cattle futures are demonstrating signs of resistance NATIONAL CATTLE TRACKER: The largest steer and heifer string sold this week was 296 heifers (597#) from Torrington, Wyoming at $235.00. If we can help in any way, please give us a call. 100 S Manhattan St 361-865-3538 bottom of page Brenham, TX Cattle Market Reports - Southern Livestock 1920 Refinery Rd This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. . BRENHAM Results of the Cattleman Brenham Livestock Auction March 31 sale. The largest CALF string was 16 steers (453#) at $275.00 (NBW AUCTION REPORT), JOPLIN REGIONAL: JRS will hold a replacement cattle special Wednesday, May 3rd at 4:30 pm. Today's Events Sponsored By Upcoming Timed Events Preview McLennan Angus Ranch - Angus Bull Sale (Belle Fourche, SD) SATURDAY, JUNE 3RD 2023. *Approx is the middle weight of the weight group multiplied by the mid point of the high and low for the group. All weekly livestock auction markets are encouraged to submit their own weekly market reports. Auction Location. Cat Spring: Please contact Ryan Reichardt at 979-877-5605. Brenham. A custodial account is a trust account that is a separate bank account designated for shippers proceeds. 979-357-2545 979-277-2181 THE NEW GAINESVILLE LIVESTOCK AUCTION. Site: Home Publications Market Reports Sale Reports Sale Calendar Cattle & Service Directory Full Commodities Report Services About Us Contact Us, Article Categories: All Industry News Herd Health Feed & Nutrition Pastures & Forages Reproduction Marketing Columnists Production Genetics & Performance Weather Forecast Breed News Producer Feature Stories Items of Interest New Products Recipes, User: Login Logout Register/Profile Submit Market Report Submit Sale Report, Regulators seize First Republic Bank, sell assets to JPMorgan - Reuters, White House to study employer tools that monitor workers - Reuters. WASHINGTON, Oct. 4, 2018 On Sept. 27, 2018, the Cattlemans Brenham Livestock Auction LP, Brenham, Texas, waived its right to a hearing, entered into a stipulation agreement with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and paid a penalty of $3,000 for alleged violations of the Packers and Stockyards (P&S) Act. Amarillo, TX, Saturday, 6:00PM douglasbass35@gmail.com This will follow the regular slaughter/replacement sale which begins at 9:00 am (U.S. CATTLE REPORT), TUESDAY SALES: OKC West; Ozarks Regional; Bluegrass Lexington; Central; F&T; Beaver County; Knoxville; Bluegrass Maysville; Cleveland County; Four State (WATCH LIVE), JOPLIN REGIONAL (USDA): Compared to last week feeder steers sold $2-4 higher. Facebook only Copyright 2023 - DVAuction, Inc. All rights reserved, except where otherwise noted. 2405 TX-105 Copyright 2023 - DVAuction, Inc. All rights reserved, except where otherwise noted. 1941 US Hwy 84 Cattleman's Brenham Livestock Auction 2405 HWY 105 Brenham, Texas 77834 Washington County. Facebook only Results of the Cattleman's Brenham Livestock Auction Wednesday sale are: . Get the latest Agricultural Marketing Service news at www.ams.usda.gov/news or follow us on Twitter @USDA_AMS. 903-477-1489 An official website of the United States government. Bellville - Please contact David Jackson 979-885-9413, 2. Flatonia, TX, Texas Pork Producers Association Santa Gertrudis Breeders of the Carolinas, BLUEGRASS STANFORD (NBW): The largest string sold on Thursday at Bluegrass (Stanford) was 101 heifers (508#) at $231.75. ONLINE ONLY. 3/11/23. Forgot your password? The Market reports page publishes weekly livestock auction reports from around the country. All weekly livestock auction markets are encouraged to submit their own weekly market reports. USDA enforcement rules provide a mechanism to quickly resolve violations of the P&S Act. We now have 6 receiving stations that accept cattle on Tuesday evenings and Wednesday mornings: . Livestock Market Reports for May 18. TX Cattle Market Reports - Southern Livestock The Market reports page publishes weekly livestock auction reports from around the country. FOUR COUNTY AUCTION CENTER. Mr. Gus Grabow purchased 27 1/4 acres on Hwy 90. Simply go to southernlivestock.com, press the register today link to create a user name and password, and then submit your own local livestock auction market report. National Beef Wire | Feeder Flash Release No. 806-272-4201 Tuesday, 12:00PM 979-357-2545 www.fourcountylivestock.com Hwy 159 & Hwy 2754 Industry, TX. All weekly livestock auction markets are encouraged to submit their own weekly market reports. Live and timed events, videos, livestock markets, sale results, and more. 1500 Hwy 90 E 950 N Greer Blvd The second largest string was 246 steers (850#) from Worthing, South Dakota at $201.25, U.S. CATTLE REPORT: Futures & boxed beef start week down but CASH feeders still hot; Huge string of heifers (702#) bring $204 at Joplin; Corn planting at 26%, soybeans at 19%; Winter wheat conditions improve, CROP PROGRESS: According to the latest crop progress report released by the USDA, corn planting in the U.S. has reached 26% completion, which is a significant increase compared to the previous week's 14% and last year's 13%, SUGARBEET PROGRESS: 50% of the sugarbeets in the U.S. had been planted by May 22nd, compared to 37% last week and 99% last year, Cattleman's Brenham Livestock Auction - Special Replacement Sale. . www.muleshoelivestockauction.com This will follow the regular slaughter/replacement sale which begins at 9:00 am (U.S. CATTLE REPORT), TUESDAY SALES: OKC West; Ozarks Regional; Bluegrass Lexington; Central; F&T; Beaver County; Knoxville; Bluegrass Maysville; Cleveland County; Four State (WATCH LIVE), JOPLIN REGIONAL (USDA): Compared to last week feeder steers sold $2-4 higher. : 139-18. Minnesota Deer Farmers Association - 31st Annual Banquet & Auction in conjunction with the Iowa D. View Sale Results. U.S. drought monitor and summary report for April 11. BRENHAM Results of the Cattleman Brenham Livestock Auction March 31 sale. DVAuction is the premier real-time auction platform for cattle and livestock auctions. Cattleman's Brenham Livestock Auction | Brenham TX - Facebook Cattlemans Columbus Livestock Auction, Columbus, Texas Six weeks later, he built a 35,000 sq. More info. Website Continue Reading about Texas, Oklahoma weekly livestock auction summaries for April 7. USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender, Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA), Institutional Meat Purchase Specifications, Pilot Project: Unprocessed Fruits & Vegetables, Purchase Programs: Solicitations & Awards, Web-Based Supply Chain Management (WBSCM), For further information about the Packers and Stockyards Act, contact Stuart Frank, Fair Trade Practices Program, Packers and Stockyards Division, at (515) 323-2586, or by email at, Reasonable Accommodation Personal Assistance Services, USDA Settles a Case with the Cattlemans Brenham Livestock Auction LP Resulting in a $3,000 Penalty. The largest CALF string was 16 steers (453#) at $275.00 (NBW AUCTION REPORT), JOPLIN REGIONAL: JRS will hold a replacement cattle special Wednesday, May 3rd at 4:30 pm. Terry Luedtke Copyright 2023 - DVAuction, Inc. All rights reserved, except where otherwise noted. Damon- Please contact Jeremy Bazar979-799-5693. Cat Spring Ryan Reichardt 979-877-5605 2023 Cattleman's Columbus Livestock Auction. 5/21/23 Cattleman's Brenham Livestock Auction - Special Replacement Copyright2023 Texas Pork Producers Association. 105. Operating with custodial account shortages is a violation of the P&S Act, and places livestock sellers at risk of not being paid timely or at all. Simply go to southernlivestock.com, press the register today link to create a user name and password, and then submit your own local livestock auction market report. Athens, TX, Monday, 11:00AM Gainesville, TX, 1st and 3rd Monday of the month Brenham, TX, Tuesday, 12:00PM View Lots; Log in to view your approval status; Seller Contact Information. Cattleman Brenham Livestock Auction date of sale: April 23rd 2023 volume: 463 . Damon Jeremy Bazaar 979-799-5693. Beef on Forage Bull and Female Sale, Brenham, TX 03 Nov 2023 Premium Power Bull Sale, Wauchula, FL 03 Nov 2023 Beef on Forage Maternal Compass Commercial Replacement Female Sale, McAlester, OK 18 Nov 2023 Collier Farms Performance Bull Sale-Brenham, Texas 12:00 pm 17 Feb 2024 Beefmaster Border Classic, Santa Ana Ranch, Edcouch, TX 24 Feb 2024 3/11/23. Phone: 979-836-3621 Fax: 979-277-0080 Location: 2405 Hwy 105 Brenham, TX 77833. You can also read about us on the USDA blog. . The largest CALF string was 16 steers (453#) at $275.00 (NBW AUCTION REPORT), JOPLIN REGIONAL: JRS will hold a replacement cattle special Wednesday, May 3rd at 4:30 pm. 2000 Reese Lane 5/21/23 Cattleman's Brenham Livestock Auction - Special Replacement Doug Bass PO Box 1207 Brenham, TX 77834 (979) 877-4454 Website douglasbass35@gmail.com amberbass . Broadcasting Real-Time Auctions | DVAuction Diesel prices down 6 cents this week to $4.02, down $1.49 from last year, NATIONAL STEER TRACKER: The largest steer string sold on Monday on the National Steer Tracker (700-899#) was 246 steers (850#) from Worthing, South Dakota at $201.25. Doug Bass CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME! 806-373-7464 The average price for the top 10 steer strings sold on Monday was $205.23, NATIONAL CATTLE TRACKER: The largest steer and heifer string sold on Monday was 370 heifers (702#) from Joplin, Missouri at $204.00. www.fourcountylivestock.com Check our Special Sales page for more information on other sales. Phone: 979-836-3621 Fax: 979-277-0080 DVAuction Terms and Conditions. 3/12/23. Cattleman Brenham Livestock Auction date of sale: April 14th 2023 volume: 620 . Feeder heifers sold steady. Physical Address: Simply go to southernlivestock.com, press the register today link to create a user name and password, and then submit your own local livestock auction market report. . Volume is still running about 35% over a year ago. The administrator will then approve your report usually within one business day. Site: Home Publications Market Reports Sale Reports Sale Calendar Cattle & Service Directory Full Commodities Report Services About Us Contact Us, Article Categories: All Industry News Herd Health Feed & Nutrition Pastures & Forages Reproduction Marketing Columnists Production Genetics & Performance Weather Forecast Breed News Producer Feature Stories Items of Interest New Products Recipes, User: Login Logout Register/Profile Submit Market Report Submit Sale Report, Regulators seize First Republic Bank, sell assets to JPMorgan - Reuters, White House to study employer tools that monitor workers - Reuters. The second largest string was 246 steers (850#) from Worthing, South Dakota at $201.25, U.S. CATTLE REPORT: Futures & boxed beef start week down but CASH feeders still hot; Huge string of heifers (702#) bring $204 at Joplin; Corn planting at 26%, soybeans at 19%; Winter wheat conditions improve, CROP PROGRESS: According to the latest crop progress report released by the USDA, corn planting in the U.S. has reached 26% completion, which is a significant increase compared to the previous week's 14% and last year's 13%, SUGARBEET PROGRESS: 50% of the sugarbeets in the U.S. had been planted by May 22nd, compared to 37% last week and 99% last year. Kirbyville, TX, Monday, 7:00PM DVAuction provides a unique online viewing experience that is free to the public. West Point Livestock Auction (West Point, NE) reports 132 Heifers (868 lbs) @ $197.00 (04/24 2:41 PM CDT) Heifer Prices - Heifers All Weights West Point Livestock Auction (West Point, NE) reports 90 Steers (690 lbs) @ $210.50 (04/24 2:19 PM CDT) TOP 25 - Recent Largest Steer or Heifer Drafts The cattle did not have any identifying brands but did have both ear tips notched. Livestock Reports for March 2 - theeagle.com For further information about the Packers and Stockyards Act, contact Stuart Frank, Fair Trade Practices Program, Packers and Stockyards Division, at (515) 323-2586, or by email at Stuart.Frank@usda.gov. Columbus Livestock Co. 2000 Reese Lane Columbus, TX 78934 Additional Links. American Ag Video Auction - AMERICAN AG ANNUAL SUMMER EQUIPMENT AUCTION. The P&S Act is a fair trade practice and payment protection law that promotes fair and competitive marketing environments for the livestock, meat and poultry industries. We now have 6 receiving stations that accept cattle on Tuesday evenings and Wednesday mornings: Please contact Charlie Krueger at 979-732-0310, Please contact Bennie Woodruff at 979-541-7993, Please contact Myles Pate at 832-260-3281. Listen to our latest market report heard on Down On The Farm Radio. $994. Mr. Grabow sold the stockyard in February 1960 to Oscar Bode Jr. ft. building and yards to accommodate 2,000 cattle. Columbus Auction Barn:7 days a week with large grass traps, feed and water pens available for early arrivals. Website Receipts reported at 8,634 head, compared to 8,426 last reported and 6,495 last year (U.S. CATTLE REPORT), Gas prices down 6 cents this week to $3.60, down 58 cents from last year. I-29 Bull Run Hereford, Angus, Simmental Bull & Female Sale. All weekly livestock auction markets are encouraged to submit their own weekly market reports. Sale begins at 12:00 p.m. (noon) every Friday. Broadcasting Real-Time Auctions | DVAuction Doug Bass PO Box 1207 Brenham, TX 77834 (979) 877-4454 Website The P&S Act authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture to assess civil penalties of not more than $28,061 per count against any person who violates the law, after notice and opportunity for hearing on the record. Livestock Market Reports for May 18 - theeagle.com View Lots; Log in to view your approval status; Seller Contact Information. 2023 Cattleman's Columbus Livestock Auction. 903-856-3440 Muleshoe, TX, 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, 6:00PM Mr. Gus Grabow purchased 27 1/4 acres on Hwy 90. Click on the link to hear the latest from Cattlemans Brenham Livestock Auction. MULESHOE LIVESTOCK AUCTION. Volume is still running about 35% over a year ago. Specializing in the real-time internet broadcasting of sales and special events, WELCOME TO CATTLEMAN'S COLUMBUS LIVESTOCK. Cattleman's Brenham Livestock Auction in Brenham Texas 1991 Mile 33 This will follow the regular slaughter/replacement sale which begins at 9:00 am (U.S. CATTLE REPORT), TUESDAY SALES: OKC West; Ozarks Regional; Bluegrass Lexington; Central; F&T; Beaver County; Knoxville; Bluegrass Maysville; Cleveland County; Four State (WATCH LIVE), JOPLIN REGIONAL (USDA): Compared to last week feeder steers sold $2-4 higher. Santa Gertrudis Breeders of the Carolinas, BLUEGRASS STANFORD (NBW): The largest string sold on Thursday at Bluegrass (Stanford) was 101 heifers (508#) at $231.75. Livestock Report: April 16 Cattleman Brenham Livestock Auction date of sale: April 21st 2023 volume: 729 . Cody Cerny has also been involved in the cattle business for many years and was born and raised in Colorado County. All weekly livestock auction markets are encouraged to submit their own weekly market reports. The latest , Continue Reading about Cow-calf Corner: Global beef market outlook, Today, Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association opened the application window for the , Continue Reading about Texas & Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association announces 2023 fall internship opportunities, Texas Head: 591 Steers: 200-300 lbs., $190-$250; 300-400 lbs., $180-$265; 400-500 lbs., $175-$262; 500-600 lbs., $165-$227;. Mark & Scottie Schwartz completed the purchase of the stockyards on January 1, 2009. Saturday, 9:00AM 806-272-4201 www.muleshoelivestockauction.com 1941 US Hwy 84 Muleshoe, TX. Box 1207 Brenham, TX 77834 979-836-3621. Receipts reported at 8,634 head, compared to 8,426 last reported and 6,495 last year (U.S. CATTLE REPORT), Gas prices down 6 cents this week to $3.60, down 58 cents from last year. Head: 1,482. PO Box 1207Brenham, TX 77834 Location: 2405 Hwy 105, Brenham, TX 77833, Scottie Schwartz: 979-830-7769 | Mark Schwartz: 979-277-4987 | Doug Bass: 979-877-4454, 1. Washington County - Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association DVAuction is the premier real-time auction platform for cattle and livestock auctions. . www.amarillolivestockauction.com We now have 6 receiving stations that accept cattle on Tuesday evenings and Wednesday mornings:. Volume is still running about 35% over a year ago. Simply go to southernlivestock.com, press the register today link to create a user name and password, and then submit your own local livestock auction market report. Feeder heifers sold steady. Broadcasting Real-Time Auctions | DVAuction Guymon, OK, Saturday, 10:00AM Log In. Brenham, TX. Weimar- Please contact Robert Poppe 979-732-7289, 4. Mailing Address: Cattlemans Columbus Livestock Auction was purchased by Scottie Schwartz, Doug Bass, and Cody Cerny in September 2022. Copyright 2023 - DVAuction, Inc. All rights reserved, except where otherwise noted. Lubbock, Texas 79414 The https:// means all transmitted data is encrypted in other words, any information or browsing history that you provide is transmitted securely.
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