hoi4 defending russia
Search within r/hoi4. What do you recommend by the bunkers lvl 5 max with anti air and radar? GE sounds great, show us the Kaiserine, and the HRE) Japan was always a bit too much micromanagement for me though, as with all island nations/ US, with all these naval invasions. 23. For one, with the 1937 German tech treaty, you can actually have T54 modern armor researched in late 1941. But, I do recommend building level five land forts on the southern part of the front-line, particularly around Romania, as the Axis sometimes break through. Use 4-1 or 8-2 cav-LT templates to grind panzer leader (if 10/24 or more divs are tanks, youll grind panzer regardless of what div type does the attacking), Purposefully avoid grinding infantry and panzer (5-9 tank divs) so other traits grind faster, Have 250+ army XP to boost heavy 3s upon research, 100+ army XP to boost HSPAA3 upon research, Run war bonds twice while fighting Finland, start immediately upon declaration, Radek (-75 PP), Tukhachevsky, Navy and Air Force, Infrastructure 20w pure inf support AA, Stalin Bois 20w pure inf support engineers, AA, arty, Swamp 14-3-3 inf-art-AA, support engineers, AA, arty, maintenance, signal, Tanks mot/mech 12-7-2 and 11-8-2 HT-mot/mech-HSPAA, 11-7-1-2-Mod-mech-ModTD-ModSPAA. Additionally, you should never build level ten land forts, as the AI will not attack them. Vanilla german AI is just so powerful 300 divisions are not going to beat them, germany has 500 factories by 1941 and outproduces USA itself. I steamrolled russia and lost 200k people total. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Soviet Union Guide - Defense in Depth : r/hoi4 - Reddit I'm trying to compensate now and using some of the suggested division templates, so hopefully I can catch up. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Question is: which one is better, which one do you use and why? This Hearts of Iron IV Soviet guide will help provide you with some essential guidance and tips to help secure world domination under a communist sphere of influence. I know the video is long but I didn't know what else to cut. War Economy (as soon as you can as world tension needs to be at a certain level), Konstantin Rokossovsky (do the rest of the military staff after the Great Purge). Be careful though if you build to higher level land forts, the forces will simply not attack, defeating the object of this strategy. It controls almost the entire northern third of Asia as well as the eastern edges of Europe. 85% of the Soviet armoured vehicle park on 1.1.1936 is missing from HoI4. Heres a couple of ideas for other vanilla game walkthroughs that look promising to me: 1) Turning Hungary into badass Austria-Hungary per focus tree on the left. Number of Soviet Division at Barbarossa? :: Hearts of Iron IV General Help would be appreciated. You must ensure that you have air superiority so that the Axis forces do not break through your front line. How to defend borders ? :: Hearts of Iron IV General Discussions Having doomstacks of CAS can't hurt as long as you have enough fighters. They don't need to actually fall back. Also make sure that you have enough supply. 3) Having an alternative reality German 1936 Revolution, with huge democratic German faction, alternative to Allies, and later creating the European Union in 1940s. Prepare for a lot of micro creating breakthroughs and destroying pockets. Would like to see some numbers if possible. Economy and production: you only have to do these things till youre good, i just beat germany in 41 lol. It seems impossible to repel the German attack. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. So if you can beat the soviets, kill 10 millions of them while losing 50k don't tell me soviets are strong haha. And, at the beginning of the war, youll be 10 tiles from Berlin, not in Belorussia. Its pretty easy, i personally group up "panzer gruppes" and they will have about 8-15 divisons i will try to have 3. Russian Patriotic Song: To Serve Russia - YouTube Contents 1 Geography 2 Events with this build you and your 6000 panzers should arrive at moscow after around 10 months of fighting you will most likely still be near full strength too . It is rich in both natural and human resources and has decent technology. Hey thanks , mostly approximately 140 160 divisions. Before you proceed your main attack, you need to ensure all of the Axis forces nations have their conscription policies on the highest possible. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). If you are having difficulty defending the Soviet Union from the European half of the Axis, here is the best place to dig in and defend: "One of the most damaging lies of our era is the falsehood that people must give up freedom to enjoy economic progress, which makes me think of a story - everything makes me think of a story - about three dogs: an American dog, and a Polish dog and a Russian dog. I mean, come on, this is Germany, not late-game Allies. Learning how to mod Stardew Valley on Steam will be a breeze with this guide. Then I just did a naval invasion capped around 6 of their provinces and they are right now. Defense of Glorious Soviet Union is an artform, as reality kicks in on Day 2; when you see the Logistical ledger shouting at you in line-items of screaming RED ! I have basically conquered all of the balkans, closed Gilbraltar and the Suez canal. In my Soviet gameplay, i used the second option. and our With this, your divisions will simply progress immediately, seeing the Red Army waltz straight into Berlin. If you go infantry, get 120-150 7inf+2art divisions and make sure at the start of campaign to switch to superior firepower doctrine. Defending in red air isn't too bad, but the debuffs means you need bigger divisions even in mountains and forts to compensate, and again AA. Tom, try 9 or 12 companies of infantry with Engineers and Recon as a base for defense division. in my experience encircle, destroy pocket, repeat and repeat. Privacy Policy. And my research was all for aircraft experience (basically everything I could research in time to get my army in the best shape). From what i observed, there is few lines you can create, but i'd like to focus on Stalin Line (from Riga to Crimea) and basically the Axis border. Archived post. But, not the picture of course. I have tried this with 40 widths and I still require 250 divisions (40 width) to simply stop the powerful combined Axis in 1941 and they still outproduce the USSR or 500 (20 width). I also like to rely on rivers and rough terrain when I'm expecting to get overrun; holding a river crossing is a crapload easier than holding a normal province, and you can fortify the handful of gaps between the otherwise very river-crossed border region you have with Poland and Germany. There is not as much river coverage if you do that, and you give up more IC. Average HOI4 player . It will stress your tungsten though. If you play multiplayer than ppl before me gave you a lot of good advices. 19 mils after conversion, 23 after Armament effort 4 support, 1 AA, 5 arty, 1 mot, 3 LT, 5-9 guns 1 15K guns to Spain, 20K guns to China + grinding divs, 70%+ equipped troops + fully trained 20widths by mid 1941, fully equipped Infra troops, Transition to mils sooner in MP where the Allies boost the Soviets, can go as low as 170 owned mils if you have 50+ exports, 230+ mils by end of 1941, 50+ on tanks, rest finishing infantry equipment 100-120 guns2, 15 arty2, 20 support, 25 AA2. Superior firepower is always good for infantry army, but Grand Battleplan works well for Finland also. If you wish to form a perimiter, draw a defensive line and assign division to it. If you have air superiority, try strategic bombing, and use your divisions to push to important cities with many factory slots. Provided decent Air Support (not enough, Germany is always superior) and with some Anti-Air. Use medium/heavy armor divisions to punch holes through their lines adn to create encirclements. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Hello, thanks for your comment. Hearts Of Iron IV: By Blood Alone Review: Planes and More! For more information, please see our I want to do a historical Soviet Union playthrough (no rushing Germany in 1936 through Poland), however, no matter what I do I never seem to have enough or strong enough divisions to defend against Barbarossa. You seem a seasoned Soviet player: what templates do you recommend as the Soviets? Make sure to build enough fighters to defend your air zones. This Hearts of Iron IV Soviet guide will help provide you with some essential guidance and tips to help secure world domination under a communist sphere of influence. Make sure I have about 1/4 of the infantry deployed behind the lines so they can move to reinforce the provinces the germans attack. Discussion. Russia has infinite manpower, but only limited factories. Anti-Air upgrade on SPAA is 15% per level instead of 5% like gun. In fact at the moment I don't like playing USSR because its just too easy to repel Barbarossa and push the Germans all the way back to Berlin. And thier infantry aren't that far behind at all the German. Well, that works too. Germany took almost all of Europe, capitulated everyone except the UK and its colonies, and then declared war on me (Scandinavia and the Baltic States haven't joined the war). So, here is a list of priorities for your research: This is where my military tactics come in. If you know your divisions can be pierced despite upgrades, invest in engine instead of armor. As Germany I beat them in a year. . In your national focus tree, you should go down the Positive Heroism root as opposed to the Collectivist Propaganda as you get Konstantin Rokossovsky (Armor Genius) and higher research reduction times, making you more advanced by the time you go to war in 1941. But weirdly Germany waited until 1942 to Attack, and I'm having a hell of a time defending land while Turkey joins axis. However, if you build a considerable air force before 1941, focusing more so on fighters and close air support, you should be totally fine. Pregame I had civilian mode on and I even strengthened the Soviet Union pregame in custom settings. He had good air cover too by fighters and some tanks if I remember correctly. ps there should be a general questions thread stickied or something. I dont remember how many divisions i had, must have been around 80. Since the Allied AI is so incompetent, Soviet Union has to invade Italy after finishing off the germans. Line was broken through few times, however i somehow managed to push back. Therefore, lets proceed into the guide. 1941 may be too late because the purge modifier may already have worn off. Valve Corporation. Best Defensive Template? | Paradox Interactive Forums These rules will help your game run smoother and increase your chances onto securing world domination. If you think that for every problem there is a simple and easy solution, either you don't understand what is a problem or you don't understand what is a solution. You must log in or register to reply here. All you have to do is hold the line and watch them bleed equipment until most of their divisions are half-strength or less. Yes, this game is just brilliant, offering countess opportunities to create an alternative history. Ohh and grab all of czechoslovakia without releasing slovakia so you dont get trouble with that as well. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. All you have to do is hold the line and watch them bleed equipment until most of their divisions are half-strength or less. Can upgrade reliability and armor if you have extra XP. The Soviet Union (officially "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" or "USSR") is a major country and the leader of the Comintern faction. For more information, please see our Once they are weak, just attack. Viewed a. 20's and 40's do better at ABSORBING casualties in relation to fighting power : your 10 width takes, say, 10 men lost out of 100 (10%); those same 10 men lost in a 20 width of 200 = 5%; and a 40 width and 400 men = 2.5% loss . This is the main reason I go down the Superior Firepower land doctrine as you get these vital bonuses, which help in your victory against the Axis. Why Putin's Invasion of Ukraine is a Failure - YouTube A more than a month old thread should rest in peace. For Kaiserreich Id love to see a united Italy, or a successful Mittelafrika. Research stuff with right timings and you will have T-44 up to 1941, and at least 12 divisions of them (or even 24). Especially fun when demanding lands from Romania with the bottom-left focus and then siding with Italy as a mediator, attacking Romania, then starting a faction with co-belligerent Italy, and later fighting as a faction alongside Mussolini against Hitler! well ur pretty s**** on my first game i won against soviet. He must go (this choice is the easiest as Khrushchev is pretty irrelevant). Well i tried this tactic of lvl 4 forts all the way to romania border, from there lvl 5 forts towards the coast had 220+ divisions manning the forts and the germans cut through them like butter anyway. Contributor at KeenGamer, often writing guides and news. While im doing that, i do my best to turn all of the baltik states to axis. You are using an out of date browser. I think I am behind on dividion production based on not really knowing what I was doing and only producing a handful of infantry divisions in 36/37. To ensure I help you, I have a couple of questions. The Soviets absorbed somewhere in the neighborhood of 13M casualties before enough victory points were captured the time I was able to subdue them. Tukhachevsky refuses to confess, but cannot be allowed to live (if you decide to go down the Collectivist Propaganda root, Id recommend choosing the first option). What are your division compositions? As previously stated, I highly recommend that you go down the Positive Heroism side of the national focus tree, as you get access to Konstantin Rokossovsky, and lesser research times.
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