andromedan starseed birth chart
You are not a big fan of the government and how the government is set up. ? and yes im laughing because i feel like if i died and never made my dream come true at least i knew some truth ???? Your article is on point! The state hospital after pleading NGRI. Welcome, Hope you enjoy our site 2 years in the making and finally we are here. I know I am a Starseed since a longer while, but recently someone told me that I might be the Andromedan Starseed and shared this article with me. It was a very very very crazy journey but at age 34 it seemed I am so close to finally finding out my truth. I struggle with gender identity on a deep level. Im just so confused about all this. Thank you so much. I have always known that there was something important that was going to happen in the near future and that the balance of earth will change into something breathtakingly beautiful. Yet, when they incarnate on Earth, they become 3rd dimensional, just like everyone else. Arcturians have a . Have been suffering almost my whole life from anxiety disorders but finally (in my late 30s) I started to wake up. Would love to meet other mission realmers This starseed type really stuck out to me for multiple reasons I wont go into here. WOW. At that time, i didnt know the meaning of nomad. after having soul retrieval ive discovered the andromedans have been actively making contact, The past 2 years have been a whirlwind of an awakening for me. I would love for you to have the same aha moment, thats why I wrote this article. For example, if you are a man and are in touch with your emotional side, that is a sign you have a good balance between the energies. Manifesting <3, Hi Richie, thanks for sharing your story! Blessings to you, your twin and all the starseeds working on raising mother Gaia and all her children to glory. Starseed Origins, 11/26 . 100% reflects my personality and mission. Interested in archurians also.. Yours youtube video give me a lot answers and sometimes more questions. Welcome to The Spirit Nomad! I have to take a moment to ensure that i am not making any egoistic choices, that clear word crom myself is a necessity for me to act. Thank you for my awakening , other readings I have had now piece together and I know what my purpose is on earth now . I resonate with all of them. And to be honest I had suspected before reading this that I was from Andromeda and the biggest of the confirmations was how you described it as a planet mostly covered in water Just the way I saw it when I first started remembering!!! Thats not possible. It wasnt suicidale thoughts but a need to go home. And why are we magnets for bullies? Jacqueline Pergolizzi, Grazie per larticolo bellissimo! OMG, I am crying right now. Sometimes I am confused though about my true purpose here on earth. My loved ones called ambulances cops on me too many times to count. I have also had alot of difficulties with loving myself and it has led to addictions, which last year led to a major breakdown. Ive just recently done more exploration into what type of starseed I am and I suddenly came across your YT video about starseeds and now this post. But I cant sleep if i am not inclusive in my way of life. I Just meditated, channeled, and asked where Im from and Andromeda came to be as clear as day.. I am Andromedan. 1st is just really simple and neither here nor there, but I dont think body type is really a way to tell, but if it was, I would say it would be the body type and shape like the self-proclaimed Andromedan Starseed, Lilli Bendriss. at the time of your birth. When I see myself it is human but more childlike and other worldly. Thank You Julia for what you do. I have been viewed as a person who is androgynous. I have a strong connection to nature and water. Our planet is going through a transition period now, from a third dimensional planet to fifth dimensional. Read more about. But fundamentals of science is my pleasure. I hate authoritythis IS my pet peeve since childhoodI was branded a black sheep, the family rebel, even anti-social, the latter which is quite unfair IMO. I have a very scientific and questioning mind, constantly seeking knowledge. No joke. Wow Im still not sure if this is me but I connected very deeply with this, I saw some pictures of places that made my heart drop. I knew it. If your goin thru hell.keep on goin. Can be remote? So much of it resonated with me. Hello, I have known all my life that I was not pure human. Some people when around them makes me feel like Im cradled with this warm electrical shower. They also tend to have a lot of Gemini and Virgo placements. Can you share more info about other starseeds. Thanks. Now it's the government that has been brainwashing the people for years. You heard the call of Earth needing help. I'm sick of all this evil. Its a very diverse galaxy and is the home of not only Andromedans, but also Pleiadians, Sirians, Lyrans and the intelligent Silver Dolphins. Theyre living oxymorons. I had a dream yesterday, I met aliens in my dream, and they mentioned andromeda. I looked at my feet which were very large and long and My body Was very tall. Very interesting. Wich makes me feel so relaxed, that I finally belong somewhere. It is thought that these traits include a tall, slim body frame; very long arms; almond-shaped eyes and skin tones ranging from pale to olive-tinted. And alse years ago when i was back from london to tehran i was in some kind of dream for some minute that i had access to anything ( past , presant , and also future ) when i thought about help humanity by those unlimited knowledge i backed by a loud noise that i could not remember my name for half a hour . I love freedom and I have always felt trapped in a normal 8-5 job. Sometimes you feel its really frustrating living on Earth. I enjoyed your post. Just a place where I can be connected with nature and vibe out with other earthlings and starseeds. I do believe that I am an Amdromedan star seed that has come here to save the planet from frequencies that initiate sadness and despair. I can also highly recommend you see a starseed healer. I like to call them 'the children of the Earth' for this reason. Andromedan Starseeds are natural-born healers. Including our neighbouring galaxy Andromeda. Happy to meet a fellow Swedish Andromedan Thanks for sharing your story. Just recently found out that I am an Andromedan and everything started to come together. I wanted to express my gratitude and blessing to the both of yourselves (twin flames) on your earth plain journey! I love you for writing this article and wish you all the best. Thank you. Huge and intense spiritual awakening lead me here, to finding out who I really am. Sending you lots of love and blessings , 800k.. Love dolphins and am definitely an empath. You also love dolphins and other ocean animals, as it reminds you of your home world, which is mostly covered in water. Yes, feel free to message me on Instagram, The Spirit Nomad . My blood type is O+ with rH- blood factor.rare right? But I learned to walk away from the negative. I am andromedan but I am overweight and having trouble losing. Have always hated authority, needed freedom. I was find out I am an andromedan star seed and while I browse about my star seed, I end up here. It is time I had confirmation from my Andromedan family this morning, my path is true, all of us in human form are a kind of experiment, to see if we can change the course of Humanity for the better.. We have the power, through Love, Compassion, Justice, Respectfulness, Kindness I have been very suppressed as a human being through experiencing trauma from other humans in my life. I couldnt figure out for the life of me why I was so obsessed with the galaxy. I never understood why, I always was told my instincts and intuition were above normal and my senses were heightened I never want bad for people even the ones that did harm to me I can handle myself but would only inflict harm as a last resort I have been more calm as of late and my anger and frustration seems to be lessened lately and after reading this I understand why Im bound to the old ways and like and feel what I do why I need the sun and to be in the open thank you I do believe finally I know why I am here and what I really am and am profoundly grateful for this article Strong Saturn or Capricorn placements are markings of Orion starseeds. Peace, love, joy, happiness and light love to all infinite creators here on earth. The most famous Andromeda symbol is the Andromeda Galaxy and the Andromeda constellation. Happy you liked the article and that it resonated with you, Naomi! I was actually amazed at the andromedan soul that spoke through me when i didnt know what was happening. Also name itself is always been familiar to me, like I knew this name very well. Magical! This book will help individuals identify their starseed past lives and learn to work with the karma that inherited from that past life. Shown the times we are in and that its not about money, that there are beings that understand humans more than we do ourselves, and keep ppl in a low state of awareness. I have a Telegram account and always read the posts from Darkness to Light. In my twenties I did a long walk about travelling. Im learning to protect my energy. it is frustrating and I am glad you mentioned this .. all I want to do is travel And be free so I have unconsciously started more astral travels in my dreams . Was guided here Fits perfectly! Happy to hear the article resonated with you . I am a mental health advocate and look public speaker. I was incarnated in Arcturus for sure and and also Andromeda. My whole life I have had strangers walk up and start a conversation. I am an actress, writer, teacher , nature lover, nomad and healer. Gosh my comment above sounds so self-ritious and almost boastful, but please know that is not at all how it is intended!!! This is literally the only place I can accept naturally as home. Sending you lots of love and blessings , Hi, my name is Richie Perez Reyes from Cebu City. Its a big moment in our Universes history. I feel very connected to this. i am finding it very difficult with two young kids, a narcissistic partner, and living in an economically challenged country, to follow and practice my true purpose (which is feeling overwhelmingly urgent at this point) and so I am very conflicted and feel very trapped/restricted, unhappy, empty, lost and unsure of how to change my life to accomplish this. Thanks for writing, sharing and guiding us to this! One thing that got me from this list or another list is made me realize Im andromeda (I think its called Andromedean). This felt like I was reading my life story. You can find out your starseed origin if you order a birthchart reading on StarseedUnited on Etsy. Im home sick and I miss my tribe. Love n light, Magical, thanks for sharing! I just recently started my journey and have been wondering for a while if Im andromedan or not. What I have been experiencing during my awakening would otherwize have me question my sanity and I would be to scared to move on. Yes I know I am from Andromeda galaxy because a few years ago even before hearing the galaxy nameI channeled for my friend and I. Ive known I was an Andromedan starseed for a very long time but whenever I feel discouraged or lost I go back and look at all the signs that I am this eternal spiritual and its just amazing. This has actually been the reason for me not waking up earlier, even so I have seen 11:11 and other synchronicities throughout my whole life. My sister died at the age of 24 while I was in the hospital. Before my awakening started i felt like i didnt belong here. You dont think anyone should have to pay high taxes and you try to minimize your tax bills as much as possible. Thank you so much for writing this! Yeah such a beautiful comment thread , I recently found out 2020 I am a starseed yet Ive known since a very young age like 3 yrs old I was very very different then others. I knew I was starseed I just didnt know where from. About Andromedan Starseeds. Julia is the founder of The Spirit Nomad and helps lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. Is all humanity alien inCarnate, here to just fight another planetary race outside their universal zone? In mediation, I did ascend to 12 dimensions. The content is based on a combination of the authors life experience and years of knowledge gathered through online research. Hello, Im on the process of awakening and its very hard Im lost and dont know what to do with my life. There, heart is what matters, no other rules. Wish I did. I am in every way an Andromedan except for the weight part: I am over-weight and not thin. I turned to get my shoes. This all made so much sense to me. I was shocked ! The description fits me to the last letter. I have recently been receiving a lot of mental information and this morning, during meditation, I had contact with my Andromedan family.. Also the other things I was taken towards was ancient technology and shown how it works etc. Ive always understood the + or after the ABO type to indicate the Rh factor, either + or -. A starseed is a highly advanced and gifted soul who are incarnated into a human body, but whose spirit originate from another planet, star system or Universe. Im disgusted by this site around us the human race acts of negativity Ive literally had to lower myself just to survive many time thru my years. Im pulled to share my life I feel thats the lesson for humans . Literally cried of joy while reading this. Going through a turbulent Kundalini awakening right now. I have an IQ of 148. thank you for this amazing blog. new star seed seekers? I love the comment thread especially and thank YOU SO MUCH for this article. 2 or more retrogrades (symbolized by the big R), indicate general starseed origin 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 or 29 degrees in Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, Cancer, or Capricorn is a strong indicator of Pleiadian origins. It's 2.2 million light-years from earth and twice the size of our own galaxy. When that was restricted, I started my own business in 2009. For years I questioned my soul origin always knowing it wasnt human from my first encounter of ets watching over me as a young child. I really had no idea what they mentioned and I was very curious why they showed up to me. I dont, but thats a good idea. Im curious if I am a star seed from Andromeda. I just want to leave. You love reading and learning new things, and you constantly want to grow and improve in every area of your life. I knew nothing about Andromeda until researching today and BOOM..I have been in the travel industry 30+ years, married 3x one husband was Egyptian and I lived in Egypt where I KNOW Ive lived many times before lol..loving all the resonance. All I wanted was guidance. They value freedom and nurture an excellent distaste for manipulation, hence their disdain for imposed routines. It has been a very lonely journey here but I know I have so much to give and teach and share. I had no idea what all that was, but after I read this article, it made more sense. Dante. its therefore very disarming when there is a rare person who I cannot immediately categorize/figure out. I pray the universe blesses you all and all the lives you touch! I am not really understanding. Star Markings - Star Seed Hotline https://www.starseedhotline.com/starmarks.htm Which is refreshing and exciting, have you heard of Alex Collier a long time contactee and spokesperson for the Andromedan Council since the early 90s a must to look up online if it resonates with you to do so great work he has done over the linear timeline of almost 40 years. Those guides were very kind but damn firm until i meant every word i said. Andromedan starseeds - Originate from Andromeda Venusian starseeds - Originate from the planet Venus and prove the planet had once supported life Martian starseeds - Originate from mars and similarly prove that the planet once supported life. I suspect many Andromedans have a similar mission. In this article I describe starseed alignments for the Pleiades - scroll down to the bottom of this page to find them! I go to Beti Kotevski, you can find her online. I am Andromedan, even I dreamed of a being which was bold, with bright face, and blue uniform. I would love to consider my self as an andromeda starseed. . Pretty sweet that I am from there! These starseeds have a lot of Taurus placements. It is actually speculated that the winged humans in Sumeria, depicted in reliefs and statues, were Andromedans. I just read through all of this and I have never felt so understood in all my life. It is estimated there are roughly 800,000 Andromedans currently living as Starseeds here among us, which is around 0.01% of the population - or 1 in 10,000 people. I have always been different but never knew why. I am a nurse and love helping people, love all animals and nature. Even in my natal chart, my venus and mars are conjunct as part of a 12th house stellium! Dear Julia and thank you so much for this article and for the work you do. Andromedans will very likely do things with great enthusiasm and care that are unique to humans, like design, architectural engineering, fashion design (think of haute couture and other costume like fashion, not always ready-to-wear). RELATED:Psychic Zodiac Signs, Ranked From Most To Least Able To Read Your Mind. Thank you for this. Looking for answers . I know I came for Mother Earth as I care for her deeply . Also, starseeds tend to have repeating numbers in their natal chart.
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