what did the waiter say to the dinosaur joke
11. Jesus and his disciples . Q: What did the waiter say to the dog when he brought out her food? I think my waitress is hungry. Dino-mite. Why did the Tyrannosaurus Rex cross the road? It started out as a social media joke, says Ryan "Merf" Murphy. What type of tool does a prehistoric reptile carpenter use? What did the Mexican heavy metal guitarist say to his bandmates? Waiter: Yes sir, it's a butterfly! When he wakes up, he finds himself encased in ice, floating in the middle of the ocean. 51. Its tricera-bottom! 11. What kind of dinosaur eats french cheese? Because your nose is only two inches from the ceiling! Waiter! Waiter: How would you like your steak sir?Me: Like winning an argument with my wife.Waiter: Good choice, rare it is. Pun lovers have long been pondering what one thing said to another. A dino-saw. Tags: baby dinosaur meme bad joke t rex birthday dinosaur jokes call dino childrens dinosaur movies clever dinosaur puns creepy dinosaurs cute dino puns cute dinosaur gif cute dinosaur puns cute dinosaur quotes cute dinosaur sayings cute dinosaur t rex d is for dinosaur dad jokes about dinosaurs dino jokes dino memes clean dino movies for kids . What goes, "Ha, ha, ha, haaaa. Ill have a shower of meat! Immediately, huge pieces of meat rain down around him. Send for the manager!Waiter: Its no good, sir, hes frightened of them, too. Are you crazy? yelled the customer, with your hand on my steak? What answers the waiter, You want it to fall on the floor again?. Customer: I can't eat this food, it's terrible. What is in the middle of dinosaurs? The waiter was white. Why did the waitress get promoted?She brought a lot to the table. Squash. 13. so it is a reference to that joke and the waiter saying "everyone will want to eat one" and also the guy in said joke eating the fly and also the fact the article is about eating . An animal that's totally in a baaaaaad moooood. What do you call a dinosaur that never gives up? 9. What did the policeman say to the bank robbing skunk? This day was pretty roar-some. A: A Bronco-saurus! Child 1:I lost my petiguanodon!Child 2:Why don't you put an ad in the paper?Child 1:What good would that do? (2023, April 5). For more animal laughs, check out these funny camel jokes for kids and bear knock knock jokes! 9. Customer: Why does your sign say Fine Dining? Played by Jeff Goldblum in the multi-billion dollar Jurassic Park franchise, Dr. Ian Malcolm is a noted mathematician who is brought in to assess the viability of the dinosaur theme park on the remote Isla Nublar, off the coast of Costa Rica. 13. Waiter: We can dream, cant we? What does a triceratops sit on? What did one cranberry say to another at Christmas? Out pops a dinosaur genie! Yes, one Gorgosaurus and nine velociraptors! Would you like it gift raptor not? What did the duck say to the waiter? What did the dinosaur use to build his house? I was fired from my job as a Zoo Keeper after all the animals died. Its a little bit longer than most dinosaur jokes, but its quite a clever joke which is why we like it and have classed it as our favourite dinosaur joke. RELATED: 17 Dino-mite Gifts For The Dinosaur-Obsessed Kid, To think massive scaly creatures roamed the earth billions of years ago is pretty insane when you think about it. 65. Who does a dinosaur call when hes being robbed? Jesus and his disciples walk into a restaurant. They're surrounded by scales. "Jurassic times call for Jurassic measures.". Why did T-Rexs girlfriend break up with him? "Said nobody who works in the restaurant. 57. . Q: What sound do porcupines make when they kiss? Q: What do you get when you mix an elephant with a rhino? 32. jokes! 6. Tyrannosaurus Tex! What do you get if you cross a dinosaur with Fireworks, 5. Your thumbs in my soup!Waiter: Don't worry, Sir, it's not that hot! A blast from the past! But I think they bring a lot to the table. What do you call a dead dinosaur with no eyes of legs? He lies in the bed and finally, with daylight, he goes to sleep. 101 Funny Cow Jokes To A-MOOOO-se You - Parade When I went out for supper, I asked the waiter if he knew how they prepared their chickens and he said "Nothing special, we just tell them they're going to die.". Sign up for Scary Mommy's daily newsletter for more stories from the trenches. 1. 39. 6. The waiter goes home to his room. Today is special. We will not publish or share your email address in any way. We recommend our users to update the browser. A: Because he was tired! Q: What do you get when dinosaurs crash their cars ? Tuna in next time for the funniest animal memes. How about some eggs? 67 Funny Dinosaur Jokes That Will Make Your Day Can a crappy dinosaur joke get a laugh? 20. 24. And whether you love baking yourself and constantly collect dessert recipes or your only contribution to the entire industry is eating pies in all the available flavors, you will definitely appreciate some dessert puns and jokes. Which one asked for the clean glass?". Q: Why are leopards no good at playing hide and seek? 34. You have 3 options, we can burn you, drown you, or hang you. What is a dinosaur's least favorite reindeer?Comet! 40 Dinosaur Jokes That Will Have You Roaring | Reader's Digest Q: What does afrogeat with his hamburger? But I imagine its similar to the feeling you get when you see your waiter arriving with your food. Customer: I thought the meals here were supposed to be like mother used to make.Waiter: They are. 2. Q: Why does a dog wag its tail? jokes just never get old well, almost never! 1. The Allosaurus thinks for a moment and his tummy makes a rumbling sound. 38.Why does the brontosaurus have a long neck? What do you call blind dinosaurs dog ? 69. What do you call a dinosaur wearing a cowboy hat and boots? Eye-saur, RELATED:45 Duck Jokes That Will Quack You Up. Q: What do you call a baby bear with no teeth? "I can bring it in warm or I can bring it in cold.". Possibly even some more pizza jokes. 71. How do you ask a tyrannosaur out to lunch? A: Give it a funny bone. I thought you were Richard Pryor. 101 Fish Puns That Will Split Your Gills - Reader's Digest What is the best thing to do if you see a T-rex?Pray he doesn't see you! 4. (Closed). Dinosaur Jokes for Kids That Are Cheesy and Hilarious! - We Are Teachers How many waiters does it take to change a light bulb? Comet! Q: What happened when the lion ate the comedian? What do you call a Triceratops with carrots in its ears?Anything you like, it can't hear you! You got a friend in me. What was the scariest prehistoric animal?The Terror-dactyl! Yes, one T-rex and nine velociraptors! Panda. What did the Venus fly trap say to the waiter? 11. Q: What happened when 500 hares got loose on Main Street? What did the guy at the party say when he realized there was nothing left to dip his tortilla chip in? 10. 20 Dino-Mite Dinosaur Puns. Waitress can afford the same apartment as a physicist with a Phd. A. The first dinosaur thinks hard. The Best Dinosaur Jokes that Make You Rawrrrr Q: Which dog breed is guaranteed to laugh at all of your jokes? Q: What did the Bostonian zookeeper say when the monkey hit him in the junk? What kind of dinosaur can you ride in a rodeo? If you have a sweet tooth like me, your worst nightmare is having to choose one dessert at a coffee shop or a bakery. Customer: Give me a hot dog.Waiter: With pleasure.Customer: No, with mustard. There are over 50+ pages of jokes included! ", I thought we had something. What do you call a dinosaur with one eye? The narwhal comes over and the penguin asks, "Thank goodness you're around, Mr. Narwhal. Thump"? You will then click to confirm your subscription. The Ultimate Collection Of Funny Waiter Jokes And Gags Q: What do you call a chicken at the North Pole? 17. Customer: Waiter, would you please get your thumb out of my soup? What kind of materials do dinosaurs use for the floor of their homes? How do you know if there is a dinosaur in your fridge? A: Rep Tiles. Thanking his lucky stars, he calls out to him. "Of course not, if he gives you something/a gift give him a receipt" (alluding to the fact he would forget lol.) Put it on my bill! Whats every childs favorite dinosaur? 22. The first dinosaur thinks hard. Customer: There is a fly in the butter! 16. Why wouldnt the T-Rex get out of bed?He was still dino-SNORING! 33 Dinosaur Puns That Are Dino-Mite | Thought Catalog Why does a Brontosaurus have a long neck?Because its feet smell! What does a triceratops sit on?Its tricera-bottom! Doyouthinkysaurus. Q: Why did the Dalmatian go to the eye doctor? Even the waiter was impressed because it was a Chinese restaurant. Q: What do your call a dinosaur with one eye? What do you call a terrible, horrible, unpleasant dinosaur?A thesaurus. It is free to sign up for Air Table! How do you know if there is a dinosaur in your refrigerator? 19 Haunting Pictures That Showcase How The Most Beautiful Places Can Change After Being Abandoned, 30 Y.O. Do you know how long dinosaurs lived? Q: What do you call a grizzly bear caught in the rain? Thank you for releasing me, i can grant you each one wishThe genie says happily. Customer: Waiter, Im in a hurry! 54.Waiter, waiter! Waiter: "I don't always ask how you're doing but when I do, I make sure your mouth is full of food.". Do you know how long dinosaurs lived?The same as short ones! We're giving you a head start by listing the funniest Father's Day jokes out there! 7. Hey Pandas, Show Me One Of Your Favorite Band T-Shirts (Closed), Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Do That You're Not Sure Anyone Else Does? 29. She keeps asking how my food is. 17. "I asked for this to be room temperature!". Do you have any more we can put on here! I am sorry Sir; he can't eat it either. Y-stinction. 53 funny dinosaur jokes for kids and adults alike to enjoy Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Because chickens hadn't evolved yet. "Jurassic times call for Jurassic measures!". To complete the subscription process, please click the link in the email we just sent you. What did the big flower say to the little flower? Bob Strauss is a science writer and the author of several books, including "The Big Book of What, How and Why" and "A Field Guide to the Dinosaurs of North America.". What do you call a dinosaur who is a noisy sleeper? What makes more noise than a dinosaur? What did the dog say when it sat on some sandpaper? Waiter: How would you like your steak sir? But dinosaurs have long been the focus of humor, including a bevy of jokes at the expense of these long-gone beasts, which roamed the earth millions of years ago. Trying to be sympathetic, the customer asked, "Do you have laryngitis?" What does a dinosaur call a porcupine?A toothbrush! My IT worker friend tried to flirt with a waitress and failed miserably. Oh but you didn't mention you were a vegetarian, sir. 16 Avocado Puns That Are Pit-ifully Bad | Thought Catalog Even those of us that love dinosaurs like you and me need a break now and then. Customer: Look at this chicken! Waiter: And how would everyone like their steak cooked?Customer 1: Medium rare.Customer 2: Well done.Customer 3: Rare.Customer 4: Between medium and rare.Waiter in the kitchen: Four steaks, all medium! What did one say to the other? Say what you want about waiters. 2. Customer: Why doesnt your menu list prices? These dinosaur jokes are clean and family-friendly. Waiter Rule: The Waiter Rule refers to a common belief that one's true character can be gleaned from how one treats staff or service workers, such as a "waiter".The . Q: What do you get when you put three ducks in a box? Customer: That crust on the apple pie was too tough. A glass of water would be nice. Q: What is it called when you lower a zookeeper into a lions den? " Right" he says. Learning about dinosaurs is a serious business. Youll see the bright red A on its pajamas. Do you mind waiting?Customer: No, that's okay.Waiter: Great, take these salads to table six then. Q: What do you get when a chicken lays an egg on top of a barn? Q: What do you call two octopuses that look exactly the same? Why did the dinosaur go to the doctor? 54. Customer: Waiter, theres a dead fly in my soup! (Closed), Inspired By Popular Movies And TV Shows, I Created Paper Collages Of The Characters (18 Pics), Hey Pandas, Show Me Some Cool "Liminal Space" Pictures That You've Taken (Closed), Hey Pandas, What Are Some Plant Care Tips You Learned That You Feel Everyone Should Know? Q: What did the judge say when the skunk walked into the courtroom? 9. 13 Absolutely Hilarious Jokes Told In Movies - BuzzFeed 2. Did they give you a fork and knife in appreciation? 52. Customer: Can you bring me what the lady at the next table is having?Waiter: Sorry, sir, but Im pretty sure she wants to eat it herself. What do you call a sleeping T-rex?A dino-snore! After all, he says to himself, it is probably only insomnia. 30. What do you get when a dinosaur sneezes?Out of the way as quickly as you can! Why don't dinosaurs ever forget? Your dad, stepdad, or grandpa will either be absolutely losing it while on the floor laughingor simply in shock that you were able to . What do you call a dinosaur that wont stop talking? Please call the Manager. Customer: That crust on the apple pie was too tough.Waiter: That wasnt the crust, that was the pie plate. What did the cheese say when he looked in the mirror? How do you know that a seismosaurus is under your bed? 2. 12. He determined that 17.8% of our diners knock the spoon off the table. A: He kept seeing spots! Customer: Do you have bacon and eggs on the menu? What kind of dinosaur can you ride in a rodeo?A Bronco-saurus! 15. Waiter Jokes: 20 Funniest. What do you call a dinosaur that asks a lot of deep questions? 10 Hot Cross Bun Jokes That Are Butterly Great! Find out the answer to this and other how do you know dinosaur jokes below. How do you know if there's a dinosaur under your bed? How do you know if there is a dinosaur in your refrigerator?The door won't shut! What did dinosaurs use to make their hot dogs . What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday? What Were The Largest Meat Eating Dinosaurs? Click Here for Our FREE Dinosaur Worksheets, Click Here for Our FREE Dinosaur Coloring Pages. Adobe Acrobat is a great option. 36. What do you call a Tyrannosaurus rex when it wears a cowboy hat and boots?Tyrannosaurus Tex. A tyranno-chorus. Fasten your sheet belt! Looking pretty Pterrific! Q: Why did the lion always lose at poker? Q: If there was a spelling test, which animal would win? How would you rate the quality of the article? Baby tomato starts lagging . No charge for you! A: Hiss-story. Q: What did the slow kid duck say when the father duck told her to speed up! 7. Customer: Why are the waiters in here so nasty?Waiter: Look at who they have to serve. 12. 61. 3. What happened after the dinosaur took the bus home? We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer), 45Bear Puns That Will Make You Roar with Laughter, Deer Puns That Make The Heart Grow Fawnder, 100 Sweet Mothers Day Greetings That Will Make Her Feel Like the Best Mom Ever, 38 Math Jokes to Get Every Nerd Through Pi Day, 50 Pickle Puns and Jokes That Will Pickle Your Funny Bone, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. How do you invite a dinosaur to a cafe? What do you get if you cross a T- rex with explosives? Waiter: These are the best eggs we've had for years. RELATED:25 Wolf Puns That Are Howlingly Funny. 14. So I asked him to stop. Waiter: Yes sir, how may I help you?Customer: Try the soup.Waiter: Is there something wrong sir? What has a spiked tail, plates on its back, and sixteen wheels? 33. (French: Garon!) Why don't dinosaurs ever forget?Because they never knew anything in the first place! Whats the best way to raise a baby dinosaur? Excuse me, there's no fly in my soup. Hi, I am Roy Ford a General Studies and English Teacher who has taught all over the world. 29. 30. Will the pancakes be long? well, there arent any new dinosaur bones! 4. Once confirmed, you will be taken to Airtable (a different website) where all our free printables will be waiting for you! What does a waitress do when she finds a cold pizza that was forgotten to be served?Serve it to a hipster. Mama, you know weve got your back. You laugh now, but the skeletal remains of dinosaurs dont find it humerus. 33. 25 Hilarious Dinosaur Puns Every Joke-a-saurus Will Love - Best Life And trust us, it'll be priceless. Z-end. 32. 28. The waiter's answer was "swimming" or "the backstroke.". What does a Triceratops sit on?Its Tricerabottom! 25. A: Barney in an elevator. (Closed), Hey Pandas, Whats A Book Or Movie Trope You Cant Stand? 64 What Did The Jokes to Test Your Brain | Beano.com A: Eye-saur. Below are more clever puns to share with loved ones and make them smile. For example, in 2019 alone, paleontologists unearthed a new bat-like dinosaur fossil, created a robotic dinosaur model that could run on a treadmill, and (continued) to debate what actually spelled the end for these reptilian beasts. Use these jokes to lighten their mood and fend off boredom, especially if they have a soft corner for canines. Send for the manager! 23. What did one pencil say to the other pencil? 12. 5, 2023, thoughtco.com/worlds-funniest-dinosaur-jokes-1092386. 89+ Playful Fork Jokes | tuning fork, garden fork jokes - Joko Jokes I'm-so-saurus, officer. This is a digital download, so it is easy! Out of the way as fast as you can. There are about 700 known species of dinosaurs, that's more than we can remember. What would you get if you cross an angry sheep and a grumpy cow? 25. The second man asked for the same and said to the waiter: "Make sure the glass is clean." Grab these jokes today and share them with your family and friends! What did Rex say to Woody after eating a toy? Select your printer and the number of copies you want to print. "Yay, it's the weekend! Top Ten Pizza Jokes and Stories - PizzaSpotz You can click the title in the list below to jump to the correct dinosaur jokes section! 37. "Waiter: "To eat or to post photos of on Instagram? Take it back.Waiter: You see? There more to why did the Dinosaur that just cross the road! 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