violetta antonio death
hair color [33] The Rai Gulp premiere had a 1% share or 272,000 viewers and the second episode received 300,000 viewers or a share of 1.34%. But the arrival of Angie, Violetta's tutor completely disturbs him, but not wanting to admit it, ends up falling in love with her while engaged to Jade. Angie Carrar is the sister of Violetta's late mother, Mara. But Morse checkswith his family,where daughter Elaine (Jessica Hayles) says her father was worried about her wedding,working overtime, and even sold some life policies. After the show he directed fails, he resigns from Studio 21. She's talented but knows she has not yet achieved artistic maturity necessary to make the leap to success which is the reason why she dresses different a lot. After Violetta's tragic death at the end of Season 7, Endeavour has spiraled deeper and deeper, struggling with the loss, guilt, and love weighing heavy on his heart and mind. [18] For the second season, casting calls were also held at the request of fans of the series in Milan, Naples and Rome. However, in time, they realize that he has a good heart. [84] In Argentina, it was also published in a magazine with the same content as the Italian one. They enjoyed each other's company, and they liked working together at the Studio, since they both had a big passion for music. However, her rude behavior to his friends made him angry at her. Disney Channel UK premiered it on May 2, 2014 [64] on the official Disney Channel UK YouTube channel and ran until May 24, 2014, This is the only Violetta-related program which has been dubbed into English so far. Beto Benvenuto (portrayed by Pablo Sultani) is Studio 21's absentminded, clumsy music composition teacher. Luca Caviglia (portrayed by Simone Lijoi) is Francesca's brother and manager of the Rest Bar, a bar next to Studio 21 where the guys usually hang out. Federico says that despite what he feels, he doesn't want her near him, stating he's in love with her too. However, Len gets on stage and starts singing "Podemos" with Violetta. In the end, Germn discovers that Violetta studies in the Studio and that Angie is actually her aunt who always helped and covered for Violetta all along. Xabiani Ponce de Len is still credited as a regular throughout the rest of the third season after making his final appearance in the twentieth episode. In the second season, Violetta starts falling in love with Len and he feels the same for her. At the beginning, he was part of the in-crowd, because he used to hang out with Ludmila, Naty, and Leon, but as the series progresses, he becomes more independent, while remaining Leon's friend. Violetta Castillo (formerly)Leon Vargas (formerly)Ludmila Ferro (formerly)Diego Hernndez (formerly) Now that Federico is dating Ludmila, and Violetta is dating Leon, Federico and Violetta are just friends. Male Maxi is in love with her, but she revealed that she's his cousin. She meets Angie (Mara Clara Alonso), her new teacher, governess, and secretly her aunt (sister of Violetta's mother, unbeknownst to Germn) who helps her to realize her talent. He acts very sweet and caring towards the people he likes, such as Emma and Olga, but he's hostile and cold towards those he dislikes, such as Andres and Ramallo. Violetta and Ludmila are forced to share the same roof when Germn and Priscilla, mother of Ludmila, start dating and later get married, but Priscilla turns out to be a snake and the worst person anyone has ever met. Germn Castillo (portrayed by Diego Ramos) is Violetta Castillo's overprotective father. When Violetta first met him, she thought he was a bad person, but later on, they become close friends. Violetta P Kirkpatrick (1911 - 1991) Last Known Residence. [53] It features American actress Sofia Carson as the antagonist. Oscar Cardozo is a bodyguard who's in love with Olga Pea. last episode Camila and Broduey get back together, as do Francesca and Marco, after a big interference with Marco's ex-girlfriend. Last week, Frazil mentioned a series of "freak accidents," which she's convinced aren't. Searching her flat, he discovers the policy was sold to Ludo. Charly (portrayed by Jess Villegas) is the producer of an animal food corporation. Songwriters: Nicolas Fromentel (alias Sebastin Mellino), Eduardo Frigerio, Songwriters: Itziar Martinez, Silvio L Richetto, Eduardo Frigerio, Nicolas Fromentel (alias Sebastin Mellino), This page was last edited on 6 April 2023, at 21:00. Ingrid is Violetta's new governess. The second season of Violetta appeared on Disney+ on May 29, 2020. ANTONIO SULIEMAMN While operating on a mythic level Honeydripper also wants to create the same kind of top-to . In 2014 however, it changed, as it had decreased to 6.8 in 2015. On Disney Channel (Scandinavia), the season premiered on October 12, 2015. An Approach, a Song Find her on Twitter and other social media of your choice: @anibundel. In order to spy on Len, Violetta and Francesca masquerade as Roxy and Fausta, but Len falls in love with Roxy, and Violetta is forced to tell him the truth. ngeles "Angie" Carrara is the sister of Violetta's late mother, Mara. Camila and Naty quickly became jealous because they thought Maxi and Broduey were using her to make them jealous, but actually she was using them, with permission, to make her boyfriend jealous. He had a crush on Violetta in the first season, when he first came to the Studio. Endeavour. But after she was reprimanded for her contacts with foreigners, she was transferred to the Stanislavsky Theater Ballet in Moscow. There's also a soundtrack album featuring the music from the show. Francesca Caviglia (portrayed by Lodovica Comello) is a smart, caring, and determined girl born in Italy along with her older brother Luca, who ran the family business, Resto Band. Len suspected Diego all along, and found proof that Diego and Ludmila were together to make Violetta sad and humiliated on her big performance when they were going to say that Diego never loved Violetta. Despite her brother's opinions about wasting their father's money by attending On Beat Studio, Francesca believes she can develop into a successful music artist in the music industry, due to the studio's reputation of being the place where a lot of famous people have studied. Violetta and Len get back together, and in the end, after all that has passed, their love is stronger than ever. They have a lot in common, for example, they are both Italian and love to sing in Italian together, like when they sang "Vieni e Canta" with Luca. Cherished brother of Cathy Stott and Josie DiNardo. Antonio Vultaggio Beloved husband of Violetta Barranco. Blinded by sadness, he decides to keep her past and her mother's fate from Violetta, worried that she might follow in her footsteps. Mara died when Violetta was 4 years old. He has a proverb or piece of advice from his country for every occasion and is always ready to help his friends. His hands are clean, he insists;Violetta did all the dirty work. school [16] While actress Lodovica Comello, who played Francesca, was attending school in Milan, her school's principal informed the students that there would be an audition; she decided to participate. He had a good heart and he understood everyone. The happy couple were photographed outside the beautiful Italian church on Sunday, before heading to a reception in a private villa with 150 guests. He loved music and teaching the students. But he notably choreographed the erotic role of the seductress in Daphnis and Chloe for her, and he used her strong technique and natural grandeur in neoclassical showpieces that featured four to seven ballerinas at once. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Disney Channel (Europe, Middle East and Africa), Disney Channel (Australia and New Zealand), Palacio de Deportes de la Comunidad de Madrid, Palacio de Deportes Jos Mara Martn Carpena, "Disney Channel presenta a los protagonistas de Violetta", "Disney Channel anuncia el lanzamiento de la serie 'Violetta', "Violetta, nueva y divertida serie de Disney", "Llega Una Tira Juvenil Musical de Pol-Ka A Disney Channel", "Violetta, la nueva serie de Disney Channel y Pol-Ka", "Disney anuncia elenco de serie internacional", "Presentan primer tema oficial de la nueva serie 'Violetta', "twitter.com/DisneyNewsLA/status/267676378726539265", "Ticketek Argentina Entradas para VIOLETTA", "Disney Channel estrena tercera temporada de "Violetta", "Violetta, Ruggero Pasquarelli confermato nel cast: "Federico sempre pi importante nella storia", "Xabiani y Jerry Velzquez en Violetta 2", "Violetta: scopri Diego e i segreti della seconda stagione! Ludmila was never really in love until she began to have feelings for Federico. Valentina Frione is still credited as a regular throughout the rest of the second season after making her final appearance in the fifty fifth episode. Antnio Fernndez Mndez was the founder of Studio On Beat. In nearly every episode, he has to mention "personal space" to her. Violetta Elvin was born Vera Vasilyevna Prokhorova on Nov. 3, 1923, in Moscow. He worked with YouMix, until Antonio's death. Gregorio asked him to attend the Studio because of his dancing skills and hopes that he will make the Studio better and encourage the other students to work harder. He then accepts a job at the Resto Band. He cares a lot about his fans, and he would do anything to make them happy. In the United States, it premiered on September 1, 2014, on Azteca and ended on December 19. Moreover,he's fired Morse from the towpath case to boot, while laying the groundwork tofacilitate a transfer to get rid of him. She has an Emo style, but later she changes her look and this time, Maxi falls in love with her. He was of Spanish origin, because in the Spanish version of. Violetta has never agreed with this and always argues with Jade. Almost all episodes started with a person dying followed by a white screen with the name of the person along with his or her date of birth and death. When Morse attempts to talk him down, Ludo shoots Violetta. When Federico first appeared on the series, he seemed to be a little mean, because he wanted to tell Herman the truth about Violetta and the Studio. That's when love started to change her attitude a bit. Explora los videos ms recientes de los siguientes hashtags: #violetta, # . Antnio won't be in this part of season 3, due to his death. His dance partner for the YouMix dance contest was Naty. In early 2013, it was confirmed that there would be a stage adaptation starring Martina Stoessel, Jorge Blanco, Diego Domnguez, and other actors. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Xabiani y Jerry Velzquez en Violetta 2", "Violetta: scopri Diego e i segreti della seconda stagione! Camila and Maxi kissed but didn't feel anything, Sebas (Rock Bones) comes and they fell in love, until they get together at the end. During World War II she was evacuated with her family to Tashkent, Uzbekistan, where she was invited to dance leading roles at the Tashkent Ballet. When he returns to Buenos Aires in the second season, he is now a very famous singer, thanks to YouMix and the Talents 21 show. Violetta is happy that he's back because she missed him a lot and vice versa. She will do anything to win Maxi's heart, but Maxi doesn't accept it. This season of Endeavour has been all about the deaths on the towpath, and the finale is no different. Violetta Castillo is a 17-year old teenage girl who is unaware of her very special talent for singing. After Antonio's death, he, along with Violetta, left YouMix, after they stopped supporting the Studio. Although she was extremely popular with audiences, and she adapted to the repertory, she more frequently stepped into roles created for others. The . Stream tens of thousands of hours of your PBS and local favorites with WETA Passport whenever and wherever you want. Since the death of his wife he has been overprotective of his daughter, but behind his stiffness he hides a great heart. Both Byrne and her colleague Dr. Nancy Levine (Naomi Yang), are incensed at the police failure to find the killer. [67] However, there were no plans to show it in the UK. Pablo Galindo (portrayed by Ezequiel Rodrguez) is Studio 21's temporary director. For a while, Tomas and Leon were jealous of him but Violetta soon made it clear that she and Broduey were just friends. Filming began in September 2011 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and lasted for seven months. She is a spontaneous and honest girl. Birth Sign Leo. He was probably from Spain, as he had a strong Spanish accent. The name Federico means 'peaceful ruler'. Ludmila Cyberst@r is another webseries that premiered on June 1, 2012, on the official YouTube channel of Disney Channel Latin America. Angie goes away to France, leaving Germn alone. Or will Thursday and Strange magically make his transfer disappear? But when he hears Violetta sing, he realizes how talented she is and he promises not to say anything to Herman. Violetta Castillo (former crush)Natalia Vidal (possible crush-on-by)Ludmila Ferro (ex-girlfriend) He is the third Italian that appears on the series. She pretended to like Andres to make Maxi jealous, so Andres broke up with her. With the death of Antonio (the previous director of Studio 21), Pablo exits Studio On Beat at the end of You Mix sponsorship, the site slowly goes bankrupt and it is up to Gregorio, the new director, Angie (who returns in this season) and Beto, with the help of Germn, to save the studio. He absolutely hates Tomas, and sends Andre to sneak around Tomas, looking for an excuse to kick him out of the studio. As for Sturgis, he's threatening to sue Castle Gate. Porn star legend of the '80s and '90s passed away at the age of 69. After performing their last songs ever, Germn proposes to Angie. March 29, 1911. In Australia, the complete second season was put up weeks after the first on Netflix, but has not aired on Disney Channel. Antonio was portrayed by Alberto Fernndez de Rosa. At first, he had a crush on Violetta, but she just saw him as a friend. Antonio Suleiman Romance Videos In the castle, Princess Violetta decides to play two parts: being herself and disguising herself as the Prince every other day to keep secret the knowledge of his disappearance. Pablo decides to play up his role as Angie's boyfriend after he meets Germn. Between September and October 2012, the show had its premiere in Brazil, France, Israel and Spain. The masked man who attempted to strangle a fellow of Lady Matilda's College, before being chased onto a road and into the path of an oncoming car, was in fact a copycat killer. Antonio wants to show Bassanio that he takes full responsibility for borrowing the money from Shylock. He was the special guest invited to the Studio to watch the students perform the song "Always Dancing". He is generally a nice and helpful person, but he can sometimes be slightly arrogant and stubborn. He was chosen as one of the eight contestants for the reality show "Talents 21" and won. When she first came to the . In Brazil, the show was presented by Bruno Heder. The police believed she started the fire, but she was found mentally disturbed and not charged. In a memoir published in 1957, Ms. de Valois explained why she had hired Ms. Elvin, the first Soviet ballerina to dance with the Royal Ballet. As Carl makes tea, he starts whistling the song Thursday mentioned, as Strange hears someone upstairs. Olga Patricia Pea (portrayed by Mirta Wons) is the Castillo family housemaid. However, in Season 3, Olga and Ramallo fall in love. On multiple occasions, Matas prevents his sister from revealing their plan to Germn. Bright's death as part of his seemingly-unconnected cases. Season 3, Episode 60: Jade is in the process of closing the studio after she discovers that German still has feelings for Angie, despite his relationship with Priscila. Violetta had friends who invited her to receptions at the British Embassy in Moscow. Brown The first episode in Italy received 195,973 viewers, making it Disney Channel's most watched broadcast in the country. Strange starts looking into the freak accidents, heads over to one of the victim's houses, the owner of the local funeral home. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . ATLANTA "Overwhelmed, overwhelmed." That's how Laquna Ross told Channel 2 Action News she felt after she found her dad with swollen, red bumps all over his body and his hands swollen when . Violetta Castillo Violetta is a bright and full of life girl, but lonely and overprotected by her father. Leon Vargas (portrayed by Jorge Blanco) is Violetta's man. It's mentioned that he has his first concert when he was 7 and he can play all the instrument that exist. He tries to keep her from going out, but she's determined to decoratefor Christmas, only to diefrom an electric shockin a fatal freakaccident. Model Birthday July 30, 2014. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place!