tim spahr maine
Tim Spahr is one of the stars of North Woods Law, and he happens to live right here in Kennebunk just down the road from me. Game Warden Joey Lefebvre (Damariscotta). Kennebunk's own Sgt. In 2019, while conducting a surface survey of the intertidal zone, Spahr located the remains of a dugout canoe. He has had a direct impact on the future of Maine Warden Service. The Outstanding Supervisor Award is presented annually to the supervisory officer who has demonstrated superior knowledge and leadership in conservation law enforcement supervision and by doing so has gained the respect of administrators, supervisors, fellow officers, other department employees, other agencies and the public regarding expertise and performance in the field of supervision. Sergeant Tim Spahr is originally from the Wilkes-Barre area of Pennsylvania. Fax: (207) 287-8094 or (207) 287-6395 The Dony (or Donany) family were sachems in the Kennebunk area in the 1680s. Copyright 2016 The Company, All Rights Reserved. Tim W Spahr, age 60s, lives in Kennebunk, ME. Assistant Producer: Shannon Maguire. After a year as a deputy warden, he was hired as a full-time district warden and attended the . In 2017, the show changed locations to New Hampshire, following members of the state's Fish and Game Department. His trademark gray hair and regular appearances on the Animal Planet TV show "North Woods Law" have . More than just a father and son pair, these two were the best of friends, often doing everything together. Spahr said hes not alone among his Maine Warden Service peers in pursuing higher education opportunities. Crossbills of North America: Species and Red Crossbill Call Types Sgt. The most abundant food in this area was fish and shellfish. LedgePoint Digital Ground Stone Fishing Net Weight. The artifacts that he had located in the Olduvai Gorge in Africa could very well be the oldest artifacts constructed by man or prehuman man. Sumerian Sports Earlier this spring, Spahr earned his masters degree in museum studies from the prestigious Ivy League school. Another man by the name of Ambereuse is also mentioned in 19th Century local histories, as having a wigwam on the Mousam River until 1752 when he moved to South Berwick. After leaving the Coast Guard, Spahr went to college in Bar Harbor, Maine earning a degree from College of the Atlantic. What it really boils down to is that everyone who works for the state earns time off, through vacation or compensation time, and then I would just plan that ahead for my classes and other things, and I would take that time off to attend class or attend special programs.. There have been game wardens in the past Charlie Atkins comes to mind, he was up in Rangeley who contributed to archeology by being out there in the woods and finding sites that were later identified as significant sites in the study of archeology.. The Warden Service hires only the very best men and women in society and they come to us from all walks of life from both Maine and from away. Tel: (207) 985-4802 Bill money. Tim Spahr is one of the stars of "North Woods Law," and he happens to live right here in Kennebunk just down the road from me. 353 Water Street But for seven years, Spahr was keeping a secret that was only made public in mid-June, when Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Commissioner Chandler Woodcock congratulated the 20-year veteran of the Maine Warden Service at the states annual moose-permit lottery in Kittery. PAL 26 Main Street Pawtucket, RI 02860. Brick Store Museum Indigenous tribes hunted and fished with expertly-crafted stone and bone tools. All Filters. Maine game warden, 'North Woods Law' star earns Harvard degree after 7 Ground Stone Fishing Net Weight. Video footage of the dugout canoe excavation in 2019, courtesy University of New England. Past excavations have also discovered a number of stone tools off of Cape Porpoise with some dating to 7000 years old. Canoe Conservation: A Step-by-Step Process, Microclimatology of a Cape Porpoise Island Site. 901 followers 500+ connections . Sgt. Maine game wardens become eligible to full retirement benefits after 25 years served. Game Warden Sergeant Tim Spahr (Kennebunk). Archaeologist Tim Spahr leads excavations each season to discover more information on indigenous peoples that lived in Southern Maine. Tim Spahr | Maine Public This was the state's second largest workload in 2019. From animal bone they carved harpoons, needles, awls, and fishing hooks. Thanks to all of our NWL fans that wrote in so many great. Air date: Saturday, May 11 The services first enforcement action occurred on March 12, 1880 when two men were apprehended for killing a doe in closed season. While Timothy Spahr in ME - Address & Phone Number | Whitepages Another warden sergeant holds a masters from Husson University. In June 2019, Tim Spahr and other members of Cape Porpoise Archaeological Alliance (CPAA) excavated a 700-year-old dugout canoe found in the mudflats of Cape Porpoise Harbor. I never told anybody. European settlements increasingly blocked the tribes use of the coast, including dams built on rivers for waterpower required to run sawmills; and forests with towering white pine trees were cut down for timber and farming. Mitch Daniels last week appointed Timothy Spahr as the next Miami County Circuit Court judge. A bout with Lyme disease disrupted those plans a bit, and after he recovered, he decided to refocus on museum studies. In 2019, while conducting a surface survey of the intertidal zone, Spahr located the remains of a dugout canoe. Tim Spahr. Local history, art and culture since 1936. Prehistoric Archaeologists | Maine Historic Preservation Commission 5 Sandalwood Dr Kennebunk, ME 04043. Home. Game Warden Sergeant Tim Spahr of Kennebunk oversees York . Archaeologist Tim Spahr leads excavations each season to discover more information on indigenous peoples that lived in Southern Maine. If you have walked beside me throughout my life, we have shared this wonderful world thru each other's eyes: Born on February 11, 1925 Tim Wollerton Spahr crossed peacefully on . Indigenous artistry continues to thrive and grow in the 21st Century. Fish and Wildlife Service and York County Emergency Management Agency for criminal apprehension and search and rescue efforts. Tim W. Spahr Obituary Phone: 207-569-4858 Email: t imspahr.cpaa@gmail.com . He has received several letters of recognition from both the public as well as the Maine Warden Service and does an excellent job collaborating with other law enforcement agencies, utilizing his strong skill sets to bring positive resolution to many issues. Show: 61. The urgency of climate change makes citizen science engagement vital to rescuing the archaeology in this dynamic tidescape before it is lost. The Kennebunk resident became a game warden in 1996. With my off time, thats what I did. We also remember our dear friend and fellow archaeologist Michael Brigham and and the Wardens! This year Tim Spahr is joining the team, who, since that 2012 movement, has become an expert in "typing" crossbill recordings. Show:61 Timmy was the sole custodian to his special needs adult son, Devin Spahr. Because of his knowledge of his patrol area and the districts that surround it, Warden Lefebvre is called to numerous search and rescue incidents every year in his area. He was named the 2019 Maine Game Warden of the Year. Originally from Pennsylvania, Spahr moved to Kennebunk 17 years ago with his wife Elizabeth Spahr, owner of Village Yoga in Lower Village, and the couple's now-grown daughter Emily. From his research he discovered that a man named Sosowen was the sachem of Cape Porpus, several miles east of Kennebunk River. Get weekly news from Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel delivered Friday at 1 p.m. RSU 21 selects new superintendent in unanimous vote. Rhyolite scraper used for cleaning animal hides, Collection of rhyolite flakes produced when a rock is struck with another rock, piece of antler, or bone in order to create a sharp edge on a stone tool. It is a positive take if it wasn't I wouldn't have done it, he said. The rescue skills of the Maine game wardens are recognized all over the country. Scholars have referred to this areas history as a no mans land because of early disruption by European settlers that unseated tribes in this area, so that much of the established culture was not observed before tribes either merged with other northern groups or, in the case of the Abenaki, moved their cultural centers to Vermont and Canada. Timothy Spahr, CPA, MBA, CMA, CSCA, CPSM, CSCP - LinkedIn Limerick Man Arrested on Felony Charge from 2007 Hit-and-Run Snowmobile Warden Lefebvres exemplary service and work performance have been well documented throughout his career. Game Warden Joey Lefebvre was recently honored by his peers at the Maine Criminal Justice Academy in Vassalboro for the 2019 Maine Game Warden of the Year. Established over 180 years ago, in 1880, the Maine Game Wardens are committed to protecting and preserving Maines quality of life and outdoor activities. Published: Jun. He was hired as a full-time district warden in 1997, promoted to investigator in 2006, and sergeant in 2008. View further author information . After a year as a deputy warden, he was hired as a full-time district warden and attended the Maine Criminal Justice Academy and Advanced Warden Academy in 1997. [A fellow Harvard grad] said to me recently, Id much rather be a Harvard student than a Harvard alumni, Spahr said. Originally from Pennsylvania, Spahr . The outstanding supervisor award is presented annually to the supervisory officer who has demonstrated superior knowledge and leadership in conservation law enforcement supervision and by doing so has gained the respect of administrators, supervisors, fellow officers, other department employees, other agencies and the public regarding expertise and performance in the field of supervision. Tim has been a game warden in southern Maine for nearly 20 years. Lived In Franklin MA. You have probably seen him walking or jogging along Route 35, like he has been doing for years, or you may have also seen him on Animal Planet's reality television show series based on Maine game wardens. He was our thoughtful and helpful son and brother, dedicated father and true friend. Honorable Timothy P. Spahr - Indiana The CPAA is joint effort between the Kennebunkport Conservation Trust and Brick Store Museum, formed in 2017 to study the intertidal zone along Cape Porpoise and the islands just off the coast. More by John Holyoke, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Take a peek at Portlands hidden gardens during this one-day tour, Invasive fish that took over lakes now threatens the rest of Maine, Auburn police seize more than 30 pounds of fentanyl, This Maine ski town may crack down on short-term rentals, Small Aroostook town has mishandled tax records for years, state says, Maine sees regional high school as model despite failed attempts, Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. Institutions across the state, including the Brick Store Museum, are working to indigenize our shared human story in 2020 and beyond. Show 61: "North Woods Law", Maine Game Warden Sergeant Tim Spahr The area highlighted in red depicts what they believed was a distinct indigenous culture, separate from other regional tribes. Before becoming a game warden in 1997, Spahr worked for the Department of Conservation. Enter your donation $ USD.00. . Maine Warden Service honors two of their own - WABI-TV Local history, art and culture since 1936. Sgt. 117 Main Street, Kennebunk, ME 04043 Then, over the years, I got to know more about it. One method that stands out in historical accounts was their use of fish weirs. You asked and Tim Spahr answered - Check out the personal answers to the top questions submitted straight from Sergeant Tim Spahr himself! TTY: Maine Relay 711 Courtesy photo. Spahr is now a field supervisor for York County as well as a majority of towns south of Portland. Video footage of the dugout canoe excavation in 2019, courtesy University of New England. Tel: (207) 985-4802 Phone: 207-387-0572 Email: ayoung@trccompanies.com . To know him was to yearn for his presence encompassed by endless laughter and fun. And once I got involved with it, I made a commitment to seeing it through. KENNEBUNK Game Warden Sgt.Tim Spahr was recently honored by his peers as Maine Game Warden Supervisor of the Year. Please invest time in learning the history and culture of the Wabanaki people through a variety of resources offered around the State, beginning with the Maine Wabanaki REACH organization and Maines tribal museums. Spahr also followed up on a episode that featured a wolf-hybrid dog that game wardens seized while working with the DEA on a drug bust in Limington. The weirs were built to corral the fish toward a small opening, ending in a trap or net. With a Press Herald subscription, you can gift 5 articles each month. I didnt want to start it and then stop it.. Press Releases: News & Events: Maine Dept of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife The Game Warden of the Year Award shall be presented to any member of Warden Service who, consistently in the past has conducted themselves in such a manner as to display an exceptional expertise in the areas of conservation law enforcement, management, community and public relations and all aspects of a game wardens duties and during the past year has performed in a manner that reflects continued performance in this manner. Background details that you might want to know about Tim include: ethnicity is Caucasian, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Democrat . As sergeant, Tim has worked with Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife biologists and Maine Audubon biologists and has led the very successful law enforcement component of the piping plover recovery program. The Maine Warden Service honored two men on Thursday as Warden Joey Lefebvrew was selected as this years warden of the year and Sgt. One Jesuit missionary wrote: In the middle of March the fish began to spawn and to come up from the sea in certain streams, often so abundantly that everything swarms with them. Fundraiser by Michael Taylor : In Memory of Tim Spahr - Devin Spahr Benefit Tim W Spahr, 64. Tim W Spahr | Sandalwood Dr, Kennebunk, ME | Whitepages Tim Spahr was picked as the services supervisor of the year during a ceremony at the Maine Criminal Justice Academy in Vassalboro. Warden Lefebvre excels at investigating illegal deer hunting investigations to include those who exceed the bag limit, hunt in closed season and those who continue to hunt while under revocation. According to European records, the indigenous population in the area of Wells and Kennebunk at the time was roughly 160 people. His focus was prehistoric Maine archeology. Promerica Health Some of you may have seen him on TV, as the star of the popular Northwoods Law series on Animal Planet. One fact that I found interesting is that the game wardens in the series do not get paid. He has served on the Kennebunk Land Trust Board of Trustees and an adjunct instructor at the University of New England. Local Indigenous History | The Brick Store Museum The Museum pledges to continue its work of highlighting and investing in this important local history and culture, and welcome your help to do so. The Maine Warden Service honored two men on Thursday as Warden Joey Lefebvrew was selected as this year's warden of the year and Sgt. The first European explorers to our region were astounded by the numbers of fish in the rivers. In 2019, while conducting a surface survey of the intertidal zone, Spahr located the remains of a dugout canoe. Unfortunately, some of the history relating to specific tribes in southern Maine is buried. have an update from Tim Spahr on the conservation of the dugout canoe identified off of Cape Porpoise (Summer 2019) and Tom McLaughlin on the process of donating the late Helen Leadbeater's collection of Wabanaki cultural materials to the Maine State Museum. The department had a lot of negotiations and standards they wanted for the show, which was good, and I liked the approach. Devoted father of Devin Michael Spahr. Courtesy photo. Tim Spahr in ME - Address & Phone Number | Whitepages We're told he's been an instrumental part of training and mentoring many of the new game wardens. Timothy Spahr is a judge for the Miami County Circuit Court in Indiana. Found in Wells. Additionally, little archaeological research has been conducted in Southern Maine. 2019 Maine Game Warden Supervisor of the Year: He succeeds his father, Robert Spahr, who passed away in September from cancer. 2019 Maine Game Warden of the Year: You asked and Tim Spahr answered - Facebook According to an IFW news release, As sergeant, Spahr has worked with Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife biologists and Maine Audubon biologists and has led the very successful law enforcement component of the piping plover recovery program.. . Studio Contributor Debi Davis From these early accounts, we know there was a settlement on the north side of Goochs Creek of about 20 wigwams; another community lived on Great Hill with about seven wigwams; and yet another settlement near Larrabees Garrison on the Mousam River. Timothy Spahr Obituary (2023) - Gretna, LA - The Times-Picayune Gov. Kennebunk's own Sgt. Everybody has something that they do. More by John Holyoke, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Whats next in the seemingly never ending fight over ranked-choice voting, Popular West Branch rapids inaccessible to rafters after rockslide, Spahr earned his masters degree in museum studies from Harvard University, Invasive fish that took over lakes now threatens the rest of Maine, Auburn police seize more than 30 pounds of fentanyl, This Maine ski town may crack down on short-term rentals, Small Aroostook town has mishandled tax records for years, state says, Maine sees regional high school as model despite failed attempts, Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. Tim has made several trips to Arizona (along with Lance Benner) to get a better handle on Type 6, in addition to trips to coastal and intermountain areas of the west to record other call types. Maine Warden Service honors two of their own, NASA confirms first radar-observed meteor fall seen in Maine, Heavy rain, utility issues impact roads around Maine. The Miami Circuit Court | Miami County, IN After graduation from high school, Spahr said he enlisted in the U.S. Coast Guard so that he would qualify for G.I. During my interview with Spahr, I was accompanied by 11-year-old Phillip Rossborough of Kennebunk and his mother, Edie Phillips-Rossborough. Below are excerpts from the nomination forms for both Spahr and Lefebvre. Phillip brought his own set of questions for the game warden to the interview, and Spahr answered thoroughly and willingly, going above and beyond to make the meeting a memorable one. UNE students in a summer course, called Archaeological Field Methods in New England Prehistory, participated in the excavations with UNB students who stayed on UNE's Biddeford Campus. It never made it to the show because it all happened before the film crew could return, but, thankfully, it all ended well. All rights reserved. Tim W Spahr, 63 - Kennebunk, ME - Reputation & Contact Details - MyLife.com Past excavations have also discovered a number stone tools off of Cape Porpoise with some dating to 7000 years old. Spahr started his career in the Maine Warden Service as a deputy warden in the Rangeley area in 1996. One warden working in his division has a bachelors degree and is seeking another, in mechanical engineering. A lifetime resident of Carlisle, Tim was the son of Edward Spahr and Della Marie Roney. It (North Woods Law) has been a great benefit for the department though. The Outstanding Supervisor Award is presented annually to the supervisory officer who has demonstrated superior knowledge and leadership in conservation law enforcement supervision and by doing so has gained the respect of administrators, supervisors, fellow officers, other Department employees, other agencies and the public regarding expertise and performance in the field of supervision. During his time in the Coast Guard, while docked in Boston, he was sent ashore to procure some books at the Harvard Coop. Phillip is a North Woods Law fan with aspirations of becoming a Maine game warden himself some day. The former Judge Spahr passed away from cancer in September 2012. On March 12, 2009, Patrick Rosa, 19, of Limerick was sentenced . He is a member of the Kennebunk Land Trust Board of Trustees and an adjunct instructor at the University of New England. I never thought of it as a big deal, he said. You can share 5 more gift articles this month. Evidence from archaeology and ethnohistory points to these indigenous tribes being more closely aligned with their southern neighbors (i.e. Their 24 year old daughter lives in Seattle, Washington. Sometimes Tim goes by various nicknames including W Spahr, Tim W Spahr and Tim W Sphar. Fifteen minutes after they left for their hotel, I was driving home and came upon a truck turned over on the railroad tracks, and it was leaking gas, and a train was on its way, he said. According to presenter Tim Spahr, hes best known as Elizabeth Spahr's husband. Miami Circuit Court Judge Tim Spahr graduated from Indiana University - Bloomington in 1994 where he . Students help unearth the oldest canoe of its kind in Maine As his practicum, he rehoused the Louis Leakey Olduvai Gorge collection at Peabody Museum of Archeology and Ethnology at Harvard. Circuit Court Judge Tim Spahr Thursday heard arguments from Miami County Prosecutor Bruce Embrey and Stonger's attorney, Thomas Farlow, who both urged the judge to accept the plea agreement. The seat was previously held by Timothy's father, Robert, from 2007 to 2012. A sample of the canoe dated to between 1275 and 1380 cal AD making it the oldest known from the region. Spahrs section, at the southernmost point in Maine, handled 3,100 incidents in 2019, according to Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. Game Warden Sergeant Tim Spahr was recently honored at the Maine Criminal Justice Academy by his peers for Maine Game Warden Supervisor of the Year. Found in Wells. Originally set in Maine, the show followed numerous game wardens of the Maine Warden Service. Collection of Native American stone tools collected at Riverhurst, Kennebunk. the Pennacook) than the Wabanaki to the north or the Abenaki to the West. Warden, 'North Woods Law' star earns Harvard degree The location described as long water place (sometimes interpreted as long cut bank) is generally believed to refer to Great Hill, along Kennebunks coastline. The Wabanaki have many stories that preserve the history of people in the Dawnland. 1235 Fax: (765) 472-2189 TideSmart Logistics Augusta, ME 04333-0041, Phone: (207) 287-8000 That was the first time I ever went to the Harvard campus, Spahr said. Member Benefits: Maine PBS Passport, MemberCard & More. January 24, 2018. Rhyolite scraper used for cleaning animal hides, Collection of rhyolite flakes produced when a rock is struck with another rock, piece of antler, or bone in order to create a sharp edge on a stone tool. Host: Steve Woods (Stevoe) Timothy "Timmy" Joseph Spahr entered into eternal rest on Monday, April 24, 2023. Additionally, Dr. Emerson Baker conducted a study of early Native American land deeds. Conflict was inevitable as two opposing ways of life clashed on shared land. Facebook, 1.888.884.4660 380 US Route 1 Falmouth, ME 04105 2023 TideSmart Global - All rights reserved. Warden Lefebvre has been an instrumental part of training and mentoring many of the new game wardens. He was recognized this week as Game Warden Supervisor of the Year for 2019. 117 Main Street, Kennebunk, ME 04043 To become a Maine game warden it takes an extraordinary person with a wide variety of skills. Indigenous Maine tribes used a variety of methods to catch fish: spears, hook and line and nets. Many of their early traditions have survived and continue to flourish in communities throughout Maine. Oppositely, European settlers depended on hogs, cows, sheep and horses that required pastures. AUGUSTA, Maine - Game Warden Joey Lefebvre, who patrols the Lincoln/Knox county area, and Game Warden Sergeant Tim Spahr, who oversees the York/Cumberland county area, were recognized yesterday as Game Warden Of The Year and Game Warden Supervisor Of The Year for 2019. Timmy remains a light in the lives of everyone he touched. But Wednesday, Sgt. 41 State House Station You asked and Tim Spahr answered - Check out the personal answers to the top questions submitted straight from Sergeant Tim Spahr himself! Tim Spahr Obituary (2020) - Carlisle, PA - Carlisle Sentinel - Legacy.com Honorable Timothy P. Spahr. 10+ "Tim Spahr" profiles | LinkedIn Tim's current home is located at Kennebunk, ME.
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