super joe einhorn death
But, in hating him and detesting his charlatanry, you are drawn into discussion with him, and youve got to go see him jump. [12] He plans to host workshops on teaching kids how to write and draw their own comics in order to promote creativity and alternatives to video games at Loot. He was practicing for a 351ft jump at the Moses Lake Airshow in Moses Lake, Washington. This month's featured daredevil is Jim Crash Moreau! Current record holder: Evel rider who crashes on a ramp to ramp jump because the front end is too high. Joes consisted of a news conference at Fishermans Wharf in San Francisco, where he displayed, with the help of the Brinks boys, a tableful of $25,000 in cash. super joe einhorn AMAZING JUMP INDOOR RECORD!!! Happy 48th Anniversary of the Ceasars Palace jump! Travis Pastrana successfully jumped 52 stacked cars, 16 Greyhoud buses, and the fountains of Caesars Palace tonight! Keep Ed in your prayers that he makes a speedy recovery! The daughter of motorcycle racing champ Ben Lawler, Debbie took her first ride on the handlebars of her dad's bike at age nine. successfully completed his burning wall jump today at Northstar Fellowship Church in Hamlin, New York. July 1, 2012 This month's featured jumper is Jumpin' Jeff Schneider. October 1, 2012 The Jumper of the Month is John "Golly" Goddard. [1] [2] [3] Fancy describes itself as "part store, blog, magazine and wish list," and Einhorn has said that it seeks to redefine the shopping experience. The same emotions are in play when Super Joe jumps, but Joe is young (24) and a Capricorn (not noted for oratory), so he has not yet developed a spiel to tap these emotions. Current record holder: July 6, 2013 Today is Big Ed Beckley's birthday! You know that you will not be around for either the Second Coming or Evels Last Jump. This stunt was photo graphed at Puyallup, Washington. Doug Danger, 265' crash, Loudon, Super Joe was even on Wide World of Sports (Evel was a commentator on at least one jump!) Cyclejumper Donny Winn passed away today. [1] Such a happy, bland demeanor could, however, kill Super Joes act before it ever got started. ". His deadly deed went undiscovered until March 28, 1979 - approximately 18 months after Einhorn killed Maddux - when Einhorn's neighbors called the police to complain about a foul smell coming from his home and a reddish-brown liquid leaking through Einhorn's floor into the apartment below. It was 22 years ago today Cyclejumpers went online. Congratulations Mike! He was a racer at the age of 16 and by 17, ranked fifth nationally in production racing. 1 comment - Insane Throttle Biker News Joseph Warren Einhorn played on Richmond Hill and look at him now. This month we celebrate the Skycycle and counting down the days til the Evel Spirit launches on September 17! This month's featured jumper is the late great. January 1, 2012 Happy New Year! doll - who is so devastated by the initial impact, or so overwhelmed by the But his weekday gig was run-of-the-mill, a warehouseman. The jump will probably be aired on television a week (unconfirmed) after it happens. I'm superstitious about it. world class motorcycle stunt rider and world record holder. Congratulations to Bubba Blackwell for a successful jump over 10 cars. "They don't expect me. Falls, Yellow River, China, June 20, 1999. Laswell, flatlander, Mesquite, Nevada, March 10, 1996. January 1, 2021 This month's featured jumper is Canada's Walter Williams. It's like flying over the highest mountains.". RIP Ken. dirt road next to Mike Cinqmars' house near Apple Valley, California. February 18, 2012 Ken Mackow passed away. Enter Charles Samples, former manager of Phoenix-based motorcycle jumpers Gary Davis and Rex Blackwell, a duo who comprised the "Astro Jumpers." who does the most entertaining and devastating rag doll. November 17, 2001. She was also likely the basis for Tracey Butler (a.k.a. When he talks about his chosen profession, he doesnt get very excited, nor does he excite. Mathee, 10 truck jump, landing on 4th truck. [10], Einhorn is the owner of the comic book store Loot in Brooklyn, which opened in July 2019. Debbie Lawler was the most prolific female motorcyle jumper of the 1970s, if not of all-time. Debbie was born in Grant's Pass, Oregon, in December 1952. You can download the book from Amazon.com. "I needed someone who was pretty and looked like she had never been on a motorcycle before. Check the side bar for more details. Trashed his shoulder. June 1, 2012 This month's featured jumper is Australia's Lawrence Legend! It's a real dainty French thing. August 14, 1997. ACCIDENT INVOLVING SPECTATORS. injures spectators. WORST CRASH GOING LONG. I just won't jump without it. movie, "Rocketman: Mad Mike's Mission to Prove the Flat Earth" is now streaming on Amazon Prime. span: 6 feet) with one hand holding a strap behind his back, landed on 3rd and Robbie You might call this his first professional performance, as a. It is delivery, poise, vectored emotion, demagoguery and violence rolled up into one. With all the recent news about Evel's Snake River Canyon jump and the race to jump it again for the 40th anniversary, I thought it was only appropriate feature something from that jump. Today is the third anniversary of Dick "Red Devil" Stone's passing. November 2001: Pepper Porter in Nashville, TN, November 17, landed, MOST Two death defying leaps punctuated by hours of boredom as the ramps are moved, ton by ton, to the longer (and longer and lo) distance. rotation on the front tire before flopping to its final resting place. Rockabilly band Skinny Jim & the Number 9 Blacktops just re-released "Daredevil Action" CD, featuring the song "Bubba Blackwell! This month's featured jumpers are the U.K.'s very own. March 31, 2012 Happy Birthday Doug Danger! Super Joe jumps 120 feet indoors in Toronto Canada. Today marks the 41st anniversary of Gary Well's jump at Ceasars Palace. 20. Looking forward to jumping again. Evel is taking it pretty well, considering. Corey Scott, step-up jump 70' high to net, bounced out and landed on flat It's been a joy to share photos, inforamtion and meet cycle jumpers and fans from all over the world. January 23, 2012 Local Cycle Jumper Will Wicken makes his jump here! Evel Knievel, photographer's eye put out, Shark Tank Crash. Jan 28, 2019 - SUPER JOE was a competitor to evel knievel in the 1970s and planned to jump the niagara falls until he suffered a career ending injury. Faceplant next to the bike, Mesa Marin Raceway, Bakersfield, CA. February 1, 2013 This month's featured jumper is "Wild" Dave Whiting! April 5, 2013 Happy Birthday Bob Peet (AKA Captain Stoopid) Super Joe Einhorn 1 - YouTube Risky Rick's page has been updated with a. Today marks the 40th anniversary of Gary Well's jump at Ceasars Palace. Cyclejumpers.com celebrates 14 years today! Blackwell at Del Mar, CA, short, clipped entire rear wheel on edge of protective Happy 2014! Pepper Porter, landed and hit 660cc quad parked on January 1, 1990 to December 31,1999 Nominees: Flying Mike Brown, short on 151' ramp gap, Twin Falls, Idaho, July 1999. slapped the bars at the clutch perch and the bolt head knocked a hole in his I'm slowly getting things working again. Everybody thought he was being quite dramatic when he made six passes at the ramp and waved off. Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved by The Rocketman. A memorial cruise will take place March 11th at 9 AM at the Walmart on Valley Drive in Las Cruces. Bugsy Mann played on Richmond Hill, and look at him now. This jump occurred in a silty grass field on July 22 at Buffalo Run Casino in Super Joe had a signed contract to jump over Niagara Fall, so he asked me to build a rocket powered motorcycle with a Gyro blade on it that had been used on a Gyro Copter. Today is the 5th anniversary of Evel Knievel's passing. 5. (As I, too, have played on Richmond Hill, I know my turn is just around the corner.). Brown, short on 151' ramp gap, 1999, Idaho, Bob Gill, lake jump, approximately 180', short, A big happy birthday to Gene Sullivan who turns 71 today! September 6, 2012 Leaping Lee Sobol jumps again!! December 25, 2011 Merry Christmas! Happy New Year and Happy New Decade! The 10th anniversary of the passing of Ken Mackow. He flipped over the bars in a classic Ira Einhorn was one of the most iconic counterculture figures of Philadelphia until he killed his girlfriend Holly Maddux in 1977 and went on the run for nearly two decades. Larry Linkogle, December 9, hit in head with helicopter Motorcycle rider Super Joe Reed attempts three new world records to prove he is the last of true old-school daredevils like Evel Knievel, Bob Gill and Super Joe Einhorn. Compilation of Super Joe's jumps in Chicago and San Jose. He borrowed someone's bike at the races and was I seem to spend most of my time taking showers. In a very real sense the two are inextricably linked. apron, endo. "Defying Gravity, The Dale Buggins Story" by Damian Kringas. Here's you chance to get the new "Hell Drivers: America's Original Crash Test Dummies" DVD for your own daredevil collection. 18. He graduated with a Bachelor's in History from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. Of course, as with any past-their-prime celebrity, there's always the chance of a comeback. June 22, 2013 Happy Birthday Eddie Kidd! The life of Dale Buggins has two distinctly different parts. March 26, 2013 Cycle jumper and stunt man Rinse Zwalua jumps again on Cycle Jumpers! South Dakota. November 6, 2012 Happy Birthday Robbie Brasher! In 1971 Bob traveled more than 50,000 miles, put on 64 performances and earned $80,000. greatest number of the jumper's bones broken. Back in 2014 Gary was diagnosed with Stage 4 Hepatitis C. He almost died from this disease. Harley-Davidson Museum's new "Daredevils" exhibit is Evel and much more The shapely (35-25-34) yet petite (five-foot-two, 106-pounds), blue-eyed blonde replied, "I like the feeling of freedom. September 26, 2012 Happy Birthday Bob Gill! A Big Happy Birthday to the oldest active Cycle Jumper, Gene Sullivan who turns 66 today! Enslow, sand dune overjump on Crusty. Today we loss another great cycle jumper, Bob Duffey. He dons a nomex suit, gas mask and helmet, then rides his Yamaha through an insulated chicken coop soaked in gasoline. They are simply recorded and either lands too far down the landing ramp or he flatlands. Super Joe Einhorn 2 - YouTube I have some boyfriends, of course. Anybody remember Super Joe Einhorn? Be a part of history. Lawrence Legend has updated his homepage. clearing it all day and they knew how much speed it took. He now wants to get the word out to everyone to get a simple Hepatitis C blood test the next time you go for your annual checkup. 6. June 17, 2021 Alex Harvill died after coming up short on a practice jump. Super Joe Einhorn, Matt MacDuff, Debbie Evans, Dar Robinson, Bubba Blackwell, Joey . At San Jose, the learning process was accidental. Click here to see how you can be a part of this historic stunt. Super Joe Einhorn. Anybody remember him? - Jockey Journal Forum May 27, 2012 Happy 67th Birthday Jim "The Flying Irishman" McDermott! 9. [1][2][3] Fancy describes itself as "part store, blog, magazine and wish list," and Einhorn has said that it seeks to redefine the shopping experience. super joe einhorn AMAZING JUMP INDOOR RECORD!!! 1974 - YouTube His Congratulations to Mike Foster for his first cage match in Tampa, Florida on November 15! Shon Wolfe, long, Superman to Faceplant on dragstrip, Mesa Marin Raceway, This month's jumper of the month honors the late. Big motorcycle jumping day. His bag is jumping motorcycles. To this day, I still have the motorcycle. The daughter of motorcycle racing champ Ben Lawler, Debbie took her first ride on the handlebars of her dad's bike at age nine. Bubba successfully jumped his XR-750 over two running helicopters today! John Holland, Hes a tall dude at 6 and 1, but doesnt seem tall. Some "Super Joe" Einhorn was a poor man's Evel Knievel in the 1970's. In 1974 he jumped 15 buses to set a "world record." He showed his daredevil side during the Superstars when he cut off Jerry Quarry in the bike race. Today is the 40th anniversary of Evel Knievel's 13 bus jump at Wembley Stadium. Hope everyone is hanging in their with all the craziness in the world going on. BEST Waving off, of course, is an excellent crowd baiting technique. He was a little before my time, but I guess he was a counterpart of Knievel's. I read somewhere that before his accident he was scheduled to jump Niagara Falls on a rocket bike with a gyro blade attached to . Bruceton Mills, West Virginia, August 1974, Current quad record holder: Wells, missed landing ramp to the side, Caesars Palace, LV, NV, September 1, 1980. The most astounding crash of the quarterly period January 1 to March 31, or December 14, 2012 Happy Birthday Paul Sagehorn! August's Jumper of the Month is Matt "The Kangaroo Kid" Coulter. 8. Joe Reed, blindfolded flatlander riding double. May 6, 2020 Very sad news, Ryan Capes passed away at the age of 40. This was the longest jump ever and you dont exactly practice something like this. He's in the hospital, but I have no details yet on what exactly happened. Gary Wells, diving left to ease impact into brick planter wall, Caesars Palace, Its strange now to see him over the hill. [Oj, Every Issue of Cycle World 1962 to today, Current subscribers can access the complete. Super Joes background is much like his delivery. Dirt landing ramp 32' tall, 120' long with a 20' protective apron. Raceway, Victoria, Australia. CRASH. Today is the 1 year anniversary of the passing Cyclejumper Donny Winn. Fancy takes a commission fee from each sale. Super Joes six waveoffs, however, were not exactly planned. Evel Knievel and Debbie Lawler will be featured on this History Channel program. 15 years ago I launched Cycle Jumpers. I also got to meet a lot of my childhood heroes. Today is the fourth anniversary of Dick "Red Devil" Stone's passing. And I don't like to compete against men anyway. MOST Gary Wells, But for now, Super Joe can claim to have jumped farther than Evelalmost half the length of a football field. 'Unicorn Killer' Ira Einhorn Dies In Prison At 79 - CBS News Today is the 30th Anniversary of Mike Foster making his first motorcycle jump. March 27, 2013 Happy Birthday Will Wicken! Massive head shot onto Renthals, broke his back again, crushed 3 RIP Trigger. vertebrae, broke one, dislocated two. Today is the 6th anniversary of Evel Knievel's passing. More Canadian jumpers will be coming to this site soon. ", eight positions that Debbie could be mounted on the cycle. low end of the landing ramp. And that fact alone will tell you how controversial his conversation is. Gary spectacular cycle jumps - YouTube | Daredevil, Youtube, Super - Pinterest This month's Jumper of the Month is the one and only. This is for the The jump will be at 750 Long Pond, Rochester, NY 14612. meet super Joe Einhorn daredevil - YouTube Seth Enslow, triple clamps break, Las Vegas, Nevada, 1999. More info. Happy 49th Anniversary of the Caesars Palace jump! "The first time I jumped, over at Tucson, I'd brought a portable TV along with me," said Debbie. stuck in bank, John Holland, 50 car jump with parachute, short, July 15, 2012 Happy Birthday Donny Winn! February 2007: Trigger Linkogle, December 9, hit in head with helicopter Designed by. in Oklahoma. WATCHED CRASH. Ira Einhorn, 79, died early . Knievel, Caesars Palace, LV, NV 1968. Doug Danger, long, stuff into wall, Hudson Speedway, Hudson, NH, 1985. Happy 47th Anniversary of the Ceasars Palace jump! WV, 1974. It looks like 2015 will be the year of the Harley-Davidson jumpers! April 1, 2012 April's featured jumper is Robbie Brasher! July 28, 2013 Happy Birthday Danny Reed! July 24, 2013 Happy Birthday John "Mercury" Morgan! Beach, California. Lawrence Legend, short, Wagga Wagga, Australia. Police were there to block traffic, but since the jump landing ramp, Nashville, TN, Johnny Wonder, aka Johnny Fogwell, 218' jump to bottom of landing ramp. February 8, 2007 at a Hansens/Monster Energy Drinks/Lost Energy Drinks executive When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. or Super Joe. For example, from broke wrist and stuffed concrete wall, Hudson Speedway, Hudson, NH. PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- A former hippie guru who lived the high life in Europe for years after murdering his ex-girlfriend in Philadelphia in the 1970s has died in prison. I won't jump without it or my manager being right there. September 11, 2013 Happy Birthday Massimo Trinchero This month's featured jumper is Jumpin' Jeff Schneider. He was a great jumper and he will be missed. will be jumping his bicycle over a helicopter, then through a burning wall atop his landing ramp. "The crowd expects to see a 300-pound woman with tattoos and a chain hanging out of her hip pocket," she said. She was the third most-popular motorcycle jumper of her era, following Evel Knievel (of course) and Super Joe Einhorn. His last jump was in 1976 in Chicago when he fell on his head and . KO. March 1, 2013 Today is my son's 16th birthday and this month's featured jumper is "Big" Ed Beckley! Our two observations about Chester are: 1) he is probably not very good at the microphone, either; 2) he has less travel ing expenses to deduct from his taxes than Evel, Joe or Bob, but deducts quite a bit for operating supplies. March 23, 2013 Paul Sagehorn jumps again on Cycle Jumpers! For more info and to view a soon to be launch video, check out. He's in the hospital, but I have no details yet on what exactly happened. This month's featured jumper is New York's own Ron Star. May 20, 2013 Happy Birthday Wild Dave Whiting! ", So, how about those men? the ramp, November 17, 2001. The oldest artifacts on display in this exhibition include the seriously cool "Globe of Death" from . Its about 94 or 95 mph. Lawrence Legend celebrates 30 years as a Daredevil! ", Debbie didn't like the competition either. Gary Wells, missed ramp to side, Caesars Palace, September 1, 1980. ", On the more obsessive-compulsive side, Debbie admitted, "Oh, I'm always taking showers. An everyday sort of guy. The rider who comes up short and crashes on the It can save you life! To celebrate, we've added. Today is the one year anniversary of the passing of Gary Wells. "I mean, the public won't be interested in seeing an old wrinkled lady jumping over cars. side of quad dropped off left side of launch ramp, endo short, hit corner of 1999: Flying Mike Brown, August 14, 2013 Happy Birthday Matt "The Kangaroo Kid" Coulter! DUMBEST In my opinion Super was a much better Motorcycle jumper then Evil was. Today is the 5th anniversary of the passing of Ken Mackow. short, Hula Bowl, Hawaii. GENIUS SHOWN DURING A CRASH. October 28, 2012 Happy 50th birthday Risky Rick! January 1, 2013 Happy New Year! in his rear rim, pushing it into the hub. VHS master converted to HD. Happy Birthday Lathan McKay! Dick "Red Devil" Stone passed away today. This month's jumper is new to Cyclejumpers it's. Butch Laswell, jump over pedestrian walkway to flatlander, Mesquite, NV, March The crash must be accidental, not skull above the right eye. "No terrible scars or ugly pavement rash mar her delicate features yet," Scalzo wrote. crash to save himself from further injury. My, my. crash on black top at night. Robbie Knievel, BEST ENDO. This is for the rider who jumps too far This is for the rider who has paid the highest Amazon.com: Dare the Devil: Disciples of Evel : Movies & TV "A Strange Twist of Fate" is the autobiography of Chris Bromham world class motorcycle stunt rider and world record holder. He was convicted of murdering his ex-girlfriend, Holly Maddux. Naturally, when you mess around that way with your buddies at lunch, the shows got to improve or it gets stale. But quite comic book in style. Upload your video Joel Wiseheart Super Joe Einhorn rules! [11] Einhorn has also been a personal user and supporter of Google Glass, leading to his company's Google Glass app that suggests items based on colors the user is looking at. This is pretty much where the story ends, as about the only other thing I've heard since then was that she supposedly lives in the Southwest and owns a chain of restaurants. OF THE QUARTER. June's cycle jumper of the month is kite cycle jumper. A featurette on Super Joe Einhorn and other stuntmen who risk their lives in this compilation tape that was only released on VHS. (Photos: Whitney Parks). Somehow I felt the bike wasnt getting up to speed fast enough. catastrophically during jump-off with Gary Wells. Facebook The crash that looks funny, clumsy, or with the funniest Tom hasn't been sitting still. Knievel, Caesars Palace, LV, NV 1968. Granted, a small percentage of motorcycle jumpers are women, but that by no means diminishes Debbie's accomplishments. Rest in peace Dave. September 1, 2012 This month's featured jumper is Florida's own Bob Gill. Plain. MOST The bike clipped the photog's arm on the way down, Gill crashed and spent 11 weeks in the hospital with ruptured spleen, broken pelvis and collapsed lungs. Very sad news that Gary Wells passed away. This month's featured jumper is "Flying" Mike Brown. Some are subjective. December 13, 2011 Happy Birthday Debbie Lawler! This month's featured jumper is. After three or four wave-offs, the crowd is ready to run you out of town. Come on over and give us a follow. "I spent about a year looking for a girl that had a certain quality, and when I met Debbie I knew she was the one," Samples said. June 9, 2012 Congratulations Bubba! John Holland, March 28, 2012 Happy Birthday Lawrence Legend! July 4, 2013 Happy Birthday Earnie Adams! They want to tear you apart. Can't believe it's been a decade. Evels claim was born in the style of the Billy Graham generationhot, direct. April 13, 1980, Calder Help Eddie Braun and Scott Truax. Robbie Knievel, Atco jump, landed at bottom of landing [22] In February 2015, Fancy raised a $20 million Series D strategic funding round which was led by Mexico's Carlos Slim Domit and the CCC holding company. Honorable mention: When In 1970 he won every race he entered, but was broke. [1], Fancy is distinctly different from sites like Pinterest in that it offers merchants the ability to sell items directly to consumers. short and sucks ramp or obstacle. June 9, 2013 Happy Birthday Krysten Knievel! See the info to the right for more details. This month's featured jumper is Heir to the Dare jumper. over the bars, Cerritos, California, February 29, 1992. joe over shoots his landing ramp and spends a month in the hospital, Super Joe lives only five blocks from where he was born. In this way, hes much better off than Evel Knievel, whose generation and ethic wont allow him to quit, leaving him only the alternatives of success, shame or madness. Gill, 26 years old, jumped a specially reinforced Suzuki 400 122 feet 7 inches, or 15 cars, at Twin Cities Dragway last January. Some riders exhibit uncanny genius when minimizing This trailscarred molehill, by squatters rights a playbike area for several decades, has spawned some interesting talent. So I kept making trial runs. The CD is now available at skinnyjimrocks.com or you can download it from iTunes. Earl Luckily, he didn't get run over. Dirt landing ramp 32' tall, 120' long with a 20' protective apron. 2, and vice versa! Happy Independence Day! June 13, 2012 Big Ed Beckley's bio has been updated. [7], Einhorn was born in New York City, NY, and turned 30 years old in 2012. crashing ability can win this award. Chuck performed with the Trans Canada Hell Drivers from 1969-1975! May 4, 2013 Dick "Red Devil" Stone passed away today. Lawrence Legend's autobiography "LEGEND: A Childhood Dream" has now been released on Amazon. Knieve! 190' jump over Appalachia Lake, short, stuck, Bruceton Mill, Your IP: The CD is now available at, "Hell Drivers: America's Original Crash Test Dummies". The most astounding crash in 100 years. On March 31, 1973, at the Beeline Dragway in Phoenix, Debbie jumped her Suzuki 76 feet over a line of parked cars. 202' 8" jump onto the protective apron with a 220' ramp gap, landed in a May 7, 2012 Happy Birthday Robbie Knievel! "But I was sitting there watching Sanford and Son and forgot all about jumping. New Hampshire, June 1991. Explore. "I needed someone who was pretty and looked like she had never been on a motorcycle before. b. To alleviate his boredom, he started doing trick stuff with his motorbike during lunch hour. Fortunately, Super Joes generation will allow him to quit when the stakes get too big. Essex, England, Reckless Rex Phelps, no protective apron, short, Heirs to the Dare airs tonight on the. Debbie Lawler was the most prolific female motorcyle jumper of the 1970s, if not of all-time. [4][21], In September 2013 Einhorn secured an investment round of $7 million for Fancy from, among others, Richard C. Perry, owner of Barneys New York, and his son David Perry. October 14, 2013 The Discovery Channel is airing a new documentary on Evel Knievel called, "Pure Evel American Legend". Eddie made the jump and the parachute worked. Today marks the 2nd anniversary of the passing of Mad Mike Hughes. Happy New Year! Zhu Profuse bleeding. January 1, 2021 2021 started off on a sad note, Wild Dave Whiting passed away after battling an illness. TIME Unhurt. You react to him like you would a likable proletarian who has his ticket in welding. 50 car jump with parachute, short, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The first jumper to contact me after I launched the site was Lawrence Legend of Australia. That style is: I amgoingtosaveyoass, or I am going to jump the Grand Canyon. Super Joes claim is not yet even a claim, because hes researching its feasibility first. Massive head shot onto Renthals, broke his back again, crushed 3 d. Brown, short on 151' ramp gap, Twin Falls, Idaho, July, 1999. She was the third most-popular motorcycle jumper of her era, following Evel Knievel (of course) and Super Joe Einhorn. He was 79. AMA No. In fact, "The Queen of the Motorcycle Jumpers" once broke one of Evel Knievel's inter-gender jumping records. Today is the 15th anniversary of Evel Knievel's passing. Happy birthday Ed! While Super Joe may have jumped the longest, his prototype Evel K., still has Joe beat for shuck power. (Photos: Whitney Parks) Today is the 8th anniversary of Evel Knievel's passing. Click Here It airs 10/9C. Wisely, Gill figures to retire when he's 30. Today is the 5th anniversary of Eddie Braun and Scott Truax completing Evel's dream of jumping the Snake River Canyon with a skycycle! Performance & security by Cloudflare. Del Mar, California, Flying Mike Big injuries. That makes two guys who are smarter (in principle) than Knievel. July 9, 2013 Cyclejumpers.com celebrates 14 years today! The Florida Flyer, as he calls himself, seems much busier than either Eve! Mad Mike Hughes lost his life today (Feb. 22) during a rocket launch. 1974 - YouTube 0:00 / 2:14 super joe einhorn AMAZING JUMP INDOOR RECORD!!! He never quite got out of the shadow of Evel Knievel. June has become the Harley-Davidson jump month. Today is the 11th anniversary of Evel Knievel's passing. So December's jumper of the month is Evel in honor of his passing. This DVD features Doug Danger, Lou "Rocket" Re, Rock Hauri and Crash Moreau. April 25, 2013 A new page has been added to the "Daredevil Suits" section. September's Jumper of the Month is Eddie Braun. jump (unintentional). protective apron, head impacted ground, July 1998. e. CRASH OF THE CENTURY. Today is a very special day. May 6, 2013 Happy Birthday Louis "Rocket" Re! February 24, 2013 Today is Ken Mackow's birthday. ramp a little sideways, spinal compression to swap/endo/highside, body-beating 50 car jump with parachute, severely damaged 4 cars with his body, Sioux Falls, Room to spare. Metzger, overjumped flip on 100' ramp gap barge to barge near Queen Mary ocean It was 15 years ago this month that Cyclejumpers launched. January 2007: Mike I will be more consistent this year with new updates and features. Shon Wolfe, long, Superman to Faceplant, Mesa Marin Raceway, Bakersfield, CA.