scum best melee weapon
Sledgehammer is very strong but it swings pretty slow. Damage HS (with helmet) 120+ Damage CH with (Bulletproof vest) 23, The fourth generation of the M16 series featuring a full length rail system, High-end assembled carbine with contracted and/or overhauled parts complete with all accessories to current standards at time of build Damage HS (with helmet) 120+ Damage CH with (Bulletproof vest) 55, A shortened version of the MP5 submachine gun developed in the 1960s, A 9mm submachine gun with a built-in suppressor developed in the 1960s, A 9mm submachine gun developed in the 1960s Damage HS (with helmet) 120+ Damage CH with (Bulletproof vest) 0, Damage HS (with helmet) 65 Damage CH with (Bulletproof vest) 0, Added check chamber animation for firearms that do not have magazines, Added collision animations for all weapons against objects. Its impressive damage and fire rate make it perfect for close combat action, pump action shotgun made by an unknown manufacturer and is mostly used by the TEC01 personnel in critical situations, A small caliber bolt action rifle mostly used for small game hunting, A bolt action rifle known as the primary rifle used in World War II, A .30 caliber, gas-operated, 8 shot clip-fed, semi-automatic rifle designed in 1928, A five-shot, bolt-action, military rifle developed from 1882 to 1891, A recoil-operated semi-automatic anti-material sniper system, A semi-automatic sniper / designated marksman rifle chambered in 7.62x54mmR and designed as a squad support weapon, A gas operated assault rifle using the 7.62x39mm Soviet intermediate cartridge, Bridges the gap between a submachine gun and an assault rifle Damage HS (with helmet) 120+ Damage CH with (Bulletproof vest) 30, A rifle featuring an integrated suppressor. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. For tutorials on weapons please see our Scum Tutorials Page. #SpawnItem 1H_Metal_Sword. The most helpful indicator is in the top right corner of the metabolism tab and shows your calorie intake versus what youve burned keep the two relatively close and you wont dramatically increase or decrease in weight. This page lists general information about all weapons in SCUM categorized by type Melee weapons deal damage through physical contact with the . It has less drag than the SVD and therefore the wind deviates M1 shots a lot less. The Metal Sword is a melee weapon in SCUM. Melee Weapons Damage? :: SCUM General Discussions - Steam Community Which weapon does the most damage and how does. Two handed metal axe ( both crafted and default variants ), Pickaxe and knives ( military variants apart from Scout which has a bad swing animation that struggles to hit all the time ) are all good choices. Originally posted by alexander.trading: Strongest melee weapon in game now is bayonets. Successfully landing attacks on animals, players, or puppets. 1.5 kg. So whether youre after some fast ways to get high-level gear, or want to understand a little more about your character stats, this Scum guide should set you on your way to a long and healthy life on TEC1s supermax island. I feel it has a better range and gives me a lot of control against the puppets while still having decent damage. Even if its improvised its still deadly. Type the name of a SCUM item, or an item code, into the search box below to instantly search our database of 96 items. Thanks to Scums simulated metabolism hunger and thirst are more nuanced than in most other survival games. Requires rope, rubber, metal and toolbox to craft. Hit tab, click on the picture of the toilet and youre good to go. This is determined by the throw skill. Scum Wiki. These spawn weapons, ammo, attachments, magazines, grenades, and military gear like ballistic vests, helmets, and large rucksacks. Please be aware these statistics are subject to change and will be retested and updated regularly. 2 hits for armored military puppet. Today we look at what the best melee weapon in Scum is if we don't include the Katana in Part 2 of the Masters Series for Scum.Twitter Page : https://twitter.com/LuthariasDiscord Channel : https://discord.gg/X87JffuMusic Source : https://www.bensound.comDream Team : https://www.patreon.com/join/LuthaisReport Cheaters with Video Evidencehttps://www.easy.ac/en-us/support/game/contact/report/Like and Subscribe for future content while clicking that bell buttonand share this video with your friends ;]Have Fun guys and see you next time.#Scum #ScumGuide #ScumMeleeWeapons Attack speed, damage, and stamina drain by melee weapons are partially governed by the player's Melee skill. The Backpack is a clothing item in SCUM. Throw distance. Its easy to assume that a sword would be better than a knife or a knife would be better than blunt and that metal would trump wood, but a lot of weapons it is not really clear what is better or how much better one is from another. Right, now youre fully clued, go out there, kill some puppets, and dont forget to empty your bladder every now and again. For Bunker, WW2 Bunker, POI and loot locations please see our Scum Maps. The melee weapons skill can be leveled up by: The skill level can only be increased if the player has enough points in their strength attribute to allow it. Double-barrel,single trigger shotgun with over-and-under configuration, Improvised shotgun made from scrap materials Damage HS (with helmet) 15 Damage CH with (Bulletproof vest) 0 (buckshot), A lever-action shotgun produced during the late 19th century, A light pump-action shotgun. A Axe B Baseball Bat Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Valve Corporation. Special thanks to Dudyhead and ET for helping with testing, without you guys these statistics would not be possible. Let us know on our new Discord server! In addition, they can be used to hunt animals such as Deer for food. Different weapons require different skill levels to repair them. Here are the Scum admin commands for a few of the best: bp_weapon_98k_karabiner () bp_weapon_ak47. Privacy Policy. This tool will let you cut materials, open tinned food, and cut down bushes, chop bodies, and craft new items. bp_weapon_aks_74u. How much does it cost to buy all The Sims 4 DLC? You might stumble across some odd rounds here and there, or a magazine, or even an actual assault rifle, but youll need all three to be able to fire it as nature intended: full-auto. if you are shot with a 9mm crafted bullet to the head you will lose 120 or more (120+) health points meaning the shot will be fatal. Increased damage while attacking with melee weapons. Here are the best available right now, How to build the best gaming PC money can buy, You can control your speed with the mouse wheel, Enter switches between first and third-person perspectives, Drag and dropping is the best way to equip objects, You can right-click on objects in your inventory to see more options, Hold F over another player to invite them to join your squad, Hold down right mouse button to enter focus mode, which is important for hunting animals. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). The Scum Weapons Database is brought to you by AlistarzGaming in collaboration with Gamepires. There are only 2 craftable backpacks, Their main use is to provide additional stoarge space for its wearer. Scumdb.com is created by AlistarzGaming in collaboration with Gamepires. Forget to do so and youll soil yourself, which dirties you clothes and is also just plain embarrassing sort yourself out. For the most part surviving is as simple as eating and drinking, but finding enough food and water when your hydration and thirst meters are nearing nil can be tricky and have dire consequences should you leave it too long. Weapons - Official Scum Wiki 1 Weapons; 2 Vehicles; Explore Wikis Universal Conquest Wiki. Explore properties. Large soda bottles seem like wasted inventory once youve drank down all their sugary goodness, but they can be refilled with water at lakes and water pumps, so keep them around. Guns are extremely powerful ranged weapons, however they are also loud, Shooting guns can lead to Hearing Damage if not wearing the proper Gear, largest centerfire cartridge of any magazine-fed, self-loading pistol. This is determined by the boxing skill. Next you will need to craft a meat skewer, so you need to forage a long stick and some steaks. Building a shelter will allow you to respawn there whenever you die, provided you have enough Fame Points. The best way to acquire guns in Scum is to set up camp nearby a restricted zone, which are easy to identify thanks to the robot sentries patrolling their perimeter. Matched with advanced melee skill and high strength, you can even take down an armored rhino military puppet in like 3-4 swings. Want a Mario Kart PC game? If you die in Scum you lose everything, so getting good at making a fresh start is essential knowledge. Damage HS (with helmet) 120+??? They can be used to defend against threats such as Puppets, Mechanoids, or other players. Its easy to be put off the idea of crafting some objects when you see the long list of crafting components, most of which you havent even encountered yet. Lets find out shall we.Discord Channel : https://discord.gg/X87JffuDream Team : https://www.patreon.com/join/LuthaisMusic Source : https://www.bensound.comTwitter Page : https://twitter.com/LuthariasHost your Own Server with Various Games to Choose FromPingPerfect Affiliate Link : https://pingperfect.com/aff.php?aff=1480Stream ScheduleMonday : 13-00 CT Time 18-00 GMT Time for 4 to 10 HoursWednesday : 13-00 CT Time 18-00 GMT Time for 4 to 10 HoursFriday : 13-00 CT Time 18-00 GMT Time for 4 to 10 HoursSaterday : 13-00 CT Time 18-00 GMT Time for 4 to 10 HoursReport Cheaters with Video Evidencehttps://www.easy.ac/en-us/support/game/contact/report/Like and Subscribe for future content while clicking that bell buttonand share this video with your friends ;]Have Fun guys and see you next time.#ScumGuide ScumMeleeWeapons Weapons are a major tool for survival. In addition to a shelter, youll also want to build a wooden box to store any items you really dont want to lose track of or despawn. bp_weapon_svd_dragunov. #SpawnItem BP_Weapon_ImprovisedGrenadeLauncher, https://steamcommunity.com/games/513710/announcements/detail/2753339286192434915, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, A short-recoil operated, striker-fire semi-automatic pistol. The zombies attack in a certain pattern. Military gear has the most pockets, so try and kill some soldier Puppets to get this early on. Weapons are a major tool for survival. Lowered weapon decay per shot for shotguns and bolt action rifles. The steadiest source of food is wild animals. So if youve just eaten a whole steak, dont panic that your energy meter is still empty. Not. Guns make short work of Puppets, but if you fire a shot in a Puppet-infested town youll have a horde breathing down your neck in no time. Category:Melee Weapons - Official Scum Wiki B Bayonets (6 P) S Spears (2 P) Pages in category "Melee Weapons" The following 54 pages are in this category, out of 54 total. Master the basics of this survival game as fast as possible with these Scum tips. A simple and easy-to-use revolver developed in the 1900s. If you maxed out your constitution attributes then you will be able to max out constitution-based skills as well, like running, endurance, and resistance. Metal Sword. It inject fear and despair in your opponent and deal huge damage. Fandom Muthead Futhead . You can kill the sentry robots in Scum, here's how, Scum's map could be set to quadruple in size. Younger prisoners are stronger and agile, while older characters are more hardy and intelligent. There are three variants of the spear; improvised, improvised metal, improvised stone. Click the "Copy Spawn Command" button to instantly copy the #SpawnItem cheat to your clipboard. SCUM Survival | WEAPON REPAIR | Breakdown old Weapons, get Parts and repair with them! 2 hits for armored military puppet. they should have at least let us use the repair kits for now instead pffft katana can't match a turned on chainsaw, 2-3 hits from that kills the armored puppet. 16. First youll need to make a fire, then you will need to light it with either tinder, a fire drill, a lighter, or gunpowder. What Melee Weapon is Best? :: SCUM General Discussions - Steam Community Best melee weapon? Bladed weapons generally deal more damage than blunt weapons, but are less effective against armor. Increased attack speed while holding melee weapons. Ideally, you want to be close to water, a reliable source of food, and a restricted zone so you can scavenge for guns later on. All rights reserved. This page lists general information about all weapons in SCUM categorized by type, Melee weapons deal damage through physical contact with the target, e.g. Alternatively, you can line up a second spear throw while the Puppet is approaching they move in a straight line so landing a headshot is even easier. with the melee weapons it needs to be a mix of speed and dammage ratios , it might be possable to swing a basball bat faster than a sledgehammer for example but the hammer should pack a bigger thump , there should also be some sort of thrusting / stabbing action to use with knives , swords , spears , pitchforks ect , perhaps the boxing block action could be used as a thrust action for melee . Scumdb.com is created by AlistarzGaming in collaboration with Gamepires. Jordan Forward A former PCGamesN deputy editor, Jordan has since left for pastures new. Different weapons can be crafted or found in the world. See something missing or incorrect? Its therefore best to eat little and often as you adventure, and to always keep a store of cooked meat and water back at your shelter.