pennsylvania state police ranks
104Fairview Township, York County17555391371817610.032.227.801.03 102Aston Township1670861641817010.170.369.821.08 37Horsham Township266157190481977.400.267.141.80 Military & Protective Services Based on 23 salaries Police Communications Operator 4 salaries Police Officer 3 salaries View More Business Based on 16 salaries State Trooper 15 salaries The duty belt is held together with the trousers belt using four silver snap belt keepers. 0:53. //if displaymode=0, configure inline frame attributes (ie: dimensions, intial document shown 134Bloomsburg Town14145351942322916.192.4713.721.63 In addition to the minor detail changes, senior officers wear the four-button military coat for "Class A" functions. 28Upper St. Clair Township197588119341276.430.406.021.72 This is accomplished with only 19% of the police officers in the Commonwealth.[1][2]. All I know is, hes got a uniform and a gun and I have to relate to him that way. 87West Goshen Township23160342233625711.101.479.631.55 82Hopewell Township127112298161209.441.737.711.26 The PSP also temporarily patrolled the state's 28 airports and five nuclear power plants in the months following the 9/11 attacks. A native of Hazle Township, Luzerne County, he enlisted in 2002 and was assigned to Troop K, Media upon graduation from the academy. Sergeants are Station Commanders, Supervisor of a unit, section, or specialty position. This replaced their Beretta 96 pistols in .40 S&W. Some of . 53Lower Saucon Township10824107617867.950.927.021.57 114Ridley Township31190273233735011.220.8710.361.19 Upper Providence Township, Delaware County, Upper Providence Township, Montgomery County. Holbens short tenure has been event-filled of late. He had been on restricted duty during the investigation and is currently suspended without pay pending resolution of the charges against him. The rank structure of the Pennsylvania State Police consists of the following: 175 East Hersheypark That wont be true in 2024. Success! He was sentenced to between five and ten years in custody. Commonwealth Law Enforcement Assistance Network - C.L.E.A.N. All were recognized at a promotion ceremony on November 15. Currently, the insignia worn by PSP senior officers are as follows: The department currently operates a mixed fleet of vehicles including the new law enforcement specific Ford Taurus, Ford Explorer, Crown Victorias and Dodge Charger, which are only used by Pennsylvania Turnpike Troopers. 161Altoona438401656866685119.413.7615.651.51 In spite of the fact that its largest city, Philadelphia, logged a crime rate nearly 3 times higher than the national rate in 2018, Pennsylvania recorded violent and property crime rates significantly below the national averages. 110Susquehanna Township, Dauphin County25197462964534213.571.8311.751.79 Officers from the Pennsylvania State Police . The Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) is the state police force of Pennsylvania, responsible for statewide law enforcement. A review of the dash camera footage from his cruiser showed he was unable to maintain his lane of travel several times during his response to an emergency call in Mount Jewett Borough. Property crime includes the offenses of burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. [26], In early 2011, as a result of a lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union, the state police agreed to stop issuing tickets to people who swear. Afternoon Update: What's happening today? The PSP also owns and operates numerous helicopters and fixed wing aircraft. //else if win2 already exists Trooper Robert E. Covington Jr., of Olyphant, PA, for his alleged involvement in illegal activity occurring at Sinners Swing Gentlemen's Club in Mayfield Borough, Lackawanna County. A native of Philadelphia, he enlisted in 2007 and was assigned to Troop J, Avondale upon graduation from the academy. West Reading police chief steps down but will, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), West Reading police chief steps down but will remain on force, Few leads, false alarms as search for Texas gunman drags on, Trump accuser says many in her generation didnt report rape, Florida was the most prized swing state for decades. Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Robert Evanchick promoted Robert L. Bailey to captain and assigned him as commanding officer of Troop L, Reading. At the present time, Norristown CDC covers the Philadelphia and Skippack stations in Troop K. Norristown CDC will become the PSAP for all PSP stations in Troops K, L, and M. The remaining three CDCs will be located in Greensburg, Clarion, and Pittston. I also write a column focused on those issues. All Rights Reserved. Visual Map of Commonwealth with PSP Facilities. function jumpto(inputurl){ Palmer disaster. He was sentenced to between six and 23 months' confinement. 115Hazleton246371172294434614.044.759.291.79 97Meadville12917211572817813.781.6312.152.17 133Norristown345311395118165018.824.0314.802.35 40Buffalo Valley Regional1266047515796.240.325.921.18 Like Pennsylvanias other safest municipalities, Towamencin boasts a violent crime rate significantly lower than 1 offense per 1,000. State police ranks are cadet, trooper, corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, and colonel. From there, he transferred to Skippack and, in 2008, to Troop M, where he served in the Patrol Unit at Dublin and Criminal Investigative Units at Bethlehem and Belfast. 199West Manchester Township18833275513057830.691.4329.261.59 For more information about the Pennsylvania State police, visit www.psp.pa.gov. It is made of dark gray felt (for wintertime wear) or light gray straw (for summertime wear). Overtime pay and shift differential are paid as applicable. Currently 18 Majors enlisted. 33Northwest Lancaster County Regional200294100211045.190.204.991.05 /////NO NEED TO EDIT BELOW HERE//////////// Accreditation is a process utilized by professional law enforcement agencies to facilitate the creation, verification and maintenance of high quality policies and procedures, via voluntary compliance with a body of performance standards. 208Springettsbury Township26833438453388833.091.6031.491.23 The Pennsylvania State Police is an Equal Opportunity Employer. A blood draw test showed his blood alcohol content to be .086. This is a longevity promotion for Troopers with 12 years of service. A native of Pittston, Luzerne County, he enlisted in 2005 and was assigned to Troop M, Fogelsville upon graduation from the academy. Error! PACityPopulationViolent The PSP was patterned after a military organization and PSP troopers have sometimes been referred to as "Soldiers of the Law and Order". YEAR * Annual rates listed on this schedule are approximate. Harrisburg, PA - Pennsylvania State Police announced two members were promoted to the rank of major, three attained the rank of captain, and four were promoted to lieutenant. . 44Easttown Township10668175614736.841.595.251.31 111Mifflin County Regional1694122129131518.911.307.610.77 State troopers from. 52Mount Lebanon3223923241542648.190.717.481.67 State police ranks are cadet, trooper, corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, and colonel. descriptions. Station Commander, such as Station 1 (located in Troop B of Area III) Station Commander, Supervisor of a unit, section, or . However, PSP requires the black necktie to be worn year round. A native of Kane, McKean County, she enlisted in 2003 and was assigned to Troop F, Coudersport upon graduation from the academy. 175Pocono Township10855292411927024.872.6722.201.75 Troopers earn 15* sick days per calendar year. 132Middletown Township45185336106364314.230.7313.501.39 This indicates that the relative safety of its smaller municipalities more than balances higher crime in the states urban areas. 63Tredyffrin Township2957512238482508.450.418.051.62 The PSP is one of only five state police forces that do not wear a badge on their uniform shirts. 10Cecil Township1263325421564.430.164.271.66 var iframecode='' Second in Command of the Pennsylvania State Police - Currently 3 Deputy Commissioners. 14Lower Salford Township1544076021674.340.453.891.36 A white shirt is worn with a black tie underneath. Colonel Christopher Paris, State Police Commissioner. 34Northern Lancaster County Regional3608920136261564.320.553.770.72 On July 10 . The uniform worn by PSP troopers is unique within Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania State Police was founded in 1905 by order of Governor Samuel Pennypacker, by signing Senate Bill 278 on May 2, 1905. The Pennsylvania State Police was created as an executive department of State government by legislation, Senate Bill 278, signed into law by Governor Samuel W. Pennypacker on May 2, 1905. . Commander of an Area, such as Area III, encompassing several Troops, or Bureau Director. Trooper Joshua Burney from the Lewis Run barracks in McKean county was charged with DUI while on duty after a colleague noticed he smelled of alcohol and had red, glossed over eyes. A native of Black Creek Township, Luzerne County, he enlisted in 2002 and was assigned to Troop K, Skippack upon graduation from the academy. In spite of the fact that its largest city, Philadelphia, logged a crime rate nearly 3 times higher than the national rate in 2018, Pennsylvania recorded violent and property crime rates. Ranks, insignia, and descriptions. Commissioner of the Pennsylvania State Police. 204Pottstown227921967535694941.648.6033.042.46 Commonwealth Law Enforcement Assistance Network C.L.E.A.N. document.all.external.src=inputurl In January 1988, the State Police changed the color of its uniforms from all green to all grey, PSP troopers wore dark grey uniforms that confused them with Pennsylvania State Constables. 85Ephrata13956231753819814.191.6512.542.72 The Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) is the state police force of Pennsylvania, responsible for statewide law enforcement. It was the 142nd class to . He was promoted to corporal in 2009, sergeant in 2013, and lieutenant in 2017. This is a longevity promotion. 195Hanover15653494372848631.053.1327.921.79 Roosevelt was outspoken in his admiration for the Pennsylvania State Police, having this to say, "The Pennsylvania State Police are a spirited force not to be bought, bent, confused, alarmed or exhausted",[3] and "I feel so strongly about them that the mere fact a man is honorably discharged from this force would make me at once, and without hesitation, employ him for any purpose needing courage, prowess, good judgment, loyalty, and entire trustworthiness. Troopers provide for the regulation of traffic, crime scene response and investigation, and maintaining public order and security. As of 2006, it has 4,545 state troopers and more than 1,600 civilian support staff. The Pennsylvania State Police is the largest internationally accredited law enforcement agency in the world. Camp Cadet is a summer camp for boys and girls from Pennsylvania between the ages of 12 to 15. 131Upper Darby Township82931439873145131215.825.2910.531.75 13South Fayette Township1578825918613.860.133.741.14 He retired when charges were brought against him. A black "woolly-pully" sweater is worn optionally by members in cold weather. 71Plum2727465150302157.882.385.501.10 Brand New App to watch all of WFMZ-TV News and Syndicated Programing 24/7 on your Streaming App enabled TV. All were recognized at a promotion ceremony on November 15. Violent crimes are defined in the UCR Program as those offenses that involve force or threat of force. It is history and tradition for troopers today to carry their badges in a wallet along with their photo ID card. 41Elizabeth Township1308796312725.500.694.810.92 The uniforms for PSP Lieutenants, Captains, Majors, Lieutenant Colonels, and the Colonel are identical to that of the lower ranks, except for the following: In addition to the minor detail changes, senior officers wear the four-button military coat for "Class A" functions. } The current PSP uniform for troopers, corporals, and sergeants consists of a light gray uniform shirt with black shoulder epaulets. Trooper Burney was taken back to the barracks where preliminary field sobriety tests and a breath test showed signs of impairment. 1929), Only what is rare is valuable.Let no one dare to call another mad who is not himself willing to rank in the same class for every perversion and fault of judgment. //Specify display mode (0 or 1) 135Abington Township, Montgomery County556314494910999317.850.7917.061.96 As of this month, the 4,588-employee state police force was 92.8% white and men make up 86.5% of that, according to agency statistics. Same as Trooper. Commanding officer of a whole Area, such as Area 5, encompassing multiple troops. 24Pennridge Regional1101355315585.270.454.811.36 Captain Walsh served eight years in the United States Marine Corps and attained the rank of sergeant. The PSP's duties include patrolling all state and federal highways across Pennsylvania, enforcing the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code, overseeing the state's automobile inspection program, enforcing the state's commercial vehicle safety regulations, and providing the full range of police protection for municipalities and unincorporated areas without full-time local police departments. Holben will stay with the department and serve as a sergeant, the rank he held when he was appointed in June to replace Glenn Granitz Jr., a retired Allentown police chief who resigned after only six months on the job in West Reading. Up until 1963, married men were not allowed to apply to the state police, and active troopers had to seek permission from their superior officer to get married. Morning Headlines: Would you like to receive our daily morning newsletter? Upon graduation and promotion to the rank of Trooper, members and their dependents are eligible for Health Care Program, Dental Care Program, Vision Care Plan, Prescription Drug Program, and a Health Reimbursement Account. Major Gutowski most recently served as the commanding officer of Troop R, Dunmore. 152Pottsville13529442272427120.033.2516.781.77 A native of Pittston Township, Luzerne County, he enlisted in 1996 and was assigned to Troop N, Swiftwater upon graduation from the academy. Each Pennsylvania State Police Trooper has a corresponding job description that contains the language above and also contains specific duties for the position they hold. On July 1, 2006 a new rank of Trooper First Class, including troopers with twelve years of service or more was added. This was the same investigation that led to the arrest of Trooper Coleman. Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Robert Evanchick promoted Kyle S. Griffith to lieutenant and assigned him as station commander of Troop N, Stroudsburg. Harrisburg - Commissioner Tyree C. Blocker announced the promotions of 98 members of the Pennsylvania State Police to the rank of corporal during a ceremony today at Bishop McDevitt High School. Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Robert Evanchick promoted Peter P. Gutowski Sr. to major and assigned him as director of the Bureau of Integrity and Professional Standards. Listed below are just a few of our rewarding career opportunities as a Pennsylvania State Trooper. How much do Pennsylvania State Police employees make? 163Ross Township30541205824560219.710.6519.061.47 72Warminster Township3239525282493079.480.778.711.51 Please enable scripts and reload this page. There are two broad classifications of crimes: violent crimes and non-violent crimes. Full performance involves operating two-way radio consoles, cathode ray tube (CRT) devices including administrative terminal and personal computer systems, and a telephone switchboard. Hearst Television. Sign Up Today! } 105Palmer Township21512132643627712.880.6012.271.67 43Jefferson Hills Borough11309206016807.071.775.311.41 113Logan Township12364161371815312.371.2911.081.46 Thats the only way to relate to him because one of us may have to die.James Baldwin (19241987), Thus for each blunt-faced ignorant oneThe great grey rigid uniform combinedSafety with virtue of the sun.Thus concepts linked like chainmail in the mind.Thom Gunn (b. Upon promotion to the rank of Trooper and assignment to a field installation, a job description will be formulated which outlines the majority of the duties a Trooper must be able to perform in successfully completing their duties. 172Penn Hills411431696745384320.494.1116.381.29 17West Deer Township1197314812494. 45Warrington Township2458218158351767.160.736.431.42 A civilian position of noteworthiness is that of the Police Communications Operator (PCO). [27], In January 2012, Lieutenant Barry Eugene Staub, the commander of the state police barracks in York was arrested for driving while drunk. Critics say theyll make bias worse. Mostly cloudy, brisk, and unseasonably cool with a few scattered showers. 186Reading884666211984182260529.457.0222.432.06 Dr Hershey, 123Easton27158693886645716.832.5414.292.43 64Southwestern Regional177892390151136.351.295.060.84 Promoted to Lieutenant. He said he has no ill feelings about his tenure at the top and looks forward to continuing his 23-year career with the borough. As he progressed through the ranks, Lieutenant Youngblood served in troops J, N, and P. He was promoted to corporal in 2013 and sergeant in 2018. Station Commander, Supervisor of a unit, section, or specialty position. It is required to be worn whenever the trooper is outdoors. As he progressed through the ranks, Captain Brutosky served in troops K, L, J, and N and the Bureau of Integrity and Professional Standards, Internal Affairs Division. Of the 1,170 who've obtained the ranks of major, captain, lieutenant, sergeant and corporal, 94.1% are white. 4th on the list is Towamencin Township, a community of 18,443 with origins hailing back to the early 18th Century. A Commonwealth employee who is enrolled in but has not yet graduated from the Pennsylvania State Police Academy. Both troopers were suspended without pay pending to outcome of their cases. Harrisburg, PA - Commissioner Tyree C. Blocker announced the promotions of 55 members of the Pennsylvania State Police to the rank of corporal during a ceremony today at Bishop McDevitt High School. In January 1988, the State Police changed the color of its uniforms. 182Coal Township10329571631222021.305.5215.781.16 Trooper First Class wears a single chevron on each sleeve. He was promoted to corporal in 2009, sergeant in 2011, lieutenant in 2016, and captain in 2020. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. The Pennsylvania State Police has identified several job duties which are essential to an individual who holds the position of Pennsylvania State Police Trooper. Upon promotion to corporal in 2011, he was assigned to Troop L, Reading, where he served as a patrol unit supervisor at the Reading and Jonestown stations. the national averages. Supervisors of all ranks preceding. 148Lower Southampton Township19230682783334617.993.5414.461.72 1927). Shapiro signs bill requiring insurers to cover preventive breast, ovarian cancer screenings for high-risk women at no cost, Chain serving 'quick and healthful' salads, stir-fry, desserts to open 1st Berks location, Monday is the last day to register to vote in Pa. primary election, Police respond to threat at Oley Township school, Toxic chemicals in Emmaus water could cost at least $24M to fix, 'Can't wait to see everyone': After 3-year hiatus, beloved Easton deli nears reopening, How do you know your money is safe? The PCO works at the Public-Safety Answering Point (PSAP) which is either a local barracks or at the newly developed Consolidated Dispatch Centers as a Public Safety Dispatcher. 130Dunmore12933231692019214.851.7813.071.55 Lineaweaver said he could not comment on the reason for Holbens move because its a personnel matter. [10] PSP operates watercraft mainly on the Delaware River and Lake Erie. 21Ferguson Township1955188824964.910.414.501.23 To identify the safest cities, we reviewed the most recentFBI Uniform Crime Report statistics. . 194Spring Garden Township13120513392239029.733.8925.841.68 PSP Commissioner Jeffrey Miller said he was afraid people would mistake the Crawford/Erie group for actual state troopers. Commanding officer of a whole Troop or Bureau. 74Slate Belt Regional1245135992313410.762.817.951.85