ngati wairere whakapapa
(1) A single long line sets a minimum limit to the period covered by the line, i.e. Te Rau had completed this very beautiful kahu kuri (dogskin) cloak and was coveted by many local Chiefs. Ko Te Mokai te whare kai Ko Werewere te tekoteko Te Ata i Rehia had a Waikato husband called Tapaue, . Ngati-Huarere and Ngati-Hako met them in battle at Te Rae-o-te-kowhai, south of Coromandel (between Manaia - 39 and Waikawau, also called Te Motu-kowhai=clump of Kowhai trees). Ng Rohe; Ng Rohe o . Following the death of Poutkeka, the ariki position (highest-ranking leader) was bestowed on his son Poutkeka II, Two sons of Poutkeka II, Whatuturoto and Whaorakiterangi, greatly increased the Ngti Poutkeka rohe, and concurrently mana, in the Tmaki region, . Interestingly, Te Tawh and Wairkau were some of the only wahine signatories to the Treaty, , carrying on the Ngti Te Ata tradition of female leadership. | The tikanga of Mori sustainable resource use to preserve resources for future generations. It seems that the rahui-esque abandonment of Tmaki lasted until the mid-1830s. (Ngati Kauwhata) Biography TUM Hogan, Helen M. Bravo, Neu Zeeland : two Maori in Vienna 1859-1860, 2003. They are the principle iwi of the Aotea Harbour iwi, with close ties and connections with Ngati Reko, Ngati Mahuta, Ngati Whawhakia], Ngati Patupo, Ngati Te Uru and Ngati Mahanga. (5) Where tradition is available it must be taken into account. A timetable for Waikato and Maniapoto has been drawn up in a number of charts containing a large number of genealogies, many of which may be found in Kelly's book. On the basis of (1) and (3) the longest interval between children of the same mother is 20 years. Waitere-Tainui Whakapapa - Family Tree - TribalPages.com Upon the death of their rangatira (leader) Te Ata i Rehia, Ngti Kahukoka was renamed Ngti Te Ata. In a way Ngti Apakuras refuge in Awhitu was a reversal of the refuge Ngti Te Ata sought with their Waikato whanaunga during the Musket Wars. . Maru-tuahu then gathered in great strength, and sent war-parties in several directions. According to the 1874 census, Ngati Te Wehi were registered as an iwi. Ngti Te Ata, through a history of ahi ka, has long exercised both rangatiratanga and kaitiakitanga in Tmaki. Kngitanga the Mori King movement Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ngti_Te_Wehi&oldid=1145430553, All articles with bare URLs for citations, Articles with bare URLs for citations from March 2022, Articles with PDF format bare URLs for citations, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Mokai Kainga Marae and Kote Mokai wharenui on 111 Aotea Rd, Aotea, Kawhia 3889, New Zealand, kapu marae and Te Kotahitanga o Ngti Te Weehi wharenui on 4 Aotea Road in Kwhia, Mtakotako marae and Te hk a Mahuta wharenui on Phillips Road, Te Papatapu (Te Wehi) marae and Pare Whakarukuruku wharenui on Te Papatapu Road, Te Tihi o Moerangi marae and wharenui on Kwhia Road, Maket marae and Auau ki te Rangi wharenui on Kaora Street in Kwhia, Waipapa Marae and Takuhiahia wharenui on 5491 Kawhia Rd, Aotea, Kawhia 3889, New Zealand, ruka marae and Tahaaroa wharenui on ruka Marae Road in Taharoa, Te Kraha marae and Te hk wharenui on Taharoa Road in Taharoa, Waikeri Tangirau marae on Old Taupiri Road, This page was last edited on 19 March 2023, at 03:21. The expense of the labour of the mill-wright alone was eighty pounds, which amount they paid with an ox and pigs; a large sum for so poor a people. Genealogies As a Basis for Maori Chronology It is obviously necessary to formulate a few simple working rules and limits. Originally named Tuututru-aa-Papa, Kamutu was added after the practice of Maakutu ceased. During his travels across Tmaki in March 1842, Robert Sutton noted that Ngti Te Ata rohe was by this time again numerously populated with many kainga. Horouta Waka landed in Turanganui A Kiwa (Gisbome) around 1350AD depositing the sacred gods of the voyage in the. Mhanga was the ancestor of the Ngti Mhanga people, a major tribe of the Waikato confederation. This, however, puts the problem in the most favourable light. Whanaungatanga: Who we are and where we come from; knowing our connection to each- other, Manaakitanga: Looking after our whaanau from our mokopuna to our kaumaatua -Koohanga Kokako, Mana Motuhake: Enhancing our self-determination, our identity, our confidence, our influence as a whaanau, marae, hapuu and iwi, Wairuatanga: Recognising our spiritual wellbeing and harnessing this in our connection to each other, our awa and our whenua, Kaitiakitanga: Protecting and preserving our taonga tuku iho of our whaanau, marae, hapuu and iwi, Tikanga: Making our decisions with integrity and wisdom ensuring we are acting in the best interest of our Marae whaanau. as shown above here). Source: Archives New Zealand. Te Wehi gave the Scared Patu & Korowai to the Ngti Mahuta Chiefs as they had their hand out for them, he also gave his daughter Reko to marry Tapaue's son Tahau. | A movement founded in the late 1850s to stop land theft by installing a Mori monarch under whom land could be vested in. Following the death of Poutkeka, the ariki position (highest-ranking leader) was bestowed on his son Poutkeka II. When Tautini-moko returned, Te Wehi was living at Te Maari Aotea Harbour, & when the news reached him that his father's slayer was across the harbour, he decided to kill him. NEW ZEALAND HERALD", "A Chapter from the Early Maori History of the Waikatos", "Fishing waka being launched on Papatapu Creek, Aotea Harbour, north of Kawhia - National Library of New Zealand", "1. Gideon Smales was appointed to replace Rev Turton. Today Ngti Te Ata Waihua still exercises mana and kaitiakitanga in the aforementioned Ngti Kahukoka rohe from the entrance of Te Manukanuka o Hoturoa to the mouth of the Waikato. Ngti Te Wehi also have historical connections with Ngti Hau, Ngati Whatua, Ngati Koata, Ngati Toa Rangatira, Ngati Mutunga, Ngati Ruanui, Ngati Tahinga, Ngati Paipai, Ngati Paiaka, Ngati Rangitauwwaro, Ngati Whare, Ngati Koura, Ngati Hourua, Te Wehiwhakaruru and Ngati Peehi. According to a tradition obtained from Rore Erueti, Hotuawhio and Motai were born in Hawaiki and their mother was pregnant with Puhaanga during the voyage. Our whakapapa then runs through Te Waihua, who became the undisputed hegemon of Tmaki. Huatau was part of the Ngti Kahukoka hap of Ngti Poutkeka, . 2022. The . To see more about the amazing architecture of the city you can walk on one of the most important avenues in So Paulo. VII. Ngti Mahanga | National Library of New Zealand It will also be noted that Te Manaoterangi married two sisters, Tini and Waipaia, sisters of Kuku, and also generally supposed to be daughters of Parekiteiwi. The early investigators of tribal history such as Gudgeon, Judge Wilson, Percy Smith and Elsdon Best treated the subject seriously as history; such doubts as they had concerned the authenticity of certain traditions. The new whakapapa I have collected is as follows:, Raka, of course, is the sixth from Hoturoa, and father of both Houmea and Kakati.. However, at the Waikato Heads in either late March or early April 1840, four Ngti Te Ata rangatira, Te Katipa, Maikuku, Aperahama Ngakainga and Wairkau, signed the Treaty. In August 1855, Charles Abraham noted that Waiuku was a particularly bustling place of trade in Tmaki, It seems that through these trade interactions, Ngti Te Ata developed a positive, mutually beneficial early relationship with the Crown. John convinced Te Aoturoa in 1840 to sign the Treaty of Waitangi but could not convince Te Wherowhero. Giant Kawharu not satisfied with his one revenge upon Tahu-mhina's warriors, decided to enlist the help of his father-in-law Toa-Rangatira, whose first joint battle with Kawharu beat Te Kanawa after he attacked them, but Toa-Rangatira let Te Kanawa go, to spread their fame as great warriors, the pair with their tribes then won a battle against Tahu-mhina at Te Maika, the latter running to the safety of his Motu-ngaio Pa but then surrounded was ambushed & killed by Toa-Rangatira as he then tried to escaped Motu-ngaio, the names of the battles fought have been handed down to us. hapu, the Ngati Hinu, somewhere along the west coast. Ngti Te Wehi is a Mori iwi (tribe) based in Kawhia on the west coast of New Zealand's North Island.[1][2]. Ngti Te Wehi is a Mori iwi Located on the West-coast of Kawhia in the Waikato District region of New Zealand. Determined to solve the question I immediately got into touch with persons who possess sufficient knowledge of, or who possess books of whakapapa. Te Whakapapa o Ngti Te Ata Waihua An important part of the Ngti Te Ata Waihua whakapapa tree, showing the direct connection between Ngti Te Ata and Te Waihua through its namesake Huakaiwaka. Through the intermixing of Ng Oho/Ng Iwi and Tmaki-Tainui came our tupuna group Ngti Poutkeka. (3) The physiological limit for a woman to bear children is 50 years. Although whakapapa is often translated as genealogy, this is an oversimplification of a complex concept. Unlike genealogy, whakapapa is not fixed which allows for connections to seemingly distant people and places. (1) In round figures 20 years is considered to be the shortest average interval likely between generations which are closely spaced, and it is adopted as the minimum interval. Mori gain a deep understanding of who and where we come from through whakapapa. Collecting resources, like fish, is an exercise of mana within an area. For example:. For tangata whenua, understanding whakapapa gives an individual or group the key to the door to enact the mana of their tpuna and collective. Defining whakapapa as a concept Our tipuna Apirana Turupa Ngata in his famous Rauru-Nui-a Toi Lectures ( 1944) opens with an early statement, 'Whakapapa serve many purposes. Paratai=(1) Mahanga (2)=, Kieraunui, Tukotuku, Waitawake=Tutarawa, Ruateatea, Wahangaterangi, Parekiteiwi, Te Tauorangiriri, Atutahi, Whenu=Hinemotuhia, Kuku, (Tini), Ngamurikaitaua=Puruhi, Te Keteiwi=, Koroki, Taakiao, Parewhakahau, =Hinemata, Ruru=Korako, Rangapu, Puakirangi, Koata=Ngaere=Hekeiterangi, Waeganui, Koata=Pakaue, Te Manaoterangi=Tini, Kawharu, Te Wehi, Ngauru=Uetawhiti, Family tree. Unfortunately this method has been enthusiastically taken up by students who entirely omit statistical precautions, and it is not uncommon to see dates estimated by allowing 25 years to a generation in one short line of from 3 or 4 up to 20 generations, a procedure capable of producing the most fantastic errors. 2 From very early times the Native Land Court recognised oral traditions as history and was satisfied to base judgments on them. Hne Waitere is then remembered living at Te Pahi where their children were born in the late 1830s and 1842, they all lived in peace at their dads residences and his burial place Te Pahi, Aotea Harbour. 1941. For Mori it is a taonga, and for many it is also tapu. Huakaiwaka also sometimes lived at other p (fortified settlements) within the Ngti Poutkeka rohe, across an area extending east to thuhu and south to Te Manurewa o Tamapahore (Matukutururu, Wiri Mountain), . Write. The first hearing was scheduled and held at Waipapa Marae hosted by Ngati Hikairo on 7 October 2013 Ngati Te Wehi are awaiting the outcome before negotiations can proceed.[1]. Mori gain a deep understanding of who and where we come from through whakapapa. For example, a mission station at Orua Bay (northern Awhitu) was first established in January 1836, . The domain of his brother, Whatuturoto, was the Tmaki isthmus, and it extended south until hitting his brothers rohe. The iwi is one of the six Muriwhenua iwi of the far north of the North Island. Drawing on paper by Pellizzaro-Hurrell, Maya. Ngti Whakaue is named for our ancestor, Whakaue Kaipapa. Below is a widely accepted Waikato genealogy which has proved incompatible. Waiuku sat at an important position along the Waikato-Auckland trade route thanks to the nearby water transportation network. Ngti Whare is a Mori iwi of New Zealand. 993.145 HIS History of Rangiotu, 1983. This is the first thing of.the kind that has been erected for the natives of New Zealand; and I am glad to learn that other three parties are now arranging to follow this praiseworthy example of our people. 1835 saw Te Wherowhero lead a group of musket-wielding Ngti Mahuta and Ngti Apakura to settle on the northern Awhitu peninsula. Source: Commissioned Drawing Three. Ngti Wairere historian and carver Wiremu Puke phones in to talk to us about his Iwi. To appreciate the dynamic nature of Ngti Te Ata Waihua we must first acknowledge Te Whakapapa o Ngti Te Ata Waihua. In honour of the deathbed request of their former ariki, Ngti Poutkeka was renamed Te Wai Huakaiwaka, also known as Te Waihua, . Source: New Zealand Herald, Volume XVII, Issue 5837, p.5. Understanding historic Mori fluidity within Ngti Te Ata Waihua: An outline, Diversity of thought and action within historic Ngti Te Ata Waihua, The effects of the Waikato War on Ngti Te Ata Waihua, Download Tommy's Fully Referenced Writing Here. No attempt has therefore been made to arrive at scientific averages, but rather, round figures have been taken for convenience of handling. This whakapapa (genealogical chart) shows the descent line of the Ngti Toa ancestor Toarangatira, from Hoturoa, the commander of the Tainui canoe. | Important early intermediaries between Pkeh and tangata whenua, Pkeh-Mori were Europeans or other outsiders who became part of tangata mori society, speaking fluent te reo, fighting in local conflicts, living in tangata whenua communities and marrying into local groups. Chronological table showing some of the origins of Potatau Te Wherowhero, the first Maori king. Dates are derived primarily from known dates in recent times. Ngti Te Wehi have tribal holdings in Te Taitokerau, Ngati Maniapoto and Aotea. Mahanga=Paratai, ?Mahanga=Wharewaiata, Tukotuku, Tuteiwi=Pahoro, Wairere, Hekemaru, Takupu, Maramatutahi=Paretahuri, Mahuta=Kiringaua, Tuteiwi, Huapiri, Te Tikiorereata=Atutahi, Puakirangi, HOTUROA, Hotuope, Hotumatapu, Hotuawhio, Motai, Hinetemoa, Ue, Rakamaomao, =Kakati=, =Tawhao=, Punuiatekore=, =Marutehiakina, Turongo, Whatihua=Apakura, Raukawa, Marumahanga, Rereahu, Kurawari, Pikirangi, Maniapoto, Kinohaku, Tutengangana, Te Kawairirangi, Tuawhio, Rungaterangi, Rangipare, Tuheretaniwha, Uruhina, Rangatahi, =Tamatatai=, Taikiterangi, Whakatau, Te Kawa, =Urunumia, Tumarouru, Tumarouru=Tamatea, Te Kanawa, Hikairo, Paeahi=, Parengaope, =Kuiatu, Rangimahora=Te Wawahanga, Te Kaahurangi=Tuata, Tuhianga, Poutama, Haumia, Whataakai, Wharerere=Kurawari, =Whaita=, Huiao, Tuirirangi, Ngutu, Ritaumatangi, Tamaihuhonginoa, Koroki, Mahuripounamu, =Hikamoeawa, Paretaheke, Puhaanga, Putetere=Hinetemoa, Uetihi, Uenoho, Ueraki, Uetapu, Taipu, Punuiatekore Marutehiakina, Tamapoto, Tuheitia, Mahanga, Ruateatea, Wahangaterangi, Te Tauorangiriri, Puruhi, Taakiao, Parewhakahau, Ruru=Korako, Waenganui, Mataumoeawa, Hotumauea, =Pakaruwakanui, Pareteuaki=, Paretewa=Tokohihi, Te Rauangaanga=Parengaope, POTATAU TE WHEROWHERO, Family tree. Uerata & Puakirangi had Rangihoto, Wharetiipeti, Hourua & Tapaue. To grind their wheat, the labour and expense of hand-mills was found to be too heavy; and during last year, we managed to erect an excellent little water flour-mill. 6 Throughout the charts each date of birth is compatible with every other. Tutehe=Tuparahaki, Kumaramaoa=Punakiao, Tamangarangi=Haua, Kaimatai=Rorooterangi, Te Ahuwhakatiki of Ngaiterangi Tauranga, Family tree. Many were traders of some sort. Ngti Twharetoa is an iwi descended from Ngtoro-i-rangi, the priest who navigated the Arawa canoe to New Zealand. Tuteiwi=Pahoro, Takupu, Ngamuriwai, Waikauhoe, Umuroa, Kiringaua, Paretahuri, Mahuta=Kiringaua, =Paoa=, Horotakere=Karewa=Huapiri=Uerata=Tamirangi, =Mahuripounamu, Te Tikiorereata, Huakatoa, Rangapu, Puakirangi=, Koura, Hinemata, Hikamoeawa, Ngaere, Rangihoto, Wharetipete, Hourua, Tapaue, Ngauru=Uetawhiti, Pareuetawhiti=Te Putu, Huiarangi=Hikaurua, Huiarangi=Te Kiriwai, =Tirapurua, Te Haunga=Tawhia, Kopa, Te Kaahurangi=Tuata, Whakamarurangi=Te Rarangi, Te Rauangaanga, Te Weu, Te Wherowhero, Family tree. There are 5 buildings on the marae complex: Wairere was the son of Tamainupoo and Tukotuku. Then in mid-April a further two of our rangatira, Waihua Wiremu Ngawaro and Te Tawh signed on the shores of Te Manukanuka, , probably alongside the second signing of Te Katipa. Whakapapa - Ngti Whakaue. Born in Aotea Harbor approx.1799 Te Aotroa(a.k.a. She had two sons, Kwharu and Te Wehi (founder of Ngti Te Wehi ). Upon returning to Tmaki, Ngti Te Ata signed He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni. The beginnings of both Ngti Poutkeka and Ngti Te Ata were unions between descendants of the Tainui waka and early Tmaki peoples, meaning that Ngti Te Ata has a dual whakapapa. This restaurant demonstrates a true passion for good cooking. That same year some Ngti Te Ata and Ngti Tamaoho moved to Remuwera (Remuera) and Orakei to trade with Pkeh, . Auckland City Libraries Heritage Collections: Kura, Auckland. Kti Mmoe (also spelled Ngti Mmoe but not by the tribe themselves) is a historic Mori iwi. Te Aotroa Hne Waitere was a Ngti Te Wehi chief who signed the Manukau-Kawhia copy of the Treaty of Waitangi 15 June 1840. (Ngati Paoa, Ngati Maru). Unknown date (1920-1929). They are the principle iwi of The Aotea Harbour Aotea Moana tribes, maintaining close ties with Ngati Reko, Ngati Mahuta, Ngati Whawhakia, Te Patupo, Ngati Te . Whaorakiterangi exercised mana over what we would now call the southern Manukau across to the western shores of Tkapa Moana o Hauraki (the Hauraki Gulf), . Representatives of Ngti Te Ata, including principal rangatira Te Katipa, were present at a large hui at Ihumtao in May 1857 where the Kngitanga was discussed. Te Aotroa took the name Te Aotroa Hne Waitere when the Wesleyan Mission was set up in area mid 1830s by John Whiteley. For example, a mission station at Orua Bay (northern Awhitu) was first established in January 1836. Mahuta begat Uerata who married Puakirangi, Koata's Auntie. 1880. All that could be seen was thick white fog. na maihi, taka mai ki Te Wairere Ki Horohoro. The Musket Wars were fought on a scale of destruction that these motu had never seen before, and no Tmaki rp was spared devastation. Hence the look of huka (snow) that covered an extensive area. It was, however, at Matukutureia Maunga close to the Te Waihua heartland that Huataus daughter, Te Ata i Rehia, was born. Te Ruuma Whnau Pani This room is available to whnau pani and kaumaatua only during tangihanga. He was a renowned fighter who spent a great deal of time away from home, which has led to the expression, 'Mhanga whakarere kai, whakarere waka, whakarere whine' (Mhanga who abandons food, canoes and women). On the whole the analytical process strongly vindicates the genuine Tainui traditions, and it is a reasonable assumption that the few versions proved spurious have generally become accepted only in recent times after the demise of the tohunga, and probably very largely as a result of the impact of the pakeha. Hineaupounamu, Maniapoto (1)=, Matakore=Waiharapepe, Kinohaku, =(1), =(2) Te Kawairirangi (3)=, Maniatakamaiwaho, Tutanumia, =Tumarouru, Rungaterangi, Marungaehe=Tuheao, Tukemata=, Rangipare, Uruhina, Manukipuriore, Maniauruahu=Rangatahi, Te Kawa=, =Urunumia, Ngaere=Hekeiterangi, Tumarouru=Tamatea, Urunumia, Waikohika=Te Kanawa=, =Whaeapare, Tukemata, Hikairo, Whaeapare, Parengaope (2)=, Te Ririorangawhenua, Paretekawa, =Whati, =(2) Ngunu=, Te Wawahanga=Rangimahora, =(1) Hore (2)=, Te Kaahurangi, Akanui, Te Uaki, Peehi Tukorehu, Te Rauangaanga, Te Wherowhero, Te Ngohi, Rewi Maniapoto, Family tree. It is the foremost industrial centre in Latin America. As a result of the isolation of most of the Tainui country following the Waikato war, it is likely, as Princess Te Puea suggests in her foreword to Kelly 7, that the Tainui traditions, still virtually a closed book, are preserved in a purer form than some others. Te Wehi had many small pa sites located around Aotea but his most beautiful was at the peak tops of Matakowhai. Te Aotroa Hne Waitere sold land at Te Kopua in the Waipa for the Wesleyan's to teach their people to read and grow new food from countries afar. The Pkeh had undoubtedly come. According to the 1874 census, Ngati Te Wehi were registered as an iwi. This means that Mahanga and Atutahi must have reached an average of 72 when Atutahi and Puakirangi respectively were born. Much like his father, Huakaiwaka occupied Te Pane Mataaho, but he shared his residence between there, Maungakiekie (One Tree Hill) and Maungawhau (Mount Eden). Now Toa-Rangatira(Ngti Mango) is an uncle to Te Wehi as he married Pakaue's sister Mananaki. Match. Signed Treaty on 15 June 1840, witnessed by John Whiteley. . 2022. A good portion of their wheat has been sold to traders for calico, and print, and sent to Auckland, and other Anglo-New Zealand towns by small vessels. | The state reached after a wrong has been corrected through the restoration of relational balance via compensation of some form. As this did not fit, application was made to Rotorua and the following was obtained from Mr. Haki Karawana(Te Arawa should know best):. Te Katipa was again present in June 1858 when Te Wherowhero was anointed kingi (king) by Ngti Mahuta, Ngti Maniapoto and Ngti Haua. It was a short-lived conflict with peace quickly being somewhat reinstated. Simplicity in recording is an important consideration, and a family tree may be set out in the normal way with minor modifications. Mhanga - Waikato tribes - Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand Ngti Wairere | Items | National Library of New Zealand | National Rangianewa=(1) Rereahu (2)=Hineaupounamu, Te Ihingarangi, Maniapoto (1)=Hinemania, Uehaeroa, Te Kawairirangi, Waerenga, =(1) Hinewhatihua (2)=(2) Maniapoto, Paparauwhare=(3) Maniapoto, Rora, Tutakamoana, Family tree. [14] The last of land transactions with the crown before the Waikato Wars until 1911 when 17,000 acres of Moerangi Block was sold to the government. Synchronic and Diachronic Dimensions in the Study of Polynesian Cultures.. Starting from these, numerous points can be fixed fairly closely in earlier times by application of the limits formulated. During his travels across Tmaki in March 1842, Robert Sutton noted that Ngti Te Ata rohe was by this time again numerously populated with many kainga, . (4) The average interval between members of a large family is likely to be 1 years, and this is taken as a minimum. BATLEY, R. A. L., 1950. This Manukau-Kawhia Maori-language copy of the Treaty of Waitangi, with 13 signatures, & is the only surviving copy with the signature of Colonial Secretary Willoughby Shortland. Taringa - Ep 105 - Iwi o te Wiki - Ngti Wairere. But the Tmaki that was returned to was one of great change. Raka, Houmea, Whatihua=Apakura, Matuaaiwi, Marumahanga, Rakamahanga, Tokohei, Pikirangi, Raka (II), Raeroa, Tuihu=Ngamuriwai, Tutengangana=Waikauhoe, Pahoro, Takupu, Ngamuriwai, Waikauhoe, Parewaru, Kiringaua=Mahuta, Family ree. Three Ngti Whatua chiefs signed then (Kawau, Tinana and Reweti) but none of the Waikato chiefs. . | Refers to the Mori idea of sacredness. Probably it was his experience of the reliability of tribal tradition that led Percy Smith so far back into the past. WETERE, Tita Taui, 1948. This Ngti Kahukoka rohe included the Awhitu peninsula. . For the sake of uniformity it is an easy matter to apply a correction to the figures in the charts. At one point, the Ngti Huarere waged a war with the Ngti Hei. Ngti Twharetoa - Wikipedia Ngti Whare - Wikipedia In addition to providing a background for tribal history, the analytical method should find a very useful field in checking the reliability of genealogies and traditions, not only by reference to charts, but by applying the analysis to individual genealogies. Newspaper obituary. To appreciate the dynamic nature of Ngti Te Ata Waihua we must first acknowledge Te Whakapapa o Ngti Te Ata Waihua. Ko Taupiri te maunga It must be stressed that no charts can ever be considered final, because there will always be some unconsidered genealogies. Today Ngti Te Ata Waihua still exercises mana and kaitiakitanga in the aforementioned Ngti Kahukoka rohe from the entrance of Te Manukanuka o Hoturoa to the mouth of the Waikato. Learn. With trade opportunities came early Crown investment in Ngti Te Ata rohe, who installed a road in the late 1840s that was improved upon in 1858. Whakapapa is an indestructible force within te ao Mori that connects tangata with their tpuna, te taiao (the natural world) and one another. Linking our kura, ad students to the mana whenua of their school. The captain of Mmaru was Te Parata who married Kahutianui. It will be understood that the exact positions here of the individuals have been dictated by reference to numerous others not in this table. The domain of his brother, Whatuturoto, was the Tmaki isthmus, and it extended south until hitting his brothers rohe, . Ko Piipiiwharauroa, An ancestor of mine, the Pkeh-Mori John Cowell, noted that even in 1832, there was a noticeable lack of human habitation in Tmaki. The primary object is comparative chronology rather than absolute dates, but it is convenient for reference to use dates on the European system. However, by 1835 ea was in part restored to Tmaki. Ngti Wairere - Senior High Space Names/Meanings - Quizlet About Our Iwi - Raukawa Settlement Trust Some of the earliest inhabitants of Tmaki Makaurau were the Ng Oho and Ng Iwi peoples, two groups who were closely interrelated. A perfect pattern should never be expected as all the pieces will never be available; nevertheless a very close approximation can readily be obtained. Ngti Te Ata traces descent through several Ngti Poutkeka ariki: Poutkeka, Poutkeka II, Whatuturoto and Huakaiwaka. [25] Kti Mmoe - Wikipedia Ngti Koata - Wikipedia When a genealogy cannot be made to fit without entirely upsetting many others, it is generally found on close analysis to be condemned by internal evidence. In 1840 another group of Pkeh, the Crown (the British authority), came knocking on the door of Ngti Te Ata. So Paulo, city, capital of So Paulo estado (state), southeastern Brazil. . This Ngti Kahukoka rohe included the Awhitu peninsula. The year 1844 saw Ngti Te Ata battle our neighbour Ngti Tamaoho at Taurangaruru west of Waiuku. Source: New Zealand Graphic. Ngti Raukawa - Te Ara Te Tiriti ki Waikato-Manukau | Waikato-Manukau sheet. Ngati Piri and Ngati Koheri, residing at Manaia harbour. And as if just awakened from the long sleep of barbarism, the sudden turn of civilization appears to impart a vivacity, and cheerfulness to which they have hitherto, been strangers. Aptly named of something that is coming into fruition, growth. However, at the Waikato Heads in either late March or early April 1840, four Ngti Te Ata rangatira, Te Katipa, Maikuku, Aperahama Ngakainga and Wairkau, signed the Treaty, . [69] Cloud9. This reservation applies with equal force to the statistical date, 1350, as it surely would be found that the genealogies used all derived from the few individuals of whom there are records on the canoes.
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