is john lear still alive
We stopped and had some green chili at this little Mexican place. K: Exactly J: They want it left, right, bad, good. pic.twitter.com/c5H4iqcfbo. TIL William Lear, Founder of the Lear Jet Corporation, named - Reddit J: at Los Alamos: YY-II. Thats all we want to do. Its very high resolution and, in Johns own words, this is before it was airbrushed by NASA. According to a source by John Lear, within the US Government. (John Lear). Mercury, Apollo, and the rest of the missions were just decoys to distract the populations attention about what we were really doing. Nobody can make that stuff up. He was the son of Bill Lear who was the founder of Learjet and Moya Marie Olsen Lear (mother). And I said, What do you think happened? And he said, I think we brought a black ship through there and they didnt want it on radar. And I said, How can you, a colonel an acting colonel in the Air Force say something like that? And he said, Thats what I believe. So anyway, and then we talked about all kinds of stuff and then Linda and I went down to drove down to Roswell, and that was an interesting trip. And this was March 22nd. But anyway, I end up in Dulce, call up Gabe Valdez, say Im here, he says: Now, Ive got patrol tonight between 10:00 and 6 in the morning. Moore said that he "was in a rather unique position" in the disinformation campaign: "judging by the positions of the people I knew to be directly involved in it, [the disinformation] definitely had something to do with national security. J: No, and the reason is because I want somebody to come to me and say, I know who it was, and then say the name. [21], Lear has been described as "a divisive figure whose claims often crumbled under scrutiny."[22]. I was writing checks, and he said, John, I saw a disk today. And I looked up and said, What? And he said, I saw a disk today. I said, Theirs or ours? He said, Theirs. I said, You went to Area 51? I said, What are you doing here? John Lear!This has just been posted to his fb profile. They were great 8x10 prints. Id walk outside the door to Ocean Park Boulevard, get on the bus and go back to my house at 222 14th Street. Here they are, theyre building they think theyre going to build a shield against the Grays or whoever. boy, Id sure like to talk to that guy. K: Well, you seem to know a hell of a lot! K: Is he still alive, by the way? [15] The track, titled "2-4-2 Foxtrot (The Lear Jet Song)", samples Lear's voice as he speaks over the radio. J: Sure. I said, Come on, we dont need to go any further. Its about 3 foot by 2 foot. Anyway, I got some sleep the next day and then I had this rented car and I tried to go up the Archuleta Mesa because what I wanted to do was see the spot where the nuclear craft had crashed, where Bennewitz said it crashed, because Gabe said, As far as I know, it did. Aviation expert John Lear says we know of 70 different species of aliens, and the government is engaged in a program to gradually inform the public of encounters that have already happened. We talk. He says, Bob, dont go out to the airport. So Im thinking this is like 85 or something. J: But the problem with Serpo as were seeing now and with Burisch is that theres males and females and thats not right. John was born March 15, 1966 in New Haven, son of Maureen Roberti Lear and John P. Lear, Sr., both of . One of the most famous clips that often surfaces, the moment when Lear went through a litany of what he says UFO history consists of.. and asks Art Bell if he would allow exposure if he was in power: SEARCH THE ART BELL ARCHIVE ON COALSPEAKER. [10] His first solo flight was at 16, and in 1960, Lear was hired as a pilot and public relationship representative by his father's company. (Videos). K: Yeah, thats beautiful, thats beautiful. "[39] One of their goals, Moore said, was to disseminate information and watch as it was passed from person to person in order to study information channels. Man From Wyoming Travelled 163,000 Light Years From Earth With Alien Named Who Built the Egyptian Pyramids & How Did They Do It? I cant volunteer information. He made me ask questions. Search. What was his last name? John Lear: Its the best kept secret, I mean the best. I remember you were here 20 years ago in a Lear jet. And I said Really? He said: Yeah, you brought in steaks for Dean Martin and his girlfriend. And I remember, yeah, I was flying charter. [41][bettersourceneeded], Lear's claims left a lasting influence on the UFO movementone author observed "in the early years [UFO writers] did not, by and large, embrace strong political positions. J: From Zeta Reticuli. I mean, our government is so arrogant, you know. John Lear, Pilot of the CIA: "We control Alien Technology and there are The trunk was open because I had gotten the telescope out, so we were kind of blinded. until I sat here and watched two or three hours of the tapes, and, I thought, you know, that guys been there. We were shooting buddies together. [20] That November, Lear ran for Nevada State Senate, earning the endorsement of a "Coalition for Affordable Energy". J: Oh, absolutely. . The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. I cant remember what his name is. Its posted right now. His daughter was first to announced his death. There may be some kind of a war going on, but the basic theme, basically what Earth is all about, is development of soul. John Lear, the son of the famed Lear Jet inventor, has splashed into the Art Bell mythology with a post on Facebook today.. Lear, known for his colorful beliefs in UFOs, and his long running argument that planes did not exist on 9/11 and the event was an inside job, wrote that a secret source who swore him to secrecy over the Bells death in 2018 has now allowed him to reveal what he knows. I havent seen them around but they may be around, I dont know. Currently, John Lear is 120 years, 9 months and 30 days old. You could see the tree that it hit. Security doesnt work that way. I got it! The saucer was about maybe 30, 35, 40, maybe 45 degrees angled. Support Project Camelot - make a donation: Donations are not tax deductible for U.S. citizens. So we stopped. Out of here. John Lear is well recognized for criticizing the alleged Pentagon cover up of UFOs. First of 3 Parts. The 115 was bombarded with protons and the heat through a thermionic generator provided the positive voltage to run the ship and then the gravity 'A' wave was drawn off so that they could use it to go travel throughout the universe. J: There is also more in that video that shows scientists working on balsa wood and tissue, things of UFOs, doing I dont know what, but theres a calendar and its obvious that somebody is trying to tell us something. : L: It sure has. And a few days later he said, Im not going back to work there. And we said, Why? And he said, Because the last time I went on that 737 he said, I can remember going up the boarding ramp K: Oh no J: . and I can remember coming back down the boarding ramp but I cannot remember anything that went on after that, or between that. He said, I dont want to work under those conditions. Lear and the crewmate made a record flight around the world between 23 May and 26 May in 1966.Lear was also highlighted at the Wichita Press. K: OK. Thats fabulous stuff. K: No. So were just trying to get to the root of what you know. By 1973, UFO mythology told of a UFO landing at Holloman Air Force Base;[24] A 'strikingly similar' landing served as the climax to 1977's blockbuster Close Encounters of the Third Kind. He said, You guys are crazy, and he sat there rolling his eyes at all this stuff we were talking about. ART BELL COMMITTED SUICIDE ON FRIDAY THE 13TH OVER FEARS OF AN AFFAIR BECOMING PUBLIC! What do I know? [26] K: Wow. Aliens are here, and they're not our friends, John Lear says -- Part 1 The Statement argues that many in the "original group" of insiders committed suicide, most notably James Forrestal. K: But whats Bobby Ray Inman got to do with all this? On the calendar, days are xd, marked off. There was three of them. Art killed himself with an overdose of prescription pain killers which included oxycodone and hydrocodone, the sedative diazepam and the muscle-relaxant carisoprodol in his system, according to Clark County Coroner John Fudenberg. And I remember watching TV. In an interview with the famous mystery program 'Coast to coast' , John Lear, a retired CIA pilot, revealed such amazing things as having secretly gone to the Moon since 1962, which have been on Mars since 1966 and that NASA uses technology from alien spacecraft crashed on Earth in 1953 (the EBE-3). Dad was on the board of the Lovelace Clinic. Its tapped at the mainframe and they don't have the paperwork. He said, I looked for paperwork to authorize a tap like that and they dont have it. So anyway, I meet Bob. Hes the one that knew about the black ship, the Grays, the Archuleta Mesa. Well anyway, at one point the saucer stopped and I got it nailed in. J: Probably. Lear said that Bell left well over $10 million in his estate. We did all kinds of crazy things. I dont remember being conscious of one hour, two hours. He said, John, somebody called me from Las Vegas. In 2021, Norman produced the Netflix revival of Good Times. K: Yes. Read through all the scenarios. axant carisoprodol in his system, according to Clark County Coroner John Fudenberg. But in my mind, hes been trying, totally, to tell what happened, without saying so in so many words. So we go on the road down toward Mac Brazel, what used to be his ranch, and talk to the farmer there and he said, Yeah, well, we dont know what happened. J: Yes. Theres billions of us in the universe. I listened to George Knapp the other day. Moreover, he was the former CIA pilot and known for his UFO conspiracy ideas and Lear has also reported to have flown secret missions for the CIA which is between 1967 and 1983. Is it because youve talked to so many people whove been in deep? Moore's claims sent shock waves through the small, tight-knit UFO community[citation needed], which remains divided as to the reliability of his assertions. K: Its incredible. At least one alien was found still alive and he, along with his badly burned bodies, were flown to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, home of the infamous 'Hanger . B: Theres Castello, and theres Schneider. Lets stop here. No, no. KEITH ROWLAND SELLS! I mean, he was on the run wasnt he? Famed aviator John Lear, 79, departs on 'his next adventure' I dont know if youve seen my stuff on the internet about K: Yes. Hes got some good ideas, hes done some tremendous work but he always seems to be about three years behind me. John Lear was born into a notable family with a respectable background. Its going on right now.
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