in defense of archias summary
In both speeches Cicero encourages the jury to feel that they possess the cultural knowledge which will entitle them to pronounce on intellectual questions (and in both speeches he is extremely careful to place only minimal demands on that supposed cultural knowledge). Literature and Persuasion in Cicero's Pro Archia Phil. He assumed the names of Aulus and Licinius, the last out of compliment to the Luculli, and Cicero had been for some time a pupil of his, and had retained a great regard for him. There is then a confirmatio ( 811), which consists of arguments based on the facts as given in the narratio. Cicero does not bother to mention the further censuses of 65 and 64, since the jury would be aware that they too had been abandoned. This is understandable in view of the higher social status of the Metelli. It is perhaps most likely that Grattius was acting on his own initiative to avenge an imagined slight to his patron (who was still away in Asia)the slight being simply that Archias had given Lucullus extravagant praise in his poem on the Mithridatic War. The Lex Iulia granted Roman citizenship to all citizens of municipia on the Italic peninsula, provided they had not fought against Rome in the Social War. We know that Archias wrote, in Greek, a historical poem in several books on the Mithridatic War ( 21). A man of the name of 41.36). Commanders NFL Draft takeaways: Defense adds juice, but was the value Obviously, it will take . Ciceros main point here is that Archias poem honours not just Lucullus but the Roman people as well: this is meant to show that Archias is useful to the Roman people, and so ought to be cherished by them. [Kuhlmann, 1976]). Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Undoubtedly such virtues partly account for its enduring value and apparent comeback in college curricula in competition with the Catiline orations or the defense of Caelius. But all books, all the words of the wise and all history are full of examples which teach this lessonexamples which would all be lying in obscurity, had not the light of the written word been brought to them. I suggest that, on the contrary, Ciceros defence is wholly unaffected by the fact that he is speaking before his brother, and that the reference at the end of the speech is no more than a friendly nod to someone who, until this moment, he has had to treat exactly as he would any other praetor. Rome The Art of Citizenship: Roman Cultural Identity in Cicero's Pro Archia The digressio, then, is not simply an instrument of persuasion, it is also an elegant essay that would have been as appealing to its original audience as it has been to readers down the ages. Readability remains the aim of the text offered to the student. Later, in 89, the lex Plautia Papiria was passed, and Cicero quotes the clause which covered Archias case: persons would be granted Roman citizenship if (a) they had previously been enrolled as a citizen of a federate state, (b) they had had a fixed residence in Italy at the time when the law was passed, and (c) they declared themselves before a praetor within sixty days ( 7). In a possible reminiscence of this passage, Sallust tells us that Q. Fabius Maximus Verrucosus and the elder Scipio were said to have been spurred on to virtuous deeds by contemplating the masks of their ancestors (Jug. He studied at his native city, and received a liberal education. Manil. First some nuts and bolts. But Archias was only a poet, and it would be too much to suppose that the trial had any great political significance. 115; Tusc. 19.9.1014 (19.9.14: cf. In his speech defending Archias-the Pro Archia-Cicero argues that Archias was a Roman citizen. "Pro Archia is a delightful speech delivered by Cicero in defense of A. Licinius Archias, a Greek poet whose eligibility for Roman citizenship was challenged in 62 bce. Our information about Archias derives almost exclusively from Ciceros speech. You will ask me, Gratius, why I am so enthusiastic about this man. This paper examines Cicero's Pro Archia Poeta Oratio and the author's implicit and explicit views on how Roman cultural identity is constructed. 2. 4). Archias does not appear on the Roman census rolls taken during the period in which he claimed to have lived there. C. largely bases his text on Clarks OCT (1911) and mentions textual problems only when absolutely necessary. Si quid est in me ingeni, iudices, quod sentio quam sit exiguum, aut si qua exercitatio dicendi, in qua me non infitior mediocriter esse versatum, aut si huiusce rei ratio aliqua ab optimarum artium studiis ac disciplina profecta, a qua ego nullum confiteor aetatis meae tempus abhoruisse, earum rerum omnium vel in primis hic A. Licinius fructum a me repetere prope suo iure debet. This was a suitable house for a member of the nobility, as Cicero now was, and it would, incidentally, have been one of the ones frequented by Archias in the 90s, having been the residence then of M. Drusus (Vell. 5.7 (April 62 bc) shows him seeking to form closer ties with Pompey. Archias poetry, according to Cicero, is serious historical poetry, written to celebrate the glorious exploits of Romes generals and statesmen and make them known throughout the worlda large part of which, he adds, speaks only Greek. (PDF) The Art of Citizenship: Roman Cultural Identity in Cicero's Pro Self-Reference in Ciceros Forensic Speeches, A Volscian Mafia? Just about all that the two men had in common was that they were both at some point represented in court by Cicero (they were also linked by the fact that Archias, like his patron Catulus (Nat. 2.14.3). Stripped to its essentials, the argument runs as follows:If I have any talent, experience in speaking, or technical skill in oratory derived from training in the liberal arts, then Archias has a strong claim on it. The Pro Archia, or, to give it its full (and translated) name, the Speech on Behalf of Aulus Licinius Archias the Poet, is a speech given by the Roman orator Cicero, in defence of Archias on the charge of falsely claiming to be a Roman citizen. 6.53.910; Cic. Polyb. Users without a subscription are not able to see the full content on But the connection brought social advantages too. C. accompanies that choice with a keen understanding of vocabulary acquisition: The second time a word occurs, it is marked with an asterisk; the third time two asterisks; the fourth time, three asterisks, and thereafter it is dropped from the listit is likely that the studentwill, on the fifth encounter with the word, be able to recognize it and, in context, recall its meaning (p. xi). Cicero now moves on to the confirmatio, which, because of the simplicity of the case, is almost as brief as the narratio. Examples of hendiadys abound, and C. carefully explains and smoothly translates these tricky bits of Ciceronian fullness, as in section 3, where tanto conventu hominum ac frequentia is both translated literally and then rendered as with so numerous a throng of men. Students are taught to distinguish the literal meaning from Ciceros meaning. The narratio concludes with the vital facts relating to Archias acquisition of the citizenship. Were it not for his study of literature, he says, he would never have stood up to Catiline. This twofold pattern of argument is a common one in Cicero, and is found most famously in Pro Milone:Milo did not set out deliberately to kill Clodius; but had he done so, it would have been justified.18 In Pro Archia, the first stage of the argument (enstasis) occupies 4b11, while the encomium of literature, occupying 1230, is formally the second stage (antiparastasis). He starts the confirmatio by asking himself a question on behalf of Grattius. Literary commemoration, he says, incites men to undertake dangerous and heroic deeds. In 65 BC, the Roman Senate passed the Lex Papia de Peregrinis, which challenged false claims of citizenship and expelled foreigners from Rome. A large part of Archias output, and his entire output before he attracted Roman patronage, would doubtless have consisted of poems on typical Hellenistic themes (the epigrams in the Greek Anthology which may be his include erotic poems, dedications to a god, epitaphs, and poems on a work of art). He uses dramatic rhetoric to discredit the case of his opponent, Grattius,[3] whom he here names. Licinius Archias was born in Antioch around 120 BC and arrived in Rome in 102 BC. The comparison with Ennius is a useful one for Cicero, since Ennius was Romes great national poet and would have been fully acceptable to the jury. (Cic. 1.13.6) by purchasing from Crassus a grand house on the Palatine overlooking the Forum. Plutarch tells us that Cicero was a good friend of L. Lucullus (Luc. Arch. Archias must indeed be a teacher of genius, the jury will conclude, if he taught Cicero to speak like this. 28), The measures which I, jointly with you, undertook in my consulship for the safety of the empire, the lives of our citizens, and the common weal of the state, have been taken by my client as the subject of a poem which he has begun; he read this to me, and the work struck me as at once so forcible and so interesting, that I encouraged him to complete it. If he has not, then the further argument is obviously required. It was, in short, beneath the consideration of a Roman. The next example, however, is that of Pompey giving Roman citizenship to Theophanes of Mytilene.31 This parallel is less valid since Theophanes was not a poet but a prose historian (scriptorem,writer, is the ambiguous word Cicero uses). 2 In this context, Cicero asserted that even lawyers lack a proper education, unless they possess a . The chapter examines the style used by Cicero in Pro Archia and asks what it was about this particular case that led him to adopt such a style. (2010) Language and Artistry in Ciceros , Panoussi, V. (2009) Roman Cultural Identity in Ciceros, This page was last edited on 23 December 2022, at 13:40. Thereafter, Archias was set up with a permanent residence in Rome in preparation for achieving full Roman citizenship. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. It is therefore impossible that Quintus should have assured Cicero in advance that an epideictic style would be well received or that Archias would be acquitted. Callim. Cokun notes that the second part of Cicero's pleading is integral to the defense and should not be regarded as an indication that Archias' legal case was weak. After the Social War, citizenship was granted to the allies by the lex Iulia in 90, and this was followed in 89 by a further measure, the lex Plautia Papiria, which among other provisions extended the citizenship to honorary citizens of federate states not resident in those states but nevertheless resident in Italy, provided that they reported to one of the praetors at Rome within sixty days.10 As an honorary citizen of Heraclea, which had been allied to Rome since 278, and being long resident in Rome, Archias duly reported to the praetor Metellus Pius within the specified period. Without praise, he explains, men would have no incentive to perform great deeds (the point is repeated from 23). First, M. Lucullus arranged for him to be granted honorary citizenship at Heraclea. Great stress is laid, for example, on ita, sic, or tam preceding a result clause, or on the use of demonstrative pronouns to anticipate relative clauses, as in section 4: ab eis artibus quibus aetas puerilis ad humanitatem informari solet. Pointing out such features crucially nudges students beyond the beginners tendency to atomize Latin into discrete, unconnected units and instead gets them to read longer sentences as coherent structures. This is done in the briefest way possible: Cicero simply says that Greek is spoken virtually everywhere whereas Latin is not, and it is desirable that all the nations that Rome has conquered should be able to read of her glory. His aim is to draw attention to Archias' profession and appeal to his value in Roman culture. The view it would have taken of sophisticated Greek poetry can easily be surmised. As an honorary citizen of Heraclea, Archias satisfied condition (a), and as a long-standing resident of Rome he satisfied condition (b). From every point of view, then, it would have been unthinkable for him not to take on Archias defence. That generation will be fortunate to begin reading the Pro Archia with this edition. For all branches of culture are linked by a sort of common bond and have a certain kinship with one another. 61): Et quoniam non est nobis haec oratio habenda aut in imperita multitudine aut in aliquo conventu agrestium, audacius paulo de studiis humanitatis quae et mihi et vobis nota et iucunda sunt disputabo. The occasional note that relates sentence structure or vocabulary choice to larger themes both fulfills pedagogical needs and also reminds us of the tricky balancing act between simply teaching and inspiring real interest in sophisticated texts with a readership at this level: fit your line solely with technical syntactical and rhetorical terms or with explanations of subjunctive X in subordinate clause Y and students are less likely to take the bait. Pal. The exordium ends ( 4a) with a statement of what Cicero intends to prove: (i) that Archias is a Roman citizen, and (ii) that, were he not a citizen, he ought to be one (and ought therefore to be acquitted). H. C. Gotoff asserts that the reference iseither jocular or tasteless, and adds:Perhaps the best way to understand the reference to his brother is to take it together with Ciceros decision to speak in a style more epideictic than usually deemed effective in the law courts, and to assume that the orator had reason to be confident from the start in the outcome of the trial.32 This suggestion cannot be accepted, because a praetor in charge of a court had no means of determining or influencing a jurys verdict; this is why in his speeches Cicero addresses himself to the jury, and generally ignores the praetor. The passage on literature in general ends with 17. After this, Cicero goes on to declare that poets are divinely inspired, and hence sacred. Chief among his enemies, and one who would stand to gain much by disgracing Lucullus was Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, better known as Pompey the Great. Go fishing with the idea that Cicero (and classical authors tout court) keenly considered and combined form and content in a manner that was meaningful and not simply mechanical, and at least some students will bite.2 C. astutely notes how Cicero, while describing Archias attempts to obtain citizenship (section 7), imitates the language of the law he has just cited in order to suggest Archias compliance with it. Instead of a conclusio, however, we now have a digressio which accounts for significantly more than half the speech ( 1230). In 14 he introduces a new idea, that literature inspires men to perform acts of self-sacrifice for the state. Now since I am not making this speech before an ignorant rabble or before some gathering of rustics I shall be a little more bold in discussing those cultural studies with which you and I are so familiar, and which we find so agreeable. The tone of the passage is philosophical; but it is popular philosophy of a straightforward nature, designed to reassure rather than intimidate the jury. In Pro Archia Poeta, Cicero implied that Archias, a resident of Heraclea, might have qualified for citizenship under the Lex Julia and Lex Plautia At the same time he is also alluding to the uniquely Roman custom whereby nobles kept wax masks (imagines) of their ancestors who had held curule office within the atria of their houses. I focus here on its usefulness to an introductory/intermediate-level university class, drawing partly upon my experience with C.s first edition to teach a third-semester Latin Prose course at Yale University in the Fall of 2003 to a group of 20 undergraduate and graduate students. He continued, however, to live in Rome. Inst. Pro Archia - Everything2.com Luc. Now Plotius was not a poet but a rhetorician, and if he praised Marius he would have done so in a Latin speech, not a Greek poem. In (p. xviii); there are two very similar notes on inde usque (p. 5); the cross-reference to 199-200 (on quae cum ita sint) should probably read 200-203 (p. 85). The testimony of Ennius (which can hardly be considered impartial! In 2 Cicero decides to meet head-on the objection that Archias is not a rhetor: Ac ne quis a nobis hoc ita dici forte miretur, quod alia quaedam in hoc facultas sit ingeni neque haec dicendi ratio aut disciplina, ne nos quidem huic uni studio penitus umquam dediti fuimus. And Purpose Of The Law - JSTOR Cicero, for his part, had no wish to become embroiled in this conflict between Pompey and Lucullus, and was anxious to remain on friendly terms with both men;23 although the speech contains much praise of Lucullus, the one reference that there is to Pompey is highly complimentary ( 24). Key facts about Americans and guns | Pew Research Center Among the numerous classical influences in the works of W. E. B. The argument itself is feeble (if rhetorically neat) and requires no further comment. Cicero makes a final emotional appeal to the jury. This second edition by Steven M. Cerutti (hereafter C.) of Ciceros speech in defense of the poet Archias delivers an introduction, text, commentary, vocabulary, and two appendices covering (respectively) proper or place names and rhetorical or political terminology. The speech is rounded off with a brief conclusio ( 312). But for Cicero, the opportunity to make play with Marius name a third time was too tempting to pass up. I suggest three reasons. Abstract. In Defense of the Poet Archias by Joshua Lee - Prezi This type of poetry, he says, provides patterns of excellence for men to imitate, while the prospect of being immortalized in verse spurs men on to perform heroic deeds in the service of the state. Cicero's 'Pro Archia Poeta' - UGA C. also knows when less is more. It would appear in fact that this argument has been introduced primarily in order to provide a context for the famous names, since it is the names that carry the main persuasive force.26. Sat. The sententious and lyrical language in which the point is made effectively proves the point ( 16): Nam ceterae neque temporum sunt neque aetatum omnium neque locorum; at haec studia adulescentiam acuunt, senectutem oblectant, secundas res ornant, adversis perfugium ac solacium praebent, delectant domi, non impediunt foris, pernoctant nobiscum, peregrinantur, rusticantur. There is an exordium ( 14a), then a narratio ( 4b7) outlining Archias career and the process by which he became a Roman citizen. Cicero und das rmische Brgerrecht: die Verteidigung des Dichters The comparison with Ennius at last brings Cicero to answer the objection that Archias writes in Greek ( 23). 3.15.6), and we have from Plutarch the attractive story of how Pompey and Cicero invited themselves round to Lucullus house for dinner, and how he tricked them into thinking that he dined on the most lavish scale even when eating alone (Luc. In Defense of the Poet Archias Marcus Tullius Cicero Context Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus Lucius Licinius Lucullus Cicero Terms Magnus - Pompey Theophanes the Mitylenaean - Pompey's Poet Sulla - Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix (82-79 BC) by Cesare Maccari Archias Gratius 62 B.C. After providing the jury with the legal foundations of Archiass citizenship, he proceeds to argue that even if reasonable doubt were to surround Archiass claim to be a Roman citizen, he should nevertheless be considered worthy of inclusion in the citizen body as a result of the contribution his poetry has made to the Republic. So let the name of poet, gentlemen, which no barbarian race has ever treated with disrespect, be a sacred name among you, the most enlightened of men. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Lucullus, indeed, and Drusus and Octavius, and Cato and the whole house of Hortensii, since he held them bound by close social ties, he was treated by them with the highest of honors; for not only did everyone cultivate his friendship who devoted to hear and to take in anything they did, but even those who only pretended.", It is . This, then, is the attitude with which Cicero, himself derided as awee Greek (Graeculus) by his detractors (Dio 46.18.1; cf. Cicero's defense of Archias follows a two-pronged argument. In Pro Archia, then, we are not spectators of one of the great oratorical clashes which signalled the imminent fall of the Republic; instead, the case is a more small-scale affair, involving a defendant who was, by himself of no political or social importance whatsoever. 1.25; Quint. Aulus Licinius Archias, (born c. 120 bc, Antioch, Syria [now Antakya, Turkey]), ancient Greek poet who came to Rome, where he was charged in 62 bc with having illegally assumed the rights of a Roman citizen. as for the part of my speech which was out of keeping with the Forum and the tradition of the courtswhen I discussed my clients talents and literary studies in generalI hope that this has been received in good part by you, gentlemen, as I know it has been by the man who is presiding over this court. He reinforces that proposition through the alliteration of Mars, manubiae, and the Muses: the language demonstrates the idea. Archias wrote poems of the general's military exploits, and in 93 BC, Lucullus helped him gain citizenship of the municipium of Heraclea. Archias was acquitted, as he surely deserved to be: of Ciceros clients, Archias is one of those of whom we can say with most certainty that he was innocent of the crime with which he was charged.15 We hear of him again in 61, presumably still living in Rome, and contemplating writing a poem for the Metelli (Att. It was no doubt publicly performed at Lucullus triumph in 63.11. Cicero cannot conceal or explain away Archias occupation, and so he has no choice but to make a virtue of it. Gotoff, H. C. Ciceros Elegant Style: An Analysis of the Pro Archia, Urbana, Illinois (1979). This would be an ideal moment to demonstrate (and to explain) the artistry of Ciceros language. But while the Roman people are honoured, Lucullus too is given a full share of the glory ( 21): Nostra semper feretur et praedicabitur L. Lucullo dimicante, cum interfectis ducibus depressa hostium classis est, incredibilis apud Tenedum pugna illa navalis, nostra sunt tropaea, nostra monumenta, nostri triumphi. Archias wrote poems of the general's military exploits, and in 93 BC, Lucullus helped him gain citizenship of the municipium of Heraclea. Quint. Rome should therefore be grateful that Archias already belongs to her (the argument concludes in the same way as the argument from Homer at 19). In this part he turns his attention specifically to poetry and to Archias, and argues that both are useful to society. Cicero claims that this covered the warin its entirety (Mithridaticum vero bellum totum ab hoc expressum est, 21), but in view of the great hostility which had arisen between Lucullus and Pompey this must be an exaggeration: the poem was a commission from the Luculli (Att. 1.19.6, 1.20.3; cf. It was in Rome where Archias became a mentor and teacher of Cicero in his early education in rhetoric. Plut. Especially relevant are Narducci, E. Cicerone e leloquenza romana, Rome and Bari (1997), and Dugan, J. In one sentence Cicero mentions ten consuls, the entire political establishment of the previous generation: this is name-dropping on the grandest scale imaginable. He is however certain the judges have received it gladly: quae a foro aliena iudicialique consuetudine et de hominis ingenio et communiter de ipsius studio locutus sum, ea, iudices, a vobis spero esse in bonam partem accepta, ab eo, qui iudicium exercet, certo scio. (Cic. It was here that he earned a living as a poet and gained the patronage of the Roman general and politician L. Lucullus. A brief discussion of content would also be useful at this crucial moment in the speech. W. M. Porter divides it into three parts, 1216 covering the benefits afforded by the study of poetry, 1719 covering the intrinsic virtues of poets, and 2030 covering the relationship of the poet and his poetry to the state. Such language does not occur often in Ciceros speeches, at least after the earlier ones:27 as we have already observed, the style of this speech is pitched at a higher level than normal. [3] Due to political unrest, Archias, while yet a mere youth, left Antioch and travelled around the major cities of Asia Minor, Greece, and Italy, in each of . Theophanes is, nevertheless, a good example for Cicero to cite, not only because he was a Greek who was given the citizenship, but because he was given it by Pompey. If Archias had not already possessed Roman citizenship, Cicero says, he could easily have obtained it as a favour from some general such as Sulla, or from his friend Metellus Pius ( 2526a). Your email address will not be published. But the study of literature sharpens youth and delights old age; it enhances prosperity and provides a refuge and comfort in adversity; it gives enjoyment at home without being a hindrance in the wider world; at night, and when travelling, and on country visits, it is an unfailing companion. The Biden . Such silences are thoughtful exclusions rather than negligent omissions and should be considered among the editions cardinal virtues. this page.
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