idot pavement marking details
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Addis. 01 The use of retroreflective or internally illuminated raised pavement markers for supplementing longitudinal line markings should comply with the following: 02 Raised pavement markers should not supplement right-hand edge lines unless an engineering study or engineering judgment indicates the benefits of enhanced delineation of a curve or other location would outweigh possible impacts on bicycles using the shoulder, and the spacing of raised pavement markers on the right-hand edge is close enough to avoid misinterpretation as a broken line during wet night conditions. Option: Support: The majority of the changes are in Section 3A.03. Non-retroreflective raised pavement markers should not be used alone, without supplemental retroreflective or internally illuminated markers, as a substitute for other types of pavement markings. Figure 3B-19 Examples of Crosswalk Markings. If a Special Letting is held, the most recent update prior to the Special Letting should be used. Standard: Can IDOT provide copies of any Preliminary Environmental Site Assessments (PESA) or Preliminary Site Investigations (PSI) as it applies to regulated substance special provision to this item-contract. 02 Except for dotted edge line extensions (see Section 3B.08), edge line markings shall not be continued through intersections or major driveways. Section 11-307 of the "Uniform Vehicle Code (UVC)" contains further information regarding required road user behavior in no-passing zones. Standard: The use of retroreflective or internally illuminated raised pavement markers for supplementing longitudinal line markings should comply with the following: Raised pavement markers should not supplement right-hand edge lines unless an engineering study or engineering judgment indicates the benefits of enhanced delineation of a curve or other location would outweigh possible impacts on bicycles using the shoulder, and the spacing of raised pavement markers on the right-hand edge is close enough to avoid misinterpretation as a broken line during wet night conditions. 04 Examples of channelizing line applications are shown in Figures 3B-8, 3B-9, and 3B-10, and in Drawing C of Figure 3B-15. Speed reduction markings should not be greater than 12 inches in width, and should not extend more than 18 inches into the lane. Figure 3B-4 Method of Locating and Determining the Limits of No-Passing Zones at Curves. 28 A two-way left-turn lane-use arrow pavement marking, with opposing arrows spaced as shown in Figure 3B-7, should be used at or just downstream from the beginning of a two-way left-turn lane. Standard: The following manuals, guides, specifications, and forms are provided to help you do business with IDOT. 18 Section 8B.28 contains information regarding the use of stop lines and yield lines at grade crossings. 03 Retroreflective or internally illuminated raised pavement markers may be used in the roadway immediately adjacent to curbed approach ends of raised medians and curbs of islands, or on top of such curbs (see Section 3B.23). If a pavement marking word message consists of more than one line of information, it should read in the direction of travel. When supplementing longitudinal line extension markings through at-grade intersections, one raised pavement marker for each short line segment should be used. On three-lane roadways where the direction of travel in the center lane transitions from one direction to the other, a no-passing buffer zone shall be provided in the center lane as shown in. Support: If used, stop and yield lines should be placed a minimum of 4 feet in advance of the nearest crosswalk line at controlled intersections, except for yield lines at roundabouts as provided for in, Stop lines at midblock signalized locations should be placed at least 40 feet in advance of the nearest signal indication (see, If yield or stop lines are used at a crosswalk that crosses an uncontrolled multi-lane approach, the yield lines or stop lines should be placed 20 to 50 feet in advance of the nearest crosswalk line, and parking should be prohibited in the area between the yield or stop line and the crosswalk (see, If yield (stop) lines are used at a crosswalk that crosses an uncontrolled multi-lane approach, Yield Here To (Stop Here For) Pedestrians (R1-5 series) signs (see. Methods for Maintaining Pavement Marking Retroreflectivity, FHWA-SA-22-028 Guidance: 12 For entrance ramps with a tapered acceleration lane, a normal width dotted white line extension may be installed from the downstream end of the channelizing line adjacent to the through lane to the downstream end of the acceleration taper, as shown in Drawings B and C of Figure 3B-9. J}* H /99RUr! 12 For additional emphasis, retroreflective raised pavement markers may be spaced closer than described in Sections 3B.12 through 3B.14, as determined by engineering judgment or engineering study. Guidance: 01 Retroreflective or internally illuminated raised pavement markers may be used as positioning guides with longitudinal line markings without necessarily conveying information to the road user about passing or lane-use restrictions. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. 27 Where the median width allows the left-turn lanes to be separated from the through lanes to give drivers on opposing approaches a less obstructed view of opposing through traffic, white pavement markings may be used to form channelizing islands as shown in Figure 2B-17. Official websites use .govA .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Highway Standards show the details of various construction items and are used in conjunction with the Standard Specifications. The applicable Standards are referenced on the cover sheet of the plans. 01 Chevron and diagonal crosshatch markings may be used to discourage travel on certain paved areas, such as shoulders, gore areas, flush median areas between solid double yellow center line markings or between white channelizing lines approaching obstructions in the roadway (see Section 3B.10 and Figure 3B-15), between solid double yellow center line markings forming flush medians or channelized travel paths at intersections (see Figures 3B-2 and 3B-5), buffer spaces between preferential lanes and general-purpose lanes (see Figures 3D-2 and 3D-4), and at grade crossings (see Part 8). When used in turn lanes, at least two arrows should be used, one at or near the upstream end of the full-width turn lane and one an appropriate distance upstream from the stop line or intersection (see Drawing A of Figure 3B-11). Standard: Company Name. 06 If a continuous flush median island formed by pavement markings separating travel in opposite directions is used, two sets of solid double yellow lines shall be used to form the island as shown in Figures 3B-2 and 3B-5. 11 For entrance ramps with a parallel acceleration lane, a normal width dotted white line extension may be installed from the downstream end of the dotted white lane line to the downstream end of the acceleration taper, as shown in Drawing A of Figure 3B-9. Figure 3B-9 Examples of Dotted Line and Channelizing Line Applications for Entrance Ramp Markings. 37 The wrong-way arrow markings shown in Drawing D in Figure 3B-24 may be placed near the downstream terminus of a ramp as shown in Figures 2B-18 and 2B-19, or at other locations where lane-use arrows are not appropriate, to indicate the correct direction of traffic flow and to discourage drivers from traveling in the wrong direction. 04 Pavement marking letters, numerals, symbols, and arrows shall be installed in accordance with the design details in the Pavement Markings chapter of the "Standard Highway Signs and Markings" book (see Section 1A.11). Support: 15 On the approach to a multi-lane exit ramp having an optional exit lane that also carries through traffic, lane line markings should be used as illustrated in Drawing B of Figure 3B-10. 04 Dotted edge line extensions may be placed through intersections or major driveways. The UVC can be obtained from the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Laws and Ordinances at the address shown on Page i. Option: Standard: If used, speed reduction markings should supplement the appropriate warning signs and other traffic control devices and should not substitute for these devices. areas, aggregate shoulders, temporary pavement marking, recessed reflective pavement marking, and other items to complete the project. Option: Option: 22 Where lane changes might cause conflicts, a wide or normal solid white lane line may extend upstream from an intersection. The bidirectional marker is capable of displaying the applicable color for each direction of travel. These details will be updated on a continuous basis. 25 Where through lanes approaching an intersection become mandatory turn lanes, lane-use arrow markings (see Figure 3B-24) shall be used and shall be accompanied by standard signs. Option: Placement of thermoplastic, epoxy, and polyurea pavement markings shall only be performed by contractors approved by IDOT's Engineer of Operations. IDOT maintains a list of contractors who are currently approved to perform this work.. If used, the pattern of the raised pavement markers should simulate the pattern of the markings for which they substitute. Guidance: When used, lane line pavement markings delineating the separation of traffic lanes that have the same direction of travel shall be white. Examples of approach markings for obstructions in the roadway are shown in, If traffic is required to pass only to the right of the obstruction, the markings shall consist of a two-direction no-passing zone marking at least twice the length of the diagonal portion as determined by the appropriate taper formula (see Drawing A of, If traffic is required to pass only to the right of the obstruction, yellow diagonal crosshatch markings (see, If traffic can pass either to the right or left of the obstruction, the markings shall consist of two channelizing lines diverging from the lane line, one to each side of the obstruction. If you have any questions or comments about the manual please email: DOT.BLRDOTMANUAL@Illinois.gov, The Illinois Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (IMUTCD) consists of the National Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (NMUTCD) issued by the Federal Highway Administration as amended by the Illinois Supplement to the MUTCD. 02 The side of a raised pavement marker that is visible to traffic proceeding in the wrong direction may be red (see Section 3A.05). 35 Lane-reduction arrow markings may be used in long acceleration lanes based on engineering judgment. Rural arterials with a traveled way of 20 feet or more in width and an ADT of 6,000 vehicles per day or greater. 620.2 Pavement and Curb Markings (MUTCD Chapter 3B) 16 Lane drop markings used in advance of lane drops at intersections should begin a distance in advance of the intersection that is determined by engineering judgment as suitable to enable drivers who do not desire to make the mandatory turn to move out of the lane being dropped prior to reaching the queue of vehicles that are waiting to make the turn. Please access the federal MUTCD at the FHWA website for more information., Current Issue: Illinois Supplement to the National Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Summary of Changes: Illinois Supplement to the National MUTCD Summary of Changes, In the interest of statewide uniformity, forward requests for interpretations, experimentation, and changes to the MUTCD or IL Supplement to dot.ilmutcd@illinois.gov.
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