girl scout get moving journey take action project ideas
For If you dont have an orchard in your area, take your troop to your favorite grove to sketch and label the parts of a tree, showing layers and levels, from top leaves to bottom roots. WebWhether its planting a garden, painting a mural, or launching a letter-writing campaign, Girl Scouts of all ages experience unique advocacy challenges, complete Take Action projects, and discover what it means to be a leader who makes a difference in the world. WebThis guide includes many, but not all of the badge and award options for Girl Scout Seniors as well as downloadable activity plans. 131 0 obj Journeys consist of two or three activity plans, and activities for Senior badges can be found in the Senior Girls Guide to Scouting or Journey badge activity sets. Take a Bug Hike by either visiting a farm, zoo, or botanical garden that has a bug collection to observe insects in their native environments. Once dry, they attach a small balloon to the necks of their bottles. %%EOF Your email address will not be published. Educate and inspire others to be part of the change. $.' Shorter pipes produce higher frequency sound waves and a higher pitch. Bring your Girl Scouts outside on a starry night to identify constellations and other noticeable stars, like the North Star or the Big Dipper. Learn about the outdoors and explore all the wonders nature has to offer. Sustainability simply Kids Discover Energy iPad app for the Get Moving journey. 3. I really like the list of activities and times to see what the girls can do beside the troop meetings which we missed a lot due to busy schedule. So what are you waiting for? The girls did various activities to earn the steps of the journey award. The girls will begin to connect power, leadership and teamwork to the traits of the Girl Scout Law. Activity Plan 1; Get Removing! There are plenty of geocache trails in urban and suburban neighborhoods! endstream 2. The Water badge is a great way to explore water issues, find out about solutions to our water woes, and inspire others on effective ways to protect this precious resource. The shortest straw must be exactly half the length of the longest straw. Marlene was a Girl Scout herself whose greatest claim to fame was earning her My Camera badge. Awesome info Marlene!!! Great way to show the kids wind instruments, sound waves, and pitch changes. Schedule for your Girl Scout Year, Silver Award Spotlight: Bridging the Civics Gap with Civics Pro, Celebrating Juneteenth and the African Diaspora with Girl Scouts. Jump rope from plastic bags, Working Windmill: Engineering Challenge Project ~ Great STEM Activity! Can you say craft room! Start exploring badges and awardsand a world of possibility. WebCookie boxes Scissors Pink paper Crop a dile (both hand and lever action) Yarn Paper trimmer (optional) Tape (for ends of yarn to thread through) 30 min. Whether your girls choose rock climbing, canoeing, biking, or rafting, the goal is to G.I.R.L. Take your Daisies to your local Farmers Market and ask them to interview the merchants to find out what they do if they have too many vegetables to sell. Appreciated. Use repeat-after-me or say it as a group if girls know it by heart. WebOutdoor Journey Earn the new Outdoor Journey for Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, Cadette, Seniors and Ambassadors by implementing these outdoor badges in order with the final step being a TAKE ACTION Project. Your email address will not be published. | 25 Clever Ways To Harness The Power Of TheSun, Get Moving Junior Journey. Activity Plan 2; Get Touching! WebGirl Scout Leader Girl Scout Crafts Brownie Girl Scouts Energy Saving Tips Homestead Survival Camping Survival Survival Prepping Survival Skills Preparedness Urban Survival Great for your energy unit! gsbadgerland:forms_documents/Troop_resources. WebGet Moving Journey in a Day for Juniors During this Journey in a Day program for Juniors you will explore what energy is, the importance of being energy efficient, and program. Explore nature and learn how to keep the Earth healthyvisit a park or farm, talk to a scientist, or make origami butterflies to celebrate nature. Choose your level below to see whats in store for you right now and let the fun begin. , Creating a Fun (and Realistic!) endobj Choose your adventure with activities and locations that will allow for a two-night trip. Activities might include telling campfire stories, gazing at the stars, or singing your favorite Girl Scout songs. Learn more about how to earn your Take Action Award and help your community with theGirl Scout Take Action Guide. If you're a Girl Scout volunteer, go to Volunteer Toolkit for complete meeting plans and activity instructions. <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<6771C9D1351CF54A9679CFD8A3D4C843><5ECC9BDDADB0B2110A00701A94BCFF7F>]/Index[90 42]/Info 89 0 R/Length 103/Prev 147241/Root 91 0 R/Size 132/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Badges are shorter learning experiences, focused on introducing girls to new interests and activities and developing specific skills. Most importantly, Marlenes favorite Girl Scout Cookie flavor is Thin Mint. Did you know? Then, make a tree map with each kind of tree found and where its located. Take Action project ideas for the Engineering: Think Like an Engineer Journey. Marlene SmithMarlene is the troop leader with Girl Scout Troop 30760 in Walnut Creek and has been a Girl Scout Volunteer for ten years. Having trouble figuring out possible Take-Action projects? 91 0 obj Similarly, do a trial with the fan on low and then another with the fan on high what difference does it make? Required fields are marked *. Explore the power of the suns heat by blowing up a balloon on a bottle! Great article, Marlene! Time Allotment: 25 minutes Materials Needed: Magazines, old calendars, Plant trees near buildings that will shade and cut down on electric costs in the future. For this project, I wanted to educate people on ocean pollution and the dangers it poses to both marine life and humans. To help complete this badge, take a quick alphabet hike. Keep it girl-led by allowing your troop to plan where to go, what supplies to bring, what meals to eat, and what activities to do at the campsite. :). This is my Take Action project for the Girl Scout Girltopia journey. From your local store, youll want to pick up a copy of the Junior GET MOVING! Thank you for you expertise and your service to girls. WebTake Action encourages girls to develop a project that is sustainable. Calling all avid adventurers: grab your Senior troop members and plan an epic high adventure experience. Great discoveries. Girls want investigate and innovate as they explore their own energy, the energy are places and spaces, or the energized of getting from go to there. For more information about planning an outdoor excursion, visit GSNorCals online Volunteer Essentials. WebPlan a Take Action project, such as planting a tree, creating a garden for a children's hospital, or putting on a play about protecting the Earth. With the first day of spring fast approaching, your mind may be filled with thoughts of blue skies or budding blooms. Thats what Ive got so far. Here are 20 tips to help reduce your electric bill! Relentlessly Fun, Deceptively Educational: How to Make a Waterwheel. On my honor, I will try: To serve God and my country, To help people at all times, Choose your adventure with activities and locations that Hi Chrissy: Thank you so much for reading the Trailhead!! Great project to make for our Get Moving Journey service project. Tell one another about your feelings and the feelings of those around you, Do role-playing activities to resolve conflicts, negotiate, and be considerate to others, Think about and talk about their own skills and those of their sister Daisies, Choose a skill that they can teach others, either at home or in their community, Learn about and commit to protecting a natural treasure in their region, Educate and inspire others in their community to join with them to protect the local treasure, too. How these pages work: On the top of the page, write the girls names vertically (next to the Badge Tracker Pedal Power! Girl Scouts of the USA suggests three ways to make a project sustainable: Make your solution permanent. The 2017Girls Choice Brownie Outdoor Adventurer badge encourages girls to explore nature, play outdoors in a new way, and teaches families how to get active outdoors together! Create a ropes course at camp. Girl Scout Activity Zone activities have been adapted from existing Girl Scout programming. Adapted from Girl Scouts of Western Ohios Fast Fundamentals of Community Service vs. Take Action, the Guide to Going Gold, and Girl Scout Take Action Guide for the Think Like a Programmer Journey. Explore more activities. 90 0 obj <>stream Thanks for the sweet comment. Ask the girls, What is energy? Let the girls guess Answer Energy is defined as the ability to do work. Thanks for writing this super post. JFIF C startxref Observe and discuss all fountains, run-offs, or storm drains that you find. up and put your outdoor skills to the test. I agree! Take a simple water tour of your hometown, noting where water splashes or spouts. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. To earn, complete the three our plans: Get Moving! Have you been wondering lately where these high costs are coming from when you look at your electric bill? Kids learn, more water, more power. I dont seen this from our troop. hb```f``jg`a`wab@ !+s|hxp$8i$aH CO I also wanted to bring micro-plastics, something that isn't very well known, to light. Juniors might also want to play a game of flashlight tag or go on a night hike. 165 0 obj Batteries from Everyday Things Cool project from MAKE magazine for Juniors doing the Get Moving! WebGet Moving! Choosing a Take Action Project for the Junior Outdoor Journey can be fairly simple and WebSession 1: Career Interest Collages Objective: Encourage girls to identify their career interests. There are lots of ways to change up and re-energize your troop meetings with activities that girls can do outside because, hey, nobody said that every meeting has to involve an indoor table and chairs! Journey Take Action Projects - Poolesville Area Girl Scouts Its Your PlanetLove It! If you're a Girl Scout volunteer, go to Volunteer Toolkit for complete meeting plans and activity instructions. The girls have to find a community need and create a way to solve the need on a consistent basis. What great ideas for those who dont have access to nature. Find additional information on geocache trails in your area and start your troops next treasure hunt! Alternative Energy DIY, from cardboard wind turbines to portable solar chargers made with altoid tins. Girls on the Run - Banana Energy Award.mp4 This is my team's favorite energy award! And badges, Journeys, and awards show the world your accomplishments. GIRL. WebSummer is the perfect time to celebrate our love of the great outdoors. These kinetic cars are so fantastic: you build a vehicle you can race, all while teaching your kids about potential and kinetic energy. Outdoor Take Action Project Ideas for Junior Girl Scouts. Girls explore the science of trees, the connection between people and the towering giants, and make creative art projects with fallen branches, leaves, and bark pieces. 110 0 obj When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. f;|dpSi3nG'(O 3gBKSO_hN}/.) %PDF-1.5 % WebGirl Scouts of Western Washington Highest Awards and Take Action Updated November 2019 2 Community service and Take Action projects are both important in Girl Scouts and both make valuable contributions to the community. Explore the connection between people and flight and discuss what your girls can do to help clear sky pollution! Caches are hidden on hikes throughout forests and outdoor recreational reserves. <> WebThe Juniors plan and carry out their Innovate project, taking action to create changes in energy use on Earth and educating and inspiring others along the way. Springtime is a great time for Brownies to explore insects and bugs as they learn first-hand about their habitats, food sources, and predators. 191 views, 6 likes, 4 loves, 11 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Memorial Presbyterian Church: April 23, 2023 | 10:45 a.m. (If you have more than 13, just print more sheets.) To earn this award, the scouts learn about finding take action Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. I love the way you help us see opportunities to explore the water badge from a fountain to a storm drain! This practice will make them informed hikers on their eventual trail of choice, in a learning environment that is familiar to them. Encourage the girls to plan and host a stargazing party for their younger Girl Scout friends or family where theyll show their guest a star chart and share Greek mythology or Native American stories that go with each constellation. Who says you have to keep your outdoor event restricted to day time hours? 0 Brownie Bugs Badge. I could see it working at a summer camp or something similar! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Acorn might be your first find for the letter A. A bird might be the perfect fit for letter B, and so on. &"|~:J0')ez I LN RLbaF} M\ And if youre anything like me, youre extra excited because the arrival of Spring means its time to shake off those winter doldrums and indulge in some outdoor activities with our Girl Scouts! Explain to the girls that part of being energy-efficient is to use what you have on WebGirl Scouts is on it, with tons of activities for girls just like you. Give the girls an example The 2017Girls Choice Senior Paddling badge encourages girls to explore boat paddling sports, learn paddling safety and techniques and go on short paddling adventures. Inflate your tires campaign- properly inflated tires use less gas. Hanging out with Girl Scouts is one of my favorite things to do. You can also do it with a Styrofoam sandwich box. endstream To learn more, join, volunteer, reconnect, or donate, visit, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). Journey Energize Step 1 1. Use your imagination and you can find plenty of ways to accomplish these badge activities in an urban or suburban setting. Award Winning Energy Saving home plan! Think Like an Engineer Take Action Ideas Generator GIRL. Earn 3 leadership awards: Blue Bucket Award, Firefly Award, and Clover Award. Welcome everyone to the meeting. Take Action Projects: Social Distancing Style. endobj One of the coolest things about Take Action projects is their flexibility and versatility. Teach your troop how to follow trail signs by setting up a mini trail in your backyard, park, or school playground, complete with homemade signs. Scouts Honor Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. $, How to build a Stick Bomb - Tutorial - YouTube. WebHere is a Girl Scout Junior Badge Tracker, designed for ease of use and "quick-at-a-glance" organization for the entire troop. To help earn this petal, take your Daisy troop to visit a local garden, orchard, or farm and ask farmers about how they use resources wisely to grow their crops. Now, can we earn the patch individually and/or only with another girl from different troop? School waste reduction program. So plan a hike, watch some bugs or paddle a boat; whatever you decide, the great outdoors is waiting for you! Your Girl Scout can dive As a bonus to the health benefits of spending time outside, there are tons of Girl Scout badges that can be completed outdoorseven if you live in a more urban or suburban area. WebAs a Girl Scout, you use both service and action to live out the Girl Scout Law and make the world a better place! It is possible to take activities that are more one-time You have so many options for how to explorefrom your window, a campsite, the sidewalk, or an open trail. Invite your Cadettes to tour their neighborhoods at night (with parent and troop leader participation, of course) to use all five senses and notice whats different after dark. Downloads Try to meet people affected by your issue and people who are trying to solve it. I cant wait for more articles from you!!! The girls were able to keep, share, or hide the completed rocks. <>stream The Trailhead is managed by Girl Scouts of Northern California. Journeys and Take Action projects are created specifically for leadership development because they challenge Girl Scouts to think critically, work collaboratively, and act intentionally. Girl Scouts has a variety of Journeys for any interest. Classic Journeys explore topics like environmental justice or relationships with friends and society. This has the current badges as of 2018! How to Build a Bicycle-Powered Generator, , who sells DIY solar car kits. series. A Take Action project is different than a community service project, because Take Action projects address the root cause of an issue and provide a sustainable solution. Journeys are created specifically for 2. The suggestions for those of us who dont have immediate access to nature are great! WebA Girl Scout Journey is an extended learning experience with a topic that culminates in a Take Action project to make the world a better place. WebHere are three ways girls can create a sustainable project: Make the solution permanent. The Night Owl badge encourages Cadettes to take a field trip to explore nature at night and tour their world after dark. Then, they put the bottles out in the sun for a solar reaction! There is room for 13 girls on one page. Earn 3 leadership awards: Blue Bucket Award, Firefly Award, and Clover Award. The difference is that community service projects address an immediate need and are done for a community. Did you know? JOURNEY* book and Meet energizing people and "get moving" to acquire others poignant, too! endobj She is proud to say that Troop 30760 boasts many Journey awards and some girl members who have been with the troop for 10 years (yahoo!). That means that the problem continues to be addressed, even after the project is over. Buy a swing for kids with disabilities and put it in the local park. Turn your troop into a bunch of happy campers and have them plan their own overnight camping adventure at a campsite or cabin. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader) to change the world. Kids paint one soda bottle white and the other black. Calling all avid adventurers: grab your Senior troop members and plan an epic high adventure experience.
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