ggf program by federal government
Fee was transferred through money agent to bank name Dan Look account, Routing No, swift code etc. Only the federal government. Housing as government programs for seniors 4.1.1 HUD Public housing program 4.1.2 Housing choice voucher 4.1.3 USDA Housing Repair Program Just be careful and be observant for sings that its not really your friend! In addition, GGF relied on advice and guidance from the GGF steering committee, composed of senior policymakers and academics. got one few days ago from a FB friend and said to get ahold of a Sylvia Perez on FB she is allegedly in SAC and her FB page says FEDERAL GOVT GRANTS DEPT. Here is, Artificial intelligence (AI) is already used for scamming unsuspected victims - impersonating voices and writing. Well I got an email from Thomas Mark claiming to say I have a grant for $49,000.00 for me to pay my bills, take care of my only sonand the household. No government agency will ever contact you to demand that you pay to get a grant. These accounts are NOT in any way affiliated with Global Greengrants Fund, and they should be ignored and reported. The GGF fellows formed three working groups, each one focusing on one of three key global issues. Ive lost money I just want it back is that possible. I guarantee you approved a second request from your friend and when you look closer into the profile can determine it is a bogus second account using your friends picture. As a reminder, we are an . While many people report being targeted through social media, thats not the only way scammers are reaching potential victims. She told me she saw my name in the winning list so she ask me to contact Mr. Nash Randolph through facebook ASAP. Just received this text msg from (supposedly) a friend that I have very little contact with telling me about the free money he got. I still have our complete dialog saved on my phone. Luckily we literally just got back from Kroger after stopping a western Union money transfer. They say I have been awarded a government. As I am in business out of my own home, I regularly give my address and phone number. I reported one of thise scammmers and got them removed after they sent me their "friends" profil page wich i reported after thwy blocked me. SIPPRA - Pay for Results. 3 Ways To Find Government Programs For Seniors 3.1 1. They are using it on facebook. ag david muller is at it again . I am in conversation with Susan Clair Smith on Messenger about a Grant available from the JPB Foundation. I came very close to being scammed. I did get curious. Finally, since this is a program by the USDA, it is only available to seniors who live in rural areas. Free things are always welcome, but are they worth, Online dating scams are incredibly lucrative, leading to severe financial effects on victims. I got hold of him in Facebook Chat and he took down some of my personal info and delivery info, but not credit card info at that point(Thank God!) That is a legit business and we interacted several times as I reviewed the information and was trying to decide whether or not to take the plunge. I just thought I would dbl check , already knowing that this had to be a scam. To send a message to fbgrantsagent@gmail.com. About SBA. He wasnt in a rush to get money though he asked for $650 and that i would receive $70,000 within 8 hours. I shouldve known it was fishy because i did not get a verification prompt from facebook, but i was still told i was a winner. Either way, these con artists are banking that you will trust a message that appears to come from someone you know. }); Are you just about to make a purchase online? Well, any way I immediately changed my password on Facebook and my relatives deleted their accounts. Hilarious. It sounds like the previous comments left on here. I said I wanted a check. Same happed to me today.I picked up the phone and called the person he was supposed be asked her and she said no,I called the scammer out and told him I had just called her and you are fake leave me alone or you will be reported! hunt down this dumb motherfucker!!! He then needed to know my zip which I gave and the wanted my address but I just hung up. She told me to visit a FB site and ask if my name was still on the list. In 1972 President Nixon sought to decentralize the administration of fiscal sources and grants. The program consortium was comprised of academic institutions, foundations and think tanks from across the nine participating countries. Ever. Each round of the GGF program brought together 27 individuals from Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Africa, and the United States (three fellows from each country). You can register for free HERE. This is a deal breaker. They gave me a grant ID to accept a $9000 Grant from the government. Report Fraud Waste and Abuse. Agency: Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics-Law Enforcement Category: Law, Justice and Legal Services Funding Amount: $400,000 Public Wireless Supply Chain Innovation Fund Grant Program - Expanding Testing and Evaluation Funding Number: NTIA PWSCIF 2023 some broken language,, Just had so much SCAM written all over it.. This program is promoted and sponsored by a conglomerate of some multinational companies and the Government as part of their social responsibilities to the citizens in the aspects that impact peoples lifestyle worldwide. etc. On. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The Government Grant Scam has two variations: one coming from people you know, one from people that randomly contact you on Facebook. Well, I fell for it not knowing she was part of the scam. I never went through with anything but I warn you to be careful. Here is some of the communications my FB friends are being sent from someone claiming to be me. (again??? The worlds largest free online rewards program isSwagbucks, where you get paid by doing things online which you might do anyway, such as searching the web, discover products, or take surveys. I was contacted by a friend who told me that she received a Give back money grant of 100,000,00 from the STATE ECONOMICS DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION. In other words, beware of CHAT, because it is compromised. I confirmed it to see what would happen and within minutes I got the "hello" by itself via FB Messenger. Please help, ill love here is the bank card number I 6037997159173674. I asked what time we golf this weekend and never got an answer. For advice on keeping your Facebook account secure, check out this article in Facebooks help Center. All was ok until they ran it and then told me I got the grant but, wanted money for insurance and for delivery fees for the check to send to me. Report Fraud. Eligible individuals may still qualify for unemployment claims as long as they are still unemployed and are within the first 26 weeks of their UI benefits. 2023, International Association of Better Business Bureaus, Inc., separately incorporated Better Business Bureau organizations in the US, Canada and Mexico and BBB Institute for Marketplace Trust, Inc. All rights reserved. i know him personally, but i feel someone else hacked into his Facebook account. 53 17K views 5 years ago Over the course of 2018-2019, during four dialogue sessions in five countries, the 27 GGF fellows will look ahead to the year 2030 and consider the futures of global. I told him sorry I have no money. and then I tricked him into telling that there was also a fee of $500 had to be sent right after sending all private info and then once that was paid 5 hours later the money would be sent. enable_page_level_ads: true
Grant Program; Pearl Berlin Scholarship; Progress Partners; NEWS; EVENTS. It is known that the easiest way criminals catch their victims these days is by promising free money through social media or reward systems. A friend contacted me but, it was not my friend and stupid me sent them my license copy, tele# and address and water and electric bill copy and last 4 digits of SSN#. Said I had to pay fees in order to get grant money. It went from You Pay $1,000 Get $40,000 all they way to You Pay $40,000 Get $1,000,000. That was 4 days ago and she ask me to help. She has Federal police investigation etc. Nixon's New Federalism was advocated in response to fears that the national government had grown too large and intrusive. After all this someone else told me my friends account was been hacked. C/O Global Public Policy Institute Other versions of this scam use phone calls and text messages. USA Grant Applications was designed to give you the help you need to locate and apply for these funds because if you are like most Americans, you just don't know where to start. Powered By Facebook. I became fishy because we are both attending my nieces wedding in a couple of months and I asked: If this is really my friend, when is the wedding we are going to? After you are assured that you completed everything properly and your chances to get the grant are high, you submit the application form, along with a $199 fee. The scammer will claim the money pays for delivery or processing. The scammer will take the money, and your grant will never materialize. The working process drew on the GGF method and brought together the unique strengths, experiences and perspectives of each fellow as they worked toward a common goal. Scam attempt. You have already been approved.". So I texted friend who said it was not them. I just got a random "hello" thru fb from someone Ive known a long time, but never see and havent talked to in years. doesnt Messenger me. When I refriended her it connected to this fake page. Anyway, she seemed legit too and she has communicated consistently on the biz opp. I mean the friend and this grant group were both sending lots of msgs about the same thing and how urgent the whole thing was. The scammer said he just got a $400,00 grant.. My relative told me they were getting calls from other people saying they sent "friend request." I am embarrassed by what I did but I have to tell my story. Is the Navy's recent 'Great Green Fleet' initiative a sound and cost-effective action towards . Our fellows safely challenged one another's ideas, reflected on their own assumptions and learned about the options and opportunities for policymaking in the face of uncertain futures. Reported it to facebook. Every response was off target and the quality of written English deteriorated more and more with every response. Learning Platform. I had done that with email once before, so I could understand. New FB scam for sending grant money to people. My facebook experience is similar to some listed here. My mother and I both got scammed out of money, by a person claiming to be named as Tonia Mares. To get the grant, you need to pay upfront first. she had hacked into my mothers aunts friend account and told my mom she had won 700,000 and a new truck and that they would deliver it to her house, after she paid 5000 for fees so it would be tax free. He then mentioned that there was a clearance fee to process the grant application. I have just received a friends request from someone I know but new to friends on facebook. It is an out right scam. Check for look-alikes.. I was told I can get free government grant money but have to pay slot of money for delivery and shipping. This Richard Wilson claims to be a grant person from Washington DC and will give you huge amounts of grant money that does not have to be paid back. He was trying to help seniors, disabled people to get this money. i got 100,000$ delivered to me after 24 hours you can apply too Update your software that should actually open geoid grid files. Its hard to understand what their saying most of the time. Dont fall for this!! So I asked him if he will meet me a the Police Station and the Sargent will be there too. It started when I accepted a friends request on Facebook from Jessica Roberts. Just had a guy contact me through one of my friends Facebook Messenger. Started getting suspicious when friend started telling me about a grant .. My friend would not go into something like that and my friend always texts me . well my name is l m Howard and I thank instead of all this other scamming and stuff like that you need to set aside a person just to be asking people real people who want to know where they Grant went to they name and where is that now instead of just doing all this what you just said just try to help them quicker if they did do a scam by doing all of that you let them get away quicker father television asked me my name and everything now Ive got that money I got to do Im not a robot thank you. Played along and made silly claims and comments of my own to lead the person on and to see how he/she would respond. My mom was contacted by one of these scammers. First reaction was scam but played along to see. They use Kimberly fb page to send me a number 555-666-6374, and have been texting me and calling me to send money. Of course, I said yes and asked if they were re-loading their Facebook page. I follow her instructions to message the page and pretty soon Im communicating with someone who has English as their second language. I received a message from a lady named Holly Susanne Swanson on Facebook that I was on a short list and I could get a 49,000 dollar grant. in Streamwood Illinois, money transfer company no help. GGF 2030 Fellows Helidah 'Didi' Ogude (South Africa) and Cara Stauss (Germany), Global Governance Futures It was supposed to have been delivered today 4/22/2020, although I became very suspicious when he wanted $1,000 more for insurance. Visit online 4 Free Government Programs For Seniors 4.1 1. https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.facebook.com/Help-the-world-517319358644864/&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNEVU5gc__ES8v0emA2A5rOmgc97jw. I am actually on a Debt Management Program and am not allowed credit cards etc. It is meant to promote family health and social well-being by giving access to family-centric services and support. I was suckered into spending over $3000 because I had gotten a grant from Social Security Winnings Grant Association. I got fooled big time I had a friend that told me he saw my name on a ups list he told me he got 50.000 dollars then he gives me a link to a thea London that confirmed I won she asked me to send 500 dollars via western union then after she got mt money she wanted another 1500 for taxes found out later my friends facebook was hacked I learned a very painful lesson it will never happen again. Kindly get back to us for further instructions if you are interested. Finally, I agreed to pursue "my money" so the person sent an odd photo of some old lady with a FB link. William Buchwald Wanted me to do it too. Privacy. The fellows participated in three, sometimes four, dialogue sessions over the course of one year. Then comes the catch, I have to wire $1200 in two payments, to some dude in Texas in order to get my $150K grant. Thought no more about it. Your email address will not be published. I was private messaged from a friend on Facebook. The company has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. Unfortunately they got enough info from me to call me. They. Associate the GGF file extension with the correct application. http://www.facebook.com/joshuajensen99 or federalgovernment991@gmail.com. But I didnt until I was told I did quality in receiving a grant and to send them money so I can get the grant. If you are really looking to make money through social media or reward systems, use only trustworthy platforms that have been certified already. But, I recently had back surgery and have not been getting good sleep for a few weeks. Her message, Its a new empowerment funds program set up by airtech worldwide grant with the help of the world bank and untied nation to help all citizen and Retired Citizens Pay up their Medical bills , Taxes, Bills and use the Rest for other Necessary thing. but then she didnt responde correctly. Because of COVID-19, Im laid off, so I would try it. I took the time to research this type of call and found much information that indicated it was a SCAM. Now were playing along until we can figure out how to stop these people for hope to God For good..extremely adamant on tricking you into thinking you have one day only to guarantee delivery! On top of that, my wife was in a fairly serious car wreck 2 days ago which shook up not only her but myself and my daughter. However, they will never come. She told me to contact that person. I changed my facebook password after he asked for access. You have to apply for a federal grant. Williams Olalekan Riggins Sr. I answered the request, then they said hello, how are you then started to go into this gocernment winners scheme, saying they have just received 20000 and when they signed saw my name on the list. BUSTED!!! My name is Agent Kathrine Kopper, from the Federal Government Financial Support Help office of the world Hearing, Senior Citizen, Veterans and Retire Workers. Difficult to hear and understand the caller. Then she had to go shopping. However, it is a Federal Government Empowerment Money Grant Program scam. Feel free to share your experience in the Comments section and expose the names that the scammers use. They are giving a $12,000 federal grant to hard-working individuals who either own a small business or arethinking of opening one. I had also contacted Government grant scams- Just answer online Nick-Fraud/investigations/financial analysis said that the Certificate of approval was false information and known as a Grant Scam. I was cautious, so I asked where her daughter frankie was living now. How To Remove Your Personal Information From The Internet, How To Tell If Someone Is Scamming You Online. He had an American name and profile but an Indian accent. February 24, 2023 - The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of Inspector General (OIG) is alerting the public to a fraud scheme that uses social media and fake websites to steal money from individuals by offering fake HHS grants. The growing number of AnyDesk scams has emerged dramatically over recent years. HA HA! No matter how you hear about a grant, theres a major catch! Let BBB help you resolve problems with a business, Research and report on scams and fraud using BBB Scam Tracker, Learn more about the value of BBB Accreditation. He was telling me to sign up for a free federal grant called "Global Grant Funds" and gave me a phone number of 502-547-4480 but never gave me an "agent" name. Both my friend and this group quit sending me msgs. You get a Facebook Messenger chat or Instagram direct message that looks like it comes from a friend, relative, community member, or other person you trust. They would deliver this money right to my door the following day. Funding Programs. They mentioned that they had a Trogan in their page and wanted to start from scratch. We all must assume that every contact may be a false one. I said hello back how have you been and they said wonderful b/c they had just received $ from a grant and wanted to know if I had heard of it. GGF: Golden Gate Fields (horse racing track; California) GGF: Good Gaming Fun: GGF: Good Gut Feeling: GGF: Ground Gain Forward: GGF: Gilroy Garlic Festival (California) GGF: Global Bulgaria and Romania Growth Fund: GGF: Good Good Friday: GGF: Gift of Givers Foundation: GGF: Go Get Fouled (polite form) GGF: Global Government Futures (program) Lets take a look at both and see how the scam works, how to avoid it, and how you can report it. He said that he saw my name on a winning list with the SEDA (State Economic Development Administration) and gave me this number: 401-379-9950. This is the link I was given. I texted it like i was told to do so. Your Personal Data Has Been Breached. Can someone please do something about it before someone else fall for the same dumb story like my poor friend. Please help now I think it may be identity theft but, I never sent them the money for paypal because I realized it and asked my friend a question she could not answer and found out they must have hacked my Facebook. The name of that person I was to link to is Linda James a government agent. Look for government grants that help businesses do scientific research and development . $200.00 gas fee, $200.00 flat tire fee and $300.00 for OPC repair before the FedEx truck would delivery her money and this had to be in put on Steam Wallet gift cards or Sephora gift cards. if i want grant info for 50,000 I pay 1,000 and can be paid only via paypal, amazon gift card, or bit coin. An acquaintance sent me facebook messenger msgs for the past week or so saying I should look into a federal grant program. Agent Edward Martin. No response. I kept texting this person to keep them busy so that he/she would have less time scamming other people. I blocked them out told my real friend to change her password,changed mine.And turned off my chat messages for awhile! Folks, there is no such as a free lunch. During the GGF 2035, the final round of the program, the fellows focused on the futures of climate-related conflict, media and information, and the politics of inequality. now late in the evening again she contacts me and gives me this link to the person who she said is from Lions International and that I should ask him to apply for my "Winnings" I contacted this person and they said that I was able to apply for $150,000 if I gave them a lot of about 10 points of private info. The program was initiated by the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) along with the Robert Bosch Stiftung. Did I mention there was a processing fee and delivery charge mailed to another state in cash in advance to receive this "grant." "AG David Mueller" who works for the US Goverment as a grant writer. Go to the real FB profile for your friend. My potential loaner was suspicious and preferred not to lend me the cash. It was late at night for me when she told this and I didnt have credit on my phone. Here is, If your personal data has been breached, you are in the right place. This scam has caused me and my family $19,275.00 of financial hardship in scam fees, believing that this Government Grant fund was real and that I would be receiving had been granted $700,000 in money from the Grant as soon as these now false fees are paid.the emails in which I received by the scammer going by the name of Johnson Washington- Works at American Grant Specialists and GRANT Neighbourhood Association on Facebook. Does anyone know if the woman Laura Hinen on Facebook is really a true person of Federal Grants? The advantages of further expanding the RFS2 regulation vs. a smaller-very inefficient GGF program are: 1) proven fairly cost-effective production . And that list is free. The federal govt grant scam has a new face and name. The Family Support Grant (FSG) program offers cash grants to families who have children with certified disabilities. . Would changing your password fix the PayPal acct./or any acct if you think your acct was Scammed?? Not hard to figure out SCAM. I just got one of these too. I just received a call from a grant scammer asking me to call back 315-210-8632 or 917-200-9240. She replied about the one where you have a bit of debt and the grant was supposed to get you back on your feet. Consequently I have contacted the real person to let her n know and also another family member to verify. Thanks for the info this is something I really needed to no. When I got back home I decided to go to my Friends chat message and it had disappeared. I tried every possible way, talk to Chase bank, local police dept. Your friend may claim to have already applied and received thousands of dollars. She never responded. I NEVER in my life thought we would fall victim to this disgusting act..have no idea what were gonna do now. "Agent George" texted me from 401-227-7306 saying that it was his mobile number and that the other was a work number.
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