changing name on utility bills after divorce
If you want to change your name for reasons other than those related to marriage or divorce, the legal name change process usually involves first filing a petition with the court. So if youre the homeowner, all utility bills are usually in your name. Let us set everything up for you and leave you with one less thing to think about when moving house! In either case, you will be required to update your legal name on all of your utilities. If you're a landlord and you're renting to tenants who pay their own utility bill, it's a good idea to check with the utility company to ensure that if your tenant defaults, you'll receive a notification. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. Can I turn off the account my ex is still using? contact the card company and find out what you need to do to block the card or remove your ex-partner from your account. If you moved to a new house or apartment, you shouldnt use the previous owners name on the utility account. You can use these documents to update other government documents (for example, drivers licence). All other applicants can apply by completing an Application for Change of Name (PDF, 2 MB). To have someone removed from your energy account, youll have to contact your provider and let them know you want them removed, which sounds easy enough. However, having your name on the bill can be an advantage, as it can help you build a good credit history. Enjoy! If youre changing the account holder, youll likely want to change all of the details except the address. Necessaries Doctrine. There are many reasons you might want to change the account holder on your tariff, but its not always an easy task! Contact the Energy Provider Reach out to the electric company and request a bill transfer. These companies often allow name modification for valid reasons. I am now residing in my own place so I need a PG&E account for my new residence. Transferring the electric bill to the new account holder on the same day they register can prevent any fees or penalties the electric company may charge you for early termination of the agreement. Proof of divorce - divorce decree Step 2. Sign your name in settling the payment to avoid any problems. Were committed to providing the world with free how-to resources, and even $1 helps us in our mission. PO Box 9657 Stn Prov Govt To put a utility bill in your name, call or visit the utility provider and request a bill transfer. http://tenantsunion.org/en/rights/utility-best-practices, http://dept.clcillinois.edu/cie/Currentstudents/UtlitliesInformationComEdandComcast.pdf, https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0220-utility-services, https://www.apartmentguide.com/blog/how-to-transfer-utility-services-when-you-move/, https://www.dummies.com/personal-finance/real-estate/how-to-set-up-utilities-in-a-new-home/. The person whose name appears on the energy bill is liable for paying the amount associated with the account. You can find the information in your utility contract, which indicates when the billing period begins and when the next one starts. 2 attorney answers. Our divorce is not final. Under Section 3 of the Name Act, you may continue to use your current last/family name, your spouse's last/family name or a combination of both last/family names. Box 3000189 Red River RdThunder Bay, ONP7B 5W0. For tips on how to set up a new utility, scroll down! If that person moves out, youll need to change the account holders information and remove the persons name from the account. Got married in B.C. You will also need to change the billing info over to the new account holder, which can be done the same way. Provide certified English translations if these are not in English. Bills! The rest is on the company and the new tenant moving into your space. Utility bills. If you are putting your electricity bill in someone elses name, make sure you are both present to ensure you have all of the details. Contact our office to obtain the Election to Resume Former Surname Form 2 by: Mail your completed forms, payment and required documents to: ServiceOntarioOffice of the Registrar GeneralP.O. Thats if you pay your bills on time. Close the account and instruct the providers to stop all transactions promptly. If you have a criminal record, the name change is noted in the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) database. Ugh! Can I take my name off of utility bill during divorce? You should not have to put down a new deposit if you're simply declaring a name change. How to change name on utility bills - papernest Sometimes you will need to provide proof or an explanation as to why youre removing someone from the account, so be prepared with the proper documents, like a new lease agreement. Many Americans have life changes where they might need to change electric bill name due to marriage, moving or more! In some states, a legal name change after divorce may be effectuated by filing a name change petition, just the same as anyone who wants to change his or her name for other reasons would file. Change a business operating name. Different service providers have varying procedures, so make sure you understand their instructions and follow them accordingly. In this case, you do not have to register the change of name with Birth, Deaths and Marriages (BDM). The new occupant will have to set up a new account with the provider. The same requirement applies if you rent an apartment. Examples of evidence include: 19 years of age or older (Exception - If you are younger than 19 years old, changing their own name, or the name of their child for whom they have custody who is 18 years of age or younger; and, living in B.C. By using our site, you agree to our. The company may request that you and the other person appear in their office to confirm your identities. Proof of your former/maiden name Update your name after divorce - checklist New name - new photo Passport photo in 3s! This lessens the risk that youll forget to pay on time. The quickest way to do this is through the live chat service (if they have one), especially if youre asked for proof of your name change, for example, a marriage certificate. If you've got married, divorced or someone has moved in or out of a property you're responsible for, you may want to change or add a name (s) on your bill. Changing your name after divorce All you need to revert your ID and bank accounts back to your maiden name after you divorce is your decree absolute and your marriage certificate.. The receipt must show a date. If you want to add an extra account holder, you can usually do this by calling your energy provider. It is a simple change and sometimes can be done with an online form through your companys website. If you are moving in with someone and can prove they live in your residence, you can switch over what name is on the bill. Bank and other financial accounts. A photocopy will not be accepted. Divorce Online is registered in England and Wales as a trading name of Online Legal Services Limited, 3 Isis Court, Wyndyke Furlong, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 1DZ - Company No. Credit cards. Changing the account holder for your gas and electricity can often be a tricky task. Youll have to change each of the details separately if you want to do it this way. A photocopy of picture ID for all parents listed on each child's birth registration (i.e. As a small thank you, wed like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at GoNift.com). If the house is in the name of one spouse or if there is a sole mortgage on the matrimonial home it will ultimately be the responsibility of the named person to pay the bills or mortgage repayments. More. Alternatively, you could write a letter outlining that you want an extra account holder and whether you want them to be responsible for bills or just act on your behalf. If there is any shortfall in the monthly mortgage payments, both spouses will be held jointly responsible for failing to meet their contractual repayment schedule. When comparing prices, keep in mind that some companies charge a flat monthly rate while others bill you based on how much you use their service. Therefore, you might want to find an old bill or log on to your account online if you have that set up. If you have had aprevious change of name in Canada, your birth certificate or immigration document must be in your new name. The very first step in changing your name on a utility bill is reaching out to your electric company or gas company. Submit a photocopy of the original receipt with your application. Be prepared to give your Social Security number and past addresses so the company can run the checks. Thats considered identity fraud. The utility company will ask for that information before changing the name on the account. This helpful pamphlet provides an overview of the process of changing your name, its cost, and documentation. You can have your fingerprints taken electronically at any of the following facilities: Once you have paid for the fingerprinting service and criminal record check, the fingerprinting official will give you a receipt. Some companies will require proof and an explanation as to why youre transferring account holders. This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Still, youre obliged to do so; otherwise, you could run into some trouble. Phone/cable/internet bills. Using the existing account information could cause some trouble in the future. Complete an Application for Change of Name: Submit the appropriate Application for Change of Name along with all required documents and payment in person or by mail to one of the following: Vital Statistics Agency Utility Switchboard is a free service provider of UK utility-industry advice and price comparison. However, if the culprit is careful, the unauthorized transactions may go unnoticed. The tenants replacing you will also be required to switch the utilities into their names before they can sign a lease. The person you are trying to transfer it to has to call or visit the utility provider and request a bill transfer, providing proof of identity. Should I change my name on all the bills? In some states, that may require a complete cancellation and new application being put in. You can assume your spouses last name after marriage on government documents such as: There is no cost to assume your spouses last name on the above documents. The child was born in B.C. Some utility providers may allow you to alter your billing information through their official website. Today, some states have established statutes that require a spouse to be responsible for necessary or family . There are two main sets of actions you need to take: Making the legal change as recognized by the courts, and. Are changing the name of your child who wasborn outside of Canada. When you first moved into your home, apartment or small business, you would have had to set up those account first. However, some renters may be prohibited from doing this because of restrictions in their lease. This website is not intended to offer legal advice so do not act upon any of its content without taking specific advice. Check these components and make the necessary arrangements with the associated companies. Use it to try out great new products and services nationwide without paying full pricewine, food delivery, clothing and more. To be eligible for a legal change of name, applicants must be: IMPORTANT NOTE: Covid-19 update - Many fingerprinting agencies have now reopened. Your childs original Canadian birth certificate listing the name of the parent(s). To update secondary ID documents, such as a Driver's Licence, Passport, or Services Card etc., you will have to contact the responsible agency directly (ICBC, Passport Office, HIBC, etc.) This can lead to legal issues if that person moves out or if your lease requires you to change the bill over. Inform the power company that someone else will be taking over the payments and will need to put their name on the bill. Divorce. If they had a prepayment meter, a new key/card will be sent out so the old card is not running up debt. If the company requires it, make a deposit payment for liability purposes and schedule a bill transfer date. We can only accept birth certificates that include a registration number - commemorative certificates are not accepted. Most service providers will inquire if the persons name is on the lease. In addition to Home Rights, there are various benefits that may be claimed by either spouse during the period of separation, depending on their specific financial circumstances. In general, the person whose name appears on the bill will be penalised for late repayments. Most organizations will ask you to show a copy of your marriage certificate. drivers licence) showing their current addresses. Follow these steps to put yours and someone elses name on the bill. But, One of the biggest assets upon divorce is often the matrimonial home. If you hate paying your utility bills, we bet you loathe making changes to them even more because of the hassles involved. You can accomplish this task online or do it in person. But its not just married couples who subscribe to the practice. Both of you should sign this and send it to your provider either through the post or by scanning it into an email. When bills have two names on them and you have separated from your partner or he has died, then you will need to change the account over to your name only. Child Benefit only one parent can claim this on behalf of each child. {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/www.wikihow.com\/images\/thumb\/6\/6f\/Put-Utilities-in-Your-Name-Step-1.jpg\/v4-460px-Put-Utilities-in-Your-Name-Step-1.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/6\/6f\/Put-Utilities-in-Your-Name-Step-1.jpg\/aid9787411-v4-728px-Put-Utilities-in-Your-Name-Step-1.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":728,"bigHeight":546,"licensing":"
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\n<\/p><\/div>"}. If your petition is granted, the court . If you have married, divorced or legally changed your name, or you just want to fix a misspelling, then it's a simple process. Youll need to transfer your electric bill to someone elses name before the start of the next billing cycle. However, its illegal to use someone elses bank account or sign a check using the other persons name to pay the bill. A person whose consent is required is unreasonably withholding their consent. If you want to change the holder of your energy account, you can normally do this through your online account if you have one available. Any major life change like a move or a name change requires all of your utilities to be changed in your new name or address. Amendments cost $27, plus the cost of witnessing the parents' signatures, certifying documents, and replacing birth certificates. Changing Ownership of a Comcast Account - Xfinity Support How to change the name on your bill - Help and support - SSE Who Can Apply for a Legal Change of Name? Its common for married couples to put both their names on their utility bills. Unfortunately, you may need to do so occasionally due to shifts in your life situations. But if you want to change the identity of the account holder, you're going to have to create a new utility account. There are many ways to contact the Government of Ontario. If you cant find these, dont worry too much their name, address, and the date they died should be enough but it may make the process longer if you dont have meter readings. How to Change Your Name After a Divorce | JustGreatLawyers If you're moving into a new house or apartment, try to schedule the utility service so it starts 1 or 2 days before you arrive. How To Change Your Name After Divorce: An 11-Step Guide Get your divorce decree Find legal proof of your former name Update your name with the Social Security Administration Get a new driver's license or state ID card Update your passport Update your Trusted Traveler Programs Update your voter registration information and utility bills. This right could be enforced on the spouse, either by the other spouse or by third-party creditors. No one enjoys dealing with them. If you are looking for ways to increase theenergy efficiencyand sustainability in your home be sure to take a look at all of the latest renewable energy options in your area.