why did benson and stabler stop talking
Ffans call the couple Rollisi. Then, Stabler fires and hits Jenna, who ends up bleeding out and dying in front of him. She relays the message from the grounds to Reggie, who tells Stabler: She wants to know why you dont tell her how you feel.. I didnt realize it came out so sexy, she said. Benson later apologizes to Stabler for not telling him about Moss. Grab onto us., I know youre all just trying to help, Stabler says. Basically, Porter has been lying to the SVU team this entire time, so the detectives lay a trap to call him out on it. The person you love, Reggie translates from his mom. The truth is, you know things about him I will never understand, Kathy says. Benson, apparently solo, locates Calvins mom, who offers to let Benson keep Calvin in exchange for not arresting her and leaving her alone. Benson's boss, Deputy Chief Garland (Demore Barnes) needed an explanation on why Stabler left. Stabler calls Benson to help him find Eli, who went missing with Bernies pills. As ADA Gillian Hardwicke (Melissa Sagemiller) points out, Stabler has had Bensons back for over 10 years. Benson talks Kathy out of leaving home and assures her shell make sure Stabler calls. I trusted you. Benson, wise to his actions, points out Stabler had to have gone out of his way to make her home a stop on his way in. Benson talks Simon into giving her his gun after Millfields confession while Stabler keeps his gun trained on him the entire time. Trust me, he tells her. This moment was teased in a previous promo and sent fans into a spiral. When Stabler finds the two in a recording studio, Rook reveals that Benson is tied to a chair behind the glass dividing the recording studio. Webdid benson and stabler ever sleep together. Cragen then informs Benson and Stabler that Porter and the suspect are off the hook since the situation is out of their hands. I just need space to disagree with you so that I dont feel its going to cost me our partnership, he responds. Barba mentions Benson hasnt let go that he defended Wheatley and adds he was trying to protect her by doing that. For the past decade, Stabler was abroad, first working on private security and then joining a terrorism task force. Christopher Del Sordo / NBCU Photo Bank / Getty Images. Back in the squad room, Benson returns to the interrogation room, as Cragen and Stabler watch, to take another crack at their suspect from the beginning of the episode. Bu the door isn't yet closed when it comes to the loss of his former partner. Benson and Rollins had an adventure and conversation to remember during a visit to the suburbs. Knowing hes in trouble, Eli calls Elliot and tells him his location. Just take it read it, dont read it, throw it away. That was hard for me, scary, she tells him. In the OC Season One finale, Angela asks her attorney to find out exactly who Richard was talking about, and later learns that people believe Richard was referring to Benson. Stablers loyalty to his partner is quite literally put to the test in Authority after an engineer named Merritt Rook (played by the legendary Robin Williams) abducts Benson. In between testimonies, Wheatley meets with Benson and taunts her about the love of his life, Angela, whos taking the stand tomorrow. The two touched on the topic during his return episode, "Return of the Prodigal Son," but fans are still waiting for them to discuss Stabler's departure again specifically why he left Benson and cut off all communication with her. You know everything about me even the parts that Id rather forget. Porter believes Benson sent Simon money and is surprised when Benson tells him Simon is her brother. A case involving missing fertilized embryos from a cryobank causes Benson to think about her own fertility and eventually leads to Stabler expressing hed support Benson if she wanted to have a child. When she goes into his room she says, Youre supposed to duck, to which Stabler responds, Youre supposed to leave.. ", Later in the episode, before returning to Italy, Leonetti tells Stabler: "Whoever it is youre in love with, shes a lucky woman.". Then he gets out of the car and again tells her to back off, most likely out of fear that if she gets too close, whoever targeted Kathy will go after Benson next. Finally, 16 seasons later, Benson gets the chance to verbalize if she's ever wanted to be more than friends and work partners with Stabler, and the answer is a big *yes*! The two arent vibing well at all, and Cragen tells him he and Benson needed a break from each other, and shes now working in Computer Crimes. Cragen tells Stabler hes running away from himself and that he paired him up with Blaine so he can get a taste of what he is like to work with. You have PTSD, Benson says. You mean someone at work? the priest asks, before their session is cut. And when I said that I love you, I think you Stabler is then cut off by an automated voice telling him to press 1 if hes satisfied with his message, 2 to rerecord and 3 to listen to his message. While Benson stares at her squad happily celebrating the event with their partners, Stabler approaches with her coat and drapes it over her shoulders while she hands him a glass of wine that she got for him. Benson drives Stabler back to his office, where he says, Its always good to work with you, Liv.. ET, with a new Organized Crime episode following at 10 p.m. Season 1, Episode 8: 'Stalked' Stabler tells Benson to blink her lights. Oh, the poster boy for rage is going to tell me how to control my anger? Benson says. Later, Benson and the SVU squad help Stablers team infiltrate a party with the young girls and the Albanians. The question is: Why are you really asking?. Then Stabler, without breaking eye contact with Benson, emphatically declares, I love you.. Cragen later tells Benson, who'd been trying to get in touch with Stabler, that her longtime partner has resigned. So, spare me the perils of women over 40 having babies., Once settled in the car, Stabler looks at Benson and says, You know, youd make a great mom., Oh, my God, Im not having this conversation, Benson replies. A local captain, Julia Millfield (Kim Delaney), tells Benson her brother, Simon, is a suspected rapist. I guess I didnt know how to begin, he adds. Lewis continues to talk about that old partner of hers and says, It mustve been tough for you all those long nights alone in the car.. Rook continues to repeatedly ask Stabler to press the button. You offering to be my partner? Stabler says. Stabler tells her shes great with kids and adds, Maybe you should start thinking about having kids, and any way you want to do it, Ill support you., Elliot, do me a favor? Benson replies. Benson puts her weapon down as Stabler walks up behind her with his gun drawn and tells Simon to drop his weapon while Benson begs him not to shoot. You have no idea how bad things can get when a couple goes sour. Benson is quick to shoot back with: And eight years in this unit tells me that I dont need to be married to know when an abusive man is escalating.. Like last time, Benson and Stabler's sympathies fall on opposite sides. Stabler tells Benson to say hes in the field. She then tells him about the one man she thought she may have settled down with for good, and only offers up his first name, Ed. Nova and Penda made a quick stop outside the diner where Stabler and Reggie talked. Youre his partner. The moment Benson and Stabler first saw each other after 10 years apart. Benson then gets a call from Stablers wife, Kathy, and meets up with her in the park. He reveals that he signed his divorce Any other major changes you want to let me in on? he asks. They are both shirtless and pressed up against each other, with Benson running her hand down Stablers chest at one point. After Stabler and Benson have located the missing girl, they sit for an intense discussion. Olivia, my friend, can I take you and Noah out to lunch this weekend? Stabler asks. It turns out that the footage of Stabler and Benson suddenly noticing each other across a crime scene is because when Benson arrived at the crime scene to kick What ensues is a truly unforgettable standoff where she has to decide if she wants to risk shooting Gitano to end this once and for all, or run the risk of hitting Stabler and killing him by mistake. They both turn around to face the water, and Stablers already holding out his glass before Benson lifts hers to toast to partners.. Benson also asks about how Stablers search for the truth is going related to his dad. Virginia Sherwood / NBCU Photo Bank / Getty Images. Benson brushes it off and emphasizes that his kids are worried about him amid his recent erratic behavior. Who knew one word, Wildlife, could hold so much power among Benson and Stabler fans? The cop wonders if Benson is Elis mother, and Benson quickly clarifies that shes a family friend. Benson confronts Stabler outside of the courthouse about Angelas upcoming testimony and asks him if theres any reason she shouldnt attend. Caught off guard, Stabler at first seemed a bit conciliatory, then got twitchy, then hid behind the "talk to my superior officer" mode when Benson stepped up to let During questioning, Benson snaps and hits the suspect before pushing him to the ground and repeatedly kicking him. Starting in 1999, Benson and Stabler were official partners at the Special Victims Unit for over 12 years, until Stabler's abrupt departure at the end of Season 12 in 2011. The shows 14th season ended with a sadistic killer named William Lewis (Pablo Schreiber) pointing a gun at Bensons head in her apartment. Turns out, Kathy was injured in a car bombing, as she and Stabler were in town to see Benson receive an award. In what was a reunion for the ages, a lot was going on in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Thursday night with Christopher Meloni playing Elliot Stabler for the first time in 10 years. "She should try working with you," Benson responds in a moment of levity, which brings a smile to Stabler's face. When Stabler asks Benson how she knew he was in the lab and possibly in danger, she responds, Stuckey said you went to get sushi: You and raw fish?. Porter catches up with Benson as he waits for the elevator. Ayanna Bell (Danielle Mon Truitt). Cragen doesnt let on that Benson asked for a new partner and just says, Decisions made.. which you can watch on Hulu with a free trial, 'Law & Order: SVU': Elliot Stabler Finally Explains Why He Never Said Goodbye to Olivia Benson, 'The Morning Show' Season 4 Officially Ordered at Apple TV+, Beloved Children's Show Being Turned Into Movie, Seth Meyers Prepares Viewers for Possible Writers Strike This Week, Ryan Seacrest Weighs in on Mark Consuelos First Week as 'Live With Kelly and Mark' Co-Host, Don Lemon's 'CNN This Morning' Co-Hosts Enjoy Joyous Night out Following His Ouster, 'Law & Order: SVU': Benson Learns Information That Could Ruin Her Career, Tyra Banks Ripped by 'America's Next Top Model' Winner, Scott Disick's Reported Reaction to Ex-Girlfriend Sofia Richie's Wedding. She also has a telling reaction when Fin says Phoebe was trying to get in touch with Stabler to hook him up with her sister. Benson responds with a big oh. She does tell Fin that at least this time Stabler gave her a heads-up not to worry about him. Our feelings dont matter, Porter responds. "You're not a superhero either," Stabler says, before adding, "Blink your lights when you get inside." Lewis torments Benson throughout the entire premiere episode of Season 15, and moves her to a remote location and cuffs her to a bed. However I dont know, I know what I was thinking when I said the words that I said onscreen I like that it can be read in number of ways, he said. Benson follows up by asking if he liked working with her. Benson asks Stabler if he ever worried about what his kids would be like before he had them and added that he's lucky he and his wife know what they're "passing on.". Benson knocks Stuckey out and frees Stabler from the chair. Will Hart / NBCU Photo Bank / Getty Images. She follows up by asking Stabler if he's OK, but Cragen cuts them off to tell them it's time for closing arguments. In the end, Stabler helps Benson, like always, find Simon and backs her play while she confronts Simon, who has Millfield and is pointing a gun at her. The SVU Season 23 winter finale was all about Kathy Stablers murder trial, and it was also really the first time Benson called out Stabler for being so self-absorbed since his return to her life. While SVU is called off the case, Benson continues to help Stabler as he gets settled back into Manhattan detective work as he tries to find Kathys killer. Whatever happened between you and Angela, Wheatley knows, Benson says. "And there's something wrong with that?" You must be Elliot, Moss says. Then, Stabler transitions to talking about the one other woman who has been such a crucial part of his life for decades. When Stabler expresses his disbelief, Benson explains, Im single. Really? Benson joins the Stabler family in the cemetery after Kathy's death. Theres nothing to find. Then Cragen stands up and points out it was Stablers sixth shooting and that the whole squad is on notice., So what? You dont get to talk about him, Benson interjects. And then Im not sure what happened. It doesnt take long for the door handle to start rattling as the animal smugglers try to get inside since they saw Stabler let a guest in. She wants to limit their relationship to one night and one night only, but Cassidy wants more, making for some awkward moments. Hows that for now? Note the "for now" part. Protelliot again emerges, grabbing Stuckey by the throat and saying, You are an obnoxious little jackhole.. More on that later. Rook threatens to hold the button down longer and double the voltage of the shocks. The episode ends with Stablers family, which includes Stabler's grandchildren, gathered at home getting ready to welcome visitors, presumably Benson and Noah. Benson learns of the affair between Valerie and the investigator and realizes she was wrong all along. Stabler says he knows Benson "wouldve taken the shot" if the sniper hadnt first, to which she responds, "No, I wouldnt have. (We will not speak about Benson asking to see Stabler in Episode Seven and being clocked by Beck with the words Maybe I can help you. Well you are going through a divorce and you do have four children so I guess you are, Benson responds with a smile. Its contents had not been revealed, so fans were "I can't do this anymore. wrote it. The mother, who rarely speaks, decides to read Stablers coffee grounds while the two sit together at the table. Afterward, the two sit awkwardly at a caf until Benson finally breaks the silence and says, Why couldnt Dani cut it? Stabler says Beck couldnt deal with the victims." In this moment, Stabler appears to also be recognizing how her life contrasts with his family-filled life in the suburbs. "I recently lost a friend a very close friend, partner," Stabler continues. "It's not all about the genes, Liv," Stabler adds as he turns around to face her. The letter also had a line implying if Benson had a man in her life, that Stabler hoped hes the kind, faithful, devoted man Benson deserved. Seeing anyone?. The rest of the episode is laced with tension between the partners as they work to find their footing again from Benson calling out Stabler's anger management problem to later pointing out when he calls a victim Dani instead of Danielle, to which Stabler responds, Is something bothering you?. Stabler refuses to sit and listen to what everyone has to say and instead says all questions should go to his supervisor, Sgt. Kathleen may be sick, but youre the one with the problem, Benson tells him. Both of them confirm they couldnt sleep, and Benson tells Stabler she realizes Miles didnt rape Valerie. Stabler gets caught up in Bensons family life, and Benson gets tangled in his. Trusting me, she responds. Stabler refuses to press the button when Rook asks him to, so Rook presses the button again, eliciting more screams. The episode ends with Benson walking back to her old desk, which prompts Stabler to ask, What are you doing here?. "It was my choice. I think it worked out even better than I couldve hoped for.). Stabler comes across a DNA sample from Calvin in Bensons desk and assumes his partner failed to send it in as a stall tactic to avoid finding Calvins dad so she could keep Calvin longer. So there was a depth and a little sexuality to it something that went beyond that. "It's like the ending of my family.". In Scorched Earth, we are also introduced to Detective Amanda Rollins (Kelli Giddish), who ends up delivering an unforgettable line to Benson about Stabler years later in the Season 23 finale. Benson and Stabler share a personal conversation on her way out, and Stabler tells her the father of the current leader of The Brotherhood, Frank Donnelly (Denis Leary), was friends with his dad, who was a cop. Its like I keep losing people, he tells the priest, and acknowledges its not just family hes lost but also friends.. Liv you mean the world to me, he says. Season One of "SVU is laced with incredible Benson and Stabler moments that are still discussed to this day. He stares longingly at her as she's putting something in the car until she turns and notices and says, "What?". "I know," Stabler said. It's worth noting that, at the end of this episode, Stabler finds out Angela was actually the one who ordered to take Kathy out, not Richard. For the past four years, he lived in Rome as an international liaison for the NYPD. Stabler does eventually sign the divorce papers and leaves them on the porch for Kathy to find. She quickly hangs up before she can say anything to Stabler when people from the environmental group approach and ask whom shes talking to. So, who does he call to seemingly make a confession of sorts to in what could be his last few hours? Benson is taken for questioning by IAB after evidence makes her the cases prime suspect, and she ends up in jail unless someone can post her $250,000 bail. As Stabler begins an undercover arc investigating an Albanian family involved in the drug trade, he shares a personal moment with the mother of one of the men, Reggie, working for the family. She goes to the interrogation room and weeps. Rescue is another example of Stabler backing Bensons play and being there for her during a moment that toes the line between personal and professional. During the kiss, Benson opens her eyes and connects with Stabler, who nods and kicks Stuckey in the groin from his spot behind him in the chair. At the end of the episode, the two had an intense, emotional discussion about what went down and eventually Benson opted for a new partner, without first telling Stabler, and in the subsequent episode she explained to him Bensons longtime friend and former SVU ADA Rafael Barba (Ral Esparza), decides to defend Wheatley, much to Bensons dismay. A shocked Benson points out it sounds like Stabler and Donnelly are getting pretty close.. Cinema is Benson and Stabler having an entire conversation with their eyes. Benson goes to introduce Noah to Stabler, but Noah jumps in that he already knows whom Detective Stabler is, his moms former partner. "If things didn't go well so much to lose," Rollins responds. Stabler asks what she means as she walks away, and Benson finally unleashes months of pent-up frustration. When a shirtless and pants-less Stabler realizes its Benson knocking on his door, he hurriedly pulls her inside since the animal smugglers warned him not to have any sort of contact with anyone. He turns back and walks up to Benson and responds, "Kathy left me.". In a parallel universe, Benson begins. With tears in her eyes, Benson says, You were the most, single most, important person in my life, and you just disappeared.. As he gets on, he tells Benson, You have my number. Then Stabler crashes the scene and says, Yeah, we all do. (Jelliot!). Stabler grabs Bensons arm and thanks her for coming. And this letter, Benson continues. Benson and Stabler, also known colloquially as "Bensler," have become the new schematic for well-written police partnerships. After 12 seasons of SVU, Meloni took a step away from Law & Order, which saddened many Benson and Stabler fans. Stabler reentered her life after disappearing from it a decade ago. Its in your blood, Stabler replies. In court, Stabler appears surprised to see his daughter plead guilty and cooperate with the judge to get the help she needs. But he left me Amanda, and I'm not over it.". At one point, Benson breaks her undercover protocol to contact Odafin Fin Tutuola (Ice-T) for help getting information. This leads to an interesting exchange between the two that echoes how complicated their relationship is. He returned to New York City for a few reasons, including to testify against suspects from a case he investigated in Puglia, for a department meeting and to speak at During a later private conversation, Benson again mentions Stablers radio silence for three months, and the two briefly catch up. "That is why I'm so grateful for you," Benson says. Stabler apologized for both leaving and not telling Benson about his decision. The most honest conversation viewers witnessed to date about why Stabler left happens in a hospital waiting area after both Stabler and Benson visited Kathy. Even though Stabler isnt in this episode, hes mentioned multiple times to Benson by various people throughout. Later, Stabler and Benson prove that after over 20 years, 10 of those being apart from one another, they are still in sync. After kicking Benson out, one of the smugglers takes Stabler for a ride. Whats going on? (Laughs) Which is hysterical, because it really isnt how we play it., He added that he and Hargitay play it as best friends and almost brother and sister sometimes.. If I heard your voice, I wouldn't be able to leave.". I had kids the old-fashioned way, Stabler says to Benson after she points out how much effort went into getting those embryos made. After Benson affirms their night together wasn't m to her, she starts talking to Stabler by their lockers. By this episode, it's clear Benson and Noah didnt make it to Stablers Christmas gathering. After each of these lines, Stabler confirms Kathy actually wrote those words not him. After Eli runs through what happened, Benson springs into action and assures him shell handle this. Benson rarely brings up Stabler during his Law & Order hiatus, so this moment was heart-wrenching for Bensler fans everywhere. With the launch of Law & Order: Organized Crime, Stabler returns to NYC to see Benson as she receives an important award. The mid-season finale came Theres nobody who knows these characters better than she and I. "And what if things work out?" She says Cassidy wants to go out with her again, to which Stabler responds, "Can you blame him?". Im not sure I know, Stabler responds. "Sounds like you're a man in need of a new beginning," Newsom says. she says. I can hear it in your voice. Benson asks Stabler why he was so jumpy the other night when she went to his building to talk about the letter. Benson says she doesnt need help from them. Benson, of course! Stabler texts Cragen once theyre in Porters phone to call Benson, whos started kissing Porter. It isn't until he's talking with George Huang (B.D. At this point, Benson starts reciting back lines from the letter, that she has memorized, including that what Benson and Stabler were to each other was never real and they got in the way of each other being who and where they needed to be. Ayanna Bell (Danielle Mon Truitt), Mariska Hargitay and Christopher Meloni talk about return of Law & Order: SVU, Benson and Stabler hold hands in SVU-Organized Crime crossover, Chris Meloni reveals story behind Law & Order set pics with Mariska Hargitay, Mariska Hargitay: Benson has 'been in love' with Stabler for many a year, Stabler made a very big apparent confession. I was afraid, he says. Shes good like that.. Benson stares at Stabler across the car, as her partner grips her hand in response and thanks her for coming. Stabler crouches behind a desk with a gun drawn and tells Jenna to drop her weapon, as Benson crouches over Sister Peg in front of him. Stabler says he couldnt, and at this point, the others in the room take notice of their bickering. Stablers confused mother, Bernie, unexpectedly returns and ends up at the OC office. ET. They walk through the home with their flashlights raised (also in sync) and dont even have to speak to communicate, just like old times. Stabler confides a few personal things to Benson, including that Donnelly named his kid, whom Stabler helped bring into the world in a parallel moment to Benson bringing Stablers son into the world in Season Nine of SVU, after Stabler. Theres someone else another woman whos the one true love of his life., He further taunts Angela and says, Every time he was looking into your pretty brown eyes, touching your face or wherever else he was touching you Im willing to wager he was thinking about her.. While Benson is surveilling the Albanian crew with Stabler and Bell, she notices slight changes in Stabler when he talks about Flutura (Lolita Davidovich), the wife of the drug crews main man. Benson assumes, based on what shes seeing below, that Flutura has a hand in trafficking girls through the family business. Thats our thing, Meloni said. He tries to dial Benson again, and it goes quickly to voicemail then he hangs up. Benson and Stabler go to the hospital to pick up Eli, and in a very married moment, Benson steps in to calmly ask the nurse how to get to Eli since a frazzled Stabler cant politely string two sentences together. She will put on her writing cap for important trending and pop culture moments, especially ones related to "Law & Order: SVU." Later in the episode, Benson attends a service for Kathy in the cemetery with Stabler and all his children, whom Benson has known since they were young. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. He leaves shortly after and says, I dont think I can do this. He eventually returns, and Benson again points out Stabler is the only person who doesnt realize hes not OK. Im drowning, he responds. Law & Order: SVU, Benson, clearly caught off guard, emotionally says she needs to think it over and asks if she can get back to him. "Elliot I want to," she says, "I want to, but I can't.". After concluding her conversations with both, the evaluator tells Cragen that the two have a degree of mutual reliance and emotional dependence that compromises their effectiveness as police officers. Basically, theyre too close., When Cragen asks if this means he should split them up, the evaluator responds, If you want to lose your two best detectives.. In Infiltrated, Benson mumbles Elliot in her sleep and wakes up in a hospital bed in Oregon. Why did you give me that letter? While talking to her mom a year ago about Carisi, that Rollins' mom suggested the two of them get a hotel room to get it out of their systems. Then Benson reaches out and rests her hand on Stablers face and whispers, I mean, before Eddie Wagner takes over, and Elliot Stabler is nowhere to be found, referring to his undercover name. Kathleen tells her dad she went to Benson to ask for help. Richard Wheatley becomes the unofficial Benson and Stabler relationship hero among the fans at the end of this episode, when he (basically) makes it canon that Benson is the one true love of Stablers life. Meanwhile, Stabler and the teams tech guy, Ruben Morales, are in Bensons bedroom so that theyre close enough to get into Porters phone and eventually track him. The moment Stabler's mom confused his partner for his wife. Season Eight is an especially memorable if not the most memorable season for Benson and Stabler fans. Rook also informs Stabler that Bensons chair is wired with electricity that will release shocks when a remote is pressed a recreation of the Milgram Shock experiment. And the jabs just keep coming from Benson, who clocks Stabler again after he suggests Valerie could have had sex with someone else and mentions his dying marriage and a history of violence in front of everyone in the room. But there was one line that Stabler did write himself. Copyright 2023 PopCulture.com. "Yes, I am.". Benson and Stabler share whats considered among the fans a significant moment in the hallway of the OC office when Benson reaches for Stablers hand as she walks past him to exit, and the two linger in their handhold until the last minute when she has to pull away to leave. During a Law & Order virtual fan event earlier this year, former SVU showrunner Warren Leight said Hargitay came up with the single most important line herself for Benson. I like that shirt, she says and explains shes there since she heard about the squabble between Stabler and Blaine. About how many? Stabler says with a smile. He then explains how his kids are grown and "have lives of their own. The pair said a lot of things to each other, but eventually Rafael told her that he understood why she defended Stabler, because Thats what you do when you love Read on for the best moments from TV'sslowest of burns. She has quite the slip of the tongue during a discussion with her son. "A whole friendship.". I dont know, maybe Id have better luck with a guy. Shes much more than a party planner, Benson says to Stabler. Once again, Stabler runs toward Benson, and the two embrace as she says, Im really glad youre back., I shouldve come back sooner, he responds as he tightly holds her.
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