who is stronger kirito or alice
Eugeo also is an incredibly selfless character and one of Kirito's greatest friends throughout the series. Realising that the Sword Golem was created by morphing people into swords, Cardinal could not fight the golem due to the rules passed down to her as Lyceris. In-game stats such as strength, stamina, agility, and many others can be powered up, but it takes characteristics outside of the leveling realm to be a truly formidable adversary. He took the sword to Asuna's friend, Lisbeth, who was able to give the sword a boost. However, Alice brought up the problem of the Dark Territory. Yui became one of the most belovedSAO characters and inspired many fan art and cosplays. -----BEGIN REPORT----- MDMzN2M1MDU4MTNhZTEzYzA4Y2E4MjY2MzA5YjlhNGU2MzU1MWQ3ZjQ3OGRj He told Alice to help guide the world into becoming a better place, before returning to his frozen state. Answer (1 of 8): Kirito and Asuna's love for one another developed over years of literally fighting for their lives together. Kirito uses speed to his advantage while Klein seems to be a scrappier type of fighter. Without a doubt, he was one of the strongest characters, since he knew the game inside out. Alice was a strong-willed character, who wouldnt ever back out from any challenge. Asuna was later given Mother's Rosario by Yuuki, allowing her to carry out the lethal combo that had once defeated Kirito. The sword has the ability to fire high-intensity light rays that can burn down anything it comes in contact with. Sword Art Online is one of the most infamous, yet iconic, anime out there. Her knowledge as a beast tamer is next to none and she is well known across the lands as one of the best beast tamers to exist. Now, the battle ended with a draw, the initial one. It is later revealed that she had become an Integrity Knight herself. Following a goblin attack on the village, during which Alice regained her desire to protect their world, Alice travelled to the Great Eastern Gate to join the Human Guardian Army in order to defend the Human Empire against an invasion by the Dark Territory Army. Still, fans knew he must have been a psychopath for sentencing so many people to death. Pitohui's high gun skills matched with her obsession with in-game killing and outlook on life would be enough to stop Kirito in his tracks. After both Alice and Kirito were frozen by the Blue Rose Sword's Armament Full Control Art, Eugeo let go of the sword to stab Alice with his dagger. But there are some who surpass him. The two worked hard to chop down the Gigas Cedar and attend the Sword Mastery Academy. MDUxMzY3ZDYxMDc3NWFhYWRjMGUwODA3OWNhNGU0NTgzYmQ3ZjM4YjI3N2Fl After successfully diving into Underworld with the Solus account, she appeared with a bang. Among all the people Kirito has met, she is the closest and dearest to him. Kirito has nothing, at least nothing as significant as Eugeo's. And Kirito's aware that this is not the real world, although he's unaware he's dying in the real world, so that lessens his will. He won both the first and the fourth Japanese Bullet of Bullets (BoB) with a very limited set of equipment. & 9 Other Questions About The Villain Answered. Quinella was very strong and had everyone in her hand, but probably she was a little too confident. Through the series, we see that Kirito questions his judgment from time to time, especially concerning Asuna. That night, Alice discovered the village ablaze due to a raid from the Dark Territory when awoken by Kirito's unrest and Amayori's cries. However, after her clash with Alice, Eugeo, and Kirito, she had to retreat and was eventually killed. From that on she was invincible and among the most motivated characters in Sword Art Online. 1 Kirito. Yes, Alice is an advanced AI, but there are some things she cannot do as well as a human. MmViMThhNGFhYmVkMjA1ODVhMzU2NWQ2YjdiNjNiZDE2OSIsInNpZ25hdHVy Later, she started playing with Sword Art Online as a Cait Sith archer. Asuna is Kirito's partner and main love interest in the series. Then she called them ridiculous for approaching her without even taking their swords and commented that she would not continue being so benevolent with them. Here are the 10 strongest characters, ranked. both women can hold their own in their battles. Some things humans can do AI cannot, and as such, Asuna would have the edge in practical smarts over Aliceor they would be evenly matched in this department. Oberon was among the strongest characters, but his intellect and deviant personality made him extremely dangerous. YzY2MDJkNDM1ZWQxNTc4OTk2ZDBlYWQwN2NiYWQ0ZDQ4OTg5MzNmODBhNGI0 His sword had the ability to slash through time and could cut a person in the future as well as in the past. [citationneeded], As an Integrity Knight, Alice wore golden armor[6], a blue cape,[7] white leather boots, and a white skirt (blue and white in the illustrations). In the aftermath of a fight between Eugeo and Kirito, Eugeo activated his Armament Full Control to freeze Alice and Kirito, and ascended to the 100th floor, apologizing while telling them not to follow him. Jotaro Kujo Versus Gon Freecss: Who Would Win? With their swords out of their sheathes they are two of the most evenly matched characters in the game. She was renowned for using the eleven-hit original sword skill Mother's Rosario, a move that could tear apart enemy defenses in a flash. In the anime, Kirito is able to defeat her in a small challenge they both agree on. Narusaka Kazuto or Kirito was a true hero everyone looked up to. Slicing a bullet is one thing but slicing every single one at close range is not an option. Asuna's nickname inSword Art Onlinewasn't "The Flash" for nothing. Seeing the Dark Knight dying after he crashed into the ground near the children, Alice trips over herself while trying to reach the dying Knight to help him, and as she falls, her hands brush the soil of the Dark Territory before Kirito and Eugeo manage to pull her back onto the neutral land. The rest of this article will further elaborate on the above-given answer, as we are going to compare Kirito and Alice in more detail. As a beast tamer, a portion of Silica's strength comes from her dragon companion, Pina. Many different aspects can go into how strong a playable character becomes inside a fantasy-based MMORPG. RELATED:Sword Art Online: Every Villain, Ranked By Likability. Sword Art Online is nearing the end of the War of Underworld arc and the Alicization saga as a [], By Nick Valdez He began mocking Alice, to the point where she slashed him. ODRiOWY5OWUyMTYwMTk4NGIyYjM2MmJhYTA3NWFhZThmZDQ5YzQ0NDNlMWI2 Your login session has expired. [citationneeded]. RELATED:10 Most Confusing Things About Sword Art Online, Finally Explained. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! OGRiODEyNzgxNTQzODJmMmNiZGFjNWNiZjdlYzFiY2E5MzFjYWExYzE3ODEy Afterwards, it was Alice's turn to go on the offensive and she delivered slash after slash at the retreating Kirito. He is currently focusing on anime, his childhood love, with special atten What Is the Strongest Form (Version) of Kirito? Kirito got Elucidator after he won against a monster. and our She then questioned her deception regarding the Integrity Knights, and the cost of losing their loved ones. Many different aspects can go into how strong a playable character becomes inside a fantasy-based MMORPG. She also orders one of the knights, Eldrie Synthesis Thirty-one, to stand guard in the Cathedral's garden in the unlikely case that the two prisoners escape. Originally in SAO and ALO, his eyes were kinda a grey colour: When Kirito is killed by Heathcliff though, his eyes go golden when he comes back to life: Now, I could just assume the eye colour change was a sign of him surpassing the system with his will (as . Although Alice was sceptical about Kirito's story, she could no longer deny that Quinella had been deceiving the Integrity Knights. Disclaimer: All external media in this article are the property of their respective owners and Sportskeeda claims no ownership of the same. Countless gamers were hoping to get their hands on a video game similar to Sword Art Online. RELATED:Ultra Instinct Goku Vs The Umbrella Academy: Who Would Win? In the light novel, her name was changed to Alice Synthesis Thirty, thus making her the 30th member to join. In Sword Art Online 's ALFheim Arc, Kirigaya Suguha is the adoptive sister and cousin of Kirito and one of the most accomplished fighters in the virtual game, ALfheim Online. After Alice and Kirito were frozen by the Blue Rose Swords ability, Eugeo released the sword to go and stab Alice with her dagger. Alice accepted a fair duel, and made her sword return to normal. Sinon is shown to be one of the best snipers in the game, although once Kirito is brought into the story she becomes stressed out by his presence in general. The 11-hit Original Sword Skill would be completely unmatched if modified using Underworld's combat mechanics. The name immediately drew Alice's attention and, although Alice felt conflicted about listening to his words, she urged him to tell his story. However, she managed to successfully break the seal with her strong will, resulting in the temporary loss of her right eye and Alice losing consciousness due to the pain. Even if Alice has experience battling other enemies, Asuna would put up a tough spot. Most characters within SOA have issues overcoming Kirito's overall agility and reflexes. Later she showed her true powers when she fought against Quinella alongside Kirito and Eugeo. Alice is the childhood friend of Kirito and Eugeo. At the time of the battle, Alice seems to have been the better of the two, but since Kirito has evolved a lot since then, he is now the more skilled among the two and would be able to beat Alice now. Alice arrests Eugeo and Kirito for breaking the Taboo Index and takes them to the Central Cathedral prison. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. On the other hand, Alice was taken as a small child and trained to become an Integrity Knightand a mighty one. NTc1NTQxMjU5M2I2MzJmOGZhN2Y3MWJjYTJjMDQ4NWRmMTFjYTFhOWQ2OGJj After Alice remarked that mere ice did not even have a chance of restricting her flowers and turned her flowers back into her sword, Kirito immediately finished the chant for his sword and attacked Alice's sword with a torrent of darkness. Eugeo is the protagonist of Re:ZERO, a young man who lives in the rural town of Greil with his close friend and childhood best friend Wilhelm. She also has a special, Perfect Weapon Control art, which allows her to scatter her sword like petals and use the burst as an attack. 7 Sinon. Did kirito and Asuna get married? Bureaucrat, Content and Social Media Admin (Gsimenas). If Asuna and Alice were to battle, Alice would have the edge in protection, as Asuna's armor would be lacking. Even though, Leafa liked Kirito in a romantic way, it seemed that he wasn't interested at all. Alice, agreeing to have a fair duel, reassembled her sword out of the flower petals. Despite Alice and Asuna both being tremendous when it comes to battling, Asuna would have a higher chance of winning based on experience and her sword skills. Scared, Eugeo and Kirito ran home, carrying Alice. This allows him to kill anyone he fights in a single attack as long as a few conditions are met first. The black swordsman has faced countless challenges within the unyielding world of SAO and has overcome these trials through sheer talent and willpower. During the boss fight on the 1st Floor, he called Asuna by her name for the first time, noticing earlier her character name below . In terms of skill with a sword, Kirigaya Kazuto (aka Kirito) is almost unrivaled in the world of Sword Art Online.
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