what happened to blabbermouth podcast
Plus, as always, the music of Ahamefule J. Oluo. Anything? This week, we hear a dramatic reading of comments from our Blabbermouth Podcast Facebook group arguing about whether or not people should watch Roseanne, given how problematic she is. "We have so many gigs," he explained. Plus, as always, the music of Ahamefule J. Oluo.Episode 102: Trumps Fantastic Voyage Dan Savage is back this week, and he talks with Amber Cortes and Eli Sanders about Donald Trumps hypocrisy-drenched trip through the Middle East and Europe. Plus, as always, the music of Ahamefule J. Oluo. What does it MEAN, Melania? Paul Ryan is leaving Congress, President Trump says missiles will soon be headed toward Syria, and the FBI just raided the office of Trump attorney Michael Cohen. The title: Sorry to Bother You. They also talk about whether theyre still vaping. (Although a full 2/3 of them hadnt even watched the re-boot yet!) Charles Mudede, who was actually alive and paying attention during the presidency of George HW Bush, talks with Eli Sanders and Rich Smith about the mans true legacy. So no.' I will not talk about myself for 20 minutes every episode. With stinging losses for Bernie Sanders in Michigan and beyond on Tuesday, its time to ask: What went wrong with his campaign? Was this the right response to these particular allegations? Whose standing fast-food order, according to The New Yorker, is two Big Macs, two Filet-o-Fishes, and a chocolate milkshake? And then now people are coming up after the shows asking me to sign like original GREAT WHITE cassettes and stuff. She is such a sweet lady and has done so, so much for us. After that, what did we learn from this week's final Democratic debate before the Iowa caucuses? Hidden comments will still appear to the user and to the user's Facebook friends. And finally, two controversies that involve the gay pride flag. Because here you are getting paid off of net, and then out of 4.4 million dollars, the band gets 400 thousand dollars. Now I keep wondering if people tell me their sob stories because they want money from me and not care about me as a person. Way off, she says. You can also send an e-mail to blabbermouthinbox(@)gmail.com with pertinent details. Eli Sanders, Katie Herzog, and Rich Smith talk about the 18th anniversary of the September 11th attacks, which happened when Katie and Rich were teenagers. Plus, as always, the music of Ahamefule J. Oluo. Iran then fired missiles at US bases in Iraq in response, and nowat least for the momentTrump is talking peace. Eli Sanders, Rich Smith, and Katie Herzog consider this question and then parse the propaganda that spewed from the Oval Office as Trump, backed into a corner of his own making, offered the nation some heavy breathing and a re-run of a very old campaign speech. "Talkin' Slayer" is about how SLAYER happened, when things fell apart, how they put it back together, and what it all means. After, that: Pete Buttigieg. Finally, Chase Burns is back to discuss Don "Baby Don" Jr.'s shady DMs. Dan Savage, Eli Sanders, and Rich Smith react to the first public hearings in the Trump impeachment inquiry, which got underway just before we sat down to record this weeks episode. What to make of this? And finally, Nathalie Graham offers some solid recommendations for books you can be reading (or actually reading) in your former childhood bedroom before, during, and after the turkey carving. I wonder if I did right by helping them out. Dan has some thoughts. Kerry and Tom, that was about 114 thousand dollars they made on tour. Eli Sanders, Katie Herzog, and Rich Smith talk about Nancy Pelosis decision to jump aboard the ITMFA train and open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trumps lawless behavior. And no matter what's happened with the industry or whatever, we're still the same band and we still make music. Plus, as always, the music of Ahamefule J. Oluo. Go to GETQUIP.COM/blabbermouth right now and youll get your first refill pack FREE with a QUIP electric toothbrush. To report spam or any abusive, obscene, defamatory, racist, homophobic or threatening comments, or anything that may violate any applicable laws, use the "Report to Facebook" and "Mark as spam" links that appear next to the comments themselves. These guys actually said good things and posted some of the [fan-filmed videos]. Plus, as always, the music of Ahamefule J. Oluo. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Also, Dan continues his war on the electoral college and Katie wonders what Beto ORourke has ever really accomplished. Yes, it's nice to see Comey speaking truth to Trump power. Vote for people who will actually regulate Sinclair's use of the public airways? Dan Savage, Rich Smith, and Eli Sanders dissect the latest lies and evasions from the Trump administration as it tries to justify separating mothers from their children along the southern border. Boycott Sinclair? Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving in advance because we'll be off next week! Then, Bernie Sanders. So you break that up per show Really? Plus, as always, the music of Ahamefule J. Oluo. So Eli, Rich, and Katie (not the biggest contributors to the US Treasury, but definitely contributors!) Also, does Schultz understand what pulling a Ross Perot could do to the chances of a Democrat winning the White House? Also, Eli flags a story that hasnt received enough attention: Facebook employees rebelling over Mark Zuckerbergs decision to allow politicians to lie in political ads. Were finding out this week, and Eli Sanders, Katie Herzog, and Rich Smith have some thoughts about what to watch for and whether this is really that great a debate plan. "For the past 30 years, they were doing that to the guys. Dozens of people have now been arrested for protesting inside the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. Finally, Chase Burns talks about one beautiful thing thatll make you stop cowering under the sheets: a new FX series called Pose, about the drag ball scene in 1980s New York. What are we doing here, people? Privacy Policy. To do so, click the downward arrow on the top-right corner of the Facebook comment (the arrow is invisible until you roll over it) and select the appropriate action. So I always run to friends: 'Tell me you love me. Seattle Sticker Patrol: Were Back on Capitol Hill!!! Does it matter that Bernies now a member of the one percent? Once you're logged in, you will be able to comment. I've always worked, although less when our children were born. Finally, Rich and Eli talk with Dan about that new movie Dan made them watch: Active Measures. Dan Savage, Eli Sanders, and Rich Smith look into new revelations about Trumps massive business losses and then ponder Mitch McConnells claim that its case closed on the Russia investigation. It was a sure thing with Paul. And Dan reveals the shocking truth about his longtime support for the DSA. For $20 off a suitcase, go to Awaytravel.com/blabbermouth and use the promo code blabbermouth. I managed to go through college and get my Bachelor and Master's degree. Five years ago, Barnes spoke about the possibility of SIX FEET UNDER and CANNIBAL CORPSE one day touring together, telling "The Chainsaw Symphony" radio program: "That would be a tough one to put together, my friend. That remained the same. Quite a lot to talk about this week, and Rich Smith, Katie Herzog, and Eli Sanders dive right in with a list of new lows that Ryan sunk to this year before bailing out. 'Cause that space in time after you're done recording to when it comes out is pretty brutal. Eli Sanders, Rich Smith, and Chase Burns catch up on all the fast-moving impeachment news, as well as a new report from the Senate Intelligence Committee that confirms, yet again, that the Russians interfered in Americas 2016 election to harm Hillary Clinton and benefit Donald Trump. what happened to blabbermouth podcast. Watch: EXTREME's NUNO BETTENCOURT Performs 'Rise' Guitar Solo Live For First Time, METALLICA's KIRK HAMMETT Is Almost Nine Years Sober, Watch: TOM MORELLO Performs At WAYNE KRAMER's 75th-Birthday Party. Dan Savage, Eli Sanders, and Rich Smith skip through the most recent Trumpian incoherencewhich we really cant take any more of until after Labor Dayand then talk about something far less dire but far more interesting: bed bugs. ", Lombardo was also asked if he would play with SLAYER again if the band reunited and wanted him to be part of the lineup. After you played something for so long, "I read once that Mick Jagger said, 'God, I wish we would have written that song 'Satisfaction' a little better if I knew we were gonna play it for [almost 60] years.' Our music changes every week.". (Or does it actually mean the fever is still spiking and voters now really, really hate anyone who, like Kucinich, has Congressman connected to their name?) But the secret Trump recording released by Michael Cohen this week is pretty damn interesting, and Eli Sanders, Rich Smith, and Katie Herzog talk about all the weirdest details. This episode of Blabbermouth is brought to you by Away. Chase talks about why The Queen of Versailles is still a must-watch (or re-watch) for this moment. Finally, Jasmyne Keimig and Chase Burns help make sense of the streaming wars, which kicked into super high gear this week. And former fighter pilot Amy McGrath wins in Kentucky! Finally, Nathalie Graham is back to tell you everything you need to know about the US womens triumph at the World Cup, whether the team is going to the White House, and what their pay equity lawsuit is all about. You guys have been on the same business plan after 30 years. Finally, Rich returns to deal with the pressing issue of Professor Jordan Peterson, the Canadian psychologist whose hot take on the so-called crisis in masculinity has transformed him into maybe the most influential public intellectual in the Western world right now. Is there anything Peterson is actually right about? Finally, Jasmyne Keimig on HBOs new documentary about Elizabeth Holmes and the Theranos scandal. Eli Sanders, Katie Herzog, and Rich Smith ponder the dark psychic force that was unleashed during this weeks first Democratic presidential candidate debate. I will not flirt with my co-host in part because that is stupid, but mostly because I don't have one. Tucker Carlson has left Fox News. It involves a retreat by the Trump administration and a victoryfor nowfor the entire planet. After that, they go where many Americans have gone over the last few daysto the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, where they try to figure out what happened in a viral stare-down that has infuriated pretty much everyone, led to endless online and offline recriminations, and called into question the very idea of observable, Saw it with my own eyes," truth. Newly updated, the third edition is titled "Slayer 66 & 2/3: A Metal Band Biography, Postmortem Remastered Edition". I will not read stupid ads three times and episode or ever. Iran then fired missiles at US bases in Iraq in response, and nowat least for the momentTrump is talking peace. cody crone age. Over the next three weeks, Paul Manafort, Trumps campaign manager, will face 18 felony counts of tax fraud and bank fraud. Just dont talk to Dan about that New York Magazine profile of 12 young non-voters. Katie and Eli ask him. Two trailer episodes describe the podcast and what listeners can expect. Amber Cortes is back to talk with Rich Smith and Eli Sanders about this weeks explosive Russia-Trump news: apparently Donald Trump Jr. was not just ready to collude with Russia, he also e-mailed about it! After that, Democratic candidate John Hickenlooper recently tried to Sister Souljah socialismonly to be smacked down by Rich. Plus, as always, the music of Ahamefule J. Oluo. Before the Vermont Senator hunkered down this week in Nevada for a series of get-out-the-vote rallies, he helped rallies in a few working class west coast cities. And speaking of gay rights Should Ellen DeGeneres have been palling around in a fancy sky box at a Dallas Cowboys football game with former President George W. Bush, who opposed gay marriage? Would this hold up in the '80s? And if it gets to that means to an end, that's all that's important, man that transference. There are now four public accusations against likely Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden from women who say he touched them inappropriately at political events. What does it MEAN, Melania? "I just want to learn from them," Carlisle said of his new bandmates "It's just really cool to be included in what I've grown up listening to, like looking at the CDs and everything. Dan Savage, Rich Smith, and Eli Sanders consider this urgent question, and then they dive into the lessons of the recent primary elections in Illinois and hear from a pro-life Democrat in Pennsylvania who wants to be accepted by the partys pro-choice members. Finally, Jasmyne Keimig tells Dan Savage about The Bisexuals. Get $50 OFF YOUR FIRST SET OF SHEETS at BollandBranch.com, promo code BLABBERMOUTH. 'MIL tried to get us to forgive Blabbermouth as she didn't mean it, didn't want it to happen and such.Truth be told, I lost my cool at that point. (Oh, and then a vacationing Rich Smith drunk dials in with some news from the millennial mind!) To comment on a BLABBERMOUTH.NET story or review, you must be logged in to an active personal account on Facebook. And then I land on the 'one.' It really upset us. After that, a case currently before the US Supreme Court could have a big affect on LGBT rights in the workplace. (Hubby has a knack for finding deals for such things, eldest has been learning). After that, the glory of Chris Christie getting caught on camera sunning himself on a public beach that Christie himself ordered closed to the public over Fourth of July weekend! Episode 1 describes how Hanneman influenced the band's career, art, and overall trajectory. Plus, as always the music of Ahamefule J. Oluo! After that, Katie Herzog on the alarming new UN climate report and whether the Impossible Burger might just save humanity. I'm my own person, and sometimes I'm put at fault for that, and I think we all are in our own way. Finally, a call from a listener who has some things to say about Bernie and black voters. Finally, Jasmyne Keimig and Chase Burns talk about three great new shows on HBO: Big Little Lies, Los Espookys, and Euphoria. Plus, as always, the music of Ahamefule J. Oluo. And I feel bad for Dave to this day; I really feel bad for him because he shot himself in the foot. Plus, as always, the music of Ahaemfule J. Oluo! Also: Dan, Rich, and Eli talk about the sad defeat of Jon Ossoff in Georgias 6th Congressional District and what it means for Democratic strategery going forward. After that, with news that the coronavirus is officially a pandemic breaking during the show, the Blabbermouth crew evaluates responses so far and offers the experience of hard-hit Seattle as a warning to the rest of the nation. With Eli Sanders on vacation, Rich Smith asks Dan Savage and Katie Herzog to tell us how prepared we really are, and to speculate about whether well ever be prepped enough. Hands! And finally, Chase Burns and Jasmyne Keimig talk about the Criterion Collection and an epic journey the two of them are making to the lost world of DVDs. Katie also has some advice for New York and Virginia on what they can look forward to now that theyve both landed shiny new Amazon HQs. Lester Black explains whats going on and what to do. Rich talks it out with Stranger writer Nathalie Graham. PLUS the music of Ahamefule J. Oluo. Finally, with Mothers Day upon us Angela Garbes reads from her new book, Like a Mother: A Feminist Journey Through the Science and Culture of Pregnancy. Plus, as always, the music of Ahamefule J. Oluo! Also: as delicious as Baby Dons new scandal is, we do need to keep our eye on sneaky Republican health care repeal efforts, which continue. Find out who got robbed, and who did the robbing. What questions will the Senators ask? The Stranger's week-in-review podcast, in which Eli Sanders, Dan Savage and a group of "experts" explain what just happened in the news, and what it all means. Should Biden drop his plans to run? Finally, Chase updates us on RuPauls world domination and explains how to watch the new British Drag Race. Rich and Katie have answers for how to handle this allegedly rapey Christmas song. Then its right back into our nations Trump-directed tailspin, which this week features new lows from kakistocrats Ben Carson and Ken Cuccinelli. Dan Savage, Eli Sanders, and Rich Smith talk about the mass shootings in Dayton and El Paso, Trumps role in them, and whether well now, finally see some Congressional action on common sense gun laws. How did we arrive in this nightmare scenario, again? Howd Zuck do? Its called the Green New Deal, and its being pushed by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez among others. After that, Chase Burns is back to pore over Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerbergs testimony before Congress this week. During an appearance on a recent episode of the "Conan Neutron's Protonic Reversal" podcast, Dave Lombardo reflected on his final stint with SLAYER, which lasted from 2001 until his dismissal in. Yang is running for president as a Democrat, wants to give every American a thousand bucks a month, and has enough support that hell be in the first Democratic presidential debate. Finally, Chase Burns, Jasmyne Keimig, and Nathalie Graham discuss The Velvet Buzzsaw, new filmic treatments of Ted Bundy, and Netflixs potential use of Big Data to shape its content. A big argument over an argument that wont stop until at least 2020. And watch out: the Republican "tax reform" plan now includes a big helping of Obamacare repeal shenanigans. Once you're logged in, you will be able to comment. Subscribe to the podcast FOR FREE by clicking right here! And we can always get better. You can also send an e-mail to blabbermouthinbox(@)gmail.com with pertinent details. Will the Republican voters who chanted Drain! Dan Savage, Rich Smith, and Eli Sanders talk about what it all means. Even before we came into money, we lived a relatively comfortable life after we managed to get more financial stability. Finally, at the urging of a Blabbermouth listener, Rich and Eli talk about the Netflix series Flint Town, and then Katie Herzog, turning toward a very different cultural phenomenon, talks about the plague of emotional support animals. Plus, as always, the music of Ahamefule J. Oluo! . But that's not so bad. She is trying to deny everything that happened and even tries to blame us. (Becoming the first black woman in history to be a major partys choice for governor.) This week, Dan Savage, Eli Sanders, and Rich Smith talk about the Comey hearing and then dissect a notable new poll finding: more Americans now want Donald Trump impeached than support his job performance! Trump just got a sit-down with the Queen of England and, of course, our president made a lot of interesting choices during his visit. Chase just came back from one featuring Jane Fonda and he learned A LOT. I mean, I am just sweating, I'm beat. Finally, Charles Mudede is not crying over the burning of the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, and hell tell you why. Take Trump out of it and arent these outcomes that the left has long wanted? SLAYER was Rubin's first rock band; he went on to work with numerous Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame inductees, including U2, Johnny Cash, RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS and METALLICA. [Laughs] You wouldn't have any problems from my side of things, but I don't think other people would be agreeable to that. Plus the movie Moonlight and why it's a kind of necessary escape this week. Weve been broadcasting this show from Seattle, one of Americas major coronavirus hotspots, and to be honest things in this city have just gotten a little too real for us to be able to do the show this week. Finally, an official quiz from the US government, taken by Dan and Rich, in honor of the Fourth of July. Blabbermouth is broadcasting from the center of the largest outbreak in the United States, and Rich, Katie, and Eli talk about what that's like, what you can do to stay healthy, and how the Trump administration has so far failed on virus testing. I'm playing all the guitar. Shortly after his dismissal, Lombardo said that he discovered that 90 percent of SLAYER's tour income was being deducted as expenses, including fees to management, costing the band millions and leaving them with about 10 percent to split four ways. You have fun tho bro." During a November 2022 question-and-answer session with the readers of U.K.'s Metal Hammer magazine, Lombardo was asked if he would have joined King's new band had he been approached about it. Maybe because Warren's emerging as the front-runner? Charles talks about Wisconsin, Rich talks about Virginia, and Eli talks about South Carolina. Finally, Dan talks about all the great shows he watched while grudgingly taking some forced time on the couch. A wide-ranging discussion of everything you need to know in order to pose as an informed, productive member of society!
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