west lancashire ccg chief officer
Prior to her new role, Amanda had joined NHS England and NHS Improvement as North West Regional Director on 2 August 2021 and previously she was the Chief Clinical Officer for West Lancashire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), Blackpool CCG and Fylde and Wyre CCG. The Committee is also responsible for ensuring that sufficient resources are provided to support the requirements of the policy. In themeantimewe are working on interim arrangements to ensure strong leadership over this transitional period.. plc, 5th floor, 10 Whitechapel High Street, London E1 8QS. The Information Governance team within the commissioning support unit will take responsibility to fulfil these annual obligations on behalf of the CCG. InformationforCRNNorth West Coast staff aboutCOVID-19 and Urgent Public Health Research in the region. NHS West Lancashire CCG is required to establish and maintain policies to ensure compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the common law of confidentiality and the Freedom of Information Act NHS West Lancashire CCG is required to establish and maintain policies for the controlled and appropriate sharing of patient information with other agencies, taking account of relevant legislation (for example, Health and Social Care Act 2001, Crime and Disorder Act 1998, The Children s Act 2004). Without it some areas may not function correctly. As such it is the responsibility of all clinicians and managers to ensure and promote the quality of information and to actively use information in decisionmaking processes. The NHS Confederationrepresents itsmembers views in national debates on the future of commissioning by producing policy briefings, influencing documents and engaging with the most senior leaders in the health sector. Although we are a new organisation, we will build on the successful work by all our health and care organisations, including CCGs, over the last few years. For help from a GP, visit your GP surgerys website, use anonline serviceto contact your GP, or call the surgery. CCG Staff All staff are responsible for ensuring understanding of the relevant polices and issues. Information Governance Policy. CCGs could buy services from CSUs or to carry them out in-house, whichever they felt was most efficient and appropriate. The links are located alongside the Mersey estuary and have magnificent views over the river towards Snowdon and North Wales. WebNHS WEST LANCASHIRE CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP ORGANISATION STRUCTURE June 2022 Chair Dr Peter Gregory Clinical Leadership Dr Ros Bonsor (Clinical Lead) Dr WebNHS West Lancashire CCG 01695 588000 Hilldale, Wigan Road , Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 2AS http://www.westlancashireccg.nhs.uk Overview GPs FAQs Contact GPs Select a GP to find out about the services they provide Aughton Surgery 19 Town Green Lane Aughton Ormskirk Lancashire L39 6SE Tel: 01695 317350 Email: aughtonsurgery@nhs.net We are hosted byLiverpool UniversityHospitals NHS Foundation Trust. NHS West Lancashire CCG is required to undertake or commission annual assessments and audits of its information quality and records management arrangements. NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB joins up health and care services, improve people's health and wellbeing, and to make sure everyone has the same access to services and gets the same outcomes from treatment. Training and communications In order for information governance policies and procedures to be effective, it is essential that all staff are aware of their obligations in this area. Information Governance Plan 2013 2015 1. The commissioning support unit will establish and maintain policies and procedures on behalf of the CCG to ensure compliance with requirements contained in the Department of Health Information Governance Toolkit. Please see list of our Partner Organisations below: Alder Hey Childrens NHS Foundation TrustBlackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustCheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation TrustCountess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Lancashireand South Cumbria NHS Foundation TrustLancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustLiverpool Heart & Chest Hospital NHS Foundation TrustLiverpool Womens Hospital NHS Foundation TrustMid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustMersey Care NHS Foundation TrustLiverpool University Hospital Foundation TrustSouthport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS TrustSt Helens and KnowsleyTeaching Hospitals NHS TrustThe Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation TrustUniversity Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation TrustWalton Centre NHS Foundation TrustWarrington & Halton NHS Foundation TrustWirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Wirral Community NHS Foundation Trust, Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care PartnershipCheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership. The Cabinet meet during the year to make decisions on services and to implement policies., Leader of the Council: Councillor Yvonne GagenEmail:cllr.gagen@westlancs.gov.uk. The SIRO is required to undertake strategic information risk management training and every three years there after. It is an ongoing process. Specific measures will include: Ensuring that standards and procedures are documented and actively implemented in every location where information is collected and used. 14 June 2023 08:30 - 15 June 2023 17:00 GMT. They are: To date, 28 of the 42 ICS chief executive positions have been announced, while six confirmed they were unable to recruit during the first round of recruitment. Ensuring that information governance information is available electronically for staff via an appropriate medium. The organisation will providing annual mandatory training for all staff in Information Governance issues via the Connecting for Health IG Training Tool and dedicated training events. Councillor Vickie Cummins - portfolio holder for Health and Wellbeing, ortfolio holder for Finance & Economic Regeneration. Training will be given to ensure staff are supported in ensuring Information governance compliance. The new CEOs are chief executive designates for the NHS Integrated Care Body for their ICS, and will be confirmed in this role if the Health and Care Bill is passed by Parliament, as expected, early next year. For the best experience, please use Google Chrome, Mozilla We also oversee how money is spent and make sure health services work well and are of high quality. Information Governance Support The CCG Chief Finance Officer will be supported by the commissioning support unit Head of Information Governance and the Information Governance Support Officer for the CCG. Find out about how to observe a Board meeting or submita question: ICB Board information. NHS Business Services Authority Information Security Policy, NHS Waltham Forest Clinical Commissioning Group Information Governance Strategy, The Informatics Policy Information Governance Process, Information Incident Management. Firefox, or Microsoft Edge. A Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria on Youtube, A Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria on Twitter, A Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria on Facebook. WebThe West Lancashire Golf Club. One of our early influencing documents was Local solutions to national challenges (2015), which put forward a series of key asks to give clinical commissioners the freedoms and flexibilities they need to make even more of a difference in transforming healthcare locally. How can we best deliver out of hospital care? Leadership team. The Clinical Research Network in the North WestCoast (CRN NWC) is a network that comprises of 41 NHS partners consisting of 22 NHS Trusts and 19 Clinical Commissioning Groups. CSUs were procured by CCGs via the NHS England Lead Provider Framework. NHS West Lancashire CCG is required to have clear procedures and arrangements for handling queries from patients and the public. 9, 10 The Caldicott Guardian will carry out any investigations brought to their attention and negotiate all information sharing agreements on the behalf of NHS West Lancashire CCG. Dr Amanda Doyle has been appointed as NHS England as director of primary and community care. They were dissolved in July 2022 and their duties taken on by the new integrated care systems (ICSs). The group has been praised for their management of the boxing day floods Although we are a new organisation, we will build on the successful work by all our health and care organisations, including CCGs, over the last few years. Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group's (CCG) chief officer Katherine Sheerin and chief finance officer Tom Jackson have both left their posts. Commenting on his appointment, Mr Turner said added: It has been a great privilege to have worked with colleagues in the Lincolnshire NHS and wider health and care system over the past years, particularly throughout the pandemic period. We also oversee how money is spent and make sure health services work well and are of high quality. Information Governance Policy, INFORMATION GOVERNANCE POLICY & FRAMEWORK, Information Governance Policy Version - Final Date for Review: 1 October 2017 Lead Director: Performance, Quality and Cooperate Affairs. SEN15-P17 11 March 2015. He has a local government finance background and worked as the North West regional incident director throughout the pandemic. Hampshire and Isle of Wight integrated care system has appointed its current leader, Maggie McIsaac, as chief executive designate. WebMembership - Lancashire and South Cumbria Medicines Management Group In this section Home About Membership Membership The LMMG is supported by members of the Medicine Management Team from Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit. NHS West Lancashire CCG fully supports the principles of corporate governance and recognises its public accountability, but equally places importance on the confidentiality of, and the security arrangements to safeguard, both personal information about patients or staff and commercially sensitive information. NHS West Lancashire CCG is required to undertake or commission annual assessments and audits of its compliance with legal requirements. We have a shared vision and five-year strategy for improving health and care services and helping the 1.8 million people in Lancashire and South Cumbria live longer, healthier lives. Information governance plays a key part in supporting clinical governance, service planning and performance management. Information Governance Strategy To whom this document applies: All Trust staff, including agency and contractors Procedural Documents Approval Committee Issue Date: January 2010 Version 1 Document reference: Information Governance Standards in Relation to Third Party Suppliers and Contractors Document Summary Ensure staff members are aware of the standards that should be in place when considering engaging, Policy Checklist Name of Policy: Information Governance Policy Purpose of Policy: To provide guidance to all staff on their responsibilities regarding information governance and to ensure that the Trust, 1 TRUST-WIDE SERVICE BASED POLICY POLICY AND PROCEDURE FOR INFORMATION GOVERNANCE & INFORMATION RISK Policy Number: Scope of this Document: Recommending Committee: Approving Committee: IT12 All Staff Information. On April 23, two Chinese Coast Guard ships, CCG 5201 and CCG 4202 intercepted Philippine Coast Guard ships in the vicinity of Ayungin Shoal (known The requirements are grouped into the following initiatives: Information Governance Management Confidentiality and Data Protection Assurance Information Security Assurance Clinical Information Assurance Secondary Uses Assurance Corporate Information Assurance The annual Senior Information Risk Owner s Report will be compiled for approval by the NHS West Lancashire CCG Clinical Executive Committee. Mr Turner is currently CEO of Lincolnshire CCG. Informatics Policy Information Governance Policy Ref: 3593 Policy Title Author/Contact Document Reference 3593 Pauline Nordoff-Tate, Information Assurance Manager Document Impact Assessed Yes/No Date: Data Protection Policy Version: V1 Ratified by: Operational Management Executive Committee Date ratified: 26 September 2013 Name and Title of originator/author(s): Chris Brady, FOI, Data Protection and. 3.5 Governance Arrangements Arrangements will be in place for NHS West Lancashire CCG as part of the governance arrangements to review and improve compliance with the Information Governance Standards. The policies and procedures page of LSW Intranet holds the most recent version of, Information Governance Strategy & Policy March 2014 CONTENT Page 1 Introduction 1 2 Strategic Aims 1 3 Policy 2 4 Responsibilities 3 5 Information Governance Reporting Structure 4 6 Managing Information, NHS Commissioning Board: Information governance policy DOCUMENT STATUS: To be approved / Approved DOCUMENT RATIFIED BY: DATE ISSUED: October 2012 DATE TO BE REVIEWED: April 2013 2 AMENDMENT HISTORY: VERSION, JOB DESCRIPTION POST TITLE: Information Governance Manager DIRECTORATE: ACCOUNTABLE TO: BAND: LOCATION: CSS Head of Information Governance 8a CSS Job Purpose The Information Governance Manager will ensure, NHS Waltham Forest Clinical Commissioning Group Information Governance Policy Author: Zeb Alam & David Pearce Version 3.0 Amendments to Version 2.1 Updates made in line with National Guidance and Legislation. She was previously leader of the six clinical commissioning groups across Hampshire, Southampton, Isle of Wight and Portsmouth successfully merging them into one CCG in April this year. area of responsibility: Councillor Gareth Dowling - Deputy Leader and portfolio holder for Regular communications to staff on new information governance policies and procedures. The lead within NHS West Lancashire CCG for all aspects of this policy will be the Chief Finance Officer, who is also the Senior Information Risk Officer (SIRO). Prior to joining CLCH NHS Trust, Andrew was Regional Director for NHS Englands South of England area. He has worked in the NHS for over 20 years across community, hospital and primary care and also has experience in social care and charity organisations. Anne has been Regional Director of the South East region for NHS England since October 2017. Induction to educate new starters about information governance issues. The Chief officer has the overarching, Information Governance Strategy ONCE PRINTED OFF, THIS IS AN UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT. This year we will be hosting Final Qualifying for The Open Championship (from 2023 to 2026), and, for the third year, staging the first leg of the very successful Rose Ladies Series 2023 in April. All staff, whether permanent, temporary or contracted, and contractors are responsible for ensuring that they are aware of the requirements incumbent upon them and for ensuring that they comply with these on a day to day basis. Information Governance Strategy 2015/16, INFORMATION GOVERNANCE STRATEGIC VISION, POLICY AND FRAMEWORK, Information Governance Policy. Website designed and Driven by CLUBView. The excellent bar and catering facilities will enhance your visit before and after your round. Legacy clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), Public Involvement and Engagement Advisory Committee. Roles, Information Governance policy Key Points Information is a vital asset, both in terms of the clinical management of individual patients and the efficient management of services and resources throughout, Appendix 1 INFORMATION GOVERNANCE INFORMATION GOVERNANCE POLICY Author Information Governance Review Group Information Governance Committee Review Date May 2014 Last Update February 2013 Document No. Join us at Manchester Central as we and NHS England unite health and care leaders and their teams at one of the biggest health and care conferences. 3.4 Information Governance Strategy An Information Governance Strategy has been produced to describe the way in which improvements to the performance of the NHS West Lancashire CCG will be carried out. The region stretches across 4 counties from South Cheshire to South Cumbria. For life-threatening emergencies, call 999 for an ambulance. area of responsibility: Councillor Gareth Dowling - Deputy Leader and portfolio holder for Communities and Community Safety Email:cllr.dowling@westlancs.gov.uk, Councillor Vickie Cummins - portfolio holder for Health and WellbeingEmail:cllr.cummins@westlancs.gov.uk, Councillor Jennifer Wilkie - portfolio holder forStreet SceneEmail: cllr.jwilkie@westlancs.gov.uk, Councillor Anne Fennell - portfolio holder for PlanningEmail:Cllr.Fennell@westlancs.gov.uk, Councillor Adam Yates - portfolio holder for Finance & Economic RegenerationEmail: cllr.yates@westlancs.gov.uk, Councillor Nicola Pryce-Roberts - portfolio holder for Housing and Landlord ServicesEmail:Cllr.Pryce-Roberts@westlancs.gov.uk, Councillor Carl Coughlan - portfolio holder for LeisureEmail:Cllr.Coughlan@westlancs.gov.uk, Further contact details can be found on the Council information system, Last Updated | Thursday, October 6, 2022 | 2:02 PM. A Peoples Liberation Army Navy corvette challenged two Philippine Coast Guard cutters during a patrol in the South China Sea, according to officials in Manilla. Ms McIsaac said: I am hugely ambitious for Hampshire and Isle of Wight. Caldicott Guardian Dr John Caine, NHS West Lancashire CCG Chair is nominated as CCG Caldicott Guardian. WebHead of Medicines Optimisation NHS West Lancashire CCG Ana Batista (AB) Senior Pharmacist Medicines Information NHS East Lancashire Hospital Trust Melanie Preston (MP) Helen Sampson (HS) Assistant Direction of Medicines Optimisation Senior Medicines Information Pharmacist NHS Fylde Coast CCGs NHS Blackpool Teaching Hospitals Job Description. Version No 2.1, NHS Commissioning Board: Information governance policy, JOB DESCRIPTION. There are a number of ways you can contact NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board. Donald Steel wrote of our course: Only in Britain can one savour the true flavour of seaside golf, of which The West Lancashire is a perfect example. Hall Road West Chief medical director The Caldicott Guardian is responsible for ensuring that NHS West Lancashire Clinical Commissioning Group processes satisfy the highest practical standards for handling patient information. Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS FT. Nicki Latham. The Clubhouse has recently undergone extensive refurbishment to the lounges, dining room, a Pro shop refit, renewed golfers entrance with heritage timeline, new outdoor seating area and upgraded practice area. We have listened to local people and worked together to set out how we will deliver the aims of the NHS Long Term Plan and address the most urgent needs of our population. Most recently, we have published a report looking at the legacy of CCGs and what lessons can be learned from them and taken forward into the new integrated care systems. We recommend when you visit that you take the opportunity to browse the history of the oldest club in the county and the 9th oldest in England. Information governance is the means of providing this governance framework, and currently includes the following legislation and work areas: Data Protection Act 1998 Freedom of Information Act 2000 The Confidentiality Code of Practice Information Security Management BS ISO/IEC 27002:2005 Records Management NHS Code of Practice Information Quality Assurance (Data Accreditation) Information Governance Toolkit 3.2 Aims and Objectives This document sets out the requirement to maintain policies and procedures in order to be compliant with the criteria of the Department of Health Information Governance Toolkit. The Information Governance team within the commissioning support unit will take responsibility to fulfil these annual obligations on behalf of the CCG. NHS Wakefield Clinical Commissioning Groups Governing Body is made up of members covering a range of responsibilities and geographic areas. More recently, Steering towards strategic commissioning (2017) outlines what CCGs need to support their strategic commissioning ambitions and get there at pace. This story is being updated as ICSs confirm news about their ICB CEOs. Openness Non-confidential information of NHS West Lancashire CCG and its services must be available to the public through a variety of media. Information Quality Assurance NHS West Lancashire CCG is required to establish and maintain policies and procedures for information quality assurance and the effective management of records. The West Lancashire Golf Club NHS West Essex CCG. Contact the Board Contact: Company Secretary company.secretary @lthtr.nhs.uk If you have a concern or a complaint please contact PALS Non-Executive Directors Executive Directors Non-Voting Members Corporate Directors CRIS Security Model 3 3. ID 163940, Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), England. Prior to this The Clinical Research Network, North West Coast was hosted by The Royal Liverpool Hospital. Prior to her new role, Amanda had joined NHS England and NHS You can read our CCG Legacy report. Meanwhile Jonathan Higman, current CEO of Yeovil Trust which is merging with Somerset FT, will take the helm at Somerset ICS. The information governance agenda of this CCG will be provided by commissioning support unit the CCG enters into a contract with. WebID 163935, Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), England. The Policy, Putting Barnsley People First Barnsley Clinical Commissioning Group Information Governance Policy and Management Framework Version: 1.1 Approved By: Governing Body Date Approved: 16 January 2014 Name of, INFORMATION GOVERNANCE POLICY Version Version 1 Ratified By Date Ratified PROPOSED FOR APPROVAL 15/11/12 Author(s) Responsible Committee / Officers Date Issue November 2012 Review Date November 2013 Intended, NHS Newcastle Gateshead Clinical Commissioning Group Information Governance Strategy 2015/16 Document Status Equality Impact Assessment Document Ratified/Approved By Approved No impact NHS Quality, Safety, INFORMATION GOVERNANCE STRATEGIC VISION, POLICY AND FRAMEWORK Policy approved by: Assurance Committee Date: 3 December 2014 Next Review Date: December 2016 Version: 1.0 Information Governance Strategic, INFORMATION GOVERNANCE STRATEGY Page 1 of 10 Strategy Owner Valerie Penn, Head of Governance Strategy Author Caroline Law, Information Governance Project Manager Directorate Corporate Governance Ratifying, Information Governance Policy Church Road Medical Practice Version No: 1.0 Issue Date: March 2015 INFORMATION GOVERNANCE POLICY 1. PLEASE CHECK THE INTRANET FOR THE MOST UP TO DATE COPY Target Audience: All staff employed or working on behalf of the, Information Governance Policy Version 1.1 Responsible Person Information Governance Manager Lead Director Head of Corporate Services Consultation Route Information Governance Steering Group Approval Route, Livewell Southwest Information Governance Strategy Version No 2.1 Notice to staff using a paper copy of this guidance. WebChris joined the Trust in July 2020 as Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Chief Executive before becoming Interim Chief Executive in October 2022. Deputy CEO . Chief Executive Officer. Meanwhile, Lancashire and South Cumbria ICS has appointed Kevin Lavery as its integrated care board chief executive designate. Key responsibilities of the SIRO are: To oversee the development of an Information Risk Policy and a strategy for implementing the policy within the existing information governance framework. Its Chair is Dr Adam Sheppard, a practicing GP based in Lupset. Sir Keir recently welcomed the party's newest MP, Ashley Dalton, to parliament following victory in February's West Lancashire by-election. He went on to say of the Club House and the view from the balcony: On summer evenings as the sun casts its shadows on the links, the shipping slips quietly by on the Mersey and there is time to reflect on the distant beauty, the realisation occurs that the West Lancashire enjoys the best of all worlds. NHS West Lancashire CCG is required to promote information quality and effective records management through policies, procedures/user manuals and training. L23 8SZ, Telephone: 1.5 The Information Governance Policy should be read in conjunction with the Information Governance Strategy. Recruitment for the 42 ICS CEO roles started in the autumn, run by NHS England. SLaM Information Governance Framework 4 4. This is a ladies professional golf tour event started in 2020 by Justin Rose and his wife, Kate, when the pandemic affected the Ladies European Tour. Data standards will be set through clear and consistent definition of data items, in accordance with national standards. We also oversee how money is spent and make sure health services work well and are of high quality. WebChief Finance Officer at West Lancashire CCG Greater Preston Area. Information Security NHS West Lancashire CCG is required to: Establish a Governing Body level Senior Information Risk Officer (SIRO) who will produce and take ownership of the organisation s Information Risk Policy. This involved assessing local needs, deciding priorities and strategies, and then buying services on behalf of the population from providers such as hospitals, clinics, community health bodies, etc. Sir Keir recently welcomed the party's newest MP, Ashley Dalton, to parliament following victory in February's West Lancashire by-election. PLEASE CHECK THE INTRANET FOR THE MOST UP TO DATE COPY Target Audience: All staff employed or working on behalf of the, INFORMATION GOVERNANCE POLICY Version: 3.2 Authorisation Committee: Date of Authorisation: May 2014 Ratification Committee Level 1 documents): Date of Ratification Level 1 documents): Signature of ratifying, Information Governance Strategy and Policy Ownership: Information Governance Group Date Issued: 15/01/2015 Version: 2.0 Status: Final Revision and Signoff Sheet Change Record Date Author Version Comments, (incorporating IM&T Security) ONCE PRINTED OFF, THIS IS AN UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT. NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB joins up health and care services, improve people's health and wellbeing, and to make sure everyone has the same access to services and gets the same outcomes from treatment.
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