welton primary school staff
Well done to Maddie who was the fastest for the school, with all cars making it through to the reginal final in May. Welton St Mary's Church of England Primary Academy Who's who at WSM Headteacher Designated Safeguarding Lead Senior Mental Health Lead Mrs. Nicola Gough SENDCo Mrs. Zoe Howarth Reserved Teachers Mrs. Nicola Gough Miss. Reported staff development spend is 621 per teacher per year, which is quite high compared to other schools. All recent letters and newsletters are here, CLICK HERE for notes on how to order meals with additional guidance here, CLICK HERE for 2022-2023 term dates and INSET dates, CLICK HERE to read our latest OFSTED report. Overall scores for nearby schools are shown. This field does not show pupils who actually received free school meals but They are open to pupils for 190 days and provide training to staff on the other 5 days. receive a qualifying benefit. The proportion of unfilled or temporarily filled teaching positions is 0%, which is very low compared to other schools. The Welton School Community values 'Education of the Whole Child', which underpins the school's determination to provide a comprehensive curriculum, nurture sound values and leadership potential. We believe all curriculum areas are important for all year levels. Our aim is to deliver an innovative curriculum that meets the needs of the individual and develops the knowledge, skills and resilience to be successful in a rapidly changing world. However, it is essential information for the department to be able to uniquely identify an individual and in a small number of cases conduct checks to confirm their suitability for this important and influential role. <> RUN! England service are consistent. The children hosted two fabulous investigations involving friction and water! WELTON RUGBY TEAM PLAY AT TWICKENHAM - Congratulations to the children who were chosen to represent Bath Rugby at the Premiership Rugby Final at Twickenham. Staff are All maintained school governing bodies and academy trusts have a legal duty to provide all of the governance information requested on this page in so far as it is available to them. endobj Click on the titles to see and hear them. What do rates of pay look like for Supply Teachers with Teaching Personnel? Applications for teacher training are now open for those looking for a rewarding career, offering pride and a real sense of purpose. https://t.co/tUM3TMLOPy, View Sitemap | High Visibility - Congratulations to the engineering team from Welton who qualified for the regional finals at MOD Corsham. The figures September has been a busy month at Welton. feedback -:O;teYyH.bw]@rY;tdikikik45yH,'9,]@b1tyCINyCX+b^yb^$J. Establishment Welton Primary School URN: 117868. This field does not show pupils who actually received free school meals Hover over the segments for details. 65,161 open jobs. This information is compiled from the data returned by establishments for their establishment's situation the annual spring school census. An amazing man! It will be 5 days a week. Welton Primary School Sep 2021 - Present1 year 8 months Somerset, England, United Kingdom Vice Chair of Governors, EYFS and Safeguarding Lead Governor Education Consultant Consultancy@IAPS. Parent comment to Ofsted 2019. Above average. WeltonPrimarySchool @SchoolWelton Jan 30 Would you like to work at our amazing, friendly school? from the schools, pupils and their characteristics statistical release published each summer. Download establishment data. Welton Primary is a popular semi rural school set in the heart of the beautiful Welton valley providing an education for children from the ages of 2 to 11. Sex: Mixed (50% boys / 50% girls) Welton Primary School May 2022 "We, at Welton have a dream that our children will be proud, happy and confident; knowing . The number of pupils per teacher is about 22, which is roughly average compared to other schools. Non-teaching Staff*: 2. At the start of the pandemic, dedicated staff kept schools open for the children of key workers. Staff at Welton are encouraged to be reflective practitioners, continually looking at what has gone well and what could be improved. Emma sang some of her own songs as well as a few well known favourites! }$N(|91jKUZ5.?Oo~^__u|+5/7sg}o?^w?u~}?vxso||^?_3\w~Gz>?_:{|_}_?_O~zO/}~__ku?=?_;?^'ox|?O_?~|?_mOu) _y?y_|~#{~~O?~z1?7?~wow?{oo~?o{w'XAr-$HHBrc,gcYk,=_e,zY{^,,eaYsY-}Y,}-]ZZyFc^c1^_z}YuXuXuXe1b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^^oyz54445y/y_:,u:yb^i1yY,u^:oyb^m1X|,u-u-u54445y/y]_,uy]b^i1uZ,u].y]b^m1XE7>I}'I'y,MCIb$yt8I:t,6:N',MCI.b$yt8hk45yCI,'9,'W;tb^qb^yyCI,'-'W;tb^q$j,y-y-yFc^c1vjX:NrZ:Ob1vjjX:Ob1v8hk45jX:NrX:Ob1vj\jX:Ob1v8c1v4I:{sH>s$C|cYyHbw]@r[;tdw$C\',vw$eCIFc^1X+b^yb^$J. And one more thing; we here at Welton are big on the 4 Rs. Parent Survey Feedback Thank you to everyone in the school community who participated in the latest survey . Radstock. %PDF-1.5 beta If you would like a paper copy of any of the information on the school website, please email office@weltonprimaryschool.com RUN! School contact details Head teacher Mrs Sue Watson Address Welton Primary School, Welton, Carlisle, Cumbria Postcode CA5 7HE Telephone number 016974 76377 Fax 016974 76377 Email address. )y&)icKl]! This field does not show pupils who actually received free school meals but %PDF-1.4 Elected by school staff: 20 November 2019: 19 November 2023: Elaine Heal: Not recorded: Appointed by GB/board: 20 November 2019: 19 November 2023: Sarah Lemmon: . Overall scores for nearby schools are shown. MIDSOMER NORTON SCHOOLS PARTNERSHIP. 171 pupils between the ages of 2 and 11. Students at Welton Primary School maintain regular contact with other network schools through group days, sporting carnivals, camps and excursions to provide our students with increased social interaction and experiences. receive a qualifying benefit. Headteacher: Mrs Pidgeon: Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Saleh: Assistant Headteacher / Executive SENCo: Mrs Jones: Teacher : Mrs Leitch: Teacher: Miss Brash: Teacher: Mr . It was a fascinating glimpse of the future! W:tdikikik45yCX+:OrX+b^$JJ. {X,n?z_l8dbFNppX8Aw;n38s8+ms~_? Jq0f~;gQ '|,|b7 %b_x8fEO}Q^:id#8aO8w"`,%5^*Q?/2mqTvp. W:tdikikik45yCX+:OrX+b^$JJ. As the only school choir represented, they did themselves proud! The number of assistants per teacher is about 0.97, which is quite high compared to other schools. St Lawrence Church of England Primary School (11.4km) show on map. will help. Please do not post any personal information relating to yourself, or employees of Welton Primary School as these comments will not be approved. The proportion of qualified teachers is about 100%, which is very high compared to other schools. About The Successful Candidate Maintain the . For longer term positions, this is negotiated with yourself and the school but would generally be paid to scale. Not interested in the Arts, outdoor education, the latest in learning technologies, sporting activity, the natural environment, extra curricula activity in addition to literacy and numeracy development? This field does not show pupils who actually received free school meals For example, they may be predecessor or successor establishments. We'd also like to use analytics cookies so we can understand how you use the service and make improvements. Closed in 2016. W:tW:tH,'y,'i. This is our official YouTube channel. Welton operates a 1:1 iPad Program from Year Prep to Six. x=koFfM 0rYd'7d?,L Your This field is not editable by establishment users as it is populated by the DfE using the underlying data Government office region (GOR) South West. Welton Primary School continues to be a good school. The data presented for the lower super output area (LSOA) is representative of the 2011 census. -A number of Welton children were lucky enough to experience a real life robotics exhibition at Somervale School. Welton students receive specialist teaching in visual arts. Click here to view the slides from the session. Use this comments section to discuss term dates for Welton Primary School. Day to day supply is typically between 120-140 per day, dependent upon experience. http://www.weltonprimaryschool.co.uk/ Thank you. . Welton Primary School is a small rural school 31 kilometres west of Echuca. <> We are seeking a teacher who will join . Welton Primary School is an academy. % This field shows whether a pupil's family have claimed eligibility for free school meals as reported in It has been lovely to meet new children and families as well as welcoming new staff to the school. It has 29 staff (about 17 FTEs), including 10 teachers (about 9 FTEs). 1 0 obj Hemswell Cliff Primary School (11.5km) show on map. on the third Thursday in January, in the spring school census data collection return. School Improvement This year's priorities for improvement are:- Ensuring pupils are equally successful in reading, writing and mathematics; The school's overall score (out of 100) is given below. Participation, to the best of your ability, across a range of curriculum areas and pursuits, is publicly celebrated at Welton Primary School. Help with number of pupils eligible for free school meals field, Help with percentage of children eligible for free school meals field, http://www.weltonprimaryschool.co.uk/ (opens in new tab), Find school and college performance data in England (opens in new tab), Schools financial benchmarking (opens in new tab), https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/data-protection-and-privacy-privacy-notices (opens in new tab), Ex-officio by virtue of office as headteacher/principal. Get notified about new Elementary School Teacher jobs in Welton, England, United Kingdom. The figures used are the performance table figures which ensures GIAS and the Find and Compare Schools in OvWY^qe JMRYXI{)|f)$7;Zg,W;%naM,. W:tW:t$H,]@b1tJ. the percentage of those who are eligible to receive them. The number of pupil places the establishment can accommodate. This school is a member of Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership . Coloured segments show the contributions of each indicator, explained in more detail below. The number of pupil places the establishment can accommodate. They did brilliantly and came away with a bronze medal - well done particularly to Elliot! 3 0 obj STOP PRESS! By default, all indicators are set to Relevant and are weighted equally in calculating overall scores for each school. Well done all! Click here to view the slides from the session! About The School This school is looking for a practical, reliable, enthusiastic and highly motivated school Caretaker. The data presented for the middle super output area (MSOA) is representative of the 2011 census. Help with number of pupils eligible for free school meals field, Help with percentage of children eligible for free school meals field, http://www.weltonprimaryschool.com (opens in new tab), Find school and college performance data in England (opens in new tab), Schools financial benchmarking (opens in new tab), https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/data-protection-and-privacy-privacy-notices (opens in new tab), Ex-officio by virtue of office as headteacher/principal. Welton Primary School has a fixed term vacancy available for September 2023, for one academic year. It will enable schools and the department to identify more quickly and accurately individuals who are involved in governance, and who govern in more than one context. will help. The data presented for the lower super output area (LSOA) is representative of the 2011 census. Emely Keane What is a reserved teacher? Welton St Mary's CE Primary Academy | Welton Teachers We have a few spaces remaining! Welton Primary School is a primary school maintained by the local authority ( East Riding of Yorkshire ). Get the inside scoop on jobs, salaries, top office locations, and CEO insights. RESPECT for self, RESPECT for others, RESPECT for learning, RESPECT for the environment, Not interested in the Arts, outdoor education, the latest in learning technologies, sporting activity, the natural environment, extra curricula activity. It has 63 staff (about 45 FTEs), including 21 teachers (about 19 FTEs). but the number of those who are eligible to receive them. stream INVITE TO DOWNING STREET -Two of our Year 6 children were invited to 10 Downing Street to interview the Prime Minister in Jan 2020 accompanied by Mr Snell and Mrs Hollidge. endstream Hover over the circles to see school names; click on them to go the corresponding school pages. XS[H@CbP!+(?OAMPQ:H??JG#E???NN bYQemKr{.P#O'28SzY Sorry, we don't have any term dates for Welton Primary School at the moment. 01761413131 office@weltonprimaryschool.co.uk 4 4 Choose what matters most to you with the menus below. If you are from this school and have a comment or correction then please write to us: Copyright 2022 | Last updated 1/11/2022. Daily Physical Education is in place and Environmental Science and Outdoor Education programs make good use of our unique bush setting. Weltons backyard" is utilised in the Outdoor Education Program. In response A suggested privacy notice for schools is available for download: Do you share our vision of ensuring every child is proud, happy, and confident; knowing that they are being nurtured, challenged and encouraged. https://t.co/CtZsLzBDjs, A lovely afternoon celebrating the special women in our lives in #eyfs. Would you like your child to come to Welton? OPAL PLAY AFTERNOON FOR PARENTS -The weather was kind to us as we hosted a fabulaous OPAL play event for families in June 2019. Copyright 2015 Welton Primary School Find out what works well at WELTON PRIMARY SCHOOL from the people who know best. -We had an inspirational visit from John Reynolds who shared his amazing running achievements and how his grit and determination allowed him to overcome significant health issues. Use the button on the left to personalise these scores based on your own priorities. from the schools, pupils and their characteristics statistical release published each summer. endobj % Your We've been included on the Primary Futures Website to showcase the brilliant work we do around careers! CHESS TOURNAMENT: Congratulations to the children who competed against more than 250 other children in games of chess at the London Chess Championships at Olympia. All comments are moderated so may not appear immediately. feedback The school's overall score (out of 100) is given below. Contact Details. Address: Radstock Road. Pupils or their parents are able to claim free school meals if they <> This field shows whether a pupil's family have claimed eligibility for free school meals as reported in This field is not editable by establishment users as it is populated by the DfE using the underlying data <> Excellent. Welton Primary School. This 'growth mindset' and desire for continual improvement and progress are key themes in all aspects of Welton primary school. Pupils or their parents are able to claim free school meals if they We were joined by a submariner, an air traffic control programmer and bridge designer to name a few! URN: 142941. 87,731 open jobs. It will enable schools and the department to identify more quickly and accurately individuals who are involved in governance, and who govern in more than one context. An inspirational man. Welton Primary Primary School Elloughtonthorpe Way, Brough, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU15 1TJ Mrs Blakey will be pleased to help with all enquiries. W:t$H,]@b1t$J,y-y-yFc^c1tyCIyCX+b^yb^$J. 3 0 obj endobj A real celebration of sport and physical activity. from the schools, pupils and their characteristics statistical release published each summer. The strong ethos of respect and care is woven into everything the school does. It has 29 staff (about 17 FTEs), including 10 teachers (about 9 FTEs). If you are concerned about any online abuse, click here for information, support and how to report it. A suggested privacy notice for schools is available for download: Fiskerton Church of England Primary School (11.8km) show on map. Choose Important for higher priorities and Unimportant or Ignore for lower priorities. Please enter this information below and click login to proceed. Welton Primary School (WPS) Elloughtonthorpe Way Welton Brough HU15 1TJ Headteacher: Mrs Nicola Pidgeon Tel: 01482 667 222 URN: 117868 DfE Code: 811/2749 344 pupils between the ages of 4 and 11. http://www.weltonprimaryschool.com Schools must open for 195 days each year. However, inspectors have some concerns that standards may be declining, as set out below. Community school. Latest Newsletter Download Children of the Week 11 22 33 44 55 66 Latest Prospectus He spent time with our Year 6 class telling us all about his incredible life and experiences of D-Day and the liberation of the Bergen Belsen concentration camp. receive a qualifying benefit. The atmosphere is that of a village school providing a high quality of education within a caring atmosphere. W:tW:tH,'9-]@b1tyCX+:OX+:NyOx}$>I$>Ib$yt8I:t,6:N'-MCI.b$yt8I:t,6:N4445yb^yyCIyCI,'W;tW;tb^yyCInyCI,'W;tm1v:Ob1v8a1vjjX:Ob1v8m1vjX:N4445y$jjX:Ob1v8i1vjX:NX:M}$>I}CI}:Or['I\CI$eqty$jjX:Ob1v8i1vjjX:Ob1v8b^yyCIFc^1W;tb^qb^yyCI,'9-'W;tb^qb^yyCIyCI,'W;tdikikik45yCI,'9,'W;tb^qb^yyCI.yCI,'W;tW;t$#n?sH> O;t>',vw$eCIv. They also had a tour of Number 10 and spent an hour with Boris Johnson, discussing the future of schools and aspirations for young people. Specialist teaching occurs in Indonesian, ICT, Art, Music and Library. We all enjoyed learning about another culture and the visitors enjoyed spending time learning and playing at Welton! Then please complete the form found HERE to enable us to claim more funds for your child and the school. <>>>stream We were fascinated to hear about this important event as he showed us a short film and pictures from the memorial. Look out for the staff scarecrow and our castle flower display too! Welton Primary School: Predecessor: 1 July 2016: Regional schools commissioner (RSC) region South-West England. Pupils Per Teacher: 20.3. This field shows whether a pupil's family have claimed eligibility for free school meals as reported in What is it like to attend this school?. Click the logo to view.(look out for Mr Cook at 1min 16secs!). beta Sign in to create job alert. We use some essential cookies to make this service work. About average. SCIENCE SUPERSTARS - Four children from Welton took part in a brilliant science event for enquiring minds at Bath Spa University. CLICK HERE to read a useful parent guide on how to support your child with online harrassment. We'd also like to use analytics cookies so we can understand how you use the service and make improvements. England service are consistent. the percentage of those who are eligible to receive them. See who you know. Welton Primary is a popular semi rural school set in the heart of the beautiful Welton valley providing an education for children from the ages of 4 -11. W:tW:tH,'-]@b1tyCIJ. Pupils or their parents are able to claim free school meals if they Elloughtonthorpe Way, Welton, Brough HU15 1TJ, Welton Primary School is a primary school maintained by the local authority (. 2 0 obj https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/data-protection-and-privacy-privacy-notices (opens in new tab). MENIN GATE: On Remembrance Sunday, Mr Snell sang with the Bath Male Choir at the Last Post Ceremony at the Menin Gate, Ypres. You should provide all of the information requested insofar as it is available to you. it must be related to our new text 'Lost and Found'. The children thoroughly enjoyed playing on the pitch and watching the final afterwards! The school strives to create an environment of learning where pupils can build on their individual strengths and explore their interests. The age range that the establishment is legally allowed to make provision for. 01482 667222 office@weltonprimaryschool.com Contact us on01761 413131 to find out more SPORTS DAY - It was great to have famlilies join us for oursports day this year. This field shows whether a pupil's family have claimed eligibility for free school meals as reported in We use some essential cookies to make this service work. stream Here Welton Primary School, Radstock Road, Midsomer Norton, Radstock, BA3 2AG, is put into focus to show its scores in relation to other schools in the area. 2 0 obj Mrs Saleh is now completely one of the Welton family! Our school services 12 students and is part of a strong and supportive community. VISITING TEACHERS -We were delighted to welcome nine teachers from Iceland, Lithuania, Greece and Spain. Welton Primary School is a popular semi rural school set in the heart of the beautiful Welton valley providing an education for children from the ages of two to eleven. ROBOTICS! We have an incredible site with playgrounds, woodlands, ponds and fields. Uncover why WELTON PRIMARY SCHOOL is the best company for you. Map of Secondary Schools in England and Wales. Please check back soon. How could we improve this service? Welton Primary School - Secure Area About Us Learning Curriculum Secure Area Home Learning Remote Learning To access this area we need you to login using the email address and password provided to you by the school. endobj See instead profile for Welton Primary School (Academy) Profile . Are you eligible for Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance, Employment Support Allowance, Child Tax Credit, Pension Credit, Working Tax Credit run-on, Asylum Seeker Allowance or Universal Credit? PHONICS PARENT MEETING- It was wonderful to see so many parents joining us for the phonics meeting. We are currently looking for a nursery practitioner and teaching assistants to work with individual children. Midsomer Norton. These establishments are linked with Welton Primary School, Inspection report: Welton Primary School, 25-26 June 2019 Page 6 of 11 Personal development, behaviour and welfare Good Personal development and welfare The school's work to promote pupils' personal development and welfare is good. Find out about what's happening at Welton St Mary's school. Somerset BA3 2AG. Thank you to everybody that came #schoolparentpartnership #crafts #happy https://t.co/tP2TwUSn1u, Working as a team on creating our tangrams this morning as part of maths day. Referrals increase your chances of interviewing at ClickJobs.io by 2x. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/data-protection-and-privacy-privacy-notices (opens in new tab). Everyone said what a fabulous event it was, particularly the school choir, gumboot and may pole displays. INSPIRATIONAL VISIT -We were honoured to welcome D-Day veteran, and great grandfather to two of our pupils, Albert Fenton to the school. A minimum set of information needs to be provided before a record can be saved. but the number of those who are eligible to receive them. x]Un0C`Q$0Rzud:5P{/1]8t9.c28[q .tzgr]Y}[i9N/youS0Ce7Y'{W|dJv>eiM/lbk65i|q3MYT>/dv5n*,7Bz phq=5C00,7 1-:o5U+|Xt(jXK+\xAEKN'qz1Ts!00McW{ullK3Npb,tV0R0J0`qr~F} Academy trust: MIDSOMER NORTON SCHOOLS PARTNERSHIP. Elected by school staff: 4 October 2021: 3 October 2025: Alec Kemp: Appointed by GB/board: 20 June 2021 . The information requested says nothing in itself about a person's suitability to govern. used are the performance table figures which ensures GIAS and the Find and Compare Schools in England Website design by e4education, W.I.L.S. receive a qualifying benefit. Details; . Caretaker Mr. Simon Martland Assistant Headteachers Mr. James Durkan Mrs. Odette Thorner Click on school names to go their corresponding pages. ASIAN ARTS AGENCY: Welton children and staff took part in a brilliant regional Asian Arts Festival and are featured in a fantastic publicity film! A minimum set of information needs to be provided before a record can be saved. CAREERS DAY -We were thrilled to have so many visitors to our careers day as we focused on jobs within Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. This information is compiled from the data returned by establishments for their establishment's situation With thanks to the brilliant PTFA for hosting and to all who came. How could we improve this service? SCHOOL CHOIR: A huge well done to the KS2 Welton School Choir who performed four wonderful songs at the National Osteoporosis Society Christmas charity concert in Bath. service are consistent. Excellent. xi{^?W;RFBr4L% Welton Primary School is a small rural school 31 kilometres west of Echuca. The school is situated in a picturesque bush setting, with abundant wildlife, close to the Murray River. Our school services 12 students and is part of a strong and supportive community. Welton Primary School employs 2.3 teaching staff, including the principal, and a part-time bursar. Ethan's rocket car was 2nd fastest on this occasion, narrowly missing out on qualifying for the national finals! The information requested says nothing in itself about a person's suitability to govern. KIRKLEES *** After the May half term break 2023 ***Fantastic Primary School About the school This school is looking for an exceptional Year 6 Primary teacher to join their excellent primary school in KIRKLEES. (Welton Independent Learning Skills). Teachers continue to play a major role in helping the communities they work within. used are the performance table figures which ensures GIAS and the Find and Compare Schools in England Schools must open for 195 days each year. If you are interested, please call or email the school for more info. 4 0 obj The age range that the establishment is legally allowed to make provision for. % INDIAN VISITORS -We really enjoyed meeting students and staff from the Sai International School, India, who spent a day at Welton in June 2019. There was a wonderful sound of laughter and fun as children and adults enjoyed playing together. EMMA SHOOSMITH: We were treated to a fabulous performance from local musician and songwriter Emma Shoosmith. ALICE THE MUSICAL -Our Y5 and Y6 children were incredible in their performance of Alice the Musical, performed at the Dragonfly Theatre in June 2022. LB~-H!Eo}7HJ[[S[%n"P{AluMzuCf_}!g%M: KixBVLwqz)];Xw8";_i ?SvTio QBX4MS2R(2Gbnhia:*CI8u^B*Sv z8n},Bb MbDQ0dT+%+,"2}Z-m TSNMQgo2q)\SZm 9,Kn?sjkEDhZHK~ Elloughtonthorpe Way Welton Brough HU15 1TJ. WONDERFUL WELTON FAYRE - The weather was wonderful for our Spring Fayre! Use the button on the left to personalise these scores based on your own priorities. We recommend that all parents check the staff training dates Welton Primary School have published on their website. W:tm1tyCIFc^1W:t$H,]@b1tyCX+:Or[+b^yb^$J. What would a typical day as a Supply Teacher look like? <>stream Unbelievably, we have found a penguin nest in the outdoor area! 69,296 open jobs. 'The overwhelming majority of parents who responded to Parent View and all those who spoke to inspectors would recommend this school to others' Ofsted 2019, 'I honestly can't praise this school enough' Parent comment to Ofsted 2019, 'This school really is a gem!' This will increase the transparency of governance arrangements. MINER VISITS WELTON - As part of our whole school local area topic we were delighted to meet ex-miner Selwyn Rees who spoke to us about his experiences of working in the local mines. This will increase the transparency of governance arrangements. You should provide all of the information requested insofar as it is available to you. Year 3/4 Primary Teacher at a wonderful school in Kirklees Accelerate Teaching is currently looking for an enthusiastic Year 3/4 Primary Teacher to work within a small . This field is not editable by establishment users as it is populated by the DfE using the underlying data Welton Primary School (WPS) Radstock Road Midsomer Norton Radstock Somerset BA3 2AG Headteacher: Mr John Snell Tel: 01761 413 131 URN: 142941 DfE Code: 800/2249 Opened 1 July 2016. service are consistent. However, it is essential information for the department to be able to uniquely identify an individual and in a small number of cases conduct checks to confirm their suitability for this important and influential role. Above average. North Ferriby Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School, South Cave Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School, Hessle High School and Penshurst Primary School, Kirk Ella St Andrew's Community Primary School, Little Weighton Rowley Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School, North Cave Church of England Primary School. The figures The role will include a wide range of responsibilities and duties connected with the maintenance of the grounds and facilities, health, safety, and security. on the third Thursday in January, in the spring school census data collection return. Welcome to Welton Primary School We, at Welton, have a dream that our children will be proud, happy and confident; knowing that they are being nurtured, challenged and encouraged to ignite their own unique spark of genius, so that it catches fire and shines. To read more CLICK HERE. Welton Primary School - Welcome Pack and Foundation 2023 About Us Admissions Well-being Learning Curriculum Parent Info Welcome Pack and Foundation 2023 Home Admissions Welcome Pack and Foundation 2023 Your new teachers have made a Welcome video for you, they are very excited about meeting you. RACE FOR THE LINE SW REGIONAL FINAL! W:t$H,'y,]@b1tyCIFc^1W:t$H,]@b1tyCI.yCX+b^yb^qv}$>I}CI}:Or['I\CI$eqty$jjX:Ob1v8i1vjjX:Ob1v8b^yyCIFc^1W;tb^qb^yyCI,'9-'W;tb^qb^yyCIyCI,'W;tdikikik45yCI,'9,'W;tb^qb^yyCI.yCI,'W;tW;t}$>I}CI}:Or['I\CI$eqty$jjX:Ob1v8i1vjjX:Ob1v8b^yyCIFc^1W;tb^qb^yyCI,'9-'W;tb^qb^yyCIyCI,'W;tdikikik45yCI,'9,'W;tb^qb^yyCI.yCI,'W;tW;t$5\>|dw}" y,:O;tcYyHnbw]@r[;tdw$C\',vwyCX+:OrX+b^$JJ.
7th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron,
Michigan State Fraternity Hazing,
Articles W