waseca county jail roster
Waseca County Jail is in the Waseca, Minnesota, in the United States. The in custody list shows who is in jail (arrests) on any given day. Waseca County Jail is part of the State of Minnesota Prison Systems. Jail Information. The Waseca County Jail will accept Paperback books for inmates. greeting cards, must be non-musical. newspapers only from a publisher, distributor, or book seller (IE Amazon.com, Walden Books.com). Use the following address when shipping freight & non-USPS parcels: Use the following address when sending correspondence and parcels to staff: This document provides you with general information about the institution, programs, Waseca County Sheriffs Office Sheriff Brad J. Milbrath Address 122 3rd Avenue Northwest, Waseca, Minnesota, 56093 Phone 507-835-0510 Fax 507-835-0537 The Waseca County Jail is located just West of the Waseca County Courthouse in the Waseca County Security Building at 122 3rd Avenue NW in the City of Waseca. Steele County Detention Center. County Office is not affiliated with any government agency. are arrested and incarcerated for in both Waseca County and state prisons throughout the country. Make sure you trust the person at the Waseca County Jail you are posting a bond for. Federal institution. Find Waseca County, Minnesota Jail Records, including inmates, bookings, and release lists by date and name. Suggest Listing You are probably wondering where you can find a Waseca City Jail custody report. https://mn.gov/dhs/people-we-serve/children-and-families/services/child-support/ https://www.co.waseca.mn.us/DocumentCenter/View/132/Waseca-County-Jail-Roster However, there are limits to everything, so keep this in mind as you wait for an inmate to call you. Postal Service, we do not accept packages received through private carrier or courier companies, List and prices of items sold at the commissary in, Special instructions for voluntary surrenders. The weekly turnover rate of inmates is approximately 55%, meaning that every week more than half of these inmates are released and then replaced with new offenders being booked into jail. Also, make sure you follow the protocol of the jail because its in place for a reason. Hardcover books, magazines, newspapers, puzzle books (word finds/crossword puzzles) and any books with pictures depicting nudity, gang affiliation, or drug use will not be accepted. Every representative is required by [] Phone Number . Information found on CountyOffice.org is strictly for informational purposes and does not construe legal, financial or medical advice. Funds deposited by The 25-bed capacity facility boasts of about 3746 bookings yearly from all of Waseca County. your family, friends, or other sources are stored in your commissary account that Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation and the United States Census Bureau. Inmates are required to purchase all postage through the institution's Commissary. Opened in 1918, Waseca County Jail is a minimum correctional facility in Waseca, Waseca County, Minnesota. Privacy Policy Search for Inmates on the Jail Roster in Waseca County MN: Arrest Date, Mugshot, Charges, Bail Amount, Booking #, Releas. Life in the FCI Waseca may look a little different than other prisons. After an inmate is sent to FCI Waseca, they are sent through orientation, where they will learn the ins and outs of the facility. Waseca County Courthouse 307 N State Street Waseca, MN 56093-2953 Phone: 507-835-0630 Fax: 507-835-0633 Hours: 8 a.m . the amount of their bond, or view their public mugshot, click on the link below or call the However, Waseca County County Jail comprises 5 different jails throughout the Waseca County County. Several crimes can lead to arrest and sent to Waseca County Jail. Terms and Conditions. Wednesday 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM Waseca County has a total population of 18787 and was formed in $county.Founded. The charts below break down the men, women, races, ethnicities and the types of crimes that people Search Waseca County, Minnesota inmate roster by first and last name, gender, DOB, and find visitation, contact, and commissary program policies. The Waseca County Jail facility is located in Waseca, Waseca County, Minnesota. Information found on CountyOffice.org is strictly for informational purposes and does not construe legal, financial or medical advice. Find information about sending money to inmates in Waseca County, Minnesota including commissary account information, inmate accounts, and money transfer agents. These warrants may be issued by local or Waseca County law enforcement agencies, and they are signed by a judge. No single item should be valued at over $100.00. Notify Me. In custody detainees through 3/9/2023 10:59:27 AM. housing unit will usually have a modified visiting schedule. Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'jailexchange_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',626,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jailexchange_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); JAIL Exchange is the internet's most comprehensive FREE source forCounty Jail Inmate Searches, County Jail Inmate Lookups and more. The city jail makes it quite easy to find inmates. The facility [] Waseca County Sheriff. The parent or guardian with the minor must stay in the visiting booth for the entire visit. This information is compiled from local police and the Waseca County Public Records Online Search. https://www.co.waseca.mn.us/index.aspx Inmates cannot possess whatever they want . These visiting hours are displayed in an easy to read format for your convenience. Management and staff priorities include employee development, strategic planning, training, Saturdays 8am to 11am Last Visit will be taken back at 10:30am Waseca, MN 56093. The address of Waseca County Jail in case of a visit to the inmates is 122 Third Avenue Northwest, Waseca, MN, 56093. . Waseca County Jail offender search: Type, Who's in jail, Alias, Bond, Arrests, Bookings, Status, Race, Release Date, Bond Amount, Court Record, DOB, Eye Color, Mugshots, Booking Date, Charges, Post Date, Disposition, Code, Criminal Records, Jail Roster. In fact, there are three ways in which you can find an inmate in this facility. 603-342-4000. Note: Information in this report has been redacted Court: 507-835-0540. Steele County Jail Contact Information. get driving directions from your location, Waseca County Inmate Search & Jail Roster. during your confinement. Waseca County jail. Address: 122 3rd Avenue Northwest, Waseca, Minnesota, 56093. Fax: 507-446-7050. Privacy Policy Waseca County County has a total area of 423 square miles. The list is updated daily. Use the address below to send correspondence and parcels to inmates. Sending or receipt of directly Books, magazines, and photos are the security; for example, cases of severe weather Find information about Waseca County, Minnesota Inmate Visitation including visitation information, in-person and video visitations, hours, schedules, appointments, and frequently asked questions. To provide for the safe and humane housing of individuals committed to our custody. 2023 County Office. 122 3rd Avenue NW Waseca, MN 56093. Cards with stickers, foam decorations, or other items attached to the card could result in the card being returned, as proper 2) Present a driver's license or a state-issued identification card. What's Happening Stay up to date with the latest news, events, and meetings. Waseca County Courthouse 307 N State Street Waseca, MN 56093-2953 Phone: 507-835-0630 Fax: 507-835-0633 Hours: 8 a.m . Address, Phone Number, and Fax Number for Waseca County Jail, a Jail & Prison, at PO Box 226, Waseca MN. Their roaster provides the following information about Waseca County inmates: Waseca County County Sheriffs Office is the 9th largest sheriffs office in the United States, with approximately 2824 employees. 122 Third Avenue Northwest, Waseca, MN, 56093, Monday 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM Marshals Service (USMS). In fact, there are three ways in which you can find an inmate in this facility. Once the inmate is booked, they can start making phone calls. Waseca County Jail remains a facility that cares about its detainees. A Waseca County Warrant Search provides detailed information on whether an individual has any outstanding warrants for his or her arrest in Waseca County, Minnesota. US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), US Enemy Combatant High Value Detainees (HVD), Minnesota Department of Corrections Prison Inmate Search - Includes Offenders Released from Prison but Still on Parole or Probation. The zip codes in Waseca County are 56048, 56072, 56091, 56093. About Us Contact Us Waseca County Arrest Warrants. The Waseca County Jail also has zero- tolerance for all forms of sexual abuse or harassment of the employees and inmates. Thursdays 6:30pm to 9pm Last Visit will be taken back at 8:30pm, Saturdays 8am to 11am Last Visit will be taken back at 10:30am, Sundays 8am to 11am Last Visit will be taken back at 10:30am. New appointees get hands on preparing with senior agents regarding Waseca County Sheriff's Office Strategies and Methodology concerning the activity of the jail. Waseca County County Sheriffs Office is a 5-story building housing administrative functions such as payroll, finance, community outreach. basic items which an inmate may receive from family and friends. institution's Commissary. Blank journals, diaries, address books, daily planners, In this Waseca County County, there is no single Waseca County County Jail. Steele County Detention Center. Additionally, the Warden may restrict or cancel visiting for the sake of safety and You will find that the city jail is a lot smaller than the county jail. Inmate wishing to corresponded with Finding an inmate at the Waseca City Jail is simple because the process is straight forward. Loud or belligerent talking is not accepted. Fax: (507) 835-0537. You can find out who is in custody by checking the custody list below or by calling the ADC at 507-328-6790. 2023 County Office. In addition, some Waseca County Jails rules control visitation that must not be assumed. 507-835-0510, Physical Address: Any additional or unauthorized items can cause the package to be not issued to the inmate and the inmate will incur the cost of Perform a free Waseca County, MN public warrant search, including warrant records, checks, lookups, databases, inquiries, lists, and bench warrant searches. There is the Waseca City Jail and the county jail. Operations are being modified at this facility due to COVID-19. Visit Waseca County Jails official website by clicking on this link website to learn about these rules in detail. Inmates may receive up to 25 photos daily, no Polaroid or sexually explicit material. institution life. Where to look up Waseca County outstanding and active warrants, How to check if you have a warrant out for your arrest, How to find Waseca County Police and Sheriff's Department Warrants. Waseca County Sheriff Facebook. In addition, Waseca County Jail offers programs and services designed to self-improve, rehabilitate, and correct. The settlement is in arrears to the inmate and includes his Minnesota Department of Corrections ID Number. The Waseca County Jail inmates phone system and labor are also very human. JAIL ROSTER. In 1930 the Department of Justice authorized and established a Commissary at each Waseca County Jail provides a daily updated Inmate Roaster in PDF format on the Waseca County Jail's official website for the public website. A Waseca County Warrant Search provides detailed information on whether an individual has any outstanding warrants for his or her arrest in Waseca County, Minnesota. inspection/searching of the card could cause excessive damage to the card due to the affix items. of Justice and Census Bureau. . CountyOffice.org does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Address. You can reach him by calling 507-835-0510. Search Waseca County, Minnesota inmate roster by first and last name, gender, DOB, and find visitation, contact, and commissary program policies. County Waseca County. Box 226Waseca, MN 56093. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'jailexchange_com-banner-1','ezslot_5',625,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jailexchange_com-banner-1-0'); Jails and Prisons maintain records on inmates, including arrest records, sentencing records, court documents, and other criminal records. All Rights Reserved. Inmate Name, ID, Housing # The inmates at the Waseca County Jail are classified as the minimum and medium danger inmates. Any visitor who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be denied visitation. The Waseca County Jail has an up to date online database for inmate search, roster reports, and bail bonds. If you want to visit detainee at the Waseca County Jail you can check out the visitation schedules via the Waseca County Jails website. In Custody. The Waseca County Sheriff's Department operates and manages the Waseca County Jail. Updated on: January 20, 2023. Waseca County Jails current capacity is 272 detainees. CountyOffice.org does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Data Source: U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics; National Prisoner Statistics (NPS) Program, Prisoners In 2015. The Waseca County Sheriffs Office manages all the jails making up the Waseca County County Jail system. Inmates can receive standard sized Find information about Waseca County, Minnesota Inmate Visitation including visitation information, in-person and video visitations, hours, schedules, appointments, and frequently asked questions. Roster Search. Inmates also cannot receive any food items, clothing or Find Arrest & Court records, Mugshots and Contact Info. Phone 507-835-0510. This applies to all Federal inmates, regardless of where they are incarcerated. credit cards, gift cards, letters or notes, phone cards, jewelry, blankets, pillows, towels, PJ's, food items, books, magazines, etc can be received, only the the Waseca County Sheriffs Department, Minnesota Corrections, United States Department of CountyOffice.org does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Editors frequently monitor and verify these resources on a routine basis. Type /Catalog /Pages 2 0 R /PageMode /UseNone /ViewerPreferences /FitWindow true /PageLayout /SinglePage /NonFullScreenPageMode /UseNone >> >> endobj 5 0 obj /Length . Join the conversation on our social media channels. When you are ordered by the Court to voluntarily surrender, you will be notified by the U.S. determine compliance with the Prison Rape Elimination Act. The inmates roaster on the website is updated every 15 minutes. All visits will be 30 minutes. facility at 507-835-0510 for the information you are looking for. Fax: 507-835-0537. Address, Phone Number, and Fax Number for Waseca County Jail, a Jail & Prison, at PO Box 226, Waseca MN. You can reach him by calling 507-835-0510. 320 Third Street NW Faribault, MN 55021 507-332-6100. Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. Items must The Waseca County Sheriff, Brad J. Milbrath, is the head law enforcement officer in the Waseca County county. Adult Probation: 507-835-0550. Money can be dropped off. The facility houses all kinds of inmates, from low-level misdemeanor inmates to those incarcerated for severe offenses such as rape, robbery, and murder. Visiting Hours. at this facility but may not cover all cases; for example, inmates confined to a special information by referring to this information from the U.S. This is because you must post something in collateral to ensure that the Waseca County Jail detainee shows up for court. Because this is a smaller facility, there isnt a lot of man power to facilitate visiations. Prisonroster.com is a privately owned informational website that is not owned or operated by any state government agency. To search for an inmate in the Waseca County Jail, review their criminal charges, Iowa. Find 7 external resources related to Waseca County Jail. Once the jail has their permission, you can use these steps to gain their belongings. Address: 122 3rd Avenue Northwest, Waseca, Minnesota, 56093, 56048, 56072, 56091, 56093. You can contact the Sheriff through his email address at brad.milbrath@co.waseca.mn.us. Tuesday 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM City Waseca. All funds sent through the mail must be addressed to a processing center in Des Moines, Additionally, the Waseca County Jail houses individuals sentenced for crimes carrying jail sentences instead of prison sentences. Waseca County Jail, Minnesota Inmate Roster. of the institution administration. Where can I find the answers to my frequently asked questions? Any book dropped off for inmates must be new, with a receipt, and will become the property of the jail upon the inmate's release. The visiting schedule is as follows: Normal visiting hours at the Waseca County Jail are: Only inmates on the Waseca County Jail visitation list are permitted to see their visitors. If a visitor has to leave the booth for any reason while visiting they will not be readmitted. The Waseca County Jail, located in Waseca, MN, is a secure facility that houses inmates. immediate family members who are also incarcerated, must have prior approval from both facilities prior to corresponding. Detainees serving time in Waseca County County are those convicted of misdemeanors with sentences up to 6 months. If you have been Information found on CountyOffice.org is strictly for informational purposes and does not construe legal, financial or medical advice. Waseca County Jail allows the inmates visitation but on a specific schedule with strict regulations that the visitors must follow. Waseca County website is Minnesotas one of the fastest-growing and most populous counties in Minnesota. Inmates may receive hard covered books (no padded covers, no enclosed CD/DVD) and/or These warrants may be issued by local or Waseca County law enforcement agencies, and they are signed by a judge. 2500 Alexander Street SW, Owatonna, MN 55060. 2023 County Office. https://www.co.waseca.mn.us/DocumentCenter/View/132/Waseca-County-Jail-Roster. Waseca County Sheriff's Office Website Notify Me. The Commissary provides a bank type Familiarizing yourself with this information and knowing Waseca County Jail offender lookup: Warrant #, Cell Location, Eye Color, Court, Projected Release Date, Status, Arrests, Liens and Judgments, Bond, Mugshots, Defendant Record, Release Date, Booking Date, Inmate Roster, Case Records, Detainer Information, Alias, Case Description, Court Record, Bookings, Who's in jail, INS. This is a privately owned website and is not owned and operated by any state government organization. The monthly average of total bookings in Waseca County Jail is 391. Inmate's first and last nameLaw Enforcement CenterP.O. Most importantly, you can reach officials at the Waseca County Jail by 507-835-0510. Waseca County has a total area of 432.973 square miles. Olmsted County Adult Detention Center houses detainees. https://www.co.waseca.mn.us/253/Waseca-County-Jail If you have further questions, please contact our Correctional Systems Department, Mail Room, at 507-835-8972. safety of our staff and the public we serve while maintaining fiscal responsibility and accountability. Website website. How do I contact a County department? View map of Waseca County Jail, and get driving directions from your location. To search for information about an offender incarcerated at Waseca County Jail, the facility provides an online jail population list. box (IE 5 paperback books enclosed in accordance with BOP policy), and only the books may be in the package. Waseca County Jail makes these records available to the public. In person: 508 South State Street, Waseca, MN, 56093. legal counsel, and the opportunities that you The zip codes in Waseca County are 56048, 56072, 56091, 56093. Phone. Visitation hours, prison roster, phone number, sending money and mailing address information. Quick Links. Waseca County Jail inmate locator: Booking Date, Mugshots, Height, Probation Sentences, Race, Authority, Release Date, Inmate List, Bookings, Bond . This jail is also a holding cell, so inmates are not here for a long period of time. You may find that your inmate needs to post bail. Its common for a prisoner to have personal property that needs picked up from the jail. Thursdays 6:30pm to 9pm Last Visit will be taken back at 8:30pm. However, during the weekend and holiday hours are from 9:00 am until 11:00 pm. The Inmate Roaster offers the following details about the inmates incarcerated in Waseca County Jail: Charges; Full name of . Learn more about sending mail. or small carry-on style suitcase. You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. Terms and Conditions. listed on this page. They represent the most typical visiting hours Inmates are allowed to send international correspondence, Sunday 7:30 Am to 2:30 PM. The Waseca County Warrants links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites that provide access to Waseca County Warrants. Find information about sending money to inmates in Waseca County, Minnesota including commissary account information, inmate accounts, and money transfer agents. Inmates are not allowed to receive stamps, postage meter strips, or envelopes with pre-paid postage metering. Waseca County Child Support Warrants. Here is the inmate roster for the Waseca County Jail. Fax 507-835-0537. Waseca County County can be found in the Minnesota area. This roster is updated daily, you can check it online for inmate search, roster reports, and bail bonds. Anthony Buttera, Jail Administrator. Every link you see below was carefully hand-selected, vetted, and reviewed by a team of public record experts. The number of visitors at the Waseca County Jail is limited to 8. Help others by sharing new links and reporting broken links. days prior to her release to get an Authorization to Receive Package Request form, which allows these items to be re ceived by the facility. The Waseca County Sheriff's Office as of now workers 9 full-time delegates allotted to the Jail Division. In fact, the only person that can visit someone int he jail is a prisoners legal council. Waseca County has a total population of and was formed in 1857. Waseca is the county seat. Prisonroster.com. address FAQs. Waseca County Sheriffs Office. The Waseca County Jail normally detains Waseca County residences. Phone: 507-446-7000. Jail records, court & arrest records, mugshots and even judicial reports. instructed to surrender at this facility, please follow these instructions on your surrender date. Waseca County Jail recognizes that inmates make mistakes and give a second chance to those willing to take it. View Waseca County, Minnesota child support warrants list, including names, photos and last known addresses. If you want to schedule a visit or send mail/money to an inmate in Steele County Detention Center, please call the jail at (507) 446-7000 to help you.
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