unpublished author bio examples
I guess you could call it my author site. He lives near my old hometown, Kansas City. My recent site I put up while I was writing my novella then added a link to the book on Amazon when I self-published it a month ago. So for the last few months I turned off the indexing of my personal website to see how well my Medium following grew. Multiple pen names arent unusual for authors, and Patricia Sargaent has three of them because she writes in different genres. Read on for some tips on how to write a bio for work to make it easy for readers to connect with your work and you as well. Niyati Tamaskar is a mother, engineer, entrepreneur, public speaker, and author. Thank you! Its definitely something I want to get done this year. When I set up my website, the important things for me were simplicity/ease of use for the end user (I hate having to search for things on a website!) Happy writing! Thats original and so, wellinviting! Some agents and editors ask for biographical information as part of a query or submission. When asked to offer a dozen things people should know about him, Lentz says he: He resides in Southern California with his high-school-sweetheart wife and family. Helen Hoang is that shy person who never talks. WebYour resume is a list of your professional roles. (I only ask that the websites be G- or PG-ratedotherwise, I will remove the link.) Member of SCBWI. Here are some real-life author bios from Amazon or on a back cover that combine most or all of the tips above: Forgotten Legacy: Robin Perini, the Publishers Please enter the email address you used for your account. Get into a best-selling author mentality and dont be shy about the size of your own name. This can be done subtly, like by referring to your location in your byline: Or you can include a brief illustration of your lifestyle, says Rachel: Jane lives and works out of her home at the base of Mount Washington in New Hampshire, and spends her summers hiking and camping with her two children and husband.. The great part about writing a one-liner as your opener is that it can double as a short bio for guest articles, social media, etc. Adam Wallace writes this short bio in the first person, which is unusual and feels more friendlyas if hes personally introducing himself to you. Medium (eBook only, literary magazine, etc. Jessie, this is awesome! A passion for writing took hold at five when she taught her brother to write his name on the bathroom door. The apartment building setting is terrific and the story has real surprises. Thanks for letting us share our own bio. Web8. Hello, Bryn. If your bio is often used by others, provide an easy cut-and-paste version at your website, on your bio page. Only stick to credentials that directly relate to the content of your book. If youre writing about tax-deduction strategies for real estate investors, your bio should present your expertise why anyone should listen to you on the subject. Her friendliness and sense of humor comes across, and the blog portion of her website has sharp and engaging visuals. Authors of books for adults can do this, too! Here are some ideas for what you can put in a bio as an unpublished writer: What you write Why you write it Any awards you might have won for your writing or articles The right approach for you will depend on your goals, your personality, where you are on your writing journey, and where the biographical information will appear, so Ive tried to include several approaches. Special thanks to John Scalzi for inspiring me to write this specific type of bio. Author bio examples (authors website) If you're a bestselling author, you want to make sure readers know that. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Her latest work is the sequel to her debut novel, In the Arms of a Stranger. You should also place an author bio on your website that goes into a little more detail than the bio in your book. I really like the use of the evocative illustration at the top. Enter site? [spacer height=20px] Pin or bookmark the post for future inspiration! Oh, and for a host, I use Wix.com. I have to clean up my editing though, as I keep finding grammar mistakes in my stuff (embarrassing). By day, shes an analyst for an advanced technology corporation, but in honor of her mother, Robin has become a passionate advocate for those who battle Alzheimers disease. If your writing is known for its humor, let it show in your bio. For example: Jane hopes to write her next novel soon, if she can stop reading other people's novels instead. Join a community of over 1 millionauthors. This is an important one, and what tone you use depends on the kind of writing you do. Your author bio is, naturally, a chance for you to introduce yourself, but its also an opportunity for you to introduce readers to your body of work, and share a little about your writing history. Perhaps the book the reader's holding is part of a seriesdo they know that there are more books? An unprofessional author headshot screams low-quality content. MASTER LIST of Gestures and Body Language. She was the oldest of three in a literary household. If youve used levity in your writing, then you can say something like Architect by day, crime novelist by night.. Serious and academic authors often have professional reasons to have author bios that function as resumes. I have a website/mailinglist/newsletter/readermagnet-thing going on in parallel with my rather ambitious WIP. Im assuming WordPress does something similar with their services. Have an author bio already, but want a second opinion on it? The apartment building setting is terrific and the story has real surprises. No, how about you just let me in automatically? I know its pretty bare bones now, but I would appreciate any constructive criticism. Weirs mega-blockbuster novel The Martian famously started as a series of blog posts, so its no wonder hes got a sharp-looking blog. After reading the bio. Throwback Thursdaylilacs at our old house in the Kansas City area. Here are some real-life author bios from Amazon or on a back cover that combine most or all of the tips above: Forgotten Legacy: Robin Perini, the Publishers Weekly and internationally bestselling author of Forgotten Secrets, is devoted to giving her readers fast-paced, high-stakes adventures with a love story sure to melt their hearts. She writes the Moccasin Cove Mystery series featuring a quirky amateur sleuth with too much empathy and wit for her own good. Stick to this checklist on how to write an author bio: While youre writing, always ask yourself, Is this relevant to my reader?. He also writes non-fiction, on subjects ranging from personal finance to astronomy to film, was the Creative Consultant for the Stargate: Universe television series. This is so great. The author bio is a great place to mention your other books, if you have them. Enter your email or get started with a social account: 1. Novelist and short story writer Brandon Taylor's whole bio is great, but check out his heavy hitting first sentence that instantly tells you everything you really need to know: If youre stuck for words, you can use his bio, and other great About the Author examples for inspiration. First-time authors might not be able to include any literary accomplishments, like other best-selling books and prestigious awards. Thanks so much for reading, and happy writing! No writers were harmed in the making of this reel! Long Range Shooting Handbook: Complete Beginner's Guide to Long Range Shooting: Ryan Cleckner served as a special operations sniper team leader with the U.S. Army's elite 1st Ranger Bn. If someone is reading this article, it is highly unlikely that they can boast being bestselling authors or share that they are on the third book of a highly successful series. If possible, include links to your website or social media, so people can find out more about you. You know what you should do. Keep it under 300 words. Youre so sweet. Book marketing consultant Rob Eagar suggests that another way to boost your credibility is to to weave in any endorsements you may have received from well-known outlets Readers pay more attention to authors with a proven track record.. So many people loved her. Add a personal touch, such as a hobby or favorite TV show. If youve ever been intimidated by author bios that are basically a long list of publishing credentials and awards, let me share a little secret. And youre going to have to stop saying youre lazy. For very new writers, a website might consist of only one or two pages, mainly focused on your bio Thats the way to do it right. Web#9 Author Bio Example Joanna Penn Joanna Penn is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling thriller and nonfiction author who also writes under the pen names of JF Penn I especially love that you included examples from unpublished authors. Get your manuscript edited by an industry expert who knows what it takes to write and publish a bestselling book. In that case your article will help them to write a killer one. You would think with an MBA in marketing Id be good at delivering messages, but Im horrible. Visit her website at www.robinperini.com. Im looking at revamping my own website right nowits always just been functional, but I want to make it pretty. In no particular order: Courtney Milan's Author Bio Sarah J. Check out these 25 authors who absolutely nailed their authors bios, and don't be scared to take notes! My road trip book! Hi Janet! Excellent post! Joanna Penn writes non-fiction books for authors and is an award-nominated, New York Times and USA Today bestselling thriller author as J.F. Her first cookbook was published in 2016 by Oxmoor House. If you're a nonfiction writer, your bio is particularly important as it establishes your authority/expertise to write about the topic in your book and also your credibility with readers. Thanks for sharing. Lots of people want to know if they can publish their own work on their website, and the answer is: it depends. (89 words). I definitely want to check out these other blogs for some pointers. As an example, here is the author bio of debut novelist Paul Mendez: Paul Mendez was born in Dudley. She does a wonderful job of differentiating the characters voices and perspectives. People want to read the work of someone who knows what they're talking about, so making it clear that you are indeed that subject matter expert immediately puts a reader's mind at ease. I hope you are doing well. He has also linked his online columns to automatically appear! Check out these 25 authors who absolutely nailed their authors bios, and don't be scared to take notes! (227 words), Mia K Rose has another example with bullet points! I think its a great length for the inside of a book. No, seriously, try it. Want to come along? I should also mention that I started putting my blog on Medium.com, a major blogging site. Book publicity takes some preparation and watchfulness, but it can help your book become news. But like my first step into blogging, Ive been sitting on that website, unsure of what to put there. I chose to use the domain name of the brand Im hoping to build around my book for this site. We can discuss the topic in your book 5,000 WRITING PROMPTS. Looking around the Plaza and Westport in Kansas City last nightwe always love going back for a visit! Liz, those two opening sentences are so good! Do you, personally, want to be perceived as warm and friendly? Keep these things in mind with your color choices and design. My name is [Name] and I am an unpublished author from Australia. I know I only have a handful here. How often should you update your About the Author page? You also don't need to have lived the life you're writing about. Hi PJ! Hi, Maria! Micheal is an eclectic minded writer. This website features the authors completed, unpublished novel (which sounds terrific, by the way.). Learn seven tried-and-true strategies for boosting book sales. You would pay for the domain nameI believe its $15 a year. One of the not-quite-yet-author websites you listed, Emilyrae, happens to live in a nearby town, so I reached out to her. Tailor your bio to your genre, target audience, and the individual book its for. I think it can be really challenging to figure out how to present yourself online. A good author bio (and book reviews and book description) compels them to actually buy the book. Recently I asked, Whats the difference between wisdom and foolishness? There were a lot of great ideas in the replies. Jane is a historian at Vermont College and has spent over a decade researching World War 2. Joanne Machin does other things besides write, and thats true of a lot of writers. Ill guess that youre writing some sort of fiction. I think youre bringing it all together so well. These were some of the best writers websites I could find when I was researching this post, and I tried to include a variety. Refer to them when you start writing and youll have an engaging author bio that should easily sell more books. Hopefully, because youre a writer, youre able to follow the steps in this article to create your own bio. [Famous author] says Jane Doe is a unique new voice in the thriller genre. Dont ask her about her work with the U.S. Secret Service, shes sworn herself to secrecy. And there are other differences as well. I love the alliteration . A professionally trained electrician, Jane has spent the last decade reading and writing romance novels giving her characters a palpable spark! How did you find your copy editor? I love the invitation at the end. in her bio. Hes got a tab for each of his projects, a good bio and an author photo that conveys his personality, and invitations to sign up for the newsletter. I studied human behavior in college right after high school, but didnt really start to understand people or myself until I explored life with characters in my own fiction. Also leave out the fun stuff about family, pets, and I cant tell you how excited I am to get not one, but TWO Dresden books this year. May 2020, 4 must-have pages for your unpublished author website - Debbie Emmitt - Mystery author, editor and proofreader. I especially love that you included examples from unpublished authors. Get extra writing inspiration, news, and giveawaysand never miss a new post! As I am an architect, I have well-structured novels! Artist. And they're also apt to purchase your next one. (Personally, I kind of get into both.). Not only is this the industry standard, it also makes it easier to toot your own horn, which you should definitely be doing here. (Volume 1): Who is Wimpy Fart? I just need to get some author photos first. Emily R. King shares her favorite snack and her interest in wildlife (I think?) I have a rather awkward question Id like to ask you. Lena Alexson. If you're a fiction author, you can usually get away with a more casual tone. Doesnt hurt that hes a fellow OU alum either. Although any new project has a learning curve, most people have no trouble setting up a WordPress.com site for themselves. The content and tone you include in your author bio will depend on several factors: In a print book, your author bio should go in the back matter of your book or on the dust jacket sleeve. I've been querying to agents and publishers in an attempt to publish my debut novel. Notice that the bio is doing much more than just introducing her: its also inviting you to follow her on social media, hire her as a speaker or teacher, and sign up for her newsletter. Aww. Shes conducted numerous writing craft workshops for writers groups and book conferences, and offers online fiction writing courses. Most readers wont care where you were born (unless its a book about where you live), what high school you went to, or that you always wanted to become a full-time writer. Here are the headings that appear before the About the Author section: You should update your About the Author page or individual author bios any time something significant changes in your life or career, especially honors and awards or when your next book comes out. It can become more of an introductory blog postand it can serve other purposes as well (as youll see in a couple of the examples below.). Example: An authors lived experience One great example of a bio that shares biographical details is author Niyati Tamaskar, whose memoir Unafraid draws on her If anyone is interested, that website is at https://www.chrisvpowers.com (I only found one f-word among all 11 posts, so I think that meets Hollywoods current PG guidelines?). You'll get it in your email inbox right afterward. If you come stay at my house Ill uh, make sure you have fresh towels. My own author bio is listed just below for reference (and ridicule, if you like). A couple of them havent yet published anything yet. In a world full of skimmers, some readers may not get past the first couple of lines of your bio, so its important to frontload the essentials. So put a little work into your bio, and you wont regret it. Book Marketing for Self-Publishing Authors, Home / Book Publishing / How to Write an Author Bio [With Examples and Templates]. I certainly do. (Lots of them are also visual artists, for instance!) Shes based in the Caribbean, and her location set the tone for her splashy website. Tinkering with my own right now at http://www.eoconnors.com. Hes one of my favorites. I think wed all love to see more published and unpublished author website examples! Add a personal touch, such as a relatable profession or quirky hobby. Can I just leave my author bio out? For an eBook on Amazon, your author bio goes below the suggested books. Your personal bio digs deeper than this and gives readers an insight into things like: Your interests outside of work. The best author blogs have new posts on a more or less regular schedule. https://www.amazon.com/Judith-Gonda/e/B084KPD5D5?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1&qid=1635362583&sr=1-1. When my data science program started they wanted us to write weekly blog posts for extra credit. Aim for a bio of 60-90 words in length. I built my website about 8 years ago but with my second book scheduled to be released Spring 2022, I have been thinking of different ways to refresh it. Im currently revamping my website, trying to take it from just a blog to a true author website, and the examples you provided give me something to work from. I am working on self-publishing my first novel, a romantic space opera on a limited budget. You could briefly mention other works you have that are totally different than the one they're reading. To write a great author bio, you need to know your target audience, cater to your genre, brag (but not too much), keep it brief, and call the reader to action. He is tall for no reason. . I said to her, Hey, okay if I take a bath? She said, Oh sure, hang on and brought me THIS BASKET full of loofahs and soaps and lotions and a new candle! Unless these details are relevant to his book if, for example, the book is set in St. Louis or about parochial education or mens hairstyles not much of this tells us why hes the right author for this story. Hes got a tab for each of his projects, a good bio and an author photo that conveys his personality, and invitations to sign up for the newsletter. While it's certainly true that signaling authority in a field as a fiction writer is indeed more difficultfor instance, you don't have to be a scientist by education or profession to write a hard biopunk novelsubject matter expertise or at least thorough research can be indicated with a bibliography of sources, if you consulted actual medical journals or papers or textbooks on which to base your novel. Also, yay Jim Butcher. Thank you Bryn for putting these excellent bio samples together for us. One great example of a bio that shares biographical details is author Niyati Tamaskar, whose memoir Unafraid draws on her own experiences of cancer and the cultural baggage surrounding it. Themes make everything so much easier. I didnt know that about Googlepunishing you if cross-post! In any case, I am sure you would never be so cruel as to judge or dismiss someone else based on their looks. Visit herThe Write Spot websitefor details. If you mention your spouse or now-estranged children in your bio, you may want to change that. Joanne Machin resides in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, Thomas, and their Welsh terrier,Oliver. Have you won awards, scholarships, or fellowships for your writing? The stunning images and evocative messaging drew me in and made me want to know more. If a reader Googles your name, a website or blog gives them the opportunity to get to know you and make a better connection with you. She lives and continues to cook non-stop in Los Angeles, with her corgi, Butters. Thanks for bringing this post to our attention (again) via Twitter, Bryn. We are in KC for a couple of days to see some old friends. I already get your email posts. Helen Hoang has a really endearing about the author. Notice that she also uses the bio to establish that she brought personal experience to the writing of her breakout mega-bestseller, The Kiss Quotient, which features a heroine on the autism spectrum. Second of all, more than ever, consumers are buying books from writers they want to support. Begin your bio with a punchy first sentence. Plus, if they can relate to you, it might be an extra push for them to buy your book. If you use WordPress.org like I do, its quite a bit more expensive, and you may sometimes need technical help with some aspects unless you know how to write code or you want to learn. It can be a big undertaking but I know itll be worth it, and Im sure youll find that to be true, too. The funny thing is, I need to update mine, too. As a quick recap, an unpublished authors website should have two goals: The first goal would be to provide editors, agents and the publishing world with a better picture of who you are and what youre about. And if youre looking for more inspiration on how to build your online presence, check out more examples of the About the Author section or our course on how to build an author mailing list: Learn how to connect with your audience and sell more books with email. I need to update mine. Adam Silveras bio is short and focuses on his publications, but he throws in something at the end to make you smile. I also love the opening sentence! Meet your dream marketer on Reedsy. Just a super enjoyable read. Still, establishing a third-person perspective when writing about yourself automatically establishes objectivity and professionalism, and inspires trust on the part of the reader. This website was built on Squarespace, and it looks really good. But the author bio is another critical tool that you shouldnt leave out. But in many cases, writing about yourself is more challenging than writing any other prose. So today, Im sharing what I think are some great author bio examples. Depending on your niche or subject, not sure. This is your opportunity to make readers feel like they know you. But we and all three dogs are happy to be comfy at home again, too! This credibility leaves the reader with a sense of trust, knowing that whatever they're reading was written by someone who could be called a subject matter expert. More examples with start up authors would be great. Amazon Book Sales Calculator: How Much Does a Best Seller Make? You always need to know who would want to buy and read your book. Tiny light gray type will make a lot of people bounce. Hey friends! I appreciate you making this article available. Done well, an author bio can give you credibility and introduce your readers to your other works. Using humor and an upbeat tone, I want to let Kindlepreneur readers know exactly who I am as a content writer in 34 words. Reedsy is more than just a blog. https://www.amazon.com/Judith-Gonda/e/B084KPD5D5?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1&qid=1635362583&sr=1-1, Thanks, Judithand thanks for sharing your own! Im going to be doing more posts about social media presence for writers, so subscribe to the blog, if you havent done so already (theres a place to sign up on the lefthand side of the page). Thanks for sharing these great bios. . In between, she wrangled children, adults, and the occasional Florida panther as a teacher and school administrator. Dont call yourself a novelist if you havent published yet. Check out this post by Kellie Rendina to understand their differences. List those journals, magazines, anthologies, and/or individual publications. Now you need to write the actual words of the bio. Then again, I guess Google does the same sort of thing, just on a larger scale. Ive heard great things about Wix, though I havent used it personally. Whats the point of having a website or blog if you dont get to write whatever you want there? I love to bring stories to life and create unique, exciting worlds with my words. Lucy Score is an exceptionally successful self-published romance author. Lol. Bios irrelevant to the book confuse potential readers. And if youd like to share your own author bio in the comments section and link to your author page on Amazon or your website, go for it. This article was a godsend for me in terms of giving me the confidence to create a website even though I am unpublished. Join 111,585 other authors who receive weekly emails from us to help them make more money selling books. It takes a ton of work to build up an audience, and most authors would rather spend that time writing books. Also called About the Author, an author bio is: An author biography is your chance to connect with readers beyond just a byline. She There are some advantages, such as being able to install a popup window to invite people to join your newsletter. Im including author bio examples from several different kinds of writers here. True confession: I got a trojan a while back and I am afraid to do too much with an entity that can take over my computer and force me to delete ALL of my programs in order to get rid of it. I dont think I have time right now to blog, but should I include perhaps elements of world-building like the main characteristics of each of the alien species that are part of the story? No, you cannot just leave out your author bio, even if you wrote a short story or novella. Great post! I mean, I know theyre available, and I know I want to find one who deals with the types of stories Im writing. This isnt to say that your bio should be impersonal. Thanks for all the great ideas. The author bio establishes you as the kind of writer whom your target market ought to read. As I am not a van driver or pizza delivery girl, why would it interest anyone. Christopher Lentzs bio on his website is very long, which is fine, because its his website! And then theres a low monthly fee. I love it when you share resources like this . Begin with a punchy, impactful first sentence. , Best Author Websites (Including Unpublished Author Website Examples). Pan. She lives in Australia, with her husband and extended family. Find out if your author bio is a 10/10. Author can write a big book but broke into sweat when it comes to write a bio about themselves. If you think this would be lot of fun, you can have an author blog instead of a traditional author website, or you can have a traditional author website with a section for blogging. . Can you hire a freelancer to write your author bio? And if youre an author with a website youre proud of, feel free to share a link in the comments! Internet is a SCARY place. Short author bios are very versatile. (148 words). To write an author bio for your website, follow these 8 tips and tricks: On an authors website, you can go into more detail, list more important works or achievements, and link to other pages on your website to find more info. Sarah Lynn Burnett carleneshulerbrown.com Carlene, Carlene, just wanted to say that your artwork is beautiful! They were expensive, but I am so happy Ive got visuals to go with the text. In no particular order: So, what makes a great author bio, and how can you write one? If you are hoping to traditionally publish, you probably want to limit this to short passages and snippets. A Family and Marriage Therapist by profession, Lena uses first person narrative in If you're writing nonfiction, suddenly the bio paragraph becomes the most important part of the letter. You don't need to have a law enforcement background to write an FBI series, and you don't need to have worked as a CIA asset in order to write an awesome spy thriller. I dont even know how Instagram works really, though my brother has been telling me its the best social media site to find and learn new things. Writing a novel was always on her bucket list, and eventually, with Until I Met Her, it became a reality. Point them in the direction of relevant work. You can always change the top visual later if you write in other genres later. Don't be daunted by thought of writing about yourself. Gain insight from Kindlepreneur on how you can optimize marketing for your books. Id already read and loved Lucy Foleys THE GUEST LIST, and like that one, this is told from several points of view. shark tale characters oscar, calories in 8 oz baked potato no skin,