unity texture not showing on mesh
Game Development Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professional and independent game developers. Editor: Deprecated the CustomEditorForRenderPipeline. Returns a copy of the vertex positions or assigns a new vertex positions array. Retrieves a GraphicsBuffer that provides direct acces to the GPU vertex buffer. (UUM-25053), Editor: Objects now keep their non-serializable state when reloaded. (UUM-8679), Particles: Removed an erroneous grabpass when using Particle Standard Surface Shader. 2 To summarize though, if you want a tiled texture set this to Repeat, not doing so and using clamping, will clamp your UV's to 0 -> 1, anything larger then 1 will be set to one, and you are faced with the same circumstance as setting the tiling to 0. You can look up the OBJ format specification, and view the file with notepad to determine if it does have UV's setup. Which was the first Sci-Fi story to predict obnoxious "robo calls"? (UUM-9178), Core: Fixed Asset import workers to not inherit open handles from the main editor causing trouble rebinding network sockets. Documentation: Removed legacy command line argument 'vrmode' from documentation. (UUM-26264), UI Toolkit: Fixed the ListView itemsRemoved event being invoked after the items were removed from the serializedObjectList, they are now removed after the callback. (UUM-16083), macOS: Default Application.targetFrameRate for MacOS batchmode was always 60fps instead of the maximum achievable frame rate. HDRP: Fixed an issue where the SRP Lens flares occlusion did not work as well as it should. Meshes contain vertices and multiple triangle arrays.Conceptually, all vertex data is stored in separate arrays of the same size. (1422677), UI Toolkit: Fixed the reported TreeView state after a reorder operation. (UUM-4095), Editor: Frame Debugger: Fixed an issue where the Depth buffer was incorrectly displayed after selecting DrawOpaqueObjects event. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Editor: Added LocaleVariant Support into the Xcode API for replacing the reflections code in Localization Package. Editor: Fixed an issue with animators where the root bone would be reset for humanoid in edge cases with the pose playable. 3rd attempt - Reading a separate thread, cycles render may not be the way to go. (UUM-26885), Editor: Fixed jumping of intensity slider values in Color Picker HDR. The checkbox will represent the actual value in the lighting settings asset. Added safeguards to GetRawTextureData. (UUM-11451), HDRP: Removed unused Water ShaderGraph node. Editor: Optimize VFXEventTesterWindow OnSelectionChanged. HDRP: Added volumetric material support for local volumetric fog volumes. UI Toolkit: Added: Added UxmlAssetAttributeDescription to define UnityEngine.Object attributes as part of any VisualElement. (UUM-29546) (UUM-20797) Fixed in 2023.1.0b14. SRP Core: Added: Added new XRSystem API to allow SRPs override the XR built-in stereo matrices. UI Toolkit: Added basic analytics in UI Builder. I have a problem in Unity where the mesh is appearing completely black. Graphics: Fixed RenderTexture assets not accepting texture dimensions greater than 20000 in UI, even though they currently can already go up to 32768 in script if the graphics capabilities allow for it. UnityUnity Tech StreamUnity (LTS) Tech StreamLTSUnityUnityUnityUnityUnityhub (1422226), Scene/Game View: Fixed crash in particular cases when trying to render BRG objects selection outline. Scripting: Removed discard of AssemblyUpdater output when no updates have been applied. (UUM-19517). Physics 2D: Added a new Physics2D.simulatedLayers property that controls which layers are simulated when the automatic FixedUpdate or Update simulation modes are used. Editor: Fixed intermittent crash when destroying/recreating menu items on Linux. (1431872), URP: Fixed null exception when adding a sorting layer (2D). (UUM-6180), HDRP: Fixed blinking SSGI with dynamic resolution. Package: Added: Added a C# API to add to site packages. Collider2D.Distance to allow finding the distance to another Collider2D from a specific position and rotation. (UUM-6389), Kernel: Added additional logging when deallocating temp memory that is older than permitted lifetime. An image used when rendering a GameObject, Sprite, or UI element. (UUM-16780), HDRP: Fixed the indirect diffuse lighting in ray tracing so it now always works properly. Universal RP: Fixed a compilation error that was caused by a wrong parameter while deprecating UniversalRenderPipeline.RenderSingleCamera. Editor: Enabling shader keyword pre-filtering so that build process does not have to enumerate through full shader variant space. Scripting: Fixed Unity sometimes not referencing .winmd files when compiling scripts for the player. Graphics: Implemented ScriptableRenderContext.CullShadowCasters API to kick the BatchRendererGroup culling jobs earlier in URP and HDRP. Note: An inspector window and the lighting settings window will show the value of 'Auto Generate' which has been set in the lighting settings asset. Core: Fixed alignment issues in ujobs when using memset on Release builds. I don't know if this is a problem with Blender or Unity, but I already asked on the Blender forums and got no response. 2D: Fixed a case where a .psd/.psb would not import with the correct layer coordinates. (UUM-20630), GI: Fixed regression introduced by fix for baked probes that were sometimes black. (UUM-11724), Editor: Fixed InvalidOperationException when closing OpenFolderPanel. HDRP: Fixed ambient probe for volumetric clouds. Has the cause of a rocket failure ever been mis-identified, such that another launch failed due to the same problem? (UUM-30677). (UUM-18616), Universal RP: Fixed an issue where main light shadows were incorrect if scene and game windows were open. (UUM-21407), HDRP: Fixed tessellation in XR. (UUM-3153), HDRP: Fixed HDR Output behaviour when platform doesn't give back properly detected data. Physics: Added: Added new method (Physics.RunSimulationStages) to run individual physics simulation sub-steps to allow greater control over the simulation process. (1419208), UI Toolkit: Fixed visual artifact when border width is larger than border radius. (UI Builder). Physics2D.RaycastNonAlloc - Equivalent functionality is "Physics2D.Raycast". but when a build was generated by the second user the assets would be HDRP: Enabled Extend Shadow Culling in Raytracing by default. Terrain: Obsoleted: Made the functions void OnToolSettingsGUI(Terrain terrain, IOnInspectorGUI editContext, bool overlays) and void OnInspectorGUI(Terrain terrain, IOnInspectorGUI editContext, bool overlays) obsolete, replaced with the same function signature without the bool overlays. (UUM-9570), IL2CPP: Allow non-blittable types without any reference fields to be pinned. More infoSee in Glossary. It might be a Known Issue. I exported .stl file and converted to .obj and imported in Unity. (UUM-7783). Burst: Changed burst inspector source location comments from "===" to either ";" or "#" depending on the given assembly kind. Player: Fixed Unity splash screen logo not including mipmaps which would reduce quality of the logos appearance. A material, can make a wood texture, look like real wood, or, make it look. (UUM-25737), HDRP: Fixed albedo and specular color override to be properly considered as sRGB. Profiler: Reduced the performance cost of drawing charts in the profiler. This PR fixed the issue by checking if there were any scripts deleted after the latest recompile. HDRP: Fixed the shadow of the directional light so it now affects the water caustics. Graphics: Added: Added new API to the RenderGraph to allow native render pass support in the future. (UUM-3341), HDRP: Implemented proper interactions between the water and the cloud system. Beginner kit improvement advice - which lens should I consider? Graphics: Removed throwing an exception from ScriptableRenderContext.CullShadowCasters when splitRange.length == 0. (UUM-25814), VFX Graph: Fixed errors in the console when undoing changes from gizmo in some specific conditions. (UUM-11567), Graphics: Fixed mipmap stripping not properly taking into account mipmap limit settings. Android: Added information about Android Gradle Plugin versions in the Android documentation. (UUM-9097), macOS: Fixed the issue of the appearance of multiple "Unsaved Changes Detected" reports. HDRP: Fixed usage of FindObjectsByType to use FindObjectsSortMode.None. (UUM-19573), HDRP: Fixed world position offset in water CPU simulation. (UUM-1572), Linux: Fixed panel focus switching when arrow keys are pressed while in play mode. (UUM-31874), Physics 2D: Fixed a crash when using the PlatformEffector2D and toggling the "Used By Effector" on any 2D Collider in the Editor Inspector view. eg. Previously intialization was too late (ad HDRP pipeline constructor). (UUM-7461), iOS: Fixed unity view behavior when in "split view". (UUM-6178), HDRP: Worked around exception when enabling raytracing when resources for raytracing have not been built. (1413534), HDRP: Fixed time determinism for water surfaces. VFX Graph: Fixed exceptions for SystemNames when leaving play mode if a new system had been added without saving. (UUM-14787). (UUM-2829), iOS: Fixed Launch Screen properties so they are now reflected in the Player build without an Editor restart. (UUM-29111) (UUM-19598), HDRP: Enabled the path tracer to include baked light sources. Graphics: Changed the skin weight buffer target to now always set to a compute accessible target if compute shaders are supported. Particles: Fixed code that stops particle systems and triggers stop actions, to prevent out of bounds array access. To use the imported Assets in your Project: The Texture Importer only allows you to choose dimension sizes up to 16384 (16384 16384 pixels). (DOTSE-1989), Editor: Fixed mouse offset for dragging elements to the inspector on Linux. Use the new Object.FindFirstObjectsByType() or Object.FindAnyObjectByType() functions by preference. First seen in 2023.2.0a5. (UUM-4560). (UUM-18362), UI Toolkit: Fixed incorrect width calculated for Labels with style tags. First seen in 2023.1.0a25. (UUM-11651), HDRP: Fixed blending artifacts with physically based DoF. If youre new to Unity Answers, please check our User Guide to help you navigate through our website and refer to our FAQ for more information. issuetracker.unity3d.com. Incompatible with MSAA, Dynamic Resolution, or Camera stacking. Can someone explain why this point is giving me 8.3V? HDRP: Fixed diffusion profile list upgrade. when i import my terrain from sketch-up into unity the textures don't show so i then have to go through every object and drag the texture onto it individually which is a really big pain if u have a lot of different textures. (1427632). Graphics: Fixed a crash on launch when the most prioritized graphics API is Vulkan and Vulkan drivers are not fully functional. (UUM-26403), Universal RP: Set default contribution to 0 for ColorLookup VolumeComponent, which makes the interpolation with the implicit default global volume behave as expected. (UUM-16113), Shaders: Fixed Shader Variant Collection UI not working correctly with shaders with stage-specific keywords. (UUM-16168), Editor: Removed Fullscreen Play Mode experimental feature. 2D: Added preference option to Tile Palette Preferences for users to choose where they would want to position their mouse cursor when painting on Tilemaps with Z Position. (UUM-16351). IL2CPP: Fixed Cache shared code used by il2cpp between projects for faster initial compiles. (UUM-27919), HDRP: Improved warning message in the console when the max number of shadows is reached in the view. Animation: Added support for Physics SimulationMode and Physics2D SimulationMode2D in the Animator and Animation component. (UUM-399), Audio: Fixed audio mixer groups not visible from the packages. This window allows specifying the Native Leak Detection mode, the use of Job Threads, and Enabling/Disabling the Job Debugger (also known as the Job Safety System). (UUM-7896). Usually six-sided. AI: Colliders set as trigger are excluded from NavMesh generation. Terrain: Fixed an issue with default TerrainTools Overlay docking. (AW-1094), Editor: Fixed the inspector Transform Component foldout not responding to input on the top half. (1417429), Animation: Fixed a missing controller reference issue in the undo/redo of Animation Window. 565), Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. in their parameters. (UUM-11487). (UUM-29132), 2D: Fixed duplicate instantiated GameObjects from Tiles on Tilemap Prefabs when instantiating the Tilemap Prefabs. Package: Updated the Unity FBX SDK bindings to version 5.0.0 which update Autodesk FBX SDK to 2020.3.2. Editor: Split texture format for the Frame Debugger into Color Format and DepthStencil Format. (UUM-20435), VFX Graph: Fixed a crash while rendering with indirect using a null index buffer. 2D: Fixed an issue where the editor would crash when importing .psd or .psb files with their layers outside of the document canvas. Physics 2D: Obsoleted: Physics2D.autoSimulation (UUM-27517), Editor: Fixed an editor crash that can happen when editing terrain. Editor: Enabled refreshing the UI when the asset is changed. VASPKIT and SeeK-path recommend different paths. However, my app did not manage the transparency correctly, and the lower layers was invisible on screen. (UUM-24989), Build Pipeline: Fixed Player Build fails until scrolling "Scenes In Build" in Build Settings (many deleted scenes).