transfer ownership of mobile home in california
John, It is a 1963 model, and I cant find any information that it is required to transfer the registration from DMV to HCD in order to sell it. But does that still apply if my sister is on the title also? You may have to wait on hold for a little while however these folks have always been helpful when I call as well. Hi John You have a few different options moving forward as far as I see it. I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. I contacted the State of California and got the legal and registered owners name and address. We are new to this but want to make everything right for his and my protection. Being a first time home buyer, I had no idea what to do with it except put it in the file box. With regards to the park management, I would definitely let them know what you are doing and that the title may be changing. He bought it from her. Thank you for reaching out and connecting. (Its still in their name.). There may be a president of a local committee or board. (1) A transfer of ownership interests in an entity where a person or entity acquires more than 50 percent of the ownership interest in a legal entity. Im sorry to hear about this. I was left my friends mobile home in his will. So we have been working on this for weeks! Thank you for your help! This department will also transfer the titles and help with some paperwork over the phone. Make sure to have the address and all pertinent information you can about the mobile home when calling the HCD. Always here to help. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. It is been six months for at least a few months. Additionally, thank you for your detailed message as this does help me understand the situation better. What did you do? I have a title to my mobile homette that my husband and I bought in Aug. 2014 from an LLC that runs the mobile park the trailer is in. California does not offer a bonded title to my knowledge, and since there is a different owner of record it may be easiest for the park to file for an abandoned title. Does that sound right? To release my lien I was instructed to sign the back of the title before sending it to the registered owner. Additionally should have a paper or agreement signed by them stating that they will have no further interest in the home moving forward. The offer for $60,000 from a developer sounds like a very serious offer from a serious buyer. We are currently in escrow so I will have 110,000.00 to put towards a down deposit so I only would need to borrow 100,000.00. However I would encourage you to put the home on the market now while you are getting the title paperwork situated. This month will be 1 year since my mom passed. who told us that she thought the only thing necessary to transfer the deed to your name was for the owner to sign and give us the title then we go to the DMV and do the transfer just like a vehiclewhat is the process of doing this? With regards to your question the answer is definitely, it depends. Each state has paperwork for a mobile home title, often coming from the motor vehicle division. I do not think I told you anything that you did not know however I would rather you hear your exact options directly from the people in charge. I am a certified paralegal and would like to market and sell on my own. I would also encourage you to contact a local real estate attorney that provides one hour free consultation. All the best. California certainly does things uniquely compared to every other state. With that said the most they could do is ask for her name to be placed back on the title. And how do the taxes on the mobile home sale work? when the sale is done how do the funds get transfered and can they cheat me out of any? Click here to learn even more about the California Fee and Tax Waiver Program for this mobile home. Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting. Definitely have the title of the mobile home available or at least the serial number or VIN of the mobile home in question. On the Form 476.6G, REASON FOR USE TAX AND/OR MOBILE HOME RECOVERY FUND FEE EXEMPTION section, the appropriate box (the last one) has a condition (4) which seems not to apply, since there is no existing loan on the property. 2) The mobile home decals start with an A. Always here to help. We get this signed because we have been burned by the state wanting more paperwork due to something being incorrect on the title from long ago or currently. Now, with regards to selling a mobile home it is important that your sales price be very attractive and that everyone who wants a mobile home sees your message about your home for sale. How do we remove her name from the title leaving me with sole title? I regret to hear about your friends mothers passing. I look forward to getting to know you and working with you as well. If the home was in decent shape than at very minimum some buyers may wish to purchase the home from you for free to move it on to their land or do with it what they will. I didnt see any link, so could you please provide that again? Either way keep in touch and I hope this has helped to point you in the right direction. Being a 1990 it certainly is not that old either. (800) 952-8356 you will definitely have to wait on the line for a while however these folks are typically quite helpful. If the seller is accepting payments from you as buyer then the seller(s) may ask to be listed on the Title as Lien holder. Multi-Purpose Transfer Form (state form 476.6G) = This form will be used when you transfer ownership in this home. This way you can hear the correct answer directly from the horses mouth. California has a few different ways that mobile homes hold a title. Thank you for reaching out and connecting. If the mobile home tag number or registration number begins with an A (Example: A374984674894) it is taxed with a Yearly Renewal, this means you will NOT have to obtain a Tax Clearance Certificate (a printed piece of paper from the county proving taxes are current). If the previous owner is dead, a death certificate will be required as evidence, and the stand-in will . The transferee may secure a transfer of ownership for the manufactured home, mobilehome, commercial coach, truck camper, or floating home, upon presenting to the department (1) the certificate of title signed by the beneficiary, (2) the certificate described in paragraph (2) of subdivision (e) executed by the beneficiary under penalty of perjury; She wants to quick deed her home to her daughters. I hope this helps and point you in the right direction. It is important to understand exactly what you are signing and you want to make sure that you do not have to pay any extra money and that the title will be coming to you in your name. Please check out the following link and see the top group of forms. I am in the process to buy some land in CA with 3 mobile homes, only one has a number that HCD does not recognize. Today is 9/30/21. I recently won a property/land with a mobile home on it through a tax defaulted auction, but the previous owner passed away. company to find out if this info was correct they wouldnt discuss the mobile with us because we werent the owners, there only has only given us permission to accept monthly payments, nothing else so she put the home up for sale asking $62k the home is a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom with converted den; we purchased it for $42k so the 63K 5 yrs ago was too much to ask for the home and it didnt sell. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. In fact, the fact that you are friends means that your paperwork should even be more secure. The sale of the property included all outbuildings, among which was included the mobile home. En el estado de California le animo a que llame al siguiente nmero de telfono. Thank you for reaching out and connecting. You can reach the HCD at the following phone number. Explain your situation and what you are looking to accomplish. That is because the clerk will process this paperwork and make sure things are correct before taking it from you and taking your payment. I have created a past video and article that can be found here with regards to mobile home title issues and moving forward. Absolutely get the authorities involved sooner rather than later. With that said there is absolutely a path moving forward. Very good to hear from you. Deciding how you will sell it and where you will add value should ideally have already been figured out, however any questions and concerns you have moving forward never hesitate to reach out anytime. The mobile home park where mobile sits is a fifty five and older community and Im 48. I see the forms you listedwhat fees though do I need to pay ($$ amounts) and send to the State? All the best. In the far back of the property is a mobile home approx. Kim. With all that said there is nothing legally that the seller needs to pay to transfer over the title if it was not agreed to. Changing title: This will be a fairly simple and straightforward process. ?Thank You Wayne. After calling the number on the bill, I was told to ignore the bill. If you are not able to talk the seller into splitting this cost with you then you will be responsible for transferring the title into your control and paying the associated fees. I am in a confusing situation and wanted to know if you can share some of your knowledge? I helped a friend by financing a manufactured home for her in Stanton CA. Do all the siblings have to agree on decisions or is there one sibling In Charge? I very much regret to hear about your fathers passing. You will also not be signing anything except a bill of sale with your buyer, as the title is already signed. or maybe you can refer me to the correct resource or company to get the financing? Thanks for providing this service and knowledge. Is this going to be an issue for him? Since the home is currently owned by sisters (2), if we are approved by the park, is it really as easy for us to purchase the home as you have listed: 1) Verify taxes are paid I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. Now, I understand that there is no use tax in California if the sale is from parent to child. It sounds like the realtor/agent made a big mistake when they accidentally titled the home incorrectly into the roommates name in addition to your mothers name. The state will then send you a value back to know how much you will pay in transfer taxes to put the title into your name. All the best. I hope this helps and make sense. I have called two weeks ago and the new owners still havent pit it Im their name. Use this line in California. In addition to the title, I have my moms death certificate and an attorneys letter that i am the legal successor as owner of the home. Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I hope this helps a bit since and starts to point you in the right direction. My cousin currently is on the title and the registered owner of the MH were living in in California. In this case, the documentation for transfer of ownership has two sections: The portion that the previous owner has to fill, and. Additionally, this mobile home may already have one or two lanes currently on the property and you may take third position. Yes, both of these are possible. Moving forward, if you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. With that said I definitely want you to hear it from the horses mouth, which is the state, once you have clearly explain the situation. You may also be able to file for an abandoned mobile home title. Thank you for reaching out with regards to your question. I was trying to get papers in order and found our registration but apparently did not file section C (new owners information) and never did receive the title. Additionally, thank you for your detailed comment. How will the California Department of Housing set a value on this mobile home to determine the Use Tax? Moving forward if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns please never hesitate to reach out any time. Thank you for reaching out and commenting. Feel free to keep in touch. Thank you so much for helping us with our questionMy concern is my mother holds the title for a mobile home along with her ex-husband they are divorced now, the judge granted sole ownership of the property to my mom now my mother wants me to have it..What do I need to do transfer of ownership or a bill of sale and how do we show that the ex-husband is no longer a co-owner. The title can then be dated at this time. I was looking to bid/ invest on a mobile home subdivision through a tax sale in Merced County at https://www.bid4assets.com/mvc/auction/897857. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. I very much regret to hear that youre going through these frustrations and headaches. Does she need to hire an attorney or go to small claims court? Your video suggests a much lower price than what we are seeing. Follow the steps below to Successfully close and transfer Title:(You should still call and verify this process for yourself). Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Sounds like you have little to worry about, besides this guy being a jerk and having to spend hopefully only a little bit of money to scare this guy into giving you what is rightfully yours. Thank you for commenting and for your kind words. Definitely do this sooner rather than later. Always here to help. If you have any specific questions the state of California is very helpful in answering many of them. However if you can show the buyer was only renting you will likely be able to evict the buyer. Box 2111, Sacramento, CA 95812-2111, or (916) 445-4782 or 1-800-952-8356 to inquire into the status of processing your change in ownership. Thank you for explaining the situation as the certainly does help me understand your situation a bit better. Her sons want me to have it. Please see my thoughts below in bold. Thank you for reaching out with regards to your questions. Thanks for reaching out and connecting. It may take a little bit of time to produce these depending on how big of a company you are dealing with, however it should certainly be possible for you to get a copy of these to learn more and have them for your own records. My question is my Manufactured home is just about finished being installed in Santa Barbara. I have lived outside of America the past 6 years. I am selling a lot with mobile on it in Ca,Havasu city the buyer going to tear it We purchased MH in 2007 and are thinking of selling. However if you intend to mail in payment, title, and paperwork always call the state HCD office to get an exact total amount to send in via mail. Itll be considered as a gift. They are over 20 years old. It is a good idea as the seller to make sure that this is transferred into the new buyers name as well. Your friend may have to wait 30 minutes on hold however these folks are usually fairly friendly. In some states this is mandatory. My nephew does not meet the credit requirements (and never will) so I have been living there for 3 years. Did you receive a power of attorney? Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Also when we sign this, do we need to have it notorized? How do I deal with this matter? Thank you for reaching out and connecting. With that said selling on payments certainly is riskier and I would very much encourage you to take at least 40% down payment from your potential buyer. I have seen a couple good deals but dont have the money to pay it up front. I hope this helps him and make sense. If it is not able to come in your name but instead comes in your mother-in-laws names first, do not hand over any extra money until she can provide clear title that you can take and walk away with to then bring to the DMV. Any thoughts? You are likely going to be able to simply fill out and file section C with the state. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. Now that I have said that he was what I would do moving forward in order to purchase this home and hopefully build a good relationship with the park manager. Thank you for reaching out concerning this issue. However, the mobile is vacant and the sale agreement states that buyer must live in property for 20 days after close of escrow. I have this problem in Covina. At this point we are just fed up and don;t know what to do. Amy Wang. What penalties are we subject to now and what will be the consequences of not doing it within a timely fashion? I would not be living there. With regards to the title, it would be great if he still had this in his possession. The first two are free and the last one will be a paid website. Again, I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. Besides this optional appraisal there are really no other snags to be aware of. If you are not sure than I would encourage you to find this out as quickly as possible. Hope this helps and points you in the right direction. Keep in touch. In some states there is a state specific bill of sale as well. I appreciate this site and education so much. Not on every mobile home, but on many of them. I hope this helps and at least starts to point you in the right direction. All the best. Certification of Retail Value and Purchase Price (state form 476.4) =, Certification of Retail Value and Purchase Price, Mobile Home Certification of Vale and Purchase Price, Click here to learn even more about the California Fee and Tax Waiver Program, HCD RT 804.6 Changing Ownership into the Name of a Trust for a Home on Local Property Tax with HCD Certificate of Title (PDF), HCD RT 804.7 Changing Ownership into the Name of a Trust for a Home on Yearly Registration Renewal with HCD Certificate of Title (PDF), HCD RT 804.8 Changing Ownership into the Name of a Trust for a Home on Yearly Registration Renewal with DMV Ownership Certificate (Pink Slip) (PDF), HCD RT 804 Private Party Sale for a Home on Local Property Tax with HCD Certificate of Title (PDF), HCD RT 804.1 Private Party Sale for a Home on Yearly Registration Renewal with HCD Certificate of Title (PDF), HCD RT 804.2 Private Party Sale for a Home on Yearly Registration Renewal with DMV Ownership Certificate (Pink Slip) (PDF), http://www.hcd.ca.gov/about/contact.shtml, http://www.nadaguides.com/manufactured-homes, http://hcd.ca.gov/codes/registration-titling-mobilehome-transfer-forms/hcd476.6g.pdf, https://www.mobilehomeinvesting.net/lost-mobile-home-titles-and-other-common-title-issues/, http://www.hcd.ca.gov/codes/registration-titling-mobilehome-transfer-forms/hcdrt804.3.pdf, http://www.hcd.ca.gov/codes/registration-titling-mobilehome-transfer-forms/hcdrt804.4.pdf, http://www.hcd.ca.gov/codes/registration-titling-mobilehome-transfer-forms/hcdrt804.5.pdf, http://www.hcd.ca.gov/codes/registration-and-titling/forms.htm, https://www.mobilehomeinvesting.net/difference-between-mobile-home-manufactured-home-and-modular-homes/, http://www.hcd.ca.gov/manufactured-mobile-home/registration-titling/index.shtml, http://www.hcd.ca.gov/manufactured-mobile-home/registration-titling/registration-titling-forms.shtml, http://hcd.ca.gov/manufactured-mobile-home/registration-titling/registration-titling-forms.shtml, http://www.hcd.ca.gov/manufactured-mobile-home/registration-titling/buy-sell-transfer.shtml, http://www.hcd.ca.gov/manufactured-mobile-home/docs/HCDRT475.3.pdf, https://www.bid4assets.com/mvc/auction/897857, Mobile Home Purchase Contracts Inside Parks | Mobile Home Investing, Lost Mobile Home Titles & Other Common Title Issues, California Mobile Home Insurance | The Home Insurance, Mobile Home Purchase Contracts Inside Mobile Home Parks Mobile Home Investing. All the best. Your help is greatly appreciated. Do we have to get approval from or report the title transfer to the mobile home park management? I am trying to help out a friend whos mother has just passed away. Thanks! However when it comes to transferring the title and making sure that you are listed as legal owner and your seller is listed as registered owner this is not something an attorney, notary, or agent is needed for. A change in ownership of the real property owned by the legal entity occurs upon either of the two transfer events described below. This is a very good question. This is exactly the information I have been looking for. If you think the NADA value of the home is LESS than the price you paid for the home use this form below. Should I list all assets to be in my name on the divorce decree? Thank you for reaching out and connecting. Can he just take the title to the Department of Housing and what type of fees should he expect? With that said it seems like you hold much of the card since you are still the owner of record. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to comment back any time. Does a 433a certificate mean that it is up to HUD standards? Additionally, thank you for the detailed question and comment. However if it is not vacant and somebody owns it than they could certainly pull it off of your land. Thank you so much. In my entire career I have only had to perform two evictions. I hope this helps and make sense. Is it possible to hire you as consultant for a Mobile Home Purchase in Calabasas? People seem to just kick the can down the road time and time again. Depending on how you pay your yearly registration you will use one of the forms above to remove your stepmothers name from the current title. Also your article helped however im confused on what the money order or check is? I hope this helps. I think you have understanding that many of us are not Hunter Biden getting $$$$$$ handouts because of our last name. How can I change the taxation of my manufactured home from license fees to the local property tax system? Pay for the home and only take a bill of sale. Thank you so much for reaching out concerning these issues. Bill of Sale (state form 475.1) = Use in place of the MHFs All States Bill of Sale. Good job doing your research to find out who is the legal and registered owner as far as the state is concerned. She has a trust and was told to put it in the trust. Congratulations!! For this reason I would encourage you to call the HCD directly to give them the serial number or VIN of the mobile home. He resold ot to same thief. Always here to help. You will also want to list your property online at sites like Craigslist and sellfastbyowner.com.
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