protection dogs for sale california
Detection Dogs. Docking the Doberman's tail protects them from serious injury. Call or email now to find your dog! Michael trains and titles personal protection dogs. Other than as pets, dogs can now do a variety of tasks for humans. With our background in Schutzhund-style training, we first use part of Schutzhund for the process of personal protection dog training. The Schutzhund trials consist of tracking, obedience, and protection bite work. Certain canine breeds are better suited for protecting your home than others. His house manners are impeccable and he is a joy to live with. The dogs are all trained with off-leash obedience. It is important to understand that we train our protection dogs to fully assess various high-tense situations and recognize when there is a threat to the person or family they are protecting. We have a large variety of premiere family protection dogs for sale. SDT level 2 protection dogs are trained to have all level one commands for the alert bark, standing between you and any threat, and Level 2 protection dogs have also been trained to fully commit and apprehend the subject if needed. He is titled KNPV PH1 (Royal Dutch Police Certification.) He is overly impressive to look at and even more to watch him work. Highly-trained Personal Security & Protection Dogs for Sale in California One of the most important roles of a dog is to protect its owner, and a personal security dog fulfills that role perfectly. Belgian Malinois, on the other hand, need more physical exercise than what's typically recommended by breeders so make sure that before getting one there's enough room outside too as they don't enjoy being cooped up inside all day. Yes, but not all dogs can do it. More importantly, we have experience with high-profile clientele and offer weekly training sessions to our clients living in the Los Angeles area, to help keep your well-trained German shepherd perfect in obedience and protection work. Her obedience is fast and precise. A show-quality American Doberman puppy will set you back around $2500 but anything under $1000 from an unlicensed breeder should be avoided at all costs! High quality Obedience, protection and working dogs. 360 W Rosecrans Ave. Gardena, CA 90248 Office : (323)423-8087. IronHeart will take that challenge every time. Check out our dogs for sale. We started breeding our own dogs because so many ranchers were having trouble finding good working, healthy dogs. (Not all available dogs are listed for those planning further into the future. Our Companion Dog is trained on the following commands on leash: Heel, Sit, Down, Stay, Come. Entice customers to sign up for your mailing list with discounts or exclusive offers. When choosing a guard dog, check for the following features and behaviors as indicators of an appropriate aggression level: attentiveness when human approaches beginning active play with other dogs, and maintaining a calm demeanor around nice nearby dogs When being handled by a familiar human, one feels at ease. Customized options and custom dogs available. Ideal for a family who likes to take their dog to the outdoor and enjoy life with a more active family. Too many sellers of protection dogs sell dogs only interested in biting a bite sleeve. Some [], Dogs are animals of different attributes. We are not simply a training group providing dogs to clients, we actively work in the real world with our K9s to conduct searches and protect dignitaries. Available for detection, companionship, obedience, CGC, family pet, Pointers, Vizsla and more! While many [], I remember a friend who wanted to get a dog for indoor protection. We offer refresher courses following the delivery if desired. That depends on the quality of your dog, how well trained they are and if it comes with any pedigreed bloodlines or award-winning genes. IronHeart aims to personalize all of the protection dogs for sale. In farms, dogs are used in assisting farmers in herding and guiding livestock. They are terrific with children and well behaved in the car and home. The initial step of the program is the bonding period. The average cost of a Dutch Shepherd puppy ranges between $1000 and $2000. The difference comes down to how the dog is trained. Most of all, we want to make sure that we match your family with the right dog to fit your specific needs. IronHeart High Performance Working Dogs, LLC. He was seeking to standardize the optimal utility temperament in his new breed. Dont limit your personal security options based on location of the dog trainer. That's why many people choose to buy their German Shepherd guard dog fully pre-trained. Different dogs exhibit different forms of protective dog behavior. Your dog acts as a deterrent to would-be thieves. Training a protection or security dog should be done only under the watchful supervision of an experienced professional trainer. California is one of the states with strict liability laws that make pet owners responsible for most dog bites and related injuries. +1.502.542.9747 . This sweet girl is ready for her forever home! Currency Detector Dogs If you are looking for a personal protection dog, look no further than a German shepherd from Wstenberger-Land! Click the link to see all available protection dogs for sale. The same applies to protection dogs. Personal protection dogs are trained to defend their owner if they're attacked or threatened by another person or animal. Check out our dogs for sale. It's the law. Tosca is the 2019 4th place Royal Dutch Police Champion. Available Dogs A trained personal dog is trained to live with you in your home so they can be a loving and loyal family member. Its not a gun either no permits, special training, or safety concerns. We have companies we work with all over the world who find us dogs who have been carefully selection tested. A Level III Personal Protection dog is trained to seize and restrain attackers/intruders until they are no longer a threat. After the sale of your protection dog, we spend 3-5 days with you and your family to help transition and understand the training as well as answering any questions you have. When we receive an order for a Personal Protection Dog we involve the buyer throughout the entire process. It is considered the fifth-smartest dog breed in the world, and it is always vigilant and faithful to its people. An 11 month old female Rottweiler! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 Command Control Protection Dogs. If you are thinking about purchasing an personal protection Dog or an family Protection Dog, I would encourage you to consider our custom protection dog training program. ). We get to know our clients so we can help you find the perfect personal protection dog. Level 2 protection dogs offer individuals or families increased protection. Our portfolio of all sold dogs is shown below. If you're looking for a dog to protect your house, German Shepherds are an excellent choice. Even the best protection dog can fail under pressure without the right exposure to real-world situations to prepare the dog to protect his family in the real world. And, Level 3 dogs start at $65,000. For more serious dog bites or attacks, the punishments include unlimited fines, prison sentences, confiscation orders, and lifelong dog ownership bans. At Man-K9, we have plenty of dogs being trained in our program that arent yet listed for the public! |. Prestige Protection Dogs Offers dogs for sale that are highly skilled and trained to protect you, your family, and your home. The perfect fit for the family looking for an obedient playmate. Up to 25% Off Protection Dogs until 5/31/2023, Financing and payment plans available (subject to approval for select plans). Uxo has is all stunning looks and is for sure top 1% of elite protection dogs. From a strong, Alarm Dog to deter an intruder, to a dependable Contact K9 that will physically confront a home invader. Let us train a protection dog that is right for your needs. They come with the following: Great dog for a family who is simply desiring a pet dog to be a companion for the family whom life style is a low activity life style. Our totally prepared Dogs are absolutely obedience trained. A lot people are looking for a dependable way to protect themselves, property and families. Featured Protection Dogs for Sale; What To Know. And even more for breeding rights or competition quality dogs, with some fetching more than $7,000 in price. There are times when police canines used for personal protection, more commonly known as K-9s, are no longer required by the agency where they were acquired. Here are a couple of example dogs. A good, sturdy, and loyal dog will cost you between $25000 to $50000. Available for protection, dual-purpose, patrol, detection, companionship, obedience, CGC/Urban CGC, Labs, Frenchies, Rottweilers and more! In our two Kentucky facilities we raise for sale quality personal protection dogs. The FamilyProtection Dogwill also do a building/home search, can bite on elevation, and can handle multiple attacks. There is sure to be a dog that meets all of your security needs. While you may see protective tendencies as early as 12 weeks, full-fledged protective behaviors usually do not appear until your dog is about 12 months old, when formal protection training may begin. Dobermans and Malinois are other excellent choices for guard dogs. Termite Dogs Personal defense hounds may also act out cues that indicate possible danger. Our Good Citizen dog is a excellent companion for the person who loves the outdoor life. Benefits of Owning a Personal Protection Dog. Protection Dogs For Sale in San Jose California All Guard Dogs are sold with a Performance and Health Guarantee, and are Hand Delivered by a Master Trainer. In addition to searching for intruders, your family dog is trained to respond to a carjacking and they have a very high level of obedience such as on and off leash training, bark on command, bite on command, out on command and come when called. Electronics Detector Dogs, info@ironheartdogs.com That is why we specialize in dogs trained for civilian defense over military, police, or sports training. This is because a dog can be an excellent personal protection from attack or predators. Xantos is a social, family-raised dog that K9 Duco is titled KNPV PH1 and excels in all phases. Choose from Obedience Trained, Family Trained, Protection Trained or Guard Dogs. In order to provide thehighest level of prestigious service, we know all of our clients on a first-name basis. For more information:call 866.726.2810support@protectiondog.com. *Some Level 2 dogs are an appropriate fit for business locations this is determined based on threat level, risk assessment, environment and overall need. In order to prevent costly and painful injuries, later on, it is important that you dock your Dobermans leashes, or they might break their tails! The Doberman is a sleek, powerful, brave, and swift dog that is one of the best guard dog breeds. However, this does not imply that an average family pet dog would do nothing if a break-in occurred. All too often, companies are selling Protection dogs that are merely trained to bite a sleeve and wouldnt defend their family or property if relied upon. She is titled KNPV PH1 (Royal Dutch Police Certification.) It can be easy to find dogs who are protective, but not all of them are suitable for each persons individual situation. Bomb Dogs We continually import and train new dogs, so we might have more fully trained protection dogs for sale that have not yet been added to this page. To be an effective guard dog, you need a German Shepherd with the correct genetics and temperament, not just a German Shepherd. This makes them perfect for people living alone who need extra security measures taken against intruders. When it comes to owning a personal protection German shepherd, the benefits are endless. Our dogs are much more than your average family guard dogs for sale. Excellent obedience and pronounced K9 Leon is a beautiful all black Malinois. If that's out of your reach right now, consider borrowing money from family or friends for such an important purchase because having a dog with protective instincts makes all the difference in life-threatening situations! When compared to untrained dogs, trained dogs are more likely to defend their owners if they are attacked. He is as friendly as he is large. The level of protection a dog provides is determined by its training. Higher quality breeders will be more expensive, but you will be more likely to acquire a healthy dog with no genetic problems. But where can you find the best protection dogs in California? Our guard dog training is specific and created by our team, and unlike many of our competitors we do not treat this as a game. Protection training should begin about 8 weeks of age if you have a dog with the genetic background to execute the job, but more formal training should begin around 12 months. They are the preferred choice for many CEOs who have to make frequent trips and leave their wife and children at home. Milo is a social dog, raised in a home with small children and other dogs. Top German Shepherd Trainer: Michael Kempkes. Allprotection dogsare trained to work around both adults and children from as early as five weeks (puppies). A German Shepherd is the ideal security dog for a first-time owner because of its disposition. Learn More Protection Dogs CCPD - Children and German Shepherd Personal Protection Dogs It was from these trials that the sport of Schutzhund was born. Protection Dog Sales offer clients the best-in-class protection and guard dogs around. We dont just sell personal protection dogs, we sell peace of mind. Here are a couple of example dogs. K9 Gus is a large, impressive male Malinois. You are getting more than protection from a protection dog. 2909 San Luis Rey Road, Oceanside, CA 92058 Phone: (855) 287-8659 Fax: (760) 433-3089 Contact Us Virtual Tour With a well-trained protection dog, you'll have a loyal German Shepherd companion protecting you, your family, and/or your business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Protection Dogs This breed has been used by many for protection. Some family dogs will also attempt to defend their owners. The Doberman pinscher is a great guard dog for those who have large pieces of property that they need to protect. The average price range for one that has been trained to protect one's properties including cars and homes ranges between $25K to $50K with some going as high as $100k or more! One of our professional handlers will personally deliver your new dog to your home and train with you for a couple of days to ensure a smooth transition for the canine, and for you. It is important a good protection dog is a good fit for you and your family. Protection Training you and your family on their commands and answering any of your questions! PRESTIGE PROTECTION DOGS 9540 Alta Mesa Rd, Wilton, CA 95693, USA. Command Control Protection Dogs purchases only from breeders who have hand-raised their dogs, never from wholesalers. Top dogs bred for show or to propagate their pedigree lines, on the other hand, can cost up to $3500. Unlike the German shepherd that will be solely used for the sport of Schutzhund, a personal protection dog is trained for protection, and not simply the sport and biting a sleeve. Between work, family, friends, and the million other tasks we have to do, it can be challenging to find time to train our dogs. FEEL SAFE AND SECURE IN YOUR HOME WITH HIGHLY TRAINED PERSONAL PROTECTION DOGS LIKE the GERMAN SHEPHERD! We also genetically test our dogs for hip, elbow, and spine problems. There are few breeds of dog that are as trainable as Doberman Pinschers if you begin the process early enough. They are intelligent dogs that have an unbreakable will when put into action. The shelter will mail notices to pet owners who have failed to renew their dog's or cat's license, which for one year costs $20 for a neutered or spayed animal and requires proof of rabies vaccination. Our pricing for Import, obedience-trained and genetically tested German shepherds starts at $15,000. Gus is pronounced in the protection phase and has demonstrated incredible skill and precision. Whether you are looking for a Belgian Malinois, a perfect family protection dog or personal protection dog, or even a German Shepherd look no further! Carjackers are scared off by your pet dog's presence. Inukshuk Professional Dog Food distributed by Fon Jon Pet Care. +1.502.542.9747 . BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Yes, if trained properly and using the right breed. Click below to contact us now! The average price ranges between $25K-$50K but can go up higher depending upon what kind of dog you get! The sport slowly found a following in the United States in the early 1970s. Pinnacle gives totally prepared canines to deal in Los Angeles, California (USA). ), 2909 San Luis Rey Road, Oceanside, CA 92058, Level 2 Personal & Family Protection Dogs, Level 3 Executive & Business Protection Dogs. Get My Dog What Is A Security Dog? Available Family Protection Dogs For Sale He made a considerable investment and got the wrong type of dog, a Pomeranian puppy! A security dog is a trained sentry or bodyguard in the form of a furry canine. That's exactly what our personal and family protection canines have been taught to do. Command Control Protection Dogs has a unique and successful training program that ensures all protection dogs meet the standards of the clients. Americas Finest Home Raised and Trained Protection Dogs! If you're looking for a high-quality protection dog, the average price tag is $50K. Protection Dogs for Sale | Integrity K9 Services HIGHLY-TRAINED PERSONAL SECURITY & PROTECTION DOGS CALL: 855-461-3647 or message us here. Guard dogs serve as the first line of defense, warning you and, if correctly trained, defending you to give you and your family time to go before the authorities come. Some breeds are better suited than others for this type of work. From their perspective, they are still looking for a permanent family or person to bond. EMAIL US CALL US Current Dogs for Sale EMAIL US CALL US We make personal deliveries to your home or office. SDT Level 2 Personal Protection & Family Protection dogs range from $35,000 $55,000. We are not an online pet shop selling animals through email. Select your protection dog based on the qualifications of the dog and the trainer, and let the protection dog team worry about logistics and delivery. The IronHeart Training Center is represented with working dogs in 21 countries. With your needs as the priority, we help to select and provide a trained dog , like the Belgian Malinois, that will best suit you and your family. However, these dogs come from pedigreed bloodlines or have won awards so their prices may be higher than what you would expect for your typical pet! Level 2 dogs will engage in a bark, bark and hold or commit to a bite if that extreme need arises. One such breed is the Belgian Malinois which has an average price of $1,067 for just a puppy with papers and no breeding rights or show quality. German Shepherd. Want to talk to us? However, most dogs will not protect their owners unless they are properly trained. Being able to supply our clients with the highest class Personal Protection, Family Protection, and Guard Dogs to provide the security they need to feel safe - is why we do what we do. In modern society, dogs have become a part of our everyday lives. Regardless, most dogs you see today showing man has trained exciting skills. Mold Dogs However, this does not imply that an average family pet dog would do nothing if a break-in occurred. Your dog can search your home for intruders and guard your children or a designated item such as a purse. Email : dogtraining@germank9expert.com Training Center Palmdale CA. At the same time, our dogs provide companionship and are gentle enough to be around children. Guard dogs are an excellent way to protect your home and family, but they can be expensive. Those who do not have a dog license are subject to a fine of $100.00 per unlicensed dog. In the world of dog breeding, there are a few different breeds that are considered top-notch. You should budget at least $1,500 for a Dutch Shepherd puppy. The Active Dog is Trained to respond to the basic obedience commands on leash in a public setting. All Command Control Protection Dogs come with the most solid unconditional guarantee in the business. It is always a tall task to come through with the perfect dog. In most cases these dogs have been raised in a home and good with children. . Patrol Dogs, Accelerant Dogs Protection dogs are dogs trained to protect an individual, a group of individuals, or properties from harm or threats. We offer both standard protection dog breeds that will bark on command as well as executive protection types that have additional skills such as a customized personality for your specific needs like carjacking or child safeguarding! Select from Belgian Malinois & German Shepherd Breeds. Whether you are looking for a Belgian Malinois, a perfect family protection dog or personal protection dog, or even a German Shepherd - look no further! Meet Mogli! Some household dogs would defend their owners as well, but many would not do anything without formal training. Personal protection dogs have been trained by organizations to help their owners feel safer. He has attained the coveted Royal Dutch Police Certification. Full training level and highly obedient guard dogs are key to the success of you and your families protection. One of the most important roles of a dog is to protect its owner, and a personal security dog fulfills that role perfectly. Our professionally trained German shepherds are from the top bloodlines in Germany. In our two Kentucky facilities we raise for sale quality personal protection dogs. We are striving to breed great working line german shepherds for the military, border patrol, police departments and family companions. The German Shepherd and Belgian Malinois are two of the most intelligent dog breeds on earth. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. They identify and quickly react to any threat, giving you the highest level of protection possible. All Guard Dogs are sold with a Performance and Health Guarantee, and are Hand Delivered by a Master Trainer. Protection from a highly trained dog can offer more security than any device can. protection dogs for sale reno tervuren NICO malinois axel Shepherd (coming soon) UXO Shepherd (coming soon) All guard dogs go through police K9 training Our dogs are police-trained for versatile protection, from obedience and agility to scent detection and bite work. The cost of a home protection dog can vary depending on the type, quality, and level of training. These exercises were created to challenge the trainability, character, and physical attributes of a working dog. To understand the price, you must first know what type of dog it is and how old they are. They are highly socialized and make excellent companions so you never have to feel threatened in their presence. Our trainers will deliver your dog to your home and coach you through how to command your new family member. Will follow basic commands and wont ever tug on the leash. The cost of an average Belgian Malinois puppy would be around $3500 to $9000. Since we deliver worldwide, you can get the best in protection without being limited to your local area. To make sure this happens, you should choose one that matches what kind of life you want then put them through rigorous training. Our dogs will bite if called upon. The staff at IronHeart Training Center will ensure all dogs possess the proper drive and characteristic traits to ensure they will protect and be loyal. 916-265-4180. info@prestigeprotectiondogs.com. Michael Kempkes Training German Shepherds in Germany. Some are imported and most are green and completely trained by us to ensure things were done correctly. These animals have been bred for centuries to protect people from harm in their homes or on the go while still being friendly to those they encounter daily including kids! Has been exposed to the outside world, thrives on a leash, whether it be on an outdoor run or walk to a local coffee shop. Those who fail to obtain a renewal within 30 days will receive a second notice. One of our award winning and experienced dog trainers will bring your new home dog right to your door! No detection dogs currently available. A companion for the outdoors family. Stay in control of your dog on or off leash. Using the basis of psychology, our trainers first gain trust and respect of the dogs. Protection Dog Sales offer clients the best-in-class protection and guard dogs around. Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Giant Schnauzers, Dobermans, and Belgian Malinois are among the most favored breeds for protection. We even offer training packages for our German shepherd puppy buyers. These personal and home protection dogs are usually German Shepherds that have been family raised . A synergistic process that ensures stable working dogs A process designed to fit the specific needs of our clients, customized to meet the one-of-a-kind environment of your home and lifestyle. All Gold Coast K9 Home Protector dogs have a minimum standard of capability and training; however, every dog can receive higher levels of customized skills. What Are the Best Breeds For Bedbug Detection? . Since 1991 The Gold Standard for Home Protection and Police Dogs Gold Coast began from one man's love of dogs and has since become a world-class training and performance center on a twenty-acre training facility located in Southern California. Children can also feel safe and protected with a dog from CC Protection Dogs. Subscribe to receive special offers, free giveaways and once-in-a-lifetime deals. For personal protection dogs, this play drive is converted into more training and later onto a ful body suit. A Level one dog is ideal a family which is searching for a house dog that will obey basic commands in the house or on a neighborhood stroll. PROTECTION DOGS FOR SALE The Best Dogs Worldwide All of our protection Dogs for sale are aesthetically pleasing, sociable, well-mannered dogs. When required, you want them to be aggressive, but too much aggression might make them difficult to control. Extreme biting is normal for them! A pedigreed or award-winning dog might command a substantially higher asking price. Revolutionizing the way protection dogs are trained! We offer fully trained dogs for sale! A Level I Protection Dog can bark on command or when they detect a threat, such as danger from an attacker who might want access into your home. His obedience is top notch. Level 1 dogs start at $30,000. We go above and beyond to make sure you are well protected with our German Shepherd Dogs. We pride ourselves in the overall experience of dogs. Labrador Retriever Litter Planned Spring 2023! Answer: It is greatly dependent on the circumstances of each individual case. We welcome calls and enjoy talking with our past clients about how to get the most out of their dogs. Get an expertly trained protection dog delivered to your Los Angeles, CA location by choosing Simanovich. We use cookies to make our website optimal for you and to continuously improve it.
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