plane crash lake michigan 1965
The floating debris included a fuel tank float, cushions, luggage. Flight 2501 hit Cleveland, Ohio, around 10:49 p.m., and Lind's request to drop to 4,000 feet was approved by traffic control. Initial search efforts in Lake Michigan launched from Milwaukee following the accident but were soon moved to South Haven after debris and Northwest Airline blankets were located 10 miles offshore,according to a website van Heest created to honor the victims. I just don't know where it happened," she said. A stored United 727 identical to the aircraft involved, NRL Report 6242, "Altimeter Display Evaluation, Final Report," January 26, 1965, ICAO Accident Digest Circular 59-AN/54 (129-132), ICAO Accident Digest Circular 62-AN/57 (44-47), "AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT REPORT UNITED AIR LINES, INC. B-727, N7036U In Lake Michigan August 16, 1965", "ASN Aircraft accident Boeing 727-22 N7036U Lake Michigan, MI", "Registration Details For N7036U (United Airlines) 727-22 - PlaneLogger", "ASN Aircraft accident Boeing 727-22 N7030U Salt Lake City International Airport, UT (SLC)", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=United_Air_Lines_Flight_389&oldid=1151417795. Aircraft parts, luggage, and human remains were retrieved in Lake Michigan off the coasts from South Haven down to Benton Harbor. Deck logs for USN Ships, archived at the National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD, RG 24. The suspected plane was reportedly found at the deepest part of Folsom Lake. Loss of control on final approach after the pilot suffered a spatial disorientation. On August 16, 1965, at approximately 21:21 EST, the Boeing 727 crashed into Lake Michigan 20 miles (17 nmi; 32 km) east of Fort Sheridan, near Lake Forest, while descending from 35,000 feet . Inadequate preflight preparation and/or planning on part of the flying crew. Neither vessel ever left the Great Lakes. Individually they are physical pieces of our past linked to significant people and events. A small deformation was observed near the top of the pin part of the control lock. The Bureau of Aircraft Accidents Archives (B3A) was established in Geneva in 1990 for the purpose to deal with all information related to aviation accidentology. Eldred saidher own family members found body partson the beach the next day after rumors had spread that evidence was washing ashore. "My father doesn't think they'll ever find anything," Anderson said. "I always wondered what happened to the human remains that washed ashore on the beaches of South Haven," said van Heest, co-founder of (MSRA) Michigan Shipwreck Research Associates based out of Holland, Michigan. The aircraft thereafter contacted the ground, bounced and slid into the base of a large hedgewood tree 152 feet from the point of initial wire contact, along a wreckage path of 050 magnetic. Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is officially the flight with the most missing people (239 missing), although possible remains of the plane have been found in the Indian Ocean. If you feel this information is incomplete or incorrect, you can. Navy Department. The Navy thought the Lake Michigan area, because it was so far inland, was an ideal training ground for its carrier pilots. These numbers seem significant until it is considered that during that time over 120,000 successful landings took place, and an estimated 15,000 pilots qualified.7The training program, in this light, was a huge success. Over the years, searchers have attempted to locate the plane at the bottom of the lake, to no avail. told the United Press bureau at Detroit by radiotelephone that. Cornfields and Carriers.The Retired Officer Magazine. The major portion of the aircraft structure remained at the base of the tree. 16 Aug 1965: Lake Michigan, near Chicago, Illinois United Air Lines Boeing B-727-22 N7036U: 30/30(0) 20 Aug 1965: Jeuk, Belgium LOT Polish Airlines Vickers 804 Viscount SP-LVA: 4/4(0) 24 Aug 1965: Hong Kong Military - U.S. Marine Corps Lockheed KC-130F 149802: 59/72(0) 04 Sep 1965: Lake Tustumena, Alaska Cordova Airlines Aero Commander 680 While he was approaching Chicago-Merrill C. Meigs Airport by night, weather conditions worsened with fog and a limited visibility. Another mass burial site was discovered in South Haven in 2015, also believed to be related to the crash. This page was last edited on 23 April 2023, at 22:55. At 11:19 p.m., on April 6, 1958, the four-engine Vickers Viscount 745D was on its final approach to the airport from Flint -- one leg of its regularly-scheduled journey from New York to Chicago. The information contained in the database came from numerous resources, but mainly consist of information from Aircraft Accident Reports (AAR), microfilm, Naval History and Heritage Command, Naval Warfare Division, Aviation History Branch, Washington, D.C., and deck logs ofSableandWolverine. By morning, it was clear that Flight 2501 had crashed. From a historical perspective, the assemblage provides a wealth of knowledge about the history of naval aviation. During the war, six of the crashed aircraft were recovered. After each name was read, a bell was rung. [1], A study by the Naval Research Laboratory published in January 1965 found that, of four different designs of pilot altimeters, the three-pointer design was the one most prone to misreading by pilots. 2. You can read more about the Michigan Triangle legend here. Nov. 14 (UPI) -- A twin-engine commuter plane crashed landing on an island in Lake Michigan, killing four people but a girl survived, officials said. The examination of the control lock showed 'several shiny scratches parallel to the length of the pin.' August 16, 1965 -- United Air Lines Flight 389 Crashes Off Highland Park August 16, 1965 -United Air Lines Flight 389, carrying 24 passengers and a crew of six, disappears from radar screens only five minutes from its scheduled arrival at O'Hare International Airport. During it's flight path, it encountered a severe storm over Lake Michigan and. "No one really believed me and I still want to prove that I heard what I said I heard," Eldred said. Inadequate maintenance and inspection was a factor contributing to the accident. Because of minimal visibility and low clouds in the approach zone, the aircraft was operated at an altitude too low to provide clearance over the powerlines. Emergency workers found the plane's contents and bodies of passengers strewn across the field, with some still strapped into their seats. "There's been a lot of mystique around this," van Heest The pilot reported looking for 105 to 110 KIAS for takeoff. A plane crashed Saturday at Beaver Island in northern Lake Michigan, killing four of the five people aboard, including Kate Leese and Adam Kendall, a couple who planted a vineyard and. "T, he biggest decision on the part of the pilot is the attempt to cross the lake in this storm. The 55 passengers 27 women, 22 men and six children boarded the plane at LaGuardia Airport in New York City. Near the point of contact there are two towers, each of which supports four sets of cables. Collided with Beechcraft 35-33 N996T, N5895P was not recovered from the lake bottom, pilot-failure of one or both pilots to see and avoid. Often paint schemes are well preserved, allowing for easier identification. here's a possibility we'll never find the plane.". A first responder removes debris from the wreckage of Capital Airlines Flight 67, a Vickers Viscount that crashed, killing 47, just shy of the runway at what was then Tri-City Airport, now MBS International Airport in Freeland on April 6, 1958. In the following two months two more like it came down near Cincinnati and in Salt Lake City. Uncontrolled descent following improper in-flight decisions. After 10 years of hunting, the efforts of NUMA and the shipwreck association have not been fruitless. The 1950 dissapearance ofNorthwest Airlines Flight2501 over Lake Michigan claimed 58 lives and was the worst commercial airliner accident in the U.S. at the time. A California company says details of the wrecked plane appear to match the missing 1965 aircraft United Airlines Flight 389 was a scheduled flight from LaGuardia Airport, New York City, New York, to O'Hare International Airport, Chicago, Illinois. That final clearance was acknowledged by the captain, and was the last communication with ATC prior to impact with the water. Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships. Cussler ended his involvement in 2013, but sent his side-scan sonar operator back to Michigan in 2015, 2016, and 2017 to follow some leads discovered by MSRA. Air Force Accident Reports dating after 1956 are in the custody of the Air Force Inspection and Safety Center (AFSA-IMR), 9700 Avenue G, SE., Suite 325A, Kirtland Air Force Base, NM 87117-5670. The flight plan called for cruising altitude of 6,000 feet to Minneapolis. Between 1942 and the end WWII, the Navy qualified roughly 15,000 pilots using these two ships, but about 130 crashed into Lake Michigan. But van Heest, director of the Michigan Shipwreck Research Association, said families of victims need not wait to learn what happened that night when34-year-old Capt. The following factors were reported: Chicago & Southern Airlines, Inc., Flight 804, crashed at approximately 1220 central daylight time while it was executing an instrument approach to the Greater Peoria Airport, Peoria, Illinois. The Lake Michigan Triangle - sometimes referred to as the Michigan Triangle - spans from Manitowoc, Wisconsin, to Ludington, Michigan, and south to Benton Harbor. 12. Sable, launched as Greater Buffalo in 1924, eclipsedSeeandbeein size, thereby replacing it as the worlds largest side-wheel passenger steamer.3, The U.S. Navy acquired both vessels shortly before World War II. Using 10 years of research, she recreates the last hours of the flight and connects a series of bad decisions and unfortunate events leading to the crash. The caps' opening tabs were able to be opened at 8 and 3 lbs of force, respectively. The captain of a 707 which was 30 miles (26nmi; 48km) behind the accident flight stated their descent was in instrument conditions until they broke out of the cloud layer at about 8,000 to 10,000 feet (2,400 to 3,000m) and approximately 15 to 20 miles (13 to 17nmi; 24 to 32km) east of the shoreline. Although the majority of losses resulted in only minor injuries, a total of eight pilots were killed. There was no indication of any unusual problem prior to impact. Mystery of 1965 plane crash in California's Folsom Lake might finally be solved. It was also noted that it took the pilots considerably longer to decipher the correct reading of the three-pointer than with the other altimeters. She said the bang jolted their South Haven home, located a quarter of a mile from shore. A number of secondary explosions followed as the aircraft's fuel-filled wings erupted in flames. Contributing to the accident was the lack of adequate company checklist procedures to insure the timely release of the parking brakes. [4] With serial number 18328, and line number 146, the aircraft had its maiden flight on May 18, 1965 with delivery to United Airlines on June 3, 1965 meaning it had been in passenger service for two and a half months before it crashed. This map shows the airport of departure and the intended destination of the flight. Time and radar-image analyses indicated the plane was already down to an altitude of between 1,000 and 2,500 feet (300 and 760m) MSL when it was again given the 6,000-foot (1,800m) clearance limit. She claims they were buried in a St. Joseph-area cemetery without the knowledge of the victims' families, and the grave was never marked. Hours after the crash, members of the Civil Aeronautics Board (the predecessor to the NTSB) were on scene to begin investigating the accident. Lake Michigan, MI. The car key and the door opener were found in the wall pocket during the on-scene investigation. Three seconds later, he reported, there was a "thundering roar." the accident, which speaks to the horrific circumstances of the crash.". All 30 persons aboard, including six crew members and 24 passengers, were killed. fact of the matter is there was 7,000 pounds of debris picked up a week after At its launch it was the worlds largest side-wheel passenger steamer on inland waterways. If all aboard are lost, the crash will be the most disastrous in the history of American commercial aviation. She did her best to try to tell me what had happened, that my father was gone and would not be coming back, she said. KTXL. In his last report, Captain Lind requested permission to descend from 3,500 to 2,500 feet because of a severe electrical storm which was lashing the lake with high velocity winds. A small crack was observed around 1/4 of the control lock rod hole. I knew the plane went down and I'd like proof that it went down in South Haven.". YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. I interviewed his family and t, he pilot was motivated to cross while others The aircraft was lost and the pilot, sole on board, was killed. Do not translate text that appears unreliable or low-quality. No evidence was found of the pilot having a multi-engine rating. Laney's father, Mike Perdue, and three others were killed in the crash, which took place around 1:30 p.m. Saturday at Welke Airport on the remote island in Lake Michigan, which sits off the. Plane crash map Locate crash sites, wreckage and more. United Airlines Flight 389 was a scheduled flight from LaGuardia Airport, New York City, New York, to O'Hare International Airport, Chicago, Illinois. The night visibility was "fuzzy and unclear", and lights on the shoreline were the only ones visible. ACCIDENT DETAILS: Date: August 16, 1965: Time: 2021: Location: Lake Michigan, near Chicago, Illinois: Operator: United Air Lines: Flight #: 389: Route: New York City . Several witnesses watching the last arrival of the night reported seeing the lights of the plane as it neared the runway, then an explosion as the aircraft struck the ground. "We have seen a number old shipwrecks; one year they are All rights reserved. Others were just mangled," Krause said. Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Naval History Division, Washington, 1970, vol. At the time, it was the deadliest commercial plane crash in both US and world history and remains one of the country's most high-profile aircraft disappearances. Police closed off the beach shortly after her family brought remains to authorities, she said. On the 65th anniversary of the crash, a remembrance service was held at the grave site. Essexville resident William D. Reid arranged for a marble slab memorial to the crash victims to be placed at Roselawn Memorial Gardens, 950 N. Center Road in Saginaw Township. If all aboard are lost, the crash will be the most disastrous in the history of American commercial aviation. Lieutenant Walter Elcock crashed a Navy F6F-3 Hellcat fighter plane into Lake Michigan during a training exercise in 1945. The Michigan Shipwreck Research Association, and the National Underwater and Marine Agency, a non-profit organization founded by the famous mystery author Clive Cussler, decided in 2003 to look into the crash. https://caselaw.findlaw.com/ca-court-of-appeal/1827072.html, https://goldcountrymedia.com/news/190132/folsom-lake-plane-crash-wreckage-spotted/, Updated [Aircraft type, Operator, Nature, Narrative], Updated [Operator, Phase, Source, Narrative], Updated [Cn, Operator, Source, Narrative]. People who watched the plane heard a thunderous roar and saw a flaming plane as it entered the water north of Chicago near Waukegan, Illinois. At the point where he would have been at the end of the runway, [I] lost the lights.' The plane was the first Boeing 727 to ever crash. This history is important to the Navy, to the states surrounding southern Lake Michigan and to the nation. The company's annual inspection checklist requires that the tabs be checked. Deck logs for USN Ships, archived at the National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD, RG 24. 1 Although limited training occurred in Virginia's Chesapeake Bay,. The plane, a Northwest Airlines Douglas DC-4 carrying 55 passengers and 3 crew members, departed LaGuardia Airport at about 9:49 p.m., and was last heard from around 11:50 p.m. while over Lake. Robert Lind, 35 years old, of Hopkins, Minn. Both vessels retained their coal driven, side-wheel, propulsion systems, making them the only side-wheel propelled carriers in the U.S. Navy. 1965 California plane crash may be solved after underwater researchers discover debris. Many of the aircraft in this assemblage have been found in good condition, tires inflated, parachutes preserved, leather seats maintained, and engine crankcases full of oil. Starting in the 1980s, Lyssenko's company, A and T Recovery, began to locate and recover aircraft that were lost during the training operation. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. Valerie van Heest and a dedicated group of volunteers have spent a decade searching for the sunken fuselage and engines of the DC-4. NWA Flight 2501 was considered the worst aviation crash of its time and as one of the greatest tragedies of the Great Lakes. The plane, en route to Minneapolis with a final destination in Seattle, was last recorded near Benton Harbor just after midnight, according to the pilot's last correspondence with air traffic control. Wallace Whigam, a lifeguard for the Chicago Park District, reported from the North Avenue Beach House that he had seen an orange flash on the horizon. In fact, their challenge seems to grow as they exhaust high-probability search zones. There was a pulsating sound, but it was not heavy. Neither ASN nor the Flight Safety Foundation are responsible for the completeness or correctness of this information. . The grim task of locating the wreckage of a giant B-52 bomber which crashed, burned. A small plane crashed into California's Folsom Lake on New Year's Day in 1965. Stall and spin after the airplane collided with a flock of seagulls. The survey targeted five examples based on several variables: the type of location information available, the sites proximity to the staging area, and the level of historic significance or threat level. 14 shipwrecks have been found, dating back to the 1800s, but no sign of Flight 2501. A Northwest Airlines DC-4 airplane with fifty-eight persons aboard, last reported over Lake Michigan early today, was still missing tonight after hundreds of planes and boats had worked to trace the craft or any survivors. The following findings were reported: Crash of a Beechcraft 200 Super King Air in Chicago: 3 killed, Crash of a Cessna 340A in Chicago: 1 killed, Crash of a Piper PA-60P Aerostar (Ted Smith 602P) in Port Huron, Crash of a Dassault Falcon 10 in Chicago: 2 killed, Crash of a Beechcraft 99 Airliner off Chicago: 2 killed, Crash of a Rockwell Grand Commander 690 off Chicago: 4 killed, Crash of a De Havilland DH.104 Dove off Chicago: 1 killed, Crash of a Piper PA-61 Aerostar (Ted Smith 601) off Chicago: 1 killed, Crash of an ATECO Westwind II in Peoria: 16 killed, Crash of a Lockheed 18-56-23 LodeStar in Chicago. All rights reserved (About Us). The following contributing factors were reported: After takeoff from Chicago-Merrill C. Meigs, while climbing, both engines failed simultaneously. The most likely explanation is the pilots thought they were descending through 16,000 feet (4,900m) MSL when they were actually descending through only 6,000 feet MSL. Vast amounts of information can be gleaned from and memorialized through these special objects. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. 25 Sep 2018: Beech 200: Oscoda, MI. The drought in California . Permission to descend was denied by the Civil Aeronautic Authority because there was too much traffic at the lower altitude. Its opulence and comfort were second to none on the lakes. Friday, April 6, marks the 60th anniversary of Michigan's third-deadliest plane crash at what is now known as MBS International Airport. The craft was due over Milwaukee at 1:27 A.M. and at Minneapolis at 3.23 A.M. "I've come to realize this is still raw for them," van Heest said. Taken as a whole, the entire assemblage is significant for their service in carrier qualifications training in Lake Michigan. The witness said that the airplane was 'bouncing up and down on the [gear] struts, and wasn't coming off the ground.' The original governmentinvestigation never determined a cause for why the flight went down. Filbrandt organized the service, which was led by Pastor Robert Linstrom. In September 2008, MSRA affiliate Chriss Lyon, investigating the crash of Flight 2501, found an unmarked grave that contains the remains of some of the 58 victims. DETROIT On June 23, 1950, a plane traveling from New York to Minneapolis crashed into Lake Michigan. The library also has copies of the NTSB published reports for 1967 to the 1990's. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0. Aircraft History Cards, microfilm, Naval History and Heritage Command, Naval Warfare Division, Aviation History Branch, Washington, DC. A pilot and a passenger were killed while four other occupants were seriously injured. Within five years of the crash, Tri-City Airport installed more modern safety and navigation equipment, including automatic runway lights. exposed and the next they are not," van Heest said. However, the location of the aircraft remains unknown. The aircraft made initial contact with powerlines which cross the VOR Runway 12 final of Runway 12 of the Greater Peoria Airport approach course, approximately 2 miles west. He's been with WDIV since 2013. 6. Noting that the detail is in the book, van Heest declined to identify the pilot's motivation during an interview with MLive/Kalamazoo Gazette. Buy Now At the Lakefront Airport, officials assembled. Carol Anderson, a religion professor at Kalamazoo College, saidthe untimely and curious death of her grandfather, NWA Flight 2501 passenger Dr. Leslie Anderson, was a fact she learned to accept growing up. irst being the violent storm. 1. In a 2008 ceremony at the cemetery, with 58 family members of crash victims, a black granite marker listing the 58 names of those that were lost were dedicated. The craft was due over Milwaukee at 1:27 A.M. and at Minneapolis at 3:23 A.M. The U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard and police forces from surrounding states, including Michigan were all involved in the search. An intense fire ensued which almost completely destroyed the cockpit and cabin area of the fuselage. Robert Lind decided to fly the plane into a dangerous storm that other pilots avoided. UPDATE: Search resumes for plane that vanished over Lake Michigan in 1950. Seeandbeerepresented the best of Edwardian passenger vessels. The pilot operating handbook states that the fuel cap tab tension must be checked during the preflight inspection. If you are the site owner (or you manage this site), please whitelist your IP or if you think this block is an error please open a support ticket and make sure to include the block details (displayed in the box below), so we can assist you in troubleshooting the issue. Valerie van Heest, MSRA co-director and author of the book Fatal Crossing, says human remains from the June 1950 crash into Lake Michigan washed ashore and were buried in a mass grave. A headline from The Times-Picayune on the morning of Feb. 26 1964 shows the search effort, which over 45 days recovered only 56% of debris. The crew knew about the thunderstorm activity and the possible development of a squall line, but had not been given a forecast describing the development and location of a squall line that had been issued 100 minutes before the accident. Copyright 1999 2023 GoDaddy Operating Company, LLC. The flight was carrying 55 passengers and three crew members; the loss of all 58 on board made it the deadliest commercial airliner accident in America at the time. according to a website van Heest created to honor the victims. [3], The aircraft involved was a United Airlines Boeing 727-100 (727-22), registration N7036U. VI, p. 217. The fatal mid-air collision between the two air. The plane carried a capacity load of fifty-five passengers and a crew of three, headed by Capt. [7], The NTSB estimated the plane was traveling at a speed of approximately 200 knots (230mph; 370km/h) when it impacted the water. A witness on the airport said that when the airplane went by, it 'didn't sound like most King Airs do at that point.' It is preliminary and is based on the facts as they are known at this time. "Some articles say it was the work of aliens and it just disappeared. Your IP address is listed in our blacklist and blocked from completing this request. HOLLAND, Mich. On June 23, 1950, Northwest Orient Flight 2501 was traveling from New York to Minneapolis. Van Heest said the last decade of her life has largely been devoted to learning about the passengers inside the plane, whose families moved on after the plane went down. (NEWS STAFF). Here is the New York Times report on the crash from June 25, 1950: A Northwest Airlines DC-4 airplane with fifty-eight persons aboard, last reported over Lake Michigan early today, was still missing tonight after hundreds of planes and boats had worked to trace the craft or any survivors. All 16 occupants were killed. Over the past decade, searchers have covered more than 600 square miles of Lake Michigan, seeking the plane wreckage. [1], "The Board is unable to determine the reason for the aircraft not being leveled off at its assigned altitude of 6,000 feet (1,800m)."[1]. If possible, verify the text with references provided in the foreign-language article. One passenger drowned. After each name was read, a bell was rung. But with Flight 2501, every time we search an area, we increase the potential for it to be somewhere else. Nine Airmen Die in Crash. The tower controller said that at the 3/4 field point, the airplane had not rotated. Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 2501 was a DC-4 propliner operating its daily transcontinental service between New York City and Seattle when it disappeared on the night of June 23, 1950. Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships; Letter from Captain J. Ashley Roach, JAGC to Stephen Lysaght, British Embassy, 13 April 1994. [2], The aircraft was at approximately 3,500 feet (1,100 metres) over Lake Michigan, 18 miles (29 kilometres) NNW of Benton Harbor, Michigan,[3] when flight controllers lost radio contact with it soon after the pilot had requested a descent to 2,500ft (760m). It was also one of two United Airlines 727s to crash that year, the other later that year being United Airlines Flight 227, a fatal crash landing attributed to poor decision made by the captain.[6]. The missing airliner is the subject of an annual search by Michigan Shipwreck Research Associates (MSRA), a Michigan-based non-profit organization. Lake Michigan has recorded the most missing plane incidents But the 1968 case of a National Center for Atmospheric Research plane caught the most attention locally. Eldred, who had long feared falling planes after one crashed in a field near her childhood home, said she became frantic, waking her toddler and husband. "It was lower and louder every time. The pilot's improper use of the throttle in not using full power for takeoff, the pilot's failure to use proper aborted takeoff procedures, and the inadvertent stall/mush. During the emergency landing approach the airplane collided with trees. But when Muryl heard about a plane crash in Wisconsin on the radio the next day, he knew what they heard the night before and that ". 30 . The The following contributing factors were reported: The pilot, sole on board, was completing a cargo flight from Cleveland to Chicago. Gone but Never Forgotten. The airplane, a four-engine 'air coach' bound from New York to Minneapolis and Seattle, was last heard from at 1:13 o'clock this morning, New York Time, when it reported that it was over Lake Michigan, having crossed the eastern shore line near South Haven, Mich. Robert Lind, 35 years old, of Hopkins, Minn. This list of missing aircraft includes aircraft that have disappeared and whose locations are unknown. Van Heest is the authora non-fiction book called"Fatal Crossing: The Mysterious Disappearance of NWA Flight 2501 and The Quest for Answers,"that will be released this month by Holland-based publisher In Depth Editions. On June 24, 2015, a remembrance service was held at the grave site. Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships. [8] The second proven case was the 1958 Bristol Britannia 312 crash near Christchurch, Dorset, in the south of England, on December 24, 1958. Between 1942 and 1945, the years of the carriers operations, there were 128 losses and over 200 accidents.