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Note: Chief officers should ensure that the operation of these provisions at police stations in their areas is subject to supervision and monitoring by an officer of the rank of inspector or above. See paragraphs 3.19, 6.5A and Note E1. Detailed guidance for police officers and staff concerning the conduct and recording of voluntary interviews is being developed by the College of Policing. This definition applies for the purposes of the detention and bail provisions in sections 34 to 51 of PACE. If a suspect takes steps to prevent themselves being questioned or further questioned, e.g. 6.16 Any request for legal advice and the action taken shall be recorded. If the solicitor is on their way or is to set off immediately, it will not normally be appropriate to begin an interview before they arrive. The custody officer is responsible for making sure those responsible for the detainees custody are appropriately briefed about the risks. Where the use of the Welsh Language is appropriate, the following form of words may be provided in Welsh: Does dim rhaid i chi ganiatu cymryd sgan uwchsain neu belydr-x (neur ddau) arnoch, ond maen rhaid i mi eich rhybuddio os byddwch chin gwrthod gwneud hynny heb reswm da, fe allai hynny niweidio eich achos pe bain dod gerbron llys.. This section was amended by section 42 of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 with effect from 26 October 2015, and includes anyone who appears to be under the age of 18. Copies of the Codes issued under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 must be readily available in all police stations for consultation by police officers, detained people and members of the public. that the purpose of their presence is to: observe whether the interview is being conducted properly and fairly; and. Web pace ready meals discontinued. 6.17 A record shall be made in the interview record if a detainee asks for legal advice and an interview is begun either in the absence of a solicitor or their representative, or they have been required to leave an interview. (b) When paragraph 15.7A applies (application for a warrant of further detention or extension of such a warrant), the officer making the application is responsible for deciding which documents and materials are essential and must be made available before the hearing. See Note 6K. See paragraphs 11.1, 11.15 and 11.18 to 11.20. See paragraph 1.8. 6.12 A An accredited or probationary representative sent to provide advice by, and on behalf of, a solicitor shall be admitted to the police station for this purpose unless an officer of inspector rank or above considers such a visit will hinder the investigation and directs otherwise. If the detainee has the right to speak to a solicitor in person but declines to exercise the right the officer should point out that the right includes the right to speak with a solicitor on the telephone. The Code is published here: E7 When a person is under the influence of drink and/or drugs, it is not intended that they are to be treated as vulnerable and requiring an appropriate adult for the purpose of Annex E paragraph 1 unless other information indicates that any of the factors described in paragraph 1.13(d) may apply to that person. See Note 9E. 12.8 Breaks from interviewing should be made at recognised meal times or at other times that take account of when an interviewee last had a meal. 9CA Paragraph 9.3 would apply to a person in police custody by order of a magistrates court under the Criminal Justice Act 1988, section 152 (as amended by the Drugs Act 2005, section 8) to facilitate the recovery of evidence after being charged with drug possession or drug trafficking and suspected of having swallowed drugs. Tex-Mex Migas Egg Scramble Breakfast Tacos Breakfast Burritos Huevos Rancheros Lunch Recipes Change up the lunchtime routine with these creative ways to add some bold flavor to the afternoon. The officer who discloses the information shall make a record of the information disclosed and when it was disclosed. 3.8 A The content of any risk assessment and any analysis of the level of risk relating to the persons detention is not required to be shown or provided to the detainee or any person acting on behalf of the detainee. The reasons for doing so should be noted in the custody record. 11.14 Any refusal by a person to sign an interview record when asked in accordance with this Code must itself be recorded. 3.7 Chief officers should ensure that arrangements for proper and effective risk assessments required by paragraph 3.6 are implemented in respect of all detainees at police stations in their area. 6.1 Unless Annex B applies, all detainees must be informed that they may at any time consult and communicate privately with a solicitor, whether in person, in writing or by telephone, and that free independent legal advice is available. 16.10 If arrangements for a juveniles transfer into local authority care as in paragraph 16.7 are not made, the custody officer must record the reasons in a certificate which must be produced before the court with the juvenile. In these cases, police powers and duties and the persons rights and entitlements whilst at a police station in England or Wales are the same as those in Scotland; (ii) arrested under the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, section 142(3) in order to have their fingerprints taken; (iii) whose detention has been authorised under Schedules 2 or 3 to the Immigration Act 1971 or section 62 of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002; (iv) who are convicted or remanded prisoners held in police cells on behalf of the Prison Service under the Imprisonment (Temporary Provisions) Act 1980; (vi) detained for searches under stop and search powers except as required by Code A. An entrepreneur with the mind, heart and palate for making the perfect sauce. 3. When the restriction on drawing adverse inferences from silence applies, the suspect may still be asked to account for any of the matters in (b) or (c) but the special warning described in paragraph 10.11 will not apply and must not be given. C1 The restriction on drawing inferences from silence does not apply to a person who has not been detained and who therefore cannot be prevented from seeking legal advice if they want to, see paragraphs 10.2 and 3.21. 8.5 If it is necessary to remove a detainees clothes for the purposes of investigation, for hygiene, health reasons or cleaning, removal shall be conducted with proper regard to the dignity, sensitivity and vulnerability of the detainee and replacement clothing of a reasonable standard of comfort and cleanliness shall be provided. Documents and materials will be essential for this purpose if they are capable of undermining the reasons and grounds which make the detainees arrest and detention necessary. (b) suspects who are not under arrest but are cautioned as in section 10 who, in accordance with paragraph 3.21(b), the interviewer has determined require an interpreter. about refusing to provide a translation of a requested document (see paragraph 7), the officer should seek advice from an inspector or above. 6.3 A poster advertising the right to legal advice must be prominently displayed in the charging area of every police station. 1. See paragraph 13.1C below if the person is in Wales. Whether you're in the mood for the classic Italian taste of Prego or the signature southwest flavors of Pace, Ready Meals offer food that are convenient to prepare and tastes great. It offers a 9oz net weight single-serve portion. In the latter case, the detainee must be told the solicitor has come to the police station at another persons request, and must be asked to sign the custody record to signify whether they want to see the solicitor. Source: hip2save.com. 4C Paragraph 4.4 does not require items of clothing worn by the person to be recorded unless withheld by the custody officer as in paragraph 4.2. The record shall show the: time a person is released from detention. Although a suspect for whom an appropriate adult is required may be more likely to be adversely affected as described, it is important to note that a person who does not require an appropriate adult may also be adversely impacted by the use of live-link interpretation. 4. makes, or directs the making of, reasonable efforts to ascertain the solicitors expected time of arrival and to inform the solicitor that the suspect has stated that they wish to change their mind and the reason (if given); (ii) the detainees reason for their change of mind (if given) and the outcome of the action in (i) are recorded in the custody record; (iii) the detainee, after being informed of the outcome of the action in (i) above, confirms in writing that they want the interview to proceed without speaking or further speaking to a solicitor or (as the case may be) without a solicitor being present and do not wish to wait for a solicitor by signing an entry to this effect in the custody record; (iv) an officer of inspector rank or above is satisfied that it is proper for the interview to proceed in these circumstances and: gives authority in writing for the interview to proceed and, if the authority is not recorded in the custody record, the officer must ensure that the custody record shows the date and time of the authority and where it is recorded, and. 13.1 C With regard to persons in Wales, nothing in this or any other Code affects the application of the Welsh Language Schemes produced by police and crime commissioners in Wales in accordance with the Welsh Language Act 1993. They should always be given an opportunity, when an appropriate adult is called to the police station, to consult privately with a solicitor in the absence of the appropriate adult if they want. Once it is clear a detainee does not want to speak to a solicitor in person or by telephone they should cease to be asked their reasons. 6.13 In exercising their discretion under paragraph 6.12A, the officer should take into account in particular: the identity and status of an accredited or probationary representative have been satisfactorily established; they are of suitable character to provide legal advice, e.g. Paragraph 11.17A only applies if the appropriate adults approach or conduct prevents or unreasonably obstructs proper questions being put to the suspect or the suspects response being recorded. In order to do this they may need to witness what is happening and give the suspects solicitor (if they have one) who witnessed what happened, an opportunity to comment. However, information which is necessary to custody staff to ensure the effective ongoing care and well being of the detainee must be recorded openly in the custody record, see paragraph 3.8 and Annex G, paragraph 7. But it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in Court. See Note 8D. Authority to delay a detainees right to consult privately with a solicitor may be given only if the authorising officer has reasonable grounds to believe the solicitor the detainee wants to consult will, inadvertently or otherwise, pass on a message from the detainee or act in some other way which will have any of the consequences specified under paragraphs 1 or 2. (iv) if the person declines to exercise the right, asking them why and recording any reasons given (see Note 6K). A record shall be made of the juveniles decision and signed by the appropriate adult. Vulnerable suspects listed at paragraph 11.18 shall be treated as always being at some risk during an interview and these persons may not be interviewed except in accordance with paragraphs 11.18 to 11.20. 5.7 Before any letter or message is sent, or telephone call made, the detainee shall be informed that what they say in any letter, call or message (other than in a communication to a solicitor) may be read or listened to and may be given in evidence. 1N For the purpose of the provisions of PACE that allow a live link to be used, any impairment of the detainees eyesight or hearing is to be disregarded. Chapter 16 of the Mental Health Act 1983 Code of Practice (as revised), provides more detailed guidance about arranging assessments under the Mental Health Act and transferring detainees from police stations to other places of safety. www.gov.uk/government/publications/concordat-on-children-in-custody. It explains how your defence at court may be affected if you choose to say nothing.. Pace Ready Meals Fiesta Chicken and Rice with Green & Red Peppers, 9 oz. A copy of the written notice embodying any charge must also be given to the appropriate adult. 11.21 When a suspect in police detention is interviewed using a live link by a police officer who is not at the police station where the detainee is held, the provisions of this section that govern the conduct and making a written record of that interview, shall be subject to paragraph 12.9B of this Code. 15.3 Before deciding whether to authorise continued detention the officer responsible under paragraph 15.1 or 15.2 shall give an opportunity to make representations about the detention to: (a) the detainee, unless in the case of a review as in paragraph 15.1, the detainee is asleep; (b) the detainees solicitor if available at the time; and, (c) the appropriate adult if available at the time. (iii) the right to consult these Codes of Practice [see section 3]. The grounds for action under this Annex shall be recorded and the detainee informed of them as soon as practicable. Those suspected of being under the influence of drink or drugs or both or of having swallowed drugs, see Note 9CA, or whose level of consciousness causes concern must, subject to any clinical directions given by the appropriate healthcare professional, see paragraph 9.13: be visited and roused at least every half hour; have their condition assessed as in Annex H; and clinical treatment arranged if appropriate. 3C If the juvenile is in local authority or voluntary organisation care but living with their parents or other adults responsible for their welfare, although there is no legal obligation to inform them, they should normally be contacted, as well as the authority or organisation unless they are suspected of involvement in the offence concerned.
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