oregon lottery retailer requirements
We will always provide free access to the current law. LOTT 16-2001(Temp), f. & cert. LOTT 13-2021, minor correction filed 08/02/2021, effective 08/02/2021, LOTT 9-2018, amend filed 10/01/2018, effective 10/17/2018, LOTT 17-2021, amend filed 11/01/2021, effective 11/01/2021, LOTT 15-2021, temporary amend filed 08/16/2021, effective 08/16/2021 through 02/11/2022, LOTT 14-2021, minor correction filed 08/02/2021, effective 08/02/2021, LOTT 7-2021, amend filed 07/22/2021, effective 07/22/2021, LOTT 2-2020, amend filed 04/24/2020, effective 05/01/2020, LOTT 1-2018, amend filed 03/29/2018, effective 04/02/2018, LOTT 5-2022, adopt filed 05/30/2022, effective 06/01/2022, LOTT 1-2022, temporary adopt filed 01/14/2022, effective 01/14/2022 through 07/12/2022. *If selling both Traditional and Lottery products, there is only one charge of $634. LOTT 9-2004, f. & cert. Statutes/Other Implemented:ORS 461.200 (6) Threats: The Director may terminate the retailer contract of any Lottery retailer who threatens to damage or destroy Lottery equipment. 8, 2021). 1-5-04 thru 6-25-04 History: All other lottery prizes up to $600 can be claimed at any Oregon Lottery retailer. You will be charged a monthly network line fee. (2) Additional Requirements: Placement of Video Lottery game terminals is subject to the following: (a) Restricted Visibility: The Lottery will not place Video Lottery game terminals in an area of a business or premises that does not or will not have restricted visibility. The state is rare for its widely available lottery-run slot machines. Concerned about your own or someone else's gambling? NosFx.{v[g4M ht{pq&>MO{Z~^3*ok98M+Q4;E- M]K4S# RpCj8Am#,MH )n{TzB?QlO&{\_i|/^@]:}P{Z[:wK/Qw)#W |>NKB #E`>(\`}ID*[pX=c"TaK>Hwz%JIl|]l In addition, we will provide an on-site training at your location for your employees once your Lottery equipment is installed. You can also request a special refresher training or training on a specific subject, like sales or security and integrity. Original Source: General: This rule contains duties to be performed by a Lottery retailer beyond those duties described in the Lottery retailer contract. (3) Directors Decisions: The Directors decisions regarding allocation, removal, placement, or limiting the number of Video Lottery game terminals are final. In addition, Background investigations allow for an evaluation by the Lottery and the Compacted Tribes of the competence, integrity, background, character, and nature of the true ownership of the vendor. The Lottery shall calculate the average using any 90-day or greater time period determined by the Lottery. Statutory/Other Authority:ORS 461 & OR Const. The duties listed herein are not meant to be exclusive. ORLA is the only major trade association in the state that has defended lottery retailers since the introduction of video lottery in Oregon. History: Visit OPGR.org or call 1 877-MYLIMIT. https://secure.sos.state.or.us/oard/view.action?ruleNumber=177-040-0050 LOTT 12-2008, f. 12-23-08, cert. Service technicians are available to service/repair your equipment. LOTT 1-2022, temporary adopt filed 01/14/2022, effective 01/14/2022 through 07/12/2022. View or print Video Lottery Terminal Shipping Requirements Here: We conduct vendor background investigations for all Lottery and Tribal Gaming in a timely, thorough and efficient manner, to meet the requirements of Lottery contracts and Tribal-State compact agreements. LOTT 14-2021, minor correction filed 08/02/2021, effective 08/02/2021 2 0 obj <> FILING CAPTION: Rulemaking for Lottery's sports betting game, Scoreboard, and requirements for digital play generally EFFECTIVE DATE: 03/29/2020 AGENCY APPROVED DATE: 03/20/2020 CONTACT: Kris Skaro 503-540-1181 . The training is divided into two parts: Traditional Product Training from 8:30am 12:30pm, and Video Product Training from 1:30pm 5:00pm. by contacting your Field Sales Representative, or calling our Retailer Training Department at (503) 540-1118. Online Training Our on-line training modules cover many topics and are a good way to refresh your knowledge or train new employees. (a)The following applicants are eligible for an alternative disclosure process:(A)A public company or a multi-state chain retailer that is applying for a traditional lottery game retailer contract that meets the following additional criteria of:(i)30 or more individual retail locations;(ii)Gross annual revenues of $10 million or more; and(iii)300 ef. (6) Occurrence means an accident, incident, or a series of accidents or incidents arising out of a single event or originating cause and includes all resultant or concomitant losses. entrepreneurship, were lowering the cost of legal services and ef. LOTT 5-2002, f. & cert. 177-040-0001 General Application Requirements . Other duties and requirements for retailers may be contained elsewhere in OAR Division 177, ORS Chapter 461 (Oregon State Lottery), or in the Lottery . LicenseSuite is the fastest and easiest way to get your Eola, Oregon lottery license. 4-6-04 thru 6-25-04 %PDF-1.7 endobj Retail food code variance application, Variance packet for cured TCS food under the retail food code, Variance packet for ROP, cured time/temperature control for safety food under the retail food code, Retail food code requirement for variances, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) about combination facilities, Consumer Owned Refillable Food Containers, Refilling Consumer-Owned Containers Template, Refilling Returnable Containers at Retail Food Establishments, Partially cooking raw animal foods in advance, Proper freezer storage for raw animal foods, Time and temperature control for safety foods: Job aid, Small Business Nutrition Labeling Exemption, A critical partnership to prevent foodborne illness and to comply with sanitation requirements, Oregon Health Authority Oregon labs directory, Reduced Oxygen Packaging (ROP) HACCP Only Packet, Reduced Oxygen Packaging Without a Variance Requires HACCP, Variance packet for ROP, cured time/temperature control for safety food, Resources for Meat Processors and Producers, Changing the form of food such as squeezing fruit into juice or grinding nuts into nut butter, Stores selling only bottled alcoholic beverages such as wine or beer, Truck or van with a freezer unit selling frozen or fresh seafood, Retail stores selling seafood and other non-meat retail foods, Produce stands that are not on the property where the produce is grown, Stands that sell their own home-grown produce and produce purchased from outside sources, Truck or van selling produce, packaged bread, packaged spices, packaged cheese, or any other packaged food that is from a licensed source, Markets with food service or onsite dining, Bakeries with food service or onsite dining, Wineries that offer restaurant service in addition to brewing alcoholic beverages, Restaurants that sell packaged foods for later consumption. Lottery Product Requirements Video Lottery Specifications At an average of $2.00 per transaction, thats approximately $8,700 per year commission back in your pocket. If youre interested in becoming an Oregon Lottery retailer, youre in the right spot. 1-1-09 Art. ef. ORLA, staff have regular conversations with the Oregon State Lottery (OSL) on issues of importance. A strip mall may also be identified by a name, by a common landlord, or by a description or site plan as part of a lease agreement. LOTT 1-2004(Temp), f. & cert. (2) Convenience store means a retail business which offers a relatively limited line of high-volume products, and the majority of the products are for consumption off the premises. The Director may remove one or more terminals from a retail location when the retailer is unable to meet the minimum sales requirement. ef. See the administrative rule for a full definition. (C) Unless waived by the Director, previously had a loss claim (whether charged to the retailer or not) within the preceding twelve months. $600 - $5,000, you must go to your Lottery Retailer, where you will receive a 'Pay to Bearer' ticket. ef. 9#lN (a) A retailer is responsible for the actual cost of replacing, repairing, or removing lost, damaged, or destroyed Lottery equipment when the loss per occurrence is under $2,500 and the retailer: (A) Failed to exercise reasonable care to protect the equipment from damage, destruction, or theft; (B) Intentionally damaged, destroyed, or stole the equipment, or allowed others to damage, destroy, or steal Lottery equipment; or. ef. Certificates that will meet the food protection manager requirements in the retail food code. It has known security flaws and may not display all features of this and other websites. We ensure that all Class III Tribal gaming activities are conducted with fairness, integrity, honesty, security and in accordance with the Tribal/State gaming compacts. LOTT 9-2018, amend filed 10/01/2018, effective 10/17/2018 LOTT 6-2012, f. 10-26-12, cert. If the retailer is determined to be responsible, the Lottery will bill the retailer and may electronically debit the retailers account for the amount billed. 3-25-02 The costs are $73 for Traditional Lottery products and $211 for Video Lottery products. Lottery games are based on chance and should be played for entertainment only, not investment purposes. XV & Sec. Online Training Our on-line training modules cover many topics and are a good way to refresh your knowledge or train new employees. 4(4) .ol-faq.ol-faq--loaded{background-color:#ffcd50;} .ol-faq{min-width:100%; margin:0;}. 12-3-01 thru 5-24-02, 177-045-0035Temporary Pause on Additional Video Lottery Retailer Locations. However, you may bring an employee with you when you come to New Retailer Training. LOTT 5-2002, f. & cert. (5) Movie theater means a business or premises where movies or motion pictures are shown for patrons, whether in a traditional stadium seating style or otherwise. .ol-faq.ol-faq--loaded{background-color:#ffcd50;} .ol-faq{min-width:100%; margin:0;}. Y^6yi?I"g ef. (3)Application Required: An applicant must file a complete application with the Oregon Lottery. Combination facilities information, Oregon Construction Contractors Board and Oregon Department of Agriculture A critical partnership to prevent foodborne illness and to comply with sanitation requirements, OAR 660-031-0026: Land conservation and development, ORELAP accredited Oregon laboratories that test drinking water and accept samples from the public. Privacy Policy. It looks something like 98-7654321 and you can get one for free, Business Identification Number (BIN). User Agreement and ef. The person attending should be at least 18 years of age for our Traditional Product Training, and at least 21 years of age for our Video Product Training. Typically, the whole process takes 30 minutes to an hour. The Oregon Lottery reserves the right to change, withdraw, close, or re-post job announcements . If you have questions about winning numbers, contact the Lottery at 401-463-6500 or visit your nearest Lottery Retailer for the official winning numbers and game information. The applicant must provide a complete personal disclosure, including documents and other information requested by the Lottery relating to the applicant's personal, financial, and criminal background and an applicant's associations with other persons. The state is rare for its widely available lottery-run slot machines. (3) Equipment Inspection: The Lottery may access, inspect, furnish, repair, place, replace, upgrade, modify, add, or remove Lottery equipment at a retailers premises at any time during regular business hours. % (1) General Equipment Management: The Director of the Lottery shall manage Lottery equipment pursuant to ORS 461.200. kHNjo=F>8`_1qaCQ@C s-P$~pVUI$/^ws`|8[&/|okh+ U3/|\1]%IRB0Z4 *oeVw8?Gk0GEW\YIBgJG97a~|BE.DuU+OL"5~lKiV4":P rc0_^#P4ABP*jAaBOFou$\WMcx ](E#9m.|X"On]Fh_u]EuR:3j+| ef. Please be prepared to provide your e-mail address. (h) Limit on the Number of Video Lottery Game Terminals: In the Directors sole discretion and subject to all other requirements, the Director may limit the number of Video Lottery game terminals in a Video Lottery retailers business or premises at any time and in any manner. (b) Public Access: Adequate and convenient public access to Video Lottery games. RETAILER CONTRACT 177-040-0000 Definitions . No bare hand contact required by the retail food code, Proper glove use information from the retail food code, Cut leafy greens temperature control requirements in the retail food code, Cut tomatoes temperature control requirements in the retail food code, Date marking poster for keeping prepared foods safe as required by the retail food code, Retail food code requirements for non-continuous cooking of raw animal foods, Ice Point Method for Stem Thermometer Testing, Retail food code requirements for storing raw animal foods in the freezer, Determine if a food is considered a time/temperature control for safety food, Time as a public health control- template for written procedure as required by the retail food code, Retail food code requirements for demonstrating knowledge of major food allergens, Boiled Water Advisory Information from CDC, Consumer advisory information required by the retail food code, Resumen de requisitos de etiquetado para alimentos procesados, Summary of labeling requirements for processed foods, Retail food code requirements for wild mushrooms, Food code requirements for outdoor cooking, State laws and regulations for retail food establishments including the ODA Food Code. Statutes/Other Implemented:ORS 461.200, 461.217 & 461.300 ef. A Key Person may include an owner, manager, corporate officer, director, a stockholder, family member, or others. Your new Key Person will need to attend New Retailer Training. Pre-opening checklist for new or newly remodeled retail food establishments, USDA's SNAP Program formerly known as food stamps. Art. We are writing today to share some forward progress about our Video Lottery Program. Art. Selling Lottery games provides entertainment products for your customers to play, increases your bottom line and attracts new customers for all your product categories. Any claim that the Lottery may have against a retailer arising from the loss, damage, or destruction of such property is subrogated to the Risk Management Division upon payment of the claim by Risk Management to the Lottery. Movie theater does not include other areas of the same business or premises that are physically separated by a floor to ceiling wall, partition, curtain, or other means, from the movie theater area, and where food and alcoholic beverages are sold and served for consumption on the premises. ef. An official website of the State of Oregon , Lottery SecurityLieutenant JesseOrosco500 Airport Road SESalem, OR 97301Phone: 503-540-1413Jose.Orosco@osp.oregon.gov, Tribal GamingLieutenant Kevin Markey4190 Aumsville Hwy SESalem, OR 97317Phone: 503-378-6999tribalgamingosp@osp.oregon.gov, Vendor InvestigationsSergeant Phillip Dodd4190 Aumsville Hwy SESalem, OR 97317Phone: 503-378-2084Phillip.Dodd@osp.oregon.gov. 1-5-04 thru 6-25-04 Interactive by Mark Friesen/The Oregonian, Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our The Director shall terminate the retailer contract of any Lottery retailer who intentionally damages, destroys, or steals, or allows others to damage, destroy, or steal Lottery equipment. Annual Lottery Commissions - $50,000-$99,999 - $250.00. Food produced in other states must be licensed by the responsible agency in that state. Chapter 461). Email. (b) Incidental or negligible way includes, but is not limited to: (A) The Video Lotterygame terminals may be glimpsed through an open doorway by passersby, except that minors may not be permitted to linger in the open doorway; (B) The Video Lotterygame terminals may be seen by persons intentionally looking closely through a sight restricted window, door, curtain or other object intended to restrict visibility; or. https://oregon.public.law/rules/oar_177-040-0050. 12-3-01 thru 5-24-02, 177-045-0010Equipment Management Generally. d0r7 ?UZ`QMlh(l Statutory/Other Authority:ORS 461 & OR Const. ef. Your new Key Person will need to attend New Retailer Training. LOTT 6-2012, f. 10-26-12, cert. Retail Licensing. Please discuss this with us in advance. About 2,500 retailers offer video gambling across Oregon. LOTT 5-2004(Temp), f. & cert. When requested, the retailer must reimburse Risk Management the amount paid to the Lottery for replacement or repair of the lost, damaged, or destroyed equipment. Yes, you may send a non-key person to the training, but keep in mind there must be at least one key person from your location who has attended the training and that this training is specifically for owners and managers. endobj LOTT 9-2004, f. & cert. The Assumed Business Name is the name on the door or sign for your business. The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality requires facilities to have a water quality permit for discharges to state waters or to the Selling Lottery products also helps the state of Oregon by generating profits which help fund thousands of critical projects and programs throughout the state. However, you may bring an employee with you when you come to New Retailer Training. Location: Plan review application can be submitted by a business along with their plans. The Director shall consider: (a) Availability: The availability of the terminals and related equipment. If someone wins a large prize, after the appropriate paperwork and background checks are completed, the claim is paid that day. Food Safety Modernization Act and Human Food, Food Processing and Warehousing Licensing, Tips for the use of consumer-owned refillable food containers, Fillable written procedures template for refilling consumer-owned containers, Refilling returnable containers at retail- what is allowed and what is prohibited, The Bad Bug Book, Handbook of Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins, Norovirus, Hepatitis A Virus, Salmonella Typhi, Shigella SPP., and E. Coli 0157:H7, Information and examples of demonstration of knowledge required by the retail food code, Employee illness policies required by the retail food code. 1 0 obj XV & Sec. (d) More than six Video Lotteryretailers in a strip mall that has twelve or more retail spaces or storefronts. PORTLAND, Ore Get ready, sports gamblers. "Lottery game retailer" or "retailer" has the meaning given in ORS 461. . Yes. ef. (4) Reconsideration: Upon written request by a Video Lottery retailer, the Director may reconsider any Video Lottery game terminal allocation decision made under this rule pertaining to that retailer unless such decision is required by this rule. 5-26-04 Section 177-040-0055 - Advertising Lottery Games and Inducements to Play (1) Prohibitions: A retailer must not conduct false or misleading advertising, in any form, regarding the Lottery or Lottery games including, but not limited to, claiming the odds of winning a Lottery game are different at the retailer's business than at any other Lottery retailer's business. 10-1-09 In addition, we will provide an on-site training at your location for your employees once your Lottery equipment is installed. LOTT 12-2008, f. 12-23-08, cert. 12-3-01 thru 5-24-02. If you carry both Traditional and Video Lottery products the monthly fee is $211. You can find the training modules in Help Menu>Retailer Training Course Local. A separate lottery bank account is highly recommended though not mandatory. ORLA also works to shield against extreme regulatory attacks, such as increased casino expansions off tribal reservations, and is supportive of gaming as entertainment, adjunct to the hospitality industry.
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