occoquan reservoir boating regulations
In addition, it receives a lot of use 9. on the mechanical and electrical portions of the plant so as to demonstrate Landowner activities in the Occoquan Reservoir shoreline easement must comply with Fairfax Waters Shoreline Easement Policy as well as any applicable local, state or federal laws or regulations. /0Lj`5`r 6'H2).&A"@Ut"30y` J If these pumping stations are remote and unmanned, an alarm WebOccoquan watershed the land whose runoff drains into the reservoirand those who use the reservoir for recreational activities. The flow measuring devices and isolation valves The Occoquan Policy Some anglers prefer to use ultra light spinning gear or fly fishing gear to present small lures or flies. night fishing with submersible lights was always productive but lake access at night is tough and only available from the Lake Ridge HOA launch at the Upon successful completion, the vessel is awarded a U.S. Coast Guard / Auxiliary / U.S. Power Squadrons decal that informs law enforcement and safety agencies that your boat was in full compliance with all federal and state boating laws during a safety check for that year. Water Control Board certificate. minimum of one year of continuous operation after the "debugging" Regional plant capacity allocations for the Occoquan Fairfax County Water Authority manages Occoquan as a water supply impoundment, which serves residents of Fairfax County and the City of Alexandria. Stocking of channel catfish occurred on alternate years between 1981-1991. The reservoir is situated on the Occoquan River and is part of the extensive Occoquan Watershed, which spans over 590 miles and contains three major impoundments. Enjoy daring waterslides, a huge dumping bucket and more at Volcano Island! Join the Endless Summer Fun with NOVA Parks! It's a decent size body of water so you'll definitely want gas engine to get you around and trolling motor to fish. 11. require formal board approval. New shall meet the administrative requirements of subsection F of this section. More information about Bull Run Marina Regional Park and Fountainhead Park is available from the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority (703-352-5900). (The use of cubicle outlines in phantom or dotted line is As a result of the CDM report, input from the local Have at least one "on-site" backup power supply; c. Have at least one "off-site" power supply; d. Be designed so that no single failure of a mechanical or The policy was 290 0 obj <>stream WebIt shall be unlawful for any person to operate any boat on the Occoquan Reservoir having a motor or motors, singly or in combination, of more than ten horsepower, provided that Anglers consistently catch fish around boat docks, fish attractors, or brush piles. Heavy fishing pressure with ample habitat and abundant forage may make it more difficult to consistently catch fish. Anglers may want to concentrate their efforts in areas around rocky bluffs in close proximity to deep water. seven days a week throughout the year. FIND FORMS & DOCUMENTS, APPOINTED BOARDS, COMMITTEES & COMMISSIONS, Circuit Court Criminal Fines, Costs & Restitution, Fines & Traffic Tickets General District Court. Authority's raw water intake. The GPS coordinates to the Town Dock are: 38.683868, -77.258656. No matter the skill level, technique of choice, or time of year, the tastes of all anglers should be satisfied while fishing at Occoquan. SIGN-UP FOR NEWS & EVENTS, Balls Ford Road Interchange to Officially Open May 5, A Neighborhood Watch Presentation is May 16, JOIN #PWCPD EVENT: 2023 Tunnel to Towers 5k Run & Walk Prince William, Revive! 2. Anglers are limited to 50 per day in aggregate (combined). and Sanitary District 12 of Fairfax County being abandoned. 88 0 obj <> endobj can affect the plant operations, hydraulic loading, or effluent quality or approximately 10 MGD, based on all effluent being from high-performance plants Twelve flathead catfish were stocked into Occoquan Reservoir in 1965. Occoquan Reservoir is a 2,100-acre Fairfax Water Authority impoundment, which forms the boundary between Fairfax and Prince William counties. Fairfax County Water Authority manages Occoquan as a water supply impoundment, which serves residents of Fairfax County and the City of Alexandria. program approved by the board. jeopardize plant performance and reliability will not be approved. The owner's interceptor and collection systems of the The owner shall include, as part of his preliminary and Occoquan is located near the I-95 corridor and is readily accessible to anglers residing in the Northern Virginia area. State Boating Laws (Reference Guide) Useful 2. water quality standards (9VAC25-260-10 et seq.). Since that initial introduction a fantastic fishery has developed which produced the state record flathead catfish catch of 66 pounds 4 oz., caught and released by Mike Willems in May 1994. Up-to-date as-built electrical and fluid system diagrams; b. submitted to the board. how outside power is brought into the plant and how power is distributed within 2. Spaces are limited. frequency, or under voltage relays; (4) Normal circuit breaker and switch conditions (Notes Anglers should concentrate their efforts in these areas, fishing with a variety of lures such as plastic worms, jigs, spinner baits, or crank baits. 1. The easements permit certain limited uses by adjoining land owners to access the Reservoir for purposes of boating and fishing, but not swimming. (9VAC25-31-10 et endstream endobj startxref are located in the Occoquan watershed and are tributary to a regional treatment Bluegill. gal/inch-dia/mile/day as a maximum. developing and to direct maintenance assistance to the affected pumping WebWith the recent changes in regulations on engine cut-off switches as well as changes to fire extinguishers and new 12- year expiration date, a free vessel safety check can help With the recent changes in regulations on engine cut-off switches as well as changes to fire extinguishers and new 12- year expiration date, a free vessel safety check can help ensure your vessel is in compliance, said BoatUS Foundation president Chris Edmonston. A paddle on the Occoquan River, departing from the Occoquan Regional Park, offers a serene trip and scenic views of the historic town of Occoquan. The water here is generally very calm and offers a fantastic opportunity for first-time paddlers to get out on the water. It is vitally important to care for the Administrative Process Act in accordance with 2.2-4006 A3, which The results of the Metcalf & Eddy study stated that point regional high-performance plant are: 1. Occoquan reservoir is horsepower restricted to 10hp. Lake Ridge, Fountainhead and Bull Run marina. The board advises that since severe infiltration/inflow The main species of interest at Occoquan are largemouth bass, bluegill, and crappie, but opportunities exist for anglers to catch channel catfish, flathead catfish, northern pike, and white perch. Operation of the nitrogen removal facilities is required B. Also, such flow measuring devices and isolation valves shall be Occoquan covers 2,100 acres and straddles the border between Fairfax and Prince William counties. in this policy has been met. To demonstrate that 280 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<437EBAFC79C4E14BBFE88D302D3F7BD8>]/Index[265 26]/Info 264 0 R/Length 88/Prev 231470/Root 266 0 R/Size 291/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream or technical requirements of the contract between the user and the owner which to be feasible and no other alternatives are available. which is used exclusively for emergency or rescue purposes, or which is used exclusively Boating The daily limit is 25 per day in aggregate. Changes to the plant design described here shall only be owner to whom a plant certificate is issued. Scenic views include tree-covered hills, hollows, and secluded coves. for Operate shall mean to navigate or otherwise use a motorboat or vessel. Occoquan Reservoir is a 2,100-acre Fairfax Water Authority impoundment, which forms the boundary between Fairfax and Prince William counties. Occoquan watershed. specifically regulates jurisdictional domestic sewage and sets forth there is not a feasible alternative except to discharge. discharging to the Occoquan Watershed shall meet all the requirements specified Those wishing to use the launch may purchase a season pass,or pay daily fees based on the type of boat being launched. corrections of technical errors. erosion and sediment control ordinances. Stay Cool and Slide at Ocean Dunes Waterpark in Upton Hill Regional Park, Stay Cool All Summer Long at Pirates Cove Waterpark at Pohick Bay Regional Park. having a motor or motors, singly or in combination, of more than ten horsepower, provided 1320 Belman Road Prerequisites before the board gives approval to preliminary plans for a Virginia. Prepare for success with accurate data about the type of fish that are caugh in Occoquan River, learn what baits This diagram shall also show as a minimum: (1) Ratings and characteristics of electrical components, 540-899-4169, 2022 Occoquan Reservoir Fisheries Management Report, Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority, 2023 Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources. to obtain water quality data both before and after construction of any of the flow; and. specifically reserved for them in the new high-performance regional plants. The water may feature some small riffles for the first 200 however the water in this area of the river is generally flat and slow moving. Before such changes are incorporated in the plant, specific The daily bag limit for bass is five per day. No permit as authorized in subdivisions 1 and 2 above Occoquan Policy(amending 9VAC25-410-10, 9VAC25-410-20). There is no minimum size limit. Drive through 2.5 miles of festive light displays, Experience Meadowlark Botanical Gardens Transformed by Holiday Lights. Fairfax Water has easements along the entire reservoir which provide a riparian buffer zone to protect the water and allow for future fluctuation of the water surface. Fairfax County Water Authority Water Control Board is claiming an exemption from Article 2 of the SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT IN THE OCCOQUAN WATERSHED. WebOccoquan Reservoir is a 2,100 acre water supply impoundment that forms the boundary between Fairfax and Prince William counties and is home to the best 62.1-44.15 of the State Water Control Law. Guidance Document List Instructions (pdf), Division of Legislative Automated Systems (DLAS). Agency Contact: Melissa Porterfield, Department of plant to the board shall include a systematic failure mode and effects analysis exception of pollution remediation projects which that are shown 17. 12350 Cotton Mill Drive water quality standards publication (9VAC25-260-10 et seq.). For the purposes of this section, the following terms shall have the meanings respectively Take Route 123 to Davis Ford Road/Old Bridge Road; turn left and go 5.5 miles to Hedges Run Road; turn right and go to the first hard surface road, and turn left into the park. discharged in the Occoquan watershed, since the receiving streams feed the C. Background. Title of Regulation: 9VAC25-410. To date REQUIREMENTS* FOR ANY REGIONAL The plant performance requirements for high performance written approval shall be obtained from the board; and. Enjoy fun, safe, hands-on learning in a unique regional park setting. WebFishing There are three locations within the parks system just right for a day of fishing with Channel Catfish, Largemouth Bass, Crappie and Bluegill in abundance. miles above the raw water intake. The high-performance regional treatment plant shall be Of course, what is legal isnt always ethical. Currently, the largemouth bass fishery is ranked as the best in the district for Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) of preferred fish (greater than 15 inches). Since that initial introduction a fantastic fishery has developed which produced the previous state record flathead catfish catch of 66 pounds 4 oz., caught by Mike Willems in May 1994. 612 near the upper end of the reservoir. Anglers may want to concentrate their efforts in areas around rocky bluffs in close proximity to deep water. See website for details and hours. C. Prerequisites for preliminary plant approval. Environmental Quality, 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1400, P.O. operation. The club hosts summer and fall regattas and supports Experience the winter wonderland at Cameron Run! years. WebThe Occoquan Reservoirs mostly predictable currents and flatness provide excellent water for head races; in addition, a fully buoyed sprint course is up from the beginning of the spring season through mid July. hb```n @q/oK9P uMdh`i '>r!H !JFIL030y]Z"(4Ik.C.y@Mn7/t(c V VPDES permits may be issued for single family homes with The board, at its discretion, can Occoquan Policy Reevaluation, Phase III Report, Camp Currently, the population is diverse, with bass found in all size classes up to about 21 inches. One plant in the Fauquier County/Warrenton area. Channel catfish were first stocked into Occoquan Reservoir in 1964 and were stocked annually afterwards until 1978. Marina: (703) 494-5288 the reservoir due to ineffective implementation of the administrative The major junctions in the collection system (e.g., at In accordance with this law, all of the watershed jurisdictions have adopted Today's Level | Weather | Moon Phases. Cross reference term includes tributaries thereto a point two miles from the receiving stream. 2. Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority The fishing regulatory body for Virginia is Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources. Fountainhead Park (Fairfax County) is off of Route 123 near Woodbridge. Enjoy a great day of summer at Great Waves Waterpark! measuring devices to help in the early identification of problem portions of a Largemouth Bass. 127 0 obj <>stream outreach@fairfaxwater.org, Fairfax Water is exempt from Federal, State and local sales and use taxes (ID # 54-6025290), Cross-Connection Control & Backflow Prevention. Occoquan reservoir, a drinking water supply for over 600,000 people in Northern such as transformers, circuit breakers, and motor controllers, etc., A no cost, no penalty vessel safety check from the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and U.S. Power Squadrons can help, and to get one all you have to do is go to cgaux.org/vsc. Climb UPton is now open daily for the 2023 season! WEB: Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority stresses the performance reliability of the regional treatment plants, Motorboat activity prohibited in Occoquan Reservoir, 16-54; parks and recreation generally, Ch. Anglers may use live bait such as worms or crickets with hopes of enticing a strike. limit the consideration of land disposal systems for waste treatment in the that outlined a course of action to control point source pollution in 1. See website for details and hours. In no case shall a plant be located less than 15 hb```,@2 Xc #h&[G_6UGef/K0.6(A"Qg^ DD}w^ "::X: L&4/Ef10,fdRt!s[Nb=x]9MH33H20if~7/BU9 *8 There are three locations within the parks system just right for a day of fishing with Channel Catfish, Largemouth Bass, Crappie and Bluegill in abundance. Their report watershed. 703-289-6060, TTY 711 City of Colorado City 180 W. 3rd Colorado City, Texas 79512 (325) 728-5331. No. McKee (CDM) to reevaluate certain aspects of the Occoquan Policy. consider, and respond to petitions by any interested person at any time with in new collection systems exhibiting no I/I problems. During the summer the most productive was single pole vertical jigging brush piles and beaver huts with my 12' pole with 1/16 - 1/8 jig head tipped with Bobby Garland Baby Shad plastic minnows. jurisdictions in the Occoquan watershed shall be designed, installed, Occoquan is located near the I-95 corridor and is readily accessible to anglers residing in the Northern Virginia area. The main species of interest at Occoquan are largemouth bass, bluegill, and crappie, but opportunities exist for anglers to catch channel catfish, flathead catfish, northern pike, and white perch. In mid-1980 Fairfax County adopted a BMP ordinance. regional plant shall meet the general and administrative requirements covered Fair numbers of bluegill are found in the 5-7 inch range at Occoquan, which provides anglers ample opportunity to fish for this delightful pan fish. There is no minimum size limit for catfish, but anglers are limited to 20 fish per day of each species. Occoquan Reservoir has a very good crappie fishery and anglers should concentrate on areas with structure during the early spring. The creek flows directly into the 12-mile-long Occoquan Reservoir, the largest urban reservoir in the U.S. effluent quality; (2) Increases or equals plant reliability and maintainability; Twelve flathead catfish were stocked into Occoquan Reservoir in 1965. 10. text of this policy is referred to under special standards and requirements (9VAC25-300-10) WebFishing spots and baits to use at Occoquan River? Boats For Sale. Fair numbers of bluegill are found in the 5-7 inch range at Occoquan, which provides anglers ample opportunity to fish for this delightful pan fish. Commonwealth of Virginia adopted an erosion and sediment control law in 1973. SIGN-UP FOR COUNTY ALERTS, Sign up to receive the County newsletter, press releases and event information. The provisions of 9VAC25-410-20 A 1 and A 2 shall not Web2022 Occoquan Reservoir Fisheries Management Report; Regulations. Bream fishing does not have to be complicated. There is no minimum size limit. Point sources other than regional plants will be permitted There is a $5 Daytime Docking fee, if out by 4pm, and $35 Overnight Docking Fee (4pm-10am). Occoquan reservoir in the vicinity of the Fairfax County Water Authority intake not meet the minimum standards. It offers a good range of depths and plenty of visible cover for anglers to concentrate on during the spring. Changes in plant design requirements will be made infiltration). wastewater to the owner's plant until the problem has been resolved to the Occoquan Sewage Service Authority Wastewater Reclamation Facility. Largemouth bass typically are found in transition areas between different habitats, particularly around heavy cover. Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be guilty of a Class 2 services of the regional plant. Richmond, VA 23218, telephone (803) 698-4238, or email melissa.porterfield@deq.virginia.gov. requirements of Table I of this policy. Fredericksburg, VA 22401 was presented to the board and to the local communities in 1980 and recommended If any of the various administrative procedures of the White crappie typically run larger; and, with the closure of Lake Manassas, Occoquan is the only District lake to offer white crappie. Sign up here and choose which newsletters you'd like to receive. Manassas, the City of Manassas Park, the Greater Manassas Sanitary District, 17. for further information. It also gives you peace of mind that your boat meets federal safety standards and that in an emergency you will have the necessary equipment to save lives and summon help.. Learn more about what they do, when they meet, vacancies, and how to get involved. Violators of the Occoquan No-Swimming Policy will be reported to law enforcement authorities and are subject to civil and criminal remedies for trespass. 13. To advise Fairfax Water of non-compliances you may email outreach@fairfaxwater.org or call 703.289.6060. according to these criteria: a. plants discharging to the Occoquan watershed are given in Table I. WebZach and I headed out for our 3rd tournament of the year on the Occoquan Reservoir. (9VAC25-260-310), entitled "Occoquan Watershed Policy," of the A Comprehensive Pollution Abatement Program for the A. manned by an appropriate number of trained and qualified operating, Virginia Boater Exam. Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority Headquarters It is also the holder of various easements along the shoreline. Power boats are limited to a maximum of 10 horsepower. Large areas of shore lined with bulrushes. Please ensure to adhere to the fishing regulations for the state. recommend a course of action to preserve the Occoquan as a valuable water Black and white crappie may be harvested without size restriction from Occoquan. provided between jurisdictions as well as any others contracting for the Find out whats going on in the County and join us at our next meeting or event. Prince William County Park Authority Bull Run Marina Regional Park can be accessed off of Rt. ***Measured immediately prior to chlorination. have the first priority on treatment capacity and such capacity shall be to transport platforms, barges, or vessel hulls to stationary positions on the Occoquan Occoquan held the previous state record flathead catfish (66 lbs. subsystem can be maintained and expanded without release of effluent that does right to place new requirements on the owner and jurisdictions and to require 4. consider, and respond to petitions by any interested person at any time with 0 Source Water Planning and Protection Users must carry boat 400 ft. down a trail to the rivers edge. Anglers can expect to catch fish in the 14-20 inch range, with most fish averaging about 2 pounds.
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