norwegian cruise line staff directory
In mid-December 2022, Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings, parent company of Norwegian Cruise Line, Oceania Cruises and Regent Seven Seas Cruises, announced it would reduce shoreside staff by 9% . Katty Byrd ist Senior Vice President of Guest Services bei Norwegian Cruise Line und leitet mehrere Serviceabteilungen, darunter Global Trade FIT und Vertrieb/Service fr Gruppen, Resolution Desk, Gstebetreuung, Untersttzung des Betriebs, Schulung und Entwicklung, Inbound-Direktvertrieb, Landausflge und das Incentive-Team CruiseNext der Marke an Bord. Dining on Norwegian cruise ships is comfortable and casual, with no strict dining times and an informal dress code. Preferred medical team members: English-speaking licensed physicians and nurses with broad general, emergency and shipboard experience. Opportunities for physicians and nurses with qualifications as outlined in the ACEP Health Care Guidelines for Cruise Ship Medical Facilities. Prior cruise ship experience preferred. Onboard Public Health and Sanitation. Norwegian Cruise Lines staffs 16 ships worldwide, with two or three physicians, two to three nurses and in some ships a medical secretary. You will have the opportunity to work and make lifelong friends with crewmembers from around the world. If anyone is currently sailing, could you find out. It is recommended that interested physicians send the cruise line a letter of interest and CV in addition to the application form. The Internet Caf is available for all crewmembers at posted hours. You and your roommates are responsible for keeping your cabin clean and tidy at all times. Grand Circle Cruise Line Ships: MV Clio Hamburg Cruise SA Ships: MS Hamburg . In this role Sommer led sales, marketing, revenue management, passenger services, itinerary development, international business development and operations for Norwegian Cruise Line. Crew are trained in best practices and to comply with applicable regulations and each ship will have a dedicated Public Health Officer on board. Didnt see him once. MIAMI (AP) MIAMI (AP) Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. (NCLH) on Monday reported a loss of $159.3 million in its first quarter. Als Chief Consumer Sales and Marketing Officer bei Norwegian Cruise Line ist David Herrera fr die Steigerung der Nachfrage und des globalen Marktanteils in den wichtigsten globalen Quellmrkten des Unternehmens verantwortlich. Zuvor war Del Rio Vorsitzender und CEO der Prestige Cruise Holdings, Inc., der Muttergesellschaft, die Oceana Cruises und Regent Seven Seas Cruises betreibt. Leaving on the Joy February 2nd. Their newest ship Silver Muse will set sail in spring 2017. Phone cards will be available onboard. B. die erfolgreiche Entwicklung des CruiseNext-Programms von Norwegian und steigerte den Umsatz in nur drei Jahren um 291 Prozent. Enjoy Freestyle cruising with Norwegian Cruise Line. American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC 6201 - 15th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11219 T: 718-921-8124 NEW YORK . Unter seiner Fhrung wuchs die Kreuzfahrtlinie von einem unerfahrenen Start-up mit einem Schiff fr 684 Passagiere zu einem marktbeherrschenden, gehobenen Kreuzfahrtmarkt mit sechs Schiffen und insgesamt 5,300 Anlegestellen, darunter zwei neuere, hochgelobte Schwesterschiffe fr 1,250 Passagiere, Marina und Riviera. There will be shifts off but not full days off the entire assignment rotation. Bevor er Sphere Business Consulting mitbegrndete, war Scott in leitenden Positionen sowohl bei Arthur Andersen als auch bei BearingPoint, Inc. ttig. 1 Incorporates Signature Service standards of behavior in daily work in the areas of: 1a. We will sail on the Escape on Feb 8. Silas is the CD for The Encore. Celebrity Cruises succeeds in setting a worldwide standard for cruising, with a distinctive expression of superior quality, grand style, attentive service, spacious accommodations, and exceptional dining. Klaus-Gerrit Gerdts, MD Consultant Physician. I have a friend who just boarded today and he is going to try and find out about other senior staff. Prior to joining Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd., Lindsay served in a similar capacity as Executive Vice President of Vessel Operations at Prestige Cruise Holdings, the parent company of Oceania Cruises and Regent Seven Seas Cruises. Del Rio assumed this role in January 2015. The mail will be sorted by department and distributed. Would hate to miss them. Als Senior Director of Onboard Sales leitet sie z. Del Rio bernahm den Posten im Januar 2015. Lindsay's history with the company goes back to the inception of Oceania Cruises in 2003, where he joined as Senior Vice President, Hotel Operations and Vessel Operations. The Norwegian Cruise Line-owned ship, which normally fits 2,186 gleeful vacationers, is the only cruise ship in the world that operates under the American flag. DeMarco earned an M.B.A. in Finance from Florida International University and a B.S. Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd., together with its subsidiaries, operates as a cruise company in North America, Europe, the Asia-Pacific, and internationally. SpaceX has secured another major contract with Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings to provide Starlink internet onboard its cruise ships, according to DriveTeslaCanada. Vor seiner Arbeit bei Sixthman und NCLH bekleidete Diaz eine Reihe von Fhrungspositionen in den Bereichen Marketing und Vertrieb bei Gannett, einem internationalen Unternehmen fr Medien- und Marketinglsungen. When we sailed on the Sun in August of 2015 we had a MaitreD name Sasha. Thank you "debenson0723" for info on Silas. Copyright 19952023 The Independent Traveler, Inc. Amazing, Funny & Totally Awesome Cruise Photos. Didnt see him once. The last I knew anything about the company, they had two ships sailing out of West Palm Beach, Florida. Your crew cabin has 1, 2, 3, or 4 bunk beds, desk and chair, T.V. Auerdem war er fr NCLH als Senior Vice President of Strategy and Business Development und als Senior Advisor fr den Vorsitzenden und CEO von Prestige Cruise Holdings ttig. Er absolvierte das Spring Hill College mit einem Bachelor of Science und die University of Miami mit einem Master of Business Administration. Each ship has one physician and three nurses. Del Rio will retire from his position and continue to serve as a senior advisor to the board of directors until 2025. You will be able to leave a comment after signing in, Copyright 19952023 The Independent Traveler, Inc. Ship. Our ship's doctors must be board-certified in emergency medicine, hold current ACLS, APLS and ATLS licenses and be fluent in English. Physicians are expected to be conversant in English, hold a medical degree from a recognized college or university and a current valid medical license (international or US), and maintain certification in advanced cardiac life support. Short-term appointments are available. Be careful at sea because international roaming will apply and can be very expensive. Space is very tight. When I spoke to Silas in April on the Bliss, he told me he would be leaving in January so I would not be seeing him on my February cruise. They must hold board certification or similar international certification in emergency medicine, family practice, internal medicine, or general practice. How to effectively reduce the stress levels on cruise ship? Prior to joining Norwegian, Mr. Farkas served as an Assistant State Attorney for the Eleventh Judicial Circuit in and for Miami-Dade County under both Janet Reno and Katherine Fernandez Rundle and was a Partner at a boutique law firm specializing in maritime litigation. Grant Tarling MD, MPH Chief Health Officer Brenda Barnetson MD, MMed(EM), FCEM(SA) Sr. Director, Clinical Services Santiago Rivera MD, MHA Sr. Director, Healthcare Administration & Finance Joe Scott MD, FACEP Sr. Director, Fleet Medical Operations, Carnival Corporation consists of 9 cruise line brands within 3 group divisions. They must hold a valid accredited BLS/ALS / ACLS certificate, prior to joining a vessel.Medical staff must be proficient in English language. Recruitment:Doctors must have a current license to practice and at least three years postgraduate experience in Emergency Medicine, acute care, or critical care / ICU, and should be in possession of valid basic and advanced cardiac life support, pediatric advanced life support and advanced trauma life support certificates or advanced diplomas in emergency medicine. Davor war sie Director of Sales and Marketing bei Global Rent-A-Car, wo sie fr den Vertrieb und das Marketing in Lateinamerika verantwortlich war. Nurses must have a current license to practice and at least three years postgraduate experience in emergency medicine, or acute care. On 1/3/2020 at 9:05 PM, FlGoodShips said: On 1/8/2020 at 4:46 PM, Langham1865 said: 19952023, The Independent Traveler, Inc. 2020 List of NCL Officers, Hotel Director, Concierge, Crew, etc, Special Event: Q&A with Rudi Schreiner, President, Co-Founder & Co-Owner - AmaWaterways River Cruises, Q&A with Avoya Travel: Learn How to Turn Your Passion into Success by Becoming an Independent Travel Advisor. During his tenure in the industry, Sommer held a variety of executive roles at Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd., Prestige Cruise Holdings, Renaissance Cruises and Viking River Cruises including Executive Vice President, International Business Development; Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer; Senior Vice President Finance; Chief Information Officer and Chief Accounting Officer. 1 2 Es liegt in seiner Verantwortung sicherzustellen,dass dieMarke NCL in jeder Hinsicht herausragend ist, indem er neue Geschftsmethoden anwendet, die die Zufriedenheit der Gste und das Engagement der Teammitglieder verbessern und gleichzeitig weiterhin branchenfhrende Finanzergebnisse erzielen. Crew members share cabins with one, two or three team members, depending on the entitlements. Call us at the number below to speak with our customer care: 1.866.234.7350 or WE'LL CALL YOU Hours of Operation Mon-Fri: 8am - Midnight ET Sat-Sun: 9am - 9pm ET Contact a Specific Department Expand All Reservations Gift Cards Gifts & More Casino Marketing Charter, Meeting & Incentive Sales They are responsible for screening and processing candidates in specific regions for potential employment on board our ships. Top 10 Norwegian Cruise Line Itineraries Norwegian Bliss 7 Night Alaska - Seattle (SEA/SEA) Departing From Seattle, Washington (Apr 2023 - Oct 2025) Norwegian Escape 7 Night Eastern Caribbean - Miami (MIA/MIA) Departing From Miami, Florida (Apr 2023 - Apr 2025) I don't know if there is more than one Maitre D named Sasha for NCL but would doubt it. Shipboard Employment Royal Caribbean International is known for driving innovation at sea. The ship. Vor ihrer Arbeit bei NCL war Byrd als Sales Coach und Team Leader bei Carnival Cruise Lines ttig und leitete dort den Outbound-Verkauf an Endverbraucher. First vessel, the Viking Star, was launched in 2015 and is currently sailing European and Scandinavian itineraries. who the cruise director on the breakaway? Crew Enrichment/Welfare will provide crew activities and events for all the crewmembers. On a per-share basis, the Miami-based company said it. Contract duration: two to four months for physicians, and three to four months for nurses. Das weltweit fhrende Unternehmen im Bereich immersiver Festivalerlebnisse bietet Fans und beliebten Knstlern, Schauspielern und Sportlern die Mglichkeit, gemeinsam Urlaub auf See in der Karibik und im Mittelmeer zu machen. Fr weitere Informationen, Vor Ihrer Kreuzfahrt Reservierungen vornehmen. Norwegian Cruise Line Brigs Back In-Person Pax Muster Drill, Norwegian Joy to undergo extensive dry dock in 2024. Flexibility, availability, and affability, with a teamwork attitude, are important factors of this position. Regent Seven Seas Cruises prefers applicants with backgrounds in emergency medicine, intensive care or coronary care. That's particularly true for lower-paid. You are not allowed to drink alcohol while on duty. 90 passengers) - are offering five-star cruises in the Caribbean, Mediterranean, Baltic and North Sea and Transatlantic crossings under sail. Norwegian Cruise Line has established partnerships with reputable hiring partners around the world. Sol Edelstein, MD, FACEP Medical Director, Vanter Cruise Health Services, Patricia McAllister Vanter Cruise Health Services Email: pmcallister@vanterventures.com. In dieser Funktion war er fr die Bereiche Vertrieb, Marketing, ffentlichkeitsarbeit, Geschftsentwicklung und Brobetrieb fr alle Mrkte auerhalb der USA und Kanadas verantwortlich. *Allgemeine Geschftsbedingungen Auf Kreuzfahrten von weniger als 5 Tagen und auf Charterkreuzfahrten ist das Paket nicht verfgbar. Prior to this role, DeMarco held various positions of increasing responsibility since joining Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings in 2012, including as Senior Vice President of Investor Relations, Corporate Communications and Environmental, Social and Governance for the Company from January 2020 until August 2021. Whrend seiner mehr als 30-jhrigen Ttigkeit in der Branche hatte Sommer verschiedene Fhrungspositionen bei Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd., Prestige Cruise Holdings, Renaissance Cruises und Viking River Cruises inne, darunter Executive Vice President fr internationale Geschftsentwicklung,Executive Vice President und Chief Marketing Officer, Senior Vice President fr Finanzen,Chief Information Officer und Chief Accounting Officer. From March 2010 to December 2011, Ms. Ashby held the position of Senior Director of Financial Reporting with Prestige, where she started the Financial Reporting Department and was responsible for the preparation of annual financial statements, coordination of external audits and researching technical accounting issues. Per aggiungere o modificare i voli nel tuo pacchetto Voli. Browse all ships that sail Norwegian cruises, and save with incredible discounts and deals. Must be boarded in emergency/family practice/internal medicine, with current ACLS certification, and at least three year's post-residency experience. She has a MBA and BBA with concentrations in accounting from the University of Miami and is a Certified Public Accountant in Florida. MIAMI, May 17, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL), the innovator in global cruise travel, is once again breaking the boundaries of conventional cruising and vacation. DeMarco has 20 years of diverse cruise industry experience across multiple areas of the business. Nota: se l'oggetto individuato, sar applicato un costo di spedizione. Todd Hamilton arbeitet seit Juni 2007 fr Norwegian Cruise Line. Passenger missing after going overboard from Quant AIDA Cruises Launches New Employer Branding Campai How to effectively reduce the stress levels on cru Norwegian Sun Crew Member Goes Overboard in Chile, Aircraft fly dangerously close to Norwegian Breakaway, Four Norwegian Breakaway Crew Members Injured in Rescue Boat Accident, Deceased NCL Breakaway Crew Member identified. Physicians are independent contractors and are experienced in emergency medicine, internal medicine or family practice. Internet access is available at reasonable prices. Herrera diente in der U.S. Army in Florida, Texas und New York und lebt heute mit seiner Frau Patty und ihren drei Shnen in Davie, Florida. Byrd machte 2019 ihren Bachelor of Arts in Kommunikation an der Florida International University. This is 3% worse than the company average rating for salary and benefits. In spite of the popularity of e-muster drills, which have been implemented as part of the COVID protocols by all major cruise lines, Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings has decided to go back to the old way. No guest in cabins! The last two ships in NCL's Prima class will be equipped with technology that can easily be converted to run on methanol without significant effort. Ship doctor applicants should have a current US state licensure and CV; copy of their photo page passport; ACLS or equivalent; good general health/positive attitude; and be available for 3 to 6 weeks tour of duty. In his role, Kempa is responsible for developing and executing the Companys financial strategy and overseeing all finance functions, including corporate financial planning, accounting, treasury, tax, as well as information technology, corporate strategy and investor relations. This website uses cookies. Piccolo kam im Jahr 2018 zu NCLH und ist seit August 2021 als Senior Vice President & Chief Digital Experience Officer ttig. William C. Heymann, MD, FACEP Vikand Medical Management Fort Lauderdale, FL Email:bill.heymann@vikand.com. Physicians and nurses must be fully conversant in English. The ship rating is based on a 6-star system, and the key to the ratings follows. Dopo che ti saranno stati comunicati i tuoi nuovi voli, contatta il servizio assistenza voli di NCL indicato di seguito. Crew members share cabins with one, two or three team members, depending on the entitlements. You can also read the, Passenger missing after going overboard from Quantum of the Seas, AIDA Cruises Launches New Employer Branding Campaign #PlaceToWe. Byrd stammt ursprnglich aus Kuba und wohnt jetzt mit ihrem Ehemann Richard, mit dem sie seit 15 Jahren verheiratet ist, in Davie, Florida. I say "was" because it's possible he'll be on vacation or he'll be reassigned. Norwegian is the world's fourth-largest cruise line by passenger capacity, with 18 ships that together offer 53,681 berths. Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. (NYSE:NCLH) is a leading global cruise company which operates the Norwegian Cruise Line, Oceania Cruises and Regent Seven Seas Cruises brands. Wifi is readily available throughout the vessel. 60 passengers) and her modern sister, Sea Cloud II (max. Im November 2014 trat Chad Berkshire seine Rolle als Senior Vice President im Revenue Management an und leitet seitdem die globalen Bereiche Ertragsmanagement, Produktpreise und Ertragssteuerung bei Norwegian Cruise Line. Assignments are typically 4 months duration, followed by 2 months vacation. Effective July 31, Harry J. Sommer, who currently serves as president and CEO of Norwegian Cruise Line, will officially assume the role. . We sure did! 2023 Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. 11 Grnde, in diesen Sommer Alaska zu bereisen | NCL Reiseblog, 14 Tage authentisches Alaska-Landprogramm Richtung Norden | Norwegian Cruise Line, 14 Tage authentisches Alaska-Kreuzfahrt Richtung Sden | Deckplne | Norwegian Cruise Line, 20 Tage Transpazifik-Kreuzfahrt ab Tokio (Yokohama) und Alaska | Norwegian Cruise Line, 11 gute Grnde fr eine Alaskakreuzfahrt diesen Sommer | NCL-Reiseblog, Kreuzfahrten fr Passagiere mit besonderen Bedrfnissen. Ultra-Luxury Yachting experience aboard two mega-yachts that sail exotic Amazon, Baltic, Caribbean, and European itineraries. Applicants must old a medical or nursing degree from a recognized university, a valid medical (physician or nursing) license and advanced cardiac life support and basic life support certifications. All meals and snacks will be served at the crew mess. Under his leadership the line has grown from a fledgling start-up with one 684-passenger ship to a dominant player in the upscale cruise market with six ships totaling 5,300 berths, including the addition of two highly acclaimed 1,250-passenger sister ships, Marina and Riviera. Derzeit ist sie Mitglied von All SoFla NCLH Female Executives, NCL Women In Sales Empowerment (WISE) und als Mentorin im Rahmen des Mentoring-Programms der Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. (NCLH) ttig. The season's first cruise ship, the Norwegian Bliss, arrived in Juneau on April 17 with thousands of passengers aboard. Daily sick-call hours and emergency availability to passengers and crew members. I tempi di risposta standard sono 10 giorni lavorativi dalla ricezione. As a U.S. veteran himself, he is also proud to have co-sponsored the development of the Brands first-ever Military Appreciation Program in November 2022, the landmark initiative that honors U.S. military members with an exclusive offer and onboard experiences. I saw a posting on another website saying that he was Senior Hotel Director for Bahamas Paradise Cruise Line. Cruise lines set their pricing based on demand. Crew uniforms will be issued to you onboard. Wills said he has even made an effort to contact the line directly to find out more about the next steps, rather than leaving the onus on the cruise line. Encoredoes anyone know when officers and cruise director will be going on vacation? Er treibt als Pionier den technologischen Wandel voran und arbeitet mit Geschftsfhrern im gesamten Unternehmen zusammen, um alle digitalen Initiativen zu berwachen, Ziele abzustimmen und die digitale Zukunftsvision des Unternehmens zu frdern. Opportunities for long term physicians and nurses for 10 week rotations. The staff at Norwegian Cruise Line come from unusually diverse demographic backgrounds. Scott hat einen Master of Business Administration (MBA) mit Schwerpunkt Management Information Systems von der Auburn University. In this position, Mr. Farkas oversees all aspects of the Legal, Risk Management, Corporate Governance and Compliance, Passenger and Crew Claims and the Government Affairs areas of Norwegian Cruise Line. Career growth is offered through internal promotions. 2023 Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. 11-Reasons to Cruise to Alaska this Summer | NCL Travel Blog, 14-Day Authentic Alaska - Northbound Cruise Tour | Norwegian Cruise Line, 14-Day Authentic Alaska - Southbound Cruise Tour | Deck Plans | Norwegian Cruise Line, 20-Day Transpacific from Tokyo (Yokohama) & Alaska | Norwegian Cruise Line, 11 Reasons to Cruise to Alaska this Summer | NCL Travel Blog, You will work 7-days a week onboard for approximately 10 hours per day. All medical staff crew members are full-time professionals who generally sign on for contracts of 14 weeks of duty, followed by 7 weeks of vacation. The ship doctor must be able to handle a multitude of general medical problems and consider a number of solutions, with limited alternatives/supplies available. Creating memories and positive experiences for guests 2. We also have a zero tolerance for harassment of any nature. Laura joined Azamara as Chief Information Officer in June 2021. All Norwegian Cruise Line ships are listed below. Towels and linens will be provided once a week. Carnival Cruise Line dress code. Dating guests is not permitted. Cruise deals for Alaska, Hawaii, Bahamas, Europe, or the Caribbean. By continuing to browse the site you agree to our use of cookies. As part of the of the production, business and performances rounds management teams in the Theater Festival Logistics Team, I carry out as Hostess and Liaison for the Producers, Directors and. Hope you had a chance to get to the Cowichan Valley for some Timmies. . as well as wonderful staff and crew, that's what you could get. I am wondering if anyone knows what ship he may be on now. Why are crew drills important? - One year experience in diagnosing and treating a broad range of medical conditions is required, including experience performing minor surgery such as suturing, removal of benign skin lesions, removal of foreign objects, removal of ingrown toenails, identification of and immobilizing of simple fractures. Crew Center is not associated with any Cruise Line, and we are not recruiting agency for crew or hiring partner. Vor ihrer Arbeit in der Kreuzfahrtbranche war Jolodosky als externe Wirtschaftsprferin bei Ernst & Young ttig. Auerdem war er Mitbegrnder des Luxury Cruise Centers, einerauf exklusive und Luxuskreuzfahrten spezialisiertenLuxus-Reiseagentur. With a combined fleet of 30 ships . She joined NCLH as Controller in November 2014 after the Acquisition of Prestige. Please visit www.seacloud.com for contact information. You have several options to receive your wages: recurring deposit of wages to the bank account you choose and/or the Brightwell Card. Staff Captains Robert Lundberg and Preston Carnahan will be on . In dieser Funktion ist er fr die Werbung und verkaufsfrdernde Strategien des Unternehmens sowie fr den Direktvertrieb und die Online-Vertriebskanle zustndig. Executive Vice President Vessel Operations. Vorher war Berkshire fr die Strategieplanung und -analyse bei Onboard Media zustndig, einem Tochterunternehmen von Louis Vuitton Mot Hennessy (LVMH), das kundenspezifisch integrierte Medien fr die Kreuzfahrt- und Hotelbranche anbietet. Zuvor war Jolodosky als Senior Director, Brand Finance and Strategy fr die NCL-Schwestermarke Regent Seven Seas Cruises in verschiedenen Positionen und Funktionen im Rechnungswesen ttig, darunter Einnahmenbuchhaltung, interne Berichterstattung, Onboarding und allgemeine Buchhaltung. Contracts provide medical liability insurance, air/land travel to and from ship, and cruise itinerary for doctor and comp cruise for companion. In this role he was responsible for sales, marketing, public relations, business development and office operations for all markets outside of the United States and Canada.
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