national parks missing persons map
Still no sign of him. Hood National Forest 01-09-2006 Russell Matthew Gonzales Willamette National Forest 10-14-2006 Samuel Boehlke Crater Lake National Park 11-04-2007 Daming Xu Three Sisters Wilderness 07-12-2010 Robert Perry Bissell Roaring Wilderness Area 02-20-2011 Margaret Mary Kohler Siuslaw National Forest 06-30-2011 Steven Moline Jr. Mount Hood National Forest 10-29-2011 Steve Litsey Umpqua National Forest 06-18-2012 James Dutton Three Sisters Wilderness 08-09-2012 Ronald Ohm Jefferson Wilderness 03-16-2013 Dustin Self Steen Mountain 09-06-2014 Ronald Loren Leckenby Silver Falls State Park 10-15-2014 Krishna Venkatesh Deception State Park 12-02-2014 Gerren Mitchell Kirk Mt. However, before these numbers scare you away from visiting the Grand Canyon or Yosemite, read on. How, once again, is there not a single footprint, a scrap of fabric, or remains of any sort to be found?[8]. He was still dressed in his uniform as he went out to check a trail. and our There is an obvious connection between the sometimes rugged and difficult terrain of National Parks and missing persons and deaths that occur there. Missing 117 listings FOUND A listing of those who have been found on federally-managed lands, such as a National Park or Forest. Although Kramer had been there a few times before, it was unlike him to travel alone. Along one of the trails, she walked with two other girls who said they slowed down a bit to rest. According to the data from 2017 relating to activities, there were 3,453 reported search and rescue missions and 182 deaths in American National Parks. Even though she would now be in her 90s, with no evidence to say otherwise, the National Park Service keeps her missing person case open year after year.[6]. While this means the National Park Service agreed there was no reason to believe Frugate was still living, the search for him is still ongoing.[9]. Rainier National Park 07-12-2010 Robert Bissell Roaring River Wilderness Area 06-09-2013 Maureen Kelly Gifford Pinchot National Forest 08-23-2013 Bryan Lee Johnson Olympic National Park 09-28-2013 Kristopher Zitzewitz Gifford Pinchot National Forest 10-05-2013 Jason Lee Lovelady Mt. Latest report: January 2023. The obvious dangers include those rushing rivers and waterfalls leading to drownings, those steep drop-offs leading to injury and loss of life, and those endless trails leaving people lost in remote, confusing, and sometimes dangerous terrain. This left Fugates wife, Dody, unable to collect his pension or any survivors benefits. AZ's Newest Resting Place For Our Heroes. I kinda think there are communities of those people and they take people when they can," which might also explain reports of Sasquatch sounds and sightings, they said. The National Park Service in the United States preserves untouched natural beauty. His disappearance was immediately realized when he did not return to close the park. But there have definitely been some mysterious disappearances both in the United States and abroad in formal, federal government-run national parks, as well as in related spaces like national forests, recreation areas, state parks and more. Rainier National Park 01-01-1975 Loralee Sue Lhotka Wenatchee National Forest08-16-1975 Steve Martin Kaniksu National Forest 07-26-1989 Diane Leslie Reeves Mt. The concept has been steeped in the milieu of conspiracy and the supernatural, as Paulides frequently appears on paranormal-oriented radio shows and podcasts to discuss it. Tagged: How many people have disappeared in National Parks in the United States?, Data for National Park Disappearances in the United States, NPS disappearance information, National Park Service SAR dashboard, Which U.S. National Park has the greatest number of SAR incidents?, How many people go missing whilst hiking in U.S. national parks?, NCIC (National Crime Information Center), NLETS (National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System), StrangeOutdoors.com Terms of use/Cookie notice/Privacy Policy, Sign up now for a one-time fee for access to over 55 exclusive member articles. Many of these cases are resolved with the persons being found alive and well, but tens of thousands of individuals will remain missing for more than a year. San Jacinto State Park07-05-1988 Timothy Barnes Yosemite National Park 01-08-1991 Elizabeth Bartholomew Sierra National Forest07-22-1996 Cornelia Meyer Death Valley National Park 05-25-1998 David Paul Morrison Yosemite National Park06-11-1998 Jonathan Aujay Angeles National Forest05-22-1999 Carl Herbert Landers Lake Helen 09-09-1999 Paul Matthew Head Sierra National Forest04-05-2000 Kieran Burke Yosemite National Park 06-23-2000 Peggy Ilene Humber Sequoia National Forest 08-14-2000 Ruthanne Ruppert Yosemite National Park 08-18-2000 Rosemary Theresa Kunst Marble Mountain Wilderness 09-30-2002 Walther H. Reinhard Yosemite National Park 12-15-2002 Angela Fullmer Shasta-Trinity National Forest06-15-2005 Michael Ficery Yosemite National Park 12-05-2006 David Boone Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park 07-30-2007 Ottorina Bonaventura Yosemite National Park 06-07-2008 Maria Pomona Estrada Mojave National Preserve 10-31-2008 Robert S. Willis IV Sierra National Forest01-06-2010 Katherine Truitt Point Reyes National Seashore 01-24-2010 Sylvia Lange Point Reyes National Seashore04-28-2010 Randall Gene Young Los Padres National Forest 06-25-2010 William Michael Ewasko Joshua Tree National Park 10-27-2010 Eric Christopher Grant Navarro Headlands State Park 06-17-2011 George Penca Yosemite National Park 10-31-2011 Brian George Brunell Whiskeytown National Recreation Area 08-18-2012 Heather Leann Cameron Keswick Dam OHV Park 04-22-2014 Patricia Tolhurst Donnells Vista Point 06-13-2014 Michael Herdman Sespe Wilderness08-06-2014 Arvin Nelson Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park 10-28-2015 Daniel Gallardo Tahoe National Forest 01-05-2016 Dona Marie Perry Los Padres National Forest01-25-2016 Jorge Serrano Zaldivar Angeles National Forest05-01-2016 Michael Patrick Flynn Angeles National Forest 06-15-2016 Bryan Francis Mccarthy Muir Woods National Monument 09-17-2016 Peter Jackson Yosemite National Park 10-03-2016 Breck Phelps Yosemite National Park 04-07-2017 David OSullivan Pacific Crest Trail (Near Idyllwild CA) 07-13-2018 Paul Miller - Joshua Tree National Park 03-05-2021 Eduardo Martinez Perez Stanislaus National Forest 04-22-2021 Ralph Elliott Yosemite National Park 05-08-2021 Robert Alan Wildoner Death Valley National Park 07-25-2021 Richard Judd Yosemite National Park 09-09-2021 Joel Thomazin Yosemite National Park, 07-02-1938 Alfred Beilhartz Rocky Mountain National Park 02-19-1983 Rudi Moder Rocky Mountain National Park 08-15-1985 Bobby Bizup - Rocky Mountain National Park06-27-1981 Cynthia Atterbury Pike National Forest07-11-1984 Christopher Harvey San Juan National Forest08-07-1988 Kieth Reinhard Arapaho/Roosevelt National Park09-06-2002 Teresa Schmidt Pike National Forest 06-22-2011 Michael Von Gortler Mount Missouri 06-22-2011 Makana Von Gortler Mount Missouri 07-03-2012 Patricia Wallace Indian Peaks Wilderness 06-09-2013 Mitchell Dale Stehling Mesa Verde National Park 11-20-2014 Peter Jeffris Rocky Mountain National Park 10-19-2019 Alvie Webb San Juan National Forest, 03-02-2016 Benjamin Morse Archer DuPont State Park, 10-02-1966 Nancy Leichner Ocala National Forest 08-25-1992 Thomas Andrews Apalachee National Forest 11-24-2004 Charles Huff Green Swamp Wildlife Management Area 12-25-2006 Leonard Taku Ocala National Forest03-05-2011 Roger Sawyer Everglades National Park12-27-2011 Lacey Marie Buenfil Ocala National Forest 04-26-2015 Warren Ward Everglades National Park 01-19-2017 Daniel Ray Carnahan Ocala National Forest 12-29-2017 Jaymez Scott Perry Ocala National Forest 08-03-2021 Donald Waters Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge, 11-25-1994 Naomi Leigh Whidden Chattahoochee National Forest, 01-22-1999 Atticus Louis Pearson Na Pali Coast State Park11-25-1999 John Cameron Reece Awini Trail, Kapaau06-06-2003 Timothy Lynch Hawaii National Park 04-13-2005 Arman B. Johnson Hawaii Volcanoes National Park 07-21-2019 Khiara Lavinia Henry Waianapanapa State Park 08-30-2019 Kyle Brittain Waipio Valley, Hawaii, 11-08-1981 Clyde Bowman Salmon National Forest 07-13-1990 Joshua Lewis Kern Harriman State Park05-17-1998 Christopher Holverson Targhee National Forest09-19-2008 Ronald Scott Gray Nez Perce National Forest 06-01-2015 Jacquelyn Grider Heyburn State Park 07-25-2019 Craig Delroy Barnett Sawtooth National Forest 07-04-2021 Betty Counts Kaniksu National Forest, 10-13-2016 Jesse Jerome Leopold Ledges State Park, 07-15-2021 Ellis Baudean Jean Lafitte Ntl. Weird vibes in the wilderness - what causes them? Which U.S. National Park has the greatest number of SAR incidents? This may just explain why the two maps look so similar. It has been said that he had not felt well and decided to turn back, but others said the group split into two, and somehow during that separation, Penca was lost in the jumble. Allen had a wilderness permit for July 16-18 and was travelling solo with an intended route from Royal Basin to Home Lake. Rainier National Park 10-19-2021 Duane Miles Olympic National Park, 05-27-2011 Michael Camilletti Cranberry Wilderness 03-12-2021 Cassie Renee Sheetz Monongahela National Forest 10-03-2021 Ona (OJ) Hovatter Monongahela National Forest, 06-20-2003 Andrew Robert Bliss Nicolet National Forest, 07-30-1900 J.R. Piper Yellowstone National Park 04-12-1966 Dennis Eugene Johnson Yellowstone National Park 07-24-1997 Amy Bechtel - Shoshone National Forest 08-02-2006 Bruce Pike Yellowstone National Park 10-11-2006 Charles Gustafson Medicine Bow National Forest 09-24-2010 Stuart Isaac Yellowstone National Park 10-20-2018 Terry Meador Pine Mountain 06-12-2021 Cian McLaughlin Grand Teton National Park 09-19-2021 Kim Crumbo Yellowstone National Park, 12-10-2006 David Iredale Mount Solitary Blue Mountains, 08-10-2010 Tyler Wright Boise Creek Trail BC 06-20-2011 Darcy Brian Turner Stein Valley Park BC 08-21-2011 Kevin Kennedy Peter Lougheed Provincial Park AB, 06-29-2007 David Michael Burney Bankhead Forest, 01-25-2015 James Taylor Wall Bankhead National Forest, 07-04-2012 Michael LeMaitre Marathon Mountain, 05-27-2020 Nathan Issiac Campbell Denali National Park, 01-13-1980 Paul Braxton Fugate Chiricahua National Park, 05-19-1998 David Barclay Miller Coconino National Forest, 07-02-2001 Justin Lee Richardson Kaibab National Forest, 04-01-2007 Reinhard Kirchner Navajo Reservation Wilderness, 05-22-2010 Kaylene Gallegos White Mountain Apache Forest, 02-13-2014 Paul Victor Tomasso Tonto National Forest, 09-14-2015 Lawrence Kosden Chiricahua National Monument, 06-17-2016 Floyd E. Roberts III Grand Canyon National Park, 08-01-2017 Travis M Butler Grand Canyon National Park, 09-17-2017 Jonghyun Won Grand Canyon National Park, 09-03-2018 Daniel Wayne Bilitzo Tonto National Forest, 07-25-1981 Stacy Ann Arras Yosemite National Park, 11-26-1982 Peter Lann Los Padres National Forest, 07-05-1988 Timothy Barnes Yosemite National Park, 07-22-1996 Cornelia Meyer Death Valley National Park, 06-11-1998 Jonathan Aujay Angeles National Forest, 05-22-1999 Carl Herbert Landers Lake Helen, 04-05-2000 Kieran Burke Yosemite National Park, 06-15-2005 Michael Ficery Yosemite National Park, 06-07-2008 Maria Pomona Estrada Mojave National Preserve, 01-06-2010 Katherine Truitt Point Reyes National Seashore, 04-28-2010 Randall Gene Young Los Padres National Forest, 06-25-2010 William Michael Ewasko Joshua Tree National Park, 08-18-2012 Heather Leann Cameron Keswick Dam OHV Park, 08-06-2014 Arvin Nelson Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park, 01-25-2016 Jorge Serrano Zaldivar Angeles National Forest, 05-01-2016 Michael Patrick Flynn Angeles National Forest, 04-07-2017 David OSullivan Pacific Crest Trail (Near Idyllwild CA), 07-13-2018 Paul Miller - Joshua Tree National Park, 07-25-2021 Richard Judd Yosemite National Park, 07-02-1938 Alfred Beilhartz Rocky Mountain National Park, 08-15-1985 Bobby Bizup - Rocky Mountain National Park, 06-27-1981 Cynthia Atterbury Pike National Forest, 07-11-1984 Christopher Harvey San Juan National Forest, 08-07-1988 Kieth Reinhard Arapaho/Roosevelt National Park, 09-06-2002 Teresa Schmidt Pike National Forest, 10-02-1966 Nancy Leichner Ocala National Forest, 03-05-2011 Roger Sawyer Everglades National Park, 12-27-2011 Lacey Marie Buenfil Ocala National Forest, 12-29-2017 Jaymez Scott Perry Ocala National Forest, 11-25-1999 John Cameron Reece Awini Trail, Kapaau, 06-06-2003 Timothy Lynch Hawaii National Park, 07-21-2019 Khiara Lavinia Henry Waianapanapa State Park, 11-08-1981 Clyde Bowman Salmon National Forest, 05-17-1998 Christopher Holverson Targhee National Forest, 09-19-2008 Ronald Scott Gray Nez Perce National Forest, 07-25-2019 Craig Delroy Barnett Sawtooth National Forest, 09-24-1996 Robert C. Garman Mark Twain National Forest, 06-25-1983 Nyleen Marshall Helena National Forest, 07-22-1984 Curtis A. Holmen Placid Lake State Park, 04-06-1991 Daniel Campbell Yellowstone National Park, 11-02-2000 Patrick Whalen Glacier National Park, 11-10-2014 Kenny Veach Sheep Mountain Wilderness, 07-07-2019 Stephen Edward Carey Dripping Springs Natural Area, 09-19-2012 Gregory M Mish Niagara Falls State Park, 03-08-2013 Peter K Lipinoga Niagara Falls State Park, 11-15-2015 Tom Messick Lake George Wild Forest, 02-05-2020 Jerry P Zawacki Niagara Falls State Park, 03-11-2018 Christopher Peter Sexton Nantahala National Forest, 05-22-2020 Enrique Martinez Cape Lookout National Seashore, 05-22-2020 Michael Allen McKenney Hueston Woods State Park, 11-23-1991 Corey Fay Badger Creek Wilderness, 09-24-1995 Kenneth Budlong Mount Hood National Forest, 10-02-1998 Robert Bobo Rogue River National Forest, 12-05-1998 Derrick James Engebretson Winema National Forest, 10-17-2004 Jeromy Ivan Childress Tillamook State Forest, 12-02-2014 Gerren Mitchell Kirk Mt. The FBI also has the NCIC (National Crime Information Center) has been called the lifeline of law enforcement. Cookie Notice Roberts bag had enough food to last him a week, and he carried two gallons of water with him, as well as a map outlined by Bryant with all of their trail plans. WebInternational Falls, Kabetogama, Ash River, and Crane Lake, MN. Rainier National Park 07-17-1995 Ramona Lynn Fey Mt. Yet, as this shocking list shows, numerous men, women, and children have disappeared in some of the most beautiful and respected national parks in the "Over 3,900 People Are Missing in Michigan. She rented a tent cabin in Curry Village and went shopping. In February 2015, 21-year-old Drake Kramer of Texas disappeared. Ruthanne Ruppert left her home in Florida to vacation in Yosemite National Park in August of 2000. This could be a case involving dogs that failed to pick up a scent, people who were found with missing clothing items, or cases involving people who traveled unusual distances after they were last seen.
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