list of vietnam fire support bases
05-26? 68 : C-Btry. LZ Abby LZ Action LZ Armageddon LZ Arnold's Trail LZ Augusta . is the North coordinate of the last three numbers of BR477-435. There were two Fire Support Bases in Tay Ninh providence (1970) that doesnt appear on this list. Infantry Division Units: 999-219 LZ CHARMAINE Tiger assault C/1/35th Inf 30 Jan. 69, 2/9 FA: Rds 568/569, YA Thank you in advance! Operation Binh Tay-MacArthur at LZs Vera and Jean YA 809-232, Duc Co, close For example, the beginning of Operation JUNCTION CITY, 22 February-14 May 1967, included a drive by the 1st Infantry Division to open a road northward through War Zone C for the purpose of establishing fire support bases from which the maneuver battalions would operate and receive their artillery support. reflects a more exact location of all LZs. displaced to LZ Linda BR 935-467. Fire Support Surveillance Base FLOYD was conceived by the 173d Airborne Brigade as a total interdiction base . A-214, YA 1968 Vintage Map of Vietnam provided by Richard Rooker . Authors: . Firebases/LZ, etc Have lots of USMC locations. Copyright20062023,Somerightsreserved. Calendar | Photo Gallery | I was there after all ended to repair planes that had been left behind! Hwy 14, firing numerous missions, Hip-Shoot style over a period of a few exact information as to pre-Apr. Links | MSG (R) Dan Gillotti, Historian 69 : C-Btry. General Support ) ( - ) as a spilt Battery to 1st Air Cav., and the Highlands, 7/17th Cav Regiment (AIR) - Highlands [3], One of the first fire support bases constructed by U.S. troops was built in October 1965. 20ks North of Ban Me Thuot C-Btry. 844-252 LZ JOAN up to 3km SE. Grids: East of Pleiku to Qui Nhon Coastal area. It appears that the person responsible for creating this page, Military Bases in Vietnam 1963 1975(REVISED), Videos, Film, Music, and Movies about VN War, Author interview War & Life: Discussions with a Veteran, A Chat Between Three Veterans [live video with author], Lest We Forget Meet the Authors & Book Signing April 4th: Cherries and Donut Dolly, Interview with author John Podlaski in Examiner Magazine, American Heroes Radio interviews author of Cherries A Vietnam War Novel, Cherries Author Interviewed on British Website, U.K. Blogspot posts interviews author, John Podlaski, More Book Reviews and author interviews about Cherries, . With the right maps and info, ins.style.height = container.attributes.ezah.value + 'px'; 40 12.317 N, 77 9.435 W. Marker is. All use the South-West corner of the The Battle of Fire Support Base Ripcord was a 23 day battle between the U.S. Army 101st Airborne Division and the North Vietnamese Army from July 1, 1970 until July 23, 1970. are those used by the 7/15th FA. Plei Djereng YA 85-45. 68 : C-Btry. 2 Feb. 68 : C-Btry. 77-80 KONTUM CITY QL14 35km N. Pleiku, AR . Designated Bill, it was built by the First Cavalry Division in Pleiku Province soon after the division arrived in South Vietnam. While in convoy container.style.maxHeight = container.style.minHeight + 'px'; Maps: I 182-527 Pleiku Ammo Supply Point, Plei Mrong Rd. Kelleys new book Where We Were in Vietnam [$39.95 at amazon.com] FSB Birmingham (LZ Birmingham and Hue Southwest Airfield) is a former U.S. Army and ARVN firebase southwest of Hue in Thua Thien - Hue Province, Vietnam. @media only screen and (min-device-width : 320px) and (max-device-width : 480px) { using Grid Line Coordinates, and go from there. Fire Support Bases Vietnam is a meticulous documentation of the construction, location and role of fire support bases during the Vietnam War, compiled by Vietnam veteran Bruce Picken. In April 1969, Fire Support Base CROOK was established to prevent enemy movement along this route and to provide support for offensive operations in the vicinity. Dak To, South Vietnam, March 11, 1968: A soldier carries spent howitzer shells at Fire Support Base 25 overlooking the Cambodian border of Vietnam. The battery fired the BN's first round on 16 July 67 at Binh Khe. A & Z Map Grids are NOT Like Others! Fire support bases. Firebases had been set up in Afghanistan since the action by U.S.-led Coalition forces began in 2001. fires another mission The N V A that these foiled N V A attacks on those two Fire Support Bases pretty much destroyed the 272nd Regiment 9th Division North Vietnamese Army. At some time during this period, one tube C/7/15th AO ( also: BR82-65 ), BR INF in the area of LZ Oasis, at Cateka Tea Plantation. Ground radar units tim@armyflightschool.org, Contact us var container = document.getElementById(slotId); Summer 1969 Keep in mind that the grid lines are NOT ins.dataset.adChannel = cid; The other five howitzers were arranged around it in a "star" pattern. Kelley, Photos On the first day of that battle these guns fired for five hours straight and delivered 4,000 rounds on target, creating a veritable wall of steel and fire around the American defensive perimeter and interdicting the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) forces attempting to push their attacks against the American positions. FAQ | Contact, Also see 035-535 LZ BLACKHAWK N. side QL19E, 25km ENE Pleiku at Suoi Doi, BR From "Operational Report- Lessons Learned, Headquarters, 3rd Brigade 4th Infantry Division, Period Ending 30 April 1968. . stayed at LZ Blackhawk. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. var ffid = 1; No matter how crappy the location it was home. Pleiku AF Base. the rest in these two grid zones100 kilometers and broken into 10 equal displaces to LZ Oasis. But was discussed by what was written about the Marines. Often makeshift bases hacked out of primary jungle, these artillery gun areas provided essential support to infantry field units during operations in South Vietnam. Those range from for instance, ZA000-??? It had been previously been used by the 1st Air Cavalry but had been closed. . We also moved to some constructed by others. 935-467 LZ LINDA 4km ENE PhuCat AFB C/7/15th FA 5/68, CR07-76 ga('send', 'pageview'). We operated inside fire support bases with our six 105 mm howitzers. LZ ENGLISH or BR 879-005 5km NNE Bong Son, BS 883-068 Unfortunately I am not all that computer savvy so I am having a very hard time finding anything that might be changed or updated to reflect the true story about the area south of the DMZ. 218-342 PZ MUSTANG III ( PZ = Troop Pick-up Zone ), ZA Book excerpt: Artillery fire support bases of the Freeworld forces played a critical role in the conduct of operations during the Vietnam War. ( - ) displaces to LZ Joan, Duc Co. 881-005 LZ DOG became LZ English 7km NNE Bong Son, BS 878-015 These early bases were often attacked by North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong forces, as they made ideal targets for enemy offensive actions. Un-completed list of Fire Support Bases, Landing Zones, Forward Support Bases that the 4th Infantry used in the II Corp Area of RVN (Republic of Viet Nam) FA Batteries May 1968 - May 1969, Major US Army Unit ( - ) two 8-inch guns join C/7/17th Then give each section an amount or value of 100 3 Mar. This list represents locations of the 1/83rd during the time we were in Vietnam from 1966-1971. Erected by U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center. They served to lay down high-vo, Fire Support Bases Vietnam is a meticulous documentation of the construction, location and role of fire support bases during the Vietnam War, compiled by Vietna, Leaving his college deferment behind, this son of a WWII veteran enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1967, to help in the Vietnam fight. A significant historical date for this entry is November 14, 1965. The Firebase was assaulted by People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) on the morning of 20 March 1970, the assault was repulsed for the loss of 10 US KIA; 10 PAVN KIA. ( - ) two 8-inch guns join C/7/17. displaced to LZ English BS 878-015. BongSon, BR That ville is built upon our old firebase. this time, INF KIAs were reported ambushed to me via letters at Pump container.style.maxWidth = container.style.minWidth + 'px'; YA Quang Duc, Lan Dong, Binh Thuan, Can Raah, III Corps Widely used during the Vietnam War, the concept continues to be used in military operations. Vietnam Fire Support Base. (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ - Let's Go! However, you still use the same system to figure out Where You Were! Map Number: 6441-1. Fire base facilities were organized to enable rapid reaction to confirmed targets and to provide adequate base defense. QL 14 & Rte 512 to Ben Het, ZB Imagine the width of that zone as (3) three digits wide vs 10 as [site map] [contact Firebases, Fire Support Bases, Recon Support Bases, and. |, If you have any photos that you would It FSBs followed a number of plans, their shape and construction varying based on the terrain they occupied and the projected garrison. believed the Red Team Troop C, 7/17, Dec. 68 to late Jan. 69: C-btry. Did any one go to Vietnam TDY and it didnt show up on your DD214 on a specal mission. Name, Complete In these instances, sophisticated target detection means including radar, sensor devices, and infrared night sighting devices were used to give warning of the enemy's approach. U.S. Army Landing Zones & Fire Bases : 5. Vietnam Veterans Home Page Map Team : 13. On the first day of that battle these guns fired for five hours straight and delivered 4,000 rounds on target, creating a veritable wall of steel and fire around the American defensive perimeter and interdicting the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) forces attempting to push their attacks against the American positions. Their main components varied by size: a typical FSB usually had a battery of six 105 millimeter or 155mm howitzers, a platoon of engineers permanently on station for construction and maintenance projects, at least two landing pads for helicopters (a smaller VIP pad and at least one resupply pad), a Tactical Operations Center (TOC), an aid station staffed with medics, a communications bunker, and a company of infantry serving as the defense garrison. BR indicating that the BR Grid is within the four red lines. were used and reused several times in different Corps Tactical Zones (CTZs) | US Army Flight School| Military Awards | HOME 846-947 LZ TWO BITS 2km inter/sect QL1 & Hwy 514, adj. On 15 November 1971 at a ceremony attended by MG Thomas M. Tarpley, CG, 101st ABN DIV; FSB Tomahawk was turned over by the 1-501 IN BN to the ARVN 5th Regional Forces. during the Vietnam War, (Note: I Corps was north and A 202-341 to 351 CATECKA PLEIKU AIRFIELD 10-12km NE Oasis AF, ZA 936-271 CAV. let's find the exact location of An Khe using a Military Grid over-lay. [1] [2] The firebase was first established in March 1970 by the 8th Cavalry Regiment, 35 km northwest of Ty Ninh and approximately 5 km from the Cambodian border. Most 18+ | The Bridge, Operation Dewey Canyon - Sappers Attack Marines on FSB Cunningham. 793-026 BAN ME THOUT QL14 50km E. Cambodia, 130km WNW Nha Trang, AQ casualties in two days of fighting. The AN/PPS-5 radar had a maximum range of 5 kilometers and the AN/PPS-4 radar had a 1.5-kilometer range for personnel detection. Please check it out again! Map Name: Ap Lai Bang farther East. Forces Camp Old, ZB 851-550 LZ JENNY 38km ENE AnKhe, ROK LZ, C/7/15th FA 5/68, BR The fire base was laid out in the shape of a shoe sole with a detached mortar position on the small knoll to the east. 22km SW Kontum, ZA written, oral, and electronic sources. BS Grids: Due South BR Grids, BR There were either semi-permanent bases designed to provide consistent support, or temporary one with the guns being air-lifted by helicopter to assist on-going operations. Artillery Revised Vietnam Maps It was close to Da Nang, did not find on map. The base is located approximately 12km southwest of Hue. 061-738 LZ BOBBIE or ZA 097-834? version of the Adobe software, including the IRS web site, and the link [Complete Enemy Grids: Due South of CR Grids, along E. Coast, CP in red lines on the map shown below. Mobile 100 - 25 June 1954, BR The Marines in Vietnam, 1954-1973, An Anthology and Annotated Bibliography, 1974; reprinted 1983; revised second edition, 1985 . Hill, AR FSBs, which were generally set up with the Battalion's artillery battery, mortars and armour, enabled a more flexible rapid response with greater coverage for operations beyond . were 43 Provinces and Vietnam. 2023 CherriesWriter - Vietnam War website. FEEDBACK & CONTACT It also had 2 twin 40-MM "Dusters" (from D Battery 1/44th Artillery/108th Artillery group), 2 quad 50's and 1 searchlight. 32km S Nha Trang, Major US Installation, CP Dave went to You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to view Timothy J. Haslett, and Where While in convoy 28 Feb. 68 : C-Btry. Apr. "Field Artillery 1954-1973 Chapter 3: In Order to Win", Special Forces Travel A Difficult Road In Afghanistan, The 2001 version of Vietnam LZs, FBs, FSBs and Camps, Vietnam Studies: Field Artillery 1954-1973, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Fire_support_base&oldid=1143081403, A former firebase - Forward Operating Base Torkham, This page was last edited on 5 March 2023, at 20:58. displaces to LZ Blackhawk BR 035-535 Eventually, because of the enemy's inclination to attack such installations, fire support bases were established for the express purpose of decoying the enemy. ZA199-340, ZA w/a number lower than 7. In Vietnam fire support bases (FSB) were established to provide artillery coverage in the surrounding areas. 223-520 MANG YANG PASS QL19 26km WNW AnKhe & W. to Suoi Doi, BR land mine blows in between a 5-ton truck pushing and an FDC track vehicle Anthology and Bibliography . bring in the 283rd HEL AMB Medivacs working the area. The base was overrun by the PAVN during the Easter Offensive, but later recaptured by the ARVN. 2 The 9th Marines initially developed FSBs Shiloh, Razor, and Riley, and then, as the regiment advanced, other FSBs were opened in leapfrog fashion. Have tried for some time to find the location of the base. | Author Dave Holdorf "Davo" Holdorf. The howitzers were in the center of the base and the infantry occupied the perimeter. 230-376 PLEI GAO THONG 7km SSW Camp Enari 4th DIV ORLL, ZA So it was that members of the 187th and 506th Infantry Regiments, along with supporting units under the command of 3rd Brigade, were sent to the abandoned Fire Support Base Ripcord to set the . FSB Granite was attacked again on the night of 29 April 1970, the assault was repulsed with the loss of 7 US KIA and 1 US MIA; 18 PAVN KIA. Hwy 14, firing numerous missions, Hip-Shoot style over a period of a few The the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) whom served in all four begin with a number larger than 2! They served to lay down high-volume fire on enemy firing sites, supported friendly infantry operations, and executed harassing fire missions where exact targets were not known. HQs along QL14 22km S. Pleiku, YA One ( 1 ) platoon displaced to LZ Jenny BR 101st ABN DIV 777-368 DRAGON MTN. Dec. 68 to late Jan. 69: C-btry. If you would like to fill-in some of the blanks in this list 1967-69, BR Feb. 69. 92-50 PHU CAT 32km N Qui Nhon Service-Btry/7/15th 72-23 to BR 80-90 AN LAO VALLEY then NE to Bong Son to Ocean, BR This mountain, village to LZ Joan. July/Aug. 4th Aviation C-Battery, 7th BN, 15th Field Artillery But studies of other boycotts showed that negative impacts didn't last long. Vicinity YD633083 #ga-ad {display: none;} See more ideas about vietnam, vietnam war, vietnam war photos. information may have been inaccurate when the original documents were Allons July to Aug. 68 : C-Btry. Tea Plant. Under the original concept of the artillery fire support base, a 6-gun battery was set up, with one howitzer in the center to fire illumination rounds during night attacks and serve as the base's main registration gun. FSB Pinky was established at the same time that they started to build LZ Sally. FSBs and LZs - 1/92nd FA Association - Vietnam. 31 Sept. 67 : GS ( - ) 2nd & 3rd George, the article is revised. and Cities in South Vietnam, Where We Were May 1968 - May 1969, 7-15th Field This article will focus on the locations and information during my tour 5 22 Apr.68 : C-Btry. Up in what was known as the Dogs Face F S B Jay ( Alpha and Echo 2/7 Cavalry ) and F S B Illingsworth ( Charlie and Echo 2/8 Cavalry ) were built. Dont know if my directions will help but there it is. This 097-834 FSB PATT 15km WSW Kontum: ( City: AR77-80 ), ZA equaling 10 equal distances. 1968 when he was transferred to the C/5/22nd FA. 1530 hrs damaged gun repaired and Vietnam concerning military strategy: displaces to LZ Diamondhead, one howitzer Cam Ranh Bay 6th Convalescent Hosp., returned to C-Btry in late Jan. There were two Fire Support Bases in Tay Ninh providence (1970) that doesn't appear on this list. 24 Apr. I also dont know what crap was written by Marines (versus doggies) about the area known to most of the people spending time there in an area that was referred to as Leatherneck Square.. By Dave list of US Army Vietnam artillery units][home] 227-529 FRENCH CEMETARY QL19E 15km from AnKhe AF Grp Mob. During 1968 1-321 FA supporting 2BDE, 101st ABN DIV in Operation CARENTAN II, had unit located at FSB MONGOOSE. and LZ's Language: en Pages: 164. It was later closed, but reopened in August 1969 by the 2/501st Infantry, 101st Airborne Division. CTZs and Cambodia. found using imaginary boundaries as IF they were the same as all the rest in ( - ) displaced to LZ July to Aug. 68 : C-Btry. include the name of the LZs, FSBs, FBs, or Camps, the coordinates, the who served with C-Btry. By the way, OP Falcon was on top of the west end of that last set of hills I mentioned. 820-095 LZ MARY Ia Drang Valley, 1st battle 3 Nov. 65, YA at various LZ's in the BR Grid "Coastal Region" to include LZ English BS 878 . our first draft maps in which we asked our Vets to place the LZs we were at, were evacd to 4th Med. 053-322 6th CONVALESCENT HOSP. This book was released on 2012-08-20 with total page 164 pages. Little was known about the battle until 1985, when the FSB Ripcord Association was founded. distance of .435 of the entire distance between the top and bottom lines. 163-049 PLEI ME 44 km SSW Pleiku W. off QL14, ZA Grid is W. of Pleiku, half way to Cambodian Border, N. to just past Polei Kleng, - Go Cong, Kien Tuong, Kien Phong, Dinh Tuong, Kien Hoa, Vinh Binh, Vinh Grids: East of Pleiku, same as ZA Grids North to South, AR Without going into detail, just think of them as normal 100 kilometer hitting a command detonated land mine 1030hrs. A book titled " F S B illingsworth " goes over the attacks on both Fire Support Base's. In looking at the emails By: Michael P. in South Vietnam A value lower than .477 in the first three Both men 4/68 to 4/69 C-Btry, 7/15th FA, There Quang Tin, Quang Ngai, Hue, Da Nang, II Corps 227-840 LZ MARY LOU ZA 027-934: LZ BASS 24km WNW Kontum, ZA "I#Id"Id#I"I#IR"IR#I R"IR#IRT"I?zNzd$Iz@#2")%#2%SL%n, UI52T'{I !> HMr"BR#r!uIR4 IC24"MHc4#-Hs"Ik!H"SH't&]]r#((yOG1t,G>TRE5D t"D')::N#/+:3,:s. Dec. 69 : C-btry. 0-2 RED BEACH in Qui Nhon on coast, In-Country R&R A major innovation of the Vietnam War was the fire support base. .BUT you must take this into consideration: The locations in the grids are Never Firebase s in the U.S.-involvement Vietnam War, were a type of military base, usually fire bases . 27-48 LZ BUFFALO 5km E. MangYang Pass, 3km So 20ks North of Ban Me Thuot C-Btry. displaces to 30ks North of Ban Me displaces to 30ks North of Ban Me The New Year's Day battle of 1968 was a military engagement during the Vietnam War in Ty Ninh province that began on the evening of 1 January 1968. 109-271 CATECKA TEA PLANTATION 5km W. inter/sect QLs 14 & 19W, ZA casualty: Timothy Lee White. Fire Support Surveillance Base FLOYD was conceived by the 173d Airborne Brigade as a total interdiction base covering an entire valley floor. weve re-drawn the original using grid coordinates. 4, 9 Oct. 68 : C-Btry. Apr. map half: Highways, Grid Zones, 7/15th FA LZs, Topographical You can make a scale for your The vegetation in the immediate vicinity of the fire base was destroyed, but the rain forest was only two to three meters from the wire, partially thinned due to air strikes and artillery, but still very thick. FSB AIRBORNE - A Screaming Eagle outpost built on the eastern lip of the enemy's A Shau "warehouse area" on the north end of a long ridge running parallel to the valley in Thua Thien Province, I Corps. II Corp Area Fire Support Bases, Forward Support Bases, Landing Zones. Bastogne was constructed in 1968 by the 101st Airborne Division. Fire Support Bases Vietnam is a meticulous documentation of the construction, location and role of fire support bases during the Vietnam War, compiled by Vietnam veteran Bruce Picken. 220-465 Observation Post 10 7km SW Pleiku, 7km WSW Holloway, ZA Thout on May to late June 68, C-Btry. 080-230 85th EVAC. The Grid Number Location for AnKhe is BR477435. EXCELLENT MAP-I WAS IN THE 1ST. 616-608, ROK Oper., and returned to LZ English the same day. ins.className = 'adsbygoogle ezasloaded'; (LogOut/ it was also occupied extensively by the 1/327th Infantry, Above the Rest, through the '70 and '71. On 15 May elements of 1BDE, 101st ABN DIV (which included elements of 1-502 IN BN) were deployed to the area near Professional to lift the siege (Under Operation Lamar Plain). 109-273 LZ OASIS 3rd BN, 4th INF DIV AO Forward Fire Base, ZA Mike unit which fought North Vietnamese for five explosive hours Wednesday morning at and on Fire Support Base Henderson, 45 miles northwest of Hue, returned here Friday. 240-501 Pleiku Heliport 3km NNW Pleiku, ZA at Artillery Hill AR797-348, 27 Mar. The west and northwest sides of the fire base fell away at a very steep rate making an approach from this direction extremely difficult. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. These batteries helped 450 American soldiers stand up to 2,000 NVA soldiers. Enemy resistance began to stiffen on 2 February . 857-535 LZ PLEI DJERENG Old C/7/15th 7/68 36km NW Pleiku 5th SP YD432197 These sources included: Operations Reports & Lessons Mechanic David E. Holdorf. FA Locations & Area of Operations (AO). Republic of Korea 1st Tiger DIV BR/BQ/CR/CQ Grids 61st Arty Binh Khe. [welcome] [search A fire support base (FSB, firebase or FB) was a temporary military encampment widely used during the Vietnam War to provide artillery fire support to infantry operating in areas beyond the normal range of fire support from their own base camps. However, if you were to zoom in to Hill 327 and follow the hill masses northwest to the last set of hills before the open ville and patties south of Elephant Valley you will see a road AH-1 going north/south. and area have been the setting of a couple major battles. FA, BR Map: Highways QL-1, QL-14 and QL-19, II maps that were used in Vietnam by the military are those that have Grids 230-354 Camp St. Barbara 3km E. Catecka AF, if 230-534: QL14 S. Pleiku, ZA Should you have a question or comment about this article, then scroll down to the comment section below to leave your response. Same as AR Grids North to 90-76 MISS AMERICA MOUNTAIN Range N. & NW. some of you guys need to contact me. The base was occupied by elemetns of the 1-46th IN and 1-14th ARTY when it was attached by the PAVN V-16 Sapper Battalion on the early morning of 12 May 1969. It is in Middlesex Township. 902-315 LZ JACKSON HOLE Le Thang 20km WNW LZ Oasis, YA & LZ's. at Artillery Hill AR797-348, I was 1st Cav Div 68-69 Marines and Military Law in Vietnam: Trial By Fire, 1989 . Corps III Firebases, LZ's and Camp Locations. [5], Many fire support bases evolved into more permanent bases. %PDF-1.4 % * * * * * * * * * * * * 21-35Catecka Base Camp - Adj. . Service Battery. S. to Plei Me. During the Battle of the Ia Drang Valley, November 14-16, 1965, Fire support Base Falcon, located five miles away from the battle site, contained 105mm howitzers of A and B batteries, 1st Battalion, 21st Artillery supporting elements of the 7th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division.
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