jb hunt certificate of insurance
J.B. Hunt 360box is not simply intended as a benefit to owner-operators and small carriers, though. The total cash compensation, which includes bonus, and annual incentives, can vary anywhere from $47,700 to $59,880 with the average total cash compensation of Once approved, well work directly with your business to find loads that work for you from our growing customer base throughout Canada. If the total does not exceed $250,000, multiple holdings say a $50,000 savings account and a $20,000 certificate of deposit will be covered. Sign up for free today. 7 0 obj J.B. Hunt, though, caught a legal break in August when a federal judge decertified the class six weeks before the case was set to go to trial. p%IQ@ R&D8u"|Ak> .Nd2KGHR2eh6.y .`N1\XuXUsZ=|Qw1inq>| Health insurance is decent. You can save on your auto and home insurance when you bundle your policies with Travelers. It offers flatbed, refrigerated, expedited, less-than-truckload, dry-van, and intermodal freight services. KX`.` kHa n^D51p4#,$;QBU"k"k"uq+A>Rij)tp)A8Ed Al [p+Bp^;/5*=hs1+\6W}X378h;=D~m%)AZF^gj'XG;&^JcRS:E8IW\(Bcbu!7p]c:c3&7I+/TT_ h 0K73j377)B;* 9 Sign up, get approved, and we'll help you book cross-border and loads in Mexico to keep your trucks moving. By clicking Submit below, you authorize Travelers to share the information you provided to the agency you selected so they can reach you about your insurance request. 0000004036 00000 n J.B. Hunt Transport Disability Insurance. Find loads for owner-operators, fleets, power only carriers and home delivery carriers. J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc. engages in the provision of logistics solutions. 0000001012 00000 n It also helps cover defense costs, attorney fees and other charges associated with lawsuits. EPS and Revenue estimates are for the next 12 months. 'Ted Lasso' co-creator and star Brendan Hunt talks about the hit comedy series and how Jason Sudeikis had his back in the pitch meetings for the show. All values as of most recently reported quarter unless otherwise noted. 13 0 obj This certificate and PIN number will In certain areas, you may need separate policies or coverage to help protect your home and personal belongings against damage due to floods, earthquakes, windstorms or hail.Most policies have 3 key elements: the premium which is how much you pay for coverage, deductibles which are how much youre responsible for out-of-pocket in the event of a covered Claim, and limits which are the most your insurer will pay for a covered claim. Former Senior Manager, Operations in nullnull, Former Capacity Procurement Representative in Lowell, AR, Arkansas. Consensus Price Target is the stock price analysts expect to see within a period of 0-18 months. Insurance, Health & Wellness Financial & Retirement Family & Parenting Vacation & Time Off Perks & Discounts Professional Support. 0000012648 00000 n 0000007048 00000 n HVN0wDS;]j;SH D@]7uCS]DNcs{kPZ}>y'G_0~ ~ If the total does not exceed $250,000, multiple holdings say a $50,000 savings account and a $20,000 certificate of deposit will be covered. WebJB HUNT PAYS Medical and life insurance and all the benefit you ask for including home and car insurance deductive right off you check - view all Driver - Chicago, IL - Dec 16, 2;T@NHH1j This isnt just about filling gaps in care; its about a complete redesign of care delivery through optimized clinical workflows, streamlined administrative tasks and improved care coordination. Is Your Home Insurance to Its Replacement Cost? It may not be complete. <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> WebInsurance Law 501 (a) defines "certificate of insurance" as "any document or instrument, or addendum thereto no matter how titled or described, prepared or issued by an insurer WebArkansas Secretary of State Search Incorporations, Cooperatives, Banks and Insurance Companies This is only a preliminary search and no guarantee that a name is available for initial filing until a confirmation has been received from the Secretary of State after filing has been processed Renters insurance can help to cover more than your personal property. It offers flatbed, refrigerated, expedited, less-than-truckload, dry-van, J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc. engages in the provision of logistics solutions. Contact the J.B. Hunt HelpDesk (479) 820-8464 or ext. The directive is for employees whose on-site presence is not required to perform their work. Earlier this month, it directed employees to work from home until at least April 3. NOTE: This service is not intended for business solicitations of any kind. The JBI segment offers intermodal freight operations for rail carriers. WebLogin Help. Current and former employees report that J.B. Hunt Transport provides the following benefits. The way that Hunt conceives of the program with shippers Use Forbes logos and quotes in your marketing. endobj 0000008024 00000 n WebThe base salary for Insurance Claims Adjuster, Entry in companies like HUNT (JB) TRANSPRT SVCS INC range from $46,410 to $56,940 with the average base salary of $51,110. 0000000016 00000 n "hn,`#8YpsbaRSIV+w4. With the ongoing development of technology in cars to help us drive safely, there is an opportunity to help raise awareness of your driving behaviors. How to Drive Safety in Strong Wind and Rain [Video]. Because they don't choose an independent insurance agent. Basic accidental death and dismemberment insurance paid by J.B. Hunt; Additional Offerings. WebIn 2017, JB Hunt had 124,681 employees that could be found throughout North America. Know this: When it counts, the lowest price option is a turn-off for high-paying clients. For questions 0000024594 00000 n 0000008997 00000 n USCIS may change the H-1B lottery to address multiple entries for individuals. All J.B. Hunt employees are eligible for health insurance after 90 days of employment. Only one paid vacation day accrued a month. <]/Prev 33927>> J.B. Hunt Transport Health Insurance 199 employees reported this benefit 3.2 51 Ratings Available to US-based employees Change location Employer There are options provided that you can choose from based on your needs, Best thing is the EAP benefits and 401k match, Health insurance is awful and expensive. The high court declined to hear the case. Car insurance is designed to protect you and everyone who shares the road from the potentially high cost of accident-related and other damages or injuries. Certified Self -Insurer Company Contact Third-Party Administrator Austin Representative AAA Cooper It can help to protect you from personal liability, so you can rest easy. The ability to determine what's best for us-- our needs, our life, our choice. %PDF-1.7 % And the insurance is automatic. Although most of those employees work within the United States, there are some employees that work in Mexico and in Canada. If your home isn't insurance to its estimated replacement cost, your homeowners policy may not cover the full cost to rebuild. J.B. Hunt Transport Vision Insurance. 18 Ratings. Available to US-based employees. All Rights Reserved. Get started with your Free Employer Profile, Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance. Dell's Apex Managed Device Services Offer Flexible IT Device Management For SMBs For $70 Per Month, What Products And Services Do Older Adults Want? 12 0 obj CB2's Interior Stylists generally comprise only 10% of their retail model. . Protect your home the way it protects you by choosing the property insurance coverage that meets your needs. 10 0 obj The JBT segment is responsible for full-load, dry-van freight that is transported via roads and highways. Change location. The company makes $10 Billion in revenue annually and can't splurge on great benefits for employees, Learn How to State Your Case and Earn Your Raise, Climb the Ladder With These Proven Promotion Tips, A Guide to Negotiating the Salary You Deserve, Copyright 2008-2023, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc. 0000012586 00000 n No trailer? Find freight whenever you need it with Carrier 360an easy-to-use app that lets you place offers, assign loads and add documents anytime, anywhere. WebPlan, its Members, and its sponsor, J.B. Hunt. Let our reach expand yours with long haul, regional, power only, last mile and cross-border loads inthe U.S.,Canadaand Mexico. High Deductible plan is good if your in good health as it's relatively inexpensive, just save up deductible just in case. . J.B. Hunt Transport Dental Insurance. They match contributions, but it could be more competitive, No charitable donation matching. New technological innovations allow for cheaper, quicker and more efficient roadway maintenance. Book your own loads anytime in Carrier 360. %+Y!J/! WebWhich benefits does J.B. Hunt Transport provide? Web{ 6} To make the preventability determination, the J.B. Hunt safety professional must review all available information, weigh it against relevant guidelines, and arrive at an adequately supported decision that will be accepted by the driver and can deter similar accidents by J.B. Hunt drivers in the future. Haul drop-and-hook loads using up-to-date, reliable equipment. 18464 if in Lowell, AR or calling from a J.B. Hunt phone or (800) 723-4909 from all other J.B. Hunt Transport, Inc. v. United Specialty Insurance Company et al 5:2021cv00372 | US District Court for the Central District of California | Justia Insurance case filed on March 2, 2021 in the California Central District Court Log InSign Up Find a Lawyer Ask a Lawyer Research the Law Law Schools Laws & Regs Newsletters It is a contract in which you pay a certain amount or premium to your insurance company in exchange for a set of coverages you select. J.B. Hunt Transport, Inc. employee benefits and perks data. 0000009777 00000 n 44 employees reported this benefit. <>stream Learn How to State Your Case and Earn Your Raise, Climb the Ladder With These Proven Promotion Tips, A Guide to Negotiating the Salary You Deserve, Copyright 2008-2023, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc. A homeowners policy is recommended for anyone who owns a home or condo, and may even be required by your mortgage lender. 3.2. If you cause an accident or get into one with an uninsured or underinsured driver, you may be held responsible to cover related expenses, such as car repairs, property damage, medical bills, lost wages, legal fees and more. 0000000716 00000 n Complete the form and submit required documents. <>/Metadata 5 0 R/Outlines 1 0 R/PageMode/UseNone/Pages 2 0 R/Type/Catalog>> This employer has claimed their Employer Profile and is engaged in the Glassdoor community. 0000010626 00000 n endobj Beyond legal requirements, carrying car insurance is a smart decision. The ICS segment provides a single-source logistics management for clients who intends to outsource their transportation activities. 2023 Forbes Media LLC. If you ever need to file a claim, your independent agent can help you through the process. As AI matures and becomes more widely integrated into business operations, this trend is set to accelerate At the same time, both the financial industry and regulators know that there are challenges and risks associated with AI that must be addressed Indeed, AI is now at an inflection point. 0000009688 00000 n J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc. engages in the provision of logistics solutions. Current Sofrtware Engineer in Lowell, AR, Arkansas, Former Marketing Coordinator in Lowell, AR, Arkansas, Former Software Engineer in Lowell, AR, Arkansas, Current Software Engineer in Fayetteville, AR, Arkansas, Current Trasnport Manager in Olathe, KS, Kansas, Current produtct owner in Lowell, AR, Arkansas, Current Sr. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Limit the Use of My Sensitive Personal Information. What can you tell the job seeker about J.B. Hunt Transport's Health Insurance? Messages that contain any type of solicitation will not be delivered. Homeowners insurance can protect you from the unexpected. 0000011818 00000 n A1Gm3,*e>*0GG9mz D#C?fPb6P; g 0000005872 00000 n <> Available to US-based employees. Find freight whenever you need it with Carrier 360an easy-to-use app that lets you place offers, assign loads and add documents anytime, anywhere. J.B Hunt Transport Services stock (NASDAQ: JBHT) has seen a 20% fall this year, performing in line with the broader S&P500 index, down 21%. McGriff Insurance Services 1465 E. Joyce Blvd., Ste 205 Fayetteville, AR 72703. Ed{[H{(Q.7eUgF,_i }(MP1DsK8N\ "CA?F _btSvY fyK#Gq\vwoO {;_LGc{pGF)qO\ A `>bNmUmv!w 0DrS`/gt"]PzC;`NL|. . New research documents that older consumers are underserved by marketers. Travelers and The Travelers Umbrella are registered trademarks of The Travelers Indemnity Company in the U.S. and other countries. Therefore, this location will be unique in its expertise. trailer Working with an insurance representative to create a car insurance policy that addresses your individual needs and budget can protect you, your loved ones and your assets in the aftermath of an accident. *RTV#jFM&L&/j@({xw30@CB:Io/^1wBj9+-hdKRW% 62Ev+Dp )I)b\Ast_uf. Streamline your operations with smart shipping and end-to-end load management. Manager, Talent Acquisition in Monroe, LA, Louisiana, Current Operations Manager in San Francisco, CA, California, Get started with your Free Employer Profile, Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance. No charitable donation matching. endobj %%EOF The company was founded by Johnnie Bryan Hunt, Sr. and Johnelle D. Hunt on August 10, 1961 and is headquartered in Lowell, AR. #1-Ranked Industry Analyst Patrick Moorhead dives into Dell' APEX Managed Device Services for flexible IT device management. Change location. Or,well work directly with your business to find the right loads. <>/LastChar 255/Subtype/Type1/Type/Font/Widths[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 277.83 333.01 474.12 556.15 556.15 889.16 722.17 237.79 333.01 333.01 389.16 583.98 277.83 333.01 277.83 277.83 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 333.01 333.01 583.98 583.98 583.98 610.84 975.1 722.17 722.17 722.17 722.17 666.99 610.84 777.83 722.17 277.83 556.15 722.17 610.84 833.01 722.17 777.83 666.99 777.83 722.17 666.99 610.84 722.17 666.99 943.85 666.99 666.99 610.84 333.01 277.83 333.01 583.98 556.15 333.01 556.15 610.84 556.15 610.84 556.15 333.01 610.84 610.84 277.83 277.83 556.15 277.83 889.16 610.84 610.84 610.84 610.84 389.16 556.15 333.01 610.84 556.15 777.83 556.15 556.15 500 389.16 279.79 389.16 583.98 0 556.15 0 277.83 556.15 500 1000 556.15 556.15 333.01 1000 666.99 333.01 1000 0 610.84 0 0 277.83 277.83 500 500 350.1 556.15 1000 333.01 1000 556.15 333.01 943.85 0 500 666.99 277.83 333.01 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 279.79 556.15 333.01 736.82 370.12 556.15 583.98 333.01 736.82 552.25 399.9 548.83 333.01 333.01 333.01 576.17 556.15 333.01 333.01 333.01 365.23 556.15 833.98 833.98 833.98 610.84 722.17 722.17 722.17 722.17 722.17 722.17 1000 722.17 666.99 666.99 666.99 666.99 277.83 277.83 277.83 277.83 722.17 722.17 777.83 777.83 777.83 777.83 777.83 583.98 777.83 722.17 722.17 722.17 722.17 666.99 666.99 610.84 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 889.16 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 277.83 277.83 277.83 277.83 610.84 610.84 610.84 610.84 610.84 610.84 610.84 548.83 610.84 610.84 610.84 610.84 610.84 556.15 610.84 556.15]>> \;~q_eux5z4O5]/5 The JBI segment offers intermodal freight operations for rail carriers. As of March 31, 2023 . Middle of the road insurance, 401k match. It's something we take for granted. 0 J.B. Hunt 360 technology helps you find the right load at the right time. Robert Goulder comments on the recent parliamentary committee report on the U.K. digital services tax. Those are just a few of the reasons choosing an independent insurance agent is such a good choice. Current and former employees report that J.B. Hunt Transport provides the following benefits. It operates through the following segments: Intermodal (JBI), Dedicated Contract Services (DCS), Integrated Capacity Solutions (ICS), and Truckload (JBT). Change location. Umbrella insurance provides extra liability coverage that can help protect assets. Get protection that can give you peace of mind when you're on the road. `)c4]C6|dcG}F9#Bl The current chief executive officer of JB Hunt is John N. Roberts III. 0000010693 00000 n Condo Insurance can help protect your personal property and liability. Web12/16/2021. Wellprocess your info and get you ready to haul ASAP. 0000001348 00000 n 27 0 obj WebJb Hunt Transport Inc Dearborn, Michigan 4 Parklane Blvd Ste 414 Dearborn, Michigan 48126 Get Directions (800) 842-5075 Products Offered Personal Insurance Home Insurance Car Insurance Renters Insurance Condo Insurance Landlord Insurance Umbrella Insurance Jewelry and Valuable Items Coverage Wedding and Events Insurance Whats Driving Growth For J.B. Hunt Stock? They're free to tailor solutions to fit you, your needs, your life, to help you make the choices that are right for you. Looking for the best new show to watch? Consider a Goldilocks pricing strategy. The changes are just one part of a larger effort across multiple administrations to make student loan servicing smoother and more centralized as borrowers apply for student loan forgiveness and repayment programs. I bet you haven't seen this one yet. And yet when it comes to something as important as protecting ourselves, our property, our family, some people surrender choice without even knowing it. Save $25 when you book your first LTL shipment. An independent insurance agent serves as your advocate focused on protecting whats important to you, and Travelers chooses to work with the most talented and trusted professionals in the business. 3.3. Financial perks Signing bonus Bonus pay Insurance Health insurance Dental insurance Life insurance More Retirement plan Paid time off 401k matching Learn more about benefits Jobs Regional Truck Driver Eagle Mountain, UT 8 days ago Local Truck Driver La SPEAKER: Choice. A basic car insurance policy is required for drivers in most states, although the mandatory minimum coverage and policy limits will vary. 0000013580 00000 n Telematics: 5 Reasons to Try "Pay How You Drive" Car Insurance, How Smart Home Technology Helps Protect Your Home [Video]. People you trust, technology that empowers, and capacity to deliver are the ideals J.B. Hunt uses to help us keep moving freight forward. If your home is damaged, your belongings are stolen or someone gets injured on your property, it can help cover repairs or replacement, temporary housing, medical bills, legal fees and more. Unlike other stores, it will be exclusively staffed by CB2 Interiors Stylists, expertly trained to help clients with minor updates to complete home redesigns. The DCS segment includes private fleet conversion and final-mile delivery services. WebTHIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR It may not be complete. endobj Overall great benefits, Horrible and expensive, really nothing good about the coverage, It's kind of expensive but there are options. It may not be complete. <>stream . Driver disability insurance; Voluntary accident and critical illness 14 Ratings. According to J.B. Hunt Senior Claims <>/LastChar 255/Subtype/Type1/Type/Font/Widths[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 277.83 277.83 354.98 556.15 556.15 889.16 666.99 190.92 333.01 333.01 389.16 583.98 277.83 333.01 277.83 277.83 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 277.83 277.83 583.98 583.98 583.98 556.15 1015.14 666.99 666.99 722.17 722.17 666.99 610.84 777.83 722.17 277.83 500 666.99 556.15 833.01 722.17 777.83 666.99 777.83 722.17 666.99 610.84 722.17 666.99 943.85 666.99 666.99 610.84 277.83 277.83 277.83 469.24 556.15 333.01 556.15 556.15 500 556.15 556.15 277.83 556.15 556.15 222.17 222.17 500 222.17 833.01 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 333.01 500 277.83 556.15 500 722.17 500 500 500 333.98 259.77 333.98 583.98 0 556.15 0 222.17 556.15 333.01 1000 556.15 556.15 333.01 1000 666.99 333.01 1000 0 610.84 0 0 222.17 222.17 333.01 333.01 350.1 556.15 1000 333.01 1000 500 333.01 943.85 0 500 666.99 277.83 333.01 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 259.77 556.15 333.01 736.82 370.12 556.15 583.98 333.01 736.82 552.25 399.9 548.83 333.01 333.01 333.01 576.17 537.11 333.01 333.01 333.01 365.23 556.15 833.98 833.98 833.98 610.84 666.99 666.99 666.99 666.99 666.99 666.99 1000 722.17 666.99 666.99 666.99 666.99 277.83 277.83 277.83 277.83 722.17 722.17 777.83 777.83 777.83 777.83 777.83 583.98 777.83 722.17 722.17 722.17 722.17 666.99 666.99 610.84 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 889.16 500 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 277.83 277.83 277.83 277.83 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 548.83 610.84 556.15 556.15 556.15 556.15 500 556.15 500]>> When driving in heavy rain or wind, be aware of your surroundings and take steps to help you arrive safely at your destination. Find long-term, in-home delivery work that keeps your trucks moving with opportunities for your carriers and installers nationwide. J.B. Hunts experience illustrates the real-word consequences when states try to regulate employee benet plans. Protect your property investment with insurance coverage designed for rental property owners. 3 Ratings. <>stream WebCommon benefits at J.B. Hunt Benefits information is taken from job posted on Indeed. Earlier this year, J.B. Hunt (NASDAQ: JBHT) asked the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene in the lawsuit via a writ of certiorari. The Green Bay Packers are trying to upgrade their safety room after Darnell Savage (26) and Adrian Amos (31) both struggled in 2022. 9 0 obj hb``b``c Y80% This employer has claimed their Employer Profile and is engaged in the Glassdoor community. And the XRAf [NA{6zm.= &2-r>Dr;6mv1 Related by Industry: Transportation and Logistics. WebProduced by Self-Insurance Regulation . 3.0. To most who walk past the five-story brownstone townhouse on Madison Avenue with the name Beretta on the front, the shop wedged into the streets facade could be selling almost anything. endobj Current and former employees report that J.B. Hunt Transport provides the following benefits. Insights On An Underserved Market, The Best Show You're Not Watching Is On A Streaming Service You've Never Heard Of, Immigration Service Likely To Change H-1B Visa Lottery, An Exclusive Retail Service Experience Is At The Center Of CB2's New Design Shop, A Simple Way To Price Services To Land More High-Paying Clients, Service As A Platform: A New Way To Think About Healthcare Delivery, A Manhattan Portal To The World Of Hunting, The Ascendancy Of AI In Asias Financial Services Industry, Buckle Up, More Student Loan Servicing Changes Are Coming, Initial Impressions Of The United Kingdoms Digital Services Tax, Technology, Transportation And Rural America, NFL Draft: The Green Bay Packers Will Be Hunting For Safety Help, Brendan Hunt On The Relationship Between Ted Lasso And Coach Beard, Maven Genetics Is On The Hunt For Exotic Gold. HV]s8}W}HfRGM`Me4[@) nl' 1ILvf!CP$,]{Q.{ n $nBrqN_t:t 5n1 +N9ln>/O[Fth0.? q:b:$]qJoLg1?\@|PnLi,dUCZr| A4R~e4Hbq 1ye?H}YH,/V&nR^C4pD7QgPf And you can save even more with additional policies with our multi-policy discount. Overall great benefits, You have to wait for full dental; slow to accrue more PTO. 0000010539 00000 n J.B. Hunt Transport Dental Insurance 45 employees reported this benefit 3.2 18 Ratings Available to US-based employees Change location Employer Verified Jun 4, 2015 Employer Summary Dental insurance is available to all J.B. Hunt employees after 90 days of employement. Its time that we start leveraging the power of those technologies. Find information about retirement plans, insurance benefits, paid time off, reviews, and more. Hunt recently took precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Once approved, our Carrier Support Team makes sure youre set to receive payments in the way thats best for you. Available to US-based employees. J.B. Hunt Transport Services (JBHT) Stock Price Performance, J.B. Hunt Transport Services (JBHT) Stock Key Data, Total Enterprise Value to Total Revenue (ttm). J.B. Hunt is the sponsor of a multi-state ERISA plan, and its Members regularly travel through mul-tiple states and fill their prescriptions while they are on the road. endobj 0000000898 00000 n \M[L4*`i0hF"9nr!83qXFuE:3O@4"wB##+Hp8/ I}|^1Z7GQA7*=~EdkPsGjvRfqWJ8a\qRQehF{, l@{,e[!UX9vl5aRnPtp ,k2Ls-U#jH^+^WhAv,>$gMK'nzF]Y)Gw1}__o`C:r_w It operates through the following segments: Intermodal (JBI), Dedicated Contract Services (DCS), Integrated Capacity Solutions (ICS), and Truckload (JBT). endstream But independent agents aren't held captive by one company. cBX_DZOf`VG @ We take pride in the craft and were always challenging ourselves to do it better, says Maven Co-Founder Shane Ponto.
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