issue with envoy meter measurements
Leave it in place for at least 15 minutes. Already on GitHub? I does give a way of polling the detailed data from each CT for what looks to be all three phases, whether it is installed or not. In cases such as these, the response code is 422 and the response body includes an error reason as well as the parameters used to process the request. 0000032798 00000 n @gtdiehl - Here's my Envoy IQ (metering turned off) output using your change_polling_pages branch: I originally had the metered values not being returned when metering is disabled (activeCount == 0), but then I thought someone might want these values or some other reason. (Envoy-S metered multi-phase (EU) with no CT's installed.). 0000048797 00000 n Copyright 2023 Enphase Energy. WebEnlighten declares a Meter Issue system status when it detects a possible problem with the CT or storage measurements. Why not use actual values (with decimals, when reported)? There isn't any identifying object info inside the two objects in the top-level list. It seems the the values are almost the same and they are both updated every 5mins. 0000139611 00000 n meter_issue One or more meters on the system are reporting unusual Endpoints that receive times expect the time to be expressed in Unix epoch time. 2 0 obj At first I seemed to get a 404 for but maybe I didn't get the plurals right though http://envoy.local/ivp/meters/readings. (latter number is lower but 'R' looks higher/newer than 'D'), Can you please add the following parameters for reading timestamps? 0000161348 00000 n 3.48 kW of SolarWorld panels and Enphase IQ7 micros. WebMake sure to keep your meter lead wires away from engine moving parts during this test. Envoy S Production data is not read / read incorrectly when current transformers are not enabled/installed [bug], https://thecomputerperson.wordpress.com/2016/08/03/enphase-envoy-s-data-scraping/#comment-5838, Add production_readingtime and consumption_readingtime output parameters, Add consumption_ct_metering_enabled and production_ct_metering_enabled output parameters, Support reading values of consumption and production per phase, The envoy is configured without CT metering and the user wants WH totals for today and 7 days which aren't available in. 0000016000 00000 n 0000410990 00000 n If your systems meter has stopped reporting, youll see a problem message like this: Vy`|2D(S4{D0d}0z%9"~JkjS}7hrbrr* (Fg^.CVpL54};F3ay|(%QoRpoH"L_ l%gLK{1xD`S=W =(y-}wxu-A3't2vV1vl# 0kl ^EgH}|X'sAPF(SG& GG JWtDBydlGM3 iD1-R\Vb-P?[+1LDpra|pXk=H4/g2+B1b_%11IQ(=Q The CT (current transformers) are used for measuring current. To troubleshoot this, check CT orientation and leads, compared with voltage measurements. The code is on one of my branches. From the 'Envoy-S Metered Multiphase (ENV-S-WM-230) Installation and Operation Manual': Use a Phase Coupler for a Multiphase Site So as it stands is your original bug of Production values displaying zero fixed? 0000470581 00000 n I'm not sure what would be a good way to name production Watts data elements to allow referencing either or both of them in Home Assistant's configuration. 0000078062 00000 n The circuit passing through the production CT includes AC Batteries. This is the output: But envoy_reader does not read it. Well occasionally send you account related emails. If the first request does not return a full list, use the next attribute in the response body to request the next page of systems. lastReportDate and readTime (there's little consistency in the different names unfortunately). This is because envoy_reader assumes that when `envoy/production.json' exists that this is the location to read the Production data from. Enphase seems to have a bug where they sum the amperage values for each phase and then multiply that by 240 to get VA. That's wrong and results in a VA value for TOTAL CONSUMPTION that's upwards of twice what it should be. I'm sorry about this! Currently I do not have TOU rate pricing. 0000007176 00000 n The darkish overcast looked like possible little snow storm coming. For example, midnight on 5 May, 2015, in Pacific Daylight Time is 1430809200. 827 0 obj <> endobj xref 827 81 0000000016 00000 n https://github.com/dlmcpaul/EnphaseCollector. My Envoy reports a realistic value for data/production/ph-a/v while no CT's are installed. There was a reply in the Home Assistant Community forum where a person took this screenshot. returns systems that currently have production issues. I Examples include asking for stats starting at a time that is later than the systems last reported interval, or asking for stats before a system has started production. Examples in this documentation exclude the API key and the user_id for clarity. So far the readings do not look right. When the query parameters include production=all, returns meter and microinverter-measured time series: Returns a listing of all active Envoys currently deployed on the system. What about 3-phase systems? The rmsVoltage may actually be measured by the Envoy, but without any CT's installed, the rmsCurrent value apparently is a bogus value(?). When True the Envoy should be handled as endpoint_type "PC", when False as endpoint_type "P". 0000011207 00000 n Is D5.0.49 newer than R4.10.35? (*) Note: I don't know that production[0].type is always inverters and production[1].type is always eim. If the total duration requested is more than one month, returns one month of intervals. If Enphase has detected a possible hardware issue that may be affecting system production, youll see a message like this: Click the link in the message to see which microinverters are reporting a production issue and find out how to get help with the problem. Sometimes, but not Can you open a new issue (enhancement) to track this one? Today is medium overcast so that is adding to low production. Requests for times that do not fall on the 5-minute marks are rounded down. But there is not a lot of information about it there, apart from the fact that the warranty on the Envoy monitoring hardware is only 5 years. I could do some more research into the Enphase monitoring system, but that would take time and effort and Im a busy person. Ive got places to go, people to avoid, and shoes to nail to my horse. CT Measurements" from a consumption CT on one of the phases. The epoch format returns all temporal values in Unix epoch time. If your system has stopped reporting data, youll see a problem message like this: Learn what you can do if your system stops reporting data. There is a limit to the number of systems that can be returned at one time. "[}QXD/jD NCrncVa @L*23m <> 0000017877 00000 n 0000375185 00000 n Fyi: There exist 3 different Envoy-S models: I have the Envoy-S Metered Multiphase (EU) SKU: ENV-S-WM-230. I will make a capture tomorrow when it's light and the system is actualually producing. I see information in /api/v1/procuction and /api/v1/production/inverters being updated every 5 minutes. Be aware that CT's can be installed for either Production, or Consumption, or both. (My solar installer did not connect L2 and L3 on the 'power input' connector so I am currently unable to verify for ph-b and ph-c.). I have had my solar setup for 1.5 years so far, no issue. If there's voltage over 0.2 volts in any wire or connection, check for corroded, damaged or loose wires. Some batteries have stopped For example, there are 100 centimeters in a meter. I'll return values with a decimal. 0000155287 00000 n Not sure what the actual url for the page is though. Professional installation is required, please contact your installer for an estimate before purchase. => 4 wires enter the most-left connector of the Envoy + 3x2 wires for the CT's 0000014056 00000 n One case that is not handled, if you want the inverters current production and WH lifetime production, with metering turned on, you can only get that from production.json. production_readingtime (source: production.json production inverters readingTime) between the phases to allow the Envoy to communicate with all of the Enphase devices in the system. If the meters milliamp scale goes up to 500mA, then ' ~V8nG~fj# q:D{<=WXm jkZ`Z +\MXH:+5N^;Ll.l_`h'6ys`8r};gV5 >=A,`.hXp~Uj9Pus6[xClEomv`uDM Regarding measurements for each phase, he Envoy has a URL that deliveries a stream of measurements -. dsmr-reader . I see where you are coming from but to keep the code simple I'm retrieving inverter production values from /api/v1/production rather than pulling a value from /production.json and the rest from /api/v1/production. If production or consumption measurements received by Enlighten are negative, there could be a CT Measurement issue. In general, a Meter Issue indicates a system where on For example, a request to. By providing an optional ct_enabled parameter the user can override it for testing purposes. 0000232378 00000 n 1.0 5 Additional Features Additional features include wrong wiring detection, such as inversion @lnlp - trying to answer a few of your questions with what I've learned so far. I can even see it go lower after that and work much better than it did on the way up. An Envoy S (and probably Envoy IQ) without CT's enabled should be handled as 'endpoint_type' "P" instead of 'endpoint_type' "PC". In that case, the response code is 500 and the response body is. When the filter is reference, both reference and other_references are searched. Reduce the number of concurrent threads in your application in order to avoid this response code. measure resistance from orange wires to large power terminal under rear seat.. they should all be under 10ohms and not change when the wires are pulled on. 0000003706 00000 n To troubleshoot this, check CT orientation and leads, compared with voltage measurements. 0000011718 00000 n x=r?#Z[Sd{q20$&! : Though I wonder if something like this would solve the problem, Add a function called hasMeteringEnabled() which will return True if production[1]eim activeCount is >= 1 else False, envoy_reader/envoy_reader/envoy_reader.py. Highly configurable 127v VRef, 60hz profile intended as a source for custom profile derivation, including Advanced Grid Functions. @gtdiehl Here is my current production.json from my IQ D5.0.49 (77afa8) with CT metering turned off. 0000014311 00000 n Cross your fingers, and I'm hoping it will be included in 2020.12.1. 'active' : 'js-change-currency' ?> //= plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) . I am just grasping at straws here. There are 1000 millimeters in a meter. I've connected them using Enpase IQ7+ micro inverters and bought also a Envoy-S Metered with them to read out the production statistics. @gtdiehl You may change the format of returned date and time values by passing the query parameter datetime_format on any endpoint that returns date or time values; for example. Here is low light at the end of the day. An Enphase team member may follow up with you about your feedback. If you see a green checkmark, then your system is fine with normal system production. Requests for times that do not fall on the 15-minute marks are rounded down. This endpoint can return a response of Data Temporarily Unavailable. 0000017430 00000 n An explanation for the difference may be rounding errors or different time of measurement. All were taken at the same time. By default, systems are returned in batches of 100. Note that big power spike in the morning, that is our electric car (Ford C-Max Energi) pre-heating the cabin. The data from my Envoy (3-phase, no CT's) looks like this (pretty-printed): Based on above it appears that /production.json is not going to contain data for each phase separately (in 3-phase system). The CTs accommodate conductors up to 4/0 RHW, 350MCM THWN, Hopefully that data can be read from elsewhere on the Envoy, without requiring installer permissions. In other words, if you explicitly want to access that data for the inverters whether or not metering is on, production[0] is the place to get it. Details about my Envoy: The API accepts a number of parameters. If ct_metering_consumption is false then the. (for recent Envoy models that output production.json). Queries on system_name and reference are case-insensitive. Handle Envoy S (and Envoy IQ) without CT's as 'endpoint_type' "P" instead of 'endpoint_type' "PC". 0000128068 00000 n WebEnvoy-S Standard Compatible Microinverter (s) M215, M250 Primary Use Residential & Small Commercial AC Supply 230 VAC, 50 Hz Production Metering 5% accurate microinverter measurements Warranty Length 5 years Designed for an outdoor enclosure Integrated Wi-Fi & Mobile Connect Ready Consumption Monitoring & Storage Ready Each Microinverter element includes the following: This endpoint is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. The review process is greater. It is important to understand these differences when installing Envoy CTs. tvd`x]6d=WY fj0A2! Then change part of detect_model() from New releases (due to incompatible changes) are communicated well in advance of removing the older one. Input date range for rgm_stats is restricted to 7 days. Envoy reader doesn't have the flexibility to allow the user to override envoy reader's assumption and specify which data items or sources you'd like to track in Home Assistant. rmU)dC!.d0oQmLL"xoCFDLLBJoFI%g%(1S0i/(yv65^S)^*By[(& arHB~*UA{Tjj!W6 $I(7dwA_ A}Tb|X_7)gk:}tD@}Xk/Vsm4'gJO~* EHRv91X Q8^@DagKqOfL`mSJ4U=TB\o/)u{xYK5_Kmx~.s !3hUtI WpeWJ`+qQ| i%YlbrC3 v.PWBUfMI3OfL 0000003055 00000 n Unrecognized parameters are ignored. Envoy-S Metered and Envoy-S Metered Multiphase (IQ Envoy) are both black but the Envoy-S Metered Multiphase has the cover screw on the right side while the Envoy-S Metered has the cover screw on the left side (like Envoy-S Standard). A difference of 1 Watt, which may be caused by a rounding error, or by a small difference in moments of measurement. The Enlighten Systems API returns JSON. Gaps in reporting are not filled with 0-value intervals. Examples in this document exclude the callback parameter for clarity. Specifically it has to do with the power factor. 0000140307 00000 n EIM - Your guess on the meaning of the acronym is 'electrical induction metering' is possibly correct. Interesting, /ivp/meters gives some configuration/status information such as phaseCount and phaseMode that I haven't seen elsewhere: http://envoy.local/ivp/meters/readings seems to be very useful. I like the suggestion of using /api/v1/production by default and add the additional metered_* parameters for /production.json. 0000139909 00000 n This is caused by my Envoy not by envoy_reader. For /api/v1/production the timestamp can be read from production.json "inverters" section. Got your message a little before 11am my time so low production is just winding down. The Net number calculated under the date looks wrong. If the system doesnt have any microinverters installed, the response includes an empty intervals array. I tried to take a screenshot but it did not come through very well. Commonly, the reading will be within 30 minutes of the requested end_at; however, larger deltas can occur and do not necessarily mean there is a problem with the meter or the system it is on. My /api/v1/production/inverters inverter data is already properly read and output by envoy_reader (I can see the values in Home Assistant). If you dont have permission to view consumption data, the response code is 401. An Enphase team member may follow up with you about your feedback. Web The Envoy-S Metered uses precision Current Transformers (CTs) to measure PV production (accuracy 2.5%) from the solar main supply switch and home energy consumption from the AC mains. WebTo enable correct operation of the Enphase Home Energy system components (including the Enphase AC Batteries), the Envoy must correctly measure the current flow across My Envoy reports tiny metered values while metering is disabled. 0000128138 00000 n And possibly add another parameter called activeCTCount to tell the user if the Metering feature is enabled on their Envoy? While much of the rest of the world uses the metric system of centimeters, meters, and kilometers, US has continued to the English units. If the system has both production and consumption CTs installed, you can see which meter is affected by checking the meter status on the Devices screen. I would have to look into how to send specific data from the envoy_reader API to Home Assistant. It appears that this value is probably taken from the same L1 input, but its value differs few-thousand's of a volt. There are two possible wiring issues that can cause this: The Meter Issue status will continue to display until Enlighten receives 24 hours of meter measurements that indicate the problem has been addressed. Data coming from /api/v1/* is updated every 5 minutes. production.json eim only shows an aggregated number. In general, a Meter Issue indicates a system where on-site maintenance may be required. The production or consumption measurements received by the Enphase Cloud are negative. If the system has both production and consumption CTs installed, you can see which meter is affected by checking the meter status on the Devices screen. Returns the energy production of the system for the month starting on the given date. This is just low sun with overcast far to the side of the array. So it looks like you need to join with /ivp/meters based on eid to know what you are looking at and whether it is enabled. While my production meter struggles at PF=0.5-0.7 from 8:30 to 11am in this equinox season, it finally gets to pf=1 as the sun clears the trees with VA=700. As an example, NSW residents previously had gross metered solar systems. As previously requested please add the following output parameters: When the production version of envoy_reader will be updated, will this get automatically updated in existing Home Assistant (Enphase Envoy add-in) installations? Use production_meter_readings or energy_lifetime instead. For more details, visit About API v4. endobj All requests support an optional callback parameter. 0000154623 00000 n Copyright 2014 SolarReviews All rights reserved. That's why I'm asking to track the above as separate issues. About the Enphase Envoy-S Metered The Enphase Envoy-S Metered communications gateway enables performance monitoring and remote software and firmware updates of an Enphase Microinverter System. I don't really understand how the system is configured. So I just display the values unless the device actually does not support metering. For example, P0500 (VSS circuit malfunction) is the most popular code Going down this path means renaming 4 monitored_conditions and adding 4 or5 new ones will appear for each new Envoy sensor added to Home Assistant. The response includes intervals that have been reported for the requested period. The iso8601 format returns all temporal values, whether dates or times, in an ISO 8601 time format including timezone offset; for example 2015-05-05T00:00:00-07:00 is midnight on 5 May, 2015, in Pacific Daylight Time. Good catch! 0000015743 00000 n 0000048897 00000 n )bJ60F-phEZ Last one. Regarding bullet 2: No, not only those two values. In 'case B' one may wonder why the 'power connector' on the left exists and allows to wire all 3 phases. 0000033107 00000 n Continue reading for more information about each type of problem. Meters that have been retired from a system will show an end_at that doesnt change, and that eventually is far away from the current time. The circuit passing through the consumption CT does not include AC Batteries. My guess is that data from /stream/meter on your envoy will report realistric (true) voltages for all three of data/production/ph-a/v, data/production/ph-b/v and data/production/ph-c/v.
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