infp musicians personality database
To the ears of an Architect, even the catchiest popular tune may be intrinsically dull, when compared to the byzantine compositions of the Baroque age. Explore and participate in hundreds of our studies. Mm, that's interesting, I think a lot of introverted musicians, of any type, have to have some sort of showmanship about them even if they're painfully shy and quiet. Make mistakes, make mistakes, make mistakes. (musician) SX/SO: 1w9: Bernie Sanders: SP/SO: 1w2: Judge Judyy: SO/SP: 1w2: Billy Graham: SO/SP: 1w2: Hilary Clinton: SO/SP: 1w2: 136: King, or Stevie Ray Vaughan may nevertheless hold a timeless appeal. Ahh how did I not think of her- in her interview with Clive Anderson you can really see it. Discover and understand your strengths and weaknesses. Unpredictable yet unerringly precise, the bebop stylings of Miles Davis, John Coltrane, or Thelonious Monk may remind Commanders of the same qualities that they prize in themselves. Adrien Agreste "Chat Noir". At first glance, the anarchic rhythms of punk might seem an odd fit for a Logicians quiet, detached demeanor, but if one looks past the caricature of leather jacketed and liberty spiked moshers to the origins of punk rock itself, the affinity becomes far more understandable. To some extent, they lead a double life: the dreary reality full of unoriginal, conforming mobs and all their injustice, insincerity, cruelty and noise, and then the breaths of air within their own minds, within created worlds where their values and passions are exemplified. Learn more. The precision by which an orchestra can execute the works of Beethoven or Wagner may be an inspiration to Commanders, who seek an equal degree of control over the forces marshalled underneath them. This means that they base their judgment criteria on subjective, inner information, while simply observing and drinking in objective information and experiences. Nothing seems to be held back in the performances of soul singers like Little Richard, James Brown, or Stevie Wonder, for whom showmanship is as much a part of music as the song itself. Browse Music . 1. Are You One of Them? The INFP personality type, one of the 16 personality types identified by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), is often described as the "healer", "mediator", and "idealist" among the group. Whether you're an INFP music fan or simply interested in learning more about the personalities of famous musicians, this section is a must-read. essay, Davies-Black Pub. The INFP rejects this notion and champions respect for personal values even at the expense of fulfilling objective goals. I'm leaning towards INFJ though. We use cookies on our website for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance. The INFPs tertiary function is Si, which is an introverted perceiving function. However, the extravert types, ENFP and ENFJ, and even the introverted intuitives who extravert with feeling, INFJ, are likely to take a shortcut and do their communicating by the spoken word, as teachers, clergy, psychologists, and so on. MartinsGame of Thronesseries. The INFP, then, is a dreamer for whom their individual convictions hold more weight than perceiving new possibilities. Understand the meaning and impact of personality traits. INFP 4w3s are more likely to be assertive INFPs than . Lets now go through the main genres and see which personality traits and types they attract most. [3], Abstract, Cooperative, Informative, ExpressiveIntrospectiveTemperament: IdealistRole: AdvocateRole Variant: HealerInteraction role: Responder, Temperament/Essential Motivator: CatalystInteraction Style: Behind-the-ScenesIntentional Driver: Authenticating. Value, above all, harmony in the inner life of feeling. For many of us, our taste in music is an integral part of our identity so much so that, to a certain extent, what we listen to is who we are. Introverted feeling in INFPs is so reserved that they often prefer the written word as the way to communicate what they feel without making personal contact. The utilitarian appeal of a computer useful for so many tasks outside of audio may be more important to an Analyst than any fidelity lost to inferior speakers. Loving broadly and sorrowing deeply, Protagonists may well relate to the larger-than-life blues stylings of Howlin Wolf, Muddy Waters, or John Lee Hooker. It's hanging out in a low pressure environment without any stipulations or commitment. Check out these trending INFP musicians from the community. Entertainer personalities may love to entertain, but they hate it when something steals the spotlight, as is often the case with most musical genres. Your 'Persona' Archetype: The Joker Your persona is the outward personality that you project for other people to see. INFPs are known for their creativity, empathy, and idealism, and are often drawn to careers that allow them to make a positive difference in the world. The DIY ethic epitomized by punk may have a kindred spirit in the Virtuoso personality, a group of people who believe that a hands-on approach is always preferable to hours of purely academic study. The processes beneath their behavior are very different. First, the INFJ is problematically unaware that their intuitions are entirely subjective. Enneagram. Rock musicians primarily known for their music from the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s. From sensitive poets to brave heroes, from quiet activists to dreamers of utopias, the INFPs we will examine have each left a unique mark on our culture and society. Scores for alternative rock showed some intriguing differences across three out of five scales, with Intuitive, Feeling, Prospecting, and Turbulent personality types scoring higher than their Observant, Judging, and Assertive cousins: For an Adventurer, life often feels like a frenetic scream just outside their window, and the relaxing, soulful sounds of reggae may be the perfect antidote to soothe their jangled nerves. INFPs tend to be introspective and value personal . The systems include MBTI, Enneagram, Tritypes, Socionics, Big 5 Personality, Temperaments, Classic Jungian or even fun systems like love language, intelligence types, and Harry Potter sorting hat! Although much of reggae consists of slow jams and chill beats, the music that was born in Jamaican dance halls boasts more than its fair share of jittery, revved-up tunes as well. Classic Rock Personalities. The inclusion of science may be a surprise. Written and maintained by PDB users for PDB users. At the very least, this data may illustrate how readily Diplomats can become lost for extended periods in the alternate realities that music can conjure into being. I'm really close to being INTP though, so I don't know whether he's just extremely feeling. The INFP is notorious for ignoring facts and evidence that contradicts whatever they hold dear in their hearts, often with the frustrated claim that reason and logic do not guarantee truth; there are subjective, sentimental truths that defy the logic of the masses, but are nonetheless true. SIGN UP Lee Ji-eun (IU) INFP . Recklessly experimental and fearlessly rebellious, rock music has always had an outsider appeal even when one subgenre has been tamed and replicated, another (prog rock, new wave, or indie rock) has turned the prevailing rock paradigm on its head, making the unthinkable the new commonplace, and what was once popular, now pass. Testing boundaries has always been a core aspect of the metal experience, and Logicians may particularly appreciate artists that take the genre in new and interesting directions. You can find specific fandoms for popular amino communities, shows, games, musicians or hobbies like Genshin Impact, Harry Potter, Tarot Cards and more. As a personality type that is positively brimming with enthusiasm and confidence, Protagonists might very well seek out music that is equally brassy and bold, such as that of the big band era of jazz. PDB App for Android ( ) PDB APP for iOS ( ) Four Letter. The link between musical preferences and personality is so strong that many of us feel a quick skim of ones iTunes folder, Spotify playlists, or record collection would reveal a wealth of information about the owner, even if these supposed revelations are distorted by the lens of our own inherent prejudices. David Keirsey called them the Healers, and I have also heard the nicknames Idealist and Dreamer. I have most often seen them portrayed as idealistic to a fault and able to see the good in anything. The sense of one love expressed through the lyrics and voices of reggae singers like Jimmy Cliff or Gregory Isaacs may provide Adventurer personalities with the harmony that can be sorely lacking in their everyday existence. Lindsey Wixson Model. Join the conversation and talk about musicians with other musician lovers. If we look at individual trait scores, punk is clearly more popular among Intuitive and Prospecting types than their Observant and Judging counterparts: The genius of jazz may be in improvisation, but it is an improvisation born of absolute mastery of ones instrument, lending an uncanny prescience to ones movements, ensuring that each will be in service to some unwritten sonata. The word I like to use to remember the INFP nature is dream-world. Fi is sentiment or desire that develops isolated from the outside world and therefore often appears alien or even disagreeable to others. Any time they try something new it gives them more experience in extrapolating these patterns. Get tips, advice, and deep insights into various topics. Si also grants the INFP an attention to detail, in the sense that they can view all sides of a subjectmeticulously, in a more controlled way, potentially making their arguments or thoughts airtight from all sides. Aside from passion, Diplomat personalities may also seek out these genres specifically for their borderlessness, their resistance to being confined by arbitrary categorization. quirky pop star = enfp. When it comes to blues, Extraverted, Intuitive, and Assertive personalities are clearly in the lead: Once the province of humble balladeers from the southeast and western regions of the United States, country music has now become one of the most popular genres around the world, making it a perfect match for Consuls, one of the most popular and popularity-seeking personality types around. Music is a mode of communication, a means of bridging gaps in our understanding when mere words fail. Tegan & Sara's anthem of "I won't treat you like you're typical" perfectly captures this weird other-centered way of having a crush on someone. For her, its easy to spot underlying meaning and connection in places where there might not be one in the first place. Carrie Fisher Novelist, screenwriter, actress, lecturer. An INFJ may be inspired by a droplet of water to ponder on how it represents the true nature of the cosmos, and then develop a grand vision, forgetting that their only real-world evidence for said vision is a droplet of water. Nevertheless, though there are genre-bending outliers to be found in every category of music, the general tendencies of each may cause certain personalities to gravitate more readily towards particular genres, while being repelled by others. [1] Myers, I. Of the four Roles, Sentinels only came first in their appreciation of two genres: country (43%) and religious music (40%). Nevertheless, they are in some sense the same type, or at least sister types. (2002). Are best at individual work involving personal values in art, literature, science, psychology, or the perception of needs. Another potential problem is that because they repress Te, they also repress inductive reasoning, or drawing logical conclusions from objective data. Though they only make up an estimated 25-35% of the general population, it appears to me that they may make up as much as 45-50% of musicians. Either way it often seeks to dig below the surface and express hidden truth or possibility. Its criticalto them that what they do feels authentic and this is the primary criteria for how they make decisions. This is mostly driven by their wing. Introverted feeling is individualistic: it has deep, personal passions and convictions that it holds to despite outside opposition, and it greatly values the right to individual freedom of expression and being true to oneself. Happy ENTP Day! The INFP is more likely to resonate with the statement It doesnt matter what you believe, as long as you put all of your heart and soul into believing it. The INFJ, however, resonates with objective, universal truths and conclusions. JavaScript is disabled. I also hear about your rich inner creative world it sounds very interesting. To be honest if I was talented musically I think I would be like that. . I hear a lot of people are having more connections and sometimes I also want to find some friends but can't. A lot of INFP musicians are activists who advocate for social causes. Cookies are required for certain services available through our website, such as access to secure locations, and they are being used by some of its critical features such as secure areas access. Unfortunately, because their Te is repressed, they struggle to break away from pure expression to actually accomplish their visions, and may completely ignore reasoning or evidence that contradicts their values. The INFP wouldnt have it any other way; they want to explore their own passions, not somebody elses, or some collective passion or truth out in the dreary world of mobs and cruelty. As with Executives, Defenders may identify with the sense of tradition and order that comes from religious music. seal team fanfiction sonny and davis. One was the editor of the school magazine and was voted by the class "most likely to succeed." And while Consuls may not be the type to dig through crates of old vinyls in search of hidden treasures, the smooth virtuosity of radio-friendly blues guitarists like Bo Diddley, B.B. Source. There is a drive to dig through themselves and map out every inch of their psyches caverns and keep careful record of all its treasures. The caverns are filled with all manner of strange and wonderful treasures unknown to the outside world. Intuition supplies imagination and insight, feeling supplies the urge to communicate and share, and the command of language is apparently a joint product of intuition's facility with symbols and feeling's artistic discrimination and taste. Letter positions. The INFP, however, is inclined to present their insights as subjective truth, exempt from normal rules of logic, data, or public opinion, and to encourage others to explore their own caves rather than sacrifice their identity to the collective. INFPs are love. In this personality database, we will explore some of the most famous and beloved characters and real-life individuals who exhibit the traits of the INFP personality type. It is also worth noting that the two types that get mixed up the most in the Jungian community are the INFP and the INFJ. These genres tend to feature fairly relaxed and melodic tracks, and People Masters' preference for such music may be a reflection of their social and confident natures. Although they may seem quiet or unassuming, Mediators (INFPs) have vibrant . The INFP is often tempted to spend long amounts of time exploring their caverns in search of the primordial fire. Of course, as with all stereotypes, hasty judgments are usually wrongheaded genre, like ones personality type, is more a guide than a straightjacket, and wisdom is more readily found in the hidden nuances than in the broad strokes. For many of us, music can serve as an outlet for the feelings that we otherwise have a hard time expressing, and the aggressive, in-your-face style of punk may fulfill that function for Mediators, who so often find themselves repressing their negative emotions for fear of hurting those around them. This means that their relationship to the outside world is one of passive observation, unlike the INFJ, whose relationship is more aggressive. [1], Dominant: FiAuxiliary: NeTertiary: SiInferior: Te, Dominant: FiAuxiliary: NeTertiary: SiInferior: TeOpposing personality: FeSenex/witch: NiTrickster: SeDemonic: Ti, Loves internal feeling; hates extraverted sensation;an idealist come down from a better, unseen world; a black sheep or ugly duckling; the diamond hidden in dust;Soren Kierkegaard, Vincent van Gogh, Saint Augustine of Hippo.[2]. Join INFP discussions. Thus, all four NF types should have the aptitude. Quantity alone may not necessarily be the most accurate measure of appreciation, but nevertheless, the finding that Diplomats are the Role most likely to listen to more than two hours of music every day (48%) may still be significant. You could say that they are more receptive towards the outside world and more aggressive towards their inner experience. Much of country music has a strangely dichotomous toe-tapping melancholy that Entertainers well understand, sharing a propensity for turning private heartbreak into a public performance. Yess!! In times of low energy or stress, INFPs will be less adventurous and will tend to stick to whats familiar or comfortable to them. Rock seems to attract Intuitive and Prospecting types more than Observant and Judging ones, with clear differences in both cases: Alternative rock, as a genre that defines itself in large part by what it is not more than what it is, might have intrinsic similarities to the Debater personality type, whose identity also resides much more in opposition than in allegiance. I sing onstage, and it's all about totally feeling the song, becoming the character, and then everyone wants me to be all social later, and I'm just thinking, "I don't know you! I can tell by their poetic lyrics. This is reflected well in Shakespeares various characters, Kierkegaards pseudonyms, and even George R.R. The INFP-t 4w5 is a unique individual who embodies both introverted feeling and a 4 wing 5 tritype. Neon Genesis Evangelion. While Ni seeks for depth of insight, Ne seeks for breadth of insights, hungry fornewinsights overcompleteones, and what it may lose in depth it makes up for in its multifaceted view of things and greater relevance to reality. Debate the personality types of your favorite fictional characters and celebrities. There are so many . Ironically, pop music seems to be one of the most divisive genres, sharing that title with only one other metal. Alexa Chung Model, host of It's on with Alexa Chung. So join us on a journey through the world of INFP musicians and discover how their personalities have influenced their music and touched the hearts of millions. . The searing ball of stress that often erupts in an overstretched Adventurers life may be soothed by the gentle sounds of new age. The quiet yet forceful nature of Confident Individualists is clearly reflected in their choice of music: these personalities scored highest for classical (76%), rock (79%, tied with Constant Improvement), and metal (42%) genres. Our database offers a wealth of information on the personalities of INFP musicians from a variety of genres and eras. Cognitive stacking for INFP 9w1 is Fi Ne Si Te. It's a set amount of time doing a activity that's easy to leave or take further. Although I don't personally have this view, I have heard people discuss Ryan ross as the '27 club type', which is oddly the main inference I had for this personality type.
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