how to identify civil war rifles
Burnside's design eliminated the expulsion of hot gas from the weapon when it was fired by sealing the area between the barrel and the breech. The tubular magazine in the buttstock was quick on the reload too, particularly with the aid of a Blakeslee cartridge tube, which made its appearance later in the war. It had design similarities to the Colt revolver, with a rotating cylinder that held several rounds of ammunition (a unique feature on a rifle). [13][14] Cost was also an issue: in an era where a soldier earned $10-13 a month and a rifled musket might cost $10-20 to manufacture, a repeating rifle might cost $37-65 to manufacture. Not only is the Sharps perhaps one of the most elegant rifles to come out of the Civil War era, it also performed. If you are wanting to buy Antique Weapons or Curios & Relics, please visit our Online Store and view our items. .44 (takes metallic cartridge), English Sapper rifled, "Enfield" pattern. USA.gov, The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration Many officers, however, preferred the Springfield muskets over the Enfield musketslargely due to the interchangeability of parts that the machine-made Springfields offered. Observe the Rifle's Silhouette. As with the Spencer, it provided overwhelming firepower in a conflict dominated by muzzleloaders. A forum community dedicated to all firearm owners and enthusiasts. The Whitworth rifle was designed by Sir Joseph Whitworth, and was manufactured in Manchester, England. The Civil War gun was in exceptional condition maintaining almost all its blue on the barrel and having little wear marks. But there were relatively few that did. United States:Lyons Press. The flintlock, which had been in use for almost two hundred years, had been replaced by the caplock in the 1840s. Thank you. Examples altered by them feature a cone-in-barrel conversion, and some are fitted with a US M1855 style long range sight and are rifled. Box 160 Llano, Texas 78643 If you have a specific identification question, please see our Identification Request Page. Both Union and Confederate armies used this accuracy to devastating effect, flinging the .58-caliber, 500-grain Mini balls at each other from up to 500 yards out. 1863. These Gardiner rounds were similar to the Mini ball but filled with fulminate and a time fuse set to detonate one to three seconds after firing. [8] A lack of training resulted not only in poor accuracy but in mishandling which could render the rifle useless. It MIGHT have been fired during the War - but was NOT a war weapon - it was used to hunt birds, rabbits and squirrels. The gun is 50" long and 36" from the . Since the 17th century, infantry normally fought in a tight shoulder-to-shoulder line and fired volleys at each other. I need help in identifying the attached photo, Need help identifying uniforms and building, Looking for help identifying a Civil War era sword -, I need help identifying a possible Civil War Uniform. If they are twist steel the gun may be an earlier example. All rights reserved. [4] More recently, historians including Paddy Griffith, Mark Grimsley and Brent Nosworthy have challenged this interpretation. For instance, one was produced specially for African-American troops, and another for Zouave units. Almost all rifles were made with iron barrels, while only some, like the Burnside, used steel, which then was expensive. [7][22] Depending on the location where they were manufactured, these were known as Richmond or Fayetteville rifles. Any identification marks are most likely on the bottom of the barrels, under the wood. Considered by many to be the premier Mini-style rifled musket of the day, the Pattern 1853 Enfield could readily outperform its counterparts on the battlefield. I could clearly see the add of "eggs-10 cents a dozen.". Suspected it was loaded. [20], The second-most widely used rifle of the Civil War, and the weapon most widely used by the Confederates, was the British Pattern 1853 Enfield. Barn find. [16], When the American Civil War broke out in April 1861, neither the North (about 360,000 small arms) nor the South (about 240,000) had enough weapons to fight a major war. I can't tell from the pictures if the barrels are Damascus or not. It was the standard weapon for the British Army between 18531867. April 28, 2023 at 6:36 a.m. EDT. Sir Joseph Whitworth was the man behind the machine, inspired by cannon design in conceiving his polygonal rifled long gun. The old gal looks rode hard and put away wet. Armies South, Armies North. Tests conducted by the U.S. Army indicated that the .58 caliber was more accurate at a distance. Hi. The accuracy of the Whitworth was often exaggerated, but it was capable of hitting a man sized target beyond 1,000 yards. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. Elwood Shelton is an online content developer for Gun Digest. It used a percussion lock, was similar in length, and had three barrel bands, like the Springfield and Enfield. Five different models were manufactured and approximately 43 Union cavalry regiments used the Burnside exclusively. Get 12 Issues a year of the country's best firearms writing. Back in May of 2017, we sold a Spencer 1865 carbine for $9,775. We auctioned off the beauty for $21,850. for cover. The Whitworth rifle featured a unique hexagonal shaped bullet (with a matching hexagonal barrel) that gave it superior accuracy. 4 | "War in an Age of Wonders" By Michael P. Musick The information most sought after in ordnance records is data on the issuance of arms by serial number. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Listing of all rifles, carbines, and related long guns of the American Civil War. 1861. Rifle Musket. Hi Folks, this bayonet it 291/2" long with a blade length of 25", maybe as much as 251/4" if it were at original length. The caplock replaced the flintlock, improving performance in wet weather and allowing for a slightly higher rate of fire, and the use of rifling with mechanically fitted bullets was tested by several inventors. While the Henry was carried and used by men in the Civil War it was not widely accepted or popular by the military. ammunition used by both Union and Confederate armies. [17], An alternative type of rifle ammunition which saw use during the Civil War was the exploding bullet. army weapons were often marked with unit markings on the barrels, butt plates, or side plates. The rare Confederate Le Mat revolver is another highly desirable Civil War gun. The carbine was the first ever produced to use metallic cartridges (not to be confused with the first self-contained metallic cartridge) and was very popular with its shooters. A sketch details the 14th Brooklyn regiment's uniform jacket, vest and kepi. (2012). And it might be one of the most unique long-gun designs of the war, and perhaps overall firearms history. However, the Sharps carbine was very common, with over 90,000 produced. The markings identify the regiment, battalion or company, and the weapon within that unit. Italy:Oxford University Press, USA. It had a rifled barrel, and fired the .58 caliber Mini ball. Nonetheless, Hardee's book was produced in a huge variety of editions during the war, often for different types of infantry. There was an article in a very recent edition of Man at Arms Collector magazine on shotgun use in the Civil War. The back action lock is European for the most part and even US made guns for the most part used imported locks. They are found, though, in many forms. Since most of the Confederate soldiers were shooting muzzle loaders that had a rate of two to three rounds per minute, using a Spencer gave the person firing the weapon a distinct tactical advantage. I don't know anything about your "rifle" except to tell you that it is NOT a rifle, it is a double barreled shotgun. [7][8][9][10], Training could help overcome some of these difficulties but target practice was virtually unknown on either side of the Civil War. Griffith,P.(2001). In comparison to the Springfield's three rounds per minute, the Henry rifle could fire 28 rounds per minute. One of the most iconic and memorable of all Civil war guns used by the Union during is the Springfield Model 1861 musket. These rifles, while more accurate than smoothbore muskets, had been designed for hunting, and fired less deadly smaller caliber ammunition. Surveying a number of battles, they found that Civil War combat still largely took place at ranges similar to or slightly better than smoothbore muskets, suggesting no revolution had taken place in the way war was conducted. Appraiser, Seller and Dealer of Civil War Guns to include Revolvers, Pistols, Rifles, Muskets, Carbines and Cannons, Union and Confederate. This is a good price for a scarce and desirable gun. The side with the best production plants and firepower was ultimately more likely to win the war. Other then The French Lefaucheux pin-fire handgun, I have no knowledge of any other French weapons imported by either side. The North was thus able to supply its own small arms needs, while the South had to continue to rely on foreign sources, eventually purchasing 580,000 rifles. All rights reserved. Jackson had little luck with sales of the carbine until the Civil War broke out. Black powder also quickly obscured the battlefield, which led military leaders of the time to conclude that the greater range of rifles was of little value on the battlefield. However the 1861 Special Model is correct as the real difference are in the shape of bolster on the barrel, the shallow notch for the bolster in the lock plate, and the hammer which is unique to the 1861 Special Model. As the war escalated those arms stockpiles were quickly diminished. While most shoulder fired rifles during the time fired a bullet between 350 and 500 grains propelled by 40 to 60 grains of powder the Henry rifle shot a small .44 bullet of only 200 grains and 26 to 28 grains of black powder, giving it a quite short range. More interestingly, there is evidence that at least 7 Confederate brigades possessed Burnside carbines and used them in battle. Advertisements. Outstanding Civil War U.S. Spencer Model 1860 Army repeating rifle with sling and bayonet. During the Civil War, Robert E. Lee was equipped with an 1851 Navy and the revolver model was the most prominently used by Confederate forces. In a conflict dominated by muzzleloaders and single-shot rifles, the Spencer Repeating Rifle had to have seemed like a godsend. This was highlighted by a changeover in shoulder-fired weapons from smoothbore firearms that had to be loaded through the muzzle each time a shot was fired to rifled-barrel firearms, some of which loaded at the breech. In Civil War battles, infantry typically fought in a widely-spread out line, with the men using trees, rocks, buildings, etc. To reflect this longer range, the Springfield was fitted with two flip up sights, one set for 300 yards (270m) and the other for 500. The Civil War rifle was the model that John Brown used in his raid of Harpers Ferry. Here we present an antique Enfield Pattern 1853 Rifle-Musket, made in 1862 in England. The war itself not only shaped the country politically, but also spiked a rush of innovation in manufacturing. (2017). It is suggested by some that the Burnside Carbine was what vaulted Burnside the man to the upper ranks of the Union Army and on to debacles in the Battle of Fredericksburg and the Battle of the Crater. So there you have it, the top 7 most desirable Civil War guns for collectors and Civil War enthusiasts alike. Extremely rare LeMat percussion grape shot revolver. List of Civil War Rifles and Their Unique Features, Civil War Weapons: A Closer Look at History, Winchester Firearms Values of Antique Models, Civil War Weapons: An Illustrated Guide to the Wide Range of Weaponry Used on the Battlefield, Civil War Firearms: Their Historical Background and Tactical Use. Civil War Bullet Types - Pistol and Rifle Such a far-reaching war required a large collection of firearms which, in turn, relied on a vast collection of ammunition types. [7][20][21], The Springfield Model 1855 was the first standard-issue rifle for the US Army to fire the Mini ball, with 60,000 having been built from 1856 to 1860 at both the Springfield and Harpers Ferry Armory. Muzzle velocity reached 950 feet per second. Guns like these did see use and were preferred by some. This is one of the most unique Civil War guns a collector can get their hands on considering its provenance and rarity. Black powder fouled the rifling in the barrel and produced thick clouds of smoke which hung about the battlefield and obscured targets. 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272, The Struggles of a Soldier-Inventor: Capt. Table of Contents. This weapon gave the Union an advantage over the Confederate troops. Turkish evacuation plane shot at as latest cease-fire struggles in Sudan. The Model 1841 Mississippi Rifle, the progenitor of the Model 1855 and 1861 Springfield, was still used in the Civil War to a fair degree, especially by Confederate non-commissioned officers (NCOs) and sharpshooters. A type of long-range ammunition, this is what people commonly think of as a "cannon ball". United Kingdom:Yale University Press. A higher conditioned Colt Model 1851 can sell for quite a bit more such as the one we sold for $20,700 in September of 2017. Our most recent sale of a Civil War 4th Model presentation grade Burnside rifle was in our May 2019 auction. Captain James H. Burton improved the American Mini ball fired by the Springfield by hollowing the base of the soft-lead bullet. One has been a longtime priority of the committee's chairman, Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.): accelerating the delivery of about $19 billion in weapons Taiwan has already purchased. A Colt Model 1860 Army revolver, shipped to New Orleans on April 9, 1861, only three days before the Confederates attacked Fort Sumter. Conically-shaped with a hollow base, the Mini ball could be easily loaded but expanded upon firing to fit the rifling grooves. Available in Rock Island Auction Companys December Premier Auction is a 2nd Model Burnside Civil War carbine presented by Abraham Lincoln to Kentucky statesman John J. Crittenden. The seven-shot Spencer was produced in rifle and carbine versions, although the latter was more common. From the start of the war, the Colt Model 1860 Army took over as the hand gun primarily used by Union forces. Flag images indicative of country of origin and not necessarily primary operator. Bayonet fighting was also important at this time, which also made militaries reluctant to shorten the barrels. Check to see if it is still loaded. Some southern cavalry and guerrillas used shotguns but their barrels were cut off short. Most suggestions that I have received is the Whitney/Plymouth Naval rifle. This was converted from tubelock to percussion by Henry Leman of Lancaster, PA, in converted from tubelock to percussion by Henry Leman of Lancaster, PA, in late 1862 or early 1863. Again, the high level of condition shown is rare to come by with Civil War guns considering the predicted heavy use and age of the firearms. The rear sight on this one is very creative, since Leman removed the Austrian rear sight when he converted the weapons. Civil War Hats: Different Types and Where to Find Them, From reenactments to museums, you can find beautifully preserved artifacts detailing the daily lives of Americans during the Civil War. [1] Accordingly, during the first two years of the war soldiers from both sides used a wide variety of rifles, including many that were over 50 years old and were considered obsolete. Some types of rifles were regionally specific, while others were used across all arenas of the war. With an effective range of 600 paces, troops could fire three rounds per minute with an accuracy of up to 500 yards. [19], The use of more exotic types of ammunition during the Civil War is harder to confirm. Yet, Colt collectors are willing to pay even for these less functional firearms, with one recently selling at auction for $2,550. The single-shot rotating-block carbine utilized one of the breakthrough firearms technologies of the time the self-contained cartridge. The ignition source was a folded rim on the inside of the gun. One of the most popular items to collect from the annals of American history is Civil War rifles. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. Arms and Equipment of the Civil War. Napoleon normally always tried to rout opposing armies from the field after softening their line with massed artillery barrages. We buy, sell, identify, authenticate and appraise Antique Civil War and Confederate Firearms of all types, manufactured prior to 1866. What were the top long guns from the American Civil War? United Kingdom:Greenwood Press. The most widely accepted figure estimates 620,000 men lost their lives in the four years of war. The US adopted the breechloading 1866 Springfield "Trapdoor" infantry rifle built from surplus rifle-musket parts after the war. Most of the regular army was equipped with them in 1861, and the Confederates had a few thousand that had been stored in Southern arsenals.
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