florence, sc unsolved murders
And who might that mysterious suspicious somebody have been? I put myself in her familys shoes, and if something like this, something so tragic, happened to my daughter, I would want someone to be concerned. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. It did, however, complicate the investigation a bit, because Pat Moag, a law enforcement officer from Michigan, and Morgans brother, Tom, went public with their own versions of what happened. She started as a nurse extern while completing her nursing degree at Florence-Darling. Thats about the point Pats theories took a turn toward something way out there, something no one else had ever even imagined some sort of sexual dysfunction between Tom and his sister. On August 6, 2000, Wanda Evans was found dead in her home. Maybe its chocolate ice cream.Pat Moug: Well they didnt say that.Morrison: Well you dont know do you? And then he came down and said he really wanted to direct this film. And that is how Tom Morgan found himself attached to the state police poligraphy machine. And here is a version of the awkward true scene the Morgans remembered so vividly the day after Jennifer died when the real fraternity boy, Chris, came by their house and offered that theory that sounded more to the family like a cover-up. He said, You know, no matter what happens even if you solve it Tom, even if you find somebody who can solve this case doesnt bring her back.Morrison: Then why dont you just drop it?Tom Morgan: And thats when I looked at him and I said, But somethin just wont let me let go of it. And we didnt know if the person whos responsible for this couldve been sending a message, you know, kinda like, Im sorry kinda thing.Keith Morrison, Dateline correspondent: It was an apology?Sheriff Boone: An apology. Tom Morgan: No, listen to me. She was very confident she was going to get Jai.. And his story. And Sheriff Boone thinks theyre both wrongthat quite possibly the neighbor did it. This was that someone. FLORENCE, SC (WMBF) - Three-and-a-half years have passed since the bodies of two women were found brutally stabbed in Florence. I made her pure for my family. What they uncovered led back to an infamous family murder in Kansas and one very famous true crime book. This is a story about movies. It was still all roped off with caution tape and I just stood outside there for probably 15 or 20 minutes just still in disbelief and just cried. As the story progresses, the fraternity boy has an argument with Jennifer. Heres a quote from the transcript of the interrogation: I said Jennifer promise me one thing. Before long Investigator Boone had heard about Chris Woodson, too. And what did Pat Moug do? Partly because the odd things didnt stop, even after Jennifer was buried and the months began to turn into years. Pat Moug: Im on your side, but theres people out there that are telling me stuff. The young woman at the center of this tale. Tom Morgan: I went to the church. The two victims were brutally stabbed to death in 2011. And he regularly reviews the evidence and case file, hoping to find some new angle or develop a new lead. It was two nights before she died. The investigator, Kenny Boone, told them what he knew: that he saw right away the fire was so intense, it had to have had extra fuel, some sort of accelerant. Pat wasnt buying it. The fact Moug was a detective was a bonus, Tom figured. Jim Morgan: Before we ever met him, he would call 25-30 times on a Saturday when she came home from college.Kerry Morgan: Clingy, protective, stalky like he just stalked her.Morrison: How long did this go on?Jim Morgan: Six months, yeah probably six months. Morrison: When you called them, what was the response?Tom Morgan: I had called the lead investigator at the time and he would always assure me we were working on this, not a day goes by that I dont think about the case. I was not at my sisters. Mahendrabhai Omar Patel Age. He waited for the polygrapher, and an awful feeling washed over him. As time passed, approximately 13,853 of those murders were solved, leaving the state with approximately 3,868 unsolved murders in South Carolina as of the last website update. Tom Morgan: It kept me awake at night, just thinking about it and thinking about it. Time was a blur, as Jennys parents planned the funeral. HARTSVILLE, S.C. -- Author Beverly Spears discussed her new book, "Unsolved: A Murder in the Solid South," at the May meeting of the Old Darlington District Chapter of the South . Still, if you knew him it wasnt hard to see that the Ethan character was based on him. Why, he followed in the very footsteps of his quarry, Tom Morgan. An autopsy revealed there was no soot or carbon monoxide in Morgans lungs, meaning she was dead before the fire. You couldnt smell the gasoline in this mobile home. And yes, the woman who was having her baby the day Jennifer was killed. Upon further investigation, the employee found $500 missing, along with four other employees. I wish I had that chance again.Morrison: You never get those chances again do you?Tom Morgan: Nope you dont. Though he does claim Tom didnt even have the courtesy to tell him he was dumped. The Morgan family also knew about Chris Woodson. Gopaldas murder unsolved. Hed read the script and really, you know, seemed like a nice guy. Here it is. The movie about Jennifers death now had financing, and would be made. I was at a friends house in Charlotte. The detective asked one simple question: Tom Morgan: You know, Any problem taking a polygraph? No, no problem. And didnt Florence County Sheriff Kenny Boone appreciate all of Pat Mougs suggestions about what happened on that warm November day back in 1994? At the very same moment, across town, a woman in the final stages of labor is also trying to reach best friend Jennifer, whod promised to be with her for the birth: Dina Berg, friend: The line was busy. There was no police presence, said Tom. And he received a letter instead. I figured that there would absolutely be no resolve.Morrison: So that the investigation was what?Jim Morgan: It was botched. This, it seemed to Pat, justified his suspicions. Ill forget about it you could have done that why didnt you?Pat Moug: I firmly believed that Tom was a suspect. And then, said Tom, he virtually collapsed, went numb, cried. Chris Woodsons real-life identity was never revealed in the movie. Very ambitious. I think she sat down on the couch had opened a book, set a drink down on top of a coaster on a coffee table.Morrison: Cause theyre there.Sheriff Boone: We found those things. Jennifer: what? Boone sent the body to the forensic pathologist. as if he was actually right there when it happened. But she told us simply this: As far as she remembers, there never was any milky white substance. Keith Morrison, Dateline correspondent: What was the thing that got you obsessed?Tom Morgan: I felt like we knew who did it. If Tom killed his sister, then according to Pat, Jennifers own father and her other brother may have helped cover up the murder by dousing her body in gasoline and setting it on fire. Ethan: (faintly) okay. So now, the waiting game started up again. 310 S. Dargan Street Florence, SC 29506 . Pat Moug: If you knew information about a murder and no one wanted to help you, you should get up on a podium in Central ParkMorrison: Should go to the local police department and say I have info which could help you resolve this crime?Pat Moug: And then what do you do when they wont listen to you? But what about a motive? His name is David Deitz. It was the last night Scott saw Jennifer, at her trailer, when Chris showed up. How dare I be upset or be mad about it? South Carolina Crime Stoppers View Source Square with arrow pointing upper right. Id love to be able to solve it.. Working on it. Ryan had just returned . There You Have It - The Places With The Most Murders In South Carolina For 2021. So what about that milky white substance he says the sheriff told him was found in Jennifers body, which was at the heart of Pats suggestion that Jennifers death could have been caused by some inappropriate sexual event involving Tom? Why would a woman likely fighting for her life hold on to a thing like that? Audience member: Were you able to verify any of his so-called alibis?Pat Moug: Well, the lastwell, the last alibiI did not. As for the business of not yet being fully eliminated as a suspect, Chris is reported to have told a friend "Im tough, I can take it. Morrison: Did you watch him?Tom Morgan: Chris reaction was very stoic, really expressionless, and as I would speak to my relatives he would walk over to where we were all standing and get close to where we were almost trying to overhear conversation. Surely an interesting question. Angry now, Tom fired off a legal request - a demand, really - to see whatever evidence the state police had. Does anybody suspect me? I dont.Morrison: Why would it be white? And, remember how Pat ferreted out Tom Morgans fudging about his movements around the time his sister was killed? South Carolina is loaded with history and ghostly tales of suspense. But Pat Moug was right about one thing: Kenny Boone did not cooperate with a fellow police officerthe one from Livonia, Michigan. Pat Moug: They can say whatever they want to me. And, I think that he caused her death possibly. The old policemans trick of using a lie to get at the truth. Over what, Im not exactly sure. The air seems different. Hooked me all up.Morrison: That day?Tom Morgan: Right then.Morrison: What does that feel like?Tom Morgan: I felt ok, good check me off the list. He didnt seem thrilled to be in front of our camera again. The watch, Boone discovered, had been a gift from Scott Snowden. All rights reserved. A cop zeroes in Ethan Im gonna catch the person who did this. Pat Moug: The detective from Florence county would not return any of my calls. All along, something Tom told Pat had made him very suspicious. He didnt work night and day on this case like we did. She worked as nurse at McLeod Hospital and was raising her toddler son, Jai, at home in the Country Club of South Carolina. Tom Morgan: One of the first questions to them was whyd you pick this whyd you pick this case now? You know, does this mean something?. Discuss Florence, South Carolina (SC) on our hugely popular South Carolina forum. Because, says Pat, of something he saw in Toms fictional movie script. Deitz: I guess thats one of lifes little lessons Ive learned from her death is you never know whether youll have an opportunity to express to a them how you feel about them. What is it your mom said? Why? We cut the carpet and picked it up. Two men. A mother has been trying to phone her daughter, her daughter Jennifer, at the mobile home park which was her off-campus residence. I think Jenny had gotten something to drink. Tom Morgan: Sounded good with me. He believes, he says, that his is an effort to right a wrong. In the small town of Florence, Montana, a nail and hair salon stood alone off the side of Highway 93. . Why did he suspect that, behind Toms very public crusade for justice, lurked a killer? Where we can interview you. And when he brought the young man in for questioning, his suspicions only intensified. Professors proved he was three hours away at his college the morning of the Jennifers death. And lo and behold the detective has this milky white substance in the vagina.Morrison: But arent you taking two and two and coming up with five?Pat Moug: No, I dont think so. She was like what? These days Chris, the one-time fraternity boy, owns a radio station here in union, South Carolina. Scotts sister Dina knew someone, a fraternity boy named Chris. Still, Toms suspicion of what really happened to his sister did come true. For example, the conversation with Tom. I was offended, because I worked very hard on this case. A fictional tale to point an accusing finger toward truth. Cold cases and unsolved crimes in Florence, SC. This makes him jealous. And then the director took over, and made some more changes. Shed of fought back. I got nothing to hide. For two days, police and citizen volunteers searched the area for the missing workers. Finally I had gotten someones attention. And all the while, though Tom was utterly unaware of it, the man once pegged to direct his movie was now working against him. After all, Pat had put together material that implied without much subtlety that Tom had killed his sister and that Toms father and brother helped cover up the crime by burning her body. It was absorbed in the carpet. 423-8616 or the state Crime Stoppers hotline at (888) CRIME SC (274-6372). Keith Morrison, Dateline correspondent: How would you describe the way theyre treating you?Tom Morgan: From where I grew up you would call it being slapped around.Morrison: Bullied.Tom Morgan: yeahMorrison: What motivation would they have to bully you except to find the truth?Tom Morgan: Maybe this is where the rubber meets the road and they think you know what? So he took his frustration to the next level of law enforcement, the state police. Hed found milk jugs scattered about, which smelled not of milk, but of gasoline. But far from being botched, as both the Morgans and Pat Moug seemed to think, The sheriff says his investigation was quite thorough and that he looked pretty carefully at the suspect Tom Morgan made into a character in his fictional movie, the real-life frat boy, Chris Woodson, who seemed to be obsessed with Jennifer. As far as she knew, her whole lifetime was spread out ahead of her. The film ends with some wishful thinking by Tom. I did ask her that question and she said no, Patel responded. Mahendrabhai Omar Patel Age. At least now in this unconventional way, Tom had put all of his suspicions and the evidence he thought had been overlooked out there in public for all to see. Tom Morgan: I told everybody I moved down here after my sister died. If it takes everybody in this country being mad at me to get justice for this girl, so be it. But not yet, in spite of all thats happened, not yet. Scott Snowden: I gave it to her as a gift for Christmas, maybe her birthday. Snowden: It was awfully odd for her to leave campus in the middle of the day like that during her classes to come home. They initially thought the fire was the result of an electrical problem but soon realized the blaze had several points of origin. And Charlotte was just a 2 and a half hour drive from the scene of the crime. Did you kill Jennifer Morgan? This database currently consists of unsolved homicides from 50 Florida counties, 46 U.S. states, and 3 international countries. Its a family just as close as it says its always been. Tom suggested those were left by his suspect, Chris Woodson. Tom Morgan: They took all of the sweaters out of the car, put them all underneath her bed, and doused those with gasolinein addition to dousing her body. A good video, suggested Pat, could attract investors. Chris told Boone he argued with Jennifer about their relationship and left her trailer about 10:30 the night before her death. Also, there was the way Tom talked about the weather on the day of the murder. And when they were finished he sat waiting, somewhat impatiently, to be dismissed. Additional counties and states will be added to this database as time and funding permit. It was still going on, they said, the weekend before Jennifers death as the family gathered for an early Thanksgiving. The murders of John Timmons, 56, Tion Gore, 37, and Shannon Gainey, 25, on Cromer Lane in Florence County on August 16, 2010, still remain unsolved.Florence County deputies were called to the home on Cromer Lane around 5 p.m. that evening after neighbors f Tom is now happily married and father to three members of the new generation. I made her pure for my parents. Tom Morgan: They were very good at putting me at ease, talking about the fact that we know that you know a lot about this case, we know that you know probably more than anybody about this case. The ratio of all residents to sex offenders in Florence is 1,154 to 1. And we had - for years - been asking some, well, difficult questions. The allegations had been couched words like suspicion, avoiding direct accusations. There were approximately 17,721 homicides in South Carolina between 1980 and 2019, according to the Project: Cold Case website for unsolved homicide statistics. With technology and stuff like it is today, you never know. We have worked so hard (emotional) to try and keep this in the forefront of peoples minds. It wasnt his harping about the police that had him in a polygraphers clutches. If youre Pat Moug, you make a movie. And angry, said Toms dad, that police would consider his son a suspect based on what Jim Morgan claimed were Pats lies. Pat showed his tapes to some of his fellow cops in Livonia, Michigan. He had left, he says, feeling like a suspect but not knowing why. Tom Morgan: I remember that day. Pat Moug: Were you already back in Michigan? On December 19, 1959, the entire Walker family was brutally murdered in their home in Osprey, Florida. Instead, his interview clips and charts and speculations boiled down to this: Pat Moug: I think he went there. I would go to the gym and I would lift weights and I would run and I would do all of these things to just try and exhaust myself in hopes that night I would be able to sleep and not think about God what happened that day?. And soon they had their answer: Tau Kappa Epsilon, a new and small fraternity then at Francis Marion. And to try and keep this investigation going for her sake. (from Bold as a Lion)Tom: Thats the kind of person she was. Morgans murder has never been solved, and even two decades later, now the top law man in Florence County, Boone still thinks about the case. IE 11 is not supported. And as many independent films do, you know, never came. I moved down here after she died, guess what I didnt, I moved down here in f in October. Of course Tom had not forgotten this was the same state police agency which once admitted it lost the file on the murder years before. Well the man thats there is Tom Morgan. She was just that kind of kid, you were just drawn to her. Investigator Boone alerted the polygrapher. One year after the murders, all charges in the case were dropped. Morrison: What did it seem like he was doing?Kerry Morgan: Wanted to know if anybody thought he did it. Explore. Pat Moug: I wanna thank everybody for coming out. I could see it on him that he was jealous butMorrison: What do you mean you could see it on him?Snowden: Hes like, What are you doing here? and hes just jealous, doesnt like another guy over at this girlfriends house.Morrison: He looked territorial, sort of?Snowden: Yeah. And he even interviewed Tom about the murder itself, about the movie project and about fundraising. If you're looking at the places in South Carolina with the most murders, and where residents have the highest chances of being killed themselves, this is an accurate list. Whatever.Behind the Scenes. A great guy. Kenny Boone and his investigators swooped hopefully into the newspaper office and discovered the ad had been placed by a local DJ hoping to save his own romance with a different Jennifer altogether. But, as we took a stroll through Jennifers woodsy trailer park, the sheriff gave us some graphic reasoning for his view that the murderer was none of the suspects youve heard about, but someone else altogether. Tom Morgan: I mean just the momentum kind of got behind this thing. It was a friendly crowd for the premiere screening of Pat Mougs film Bold as a Lion offered enthusiastic praise for Pats efforts. This, he was convinced, would not be so hard to solve. It just didnt make sense. The City-Data.com crime index weighs serious crimes and violent crimes more heavily. Youre screwed. But early on it didnt look like that precaution would be needed. He goes in and he kills her. Deitz: I stuck it right there at the front right beside her first name. Tom Morgan: And he said your sister died today in a fire and I dont want you to come home until tomorrow and he hung up the phone. Fifteen international film festivals asked to screen Among Brothers and in the end, the little independent made with the directors second mortgage got a distribution deal. The story was based on fact, but Tom had made some significant changes to real events and added lots of speculation. FLORENCE, SC (WBTW) - Thursday marks 20 years since Wanda Evans and Paul Coats were both found dead, and the case remains unsolved. Is part of the reason its hard for you because you actually did it? Boone and other arson investigators didnt immediately suspect foul play. Unless there was a break or something.Morrison: Its not something she wouldve normally done?Snowden: Its not something she normally wouldve done. Florence County, SC Area Cold Cases Crime Map Trends Analytics Cold Cases Missing Persons Daily Archive Name Janice Wessinger Age 47 Cause of Death Homicide Info Homicide Agency South Carolina Crime Stoppers View Source Name Christopher Jordan Age 23 Cause of Death Murder Info Murdered Agency South Carolina Crime Stoppers View Source Name Morrison: In your circumstances, this new wrinkle has entered the scene. On his way, said Tom, he stopped at the trailer park where his sister had died. The murders of teen sweethearts Lloyd Duane Bogle and Patricia Kalitzke had gone unsolved for more than 60 years. The melted television and a few pieces of jewelry left behind, fused by the heat, seemed to rule out robbery. The Monster of Florence (Italian: Il Mostro di Firenze) is the name commonly used by the Italian media for an unidentified serial killer active within the Province of Florence between 1968 and 1985. Pat Moug: I believe that a police officer from another state should be able to work with police officers in other states to take a murderer off the street. Odd that after that long a period of time that someone would come and obviously felt this tremendous remorse, or whatever their feelings were, would have to come back to the gravesite and put this under their headstone. And yet authorities simply sent the watch to Jennifers mother. {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}, Independent Contractor (Newspaper Carrier), Delmae Elementary principal paraded around for 70th birthday, Canada makes new contract offer to striking public workers, Scott Cook no longer East Clarendon A.D., has re-applied to remain football coach, One person injured in Sunday afternoon Florence crash, Wilson High School engineering students place first in international competition, Head-on collision kills four in Marion County, Vera Nicole Godwin, RN, BS, McLeod Regional Medical Center Day Hospital, Kara Hanley, BSN, McLeod Regional Medical Center Cardiovascular Surgery, Trinity Collegiate announces junior marshals, ushers, Concert highlights similarities between Lake City, Canadian town, Florence police investigate South Irby Street shooting, State championship coach Southard set for Saturday reunion at West Florence, Trinity Collegiate baseball coach Michael Rogers wants to retire on high note, Coward manhunt ends in arrest of man wanted by Delaware, Mattel introduces first Barbie doll representing a person with Down syndrome, Ukrainian soldiers get targeted by rockets while digging trenches near Bakhmut, Scientists launch new study into humans after realizing spiders lose eyesight due to malnutrition, Analysis: Mom and pop safe as First Republic Bank fails, Biden vows banking system is 'safe and sound'. So, had the state police decided to teach him a lesson? Where is she? He indicated to me that he did not remember telling Tom Morgan any of these facts. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. That this staged event at the murder scene isand the ring is possibly staged.Morrison: Did you ever ask Tom about that?Pat Moug: No. Toms theory? Tom Morgan watched a local production team piece together his story - Toms fictional imagining - of the murder of his little sister Jennifer. Morrison: That was what initially tweaked your suspicion?Moug: Yes. Crime in Florence, South Carolina (SC): murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, burglaries, thefts, auto thefts, arson, law enforcement employees, police officers, crime map All Cities South Carolina, South Carolina smaller cities, South Carolina small towns Florence main page US Crime Crime rate in Florence, South Carolina (SC) Chris Woodson. When I read his script. Morrison: Its your suspicion that Tom is stagingPat Moug: My suspicion is that its connected. Ill just say that.Morrison: Was there a guard around the place?Jim Morgan: No, I was told they would be guarding and watching the property, but there was no one around. But who would have wanted to kill Jennifer? The guys perfect. She was previously a Nurse Extern in the Med, Kara Hanley has worked with McLeod Health for six years. But to Pat, Toms story about the way he was told took on a completely different meaning. How do you like your 15 minutes of fame.Morrison: So far. Anyone who may have information on this case should call 1-888-CRIME-SC. You might believe that Morrison: In fact youve got nothingPat Moug: I dont agree with that. I was just like this isnt right. You know, question his authority? First Pat implies Tom may have launched some sort of sexual attack on his sister. Then, because a couple of accomplices to the crime in Toms fictional movie script seemed to resemble Toms father and brother, Pat suggests that the real father and brother may have helped burn Jennifers body. RightrightSheriff Boone: At the time I think the fire was set, right before it was called in at 12:28.Morrison: So, if that was a deliberately set fire, you can put him right hereSheriff Boone: I can put him in this street. Yes, and somehow larger than life. Its important to me, Boone said. I wasnt there. Somebody had left a bracelet, and a fraternity ring at the headstone. Still, hes not giving up hope. Kerry Morgan: I am totally a mother hen, I will fight tooth and nail, I will go to the wall for this. And then the second the advanced class is like a two-day seminar.Morrison:Then what? Another time, investigators thought someone named Barney had acknowledging his guilt in an ad placed in The Sun News newspaper in Myrtle Beach. For it to happen so early in the morning it shows that it mustve been somebody she knew. It wasnt at all surprising, said Boone, that Tom seemed to know things about the crime that perhaps only the killer would have known. A whole list of suspicions for one thing, his obsessive phone calls, almost like a stalker, they felt. Subscribe to our Daily Headlines newsletter. In the audience, her parents and older sister. But not before they searched the Internet to identify the fraternity that issued such a distinctive ring. I can see it is. Is it gonna be tomorrow? Pat Moug, the actor-cop from Livonia, Michigan is out there with his own cinematic point of view that Tom may have killed his sweet sister, helped out by his own father and brother. Boone was so suspicious, he put a polygrapher on standby, then started his interrogation. But then, with his investigators instinct engaged, he came up with his plan to follow his suspicions. And, it worked. You have your friends, your health, and then you make one bad decision, one. Jennifers grave itself seemed to be throwing up strange, tantalizing clues. By now, Tom had spent well over a decade trying to get police to investigate his sisters 1994 killing. I think they wanted to base a movie on my case file, Boone said. Or a DVD. Here, Pat seems to have caught Tom, as he tries not to reveal that hes been lying about his moving date from Michigan. How often do you get updates? He would and did not. Investigator Boone confirmed Snowden couldnt have been the killer. Get Alerts Map; Browse By State; Submit a Crime Tip Square with arrow pointing upper right. Snowden: We knew the distance would be a strain on the relationship. There would be two movies, remember twin parades of hope and folly. Investigators claimed to have linked his father to the crime scene, too. Well how about ice cream? But what about that failed lie detector test? He was no longer the brother campaigning for justice, the nagging critic of the police investigation. And now he decided he really would make a documentary. It was time to take that test. As the interview continued, Pat heard other suspicious statements. You know that was a red flag and we just werent sure. And he said, we can arrange tointerview some people that knew my sister too.Morrison: So he was keen on being interviewed.Pat Moug: Yes. Jennifer, it read, I hope that you will be able to forgive me. Tom, the budding screenwriter, still doesnt believe the sheriff and still suspects the fraternity boyfriend. But when they missed connecting with family on Saturday, June 25, 2011, Florence County deputies were sent to the home for a welfare check. And able to laugh again, though the gaping hole left by Jennifers death is, they tell us, just as painful as ever, along with the newer wound that comes from being accused. And they believed Jennifer must have been attacked by someone she knew. Finally. This person who was so in love with her would come and instead of shedding one tear or even saying Im so sorry. It wasnt even political. He had made an independent film, directed and starred in it himselfa movie called The Ugly One.. Tom Morgan: Then were sitting and waiting for funding.
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