fishtail palm poisonous to dogs
I poisoned myself cleaning Adonidia seeds a few weeks ago and spent the better part of a week in the hospital. Identification: Short trunk and grows to 30 feet or so. The seeds have the greatest concentration of cycasin and are therefore the most poisonous part of the plant. Lime juice might help, or lemon juice. Apart from these, the king palm tree seeds and royal palm tree seeds are also not suggested if you have a dog at home. The sap can also be fermented. There are over a hundred varieties, some of which resemble palms. Ingestion of even a small amount of the plant can cause serious effects. When you are snowbound, look at a healthy indoor palm that will transport you thousands of miles to the sun and sandy beaches of the tropics. Burro's Tail or Sedum morganianum is a great trailing succulent to have, predominantly due to it's easy-care nature. I tasted it and then I popped it into my mouth and started to strip the fruit off with my teeth and spit out the seed (ironically, the edible part). With its stiff fronds, the sago palm looks like a tiny palm tree and can live indoor or outdoor. The fleshy seeds and leaves are also poisonous. Book a 1-to-1 video callwith Joe Bagley, the website's friendly author, to overcome and address your niggling problem! No doubt your cat has similar thoughts. Calathea are one of the most interesting pet-friendly plants to have around the house, due to the movement of leaves at night. The fruits comprise acidic oxalic acid, which can inflame the skin when it comes in contact. Fishtail palm (Caryota mitis) is a large palm that is native to the Caribbean, Central America, and South America. METHOD OF PREPARATION: Sap is boiled into a syrup or fermented into wine or a spirit. Magnolia comes to mind. Even in its tiniest form, every part of the plant is toxic to man and beast, the seeds being the most toxic part. The primary product of the genus is a sugar substitute called kitul honey or jaggery. These pets may also need Vitamin K1, plasma transfusions, or dextrose in their fluids to keep blood glucose levels stable. They're so stunning that they almost. It is harmful to the dogs. It is a slow-growing plant that can grow to 15 feet outdoors. Spikes and thorns of varying lengths form on the fronds and even the fruit. Especially if you have a dog at home. I was just thinking to myself how cool it would be if hey were actually delicious and no one knows because of their recent discovery. If you have doubts about any plant you want in your yard or indoors as a houseplant, check it out first. So please write me the best way to remove the pulp from the seeds? The moment they try to rub it off seals their fate. Activated charcoal should only be administered by a veterinarian. Fishtail palms contain calcium oxalate crystals, which are toxic to pets and people. Chamaedorea Elegans Commonly called "Parlor Palm". Leaves are used for animal fodder, being 2% protein and 9.3% fiber. What are the Anthurium Roots Above the Soil? Dangerous palm look-alikes that cats should stay away from The Sago 'Palm', also known as the Coontie or Cardboard Palm, is not a palm but a cycad. Foxtail palms, fruit, seeds, and leaves are all toxic, and can kill your pets if ingested. It is advised to handle this palm with gloves and exercise caution. Prevent exposure and avoid foxtail plant-infested areas. The Queen Palm you can encounter in backyards and parks because of its beautiful tropical foliage. They are more compact than the more popular palms and are non-toxic. The tree is native to China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the Philippines. If consumed, they will cause abdominal distress. Daniel has been a plant enthusiast for over 20 years. Their overriding property is their ability to absorb ammonia in the air. I have four trees in my garden in Kathmandu , Nepal. Am still pretty sure these are NOT toxic fruits, but am not about to go out and gobble some down just to prove it. TIME OF YEAR: Fruits after 15 to 25 years then continuously until it dies. Shrubs That Are Poisonous to Dogs Azalea and Rhododendron: Used in landscaping and found in the wild, the entire genus is extremely dangerous for dogs. Chocolate is poisonous to dogs, onions and garlic to cats. Otherwise, aspiration into the lungs and life-threatening changes in sodium levels may occur. Toxicity: Non-Toxic to Dogs, Non-Toxic to Cats. Scientifically known as Wodyetia bifurcata, it has been widely used for landscape gardening. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals lists sago palm as being toxic to dogs, cats and horses. Eating even a few leaves can cause. The seeds have to be cleaned of all pulp and then the kernel removed. However, for unprotected children and pets, fishtail palms are a health hazard. They could be placed near the cat litter tray and do away with any unpleasant odors. Orchids (most are non toxic) Osmanthus spp. This may mean keeping sago palms off of your house plant list. There are many things to keep in mind while having dogs as pets. This can be done via a video or audio call on most apps, including Facebook, FaceTime & Skype. Luckily, I was at an event with a medical tent 20 yards away and walked right there, and within a few minutes they had given me a Benadryl and began rubbing my skin with anti itch cream. However, I did come across a blog inwhich, an individual did taste some of the fleshy fruit of the foxtail palm with no harmful symptoms. What delusions of grandeur are brought to the fore when you establish a palmate jungle in your living room? It is advised that you contact a vet immediately if you suspect the cat has eaten any leaves and is exhibiting any symptoms. Do Ponytail Palms Flower? It has a large, untidy stem and relatively few stiff, prickly fronds which point upward. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); If you're the owner of a new dog,congratulations! The cardboard palm propagates only through its bright red seeds (most toxic part). Sago palms are not actually palms but cycads, which have existed on Earth for more than 150 million years. Some retail outlets and plant nurseries sell plants with warning labels, but not all do. The popular coontie palm (Zamia furfuracea) is also not a palm but a cycad, and can cause similarly serious damage when eaten by pets. Does anyone know ofa medical/botanical paper on the subject that has been peer reviewed? You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Donkey's tail, a succulent (common names: horse's tail, burro's tail, lamb's tail) Parlor palm (common names: miniature fish tail dwarf palm, good luck palm, bamboo palm) Spider plant (common names: ribbon plant, Anthericum, spider ivy) Swedish ivy. Parlor Palm. Some dogs may eat grass, including foxtail grass, to induce vomiting if their stomach is upset, while others may simply enjoy the taste of the grass. Severely affected animals that survive may have permanent liver damage. All rights reserved. (slipper orchid) Its very nice, like sweet potato. Included in these is the ever-popular, Monstera Deliciosa. By providing my mobile number, I agree to receive 2-4 text messages per month from the ASPCA, which may include requests for charitable donations. And there are lots of seeds from two years back. The effects of saponin poisoning are similar to those of the cyasin in Sago Palms. The fruit of the Caryotas or Fishtail palm is smaller but toxic enough to cause skin irritation when handled without gloves or tramped on barefoot. Again, you should completely avoid having this palm with dogs around. Michelle Wishhart is a writer based in Portland, Ore. She has been writing professionally since 2005, starting with her position as a staff arts writer for City on a Hill Press, an alternative weekly newspaper in Santa Cruz, Calif. An avid gardener, Wishhart worked as a Wholesale Nursery Grower at Encinal Nursery for two years. The Dog Poison Health Guide urges you to contact the Pet Poison Helpline at 800-213-6680, or contact the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) Poison Helpline at 888-426-4435. If consumed, they will cause abdominal distress. Sago palms are poisonous to pets, but the seeds (nuts) are the most toxic, and pets are more likely to . North Carolina State University states that. Cant be true! When ingested in large quantities (any part of the plant), it can harm the liver and neurological system permanently. Are Foxtail palm seeds poisonous to dogs? Donald Trump did something to hurt someone? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The seed kernel is edible, however. 9. It's a collection of some common non-toxic plants safe for cats and dogs. The Christmas star is known as Euphorbia pulcherrima, Are snake plants toxic to cats? This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Some gardeners believe that trimming the seed pods of a palm tree will make the tree grow faster, but this is simply an urban legend. Read on to find out as a responsible pet owner. Though the processed flour from the stem pith is sometimes eaten by humans in islands in the Western Pacific, it is poisonous if not prepared correctly due to the presence of glycosides and the amino acid BMAA. Urens means "stinging" and the fruit does contain a chemical that does sting. Tall and elegant, this pet-safe plant thrives in indirect light and tolerates shadier spots too. When ingested, the dog can be paralyzed or killed. If you suspect your dog may have eaten a cycad or any other poisonous plant, dont wait to "see what happens": Call your vet or the emergency veterinary clinic immediately. Avoid touching your eyes after handling the fruit. Unfortunately, death may occur when severe signs are present or when treatment is delayed. 3 The Sago Palm seeds and nuts have a toxin cycasin that is poisonous to humans and animals and can kill a dog hours after More. This Will Surprise You! The fishtail palm and its berries are toxic to dogs and cats due to it containing calcium oxalate crystals. The early symptoms are excessive dehydration, and the dog can gradually suffer from liver and kidney failure, leading to paralysis. In other words, they neutralize the smell of kitty litter. Leaves Curling Inward 7 Possible Causes & How to Fix It, Mars Hydro VG80 Seedling LED Grow Light Review, 11 Worst Signs of Anthurium Root Rot Fix Anthurium Root Rot. Their fronds are thinner and lighter, but they still grow tall and are non toxic to cats and dogs. Comments or questions about this site, or for permission to use photos and information. Known to be the most poisonous palm after sago, ingestion of any part of the cardboard palm can be highly toxic to the dog. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: Poisonous Plants, Dog Health Guide: Guide to Dog Poisonous Plants. Cornell University recommends adding bran flakes or increasing the amount of vegetable fiber in your dog's diet to help curb this habit. Below is the list of the scientific names of various toxic palms to avoid if you have pets. Toxicity: Non-Toxic to Dogs, Non-Toxic to Cats. From your cats viewpoint, the trunk may be attractive as a scratching post, but the leaves are prickly and largely stationary, so would not have any allure. Thankfully, most palms that are commercially available are less of a danger to your cat than it is to them. Monstera deliciosa is a highly popular houseplant with beautiful, Ponytail Palms (Beaucarnea recurvata) make great houseplants. Family: Polypodaceae. 1 The foxtail palms fruits, bark, and front contain toxins 2 while the fishtail palm (Caryota Mitis) has Oxalic acid and needlelike crystals that cause itching and skin reactions. The shell of it came off like a liche, and the fruit that surrounds the seed is delicious. Several palms -- or rather, palm lookalikes -- are actually very poisonous plants for dogs. prickly fronds which point upward. http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/58118/: My photos at flickr: flickr.com/photos/palmeir/albums. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavor to find an answer regarding this matter. Urens means stinging and the fruit does contain a chemical that does sting. It is not a given that the poison will cause death, but it is best to consult a vet as soon as possible. The tree has a spread of 16 feet and can reach a height of 10 feet, with dark olive, fishtail-shaped leaves that can grow to 8 feet in length. According to the Pet Poison Helpline, the most dangerous of these is the King sago palm, or sago . Picking foxtail palm seeds is best when the seeds are unblemished and overripe, as very ripe seeds are more likely to germinate. Palmetto, Florida (10a) and Tampa, Florida (9b/10a). Click here to view our new store, including everything from indoor potting mixes to moss pole hooks. Renee Schmid, DVM & Ahna Brutlag, DVM, MS, DABT, DABVT Pet Poison Helpline; Lynn Buzhardt, DVM. 3) Apricot Tree, Prunus armeniaca. Family: Palmae. Read on to find out. I can find absolutely NOTHING about this from the toxic plant sites or palm sites either it is a brand new finding, or more likely, a case of mistaken identity anyone heard of Wodyetia seeds being toxic? Queen palm fallen on a parked car (left)- planted in too wet soil too shallowly; right shows a Caryota gigas getting tall enough to do some serious damage should it just decide to fall over. Foxtails can cause serious infections that may become fatal. To find your specific plant easier, either click on the 'Share' button & press 'Find On Page' with phones, or via Control F on computers (Command F on Apple Mac). Examples include the Pheonix and Washingtonia or Mexican Fan Palm. Only mature fruits should be selected and they should be dried if being stored. If bleeding occurs, oxygen supplementation or a blood transfusion may be needed. Neither site will qualify as a fully credible source. In addition to the signs above, pets with liver damage may have dark urine, yellow coloration of the eyes or skin (icterus), an enlarged abdomen, increased drinking and urination or discolored feces. All it takes is to pull a berry, gently squeeze it until a drop of the juice oozes from the part that was attached to the stem, then surreptitiously smear that liquid on someones skin. Plants Non-Toxic to Dogs. Then soak for 48 to 72 hours to loosen the pulp and be sure to change the water daily. In temperate climates seed trays should be heated to 32 degrees Celsius. The razor-sharp leaves can inflict serious injury to human and animal flesh. Although Aloe vera is great medically, eating raw sections of the leaves could result in poisoning, especially for dogs & cats. When I was a kid a long, long, long time ago, the school had plenty of these palm trees. Pachystachys lutea (lollipop plant, golden shrimp plant) Paphiopedilum spp. Depending on where you live, one may be the choice to have palms in your yard. It contains eugenol which is toxic to dogs. By Common name: Fishtail palm Botanical name: Caryota species (most common species Caryota mitis, Caryota urens) Other common names: Clustered fishtail palm, solitary fishtail palm Family: Arecaceae General description: A group of distinctive palms comprising about twelve different species grown as tub or garden ornamentals. Amazing! All parts of the sago palm are poisonous, but the seeds (nuts) are the most toxic to pets and are easier for pets to eat than the prickly fronds. This is it! Copyright 2007-2018 This web page is the property of Green Deane, LLC. IDENTIFICATION: Fronds resemble fish tails. Pachystachys lutea (lollipop plant, golden shrimp plant) Paphiopedilum spp. All rights reserved.The ASPCA is a 501(c)(3) non-for-profit organization. Terms & Conditions / Privacy Policy, 2023American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Powdery Mildew Disease Identification, Control, Prevention. Nevertheless, if ingested, its berries can cause dogs severe discomfort and even death, so be careful when choosing specimens for your yard as well as potted palms for decorating your home's interior. (So perhaps not a stretch that another palm might be toxic ?). Affiliate of Mars Inc. 2023 | Copyright VCA Animal Hospitals all rights reserved. They do eat palm fronds. Once vomiting is controlled, activated charcoal may be administered. guess I need to find a volunteer. Check your dogs coat after every walk for foxtails. Often the botanical name of a species tells you nothing about the plant. Sago palms are one of these plants. There are many references to the toxicity of Foxtail Palm. Be careful folks and keep an eye on the furry friends. Text STOP to opt-out, HELP for more info. Please consider supporting this service to keep ukhouseplants thriving! We had a Dalmatian that was clogged up from a raquet ball. The stems are covered with small oval trichomes. Do they know that there is a large seed inside of the foxtail fruit? Clinical signsSigns of poisoning may occur as early as 15 minutes following ingestion, although in some cases, signs may not appear for several hours. Elephant's Bush - Portulacaria Elephant Ears - Alocasia, Colocasia, Leucocasia, Remusatia & Xanthosoma English Ivy Euphorbia (African Milk Bush, etc.) All you do is pick them when theyre ripe as the seeds will be more likely to germinate. Text STOP to opt-out, HELP for more info. That said, the kernel of the fruit is edible but it has to be cleaned completely of the stinging outer flesh. Sago Palm Sago palms are toxic to all pets and the symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, liver failure, and potentially death, says Laura Stern, DVM, DABVT, director of client programs for the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center. Unfortunately, Dracaena are also poisonous due to its resinous sap which causes nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea if digested. Other medications such as liver protectants and Vitamin C may also be given. Tip. Be the first to rate this post. Antacids, anti-nausea medications and gastrointestinal protectants are commonly administered. Sarah Moore has been a writer, editor and blogger since 2006. Ingestion of even a small amount of the plant can cause serious effects. The seeds and nuts of sago are the most toxic parts of the palm. You can also call it Caryota, Caryota mitis, or just a Fishtail Palm. Although the spiky exterior should deter any curious cat, some have been known to ignore these obvious cues and climb up palms or forage in the fallen leaves. They contain cyasin, a carcinogenic and neurotoxic substance, that induces vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and liver failure. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The growing tip of C. urens is edible as is the heart and young leaf shoots cooked. Coontie palm can be found in USDA zones 9 to 11. The leaves from the sago palm can cause severe damage to the liver and potentially death when they are ingested by dogs. Dogs can eat palm nuts, but with extreme caution. All rights reserved.The ASPCA is a 501(c)(3) non-for-profit organization. Palm is a big tree with toxic fruit that can cause a severe allergic skin reaction. Is Monstera Deliciosa Toxic to Cats? Bay leaves can cause excess salivation, vomiting and kidney failure. No way!!!! The growing tip of the palm is also edible as is the palm heart. However urens does enlighten, Caryota urens specifically. Heavy palm fruit also poses a danger. It came on within 15 seconds of spitting out the seed. These beautiful plants may not be worth the danger they present to your pets. I spent about 10 or 15 minutes lightly rubbing my skin constantly because of the stinging itches as the medicine gradually took the sensation away. The sheathing leaf bases provide a strong fiber for brushes. Available on iMessage, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger & more. 3 The Sago Palm seeds and nuts have a toxin cycasin that is poisonous to humans and animals and can kill a dog hours after More Which are the palms that are poisonous and how can they harm your dog? So so strong, in fact, it could kill a goat, dog, or cow. Gastrointestinal irritation is very common. Is Chamaedorea Cataractarum Toxic to Cats? If you are unsure whether or not your dog has ingested a poisonous plant, call one of the major nationwide, 24/7 animal poison hotlines for help with identifying the pet's symptoms. Is organic formula better than regular formula? The water that is soaked in can be used as a strong poison. Foxtail Palm These seeds are poisonous and can even kill your family dog if ingested. Are Snake Plants Toxic To Cats? A single seed exists inside each mature fruit. By providing my mobile number, I agree to receive 2-4 text messages per month from the ASPCA, which may include requests for charitable donations. Dont some folks also make jewelry out of the mature dried seeds? A bored cat will see the fronds as playthings. Fatsia japonica - Japanese Aralia One of the odd thing about the genus is when it fruits the trunk the fruit is on dies. Theyre a firm favorite to grow as a, The beautiful flowers of the Hibiscus are very appealing. I immediately noticed a light stinging in my mouth, but not bad. Bright red foxtail palm fruit, about the size of small tomatoes, grow in large clusters, with a single seed in each mature fruit. As young plants, they develop defense mechanisms against predatory animals. The sooner you get treatment, the greater your pet's likelihood of survival. 'Houseplant Potting Mix'. We are sorry that this post was not useful for you! Do you have any sources? As a forager I am used to being told this or that species is toxic. They contain a bitter substance called saponin which, fortunately, causes the leaves to be unpalatable. The outcome depends on many factors including the initial health of the pet, amount ingested, and time to treatment. fortunately he is planting this type of trees to block our houses, and day light in our back yards. These include sago, foxtail, cardboard, and fishtail. Caryota urens is the Fishtail Palm, so called because the bi-pinnated leaves resemble the back end of a fish. Scientific Name: Chamaedorea elegans. If you need further advice with your houseplants, book an advice call with ukhouseplants' friendly and expert writer today! When I had a Queen Palm, my dog used to eat the ripe seeds constantly. Wood is used to make spears and used like gutters or pipes to carry water. Nighttime temperatures should never go below 45F (7.2C). That said, if youre intent on propagating your foxtail palm, its easy to harvest the seeds. The seeds, however are shiny oval objects that could spark curiosity. Hospitalized care is often needed. Not just the seeds and bark, but the entire palm is toxic. Here's our list of non-poisonous plants for pets. I had passed out and fallen twice at home prior to having someone call the ambulance. Ingesting sago palm may cause symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness and seizures. :-)). Some people in Malaysia eat the heart of this palm tree. be kept well away from curious cats and other small inhabitants of your home. His favorite plants are plant species in the Araceae family, such as Monstera, Philodendron, and Anthurium. There are yucca plants that have a similar appearance to palms when they mature. Learn how your comment data is processed. Now that we know the answer to the 'is majesty palm safe for dogs and cats' question, let's take a look at a list of plants that are toxic to dogs and learn why are they toxic (without including the three species mentioned above). In some parts of the world, the seeds it bears are soaked into water to remove the poison, and then ground into a flour for making soups and tortillas. Even with the right treatment initiated soon after ingestion, the survival rate for dogs who have eaten sago palm, for instance, is only 50 percent. 4.79 + FREE Delivery! You can ask multiple questions, including queries on plants, pests, terrariums, repotting advice and anything in between. However, the popular sago palm (Cycas revoluta), hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 to 10, is extremely poisonous. It is not toxic to humans. Can this plants be dangerous to our kids and pets? A quick search on sites like those published by the ASPCA or a call to your vet can resolve most questions. This palm contains a toxic chemical called cycasin. They would not pass and clogged him up. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. began to read several credible resources and non provided any information regarding if the Wodyetia's fruit or just the seeds were toxic or not. Am still pretty sure these are NOT toxic fruits, but am not about to go out and gobble some down just to prove it. Most true palms are completely safe for pets, but there are some exceptions. Also called Coontie palms, Cardboard palms, Japanese cycad, Cycads, or Zymias, sago palms are readily available for purchase in stores ranging from small nurseries to the garden sections of large home improvement stores. Scroll down to see a definitive list for both toxic and non-toxic houseplants. Need the answer to a specific plant query? Sign up for a new account in our community. If your dog regularly grazes on plants, it may be due to a lack of fiber in its diet. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. These palms are difficult to prune, but this must be routinely carried out. Falling leaves are heavy and have sharp edges. Sadly, they are a danger to humans and pets. A medicine called N-acetylcysteine can decrease the chances for liver damage. All parts of the plant, including the leaves, contain the toxin cycasin. But wait - did you get both [Read More] about How to Properly Introduce Puppies and Babies. Geoff, Actual palms have not been reported poisonous to dogs. about Finding a Toy Dog Lovers Can Share With Their Pets, about Causees & Treatments for a Rash on Puppy Belly, about 5 Simple & Easy Recipes for Homemade Dog Treats, about How to Properly Introduce Puppies and Babies. Dogs are known to chew on and eat plants, and sometimes they unwittingly eat plants that have toxic properties to them. These in turn form raphides, which are small, spiked structures. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. If hand is used it burns. Several "palms" -- or rather, palm lookalikes -- are actually very poisonous plants for dogs. Remember, this is a true emergency. The Foxtail plant is popularly used ornamentally, the Sago Palm is mostly used for tropical effects enhancing landscapes. This palm contains a toxic chemical called cycasin. Foxtail palms, fruit, seeds, and leaves are all toxic, and can kill your pets if ingested. Even if your dog has shown no signs of eating houseplants or yard plants, that doesnt mean he never will, so its better to keep poisonous plants like sago palm off the property altogether. Foraging should never begin without the guidance and approval of a local plant specialist. With early treatment, pets are less likely to develop long term effects. There are 40 species of yucca, and many are popular as house and garden plants. Caryota urens is the Fishtail Palm, so called because the bi-pinnated leaves resemble the back end of a fish. This can decrease absorption of the toxins by the gastrointestinal tract. I retrieved this information from a couple of gardening sites, that listed either the entire fruit or the just seed being toxic. Initial symptoms in pets may occur in as little as 15 minutes and may include vomiting, drooling, diarrhea and lack of appetite. Even humans need to wear gloves when working with a Sago Palm. The seeds and nuts of sago are the most toxic parts of the palm. We let 50 lbs of them rot in our yard each year. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Bamboo Vine (Blaspheme vine, Laurel-leaved Greenbrier) | Scientific Names: Smilax laurifolia | Family: Liliaceae . Keep in mind that just because a plant is safe for dogs does not necessarily make it safe for cats, and vice versa. Is there any histical information about how the seeds are eaten or recipes for using them. Mitis (MIT-iss or MY-tis) means soft, referring to the sheathing leaf bases particularly found on the smaller species. Dracaenas are popular houseplants. Some palm berries, such as those produced by the sago palm and betel nut palm, are toxic to pets. Widely known as fern palm or false sago, the queen palm tree (Cycas circinalis) seeds are loaded with lethal neurotoxins. Keep a Fishtail Palm out of cold drafts and away from air conditioners.
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