dwarf mulberry tree bunnings
Once they are established, fertilize in early spring when new growth begins every year, using a slow-release, balanced fertilizer with an NPK value of 10-10-10. Read on to satisfy your eyes (and taste buds). Although theyre not as common in supermarkets or greengrocers as other berries (despite being a much-loved fruit throughout British history, especially in London), as theyre just toooo delicate, mulberries are just as delicious and full of vitamins! In this article, you will learn about the most stunning small and dwarf weeping trees for landscaping small yards. This dwarf variety will give you all the joy of a regular Mulberry, without the enormous size plus, a few delicious extras! (Dwarf Mulberry Tree Video )This variety performs excellent in the Subtropics. You should need to check for at least 2-3 years. Berries are formed on new growth. Back; Tools. Also called the Scotch elm, this small weeping tree will only grow to about 10 ft. (3 m) tall. The mulberry bush is not just a folkloric song lyric. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. The beauty of the weeping cherry tree is the rose-pink flowers that blossom in late winter and early spring. My kids 4 and 2 love them and pull branches down to get to fruit when Im not looking! Ruby Falls redbud is hardy in USDA zones 5-9. Common Name: White Mulberry. Spider Plant Problems: Tips For Getting Spiderettes On Plants, Bamboo With Brown Tips: Reasons Why Bamboo Plant Tips Are Brown, Amaryllis Care After Flowering: Learn About Post Bloom Care Of Amaryllis, My Butterfly Bush Looks Dead How To Revive A Butterfly Bush, Home & Garden Marketplace: Advertiser Info. University of Illinois Extension. You can also listen to The Plant Based Podcast with Michael and co-host Ellen-Mary on iTunes, Spotify and Google. If you are looking for a miniature weeping tree for a yard with little space, then a dwarf weeping willow is a great choice. Height 3 mts (20/11/2012) I keep it trimmed to this height . This berry is so prolific; it even yields well in its first year and may produce several crops. This dwarf variety will give you all the joy of a regular Mulberry, without the enormous size plus, a few delicious extras! Lots of green fruit now (august) . Enjoy these juicy berries year on year as a nutritious, sweet snack, or in your cooking as you would with any other berry. I am addicted and neeeeed one of these in my garden. Its compact frame means that you can have the pleasure of growing a full and fabulous Mulberry in your garden, while not worrying that itll become a nuisance due to its size. Shakespeare showered attention on his mulberry tree, which produced his most favorite fruit. Prune back to shape over late winter to early spring. . Whichever way its viewed, the Mulberry is far more than a simple fruiting tree! Your success is our priority. Usually, the weeping pagoda can grow up to 15 ft. (4.5 m) tall, so it may not be suited for the smallest gardens. They grow in clusters, and the tree's foliage produces a scent with earthy, spicy, and slightly sweet fragrances. Fruited from the first season and hasn't looked back - just keeps on giving.Have just been given some chooks so I'm sure the mulberry tree are going to enjoy sharing its spot with them.Cut it back a little late but even About to plant in ground. Ripens May-July. These are also hardy trees that require little maintenance and grow well in zones 4 to 8. I totally love mulberry trees! They bear small, inconspicuous green-white flowers in spring. Weeping trees have long drooping branches that cascade towards the ground. You wont find these sweet, tangy berries in the supermarket due to their short shelf life, but they are easy to grow, abundant, and fast growing, which makes them perfect for containers. Pruning your everbearing mulberry tree can lead to a robust branch framework. Since 1816, Stark Bros has promised to provide customers with the very best fruit trees and plants. The Red Dragon dwarf Japanese maple tree cultivar creates visual impact in a small yard. The luscious berries can be eaten fresh, dried, frozen or made into pies, jams, and frozen desserts. So, how do you grow a mulberry tree in a pot and is there any special care needed of mulberries in pots? Here's a list that our experts recommend for this variety. The Latin name of this cedar cultivar tells you that it is a type of weeping evergreen. Mulberry trees are typically easy to grow, but the most common issues with mulberry trees involve their messiness and invasive spread. All named cultivars are self-fertile. Morus The Mulberry family of trees has a lot to offer home gardeners and growers. Mulberry foliage is the silkworms favorite food and has been cultivated for centuries specifically for this purpose. This weeping tree gets its common name from the pagoda shape of this picturesque tree. Some small evergreen weeping trees also like plenty of sunshine but may also survive shade and cold temperatures. Growing: In the Ground First Fruited: 1 Years from purchase in pot Sun/Shade: Full Sun Water Given in: Winter Autumn and Winter (11/13) WInter pruned, getting in shape for Spring growth. They are also frost tolerant, although it is best to mulch around the plants to protect the roots from freezing and thawing. Water your mulberry tree deeply and regularly after planting to help it establish a strong root system. This is an easy-to-grow small bush-like tree with short stature. 30L Prunus domestica Plum Tree (0) $147. You'll find answers to many questions on our FAQ page. The USDA hardiness zones offer a guide to varieties that will grow well in certain climates. Feed the tree during the growing season with balanced fertilizer, liquid seaweed or adding aged compost to the soil. To keep the size down you can easily prune the plant just do it after the main flowering/fruiting time.As it wants to get big it's roots will get quite congested so you'll need to take care to keep it well watered (mulberries love good moisture) and it will be hungry so feed annually at least with Osmocote for fruiting plants and then regularly supplement this with liquid feeding, personally I find Nitrosol is still one of the best as it has a good nutritional boost for the plant as well as feeding the potting mix biome. Red buds in early spring turn into stunning pink flowers and then become small golden apples. Depending on its training, the Glauca Pendula cedar grows to between 3 and 12 ft. (0.9 3.6 m) tall. As this is a deciduous weeping tree, the needles turn golden yellow in the fall before shedding. Fertilize once a year in spring, water weekly, and be sure to only prune in winter when the tree is dormant. I have a few, now, and really, the bigger the pot, the better they do. Back; Tools. Dwarf everbearing mulberry trees grow to a maximum . There are a few reasons why this is a popular landscaping weeping evergreen. Some fruit last year (2008). The years I prune this tree hard are the years I get great crops. Very often, the common names of these trees have the word weeping in their name. Check the trees level in the hole. Along with their scientific names, pictures and descriptions of these small trees with drooping branches will help identify them. Mulberry treesoften do quite well with nofertilization, though they can benefit from a yearly application. Looks nice, easy to look after, grows quick and fruits twice a year (pruning after fruiting). the kids love eating the berries off the tree. Here's a list that our experts recommend for this variety. So maybe they just take longer to feel happy in temperate regions. UPDATEFlowers every time I prune, without fail. Order online and choose pickup 1 day before you visit us. The mulberry tree is a medium-sized deciduous tree that produces small, tasty-but-messy berries that resemble blackberries. Dont think that by choosing a pot several sizes larger you will be doing the plant a favour - you won't! Intrigued? If your trees or plants do not survive, please let us know within one year of delivery. New shoots are bearing fruit in subtropical March. Make sure to plant your everbearing mulberry tree in a well-draining, loamy soil in an area that receives full sun to partial shade. Thanks for your reply. Habit: The white mulberry tree can grow anywhere from 40 to 60 feet (13 - 18 meters) tall, and approximately 40 feet (13 meters) wide. Growing a dwarf fruit tree in the garden. Uprooting it every time. Steep them in gin for a drink with a summer twist! These weeping fruit trees seem to provide color in your garden for most of the year. If it's a solid mass of compacted roots, then it's rootbound and will need to be re-potted into a larger container. Naturally growing in the wild and under cultivation in many temperate world regions.Dwarf Mulberry is a deciduous tree growing to 12 m tall,fast-growing and can live more than 100 years.The leaves are 10-20 cm long.The Mulberry has a very low chill factor making it ideal for our subtropical climate. Im from Vic, temperate climate. that the Mulberry tree was brought over to England by the Romans, and that trees may have been growing in London since the 5th century BC. Fruits prolifically for a young tree, but the slugs love it! Very hot backyard on a concrete slab.2018: Autumn here, and I adore my mulberries. Join the Bunnings Workshop community today to ask questions and get advice. Andrew Hughes is a certified arborist and member of the International Society of Arborists specializing in tree heal care. Sweet and juicy fruit, containing Vitamin C,K,B and E as well as Potassium, Magnesium, Iron and Fibre. You can prune ever-bearing varieties at any time to retard their growth. The best time to plant an everbearing mulberry tree is in spring or fall. Then refine your search using the boxes below. Picked from a shortlist of 20 outstanding plants, this tree fought off fierce competition to win first prize. Pruning a mulberry also encourages the plant to produce berries again, resulting in several crops throughout the growing season. (12/13) Dwarf Mulberry - Black For Sale (Size: Medium) (Cutting Grown), Preferred Climate Subtropical, Warm Temperate, Arid (Dry)Learn About Climate Zones, Grown From CuttingLearn About Propagation Methods, Max Height (when in the ground with good conditions) 2-5m, Plants required to Pollinate 1 (Self Pollinating)Learn about Pollination, Amount of leaves in Winter? Thrives in full sun when growing in zones 6 9. When bright green leaves cover the tree in the spring, summer, and fall, the branches look weighed down by the foliage and yellow flowers. White mulberry trees are tolerant of black walnut toxins and salt. Ruby Falls weeping redbud has beautiful pink flowers that come every spring, followed by a dark green-burgundy colored heart shaped leaves that turn yellow in autumn. Select a tag below to view all the items that have that particular trait. An entire section of our website dedicated to your growing success. The drooping branches are densely covered with clusters of silvery-blue needles which just add to its grace and charm. Matsunga managed to breed the tree to the point where the Mojo Berry (also known as Charlotte Russe) grows to no more than one-and-a-half metres in height, and one metre wide. The weeping mulberry is perfect for small backyards if you live in zones 4 to 8. Thank you, AnChi. Unlike other beech trees, this cultivar is very small and slow-growing. They benefit from about one inch of water per week. They can also be turned into wine or the juice can be used as a dye. What is the difference between red and white mulberry? Everbearing mulberry fruits dont even need to be picked if you shake the tree lightly, they simply drop to the ground when theyre ripe. One way to know if it has outgrown the pot is to check whether it is root-bound. Grows extremely fast! Most mulberries sold for fruit in the United States are cultivars of Morus alba (White Mulberry), Morus rubra (Red Mulberry), Morus nigra (Black . Although this weeping tree can grow to around 25 ft. (7.6 m) tall, it is slow growing in the first 10 years and stays relatively small. Types of Hornbeam Trees With Pictures and Identification (European, American, Columnar), Small Trees For Backyard (With Pictures) - Identification Guide, Types of Elm Trees: Leaves, Bark, Seeds - Identification Guide (Pictures), 18 Small or Dwarf Evergreen Trees For Your Garden (With Pictures), Small or Dwarf Weeping Trees for Landscaping (With Pictures), tree specimen for small front or backyards, Small Trees for Landscaping Compact Spaces. As with many species of elm, this variety is susceptible to Dutch elms disease. The ornamental weeping crabapple tree Louisa grows to between 12 and 15 ft. (3.6 4.5 m). The weeping crabapple is a low maintenance small tree. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! The branches arch up and only slightly droop down on this semi-dwarf tree. A growing legacy since 1816. When not devoured fresh it is ideal to use in jams, wines and mulberry pies. Loads of fruit twice a year (prune in between). Will try the coffee grounds to see if that improves the fruit. The Camperdown elm is a small tree with weeping growth habit and contorted branches. Backfill the hole with soil, tamping down gently as you go to make sure there are no air pockets. They produce the optimal amount of fruit in regions where temperatures during the growing season are between 68 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. The green foliage of weeping golden ash turns yellow in the fall. Skip to main content. In winter, cut down the leader to about 1.35-1.7m, just above some strong side-shoots. White mulberry trees can live as long as 100 years, though lifespans of 25 to 50 years are more common for landscape cultivars. These fruits, similar to blackberries, turn white when fully ripened. During winter, try to move the potted tree to a slightly sheltered location. Read more & determine the perfect size for your yard. Enter your Suburb to find out what fruit trees people love the most where you live. 25-40kg of fruit after 7 years (will start fruiting after 2 years. If you want to landscape a small front or backyard, small weeping trees are excellent choices. Recent purchase straight from Daley's nursery at Kyogle. This is a dwarf weeping spruce that is extremely cold-hardy and grows in zones 2 to 8. Dwarf Mulberry - Black. Jasons post quoting Noells advice is also helpful. Allow the surface of the soil to dry between waterings and then saturate the soil. Its pendulous branches have bright green leaves that are slightly twisted. There are many different types of small weeping trees for any garden landscape in most growing zones. Fruits collected from the tree can be dried to collect seeds for planting, or you can simply wait for fallen seeds to sprout up in the yard and carefully transplant them to new locations. (2/12) Dwarf Red mulberry ripening on the tree and some are ready to pick (3/12) YouTube All about the Red Shahtoot Mulberry (4/12) Potted Red Shahtoot (5/12) Dwarf Red Mulberry Grown Espallier Time lapse (6/12) Red shahtoot in a pot (7/12) Winter pruned Dwarf Red Shahtoot. Please help! Gorgeous tree. Everbearing mulberry trees grow in Zones 5-10across most of the country. If you are looking for an attractive weeping tree for a small landscape, then the crape myrtle Acoma cultivar is a great choice. It is also important to take into consideration if the trees flower, the color of foliage, when they shed their leaves, and their light requirements. Plant height and spread is seasonal therefore we list by pot size rather than a defined plant size. Everbearing mulberry trees can be trained into single-stemmed trees or grow in a rounded shape as multi-stemmed bushes. To share feedback or ask a question about this article, send a note to our Reviews Team atreviews@thisoldhousereviews.com. The last name is probably the most accurate as the fruit is not a plum or a cherry but a dwarf flowering shrub. This dwarf weeping deciduous tree grows to between 4 and 8 ft. (1.2 2.4 m) and has a distinct umbrella shape. Garden areas immediately around a tree may see hundreds of volunteer seedlings, which, if not immediately plucked, can quickly develop root systems that make the saplings hard to eradicate. Dark green ovate shaped leaves provide shade in summer before turning orange in the fall. Matsunga managed to breed the tree to the . Follow us on your favorite social networks and share what you grow! My Dwarf Black Mulberry has been in the ground for approximately 6 months. Read about the Stark Bro's history that spans over 200 years . it competed last summer with an old orange tree but that has now been removed so it should have access to more water and nutrients. Foliage on this small cascading tree is dense due to large dark glossy green leaves. This small weeping larch tree grows to about 6 ft. (1.8 m) in the first 10 years. I reckon they are the easiest fruit tree to grow across a huge range of climates.Okay, the variety you have will want to get large but it will tolerate being in a pot for quite few years.Good potting mix is a must & you've got that covered. The childrens song Pop goes the weasel isnt the mulberrys only claim to fame. I just bought a Mulberry plant from Bunnings yesterday and have an eye for a Northcote W57cm x H34cm half-whisky barrel looking pot. This was really it's first As the first fruit of spring, before fruit fly and coastal humidity start taking their toll, this is my favourite fruit tree for Sydney. There has been feedback that this variety doesn't perform as well in Temperate Climates. Many gardeners want to remove mulberry trees once they realize how messy and invasive they can be. View all . Also called the white mulberry, the Chaparral cultivar is a dwarf tree with arching weeping branches that grows to about 6 ft. (1.8 m) tall. Order online for delivery or Click & Collect at your nearest Bunnings. This fast-growing evergreen reaches up to 10 ft. (3 m) when mature. Native to Japan, this interesting type of larch is a weeping deciduous conifer that has hanging branches. Purchased this in 2008 as I enjoy mullberries but don't have the room left in the yard fora full sized tree. With white mulberry, the fruit is greenish-white as it first appears, gradually darkening to reddish-purple. The main growing requirements for mulberry trees include: White mulberry, which is native to China, is considered a seriously invasive plant in much of the Midwest and in scattered locations elsewhere. Mulberry trees also have long pliable branches perfect for weaving into baskets, fences, and screens. Read more about our warranty policy. For best results, plant out in cool spring or fall weather. Very Happy with this tree. Lets look at some examples of stunning cascading trees that are small enough for tiny gardens and yards. With its dark foliage, this dwarf weeping beech tree cultivar makes a visual impact in any small backyard or front garden. I bought two of the dwarf varities , black and red. There are many other small crape myrtles that you can plant in your garden. Has fruited 3 times & about to fruit again with over 100 fruit! These trees can add a focal point and drama to small yards without imposing on other plants. Read our. Depending on the species, most mulberry trees are cold-hardy and can handle temperatures as low as minus 25 degrees Fahrenheit during dormancy. It has produced a regular supply of delectable fruit! Whether you want to snack on fresh fruit, bake a tart, or dry out a goodie for later, mulberries are the fruit for you. Mulberry Tree Care - Learn How To Grow Mulberry Trees, Using Seaweed For Compost: Learn How To Compost Seaweed, Reasons For Berry Problems With A Blackberry Plant, How To Make Raisins From Homegrown Grapes, Growing Fruit Trees in Montana And The Northern Rockies. The two methods of picking mulberries are handpicking, which can be very tedious, or placing a tarp or old sheet under the tree and shaking it. Plant type: deciduous tree. The leaves are needle-like and have a bluish-green color. This small flowering tree has long arching branches that droop, forming a wide crown. I just bought a Mulberry plant from Bunnings yesterday and have an eye for a Northcote W57cm x H34cm half-whisky barrel looking pot. All these interesting uses aside, the number one reason for growing a mulberry is for its fruit. Dwarf mulberries will adapt to dry conditions, but they need plenty of water during their first few seasons in the ground. Also named the penchant white lime, pendant silver linden, and weeping silver lime, this weeping cultivar is a nice specimen tree. Increase your harvest by pruning your peach tree in these easy steps. The Mulberry tree: a stylish architectural tree to some, a symbol of nature, faith and growth to others. Could this be the perfect tree for small gardens, including patios and terraces? As with many fruiting trees, more light helps the trees produce more fruit. Cute little starter plants great for your fall garden. The Pendula weeping cultivar is a small evergreen that only grows around 10 ft. (3 m) high. The cascading branches of this peashrub arch up and then droop straight down. Available in-store only. The dwarf variety grows to a maximum height of 10-15 feet tall. The trees bear fruit from June until September. How big do dwarf everbearing mulberry trees grow? You mentioned this variety will be okay growing in a pot for "quite few years", how do I know it has reached that stage and what happens after that? Fantastic tree - last season gave me heaps of fruit, takes a while to ripen. The needle leaves on the pendant branches give off a fresh aroma. Also called the white mulberry, the 'Chaparral' cultivar is a dwarf tree with arching weeping branches that grows to about 6 ft. (1.8 m) tall. Its small size makes it perfect for yards where planting space is restricted. I have mine in a big pot and it gets quite a bit of water and coffee grounds and seems to enjoy. The common name of this dwarf weeping tree, white mulberry, comes from the color of its ripe fruits. However, this variety is a prolific bearer. Sweety and Juicy red to black fruit. This weeping cedar is a fast-growing evergreen and it is easy to prune and shape the pendulous branches. This mulberry gets massive amounts of mulberries on for its size . Dwarf Everbearing Mulberry - Morus nigra is the sweetest of the mulberry varieties and one of the easiest to grow fruit trees in pots with minor pruning. In cold climates, the Norway spruce provides lush green color when not much else is growing. Would it be possible for you to post a photo of your Mulberry Plant? Berries also freeze very well. Good jam fruit too. To support this business model, ThisOldHousemay be compensated if you purchase through links on our website. Weeping junipers have droopy branches with evergreen foliage. When choosing a type of small weeping tree for your backyard, its important to consider where it will grow. Once established, mulberry trees are relatively drought-tolerant. These trees may have to contend with a variety of pest issues, including whitefly, scale, and mealybugs. Container culture is not common for these plants, since they are fast-growing and can quickly achieve a size that's too large for most containers. Because of this, many civilisations and cultures have their own folklore and symbolism surrounding the tree, some of which span centuries! 2023 Gardening Know How, Future US LLC, Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036. 5 new branches and a fair bit of fruit.The new branches are lower than the original branches and seem to be a lot longer as well. A variety of plants available for pre purchase, View our range of rainforest trees and plants, Plants that go well in low light settings such as indoors or on a balcony, Purchase 2 or more plants to unlock your savings. Mulberries are tolerant of a variety of soils but when potting them, its best to use a good quality potting medium amended with some nutrient rich compost. Its rich dense foliage creates a great hiding place under its canopy. Berries are formed on new growth. Crape myrtle Acoma cultivar is a semi dwarf tree with white flowers. Think one would be perfect for your garden? He is a self-professed Plant Geek, and was listed in the Sunday Times top 20 most influential people in the gardening world, thanks to his plant hunter role at Thompson & Morgan. Mulberries prefer a fertile, free draining soil but they can be tolerant of different soils, including Josh's sandy soil with compost mixed in. Growing a Dwarf Mulberry. Prune after each crop and you get multiple harvests in a short time. Tiny enough to grow in small backyards but the fruit size is still large. Does nothing until spring then it takes off with very fast growth, started fruiting and has doubled in size by summer.Tree is now over 3m tall, grows super fast! These small weeping trees are perfect for gardens with limited space or you can plant one in a container. Their long cascading, drooping branches are good landscaping choices as specimen trees to create a focal point. This species of weeping evergreen can be used as a groundcover plant or trained to grow upright. * Flat-Rate Shipping applies to standard orders shipping to the 48 lower contiguous states. Has taken off since planting in ground. Please take a look at the very helpful guide by@NoelleHow to pot a plant. Unwrap the tree roots and soak in a bucket of diluted seaweed solution while you prepare the hole. Love love love this plant. Everbearing mulberry trees live up to their name, yielding a bountiful crop of juicy reddish-black berries from summer to fall. Make sure that your hardiness zone lies within the zone compatibility range of this variety before ordering. Has doubled in size in ~1month since purchase. The good news is that these bugs won't really cause much damage to mature trees. If your garden is very restricted when it comes to space, your best choice would be to pick out a type of dwarf tree. There is evidence that the Mulberry tree was brought over to England by the Romans, and that trees may have been growing in London since the 5th century BC. Choosing the Morus rubra hybridis ok. Dwarf weeping copper beech is a slow growing tree with dark foliage. Had grown very well up until our record SA heatwave and died shortlyafter. Have had mine in a large pot and it fruits well. This is a hardy willow tree that grows well in any type of soil. Thats great to have the confirmation as I feel more confident as to what to do. Let me mention @Adam_W so he is alerted to your question. Choose a planting site that receives full sun to partial shade that is far away from buried utility lines or septic systems, as their fast-growing roots can cause serious damage. The dwarf weeping beech tree has deep red to copper leaves that grow densely on cascading pendulous branches. Here are a few uses for this fruit: Mulberries can be used in place of any recipe which calls for raspberries or blackberries. Illinois: 30-35 feet tall; Dwarf: 10-15 feet tall, Highly adaptable but prefers loamy, well-drained, moist soil with a pH between 5.5-7.0, Juicy, reddish-black berries drop from the tree with no picking needed. Place the pots in a full shade location until they root, checking periodically to make sure they remain moist. Water the pots well, then place them inside 1-gallon clear plastic bags bound with rubber bands. I want I buy several mulberry bushes, any advice please? Morus 'Weeping Mulberry' 1.8m 20" Pot. Re: Do I have a right size pot for my new Mulberry plant? Mulberry crumble is fantastic with homemade custard or cream! Because their branches hang down rather than spread out, they dont take up as much room. The dwarf weeping willow only grows as high as 5 ft. (1.5 m) in 20 years. Spread: 1.5m (59"). A stunning example of a dwarf evergreen with leaves that droop is the Colorado spruce cultivar The Blues. Having this as a small specimen tree in a yard with limited space will really make a statement. A few of the large plants for sale were already bearing fruits. I tried the fruit when I visited Daley's last month at Kyogle. Mulberry trees can spread very easily through self-seeding. Both the red mulberry (Morus rubus) and the white mulberry (Morus alba) are common in North America and feature dark green leaves with serrated edges. The arching branches are so long that they droop down to reach the ground. The Tollesons Blue Weeping juniper can grow up to 20 ft. (6 m) and has a spread of up to 10 ft. (3 m). There are many uses for this delicious, seedless, soft summer fruit! Routine fall cleanup of fallen fruit is a good idea to reduce the rampant self-seeding that occurs with mulberry trees. What Do Mulberry Tree Flowers Look and Smell Like? 4 The tree has a relatively short life . The rhyme, first recorded in the 19th century, was sung by children while holding hands in a circle and moving around. Cold Hardy (20)-(15) Container Plant: Weeping Colorado spruce The Blues is a dwarf evergreen cold hardy tree. It's a long lived tree that is relatively hardy. Slow to grow through winter last year, but has taken off since spring.
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