depression glass pattern identification
The other colors are similarly valued. With a saucer, it may sell for around $15, and it's common to find complete sets of four to six together. Examine the quality of the pattern. It has wide rims and is recognizable by its patterns of tassels and scrolls. Sign up for more easy craft ideas, fun hobbies, and DIY projects, American Sweetheart Depression Glass Pattern, Pineapple & Floral Depression Glass Pattern, Types of Colorful Glass Used in Vintage Kitchenware, How to Identify and Value Depression Glass. Not all colored glass is Depression glass. But buyers should still beware of the fakes of the late 20th century. Royal Lace Green by Hazel Atlas 10. This stemware guide is excellent for identifying a given stem line, even if the specific etch is not shown. Jeannette Glass Company also made a similar pattern called Doric and Pansy, which includes a set of children's dishes. People who were able to hang onto jobs often had their hours cut, and the rest lived in fear of job loss. Monax is the name MacBeth-Evans gave to the company's milky-colored glass. Is it metal, glass, porcelain, cloisonne, etc. Look at the "sold" price. The values are similar for all styles. It is the letter G over the letter I but it looks like an arrow to me. It hosts monthly meetings, educational programs, and glass shows throughout the year. It went over to mass production in the 1920s. Dev's creative writing and visual art have been featured in many venues online and in print. I was not able to identify this cutting either! Google Depression Glass round butter dish and see what comes up. Cherry Blossom by Jeanette Glass 5. The Colonial Block pattern seen in this goblet is often confused with the Block Optic pattern. Most pieces are decorative rather than functional. Some well-known Depression Glass collector associations and clubs include: National Depression Glass Association (NDGA) (https://ndga.net/) Founded in 1974, the NDGA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation and study of Depression Glass. TheQueen Mary pink cup is dainty and beautiful. This glass has the hearts of many collectors and art lovers because of its lovely bright hues and scintillating patterns. She co-founded the Costume Jewelry Collectors International, a global educational website. Depression Glass is clear or colored translucent glassware, inexpensively produced during the time of The Great Depression the severe, worldwide economic downturn that took place in the 1930s. The Royal Lace pattern was used to make glass dishes in a variety of colors, including green, clear, pink, and blue. Below, you will find a list (table) of 20 rare depression glass tableware. When browsing online look at sellers who specify the pattern. Your F inside a shield indicated that your glass was produced by the Federal Glass Company. She lives in Pittsburgh with her cat, Nick. Nevertheless, it has been a highly collectible since the 1960s. It was a time when there was little economic activity and many people were very poor and without any jobs or support to sustain them and their families. For values and further help with identification, visit the Depression Glass Price Guide. Apple Blossom Etch Cambridge Glass made Apple Blossom during the depression on all their colors of the era, including amber, pink, two shades of blue, emerald and a darker green, yellow, ebony and crystal. Depression glass was offered along with the purchase of kitchen appliances. Familiarize yourself with popular depression glass patterns so you can more easily identify depression glassware when you see it. Visit some glass shows to learn more. Dating between 1934 and 1936, this colonial butter dish was made by Hocking Glass Company. This image is not<\/b> licensed under the Creative Commons license applied to text content and some other images posted to the wikiHow website. Also referred to occasionally as "Lovebirds" pattern. These were also made by Hocking Glass Company from 1936 through 1949. Tip 1: Know your Depression glass history. "And there are lots of typical Depression-era . Reproduction glass is more "perfect" than real depression glass. Clean-Lined Small Pitcher 11. The Patrician pattern is also occasionally referred to as the "Spoke" pattern. If you buy through links on our site, we may earn a commission. An American art deco uranium green depression glass vase. Values provided in this guide are for glassware pieces in excellent to mint condition unless otherwise noted. Vaseline glass refers to glass made primarily from 1830 through World War II, when there was a ban placed on uranium. The general rule of microwaves is that if an item was produced before microwaves were in use, do not place those old things in a microwave. These are a few pictures of Depression glass patterns you're sure to love. There's also a color and pattern available to suit every taste. It was sold through a variety of channels, including department stores, five and dime stores, and through mail order catalogs. This image may not be used by other entities without the express written consent of wikiHow, Inc.
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\u00a9 2023 wikiHow, Inc. All rights reserved. Many guides provide simple images to make this easy. Google image the mark to see if it's the one you mean. It was manufactured from 1942 through 1946, placing it just after the Great Depression. One of the leading donors of Depression Glass was the Quaker Oats Company. Pink is not too common of color in the Petal Swirl pattern, and you're more likely to find it in ultramarine green. Answer: You can find an image of what may be a smaller version of your Dunbar cobalt glass pitcher on the Museum of American Glass website. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Opaque white is thinner than milk glass. Feel the heft of it. Dev Murphy is a wikiHow Staff Writer with experience working as a teacher, ghostwriter, copyeditor, and illustrator. Made by Cambridge Glass. Indiana Glass Company Located in Dunkirk, Indiana, this company produced many popular Depression Glass patterns, including Harvest, Sandwich, and Teardrop and Dot. This size, which is the most common, is a little larger than the berry bowl and measures about 4 1/2 inches in diameter. Other green pitchers of this pattern can be found around $30 to $60. It was made by Hocking Glass Company from around 1929 to 1933. wikiHow, Inc. is the copyright holder of this image under U.S. and international copyright laws. Reproduction pieces of depression glassware pieces don't have seam lines. This glassware was often mass-produced and sold at a low cost, making it accessible to many people who were struggling financially during this time. When the United States emerged from the Great Depression, new hand-finished glassware was sold at better department stores, though it had been produced for some time. It was always patterned and often had geometric shapes and designs cut into it. However, the Normandie pattern offered by the Federal Glass Company from 19331940 did have an iridescent quality. Indiana Glass Green Depression Price: $14.99. It was made to meet immediate needs and was not expected to be durable. Also known as "Buttons and Bows." Some experts consider depression glass made with uranium to be Vaseline glass, but others say the iron oxide in depression glass makes it not actual Vaseline glass. More and more Depression glass appeared on the market. The Hocking Glass Company made this pink-footedtumbler from 1931 to 1935. Made by Jeannette Glass Co, part of the "Poinsettia / Floral" pattern range. Depression glass, which was made during the great depression, usually came in bright colors, like yellow, amber, blue, green, or pink. Depression glass was often used as an enticement to attract customers. All rights reserved. Or via U.S. Mail: Replacements, Ltd. Research Department. The glass piece itself should be fairly thin. Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved by The green glass dome is a unique and ornamental shape that is sought by collectors. There are a few different shapes as well. Question: Did they ever make pink frosted globes for chandeliers or light fixtures? The most popular color it came in was green. This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Dev Murphy, MA. You'll find everything from salt and pepper shakers to cereal bowls in this geometric design. Made by Hazel Atlas, part of the "Royal Lace" pattern range. The Hobnail pattern has a pattern of circular bumps that surround the piece. Glassware Facts Not all Depression glass is colored. While it was valued around $35 in 2006, more recent online listings show an asking price between $40 and $70. Use the search to locate reliable pages. If the mark indicates a particular company, that is a help, but most companies made several patterns. The set in excellent to mint condition generally sells for around $10 to$15, though the value has been known to fluctuate. Trace a plate onto a piece of paper to see the outline. The backstamps vary from plain lines to scepters, crowns, and orbs. Cups in the block optic pattern were made with a number of different handle styles. Avoid sick glass. Some depression glassware that has been washed in an automatic dishwasher may sport cloudy etchings. An American art deco uranium green depression glass nibbles dish / tray. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. The primary purpose of this pattern glass index is to assist with the identification of EAPG patterns. The company continued this promotional campaign for several years, and many pieces of Depression Glass from Quaker Oats are still in circulation today. Don't turn your nose up at these vintage perfume and cologne bottles from Avon. These pieces of Depression Glass were known as oatmeal glass and were often in the form of small plates, bowls, or cups. We also have an in-depth encyclopaedia guide on many types of glassware, with lots of information and pictures. Patterns can be confusing, so you need to hone your powers of observation. When you find a pattern that appears to match your piece, check to see if the company that produced that pattern made it in the color that you have. This plain banded pattern was also made in Platonite (bright or dark fired-on colors with a white glass base) from the late '40s to early '50s in full size and children's dish sets. Depression glass has raised patterns that are applied to the glass. The Cherry Blossom pattern is one of the most popular and beautiful Depression glass patterns out there. It's often valued around $30, though the pair tends to bring just $40 or so. Depression glass is brightly colored, translucent glass that was made from 19291939, during the Great Depression. Dates of manufacture and alternate names for patterns are provided when known. Last Updated: January 5, 2023 According to Replacements.com, it was made between 1930 and 1939. However, this tumbler is generally too common to bring that price. Glasses are also cone-shaped. This pattern has been widely reproduced. It was also made in an amethyst-colored glass as well as semi-opaque glass called Plantonite in a variety of colors. Also look for spots where the pattern is briefly interrupted with mold lines or seams. The lacey edge on Old Colony pieces damage easily and should be checked carefully for chips and cracks. How can you tell if its either, so you know what youre buying? Please feel free to contact us and send in photos and questions. You can also check out the Corning Museum of Glass, a site that offers a wealth of information on glass. Depression glass was made in the early period of the nineteen century precisely between 1920s and 1930s. Green or pink depression glass has more value than other colors, albeit slightly more. Several companies produced Depression Glass in the United States during the 1930s and 1940s, and they were located in various regions of the country. Michigan Depression Glass Society (https://www.michigandepressionglass.com/) This club is dedicated to the study and collection of Depression Glass and other vintage glassware.
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