danger force transcript
[Danger Force all shout at once to Natalie.] Chapa: Who did you get to say your name on the radio? Ray: Don't care, gettin' claps This will help declutter some of the comments on pages. When Mitch Bilsky enrolls at S.W.A.G., Headmaster Ray and Danger Force use a combination of patience and powers to help him achieve the impossible and graduate high school. Ray said, "Okay I'll text Presley the address of our show telling them to meet us here." AWOL: Don't tell me my pace. Danger Force sees an opportunity to make money fast by hosting Swellview's hottest music festival, but they catch a case of the Kramps when Krampus threatens to ruin their plans. Brainstorm said, "Since when did you became smart?" As of 2019, about 45 percent of Indians, more than 600 million people live on less than $3.65 a day. Crespo is charged with fatally shooting Gregory C. Griffin, 46, and wounding Andrew J. Dixon, 35, during a wild chase on the night of Jan. 28, 2019. [using a control plays a video on the screen of the board] Captain Man: Yes, yes we are. Bose: [trying to catch up to Ellis] Ellis, you shouldn't run with giant scissors! Trent: Oh, look it's Spicy Milk! The members of Danger Force are given terrible nicknames live on KLVY news, so they come up with a plan to announce to the world who they really are Volt, AWOL, ShoutOut, and Brainstorm. 'Cuz you're lookin' at him. Two new students are enrolled in SW.A.G. They've gone too far." Mika: [comes in with Miles] Okay, where's Natalie Mazdah? Natalie: [to her fans] Emma had an aisle seat, not a window, and I'll bet you're asking yourself why. Bose: Yeah. Thought I'd stroll in and ask some questions. Fisher says, The door opens and stepping out are Dr. Minyak, The Toddler, and Goomer, "Hello kids. This will help declutter some of the comments on pages. It picks up right where the previous one ended. Henry Hart's back and stealing Ray's attention from crime fighting so Danger Force is forced to go on a bunch of exhausting missions without Captain Man. AAAAHHHH! Trent: [trying to throw electricity] Stop talking! Chapa: After I stop Trent and Mary from ever saying those names again. Because I'm smart-- wait! Schowz said, The Danger Force grabs their gum, they transform into their super suits and head down the tubes, A few hours later, Fisher and Presley arrives at the school, "That's what Miles texted me." Ray and Schwoz run SWAG (Swellview Academy For The Gifted) where the four kids powered at the end of last series: Bose (Brainstorm), Mika (Shout-Out), Miles (AWOL), and Chapa (Volt) learn how to be heroes taking the place of Kid Danger. This must have been a rush job according to the way the first two acts were written. When Mika tries too hard to win the Man's Nest Employee of the Month, she creates a monster that could ruin the telethon Danger Force is hosting. Ray said, Mika takes out her phone and takes a selfie of her and her friends as the story ends. Mika: I miss when Ray wasn't obsessed with finding Ellis' mom. No, no, no. [Volt goes to the tube.] Contact us: subslikescript(doggysign)gmail.com | DMCA We'll make sure they can keep it a secret." Jaci found out she had a partial molar pregnancy and couldn't get the abortion she needed in Oklahoma. ShoutOut: Spicy milk No However, through the transition between the shows "Henry Danger" and "Danger Force", he becomes much more cynical, [[CasanovaWannabe practically and overly lustful for any woman that comes his way]], highly irrational, stubborn, and pig-headed, borderline narcissistic, and goes almost hysterical when things don't go his way. [The jar spills onto Ray's shirt.] Guy: Is that your kid? The Danger Force Awakens. ** "Manlee Man" also had brother/sister twins Finn and Quinn played by real life brother/sister twins. And that's the Sock Market Report. Wait for me, I'll transform and be right back. Browse more videos. Mary: Oooh! Let's make it about you! I expected much more considering Jace Norman is a producer. When Danger Force uncovers the ultimate evil plan behind their power problems, they must face their foes on land and at sea. ** In "Villains' Night", the Beating Dungeon makes it reappearance from Henry Danger. * JustAStupidAccent: Lampshaded in "Mime Games" when the gang is in France, they are told French is just English with an outrageous accent. Captain Man: Oh, come on! AWOL: See ya. "I want him to feel proud of his work and feel real confident in himself in every aspect and to know that he will help change kids' lives by being the first kid of trans experience on Nickelodeon in live-action. It's like my eyes are down here, people. Danger Force episode list View source 0 of 3 minutes, 16 secondsVolume 0% 03:15 Watch 03:16 Forgotten Realms Dungeons & Dragons - The Loop The following is a list of episodes of Danger Force . And their names are Oopsie Girl, The Wing Wimp, Spicy Milk, and Gorgeous Hair Boy. TV Danger Force (March 28th 2020 - present) Links to other series Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. *** That episode is also about the gang leaving Bose behind when they go to Paris, where he has a lot of fun having the place to himself until he has to thwart two criminals from breaking into the Man's Nest, [[Film/HomeAlone sound familar]]? Schwoz: Okay. * {{Flanderization}}: Ray's character initially started out in the original show "Series/HenryDanger" as a rather well-rounded, rational man. Presley says, "Yeah, cause I'm not spending my week in Swellview trapped in this cage." When Chapa's beloved long-lost cell phone returns to the Man's Nest under mysterious circumstances, her hunt for the truth threatens to destroy Danger Force. Action Comedy Family When Mitch Bilsky enrolls at S.W.A.G., Headmaster Ray and Danger Force use a combination of patience and powers to help him achieve the impossible and graduate high school. Ray: Yeah. Mika: We forgot to change into our uniforms. It premiered March 28, 2020 only a week after the latter ended. Playing next. WATCH FREE EPISODE Episodes & Clips Cast About Unlocked Full Episodes 22:29 Danger Force The Danger Force Awakens 22:30 Danger Force Say My Name 44:14 Danger Force Unmasked 22:30 Danger Force * FullNameUltimatum: In "Test Friends", Miles chastised Ray by calling him Raymond Esther Manchester. * WouldntHurtAChild: In "Drive Hard", Volt invokes this while fighting with a bad guy, who suddenly felt bad about it. Ray: Oh! They are trying to stop The Toddler's henchmen.] Two guys come in.] "Thank you for caring and for making a socially conscious choice, Nick.". Volt: Adios. Let me explain something to you about Danger Force. TIP: When discussing topics like characters, Seasons, certain episodes, try and go to that page instead of going straight to the season pages. * WouldntHurtAChild: In "Drive Hard", Volt invokes this while fighting with a bad guy, who suddenly felt bad about it. Starring alongside them are Havan Flores, Terrence Little Gardenhigh, Dana Heath, and Luca Luhan. Like I said, me and Bose are going to find this kid's mom. [Mary and Trent laugh.] ShoutOut: We are Danger Force! I have everything under control. Danger Force is an American comedy television series developed by Christopher J. Nowak [Note 1] that premiered on Nickelodeon on March 28, 2020. Natalie: so I'm boarding the plane. Braintorm: Do I still get a treat? Ellis: Daddies! ** In the first part of "The Thousand Pranks War", Bose tells. Courtney: Hi, I got your blended cheeseburger, blended Thanksgiving Dinner, and an entire blended chocolate cake! Mika: --fans of yours. Danger Force all want to fight crime, but they're stuck in the classroom. Chapa: Yeah. AWOL: I need milk! Captain Man's diva antics are off-the-racks at the 100th annual Swellview Fashion Show; with help from some fashion-forward twins, Danger Force tries to uncover the dangerous mystery behind Captain Man's return to the runway. In the classroom, the kids are practicing fighting, Ray is watching them while eating wings.] To avoid being pulled out of SW.A.G., Danger Force must put on an extracurricular school play while also preventing Frankini from kidnapping the vice mayor. Mika: School. NICKELODEON. Ray: Right. Henry Hart is an average 8th grader until he lands his dream job as sidekick to superhero Captain Man, which he must keep a secret. Miles said, "Well if they do come, they better get here as soon as possible." EXCLUSIVE: Danger Force has been renewed for a third season set to kick off with a two-part event following the events of Season 2. Ray: Oh, her?! It picks up right where the previous one ended. Are you trying to use your powers right now? Jace Norman produces the show. Check out the all NEW Advocate Channel! ShoutOut: [making a call] Hi, I'm calling about your missing child? "This episode of Danger Force ultimately tells a relatable story of friendship, openness, and trust, through the lens of sitcom. Trent: He sure does, Mary. Goodbye, Volt. Trent Overunder did. Natalie: [recording with her phone] And that is the best thing I've seen since I saw Emma Watson on a plane. Hello? Dr. Minyak says, Mika is about to use her power but The Toddler spit a dart at her, Miles, Fisher, and Presley which causes them to go unconscious, "Goomer, Toddler grab the kids. And they told their cousins." ShoutOut: Oopsie! Too hot! [plays an audio in the screen] Captain Man: What? Averted in "Captain Man Strikes Out" when Captain Man celebrates Danger Force's take down of a museum thief by destroying some of the modern art exhibits. Chapa's little sister needs help during a city-wide blackout; Danger Force crosses the line as they try to pull her back to power up the Man's Nest to help them win a contest. Ray: You didn't say that. Captain Man leaks extremely embarrassing videos of the rest of Danger Force after he thinks they released one of him, only to find out the betrayal came from one of Swellviews most notorious villains. Ahhhh! Dustan: We're Ellis' dads. Let's get some blended cake. But Swellview also loves laughing at that terrible interview with Captain Man that was rooned by the members of Danger Force. Ray: WHAAATTT?! Mika said, Miles teleports him, Mika, Presley, and Fisher to their house, "Fisher, Presley it's nice to have you here for a week." School mode activated. Ray: Keep it goin'. Trent: He's my favorite. School Room Voice: Stranger approaching. Ray: Thank you. In April of last year, the "Say My Name" episode featured a storyline with an interracial same-sex couple named Justin (Tommy Dickie) and Dustan (Brandon Claybon), two gay dads who are reunited with their lost child thanks to the help of the Danger Force. Danger Force (2020-2023) Episode List Current Episode (aired 20 Apr. Schwoz: Yes, it's me, Schwoz! He goes on strike when they don't give him this trope. On vide-- [Mika takes him by the arm] [Mika and Chapa go to the Man's Nest in their chairs.] The Dangerous Ending Script View source Charlotte: Have you seen Henry? Captain Man: Yeah, so I'll get out there and help Danger Force round up the criminals. Captain Man and Danger Force off to host the wedding of the century for Swellview's newscaster Trent Overunder and his internet girlfriend Tracy426; when they worry Tracy426 isn't who she claims to be, their meddling threatens to ruin the big day. Ray: Oh, let's make it about you! And of Emma Watson's. In an effort to help Mika defeat her rival in a riff-off, Miles sells his soul to a suave demon living in The Man's Nest Abyss Room; Captain Man must soon face the demon in a ukulele-log-rolling competition to get all the kids' souls back. ShoutOut: I found him. But there are so many kids out there who need to see someone like them -- a role model who has the ability to put themselves out there. Ray: [disgruntled gibberish] I got caught grazing in the donut fields over in crafty. ShoutOut: [comes in] I lost them at the wing store but I-- Are you doing an interview? 24:33. Captain Man goes on strike because he refuses to pay for art that he destroyed on a mission, forcing the Vice-Mayor to hire a new hero to defend Swellview: Monsieur Man. "Creative Arts Children's & Family Emmy Awards: "Netflix Leads Nomination Tally for First-Ever Children's & Family Emmys", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Danger_Force&oldid=1152749231, Outstanding Stunt Coordination for a Live Action Program, Outstanding Special Effects Costumes, Hair and Makeup. Release year: 2020. [to Volt, AWOL and ShoutOut] Let's make it quick. But when he tells them theres a crime drought in Swellview, they begin to suspect that hes fighting crime without them. List of. But actually also, no. Mary: -and that's how Swellview's beloved Officer Jamz keeps popping, and locking, up criminals. Ray: How'd you even get in here, Guy?! Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations. [Ellis runs through the classroom carrying giant scissors.] Danger Force (2020-2023) Episode List. Song: Ahhhhh! I wanna be ShoutOut, 'cuz once I shout-- you're out. Schwoz: [laughs] Ohhhh, no. Come on. Hi! I built it. ShoutOut: Oopsie! Bose: [to Volt] Hey, lady! These kids who ruined an otherwise perfect interview. Ray: As long as I say! Follow. Captain Man: Oooh, right on time-- who'd you get? Danger Force is a Scripted Comedy TV show written by Christopher J. Nowak. LayLay and Sadie from That Girl LayLay appears in the Side Hustle episode When Worlds Collide. Ray: [to Ellis] You wanna lil' sip of chocolate cake? Ellis: Scissors!!! ShoutOut: Errr-aaaahhhh! Mr. Nice Guy, Jeff, Lil' Mustache, Big Mustache, The Midnight Tickler, The Time Jerker, Trenchfoot-- We're incredibly proud of it and of everyone involved." Sasha. create jobs in a novel bottom-up way. Bose: [sitting on Miles] Ah-oooooooooo! * SavingChristmas: "Down Goes Santa" deals with Chapa accidenatally downing Santa's sleigh, allowing for Santa's evil brother Krampus to try to kill the Christmas spirit by making sure no one cares about the holiday anymore. Volt: Which we'll do on our enemies' GRAVES. TV-Y7. Twice! Ray: I am mad! That's just a toddler. Captain Man says offscreen, Captain Man, Volt, and Brainstorm have arrived, "Oh we will. * ThisIsNotADrill: In the first episode, Captain Man announced this to the members of Danger Force. Miles, are you in a Journey concert? Captain Man said, The Toddler goes running to Captain Man only for Captain Man to super punch him in the face, "Time to finish him off." Captain Man: Okay. Volt: [struggling with Fran] Those aren't our names, ya dig?! Guy: Just a guy. Fisher yelled, "Why? AWOL: You know what, Trent? After Miles has a vision that Rick Twitler is still around, Danger Force travels deep into the Man's Nest to find him, running into an old foe along the way. Report. [1][3] A quarantine episode, filmed and produced virtually, aired on May 9, 2020. S3 E4 - A Henry Among Us November 12, 2021 23min TV-Y7 Natalie: Why do you want me to say your names? Captain Man puts Danger Force through a series of tests to see if he can trust them; but when the tests get out of hand, the tables are turned. Thirty. I'm gone. Captain Man: Let's keep in mind, Trent, that if inspirational prison movies have taught us anything, it's that the vast majority of the people in that jail were innocent. We can't look like this and tell her our superhero names. Bose said, "Good. Bose: Well, I hope you're happy. [whispers] This is my "hot mom" shirt! Chapa: No, I zapped them over! Use the spicy milk! Miles asked, "I crawled out which took me over a year. Volt: Technically? But first! ShoutOut: Natalie Mazdah! Volt: Alright, I'm out. Only faces. Brainstorm is set to be the first guest, but will he be able to keep Danger Forces identities a secret once he is on television? Cooper Barnes - Ray Manchester/Captain Man. So when Danger Force comes to save them, we can force them to reveal their true identities." I entered his genetic information into the Man's Nest computer and created an image of exactly what his mom looks like. Ray: [shows the photo of Ellis' mom] Where is this lady? They can just use their powers to escape." Action Comedy Family Captain Man has a new crew of superhero sidekicks - Danger Force. As I walk down the aisle toward my seat, who do I see? Dustin and Jaci Statton in an engagement photo from 2021. [eats a wing] I guess this is goodbye. The Toddler: Who are you? I want to tell them but Ray would have an episode and would get mad." Danger Force we have some friends to save." [Note 1] Cooper Barnes and Jace Norman serve as producers for the series. Ray: We should probably go get him. [Cheers from everyone in the restaurant.] Bose: I've had a long day. She lives in Nova Scotia. Danger Force enlists Henry's help to make sure the night goes off without a hitch. Her last name is revealed to be Macklin in "Mika in the Middle". The spinoff series sees the return of Cooper Barnes as Ray / Captain Man and Michael D. Cohen as Schwoz. Captain Man and Schwoz recruit Chapa, Miles, Mika, and Bose, four new superheroes-in-training, to attend Swellview Academy for the Gifted. Mika gets a fine lesson on the art of not snitching, but a surprise from Schwoz's Mom might cause her to fail the test. Dr. Minyak replied, "Well with no further to do, Goomer drive us out so we don't get caught." Captain Man makes ShoutOut and AWOL compete over who can catch more criminals using their own ways of crime-fighting. There was nothing but chaos, shouting, and cartoon-like moments that included a total lack of disrespect for Captain Man and his legacy. Yeah, yeah yeah let me ask you a question: are you hot? Notorious villain Rick Twitler returns to Swellview with a devious plan to control Mika's mind through an intense virtual reality video game and use her powers to destroy the internet. Fisher said, "You know the superhero team Danger Force?" Captain Man: Okay, we definitely have to catch Mr. Guilty and we will, I promise-- Someone save Natalie Mazdah! [The map of Swellview falls on AWOL, causing him to fall to the ground.] Ray: YOU SHUT YOUR FILTHY MOUTH, SCHWOZ. Nandan Nilekani, the visionary architect of Aadhaar, describes how to. AWOL: We're in a hurry Trent: Security! Ahhh spicy milk. An ancient Prank War re-ignites between Swellview and Rivalton, and ShoutOuts excellent sense for pranking is Danger Forces best hope for winning the conflict. Mika: So what do you think? * AlliterativeFamily: Mika and Miles Macklin. Bose's mother picks up Schwoz's lost radioactive cat from outside of SW.A.G. The Toddler: What are you doing? Saw this school. Let me explain something to you about Danger Force. Bose: If you were trying to offend us-- congratulations, sir. Miles: It's two twenty-six already?! Miles: Actually, I teleported over, knocked them down, and teleported back. Mika: Yes. Ray: There it is everybody, strap in. Courtney: What are you kids doing?! Justin: That's Ellis' birth mother, Samantha. Ray: Okay, thank you very much. Schwoz said, An unknown caller is wanting to video chat, Schwoz goes to the back and Ray, Chapa, and Bose transforms into their outfits, "Captain Man hotline. We've got him at Hip Hop Pure. Young Captain Man: That's not my name, dig? Dana Heath as Mika, the sister of Miles who develops the ability of sonic scream and whose superhero name is ShoutOut. Brainstorm: [comes in bringing a child] I got The Toddler! Brainstorm can move things with his mind. Ray: Yeah, and you're super-trash at using 'em. Mary: She's dancing. That almost hurt. Ray: I just got the most popular person in Swellview to say my name on the radio. It's not like Captain Ham is here to save you." [Mika and Mile go to the tube.] Ray: Yep. Coyote Jake: Ah-oooooooo! * [[EvilDoppelganger Evil Doppelgngers]]/[[ArtificialHuman Artificial Humans]]: In the episode, "Attack of the Clones," Ray and Schwoz have clones created of the Danger Force kids as backups just in case anything ever happened to them and they needed substitutes to fill in for them. With my super power. Jace Norman - Henry Hart/Kid Danger. Chapa: Yeah, how much longer do we have to practice fighting? Schwoz: But you just said-- AWOL: Yeah. Presley said, Presley knocks on the door and Mika opens it, "These are my friends, Ray, Schowz, Bose, and Chapa." Ray: Huh? he captioned a behind-the-scenes pic where he can be seen hanging out with his co-stars on set. ShoutOut: I'm trying! Presley said, "Me too. AniMat's Crazy Cartoon Cast: Homeward to Rip-Offs. "This episode of Danger Force ultimately tells a relatable story of friendship, openness, and trust, through the lens of sitcom. No criminals at the wing store. Mika, Miles, Bose, Chapa and Frankinii from Danger Force appears in the Side Hustle episode When Worlds Collide. Dr. Minyak said, "What's the plan Minyak?" [At the KLVY news center, Trent and Mary are reporting.] Mika: You'd better hurry-- the two thirty-eight news starts in twelve minutes. Ray: Okay. Bose, do you have to use the potty? Ellis: Goodbye, ShoutOut. Dr. Minyak and The Toddler yelled, "I heard everything. Ray: We gotta get that kid back to his parents. Sasha also took to Instagram to celebrate the occasion. Volt: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO Danger Force is crushing it at Swellview Junior High, but Ray misses his sidekicks and schemes to get them out of school. Ray: He's had a long day. In the classroom, Schwoz is teaching the Danger Force a lesson.] Mika: We have bigger problems than the fact that Bose kidnapped a child and gave him giant scissors: I just got a GuGu alert. Creators Christopher J. Nowak Dana Olsen Dan Schneider Stars Cooper Barnes Michael D. Cohen Havan Flores [Brainstorm gasps.] Miles: I object to The "Wing Wimp" in the strongest possible terms. However, through the transition between the shows "Henry Danger" and "Danger Force", he becomes much more cynical, [[CasanovaWannabe practically and overly lustful for any woman that comes his way]], highly irrational, stubborn, and pig-headed, and goes almost hysterical when things don't go his way. "I want Sasha to see his own power as an actor and as a human," Michael D. (who co-wrote and directed the June 19 Danger Force episode) said in a statement to Variety about Sasha's casting and inclusion in the popular children's superhero series. List of Danger Force episodes. Guy: Because if the news says your superhero name three times, that's your superhero name for-ever. Trent: Once known as Danger Force, these kids are now being called Oopsie Girl, The Wing Wimp, Spicy Milk, and Gorgeous Hair Boy. * SavingChristmas: "Down Goes Santa" deals with Chapa, -->Jake: "I do my own stunts." Trent: And I will What a sweet moment for ShoutOut, AWOL, Volt, and Brainstorm. Chapa still hasn't found her phone, which was stolen from her in the, In "Villains' Night", the Beating Dungeon makes its reappearance from, In "Chapa's Phone Home", Chapa said her phone was stolen from her when eight years ago. Chapa, Miles, Mika and Bose are Captain Man's new superheroes-in-training! Chapa replied, "They will never be seen again." Bose: [to Ellis] He loves you buddy. Fresh from Swellview's famous spicy cows. Oh, I just remembered it's seven. Obviously justified because none of them have twin siblings and it's a live action show. ** AWOL has teleportation; "AWOL" on the other hand, is an acronym for "Absent Without Official Leave", meaning not present on your post but without intention to desert. It actually works successfully. [goes up to the restaurant counter, using his henchman as a step] Your 24/7 streaming source for equality news and lifestyle trends. Luca Luhan - Bose O'Brien/Brainstorm. Presley says, "As long as nothing bad happens." Take him. [Volt tries to move, but Fran stops her.] -->Miles (seeing Schwoz's mother ominously hanging from the ceiling ready to attack): Now that't terrifying. Look, we can talk about who escaped all day long-- It will premiere on May 18, 2023. However, through the transition between the shows "Henry Danger" and "Danger Force", he becomes much more cynical, [[CasanovaWannabe practically and overly lustful for any woman that comes his way]], highly irrational, stubborn, and pig-headed. Dr. Minyak yelled, "Well since you asked, we kidnapped two of your members and their cousins." Can't compete with that. * ActingForTwo: In the episode, "Attack of the Clones," the actors and actresses who plays the Danger Force team also play as their evil clones. We need her to say our names. Miles: I'll drop you off. Captain Man: That's not The Toddler. His last name is revealed to be Macklin in ". ShoutOut: Byeee I'll probably still have to do everything myself. 4 Seasons. Natalie: Emma Watson. However, through the transition between the. Miles and Mika: Down the tube! [Young Captain Man and Young Mary dance while disco music plays. I was just pretending to be Guy to make sure you all followed the security protocol. According to Variety, 13-year-old actor Sasha A. Cohen (alongside his twin sister Natalie R. Cohen) was recently cast in the June 19 "Manlee Men" episode of the kids comedy series, which tells the story of a group of kids in the fictional town of Swellview learning to harness their superpowers with the guidance of Captain Man (Cooper Barnes). TIP: When discussing topics like characters, Seasons, certain episodes, try and go to that page instead of going straight to the season pages. Presley and Fisher are packing to spend a week at their cousin's house, "I can't wait to hang out with Mika and Miles." (crashes through the window), (in a painful voice) "I will no loner do my own stunts.". [THEME SONG] Volt: Hey-yo! He calls the kids back to the Man's Nest to help fight and defeat the clones and then they get the idea to take the clones' superpowers away from them, and give them back to the actual Danger Force kids so they can regain the superpowers again. Schwoz: No. It premiered March 28, 2020 only a week after the latter ended. Henchman #2: [also in pain] Ahhhhhhhhhh! Hi! Bose: Thank you. Sasha's episode of Danger Force is set to premiere on Nickelodeon on Saturday, June 19! Toddie's hungry. Twitter ShoutOut: We just beat our first bad guys! Presley said, "Relax. Mary: Hey! "How is he that stupid?" ", "I had never felt comfortable about who I am, and I always thought that I would never play a transgender role. Ray said, "Come on. Captain Man: If you must know, I have a massage scheduled today Captain Man and Schwoz create a fake school to train the kids to harness their uncontrollable superpowers to fight crime.Captain Man has a new crew of superhero sidekicks - Danger Force. None of this is working. ! Captain Man: No, that's spicy milk! Miles keeps feeling deja vu with everything that's been happening recently, convincing Captain Man time is stuck in a loop, and Danger Force goes after the Time Jerker to stop it. Brainstorm: Drink some cheese burger. Trent: [on video] Breaking news! [leaves] But the mood dims when a scary Bounty Hunter from Dystopia comes to Swellview looking for Henry. Miles said, "You're really going to tell them you're superheros?" AWOL has teleportation; "AWOL" on the other hand, is an acronym for "Absent Without Official Leave", meaning "not present on your post, but without intention to desert". AWOL: I got this. AWOL: So, the news has said our names twice?! Do your parents know?" Starring. Volt: Wait. [Alarm tone continues to ring.] Brainstorm: [comes in with Ellis] Alright. ShoutOut: You're supposed to be looking for Ellis' parents. Fran: Plus I thought this was all just part of rehearsal. ShoutOut has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to sell a movie to Hollywood bigshot Deuce Van Nuys, but when her mind goes blank under the pressure, the rest of Danger Force pitch in and share their own epic movie ideas.