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connecticut board of nursing disciplinary actions
. Applicants for the eNLC license must not have pled guilty to or have been convicted of a felony.Not only will a felony conviction prevent an applicant from obtaining an initial multistate nursing license, it will most certainly lead to disciplinary sanctions for a nurse who is already licensed (NCSBN, n.d.d). The impact of a criminal conviction is also presented. Nurses are trained to always be mindful of safety and professional ethics. RN #E43134 Although quite similar to the original NLC, the eNLC was designed to repeal and replace the existing NLC and implement requirements that would improve confidence and address the issues raised by reluctant stakeholders (Evans, 2015). . The following is a listing of public actions taken by the Board of Examiners for Nursing or the Connecticut Department of Public Health. This action may be revised after the full investigation. Use 1000s of skilled and express-certain layouts that meet your organization or individual demands and specifications. . The States of Illinois and California also brought charges against her based solely on the Texas action (Texas BNE, n.d.). The state board of nursing must report the results of any nursing disciplinary action to Nursys, the national database of nursing licenses and license status, and to the NPDB. Interested in a conference call with reporters Charles Ornstein and Tracy Weber? Name index by occupation available for select occupations. She faced sanctions with multiple states in 2016 based on an event that happened in a telemedicine practice in West Virginia. Licensure compacts. However, Connecticut can issue a summary suspension, which suspends a persons license before giving any notice or a hearing if they feel there is a risk to the safety of the public before having a hearing. The report included 10 recommendations to promote healthcare provider mobility (Donaho, Mudge, & Price, 1997; Pew, 1995). 2023 American Nurses Association. These laws are based on the Nursing Practice Act and allow the BONs to issue appropriate . This piece was developed in collaboration with one or more of our writers. Credit: JGI/Tom Grill | Tetra Images | Getty Images, According to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, according to the National Practitioner Data Bank, https://khn.org/news/article/nurses-react-radonda-vaught-verdict-conviction/, https://news.gallup.com/poll/388649/military-brass-judges-among-professions-new-image-lows.aspx, https://www.aacnnursing.org/News-Information/Fact-Sheets/Nursing-Fact-Sheet, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Must complete refresher and NCLEX, Suspended while It recommended, among other things, that States should standardize entry-to-practice requirements and limit them to competence assessments for health professions to facilitate the physical and professional mobility of the health professions, (Pew, 1995, p. ix). Drawing on their firsthand industry expertise, our Integrity Network members serve as an additional step in our editing process, helping us confirm our content is accurate and up to date. The appeal process is the opportunity to go in front of the board and refute the charges against you or the disciplinary action against you. The states duty to protect those who receive nursing care is the basis for a nursing license. (2017). The Nurse Licensure Compact: A historical perspective. Those were violations of a four-year probation that the board imposed in 2017 because she had abused heroin between 2011 and 2014, state records show. Most of the frequently asked for services are listed in the left margin of this page. RN #069635, Probation 6 months Box 340308Hartford, CT 06134-0328, Phone: 860.509.7624860.509.7603 (for testing candidates only)Fax: 860.509.7553Online: http://www.state.ct.us/dph/ Contact Person: Jennifer L. Filippone, Chief, Practitioner Licensing and Investigations Section. The infraction is handled as if the offense took place in their jurisdiction, even if it happened in a remote location (NCSBN, 2017). For example, Case #4 was a registered nurse with a license from Kentucky and a PTP in Texas, who was convicted of DUI and possession of marijuana, both of which were misdemeanor offenses. in Connecticut, Naomi Williams-Wal ONA concerns were about state sovereignty, regulation, and public safety. Probation - 4 years, Reinstated to A fine, if included, may range from $300 to $1000, or more, depending on the individual circumstances of the case. The general standard for this action is clear and convincing evidence that continued practice by the nurse would present a danger of immediate and serious harm to the public. The Connecticut board can impose discipline on a nurse licensed in Connecticut if the nurse has been disciplined in other states. In most cases, the burden of proof that must be met is clear and convincing evidence against you. Specific examples of disciplinary actions and implications for nurses, employers, and educators are presented. (One of the reasons many nurses protested the ReDonda Vaught trial and verdict is that they feared it would have an effect on self-reporting or reporting colleagues.). However, even when nurses practice in a remote location from the patient, they are subject to disciplinary measures both by the state where the patient is located, and by their home state (NCSBN, 2017). If you are thinking. Disciplinary action included license suspension. In addition, State Boards of Nursing (BON) lacked authority to act against a nurses license if a patient in the state was harmed by a nurse practicing remotely from another state (Texas BON, 2013b). Finally, one case demonstrates the impact of a BON investigation on a nurses ability to continue practice. Article III also grants compact states the authority to take disciplinary action against a nurses privilege to practice (PTP) status when the nurse violates the state laws and the state nurse practice act. An RN was more than 30 days delinquent in paying child support. Therefore, you must make sure that you do everything you can to find an attorney, understand the allegations against you in the complaint, and prepare yourself for the hearing. However, only three of these articles relate to disciplinary actions: Articles III, V, and VI (NCSBN, n.d.d). This is why the RaDonda Vaught case, which resulted in criminal charges from a medical mistake, drew national attention from nurses and nursing organizations. This section describes some specific Texas disciplinary cases in which the disciplinary action taken by the BON was directly related to the nurses multistate compact license. License lookup page How to request records: Send a written request to Bonnie Kuchta at the Maryland Board of Nursing, 4140 Patterson Avenue,Baltimore, MD 21215-2254. VACATED /2/02/2022, Reprimand After a BON's consideration of the complaint and the immediate evidence available, an emergency action may be necessary. It seems that JavaScript is not working in your browser. Read our recipe for investigating nursing boards' oversight . It is not enough to initiate paper work to start the process. The board of nursing (BON), through its statutory authority specified in the nurse practice act, is responsible for reviewing and acting on complaints in order to fulfill their mission to protect the public. (https://c-hit.org/2019/05/15/state-disciplines-10-nurses-revokes-3-licenses/). California Discipline Delayed - Our analysis found that California took three years, on average, to discipline errant nurses. The board revoked the licensed practical nurse license of Laurie Davidson of Bolton after finding that she failed to properly document medical records while working in 2015 as a nurse at Walnut Hill Care Center in New Britain. Civil Penalty - $2500.00 Revocation of a license is rare, but it does occur in the most serious cases where the allegations are very serious or threatening to the public and the evidence against the holder is great. The American Academy of Nursing accepts scholarship applications for the Building Academic Geriatric Nursing Capacity, Claire M. Fagin Fellowship Program. Nurses may also report themselves. These penalties included license suspensions, summary suspensions, probation periods, fines, voluntary surrender of license, and even license revocation. Massachusetts Board of Registration In NURSING Disciplinary Actions . (2016). https://libguides.ctstatelibrary.org/law/state-agency-decisions, Get a Library Card & Use or Borrow Materials, Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Braille and Audio Reading Downloand (BARD), Connecticut Volunteer Services for the Blind & Handicapped, Inc. (CVSBH), Connecticut State Historical Records Advisory Board, The Public Records of the State of Connecticut, Commission of Human Rights and Opportunities, Brief History of the Department of Public Health, Department of Public Health Regulatory Reports, Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. When nurses are disciplined in a compact state, the action directly impacts their practice in all the compact states (NLC Administrators, 2012; Texas BNE, n.d.). Mary E. Dietmann, EdD, APRN, ACNS-BC, CNE - (RN Member) When I moved back to Texas permanently a few years later, the reverse was the case. Her phone number is (410). Although it used to be sufficient to verify a nurses license with the state board of nursing, it is no longer so.Secondly, it is important that employers know that there is no extra paperwork required, nor does the BON need notified that a nurse with a compact license is working on a PTP. Implications for NursesThis section includes some important reminders for nurses regarding license compacts. As has been shown above, there can be a domino effect of disciplinary actions against nurses licenses. It is not enough to initiate paper work to start the process. Copies of documents referenced in this report, including Memoranda of Decision following a hearing, Consent Orders, Voluntary Surrenders, and Summary Suspensions are available onthe. Copyright 2023 The License Lawyers - Attorney Jay Ruane is reponsible for the content of this advertising. Although terminology may differ, board disciplinary action affects the nurse's licensure status and ability to practice nursing in the jurisdiction. Such actions would be unlawful and would violate public policy, since the nurse practice acts prohibit a nurse from holding more than one license under the eNLC (NLC Administrators, 2013). Investigations may take several months depending on the case. For decades, the licensing of nurses followed a single-state-licensing format in which a nurse was required to obtain a license in every state in which the nurse desires to practice. Because state boards are in charge of licensing, they are also responsible for investigating complaints. The applicant must also possess a valid United States social security number (NCSBN, n.d.j). Rebecca Martinez, LPN - (LPN Member) Almost all nursing misconduct is addressed through nursing disciplinary action from the state board of nursing or civil lawsuits. Questions can be directed to call Susan Goodness at the Board office, (603) 271-2323.. Suggest changes to inaccurate or misleading information. VACATED 07/17/2019, Agreement not to This led to a charge before the BON, and some disciplinary action (Texas BNE, n.d.). So, much like in some of the cases cited above, a nurse who is disciplined in one state can reasonably expect that similar charges will be filed by other states (NCSBN, n.d.d). Civil Penalty - $500.00, Suspended while Under the eNLC the states have uniform licensure requirements, are authorized to obtain and submit criminal background checks, and are required to report all disciplinary measures (NCSBN, n.d.j, 2015a, 2016). After the investigation, the board of nursing may decide to close the case if the complaint was found to be not valid. Retrieved from https://www.ncsbn.org/12_ULR_table_adopted.pdf, National Council of State Boards of Nursing. Hawaii recently signed an agreement to participate (NCSBN, n.d.c). The board revoked the registered nurse license of Amanda Alarcon of Shelton for failing to attend therapy sessions or submit to drug tests, its memorandum of decision said. NurseJournal.org is an advertising-supported site. Board of Examiners for Nursing 410 Capitol Avenue, MS #13PHO P. O. by Connecticut Department of Public Health Call Number: Conn Doc H342d Organized by occupation; coverage varies Patricia C. Bouffard, Connecticut nursing board chair and a registered nurse, said that during her 15 years on the board, the number of substance abuse cases has always hovered at 80 percent, although more now involve opioids. Misdemeanor convictions are considered on a case-by-case basis (NCSBN, n.d.j). Relative to the history of nursing in the United States, the Nursing Licensure Compact is a new phenomenon.Relative to the history of nursing in the United States (US), the Nursing Licensure Compact (NLC) is a new phenomenon. While that may create anxiety for some nurses, it should comfort others that the eNLC will not be an avenue for errant nurses to practice under the radar. Starting in 2021, nail technicians are now required to obtain and maintain a professional license, Massage therapists are some of the most popular professionals in the state of Connecticut. LPN #033506, Reprimand Donaho, B., Mudge, C., & Price, C. A. Saad L. (2022). - A listing of disciplinary actions taken against all licensed professionals and organizations. Omobola Awosika Oyeleye, EdD, JD, MSN, MEd, BSN, BA, RN-BC, CNE, CHSE, CPHQEmail: Omobola.a.oyeleye@uth.tmc.edu. (2018a, January 19). Key Disciplinary ProvisionsIn addition to the eligibility requirements, the eNLC contains key provisions that are explained in eleven articles. It could be because it is not supported, or that JavaScript is intentionally disabled. Featured or trusted partner programs and all school search, finder, or match results are for schools that compensate us. The boards memorandum of decision says that Francis, who previously lived in Colchester, used controlled substances to excess in 2016 and 2017. ), Limited or restricted practice (The nurse may continue to practice but under restrictions, such as not being able to access controlled substances. Reprimand, Reprimand Unfortunately, if your license has been suspended or revoked, you will need to immediately cease practicing professionally until the matter is resolved. People who are at a high risk for severe illness should consider additional measures to minimize their exposure to COVID-19 and respiratory illnesses. font size, Disciplinary actions may alsobe viewed the Department of Public Health's, Probation 1 year if Retrieved from https://www.ncsbn.org/NLC_Model_Rules.pdf, Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators. Some of the features on CT.gov will not function properly with out javascript enabled. She never conducted any face-to-face evaluations of any of these patients. Another timely development in 1996 was the enactment of the Telecommunications Act by the U.S. Congress. The board also placed the licenses of the following nurses on probation for four years and ordered them to pass random drug and alcohol tests: LPN Tammy Piccirillo of Seymour who, according to a consent order she signed, abused opiates from 2017 to 2018. Select a jurisdiction from the drop-down list below to obtain a specific jurisdictions nurse practice act and rules. First, it is important to remember that the multistate NLC does not change anything for a nurse who obtains one license and does not seek to move to or to practice in another state (NCSBN, n.d.d). The NPDB tracks data about licensing actions and malpractice suits for all healthcare professionals. An alternative program is utilized when the Board of Nursing seeks to avoid issuing the traditional discipline that an offense may deserve, thereby allowing the individual to remediate her behavior under conditions that are less restrictive than is normal (Texas BON, 2013a). It may also result in filing formal charges or assigning the nurse to an alternative-to-discipline program. Uniform License Requirements and Background ChecksAll applicants must also have passed the applicable licensing examination and be eligible to hold an unencumbered license.In a new provision, the eNLC established some eligibility and uniform license requirements that an applicant must meet before receiving an Licensed Vocational Nurse/Licensed Practical Nurse (LVN/LPN) or Registered Nurse (RN) license.
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