cisco show port status up down
Jumbos have larger frame sizes, typically > 9000 bytes. 5 Checking Port Status and Connectivity 5Checking Port Status and Connectivity This chapter describes how to check switch port status and connectivity on the Catalyst 4500 series switch. The results of a duplex mismatch are extremely slow performance, intermittent connectivity, and loss of connection. /Type /Annot Try the cable in another port or interface if one is available and see if the problem continues. The second router sees a TTL value of 1, discards the datagram, and returns the time-exceeded message to the source. Upgrade the NIC card driver to the latest version available on the web site of the manufacture to resolve this. Normally, such a condition is temporary, dependent upon transient peak loads within the system. The 300msec default debounce timer comes from the firmware polling timer to the linecards, which occurs every 300 msec. This shows the number of hours, minutes, and seconds since the last packet was successfully received by an interface and processed locally on the router. Full-duplex, 100Mb/s - Full-duplex and 100Mbps is the current speed and duplex setup of the interface. The pause packets stop when the connected device is able to receive the traffic. 21 0 obj When one of the ports in a physically redundant topology no longer receives BPDUs, the STP conceives that the topology is loop free. There are other causes for late collisions besides duplex mismatch, but this is one of the most common reasons. I usually start first with the following command: Switch0# show interfaces status Port Name Status Vlan Duplex Speed Type Fa0/1 connected 1 auto auto 10/100BaseTX /language (en) /Count 10 endobj Bad NICs can also cause late collisions. Information is displayed about all Catalyst 4000 family, Catalyst 5000 family, and Catalyst 6500 series switches that are in the path from the source to the destination. 03-25-2019 For example, with the WS-X4448-GB-RJ45 10/100/1000 switching module, you can connect ports from different groups, such as ports 4, 12, 20, or 30 (in any order), before you connect ports from the same group, such as ports 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. There can be a situation where the software is not compatible with the hardware. Eliminate faulty media convertors: fiber-to-copper, and so on. For more information, see the "Checking Module Status" section. Port or Interface Status is Disable or Shutdown Port or Interface Status is errDisable Port or Interface Status is Inactive Uplink Port or Interface Status is Inactive Deferred Counter on the Catalyst Switch Interface Increments Intermittent Failure to set timer [value] from vlan [vlan no] Trunking Mode Mismatch Jumbos, Giants, and Baby Giants At times the traffic transmission characteristics of the applications used can lead to output buffer problems. /Rect [162 354.8999938965 288.1799926758 366.1199951172] /Kids [42 0 R] MTU 1500 bytes, BW 100000 Kbit, DLY 100 usec, Last clearing of "show interface" counters never, Customers Also Viewed These Support Documents, How to find the port Uptime/Downtime status or utilization in Catalyst 3750 series switches that run Cisco IOS system software. If the link light for the port does not come on, you can consider these possibilities: Connect cable from switch to a known good device. Note: For Catalyst 3750, 3550, 2970 , 2950/2955, and 2900/3500XL Series switches use theshow postcommand, which indicates a simple pass or fail for the hw status. For example, you have a switch that has two Gigabit ports. In privileged executive mode, the ping command allows you to specify the packet size, packet count, and the wait time. The controller senses the wire and checks if it is not busy before it transmits.Common Causes:This is normal on an half-duplex Ethernet segment. This can be an indication of faulty hardware, dot1q or ISL trunking configuration issues. The alternative is to contact the vendor for software/hardware upgrade for IEEE 802.3z Gigabit auto-negotiation support. /Dests 10 0 R 12 0 obj Description:show interfacescounter. switch# show vtp status VTP Version : 1 Configuration Revision : 0 . To trace the path that packets take through the network, perform this task in privileged mode: Execute IP traceroute to trace the path packets take through the network. Text 19 0 obj If the ratio of errors to input packets is greater than two or three percent, performance degradation can be noticed. For example, here you see a high amount of output drops on the interface GigabitEthernet 8/9 on a Catalyst 6500 Series Switch: In order to analyze the problem, collect the output of these commands: show platform hardware capacity rewrite-engine drop. /Kids [6 0 R 45 0 R 46 0 R 47 0 R 48 0 R 49 0 R 50 0 R 51 0 R 52 0 R 53 0 R] Broadcast storms can often be responsible for these events. endobj Aging Time : 0 mins. Both ends of the link must be set to the same value or the link cannot connect. The total number of frames received whose length exceeds the System MTU, yet which have good FCS values. If the switch port receives a lot of late collisions, this usually indicates a duplex mismatch problem and can place the port in an errdisable status in a result. Because of this, a chance exists for the device connected to the catalyst switch to drop packets. Use theinterface-rangecommand to do this on multiple interfaces at once. >> In many cases, this is the result of a bad NIC. If the link operates at full-duplex, the collision counter is not active. The Catalyst 6000/4000 does not turn the port light orange when it blocks for STP. Last clearing of"show interface" counters - The last time the clear counters command was issued since the last time the switch was rebooted. 03-01-2019 The purpose of SPD is to ensure that important control packets, such as routing updates and keepalives, are not dropped when the IP input queue is full. A link light does not guarantee that the cable is fully functional. Also, use a sniffer program to analyze packets that come in and out of the router fast Ethernet interface. Port status as seen in the default dashboard color mode. A switch is in down state when there is nothing connected to the port or if its admin shutdown. /Border [0 0 0] You could try and set the keepalive timer on your switchports to something higher than the highest interval seen in your logs, say 20 minutes. It is usually easier to upgrade the software than it is to upgrade hardware. The cable can have encountered physical stress that causes it to be functional at a marginal level. /Dest (G1063442) Distances are based on fiber loss. The Catalyst4912G, 2948G, and 2980G switches are fixed-configuration switches, but are logically modular. >> For example, a runt, giant, or an FCS-Err does not increment the rcv-err counter. The issue occurs when Encoded Address Recognition Logic (EARL) is unable to set the CAM aging time for the VLAN to the required number of seconds. Note: To access tools and websites, you must be a registered Cisco client. Verify that there is not a faulty cable. >> The number of times the carrier was not present in the transmission.Common Causes:Check for a bad cable. If the switch overwhelms the Ethernet interface, check the speed and duplex setup. If not, contact the TAC, as this can be a faulty port. This only happens under stress conditions but can happen with bursts of traffic on several ports. i see. Normally you can identify this situation if the port has many packet errors, or the port constantly flaps (loses and regains link). When you power up or down the PC, the switch port changes state, and the switch starts the TCN process. If you have checked or tried the other suggestions in this document (checked speed/duplex, no physical errors on the link, all the traffic is normal valid traffic, and so on), then reducethe unit size that is sent by the application which can help to alleviate this problem. /Rotate 0 27 0 obj 15 0 obj /Border [0 0 0] Also refer to the sectionInput Errors on a Layer 3 Interface Connected to a Layer 2 Switchport. Try to find the offending device and remove it from the network. endobj The reason for this occurrence is because the time to propagate the signal from one end of the network to another is longer than the time to put the entire packet on the network. The Catalyst4912G, 2948G, and 2980G switches are fixed-configuration switches but are logically modular. If you have physical access to the switch, it can save time to look at the port LEDs which give you the link status or can indicate an error condition (if red or orange). This table shows an example of the commands used to configure verify and troubleshoot the errdisable status on switches. When the size of the IP input queue is between the minimum and maximum thresholds, normal IP packets are dropped based on a certain drop probability. If this counter increments, it is an indication of a wiring problem, an excessively loaded network, or a duplex mismatch. Theshow modulecommand can indicate faulty, which can indicate a hardware problem. You can use this utility from a switch that is not in the Layer 2 path between the source and the destination; however, all of the switches in the path, including the source and destination, must be reachable from the switch. In order to resolve this issue, complete these steps: Make sure Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) runs between the switch and router and both can see each other. No action is required. endobj 10 0 obj ctsadmin-p.gen /date (2007-05-04T15:24:40.000-07:00) /Dest (G1060208) )"S\~hiTDsEBE#kX'#,6Ju%[LM_|tU];[uKXA_HC|{LjCLpEt[mD|Waj[Y!9!ITW B5i95l-'@ %!#5CmD&ny ['Pf`a]S
[zw W?u<=YX:9C^x@0~]/cA$?gB:WN0!ySp@(X17en}c\=E/miTgcgxF }=n 0&*ik:0zJQe4_S`;~x>m)#9]zf>6}Y=A))}\kg1Nz2?xe%;!49>8sr~GV)R[Ewpv#+bL~L {^gLg+ J*6FU !2voqy7=1*l2WQu$Hhp(to#S(49U:]wh%mdY6< The table describes the LED status indicators for Ethernet modules or fixed-configuration switches: Ensure that both sides have a link. Common Causes:In many cases, this is the result of a bad NIC. /Type /Page Cisco ethernet interfaces are normally down / down if they don't have a link. If a packet was received on port 0/1, with destination MAC address X, and the switch has already learned that MAC address X resides on port 0/1, it increments the counter and discards the packet. The only way to clear the bit counters in these switches is to reload. SeeTable 1for explanations of the error counter output. Note: The right hand column on the next table gives a brief description of what the command does and lists any exceptions to the use per platform. This only happens under extreme, high stress conditions. They can be defined as any frame bigger than the standard ethernet frame of 1518 bytes (which includes the L2 header and Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)). The IEEE ethernet specification forbids this bit to be set in any Ethernet frame. >> This example shows how to check module status on a Catalyst2948G switch: This example shows how to check module status on a specific module: You can display summary or detailed information on the switch ports using the show port command. Share 3. If collisions increase dramatically, this points to a highly utilized link or possibly a duplex mismatch with the attached device. Category 3 copper cable can be used for 10 Mbps unshielded twisted pair (UTP) connections but must never be used for 10/100 or 10/100/1000Mbps UTP connections. Giant frames are defined as any frame over the maximum size of an ethernet frame (larger than 1518 bytes) that has a bad FCS. If the mismatch occurs between two Cisco devices with the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) enabled, you see the CDP error messages on the console or in the logging buffer of both devices. For more information, refer to the UDLD: One-Way link problems section of this document. Reduce the switch load if thenumber of packets in this field increase. This is useful to know when a dead interface has failed. Refer toCisco Technical Tips Conventionsfor more information on document conventions. In its operation, STP relies on continuous reception or transmission of BPDUs based on the port role. 20 0 obj l2trace {src-ip-addr} {dest-ip-addr} [detail]. If either device has multiple Gigabit ports, connect the ports to each other. 14 0 obj Late collisions are a result of incorrect cabling or a non-compliant number of hubs in the network. Description:show interfacescounter. You can need to modify your network topology to reduce the traffic load for this switch. 05-11-2020 This is only required if end-devices such as older Gigabit NICs are used which cannot support IEEE 802.3z. In half-duplex environments, it is possible for both the switch and the connected device to sense the wire and transmit at exactly the same time and result in a collision. You can use IP traceroute to identify the path that packets take through the network on a hop-by-hop basis. /accessLevel (Guest,Customer,Partner) The interface displays a lot of information including a visual representation of each port's status. If single connection or Step 3 fails with SC connectors, loop the port back to itself (port one RX goes to port one TX). If you load a newer software version, it can often fix this. /Parent 3 0 R Basically, up/down means the port is available for a cable/connection, but doesn't have one. This example shows how to disconnect an active console port session and an active Telnet session: The next two sections describe how to use IP ping. Cisco recommends that you disable the unicast flooding because it also ensure that no flooding occurs on the port once the MAC address limit is reached. An excessive collision happens when a packet has a collision 16 times in a row. /N 28 0 R To support authentication for Telnet with secure shell encryption, use the telnet keyword in the set authentication commands. The mode-conditioning patch cord is required for link distances less than 328 feet (100 m) or greater than 984 feet (300 m). It also occurs when the hardware hits an oversubscription. Learn more about how Cisco is using Inclusive Language. Verify Hw and Sw support for this type of GBIC. When you use either the WS-X6548-GE-TX or WS-X6148-GE-TX modules, there is a possibility that individual port utilization can lead to connectivity problems or packet loss on the surrounding interfaces. Alignment errors are the result of collisions at half-duplex, a duplex mismatch, bad hardware (NIC, cable, or port), or connected devices that generate frames that do not end with an octet and have a bad FCS. endobj ), 2900/3500XL only.The number of times that a port received a packet from the network, but the switch did not have the resources to receive it. It has helped us a lot. The SSH feature provides security for Telnet sessions to the switch. When a port receives a Symbol, it extracts the 8 bit data from the Symbol (10 bits). 01:03 AM No, it always shows this same date and time for all the interfaces (1993) even though the switch is configure with the correct date and time. InCisco IOS software you have the ability to automatically re-enable a port after a configurable amount of time spent in the errdisable state. endobj Likewise, the Last input never, output never, output hang never status means the port is not in use. For example, if you have two routers connected and you disable CDP on one router interface, this results in unknown protocol drops on that interface. 1000BASE-T and 1000BASE-X Port Cabling Specifications, Category 5 UTP Category 5e UTP Category 6 UTP, 722 ft (220 m) 902 ft (275 m) 1640 ft (500 m) 1804 ft (550 m), 1804 ft (550 m) 1804 ft (550 m) 1804 ft (550 m) 6.2 miles (10 km). For further information on how to troubleshoot hardware problems on Catalyst switches that run Cisco IOS, navigate to the Cisco Switchessupport pages, choose your platform and look at the Troubleshooting > Hardwaresection. For information about setting the IP address and default gateway, see "Configuring the Switch IP Address and Default Gateway.". Check for loose connections. The maximum number of hops an l2trace query will try is 10; this includes hops involved in source tracing.
The number of received packets discarded because there is no buffer space.Common Causes:Compare with ignored count. Maximum MAC Addresses : 1. This will give you the last upinformation. The WS-X4448-GB-RJ45, WS-X4548-GB-RJ45, and WS-X4548-GB-RJ45V switching modules have 48 oversubscribed ports in six groups of eight ports each: The eight ports within each group use common circuitry that effectively multiplexes the group into a single, non-block, full-duplex Gigabit Ethernet connection to the internal switch fabric. Description:show interfacescounter. The size of this buffer is only 16 KB. The command show diagnostic was introduced in 12.1(11b)E for the Catalyst 6000 series and show diagnostics (with an s ) was introduced in for Catalyst 4000 Series. endobj /Resources 30 0 R /Type /Pages For more information on troubleshoot hardware related errors on Catalyst switches, see the Hardware Problems section of this document. There are no specific requirements for this document. For more information about how to troubleshoot hardware problems with theshow modulecommand, see the Port or Interface Status is disabled or shutdown or the Hardware Problems sections of this document. If the Rx is able to clear the Rx queue or reach low water mark within this interval, Tx sends out a special pause frame that mentions the interval as zero (0x0). Description:show interfaces counters errors. When a layer 3 interface is connected to a layer 2 switchport, it is not able to interpret these frames, which results in Input errors, WrongEncap errors, and Input queue drops. If that VLAN is deleted, then the port or interface becomes inactive. << FCS errors are the result of collisions at half-duplex, a duplex mismatch, bad hardware (NIC, cable, or port), or connected devices that generate frames that do not end with an octet and have a bad FCS. %PDF-1.4 Refer toUnderstanding and Configuring VLAN Trunk Protocol (VTP)for more information on VTP. /Parent 14 0 R After 12.1(19EW, a runt = a fragment. These drops are not obvious as they are dropped at the internal ASIC rather than the actual interfaces. by
If you have device A connected to device B over a Gigabit link, and the link does not come up, perform this procedure. The number of times one collision occurred before the interface transmitted a frame to the media successfully.Common Causes:Collisions are normal for interfaces configured as half-duplex but must not be seen on full duplex interfaces. If the FCS, CRC, alignment, or runt counters increment, check for a duplex mismatch. After you issue the command, re-boot the switch or else the output of theshow interface status module
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