cfi notebook navigation and flight planning
When an MEA, MOCA, and/or MAA change on a segment other than at a NAVAID, a sideways "T" (, If there is an airway break without the symbol, one can assume the altitudes have not changed (see the upper left area of Figure 1-2), When a change of MEA to a higher MEA is required, the climb may commence at the break, ensuring obstacle clearance. Copyright 2023 CFI Notebook, All rights reserved. Navigation Lesson Plans Pilotage and Dead Reckoning: Diversion: To determine that the applicant exhibits satisfactory knowledge, risk management, and skills associated with diversion References: FAA-H-8083-2, FAA-H-8083-25; AIM; Navigation Charts Pilotage and Dead Reckoning Knowledge: The applicant must demonstrate an understanding of: PA.VI.C.K1: Continue searching. Copyright 2023 CFI Notebook, All rights reserved. The objective of IFR en route flight is to navigate within the lateral limits of a designated airway at an altitude consistent with the ATC clearance Your ability to fly instruments safely and competently in the system is greatly enhanced by understanding the vast array of data available to the pilot on instrument charts Airplane Flight Controls Lesson Learn about Primary and Secondary Flight Controls such as: Ailerons, Elevators, Rudders, Flaps, Spoilers, Trim Systems, and more. Pilots should avoid premature manual deletion of waypoints from their active "legs" page to allow for rejoining procedures, RAIM Prediction: If TSO-C129 equipment is used to solely satisfy the RNAV and RNP requirement, GPS RAIM availability must be confirmed for the intended route of flight (route and time). This includes terrain, navaid coverage, emergency options, etc. (See Paragraph 5-4-18, RNP AR Instrument Approach Procedures. Print outs of the local airport information from the Chart Supplement U.S. To determine that the applicant exhibits satisfactory knowledge, risk management, and skills associated with pilotage and dead reckoning, References: 14 CFR part 61; FAA-H-8083-2, FAA-H-8083-25; Navigation Charts, To determine that the applicant exhibits satisfactory knowledge, risk management, and skills associated with cross-country flights and VFR flight planning, References: 14 CFR part 91; FAA-H-8083-2, FAA-H-8083-25; Navigation Charts; Chart Supplements; AIM; NOTAMs, Planning is based on what we believe will occur, It may be incorrect and calculations/adjustments may need to be made in flight, but having a point from which to depart leads to educated decisions, The military calls this mission cross-check, When dead reckoning, you've done the math to determine timing, and so if you arrive at a checkpoint according to timing and direction but you don't see it, turn to your next heading and orient yourself, Information to aircraft performance at various altitudes can be found in Chapter 5 of the Pilot Information Manual, Navigation should always be done from the chart to the landmarks, This means look at your chart first and then at the ground for your landmark, If done the other way around you could find yourself staring at your map looking for a landmark that may not be charted, There is no correct cruise altitude, its a balance of terrain and obstacles, glide distances, winds, required VFR cruising altitudes and flight levels, and smoothness of air, Remember that documents may not reflect reality and when it comes to services available at an airport, they may not be available due to supplies or even destructive weather, It is advised that you call FBOs ahead of departures to ensure required services are available, Don't forget about what you want to do after you reach your destination, Chose an Fixed-Based Operator (FBO) ahead of landing and give them a call before you depart to ensure the desired services will be available, where you must go to receive them (i.e., fuel farms may not be at the FBO ramp), and any special parking instructions, When traveling cross-country, it is recommended to carry extra closes/toiletries (bingo bag) to mitigate comfort-based delays when making, Pilots should consider the implications of planning or filing/requesting direct legs. In general, these types of unintentional interference are localized and intermittent. Other methods providing an equivalent level of performance may also be acceptable, For procedures or routes requiring the use of GPS, if the navigation system does not automatically alert the flight crew of a loss of GPS, the operator must develop procedures to verify correct GPS operation, RNAV terminal procedures (DP and STAR) may be amended by ATC issuing radar vectors and/or clearances direct to a waypoint. With this comes the need to keep things organized to reduce Foreign Object Debris (FOD) and confusion in flight. NavSpecs should be considered different from one another, not "better" or "worse" based on the described lateral navigation accuracy. Emergency Operations: Task A. cfi. One engine inoperative during straight-and-level flight and turns (AMEL, AMES) Task C. One Engine Inoperative - Instrument Approach (AMEL, AMES) Task D. Approach with Loss of Primary Flight Instrument Indicators. Typically, an aircraft eligible for A-RNP will also be eligible for operations comprising: RNP APCH, RNP/RNAV 1, RNP/RNAV 2, RNP 4, and RNP/RNAV 10. This means that your aircraft may be eligible for RNP 1 operations, but you may not fly an RF turn unless RF turns are also specifically listed as a feature of your avionics suite, RNP 2 will apply to both domestic and oceanic/remote operations with a lateral accuracy value of 2, RNP 4 will apply to oceanic and remote operations only with a lateral accuracy value of 4, RNP 4 eligibility will automatically confer RNP 10 eligibility, The RNP 10 NavSpec applies to certain oceanic and remote operations with a lateral accuracy of 10. Use the capabilities of your avionics suite to verify the appropriate waypoint and track data after loading the procedure from your database, Lateral Accuracy values are applicable to a selected airspace, route, or procedure, The lateral accuracy value is a value typically expressed as a distance in nautical miles from the intended centerline of a procedure, route, or path, RNP applications also account for potential errors at some multiple of lateral accuracy value (for example, twice the RNP lateral accuracy values), In the U.S., RNP APCH procedures are titled RNAV (GPS) and offer several lines of minima to accommodate varying levels of aircraft equipage: either lateral navigation (LNAV), LNAV/vertical navigation (LNAV/VNAV), Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance (LPV), and Localizer Performance (LP). Use of RNP 0.3 by slow-flying fixed-wing aircraft is under consideration, but the RNP 0.3 NavSpec initially will apply only to rotorcraft operations. Continue searching. | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | Sitemap | Patreon | Contact, Aeronautical Information Manual (1-2-2) Required Navigation Performance (RNP), Aeronautical Information Manual (5-1-16) RNAV and RNP Operations, Aeronautical Information Manual (5-5-16) RNAV and RNP Operations, Federal Aviation Administration - Pilot/Controller Glossary, Required Navigation Performance, or RNP, is RNAV with the added requirement for onboard performance monitoring and alerting (OBPMA), RNP standards are required for operation within a certain airspace, A critical component of RNP is the ability of the aircraft navigation system to monitor its achieved navigation performance, and to identify for the pilot whether the operational requirement is, or is not, being met during an operation, RNP capability of the aircraft is a major component in determining the separation criteria to ensure that the overall containment of the operation is met, OBPMA capability therefore allows a lessened reliance on air traffic control intervention and/or procedural separation to achieve the overall safety of the operation, The RNP capability of an aircraft will vary depending upon the aircraft equipment and the navigation infrastructure [, For example, an aircraft may be eligible for RNP 1, but may not be capable of RNP 1 operations due to limited NAVAID coverage or avionics failure. For example, while operating on a Q-Route (RNAV 2), the aircraft is considered to be established on-course when it is within 2 nm of the course centerline, Pilots must be aware of how their navigation system operates, along with any AFM limitations, and confirm that the aircraft's lateral deviation display (or map display if being used as an allowed alternate means) is suitable for the accuracy of the segment being flown. ), You need not pass directly over a positive landmark for it to be useful to you, Be cautious of man-made landmarks as they may have changed, moved, or no longer exist, Water features are depicted using two tones of blue, and are considered either "Open Water" or "Inland Water", "Open Water," a lighter blue tone, shows the shoreline limitations of all coastal water features at the average (mean) high water levels for oceans and seas, Light blue also represents the connecting waters like bays, gulfs, sounds, fjords, and large estuaries, Exceptionally large lakes like the Great Lakes, Great Salt Lake, and Lake Okeechobee, etc., are considered Open Water features, The Open Water tone extends inland as far as necessary to adjoin the darker blue "Inland Water" tones, All other bodies of water are marked as "Inland Water" in the darker blue tone, Can be positively identified but not specifically plotted because they extend for some distance, Features such as roads, railroads, coastlines, power lines and rivers may make good timing checkpoints if they are perpendicular to the course line and have other specific environmental particulars that identify your position, Rivers and power lines must be easy to find, either isolated or large so they are unmistakable with confirming landmarks so they can be confirmed, Railroads and major highways are almost always depicted on aeronautical charts, Features that a pilot suspects he can correlate with the chart, but they may not be fully reliable, Landmarks such as oil wells, and windmills may be repetitious. | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | Sitemap | Patreon | Contact, U.S. Terminal Procedures Publication (TPP), Instrument Approach Procedure (IAP) Charts, Instrument Departure Procedure (DP) Charts, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Planning Chart, The Digital Aeronautical Information CD (DAICD). Transmission and utility lines often span approaches to runways, natural flyways, such as lakes, rivers, gorges, and canyons, and cross other landmarks pilots frequently follow, such as highway, railroad tracks, etc. In the U.S., a specific procedure's Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) requirements will be prominently displayed in separate, standardized notes boxes. It includes aeronautical and topographic information of the conterminous U.S. This means that your aircraft may be eligible for RNP APCH operations, but you may not fly an RF turn unless RF turns are also specifically listed as a feature of your avionics suite. RNP AR DP capability requires specific aircraft performance, design, operational processes, training, and specific procedure design criteria to achieve the required target level of safety. Navigation Systems and Radar Services Lesson Plan Introduction: To determine that the applicant exhibits satisfactory knowledge, risk management, and skills associated with a forward-slip to a landing References: FAA-H-8083-2, FAA-H-8083-3; POH/AFM; AIM Attention: Research a case study Although the appropriate response will vary with the situation, in general pilots should: Use the last reliable navigation information as the basis for initial headings, and climb above terrain, Change to another source of navigation, if available (i.e., VOR, DME radar vectors), Pilots should promptly notify ATC if they experience GPS anomalies. Motivator: Cockpit management are the actions and procedures, starting with preflight, in which all necessary equipment, documents, checklists, and navigation charts appropriate for the flight are on board and easily accessible. There are several potential advantages of RNAV routes and procedures: Reduced dependence on radar vectoring, altitude, and speed assignments allowing a reduction in required ATC radio transmissions, and, In addition to information found in this manual, guidance for domestic RNAV DPs, STARs, and routes may also be found in Advisory Circular 90-100(), U.S. Terminal and En Route Area Navigation (RNAV) Operations, RNAV procedures, such as DPs and STARs, demand strict pilot awareness and maintenance of the procedure centerline, Pilots should possess a working knowledge of their aircraft navigation system to ensure RNAV procedures are flown in an appropriate manner, In addition, pilots should have an understanding of the various waypoint and leg types used in RNAV procedures; these are discussed in more detail below, A waypoint is a predetermined geographical position that is defined in terms of latitude/longitude coordinates, Waypoints may be a simple named point in space or associated with existing navaids, intersections, or fixes, A waypoint is most often used to indicate a change in direction, speed, or altitude along the desired path, RNAV procedures make use of both fly-over and fly-by waypoints, Fly-by waypoints are used when an aircraft should begin a turn to the next course prior to reaching the waypoint separating the two route segments. If RAIM is not available, pilots need an approved alternate means of navigation, An aircraft is considered to be established on-course during RNAV and RNP operations anytime it is within 1 times the required accuracy for the segment being flown. Scalability and RF turn capabilities is mandatory in RNP AR DP eligibility. | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | Sitemap | Patreon | Contact, Federal Aviation Administration - Pilot/Controller Glossary, CFI Notebook.net - Airways and Route Course Navigation, Instrument Flying Handbook (1-6) IFR En-Route Charts, The objective of IFR en route flight is to navigate within the, Your ability to fly instruments safely and competently in the system is greatly enhanced by understanding the vast array of data available to the pilot on instrument charts, En route high-altitude charts provide aeronautical information for en route instrument navigation at or above 18,000' MSL, Information includes the portrayal of Jet and RNAV routes, identification and frequencies of radio aids, selected airports, distances, time zones, special use airspace, and related information, Established jet routes from 18,000' MSL to FL 450 use NAVAIDs not more than 260 NM apart, To effectively depart from one airport and navigate en route under instrument conditions, a pilot needs the appropriate IFR en route low-altitude chart(s), The IFR low altitude en route chart is the instrument equivalent of the sectional chart, When folded, the cover of the AeroNav Products en route chart displays an index map of the United States showing the coverage areas, Cities near congested airspace are shown in black type and their associated area chart is listed in the box in the lower left-hand corner of the map coverage box, Also noted is an explanation of the off-route obstruction clearance altitude (OROCA), The effective date of the chart is printed on the other side of the folded chart, Information concerning MTRs is also included on the chart cover, The en route charts are revised every 56 days, When the AeroNav Products en route chart is unfolded, the legend is displayed and provides information concerning airports, NAVAIDs, communications, air traffic services, and airspace, Airport information is provided in the legend, and the symbols used for the airport name, elevation, and runway length are similar to the sectional chart presentation, Associated city names are shown for public airports only, FAA identifiers are shown for all airports, ICAO identifiers are also shown for airports outside of the contiguous United States, Instrument approaches can be found at airports with blue or green symbols, while the brown airport symbol denotes airports that do not have instrument approaches, Stars are used to indicate the part-time nature of tower operations, Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) frequencies, part-time or on request lighting facilities, and part-time airspace classifications, The minimum en route altitude (MEA) ensures a navigation signal strong enough for adequate reception by the aircraft navigation (NAV) receiver and obstacle clearance along the airway, Communication is not necessarily guaranteed with MEA compliance, The obstacle clearance, within the limits of the airway, is typically 1,000' in non-mountainous areas and 2,000' in designated mountainous areas, MEAs can be authorized with breaks in the signal coverage; if this is the case, the AeroNav Products en route chart notes "MEA GAP" parallel to the affected airway, MEAs are usually bidirectional; however, they can be single-directional, Arrows are used to indicate the direction to which the MEA applies, The minimum obstruction clearance altitude (MOCA), as the name suggests, provides the same obstruction clearance as an MEA; however, the NAV signal reception is ensured only within 22 NM of the closest NAVAID defining the route, The MOCA is listed below the MEA and indicated on AeroNav Products charts by a leading asterisk (e.g., "*3400" - see Figure 1-2, V287 at bottom left), The minimum reception altitude (MRA) identifies the lowest altitude at which an intersection can be determined from an off-course NAVAID, If the reception is line-of-sight based, signal coverage only extends to the MRA or above, However, if the aircraft is equipped with distance measuring equipment (DME) and the chart indicates the intersection can be identified with such equipment, the pilot could define the fix without attaining the MRA, On AeroNav Products charts, the MRA is indicated by the symbol, The minimum crossing altitude (MCA) is charted when a higher MEA route segment is approached, The MCA is usually indicated when a pilot is approaching steeply rising terrain and obstacle clearance and/or signal reception is compromised, In this case, the pilot is required to initiate a climb so the MCA is reached by the time the intersection is crossed, On AeroNav Products charts, the MCA is indicated by the symbol, The maximum authorized altitude (MAA) is the highest altitude at which the airway can be flown with assurance of receiving adequate navigation signals, Chart depictions appear as "MAA-15000." A Remote Communications Outlet (RCO) associated with a NAVAID is designated by a thin-lined box with the controlling AFSS frequency above the box and the name under the box, Without an associated facility, the thin-lined RCO box contains the AFSS name and remote frequency, Automated Surface Observing Station (ASOS) and Automated Weather Observing Station (AWOS) are continuously transmitted over selected NAVAIDs and depicted in the NAVAID box, ASOS/AWOS are depicted by a white "A" in a solid black circle in the upper right or left corner. Also provides a means for pilots to update visual charts between edition dates, Published every 56 days while sectional and Terminal Area charts are generally revised every 6 months, Update Bulletins are available for free download from the AeroWeb website, Volumes are side-bound 5-3/8 x 8-1/4 inches, Civil/military flight information publication issued by FAA every 56 days, It is a single volume booklet designed for use with appropriate IFR or VFR charts, The Supplement Alaska contains an Chart Supplement U.S., airport sketches, communications data, weather data sources, airspace, listing of navigational facilities, and special notices and procedures, Volume is side-bound 5-3/8 x 8-1/4 inches, Designed for use with appropriate VFR or IFR en-route charts, Included are the Chart Supplement U.S., communications data, weather data sources, airspace, navigational facilities, special notices, and Pacific area procedures, IAP charts, DP charts, STAR charts, airport diagrams, radar minimums, and supporting data for the Hawaiian and Pacific Islands are included, FAA controllers to monitor transatlantic flights, this 5-color chart shows oceanic control areas, coastal navigation aids, oceanic reporting points, and NAVAID geographic coordinates, Designed for FAA controllers to monitor transoceanic flights, The show established intercontinental air routes, including reporting points with geographic positions, The OC is a 1:12,000 scale graphic depicting part 77, Objects Affecting Navigable Airspace surfaces, a representation of objects that penetrate these surfaces, aircraft movement and apron areas, navigational aids, prominent airport buildings, and a selection of roads and other planimetric detail in the airport vicinity, Also included are tabulations of runway and other operational data, A booklet designed to be used as a teaching aid and reference document, It describes the substantial amount of information provided on FAA's aeronautical chart and publications, It includes explanations and illustrations of chart terms and symbols organized by chart type, The users guide is available for free download at the AeroNav website, The DAICD is a combination of the NAVAID Digital Data File, the Digital Chart Supplement, and the Digital Obstacle File on one Compact Disk, These three digital products are no longer sold separately, The files are updated every 56 days and are available by subscription only, This file contains a current listing of NAVAIDs that are compatible with the National Airspace System, This file contains all NAVAIDs including ILS and its components, in the U.S., Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands plus bordering facilities in Canada, Mexico, and the Atlantic and Pacific areas, This file describes all obstacles of interest to aviation users in the U.S., with limited coverage of the Pacific, Caribbean, Canada, and Mexico, The obstacles are assigned unique numerical identifiers, accuracy codes, and listed in order of ascending latitude within each state or area, The CIFP is a basic digital dataset, modeled to an international standard, which can be used as a basis to support GPS navigation. Magnetic heading will usually require a correction based on the variation or: The angular difference between true north and magnetic north from any given position on the earth's surface (represented by isogonic lines), Isogonic lines are points of equal variation, represented in degrees east or west, Deviations is usually pulled off a sectional chart however, other sources such as, The memory aide "east is least (minus), west is best (plus)" is often used to remember how to apply east and west variations, Magnetic Course (MC) = True Course (TC) - East Variation, Magnetic Course (MC) = True Course (TC) + West Variation, All aircraft will have a deviation factor that must be applied, Deviation is read off the compass card in the aircraft, and must be added or subtracted to the magnetic course as appropriate, Determining winds at altitude help guide your true heading, Since winds aloft are expressed in "true," you will calculate the wind correction angle off true course, Deviation is found on a placard with your magnetic compass, Variation is necessary for converting true headings to magnetic, Magnetic variation depends on your location on the earth, as labeled by isogonic lines, Compass heading is determined by applying the deviation correction to the magnetic heading, From Sea Level to 5,500' we calculate 9 minutes, 2.0 Gal, 13 NM, Assuming 1,000' for the departure altitude we calculate: 1 minute, 0.4 Gal, 2 NM, Subtract the difference: (9-1)=8 Min, (2.0-0.4)=1.6 Gal, (13-2)=11 NM, Pay attention to the notes at the bottom of the chart, especially to add 1.1 Gal for taxi and takeoff, Utilizing a simple formula (Distance = Time x Ground Speed may be utilized, Therefore, if you have any two, you can calculate the other.
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