best air force bases for married couples
It takes a lot of planning and foresight, said Capt. The 7 percent sales tax is higher than the nationwide average of 6 percent, and summer hits hard, averaging 92-degree temperatures in July. For example, a staff sergeant without dependents in L.A. gets a monthly BAH of $1,704 and a chief master sergeant without dependents gets $2,373. 40th AS, 1st AD conduct Operation Night King exercise, 53rd Wing uses Ex Black Flag to validate Tactical C2 capabilities for ground and air forces, Israeli Air Force Adir participates in Red Flag for first time, Personnel Recovery Airmen test JT-JUMPR during Red Flag, An official website of the United States government. In terms of nightlife, Dardo mixes some of the best cocktails in town and OGradys Irish Bar is a popular bar that offers a taste of home in burgers and beer. Traditionally, in America, you get married. An easy way to figure out your service member's pay, regardless of branch of military service, is by using the Military.com pay calculator. Produce on the island can be super limited and expensive, since a lot of it is shipped from the States. Military retiree families can also receive Tricare. Our insiders confessed that the winter months are the hardest. Final word: Dont even bring up the Mafia. Colorado Springs is also home to the scenic Air Force Academy and right along the southern edge of the Rocky Mountains. Also, base amenities are pretty decentralized between different areas, so you could say the base lacks a measure of convenience. The best Army bases for couples offer a solid mixture of affordable housing, nightlife, as well as on-post amenities. Our Team Boots on the Ground Additional Info : Release Date 2016-02-15T00:00:00.000Z Buy on Amazon 2. We have to make sure to were present with each other when were home, said Ford. Orlando is also within a long days drive from MacDill Air Force Base. So the most compelling reason to get to Seoul now is the fact that you might not be able to get there later. Research and compare the top credit cards for military members here. Better to pack on the memories and leave the tchotchkes behind for those civilians who know they will be in the same house for 40 years. Think rain and wind and only seven to eight hours of daylight. San Antonio is rapidly growing into the new Austin, so families will never be short on cultural activities involving outdoor recreation, music, and food. Ford spent much of her early career at Minot in an office, but is now working as a Weapons Officer in charge of training. The constant moves, deployments, North Dakota. We searched for all rated schools within a 10-mile radius of each base and averaged their scores to come up with an overall school score. Everyone has interests based on where they are in life. In our survey, it ended up with one of the highest school rankings 8 out of 10 the lowest crime ratesreceiving 9 points out of 10, far greater than the nationwide average of 6 and lowest unemployment rates 3.9 percent compared with 6.1 percent nationally. Here are a few steps you and your spouse can take to improve your chances of achieving personal and professional goals: Look for joint assignments - Each service branch has a program for assigning married couples to the same duty location or within 100 miles of each other. And that's what we did. The cost of living here hovers slightly below the national average, and the schools are well ranked. Additionally, Joint Base San Antonio Lackland offers its own mall on the base and several other amenities. In an interview, Debra Westervelt, Hanscom's capital asset manager, acknowledged that the Bedford housing market is "pretty tight," and said many airmen assigned there choose to live on base for that reason. The base's commissary is small, its only medical facility is a clinic, and its small exchange is just a shoppette. Stacey Shunk, married in March in New York City's Central Park. Two years later, she deployed again to England for a Bomber Task Force. Pikes Peak, among the many 14ers in the state of Colorado, is right in your backyard. Flickr/U.S. Keep in mind its very competitive to get stationed at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson but savor the opportunity if it presents itself. Like Harry Potters Room of Requirement, the Exchange will have what you need even before you need it, tax-free! And being situated at the foot of the Dolomite alps cant be so bad, right? She and other mothers and fathers emphasize the value of comfort and safety on base. In some ways, dual-military life can be compared to a normal working couple's . Hickam Air Force Base is the highest rated Air Force base in Hawaii yet not for everyone which is why it doesnt rank tremendously high overall. I think our relationship would have actually been more challenging if one of us wasnt in the military, said Rosa. Its a great base for singles because of its proximity to downtown San Antonio and Austin which are paradises for this type of crowd. A mere two days after getting married, Capt. Part of the reason Lackland ranks so high is because of its superior medical facilities which are important to a lot of military families. Why you wouldn't want to live there: The whole annual hurricane threat can be a little off-putting. Social worker Casi Preheim, MSW, provides expert answers to the question: C, Essential Extras: 17 Things That Make Life Better for Less. Break down barriers and start conversations with these practical ways to talk to teens. Best reason to be stationed there: The history. Disappointing schools, higher-than-average crime rates, and high taxes combined to place McConnell Air Force Base, located near Wichita, Kansas, near the bottom of our list. Nellis AFB features more military schools and squadrons than any other Air Force base in the country. Want to know how much BAH you are currently receiving? Sign up here for our daily Thrillist email, and get your fix of the best in food/drink/fun. No matter which Air Force Base tickles your fancy, they all have a few essential commonalities that families tend to put at the top of their checklists. While in the military, he spent time analyzing imagery from a variety of aircraft such as the SR-71. Need to get an ID card? The key here? The throngs of tourists during tourist season are a nightmare. Nicholas Parker and his wife U.S. Coast Guard Petty Officer Second Class. Locals are friendly to soldiers serving in the USAF 18th Wing, 353rd Special Operations Group, and other units. Also plentiful are weinstubes (wine taverns) where you can grab a beer or glass of wine with your pork schnitzel. A home in Bedford will run you a median cost of $546,500. It is easy to see why they are considered some of the best Air Force bases for families in the nation. To reprint or license this article or any content from Military.com, please submit your request, Why Your Military PCS Might be Funnier Than You Think It Is (Ashley Gutermuth, Comedian and Air Force Spouse), Dealing with SOFA Rules and Taking Your Career Overseas (Beth Conlin, OCONUS Career Advocate), What You Need to Know About Military Home Buying in a Wild Market (Michelle Crumley, Caliber Home Loans Mortgage Expert), Military Homeschooling Help for No Matter Where You're Stationed (Natalie Mack, Military Homeschool Expert), Another Outage Hits Troubled Records System at VA, DoD Health Facilities, 'They're Not Able to Cover Their Rent': Housing Top Concern as Congressional Panel on Military Life Starts Work, Defense Department Sticking with TriWest to Run Tricare West Region, Caregivers for Severely Disabled Vets Getting Expanded Mental Health Services as Part of Biden Order, 'Poop Falling from the Ceiling': Despite Improvements, Fort Gordon Families Detail Continued Housing Issues, registered in the military's personnel system, Research and compare the top credit cards for military members here, Jill Biden Uses Workout to Honor Military Kids' Sacrifices, How to Reduce Capital Gains Tax on a House You Sell After Less Than 2 Years, Thousands Welcome Home Sailors of the USS George H.W. By law, BAH is meant to cover 95percent of your housing costs, minus renters insurance. The base is one of the oldest bases in the nation, and a portion of the homes on base are historic homes. A small island off the southern coast of Japan, Okinawa is the place to see life in its most exotic color: fluorescent sea creatures are visible through transparent waters, trees are green and lush, and the spiders are brightly colored (and freaking huge). McGuire Air Force Base, on the other hand, is very close to NYC, Philadelphia, and New Jersey for nightlife. The BAH rates are recalculated every year. You buy a house. The Fotheringhams met in Pensacola, Fla., while volunteering at a Blue Angels show. According to Sperling's Best Places, average July temperatures in Wichita hit a scorching 93 degrees. Best base amenity: For those intimidated to plan their own travel, the Information, Tickets and Tours (ITT) Group on base sets up excursions for people on base. Things move a little slower and start a little later in Spain, and business hours function more on vibes and feels rather than clockwork. While Tricare is technically not an insurance company, it often operates a lot like one, helping military families receive healthcare and pay medical bills. Being close to Tampa, there is always something for kids to do. Considering the average price of a two-bedroom apartment in Dayton is about $700 a month, it is easy to see how military families can comfortably live and work here. Many Air Force couples choose to wed at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado, because the base Cadet Chapel is known for its iconic architecture with 17 spires. Here are the top Air Force bases in the nation: Located in St. Clair County, Illinois, Scott Air Force Base tops the list of the best Air Force Bases in the U.S. overall. While China has increasingly adopted Western influences, the traditional family structure is still highly valued and holds a prominent position in Chinese culture. But yeah, the area is nice for younger couples or retired ones. Kristin has a Bachelor's Degree in Education: Learning Disabilities, and a Master's Degree in Education: Emotional Impairments/Behavior Disorders. Certain other family members can also receive ID cards in some circumstances. "For such a small base, we do have quite a lot of amenities," Oakes said. There are tons of perks to being near NOLA, but it isn't for every family. The purpose of any great military base is to serve the country yet the location should also boost morale by offering amenities and other perks. Here are the best places for singles: #1 - Joint Base San Antonio Lackland, Texas Image: Jbsa.mil Joint Base San Antonio Lackland is such a great place to get stationed that it makes the list twice. Through Ashley Gutermuth's many military moves, she has learned to flip circumstances around to find the humor, and the How do you figure out what you need to know about taking your career overseas? If you are divorced or unmarried, and . London is only an hour away by train, and Scotland is an easy day trip for those that want to take a Scotch whisky tour and look for the Loch Ness Monster. MWR operates several resorts in vacation destinations around the world. The next most important categories crime, health care facilities, commute times and exchanges were doubled in value. The nonprofit group America's Promise Alliance, which was founded by Colin Powell, has listed Bedford as one of the 100 Best Communities for Young People five times. Technology has made being apart easier for families, and while deployed, the Fotheringhams took full advantage of it by video calling and watching movies together with Bluetooth headphones. I like to think that Qatar was my honeymoon, she said. Shes a mother of four and former mom blogger. And at the end of each school year, Pizarro said, Bedford High School holds a party for students whose families are transferring away from Hanscom, which is attended by base leaders. Advertise Spicy rice cakes, fish cakes, egg bread, goldfish bread, and fried rice skewers. Not only are there plenty of water activities, there are also loads of hiking trails that vary in terrain and difficulty -- from climbing waterfalls to navigating thick jungle. Being close to Tampa, there is always something for kids to do. Military.com. Couple the weather with all the beach and sporting amenities, it's an outdoor-friendly base with beautiful ocean scenery. Do said Columbus' exchange is horrible, and he usually goes to Wal-Mart instead. 2002-2023 LoveToKnow Media. The secludedness makes you feel like you have an island to yourself with phenomenal beaches and splendid weather. Your family has always lived on the same tree-lined, lemonade-stand-in-the-summer cul-de-sac and you love them for it, but lets be blunt sometimes family is better enjoyed half a continent or more away! Being close to a major city provides families with additional activities to entertain those of all ages during non-working hours. Related Article Top 15 Military Schools For Boys And Girls. The military facility is in the Fort Walton and Destin area with direct access to the Gulf of Mexico. Schriever AFB is among several USAF bases in the Colorado Springs metropolitan. In addition to the bi-monthly paycheck, military service members receive benefits like money for housing, subsidized groceries and healthcare. Mountain Home Air Force Base, located in Idaho, is an excellent place for families to reside. (tied) McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas. Let your child's teacher know they are appreciated with these thoughtful sentiments to include in a teacher thank you note! Make the most of where you are. Nellis Air Force Base is right outside North Las Vegas need we say more? Well send you our daily roundup of all our favorite stories from across the site, from travel to food to shopping to entertainment. Active-duty military families -- regardless of which branch of service their spouse serves in -- receive benefits through the military's healthcare, which is called Tricare. While families may find Hawaii expensive and difficult to spend time with extended family, most military couples love getting stationed on one of the islands. In these cases, the family members can continue to live in military family housing, while the member is away. Well, you can. Despite the astronomical costs of living in L.A., BAH rates are surprisingly low. If you ask any member of the military why he or she joined the service, apart from patriotism of course, the most popular answer is often "to see the world." To come up with a school quality score, we used the website GreatSchools.com, a respected resource for ranking and comparing schools used by real estate agents and real estate websites such as Zillow and Realtor.com. Also, the Department of Defense (DoD) schools are really good and their sports teams travel to compete against other DoD schools across Europe. Housing is also surprisingly affordable in parts of San Antonio and soldiers that are single will cherish the live music scene in nearby Austin. Angel Vargas, a group practice manager for the 375th Medical Group at Scott Air Force Base in Illinois, who was previously stationed at L.A., said that he loved the near-constant 70-degree weather there, as well as all the social things to do. For most married service members, those allowances include Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) and Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH). Why you wouldn't want to live there: Driving can be a little crazy. Final word: In Seoul, the local street food is where its at. Service members also have the choice of journeying north to Alburqurqe and many destinations in Colorado for extended leave vacations. No other US military base in the world provides a similar opportunity to live in the middle of a major international metropolis, likely in a towering high-rise. The coastal region of Andalucia, where the base is situated, is also known as "the Florida of Europe," but were still unclear if that is intended as a compliment. Staff Sgt. "That's more money I can spend on my daughter now, on after-school events," Vargas said. BestPlaces.net's cost of living score for nearbyEl Segundo, California, is 218, more than double the nationwide average of 100. Submit an Article The ability to collect crap is exponentially diminished by the Air Forces need to show you the world beginning with Yikes, Nev., and followed by WTH, Okla. You get tired of packing and TMO has weight limits anyway, so you dont collect junk. When you do see the relatives, youll be on your best behavior because youll never be living ten minutes away. This base is an area that encompasses the live, work, play mentality and helps military families achieve a work-life balance. The military base has multiple things going for it as mentioned above. The base houses family-friendly amenities like bowling, swimming, movies, parks, and other family events to create a community sense. Operation Military Kids was founded to be a resource for teens and young adults who are interested in joining the military, but don't know where to begin. And not always the good kind. Traveling to Asia and Australia is also easy and affordable, and since Guam is a US territory, English is the primary language on the island. Youre glad no one can simply pop in because the babys perpetually covered in blueberry juice, youre wearing some ridiculous IF YOURE NOT AMMO YOURE CRAP T-shirt with a degenerate dragon on it. Rosa and Capt. You can learn more about United Concordia dental coverage here. Best reason to be stationed there: Technicolor everything. We used formulas to convert the raw data from each category into a 10-point scale. Unfortunately, the chapel is currently under construction with an estimated completion date of 2027. 33 Teacher Thank You Notes From Parents to Show Your Appreciation. You will know how to make the best of a 3,400-mile PCS move driving across the frozen Alaskan wilderness to the desert-dom of Las Vegas. The Military.com pay app makes figuring it out easy on iOS or Android. The median home cost there is a whopping $766,000. 20 Reasons to Join the Military (and 7 reasons not to), Your email address will not be published. Best base amenity: Because most sailors are stationed here solo (see below), the USO actively brings morale-boosting entertainment to the base. It boasts shopping centers, short commute times to large, surrounding cities, a massive 300-bed hospital, and a friendly and welcoming community atmosphere. Top 10 Perks of Being An Air Force Spouse by Military Spouse Team in Air Force, Life The Air Force life is not an easy one. Best base amenity: With so many bases located on Okinawa, there is no shortage of amenities. Why you wouldn't want to live there: Lakenheath is a small, quiet village. The costs of these are based on a family's total income, not just the service member's paygrade. The Okinawan culture is extremely polite, respectful, and considerate, which means public areas are extremely clean and well maintained. Best reason to be stationed there: Variety. While the military will always throw a monkey wrench in any best-laid plans, your career doesn't have to be one of them. The United States currently operates 59 active Air Force bases. There are American fast food restaurants operated by the Exchange service as well as movie theaters. And if your family members are American citizens, they can visit you without a passport. Read more. But other schools received low rankings from the Great Schools website, dragging the Washington area's school score into the average range of 6 out of 10 possible points. Langley AFB is near Hampton, Virginia. Finding military childcare can feel difficult, but this tutorial can help you. The perfect card for your stepmom-in-law, the random pistachio nut blend that your husband loves, or the ber-organic milk brand that even the commissary isnt aware of. The Air Force allows couples to apply for joint-spouse assignments, where a spouse will be given orders to the same base as, or a base near, their significant other, depending on the availability of jobs. Alongside relying on their peers, dual-military couples often lean on each other for support, especially when it comes to work. Don't know exactly how to get your military spouse and family benefits or want to know more about what they are? And the Thunderbirds cant be beaten! Its competitive to get stationed at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson but worth giving it a shot. Just 40 minutes down the road is Prosecco Road, a 20-mile stretch of cliffside vineyards -- most of them still family-run and several of them considered to be the best in the country. And an Arlington, Virginia, house hits a punishing median cost of $583,400 well over triple the $170,100 median home cost nationwide. Newsletter Just as we asked current and former military personnel from all branches of the service where they loved and hated being stationed in the United States, this time we wanted to know the best/most desired overseas assignments. Living at or near a base that focuses on family and work-life balance helps make their occupation choice worthwhile. Since there's no chow hall, he tries to find healthy foods off base. Ford, who only have a dog and two cats, there is a community of people who work together to take care of each others pets while they are away from home. Another downside? Families can take advantage of events like family trivia nights at the base or check out numerous museums in the Tacoma area. It is not always possible, especially for couples in different branches of the military, but the Air Force has made strides to improve their policies to keep families together. It is one of the finest Air Force bases in the country similar to Scott Air Force Base and Joint Base San Antonio Lackland because of low housing, superb medical facilities, and a large commissary. "Everything closes early on base and around town. Sperling's Best Places also provided data it collected on the size and type of on-base commissaries, exchanges and health care facilities, and rankings on a 10-point scale. Even for Capt. Most bases worldwide are home to a military commissary operated by a government organization called the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA). From marriage to kids and parenting, we have the resources you need. "It's better for my family.". If that is not enough, consider that Elmendorf-Richardson has its own ski area. Be forewarned, though, Yongsan is set for closure (date TBD). Underground criminal organizations may still be quietly at play, but theyre wrapped up in bigger schemes than petty street theft or hassling tourists. Oh, I know, some have tried (I see those timeless and classic Longaberger baskets there, ladies) but PCSing every couple of years keeps the clutter at bay. Still, Scott makes the transition easier with its affordable housing options, low crime rate, top-notch hospital, and on-base amenities like a mini-mall and shopping center. EXCEPT at the Exchange. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Like Scott Air Force Base, Wright Patterson Air Force Base sits in the welcoming Midwest. The hospitality doesnt go unnoticed by military personnel making it a great place to feel welcomed. 2 Answers Lonnie Moore Former MSgt (Ret) at U.S. Air Force (1986-2010) Author has 51 answers and 7.6K answer views 11 mo Any place is as good as you make it. , most beautiful historic neighborhood in the US, Scotch whisky tour and look for the Loch Ness Monster, were still unclear if that is intended as a compliment, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Also worth a mention: wintertime weather is pretty drab. Joint Base San Antonio Lackland, a sought-after base by families, was ranked as the eighth-best place in the country to raise children. At the end of the day, the Air Force sees us as individual Airmen. And the last four categories pollution levels, climate, unemployment rates and sales taxes got no additional weighting. So, yeah, island fever is a real thing. LIKE IN THE FUTURE. Along with having the great wilderness as your backyard (more on that, below), its a great assignment for military families. Best reason to be stationed there: The wine. The allowance is called BAH, short for Basic Allowance for Housing. Check out this commissary 101 for more information on commissary shopping. Base(s): RAF Lakenheath, RAF Mildenhall (slated for closure). Youll never regret a day at Lackland if you are single and looking to mingle. Thankfully, the Air Force Base has a private beach available to those in service when the weather becomes unbearably hot! Read more about that here. And the individual services' MWR programs operate recreation areas stateside in places like Virginia Beach, Virginia; Fort Walton Beach, Florida; and Pacific Beach, Washington. Required fields are marked *. And only married couples can be accepted for on base housing. Here's what you need to know. You are streamlined and would never think of hoarding. Wright-Patterson AFB just makes the cut among many other competing military bases for top honors. And where exactly would we live? Alyssa Ford of the 742nd Missile Squadron take plenty of time to plan out their future as much as possible. While many Air Force families have no choice where they land, those who get stationed at these top-ranked bases consider themselves fortunate. Application of age is 16 with parental consent. Hanscom Air Force Base near Bedford, Massachusetts, has a lot going for it. Or if youre more a beach person, there are jet-black beaches on Aeolian Islands and pure white beaches on the southern rim of the mainland. And there are times when only a mom or a sister will understand and it would be nice if they could just drop by. Compliance. Military Families: Resources, Tips and Beyond, two high schools rating 9/10 on the GreatSchools index. But that food is much more expensive than junk food, he said, meaning he sometimes has to make a choice between eating healthily and making ends meet. Air Force Master Sgt. How much you receive is usually based on where your service member is stationed. The legal age to obtain a marriage license without parental consent in Texas is 18 years of age. There is nothing like spending leisure time in the outdoors. It's a dream -- and, shockingly, the reality -- for some lucky service members. Pancetta, pizza, pasta, and pistachio gelato -- the gangs all here. The average commute in the Washington area is roughly half an hour, and hits nearly 40 minutes in the area right around Bolling well longer than the average 25-minute commute nationwide. While McConnell has a large commissary, its small medical clinic and disappointing base exchange also hurt the base's ranking. Luke AFB is a major training facility for the military branch and has excellent amenities. The Defense Department says it will permanently close the Navy's massive Hawaii fuel tank facility that leaked petroleum into Copyright 2023 Military.com. The popular Itaewon district is super close to base and offers loads of bars, restaurants, and shops. Brace yourself: Miss America 2016 just visited. The best way to find out what is currently available from that program is to contact your base MWR office. There are at least a dozen other locations where airmen receive more not just places like New York City and Honolulu, but also West Point, New York; Oakland, California; Fort Monmouth, New Jersey; and New Haven, Connecticut. The cost is $66 cash (no checks) and $6 in Bexar County if couples bring in the "Together in Texas" certificate ( www.twogetherintexas.com) . Best base amenity: Were told the commissary on base is crucial for stocking up on familiar American food from home, mostly frozen or non-perishable. The climate is superb and military families making camp at the base rave about their kids' educational opportunities. South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, and Washington also house several bases. Even cooler. If you're confused about what your service member is currently getting paid, you can view his or her Leave and Earnings Statement (LES). Following a review of the selection process, the Defense Health Agency has decided to stick with TriWest, a health management An executive order signed at the White House recommends that VA widen services for veterans who rely on home health aides for Military families are still struggling to get mold and other hazards fixed, according to a follow-up report. We'd wager school quality, for example, is a greater concern than the sales tax rate. You fill it with crap. As long as youre not Vic, youll move away in the Air Force, and see your family only when you want. These top-rated bases provide low-cost living to military personnel, excellent amenities on or near the base, and a strong sense of community. The area, along with many parts of Colorado, is rapidly growing and forecasts to eventually replace Denver in terms of population. Everyone has to settle down eventually, right? The best credit cards for military personnel provide unique rewards in recognition of their service. Therefore, if you really like city life then youll find many of the USAF bases on the list problematic for their rural settings. Grand Forks AFB continuously ranks among the top 10 USAF bases in the United States. But the area's high cost of living and housing prices partly because it is about a 25-mile drive from Boston landed Hanscom in the bottom five. And you cant find the quilt that your husbands moms great-aunt made just for you with tiny arthritic fingers and should be displayed at all times but is accidentally in an unpacked pro gearbox. Read on. Final word: Some say that Crete is so culturally rich and distinctive its almost a country all its own. Air Force Military Weddings. This can vary depending on where you're stationed. Preparing for deployment can seem like an uphill battle. In fact, that phrase -- "making the most of it" popped up over and over again in interviews with military personnel. And word is that many of the apartments have electronic locks, wired intercom systems, and heat that comes through the floor.
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