bank of america political contributions
With the 2020 election season underway, Business Roundtable welcomes efforts by governors to address barriers to voting, including new challenges raised by the pandemic. 167, MT H.B. Washington, Financial industry regulations and state or local laws prohibit employees of particular lines of business or employees with certain coverage responsibilities from making certain political contributions or engaging in certain political activities. Just six GOP senators joined with the Democrats, leaving the measure short of the 60 votes needed to proceed. [NPR. To request permission for commercial use, please contactus. Only two House Republicans Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois voted Wednesday to create a select committee to investigate the deadly January 6 attack on the US Capitol. Today, dozens of leading companies announced a commitment to participate in the Civic Alliance, Americas premier nonpartisan coalition of businesses working together to build a future where everyone can vote, volunteer, and take action to shape our country. [Democracy Works, 1/29/20], As Of March 22, 2022, Bank Of America Corporation CEO Brian Moynihan Is A Member Of The Business Roundtable. You are continuing to another website that Bank of America doesnt own or operate. The FDIC, which is undertaking a "comprehensive review," will release policy recommendations by May 1. Statistics and metrics included in our ESG documents are estimates and may be based on assumptions or developing standards. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce urged U.S. senators to reject a voting reform bill passed by the Democratic House and the powerful business lobby warned that it might highlight where they stand on the issue. Political Action Committees (PACs) have been in place for more than 40 years as a tool for companies to come together, pool voluntary contributions and engage in the political process. Something has changed palpably in the publics and shareholders understanding, Ms. Alpern said. [The New York Times. Accountable.US conducted Nexis and Google searches using Bank of Americas name combined with the terms disinformation and each of the following: election, 2020, ballot, vote, and voting. Accountable.US also ran the same searches with the term misinformation. As of August 15, 2022, Bank of America does not appear to have enabled the sharing of electoral misinformation/disinformation nor allowed its platform to be used to share electoral misinformation/disinformation since the 2020 election cycle. When Bank of America makes any of these contributions, it does so to promote the interests of the company and without regard to the private political preferences of its executives. Furthermore, in a 2021 survey by Howard University Digital Informers, a slim majority (51.5%) of respondents believe that Black Americans are targets of fake news. [The Brookings Institution. Our principal memberships in financial industry and certain other trade associations that receive more than $25,000 from Bank of America Corporation and its subsidiaries annually are listed below. We do not engage in grassroots lobbying, which means we do not directly communicate with the general public advocating that it take action with respect to specific legislation. The American Bankers Association's Political Action Committee, is the largest PAC representing the banking industry and consistently one of the largest trade association PACs in the nation. Bank of America's political spending Did not donate to federal lawmakers who opposed voting rights legislation during the 2022 election cycle Did not donate to federal lawmakers who objected to certifying the 2020 presidential election Did not donate to federal lawmakers who opposed creating a Congressional January 6th investigation 21 out of 29 Bank of America lobbyists in 2021 have previously held government jobs. Over the course of our nations history, the right to vote was hard fought for so many Americans, particularly women and people of color. As understanding grows about the risk and value creation opportunities that ESG presents, the demand for ESG disclosure has accelerated. A growing list of companies are cutting off donations to politicians who opposed the Electoral College results, targeting the 147 Republican members of the House and the Senate who voted against affirming President-elect Joe Bidens victory. Around the world, there are increasing concerns that fake news threatens democracy. Corporate political action committees have been cutting off donations to eight Republican senators since they voted on Jan. 6 to reject the results of the 2020 presidential election. This leads to the election of incompetent and perhaps corrupt or self-dealing governments. 90, GA S.B. After the Capitol riot and a Republican push to pass restrictive voting laws that disproportionately affect racial minorities, investors want to know more about where a companys political donations end up. President Biden won the state by just 11,779 votes out of nearly five million cast. Our PAC contributes to both parties and takes a lot of factors into account. BofA Securities, Inc., Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated and Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Corp. are registered as futures commission merchants with the CFTC and are members of the NFA. Greg Abbott on Tuesday signed into law Senate Bill 1, sweeping legislation that further tightens state election laws and constrains local control of elections by limiting counties ability to expand voting options. [The Texas Tribune. Data delayed 15 minutes unless otherwise indicated (view delay times for all exchanges). The bill would require each state to ensure that individuals with disabilities have the same access to absentee ballots and applications as other voters, as well as making them electronically accessible to voters with disabilities, among other safeguards. [Brennan Center for Justice, 9/20/21], The Freedom To Vote Act Counters Long Lines And Related Discriminatory Practices by ensuring Lines Last No Longer Than 30 Minutes So That Individuals Subjected To Excessive Lines On Election Day Most Often Black And Latino Voters Are Protected From That Discrimination The Freedom to Vote Act [] Countering long lines and related discriminatory practices: The bill creates protections for individuals subjected to excessive lines on Election Day most often Black and Latino voters by requiring states to ensure that lines last no longer than 30 minutes and restricting states from prohibiting donations of food or water to voters waiting in line. [Brennan Center for Justice, 9/20/21], During The 2022 Election Cycle, Bank Of America Does Not Appear To Have Contributed To The Members Of Congress Who Objected To Certifying The Results Of The 2020 Presidential Election. As changes to voting laws are under consideration in multiple state legislatures, Business Roundtable today issued the following statement on principles that should guide policymakers: The right to vote is the essence of a democratic society, and the voice of every voter should be heard in fair elections that are conducted with integrity. This is why 250 companies and business organizations of all sizes and sectors from across the country have come together to urge Congress to introduce and pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, to make fair and safe access to voting real for all. The companies made a commitment to ensure that their employees had a work schedule that allowed them time to vote in that years midterm elections. [Time To Vote, Accessed, This movement is a non-partisan effort that demonstrates the power of what the business community can achieve when it works to address the most significant issues of our time. The balance between the parties fluctuates for many reasons in any given election. Provisions are categorized as restrictive if they would make it harder for Americans to register, stay on the rolls, and/or vote as compared to existing state law. [Brennan Center for Justice. Political Action Committee ("PAC") Contributions. [Business For Voting Rights, Accessed 3/22/22], Bank Of America Corporation Signed On To The April 2021 New York Times Ad Of Corporations Claiming To Stand For Democracy And Against Restrictive Voting Bills. [Accountable.US, Corporate Anti-Democracy Donations Database, accessed 7/12/22], All Republican Members Of The Senate Voted To Block The Freedom To Vote: John R. Lewis Act. Arizonas highly controversial election audit wrapped up Friday as the GOP-backed company conducting it announced the investigation had actually increased President Joe Bidens margin of victorybut Republicans in multiple other states are already underway on other probes that could sow new doubts in the presidential vote count. [Forbes. Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit OpenSecrets. In other fallout, the P.G.A. These charts include contributions to members' presidential committees. Content contained herein may have been produced by an outside party that is not affiliated with Bank of America or any of its affiliates (Bank of America). [] Voting is a democratic principle that equally values the voice of every citizen. For permission to reprint for commercial uses, Yesterdays inexcusable violence and chaos at the Capitol makes clear that elected officials perpetuation of the fiction of a fraudulent 2020 presidential election is not only reprehensible, but also a danger to our democracy, our society and our economy. Company goals are aspirational and not guarantees or promises that all goals will be met. For so many Americans, voting was a hard-fought right. See employment history for Bank of America lobbyists by clicking on their RevDoor icon here. The Reviews Have Been Used To Justify New Voting Laws And Efforts To Decertify The 2020 Election. 24 percent of the Republican lawmakers voted for an outside, partisan review of the 2020 election (often referred to as an audit). Investors are on alert for companies that take one position and make donations that support another. [The New York Times, Time To Vote is a nonpartisan effort for companies that want to contribute to the culture shift needed to increase voter participation in our countrys elections. 574, LA H.B. 1244, AR H.B. Contributions from the PAC program support candidates, parties, or committees whose views and actions are consistent with Bank of America's priorities and values. State legislatures hold a unique position in the countrys democratic apparatus, wielding a constitutionally mandated power to set the times, places and manner of holding elections. Cheered on by Mr. Trump as he eyes another run for the White House in 2024, many state legislators have shown they see that power as license to exert greater control over the outcome of elections. [The New York Times, 5/22/22], During The 2022 Election Cycle, Key Bank Of America Staff Have Made Large Contributions Totaling $95,820 To Anti-Democracy Federal Legislators. In each of those states, the election was conducted without any evidence of widespread fraud, leaving election officials from both parties in agreement on the victory of Joseph R. Biden Jr. [The New York Times. The company also has yet to turn over all the information requested by the congressional committee studying the Jan. 6 attack, though it says it is negotiating with the committee. [The Washington Post. When it comes to competitive advantages, Bank of America ( BAC 1.35%) has a huge one. [Bank Of America, Accessed 3/22/22], The Number Of Public Companies That Disclose Or Prohibit Political Spending Hit A Record In 2021. State legislatures hold a unique position in the countrys democratic apparatus, wielding a constitutionally mandated power to set the times, places and manner of holding elections. Cheered on by Mr. Trump as he eyes another run for the White House in 2024, many state legislators have shown they see that power as license to exert greater control over the outcome of elections. [The New York Times. Click on the arrows below to learn more about how Bank of America supports democratic ideals and details about their political spending. FleetBoston Financial, Did not previously hold government jobs: 27.59%, Did not previously hold government jobs: 24.14%. Despite increased focus on ESG matters from stakeholders and the need to internally mobilize to create a robust ESG strategy and governance structure, less than a quarter (21% of survey respondents) currently have an ESG council or working group in place to drive strategic attention to ESG topics; however, more than half (57% of survey respondents) are actively working to establish one. jennifer griffin political affiliation, rob hatch cycling languages,
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