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The mission of the Maricopa County Attorneys Office is to deliver high-quality prosecution, comprehensive victims services, crime prevention programs and legal representation for County government on behalf of the people of Maricopa County, to provide a safe and well-governed community. The Arizona Attorney Generals Office Civil Litigation Division/Bankruptcy and Collections Enforcement Section is seeking a Collector Specialist to collect debts owed to agencies throughout the State through pre-litigation collection efforts and by recommending to attorneys' cases for review for lawsuit and post-judgment remedies. About Us Contact Us "That did not turn out to be true, at all.". Yuma, AZLawHelp.org gratefully acknowledges the support of our Content Contributors whose generosity enables us to pursue our mission to promote justice for all Arizonans. "Empowering prosecutors through training and advocacy to serve as Ministers of Justice, as we strive to build criminal justice bridges with the greater community., 602-542-7222602-274-42153838 North Central Avenue, Suite 850 Phoenix, AZ 85012. The governors office typically oversees ADWRs tone and direction. Ferguson is one of several Democratic attorneys general moving aggressively on key social policy issues to blunt Republican initiatives across the country designed to loosen gun restrictions, outlaw abortion and curtail the rights of transgender residents. You mustsubmit an online complaint form prior to your complaint being investigated. Reach the reporter atrstern@arizonarepublic.com or 480-276-3237. Executive Office. "But it is a state that values pragmatism. Office of the Attorney General Office of the Attorney General Agency Handbook Opinions Regulations Administrative Code Administrative Register Office of Stay up-to-date with how the law affects your life. Reach Allhands atjoanna.allhands@arizonarepublic.com. Since winning, Mayes has set up Arizona's first reproductive rights unit within the attorney general's office. The Maricopa County Attorneys Office is one of the nations largest public prosecutorial agencies, serving nearly four million residents in the fourth largest county in the U.S. We have more than 900 full-time employees, including attorneys, investigators, paralegals, victim advocates and support staff, each of whom is committed to the ideals expressed on our official seal: service with integrity, ensuring justice for all. ", 2023 The Detroit News, a Digital First Media Newspaper. The County Attorney is the chief prosecutor for the County, and according to A.R.S. But there will be casualties. But they missed the far more consequential revelation in two letters that accompanied the news release letters that signal the state attorney general is about to escalate the war against rural water depletion. The group often calls in experts to brief them, including recently on issues surrounding the abortion medication case. Is a residential landlord required to pay for expenses relating to bug sprays and/or professional services to spray for excessive ants? Please select your county of residence below. Victims of consumer fraud can file a consumer complaint by visiting the Attorney General's website. By contrast, at least five Republican-run states this year have eliminated so-called safe zones, such as around schools, where it is prohibited to bring a gun. "The voters in Washington now want to ban assault weapons, they want to ban high-capacity magazines. Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. What can i do to have my money returned. He wants me to leave he alwyas tells me to get out and doesnt want a relationship anymore however i have no family here in az therefor i want to move back to ca with my children can i leave the state with my boys without him taking the kids away from me iwant to do this the legal way and need advise. For years he has defended Washington's roughly 16,000 transgender residents' right to health care. Katie Hobbs over Fondomonte. Kris Mayes detailed her concerns to Arizona Department of Water Resources Director Tom Buschatzke that his department is responding too lightly to growing problems with rural groundwater. WebOffice of the Attorney General Colorado Department of Law Ralph L. Carr Judicial Building1300 Broadway, 10th FloorDenver, CO 80203 (720) 508-6000 Contact the Office of the Attorney General Contact Facebook Twitter Skip to content Open toolbar Accessibility Tools Accessibility Tools Increase Text Home / Powers and Duties / Attorney General Powers and Duties: Arizona Attorney General May Bring Statutory, but not Constitutional Claims Against State Agency April 20, 2021 Powers and Duties Share this Emily Myers Antitrust Counsel and NAGTRI Chief Editor National Association of Attorneys General His most consequential recent success, though, was his lawsuit that prevented, at least temporarily, a ban on mifepristone. Jay Inslee (D) signed it into law. That said, its a whole other story to make ADWR the bad guy. All Rights Reserved. Choose County The Arizona Attorney General's Office in Tucson provides a variety of services to the people living in Southern Arizona including but not "During the Trump administration we saw a lot of attacks on rights, and we are now continuing that battle," said Geoff Burgan, communications director for the Democratic Attorneys General Association. WebBenjamin Marrison, chief of staff for Attorney General Dave Yost, is responsible for all non-legal matters, including operations, public policy and communications. Much of the Democratic resistance is coming from the West, where some states have passed measures similar to those being considered now. WebAttorneys General of Alaska From 1913 to 1916, the Territory of Alaska was served by Territorial Counsel John H. Cobb. Two studies of a single basin in a forty-year period does not satisfy the statutory duty, she wrote, later adding, If you believe that ADWR has been unable to comply with the statutory requirement, please let me know why ADWR has been unable to do so.. WebMembership Records The State Bar of Arizona has the duty of maintaining records of all persons admitted to the bar within this state and who are licensed by the Arizona Supreme Court to practice law. Thats because a more aggressive department would still be at the mercy of state groundwater law, which has developed some gaping holes. Privacy Policy Every state has a disciplinary organization that monitors attorneys, their licenses, and consumer complaints. Dan Barr: Chief Deputy: Bill Mundell: Assistant Chief Deputy: Amy Love: Chief of Staff: Vacant: Legislative Liaison. WebNevada Attorney General's Office United States employs 128 employees. Maricopa On Twitter:@joannaallhands. WebArizona Attorney General Kris Mayes Espaol Office About the Office AG Opinions Agency Handbook AG Kris Mayes CLE Offerings Contact Us Employment LEO Training The information on this website is not legal advice. The Maricopa County Attorneys Office is one of the nations largest public prosecutorial can the doctor do this with out some type of concent ? www.AZLawHelp.org is a project of the Arizona Bar Foundation in partnership with Southern Arizona Legal Aid Inc., Community Legal Services, Inc., DNA People's Legal Services, Inc., William E. Morris Institute for Justice, and the State Bar of Arizona with support from Legal Services Corporation. Opinion: Arizona's attorney general is pressuring the state Department of Water Resources to get far more aggressive in how it deals with rural water. (602) 506-3411. Hours before Rice released his decision, a Texas judge wrote a separate decision limiting how patients obtain the drug mifepristone and how late into pregnancy it can be used. my mom is in the hospital. I am rtired from the US Postal system and am on total dissabilitym The postal system is presently diducting my first year of Social Security from my retirement. The team's job was to decide how best to respond to the ruling, and his staff recommended the lawsuit seeking even greater access to mifepristone as the way forward. Reference: Rule 32, Ariz. R. Sup. Terms and Conditions. For Bob Ferguson, the Democratic attorney general of Washington state, the seventh time proved to be the charm. They want it to happen now.". County Office is not affiliated with any government agency. After the complaint is filed FindLaw.com Free, trusted legal information for consumers and legal professionals, SuperLawyers.com Directory of U.S. attorneys with the exclusive Super Lawyers rating, Abogado.com The #1 Spanish-language legal website for consumers, LawInfo.com Nationwide attorney directory and legal consumer resources. WebAddress, Phone Number, and Hours for Arizona Attorney General Tucson Office, an Attorney General, at West Congress Street, Tucson AZ. "Those four years under Trump fortified the Democratic attorneys generals, and that's why you are seeing successes now. A lock (LockA locked padlock) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Link: website. WebThe Arizona Attorney General's Office has jurisdiction over almost every type of product or service and encourages consumers who believe they've been defrauded by a business to file a consumer complaint at azag.gov (click on "consumer" then "file a complaint"). Oregon legislators are also debating a measure for next year's ballot that would enshrine abortion rights, protect same-sex marriage and guarantee the range of gender-affirming care. TermsPrivacyDisclaimerCookiesDo Not Sell My Information, Begin typing to search, use arrow keys to navigate, use enter to select. For Bob Ferguson, the Democratic attorney general of Washington state, the seventh time proved to be the charm. Navajo Gain an understanding of his or her historical disciplinary record, if any. Phoenix, AZ 85003. Looking for court forms or information about representing yourself in a court case? She spelled out last fall, via a 16-point plan, what she would do to rein in Fondomonte, promote statewide water conservation and bolster water quality. How many cases like mine have you handled? Therefore, the information contained in this website cannot replace the advice of competent legal counsel licensed in your jurisdiction. Coconino WebThe Attorney Generals Office brings and defends lawsuits on behalf of the State and prepares formal legal opinions requested by State officers, legislators, or county attorneys Its unclear whether Hobbs is on the same page about ADWR. All Rights Reserved. WebPhoenix, AZ 85004-2926 Physical (Primary) 2005 N Central Ave Phoenix, AZ 85004-2926 Contacts Kris Mayes Primary Contact Attorney General aginfo@azag.gov Phone Numbers Main (602) 542-5025 http://www.azag.gov Related Resources Arizona Attorney General Civil Rights Division - Tucson WebWorking at ARIZONA ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE: 29 Reviews Review this company Job Title All Location United States 29 reviews Ratings by category 3.9 Work-Life Balance 3.4 Pay & Benefits 3.3 Job Security & Advancement 3.1 Management 3.4 Culture Sort by Helpfulness Rating Date Language Showing all 29 reviews Ensure the attorney is currently licensed to practice in your state. Lawyer Directory Arizona Phoenix State of Arizona, Office of the Attorney General State of Arizona, Office of the Attorney General - Phoenix, AZ 1275 West 11-531, No person shall be eligible for the office of county attorney unless he is an attorney at law, licensed and in good standing in this state. The County Attorney is responsible for prosecuting all felonies that occur in Maricopa County and all misdemeanors that occur in unincorporated areas. Is there a max that a landlord can charge for a lease up fee before move in? WebState of Arizona Employee Directory; State of Arizona Internal Directory; Attorney General. Mayes's predecessor, Mark Brnovich, who argued aggressively that Arizona should enforce a law dating to 1864 that outlawed abortion, did not run. State of Arizona, Office of the Attorney General (Main Office) 1275 West Washington Street Phoenix, AZ 85007 - 2926 (602) 542-5025. Mayes also criticized a policy the department created to help it evaluate proposals to transfer Colorado River water to users off-river, which must ultimately get the OK from the federal Interior Department secretary. "But Congress is a dead end, and working together against red states is being done directly and proven much more effective.". When viewing a listing, Click Here to Enter your Tracking Number. Meanwhile, rural water activists have started utilizing the few provisions in state law to enact new regulation, successfully lobbying voters and the state water department to create the first new AMA and Irrigation Non-expansion Area in decades. Information found on CountyOffice.org is strictly for informational purposes and does not construe legal, financial or medical advice. Click below or call 866-637-5341 to check eligibility. Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes said at the event, which also included gun control advocates Everytown for Gun Safety, that she'll ask the Legislature to pass a red flag gun law. 4201 N. 24th Street Suite 100Phoenix, AZ 85016-6266, Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information Center, 2022 Economics of Law Practice in Arizona Report, Client Protection Fund's Board of Trustees Calendar, Arizona Attorneys Respond: Legal Help Hotline, MCLE Regulations (Effective June 27, 2022), Membership Fee Statement Filing Instructions, Character and Fitness Committee seeking non-lawyers, AZ Attorneys Respond: Law Day Clinic 2022, Statement from State Bar president Jennifer Rebholz, Arizona Attorney Magazine wins national award, State Bar Response to Killing of George Floyd, Rule Changes and Code Section Proposals Affecting the Practice of Law, Proposed Rule Changes Affecting the Practice of Law, 2022 Arts Competition Winners - Music Category. WebAttorney Generals Office (Tucson) Profile. Popularity:#1 of 2 Attorney Generals in Arizona#1 in Attorney Generals. Reach the reporter atrstern@arizonarepublic.com or 480-276-3237. Contact us. Ct. From 2009 to 2010, Mr. Restaino was detailed as a Trial Attorney to the Public Integrity Section in Washington, D.C. Jackley was elected in November 2022. Finally, the information contained on this website is not guaranteed to be up to date. California lawmakers, for example, have approved strict gun laws, and the voters last year also enshrined the right to abortion in the state constitution. Joan M. Eichhorst (Assistant Attorney General) Jeremy Daniel Eiden (Attorney) Christie Bennett Eller (Deputy Attorney General) Jackson John Joseph Evans (Attorney) Gail Alison Feichtinger (Assistant Attorney General) Mathew Alan Ferche (Assistant Attorney General) Ricardo Alberto Figueroa (Assistant Attorney General) He and i have 2boys together 7yr and 4yrs. Name Arizona Attorney General Tucson 11-531 et seq. Rural residents and a growing coalition of local elected leaders have unsuccessfully lobbied the Legislature for years to do something about rapidly depleting water levels. And the Democratic base has become younger and more liberal since he first proposed the ban, he said. Arizona, a presidential swing state where 11 electoral votes and a U.S. Senate seat could be decided by a fraction of a percentage point, has been at the center of But the Democratic attorneys general are coordinating in ways they have not done previously. Now the doctor is saying they r going to put her in a home but she live with me at home . But it has yet to meet. That was the message of the 2022 election.". James Gardner. Pima "They are more diverse, they are younger, and far less patient on waiting for change. Local offices in Pima County provide resources to the public, including consumer complaint information and public legal records. Ferguson has also been a defender of transgender rights. It is always a good idea to research your lawyer prior to hiring. The Arizona Attorney General's Office in Tucson provides a variety of services to the people living in Southern Arizona including but not limited to issues civil rights, consumer, fraud, child support and Department of Child Safety cases. divorced in 2003, my kids are 18 and 20 now and still paying suport how does it stop? Some lawyers publish comparative information regarding the services that they provide which may be subject to specific comparative communications restrictions. Reveal contacts of top Nevada Attorney General's Office managers and employees. Copyright 2023 Arizona Prosecuting Attorneys' Advisory Council. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Follow him on Twitter@raystern. Jackley, who is currently the South Dakota Attorney General, no longer represents Sanford. Rosenblum supports the measure reaching the ballot, although she cannot take a public position on it before then. But its clear that Mayes now intends to put sustained pressure on the department, one of a few she does not legally represent, to interpret state water law more aggressively. Does a step parent have the legal right to sign legal papers as a parent or guardian, without being granted guardianship of the child? WebAll 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, have an attorney general who All outstanding ballots in Maricopa County and across the state of Arizona have now been counted. A former co-chair of the Democratic Attorneys General Association, Rosenblum said the 24-member group has a weekly call to coordinate efforts on issues common to all of them, a practice that began after Trump's election. La Paz Each year, the proposal failed to make it out of committee - until this one. "A big reason why I am sitting in this chair right now is because Republicans tried to undermine reproductive rights in this country," Mayes said. Arizona Attorney General Tucson Office in Tucson, Arizona, get driving directions from your location, Tucson City Court Records (Tucson, Arizona), Pima County Clerk of The Superior Court Records, Pima Superior Court Clerk Marriage Applications, Pima County Restraining Order Forms & Applications, Pima County Consolidated Justice Court Records. Prior to his employment as a federal Prior to joining the Attorney Generals Office, Marrison was communications director and senior adviser for Yost at the Auditor of States Office during Yosts second term. VIEW DIRECTORY Employee Directory State (I voluntarily gave him temporary custody, and live in a separate state). Abortion played a central role in the race. Mohave An official website of the United States government. The Arizona State Constitution, under Article 12, Section 3, provides for each county a number of elected officials, among them a County Attorney. County: Granted, Mayes is ambitious. By researching lawyer discipline you can: At FindLaw.com, we pride ourselves on being the number one source of free legal information and resources on the web. For six years, Ferguson pushed a ban on assault-style weapons in Washington's legislature. Bartelsmeyer has served for the past year as the elections director and deputy clerk in La Paz County on Arizona's western border. Web225 West Madison Street. The Department of Justice does not endorse the organizations or views represented by outside websites and takes no responsibility for, and exercises no control over, the accuracy, accessibility, copyright or trademark compliance or legality of the material contained on outside websites. WebThe State Bar of Arizona is a non-profit organization that operates under the supervision of the Arizona Supreme Court. Official websites use .gov The Democratic effort has taken on fresh urgency from recent federal court rulings, most notably the Supreme Court's decision last year to end the federal right to abortion, and laws enacted by Republican governors and state legislators that Democrats view as extreme. Determine the seriousness of complaints/issues which could range from late bar fees to more serious issues requiring disciplinary action. In 1915, the legislature created the Office of the Attorney General, to become effective after the general election in 1916. Apache Doug Burgum (R) signed a bill that virtually outlaws abortion. WebPlease attach your supporting documents by using the 'Add Attachments' portion of the online form. 1275 West Washington Street Phoenix, AZ 85007- 2926, State of Arizona, Office of the Attorney General 400 West Congress South Building, Suite 315 Tucson, AZ 85701 - 1367 (520) 628-6504. For six years, Ferguson pushed a ban on assault WebState of Arizona Employee Directory This is a network directory of state employee contacts and can be accessed by the general public. 11-401; A.R.S. Copyright 2023, Thomson Reuters. That change definitely occurred.". Along with the assault weapons ban, Washington's legislature also passed a prohibition on magazines that hold more than 10 bullets. State of Arizona, Office of the Attorney General. How often do you settle cases out of court? CountyOffice.org does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). U.S. Appellate Courts | U.S. District Courts | U.S. Bankruptcy CourtsState and Local Courts | Legal Ethics and Attorney Regulation | Legislature and LawsState Executive and Regulatory Information | Local Government | State Agencies & OfficesGeneral Resources, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA), Meet the Acting Assistant Attorney General, State Executive and Regulatory Information, Lawyer Regulation Resources for Attorneys, Association for Justice / Trial Lawyers Association, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. Ferguson and Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum (D) filed the suit. Opinion: Arizona's attorney general is pressuring the state Department of Water Resources to get far more aggressive in how it deals with rural water. Richie Taylor: Communications Director: This website has been prepared for general information purposes only. Greenlee Legal advice is dependent upon the specific circumstances of each situation. Is there a way I can make it that he doesn't get it till he turns 25 and has a high school diploma due to him not being mature and dropping out of school and just relying on this money? WebArizona Attorney General Kris Mayes Office of the Attorney General Phoenix Office 2005 N Central Ave Phoenix, AZ 85004-2926 (602) 542-5025 Fax (602) 542-4085 Hours: 8AM Follow him on Twitter@raystern. the 20 year old lives out of state on his own. The Supreme Court stayed that ruling, putting the matter on hold, and will hear arguments on access to the abortion drug later this term. Opinion: Arizona's attorney general is pressuring the state Department of Water Resources to get far more aggressive in how it deals with rural water. And trust me, if the department starts creating AMAs without residents initiating the process, thats exactly what it will become. Visit AzCourtHelp: Free or reduced fee legal help might be available for those that qualify. Graham During the time my daughter lived with them, she was placed on probation. WebAdministrative Professionals. 2023 County Office. And even then, it could only accomplish so much. John Cornyn R-Texas, Thom Tillis, R-N.C., and Chris Murphy D-Conn. President Joe Biden signed the act in June 2022. The job is preceded by an unexplained 12-year gap on his resume. "The political aspect of it has been turned on its head," Ferguson said. She cited a state law that says the department shall periodically review groundwater basins to determine which ones meet criteria to become Active Management Areas, the states most stringent form of groundwater regulation. The following individuals served the Territory and the State of Alaska as Attorney General: In recent years, the electorates in Western states have become more Democratic, making some of these moves that were once politically dangerous much more popular.
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