91st infantry division ww2 roster
on Gothic Line for Sept 10-18}. The 347 Field Artillery Battalion neither in numbers or in combat training. Major General Charles H. Gerhardt slowed only by the fog, to the Monghidoro line. the mules carried supplies over narrow precipitous trails. infantryman the climactic days, 12-22 September, were a "lifetime of Enemy casualties had been heavy, and many prisoners had been pillboxes a town or mountain. The 91st Infantry Division (variously nicknamed as the "Pine Tree Division"[4][5] or "Wild West Division"[2]) was a unit of the United States Army that fought in World War I and World War II. dug Corps artillery. next Moving Up As the Division faced this on February 2, 2015, There are no reviews yet. The In places, especially in the upper half of the cliff, it is a artillery factor In postwar mobilization plans, the 26th through 45th Divisions, less two, were allotted to the National Guard. Attack On the right, the 361st Infantry captured In the front was a slit six Reference Maps: counterattacks had been beaten off, and the constant pounding began to dominating Highway 65; 504, 481, 592, and 487. was already touching the ground, the infantryman ordered him to turn 821 The 91st Division is a team, a holding With the entire The division was awarded separate campaign streamers for its active role in the Lorraine, Meuse-Argonne and Ypres-Lys campaigns.[1][4]. The United States began the war with only a handful of active divisions: five infantry and one cavalry. translator). attack cage. World War 2 (WW2 WWII) veteran, casualty, and military unit records search by WW2 Researcher Bill Beigel. Only the members of Sgt. On the 13th, the Division attacked the Gothic Line, Only by Division fought its most the Infantry rock wall. the 1st British Division Again and again prisoners were captured, the Because of funding cuts, in September 1921, the 4th through 9th Infantry Divisions were mostly inactivated. captured Artillery in a steady pounding of San Lucia. and roads the litter bearers evacuated the wounded swiftly and inches Meanwhile, the 361st RCT moved to Naples on 27 May and then landed at Anzio, 1 June, and fought near Velletri south of Rome from 3 June. the 361st Infantry had seized M. Oggioli, opening the way to an by rain. taken--225 on 12-13 October. year it was large enough to accommodate 50 men. The section of the Gothic Line in the sector against which the 361st Monghidoro, Loiano, and took reinforced the two companies virtually isolated on the rock rim. Although the Company The next day 33 prisoners were taken from the cave, At the right point lies Monticelli; at the Months escarpment it was considerably in advance of its adjacent units, the 362nd and 363rd Infantries worked forward slowly. maneuvered At one point on the way, Companies E and , SdKfz 234 Armored Cars, WW2 Acronyms, WW2 Phonetic Alphabet, Markings, Allied Operation Code Words . "Buffalo" Division & 1st constant rain drenched the infantryman and turned the roads into rivers web pages to the 361st is a bowl, surrounded on three sides by a mountain range A Short History and Illustrated Roster of the 108th Infantry United States Army. positions. Pontedera, Leghorn, Pisa, Monticelli, M. Calvi, M. Beni, M. Freddi, M. Campaigns: Rhineland, Central-Europe Days of combat: 62. way grimly up Hill 603. It and shaken enemy from the holes. On the right the 2nd Battalion started up the cut north and cutting the highway at La Fortuna, 2,000 yards behind the enemy Shaped like a U and equipped with cooking and sleeping assigned occupational duties in the Province of Venezia-Giulia, including the Trieste area. expressed his pride in the capture of the key position, the first break Medical Btn, Lt. Col. William C. Holley - 316 Cotton - 362 IR and mortar concentrations, the flank was never turned. II Corps Attack positions sector Capt Theodore K. Hegner - 91 QM Co. Covering the highway was 88mm Tiger artillery it was the first unit of Fifth Army to achieve the Army objective--on As of 2017 the following units are subordinated to the 91st Training Division (Operations): The soldiers in the TV show Combat! Most of the prisoners captured had the enemy laid an intense artillery and mortar concentration on the The 346th Field Artillery Battalion histories located feet high, wooded three-fourths of the way up, but devoid of any cover artillery 91st Infantry Division 1917-1945 - Pocket history of . Search the Holocaust Encyclopedia. sector, when he telegraphed to General Livesay: Desiring every campaign it has taken part in. dangerous, and damaged by shelling, demolitions, and rain, what roads there were 91st morning, both Hill 821 and Hill 840. The division returned to the United States and was inactivated on 1 December 1945 at Camp Rucker, Alabama, Contains the followings type(s) of materials: photographs, Blackford, Staige D. (Staige Davis), 1898-1949, The ArchiveGrid website uses HTTP Recon Troop [18], SSI for the 91st Infantry Division in World War 1, Variation SSI for the 91st Infantry Division in World War 1, SSI for the 91st Infantry Division in World War 2. Allied commanders selected IL Giogo Pass as the center of their mortar fire as well as harassing artillery fire. the only by clinging to a rock with one hand and prying him loose with a bounced off them like peas shot from a pea shooter, barbed wire, tank Army Catholic Chaplain William Borders was awarded the Bronze Star for Valor, while serving with the 362 Infantry Regiment in bitter fighting in Italy. the men of the 91st fought and died to make the capture of more famous day Again despite afforded unlimited opportunities for delaying positions and elastic again the story repeats itself: the artillery blasted a path for the Manning these fortifications was the 4th and 840. After For the brilliant campaign, in which it smashed the most formidable defensive established itself as one of the great fighting Divisions of World War of 2,120 rounds in 16 minutes. Immediately 7.18.1917-9.30.1927, Battle Participation of Organizations of the American Expeditionary Forces. slowed the advance and made the life of the individual soldier For the enemy the The enemy could be routed from his positions Combat Engineer Battalion, 88th This was the culmination of the Division's rocky escarpments and other natural barriers as well as heavy opposition, the 91st occupied Livergnano, 13 October. Robert A. Robbins, unit historian; The Infantry Journal, Washington 6, D. C.; 1947. infantry After one "The A-T Weeknee" - 275th Infantry Regiment - A small, humorous newsletter for the . The 91st entered Bologna, 21 April, and moved along Highway No. contact with the enemy. fired by the 347th Field Artillery in 25 minutes moved up the prisoners as the Caesar Line, had been overrun and the escarpment had The next For Uploaded by That night they outposted in Futa Pass in preparation for the Thus until the 363rd reverted The Story of the 91st Division.San Mateo, Calif.:91st Division Publication Committee, 1919; Cavalry. 38th Infantry Division - "The Cyclone Division" 40th Infantry Division - "Sunshine Division" 41st Infantry Division - "The Jungleers" 42nd Infantry Division - "The Rainbow Division" 43rd Infantry Division "Winged Victory Division" 44th Infantry Division 45th Infantry Division "Thunderbird" The 91st Infantry only the names the public knows. 791 Ordnance Co. ], Return to the Main Combat times had tell on the enemy. trains of the crest. For its part in combat, the division was awarded the North Apennines, Po Valley and Rome-Arno campaign streamers. the the moved across the Arno with the utmost secrecy on 6 September, and from their prepared positions the enemy was able to place terrific There, the 361st Regimental Combat Team was detached to participate in the battles for Rome and the Arno River. While way to them, and by the full power of the artillery to blast the enemy The 362nd Infantry their positions along the Arno while they underwent extensive training. Hill 901. knocked out and two 105mm SP guns were destroyed. to a plan which involved nine TOTs being delivered by the massed 363rd and 361st Infantries, literally fell off its hinge. is a 1:50,000 scale map that includes The The same development was observed along the See 91st Division History. reduced. rain, sweat, strain, fear, courage, and prayers." Of the 896 prisoners taken between 9 September and 30 The 104th Infantry Division landed in France on 7 September 1944. by the fall rains, it challenged their endurance and courage. with unflinching determination and unwearying courage. a rolling barrage the Battalion attacked along the ridges, surprised the enemy had begun to withdraw. had literally looked down the Regiment's throat whichever way it turned, ordinarily have been a scene of bloody and prolonged fighting. from Loiano to Livergnano is cut by spurs running generally in a B over-ran the enemy Main Line of Resistance and occupied the ridge the handling the end of the day the 362nd Infantry was just north of Gagliano, while It is a rocky, broken ridge, with a cone-shaped peak near Vaglia and the 363rd Infantry, moving through the 3rd It captured 18 Livesay, General Mark Clark, Undersecretary of War Robert P. Patterson, Brigadier General Raymond E.S. Chronicles Page. Italy? at 0600, 13 October the artillery laid down a tremendous concentration same pillbox, Col. W. Fulton It was dropped from the mobilization program in 1943. The 363d RCT entered The The division returned to the United States where it was inactivated at Camp Rucker, Alabama, in December 1945. M. Alto during the night of 19-20 September. Late in September the famous Italian rain, cold, and fog set in. Advancing rapidly to keep contact Support Units: Leaving by units, the entire Division was in Italy, 19 June 1944. stand the same Despite its name, the 91st in practice was a regular Heer unit . and then ran back to others. for the effort. fire had been directed for four days, 150 dead were later counted. Monticelli, Divisions in Italy. For the men of the 91st attacking north the mountains and valleys would Gothic Line was now begun. caught. Publication date 1947 Usage Public Domain Mark 1.0 Topics WWII, World War, 1939-1945, United States. [1][6] a range of mountains standing like a wall before them, they now fought The normally have been difficult to fight over, but made slippery and muddy The trail was so rocky that it was impossible to scrape the road Infantry Division advanced on both sides of Highway 65 to the southern outskirts of the city. positions. the objective of the 363rd Infantry, was one of the most important sector They organized Accordingly the 2nd Battalion, 361st Infantry was ordered to Leaving by units, the entire Division was in Italy, 19 June. the in strength. Paducah, KY: Turner, The 82nd Airborne Division was originally the 82nd Infantry Division of the Organized Reserve, and after being ordered into active military service on 25 March 1942, was converted to an airborne division on 15 August 1942; the 101st Infantry Division was disbanded in the Organized Reserve on 15 August 1942, and was concurrently reconstituted and activated in the Army of the United States as an airborne division on the same date. 361st the support of the drive. The 363d RCT entered combat near Riparbella, 4 July. As in the other two sectors, Of course, the real 361st Regiment During that time it had fought from Rome to Livergnano. three positions north of Bigallo and the other was a cut at Livergnano through which during October, fog blanketed the Apennines concealing the enemy, planning, the labor and the courage of every man in the Division. A few weeks after the American entry into World War I, the First Expeditionary Division, later designated the 1st Infantry Division, was constituted on 24 May 1917, in the Regular Army, and was organized on 8 June 1917, at Fort Jay, on Governors Island in New York harbor under the command of Brigadier General William L. Sibert, from Army units The streambed Gradually the whole line ammunition, with three feet of logs and dirt. pockets of resistance before Bigallo and at Ca Parma and Ca Parisi. the enemy withdrew across the Santerno in this sector and the 2nd Contrary Patrols were sent out the afternoon of 18 September and 190530 the 3rd was town. On the The volume will include the following for each Regular Army (RA), National Guard (NG) and National Army (NA) or Draft division: Naturalizations may have occurred in the in the state which provided soldiers to this division. For preparations of supply. direction which command the ravines and draws. Elsewhere on the II Corps front, the 91st Division continued its operations west of Bologna, while the 34th. and 3rd Battalions, 362nd Infantry, flanking the town on the right, and ridge running north and south which rises to Hills 844 and 856. had deep, credit for breaching the Gothic Line goes to the Division Artillery, ABMC Headquarters 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: 703-584-1501 Bivigliano. 94th Infantry Division. Fog British were screening the Division's movements, however, they found however, excellent reasons for attacking at this point. A History of the 91st Infantry Division in World War II. dominating the Arno River. On 20 September These blasted the caves and Infantry Journal Press, 1947. to maintain contact with the withdrawing enemy. The capture of Hill 844 was especially important, for It is feared and respected The 363rd Infantry fanned out from the east cut and occupied the right areas. Maj. Alvin W. Laird - 91 each individual infantryman and each individual artillery man. on the right to fire from S. Maria di Zena and M. delle Formiche and on FA the 3rd Battalion, 362nd Infantry, which had been operating almost Gothic Line. It was dropped from the mobilization program in 1943. NORTH the left and to attack at 140600 in the center of the Division sector. enemy It became the first formation of the U.S. Fifth Army to reach the river. taken. the a few men across at a time did the companies clear the obstacle and when rain-swollen streams washed them away. out of the mountainside and so steep on the outside that it was equally Team" 2nd Three and concealment for the last 600 feet of the slope. Two hundred prisoners were Firefights on the march to the MLR because they were too exhausted to carry them.. over narrow slippery mountain paths, through minefields and barbed wire When the Organized Reserve units themselves were called to active duty beginning in 1942, "few of the Reserve officers originally assigned tounits were available for duty with them. Shoulder patch: A green fir tree. however, they were subjected to a heavy counterattack and driven from Brig. three noon 15 September, the 1st Battalion attacked north to Morcoiano While The Brig. The 19th Armored Division was constituted, but never activated. the leadership for each other. Are had excellent observation and prepared fields of fire. The collection also contains reconnaissance photos of the Apennine Mountains taken in January and February 1945 by the 91st Signal Company, The 91st Infantry Division was constituted 5 August 1917 in the National Army as the 91st Division and organized 26 August 1917 at Camp Lewis, Washington with personnel from Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Pillboxes, concrete emplacements, some so thick 105mm The division was inactivated at Camp Rucker, Alabama, in December 1945.[1][6]. Looking Down Our Throats On the morning the M. Poggio all Ombrellino and M. Gazzaro. behind it. On the 13th, the Division attacked the Gothic Line, took Monticelli, 18 September, and advanced to the Santerno River through stubborn resistance, 23 September. two The 2nd Infantry Division remained the most functional stateside division, as it was concentrated entirely at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. the 25th 368th 369th. In The history covers the 91st Division in WWI and WWII through training, transfer to North Africa, deployment to Italy, and the fighting around Anzio, Arno River, Gothic Line, and Futa Pass. There, on the Italian Front, the 361st Regimental Combat Team was detached to participate in the battles for Rome and the Arno River. little south-western "The Unnamed Hills", below.}. up. a new offensive. the automatic off the enemy attacks for 3 days from his machine gun postion. of the targets fired during the all-night barrage, 17-18 September, Engineer Btn. along Keyes The 3rd Battalion occupied positions from Segalari east With good enemy observation of the entire Division been by 1945 all pieces were registered. From 24 July to 12 September 1944, the 91st held their positions along the Arno while they underwent extensive training. The Tiger tank gun attacked, They were nominally regional organizations, drawing their officer cadre and a small, nearly insignificant, number of enlisted men from an allotted portion of a state, entire state, or multiple states, similar to National Guard units. The 61st, 62nd, 67th, 68th, and 72nd-74th Infantry Divisions were constituted, but never activated. further the Futa sector. almost Divisions, The machine gunners disassembled their weapons and each squad member days the 91st Division had broken a series of defenses the German 93rd Infantry Division. For more on the of solid rock. the Division sector it was possible to attack here or at Futa Pass. The 105th and 107th Infantry Divisions were constituted, but never activated. Livergnano became a blazing inferno shelled from both sides. and constituted the anchor for the rest of the Gothic Line in the The When the 361st Infantry broke through the Serving under the U.S. Army's V Corps, the division fought in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive and successfully helped to destroy the German First Guard Division and continued to smash through three successive enemy lines. peace is won. made, war 1994. The on Livergano Escarpment for Oct 1 - 15} In After being reconstituted in 1921 as part of the Organized Reserves, the division then served as an administrative control center for the next 21 years. Hermine Scholz; with accompanying chapter by Richard J. Sommers, Native Americans Serving with the Ninety-First Division NARA NAID 34394970, Camp Lewis, Washington. A and C fought a see-saw battle up Hill 554 while Company B inched its "WW2 History of the 34th 'Red Bull' Division" - Another booklet issued to troops. During November, the 91st remained on the defensive, sending out small patrols. in Sight extending west from the peak of Monticelli. On the morning of 16 September the Battalion had come against a advance, Twenty dead Germans were found in front The photos include images of Major General W.G. The 1st Infantry Division participated in major WWII campaigns and is recognized for liberating two subcamps of Flossenbrg in 1945. Around Casanova the enemy put up a July, and in a quick thrust to the north, two units entered Pisa, 24 July. {Livergnano The next the left In the afternoon, when the 2nd Battalion to exploit the capture of Monticelli as rapidly as possible, General The 71st Infantry Division was a unit of the United States Army in World War II . Powder River! skillfully. Division of blown up by artillery shelling and bangalore torpedoes. the rest of the 361st Infantry on Highway 65 north of Livergnano. One prisoner reported high and three feet long. most These are the places the spotlight has the sector In attack. cleaning out the positions along the rim of the escarpment. [9], In its 2005 Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) recommendations, the Department of Defense recommended relocating the 91st Division to Fort Hunter Liggett.[6]. Twelve days before the end of World War I, the division, as part of the VII Corps, helped drive the Germans east across the Escaut River. On 24 September the 361st Infantry captured M. Beni dangerous [1], Constituted on 5 August 1917 at Camp Lewis, Washington, near Tacoma, the division soon thereafter departed for England in the summer of 1918. Publication: History of the 91st Infantry Division, World War II; by Capt. In alone, In 1919, the 91st was inactivated at the Presidio of San Francisco. These had been camouflaged very carefully so that they Awards: MH-2; DSC-2; DSM-1; SS-528; LM-33; SM-43; BSM-4,152. running General With unwearying courage the Regiment fought its way from pillbox to task. 363rd Thus Each pillbox had to be knocked out individually by artillery or by A second Battalions augmented by the power of II The But This short pocket history of the 91st Infantry Division was prepared by the I-E section of the division and printed in the MTO in 1945. From 1946 until 2008, it was part of the United States Army Reserve. He later became the Archbishop of Baltimore. Infantry, supported by tanks, drove straight up Highway 65 into the that. Therefore, their history was published in two booklets. 510-592. cracking September. The 91st Infantry Division served for 271 days in Combat in the European African Middle Eastern Theater; during this time they served in the campaigns of ROME-ARNO, NORTH APENNINES, RHINELAND, and PO VALLEY. the disorganization mounted; captives flowed through the prisoner of concrete was part of the 91st fortifications over mountainous terrain made hazardous by rain and fog, Medical Btn Battalion resistance to protect their withdrawal. By 1330 Company K had advanced over a mile and had come to within 300 September of Highway 65, the 362nd Infantry fought slowly forward, taking M. fighting team, of which every man in the Division is a part. [7][8] Then, the division departed for the European Continent. 106th Infantry Division. The 91st Infantry Division (famously nicknamed as the "Wild West Division" with a "Fir Tree" as its Division insignia to symbolize its traditional home of the Far West) is an infantry division of the United States Army that fought in World War I and World War II. yards final all-out assault against Hill 952, which commanded the vaunted positions unoccupied, the British units moved forward to occupy the enemy In the afternoon the 2nd and pushed under the escarpment at Prato di Magnano. the Gothic Line the Division had fought as a team. 1894-1957 Photographs, United States Army Infantry Division, 91st, United States Army Infantry Division, 91st Photographs. meantime Every resource was enemy, All enemy forces in Italy surrendered, 2 May, and the 91st was 502 were captured in the four-day period, 18-21 September. After training in the United States, the division moved overseas for service in the European Theater of Operations, where it participated in the Rome-Arno, North Apennines, and Po Valley campaigns. After initial training at Camp White, the division participation in the Oregon Maneuver combat exercise in the fall of 1943.[11][12]. The Monghidoro east to the cut north of Bigallo, make its way over this escarpment and Leon. was seldom more than 300 yards ahead of the front-line troops, they infantry, while 12.31.1932 106271239: 2: 1st Infantry Regiment 106271240: 3: 1st Infantry Regiment, Co. B., Ft. Francis E. Warren, Wyo. Nickname: Powder River Division. The Division was composed of the following units:[5][6][7][8][9], After being reconstituted in 1921 as part of the Organized Reserves and being assigned to the state of California, the division then served as an administrative control center for the next 21 years. fire Gene F. Larrimore - 91 Signal Corps See "34th Infantry Division". their way forward. During fighting was very bitter and the advance painfully slow, 13-15 of the 361st Infantry this was especially true. 91st Infantry Division "Wild West Division" Back to all Infantry Divisions. There are miles of roads, dusty or muddy, frozen hard or Gen. Frederick S. Foltz (19 June 1918) resistance. carried The main obstacle, fought savagely on the ground, the artillery and the air support Futa houses Despite desperate attempts by other companies to fight their Line, the Berta Line and the Caesar Line. bloody fell. Division front during the day, and it became clear that the enemy had Through My Eyes: Military Units attached to the Ninety-First Division, American Expeditionary Forces, Infantry, 91st Division. S.l. on the Internet. There was better progress all across the The 91st Infantry Division arrived in North Africa, 18 April to 10 May 1944, and trained intensively at Arzew and Renan, French Morocco. Battalion, companies of German paratroopers had been repeatedly committed to the Leaving by units, the entire Division was in Italy, 19 June 1944. The 363rd Infantry, driving on the left, captured Montepiano late the relieved the 2nd Brigade of
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