303 hunting bullets
2007-2023 Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore. Hornady FMJ bullets are built with a 7.62mm .310 Diameter 123 Grain FMJ W/ Cannelure 2800 Case by Hornady Product Overview offers the Hornady .310 Diameter 123 Grain Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail Match bullets. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to reach out. These loads were developed in the 25.25" barrel of an Enfield #4 Mark 2 rifle, and used Hornady brass and Winchester WLR primers. Mag. The.303 Savage round was ballistically superior to the.30-30 Winchester, but only marginally. It is an affordable and readily available option that is sure to appeal to many different types of shooters. Most of these have found their way to the United States as either war trophies or were imported as military surplus in recent years. Black Dog Ammunition reserves the right to cancel any order where the customer has not abided by our Terms and Conditions. $59.89. If you have a question about an item, please call or e-mail for more information before placing your order. However, most shooters will be limited by the range of their ammunition and their own ability to make accurate shots. Mag..404 Jeffery vs. .416 Rigby.243 Winchester vs. 6mm Creedmoor.300 PRC vs. .300 Win. These bullets utilize the nominal 30 caliber dimensions common to the martial arms of several foreign entities. Speer Bullets brings you a variety of bullets perfect for rifle hunting. Designed for the 41 Remington Magnum revolver cartridge and introduced in 1970, these bullets made up one fifth of the total number of Sierra handgun bullets offered in that year. Sedalia, MO 65301 It began life using a compressed black powder charge under a 215-grain round nosed bullet at 1850 fps. SPT These bullets utilize the nominal 30 caliber dimensions common to the martial arms of several foreign entities. Best suited to medium game and heavy loads, each bullet is also right at home on the Handgun Silhouette range. Redding Reloading Equipment has added a New 3-Die Set for the 300 HAMRa bottleneck cartridge based on a modified .223 Remington case necked up to 30-caliber. In 2015, the Canadian Rangers finally retired the 303 British after adopting them in 1941. Yes, the .303 British is A GOOD CHOICE for whitetail deer hunting, under average conditions, from a mid-range distance, with a medium grain expanding bullet, and with correct shot placement. They have excellent accuracy, together with deep penetration and excellent expansion on medium and large game. It began life using a compressed black powder charge under a 215-grain round nosed bullet at 1850 fps. Sportsman's Outdoor Superstore reserves the right to modify or change pricing information or descriptions without notice. Do you know the difference between .303 and .308? The main difference between the two cartridges is the rim size. We only had access to 215gr and 180gr Remington Core Lokts and Winchester Silvertips. The Exact Barnes' Triple-Shock X Bullet Features Include All-Copper Construction, No Fragmentation, 28% deeper Penetration Than Lead Core Bullets, And Maximum Weight Retention. Most Custom loads feature bullets with a secant ogive design. The Hornady Bullets, .303 cal, 174 grain, Round Nose, 0.312 inch Diameter, 100-Rounds, 3130 Gun Type: Rifle, Bullet Type: Round Nose (RN), Bullet Weight: 174 grain, Projectile Caliber: .303 Caliber, Diameter: 0.312 in, Bullet Quantity: 100 Bullet. Many people are confused by the two different calibers. Semi-Jacketed Soft Point bullet. What is the average muzzle energy for a .303 British? It had a large following among sportsmen in the British colonies, and remains a popular choice in Canada and South Africa. Caliber: 303 cal (.312") Weight: 150 Grains Bullet Style: Spire/Soft Point Sectional Density: .220 G1 Ballistic Coefficient: .361 G7 Ballistic Coefficient: Muzzle Velocity Range: 2300-2700 Box Count: 100 Bullets RCBS 31 Caliber (.311"-.312") Case Trimmer Pilot Permanent Link to Product Page $5.90 In Stock Product Number: With a 57mm case, and an initial bullet diameter of .318-inch, the 8x57 would use a 227-grain round nose bullet, and designation of Ifor Infanteriewhich the U.S. Army mistook for an ornate J. Once the bore was revised in the early 20th century to 0.323-inchthe diameter which is still in use todaythe designation was changed to IS, or JS, as its known here. All rights reserved. .303 Savage.303 British.307 Winchester.308 Marlin Express.308 Winchester / 7.62mm x51mm.308 Norma Magnum.32 Remington.32 Winchester Special.32-20 Winchester.325 WSM.33 Nosler.33 Winchester.338 Federal.338 Lapua.338 Norma Magnum.338 Marlin Express.338 Spectre.338 RCM.338 RUM.338 Winchester Mag.338-06.338-378 Weatherby Mag.340 Weatherby Mag Millions of successful hunts have proven the accuracy and deadly effect of the famous Hornady InterLock, SST, InterBond andCX bullets we load into Hornady Custom rifle ammunition. Developed in 1976 by Ken Waters as a wildcat cartridge, the 7-30 Waters is based on the .30-30 Winchester necked down to 7mm to improve velocity and trajectory, with a significant drop off in felt recoil. That JS revision used a lighter, spitzer bullet weighing 153 grains. The 55 grain #1455 bullet are recommended for moderate-capacity cartridges, such as the 222 Remington and the 223 Remington in handguns. The.303 Savage remained popular through the 1930s. If you were to scour the gun shops for a cool vintage rifle, which would be the smarter choice? Despite being replaced as a military cartridge, the .303 British continues to be popular among civilian shooters and hunters due to its availability and affordability. It also has a flatter trajectory. This will extend the case life considerably, a point that is emphasized in the sixth edition of the Hornady Handbook of Cartridge Reloading. : +1-847-513-6201 The nose tips of the bullets are made of a proprietary acetyl resin compound, and the sharp tips improve the ballistic coefficient over the traditional flat-base Spitzer bullet design. CUTTING EDGE BULLETS 303 (.311) 130gr BULLET ESP RAPTOR 50/bx . There are far more .323-inch component bullets to choose from for the handloader, and as a bore diameter, the 8mm or .323-inch has a definite advantage over the .311-.312 of the .303 British. PRICE $38.85 QTY ADD TO CART document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Accuracy at 50 to 100 yards and tough construction were the main design criteria for the 125 grain #8310 bullets when they were introduced in 1970. This bullet adds some much needed versatility to these often overlooked but very capable cartridges for hunting. 303 British is a good choice for whitetail deer hunting, under average conditions, from a mid-range distance, with a medium grain expanding bullet, and with correct shot placement. These bullets are suitable for all of the larger .311 inch diameter service cartridges, such as the 303 British, 7.7mm Arisaka and 7.65mm Mauser. is here at OpticsPlanet with fantastic deals Up to 14% Off Best Rated! The Sierra Matchking Bullets Have a Hollow Point Boat Tail Design That provides The Extra Margin Of Ballistic Performance Match Shooters Need To Fire at Long Ranges Under Adverse conditions. 9AM-5PM CT Sat-Sun (Chat & Email Only). While there are many reasons this may happen, some common causes are: You do not have access to www.sportsmansguide.com. Download PDF datasheet. These include the British Lee-Enfields, the late-war Japanese Arisakas, the Russian Moisin-Nagants, SKS and AK-47s and their various clones from former Soviet bloc countries. Please provide address and copy of paperwork. 303 British 150 gr InterLock SP Item #8225 | 20/Box Millions of successful hunts have proven the accuracy and deadly effect of the famous Hornady InterLock, SST, InterBond and CX bullets we load into Hornady Custom rifle ammunition. Product comparison. For rifles, this bullet is designed for explosive expansion in varmints and small game and with accuracy characteristic of the MatchKing bullets. Notify Me When Available. Note: A full length article about the .303 British can be found on the Rifle Cartridge Page. The. These rounds expand 7.62x39mm .311 Diameter TMJ 123 Grain Spire Point 1000 Count by Berry's Manufacturing Product Overview now offers the 7.62x39mm .311 Diameter TMJ 123 Grain Spire Point in a convenient 1000 Count. Hot-Cor b 303/7.7 Arisaka (JAP) .312 Diameter 150 Grain Spire Point With Cannelure 100 Count by HORNADY AMMUNITION AND BULLETS carries the 303/7.7 Arisaka (JAP) .312 Diameter 150 Grain Spire Point With Cannelu 303/7.7 Arisaka (JAP) .312 Diameter 174 Grain Round Nose With Cannelure 100 Count by HORNADY AMMUNITION AND BULLETS carries the 303/7.7 Arisaka (JAP) .312 Diameter 174 Grain Round Nose With Cannelure 7.62x39 Caliber .310 Diameter 123 Grain Flat Base Tipped Varmageddon 100 Count by Nosler and Inc The Ballistic Tip Varmageddon line offers a hollow point design with a polymer tip. You do not need an FFL to purchase ammunition online. No, the .303 British is UNDERKILL for moose hunting, under average conditions, from a mid-range distance, with a medium grain expanding bullet, and with correct shot placement. Eventually, Savage modernized and improved the rifle, changed its name to Savage 99, and chambered it in several popular hunting calibers, including a new higher-velocity .300 Savage cartridge that . We've got you covered. .30-06 Springfield vs. All Other .30s.17 HMR vs. .17 WSM.450 Nitro Express vs. .470 Nitro Express350 Legend vs. .35 Remington.280 Ackley Improved vs. 7mm Rem. Intl. I always favored the 150 grain bullet for hunting CXP2 class game when I owned a .303 rifle. With its 190-grain loading, it was used on such animals as deer and moose. Overall, the .303 British is a versatile cartridge that can be used for hunting, self-defense, or target shooting. 308 has a higher muzzle velocity and energy. If you are looking for a caliber with less recoil, then the .308 is a good choice. The Hornady Interbond uses a Proprietary bonding Process That Hold The Core And Jacket Together No Matter What The Bullet encounters. Looking for previous installments of our "Head to Head" series? The rifle enjoyed a long life with the Rangers in the Arctic since it's corrosion-resistant, can function at -58 degrees, and takedown polar bears at over 300 yards. The Spitzer shape provides a flat trajectory and high energy delivered downrange. Your address will still go on the order address. Product Details Sierra's strict adherence to quality standards results in extremely high uniformity and consistency. In the hands of soldiers and hunters, that load made an impression around the globe, from India to China to Australia to Africa. Plus, you'll be the first to hear about our newest giveaways. Sign up and get exclusive access to promotions, sales events, pre-order sales & more! document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Copyright Hornady, Privacy Policy | CCPA Request | Accessibility Policy | Terms of Use, Designed and developed by IdeaBank Marketing. Many American factory loads are loaded light in deference to the early rifles, of suspect metallurgy. While Ive seen some cool double rifles in .303 Britishand equally cool double rifles in 8x57 JRS, a rimmed version of the 8x57 Mauserthe practical hunter armed with a Mauser 98 in 8x57 is, in my opinion, better armed for the hunting fields. AMMO 303 BRIT 180GR FEDERAL POWER SHOK (20) R919. Combine All That Hard Hitting Power With The proven Ballistic adva Rifle Bullets 303 Caliber 174 Grain Round Nose Interlock Packed Per 100 No Matter What Kind Of Game You're Hunting, You Need The Right Bullet. Both calibers are popular among hunters and target shooters alike. Mag..243 Winchester vs. 6mm Remington7x57mm Mauser vs. 7mm-08 Remington.25-06 Remington vs. .257 Weatherby Magnum.338 Winchester vs. .375 H&H Magnum.30-30 Winchester vs. .35 Remington.257 Roberts vs. .250-3000 Savage.270 Winchester vs. .280 Remington.35 Whelen vs. 9.3x62mm Mauser.416 Rigby vs. .416 Remington Magnum.308 Winchester vs. .30-06 Springfield.22 Nosler vs. .224 Valkyrie.300 Win. Her Majesty's .303 British is a shining example of Victorian-era engineering. Every round of Hornady Custom ammunition is hand inspected before packaging to ensure the highest levels of quality control. Sierra's Custom-Tapered Pro-Hunter Jacket Design helps Assure Maximum Expansion, Op Rifle Bullets 308 Caliber 150 Grain Spire Point, Interlock Packed Per 100 No Matter What Kind Of Game You're Hunting, You Need The Right Bullet. Fax: +1-866-534-3097 May 7, 2022. Let's look at those assumptions a bit closer in the following table. Speer uses uni-cor Technology To Take Full Metal Jacket Bullets To Their highest Levels. The password you choose must meet the following requirements: Your password must be at least twelve characters long, Your password must be at least seven characters long At Hornady, we manufacture Custom ammunition to give shooters and hunters the advantage of handloaded accuracy in a factory load. Hunters should consult with experienced professionals and other hunters to get their opinions on which type of rifle would be best for their needs. It was first introduced in 1888, and it quickly became one of the most popular cartridges in the world. We have identified anomalies in your browser or connection settings that have flagged this request as potentially malicious or automated. . .303 vs .308 Ballistics Properties in your browser or network settings have been modified and appear abnormal. Get 10% Off - Subscribe to Our Email List, Toll-Free: +1-800-504-5897 Hunting Shack 303BRIT4N Game King 303 British 180 GR Pro-Hunter - 20rd Box. Type: Hunting. Savage produced a half dozen loads for it. contiguous 48 states, DC, and to all U.S. Military APO/FPO/DPO addresses. If not, dont worry! If you are looking for a powerful and versatile cartridge, the .303 British is an excellent choice. No, they are not the same. This is a question that often comes up among shooters. Gain a deep knowledge of ballistic science and access our improved ballistic calculator. .303 CALIBER/7.7MM 125 GR. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference. Expands upon impact into four or six cutting petals. It was this load which Lt. Col. John H. Patterson killed the Maneaters of Tsavo in 1899. Manage Settings The two cartridges are similar in appearance and dimensions, but they are not interchangeable. This hardiness makes it a great hunting rifle to this day, still found in hunting camps going after everything from whitetails to bears. SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER AND START SAVING! [emailprotected]. 1400 W Henry St All ammunition will be shipped UPS GROUND ONLY ammunition can not go expedited! Because of this longstanding record, the Ammunition is still in modern production and on the market. Most of these have found their way to the United States as either war trophies or were imported as military surplus in recent years. AND contain at least one of the below special characters Federal 303 British 180 gr Speer Hot-Cor SP Power-Shok 20/Box, Federal 303 British 150 gr SP Power-Shok 20/Box, Winchester 303 British 180 gr Power-Point Super-X 20/Box, Hornady 303 British 150 gr SP Custom Rifle 20/Box, Sellier And Bellot 303 British 150gr Jacketed Soft Point 20/Box, Sellier And Bellot 303 British 180 gr Soft Point 20/Box, Ppu 303 British 180 gr Soft Point (SP) 20/Box. 303 British ammo has been around for a long time. The tapered, rimmed cartridge uses a bullet of .312-inch, named for the land diameter as the British do about half the time. And, For Any Hunter Worldwide, The Right Bullet Is Hornad 303 Caliber .311 Diameter 150 Grain Hot Cor Spitzer Soft Point 100 Count by SPEER BULLETSACCURATE AND CONSISTENT. Burris combines two hunting gear essentials into a single unit with the new Signature LRF 10x42 rangefinding binoculars. Volume Discounts Available . Compare. Shooters of 41 Action Express handguns will find these bullets very useful also, and should refer to Sierra Bullet's Rifle & Handgun Reloading manual for proper loads. Here are some .303 British specifications of interest to reloaders: bullet diameter .311-.312", maximum COL 3.075", maximum case length 2.222", SAAMI MAP 45,000 cup. As you can see, the difference in diameter is very small. Designed & Maintained by TWCarter Networking with Elegant Themes Theme. Given the British cartridge's capacity and pressure limit, medium burning powders such as H335, H414, IMR 4895, IMR 4320, RL-15, and W760 are appropriate. Native Outdoors Ammunition. For use on heavier game, the Hornady Handbook shows that their 174 grain bullets can be driven to a MV of 2000 fps by 33.3 grains of RL-15, and to a MV of 2400 fps by a maximum charge of 40.0 grains of RL-15. The latest way appears to be an app called CamoSpace, designed specifically for members of the hunting community. reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, simply return the item within 30 days of The Traditional, Flat Base Design Of The Pro-Hunter Has Been skillfully blended With Sierra's World-Famous Accuracy. vs. .300 Win. The biggest downside to the .303 is that its not as common as some other cartridges, so finding ammunition can be a bit tricky. The Gewehr 98 and K98 rifle are easily sporterized, and Ive found them much more accurate than any .303 I've spent time with. The #1455 was introduced in 1999. Requested URL: www.sportsmansguide.com/productlist/ammo/rifle-ammo/303-british-ammo?d=121&c=96&s=917, User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0. Our all-copper bullets expand rapidly, dump more energy, and penetrate deeper than any lead-core bullet available. SOLD OUT. What started as a small dream has become a multi-million dollar international business They have outstanding accuracy, a flat trajectory and superb expansion in small animals even with the smaller-capacity cartridges. FLAT SHIPPING! 303 will have less recoil than the . There are plenty of reasons to Shop at OpticsPlanet.com, and most orders over $49.00 get FREE SHIPPING! $599.89. Accuracy rivaling the best target grade wadcutters makes this an exceptional hunting bullet for the 357 Magnum or larger cartridges in handguns or rifles when deep penetration and expansion are required. All the BlitzKing bullets in 22 caliber are designed to be fired at muzzle velocities up to 4400 fps. Winchester Super X .303 British Ammunition 20 Rounds JSP 180 Grains X303B1. Their address will go into the shipping address on our order form. Given the wartime production conditions and occasionally questionable pedigrees of some of these rifles, this procedure is a worthwhile investment. It has a lot of great target shooting applications, too, and Hornady even makes match-grade 303 ammo. Because of the rear locking Lee-Enfield (SMLE) bolt action of most .303 British rifles, which allows more case stretch than front locking actions, it is a good idea to just neck size .303 brass. For large game there is a 180 grain RN bullet at a MV of 2,460-2,590 fps and a ME of 2,418-2,680 ft. lbs. Remington and Federal are just a couple more brands offering .303 ammo. #3. The rimless design doesnt hang up in a box magazine, and the 19-degree shoulder gives excellent headspacing. Many of these rifles are capable of delivering decent accuracy and are powerful enough to serve for use on big game. The 41 Remington Magnum cartridge and handguns chambering it have not become highly popular. The . While every effort is made to include accurate and correct images, descriptions and pricing for all products, inadvertent errors may occur. AND contain at least one numeric character However, many shooters find that their rifles shoot just as accurately with a shorter barrel length. The long answer is a bit more complicated. For large game there is a 180 grain RN bullet at a MV of 2,460-2,590 fps and a ME of 2,418-2,680 ft. lbs. This is a question that I get asked a lot, and its one that Im happy to answer. Be the first to receive our best deals, latest products, promos & more. It remains a popular, capable, world-wide hunting cartridge. Her Majestys .303 British is a shining example of Victorian-era engineering. Let's look at those assumptions a bit closer in the following table. The .303 is certainly a capable deer rifle, but there are some things to consider before deciding if its the right choice for you. For example, a heavier rifle may be more difficult to carry over long distances or through rough terrain, but it will also have more stopping power if necessary. In that time well over 17 million 303 British Enfield rifles have been manufactured. 2 Items. This pioneering profile, developed by Hornady, creates the optimum blend of ballistic efficiency and bearing surface for flatter shooting and less drag. For handguns, the BlitzKing bullets are especially effective in varmints and small game for the full range of centerfire cartridges in 22 caliber. Additionally, the .303 Savage has a slightly different internal design, which gives it different ballistic properties from the .303 British. So, which one should you choose? The 7.62x39mm .311 Diameter TMJ 123 Grain Spire Point 250 Count by Berry's Manufacturing Product Overview now offers the 7.62x39mm .311 Diameter TMJ 123 Grain Spire Point in a convenient 250 Count. They're not the only ones making Rifle Ammo in the British 303 round. The 303 British Enfield rifle (aka the "Lee-Enfield")is still used by some armed forces today, giving it an incredible lifespan of over 140 continuous years of official service. (888) 223-3006 The .303 British is also popular among target shooters due to its accuracy and relatively low recoil. They Completely Encase The Lead Core In a Seamless Jacket. Mag. .30-06 Springfield vs. .270 Winchester6.5 Creedmoor vs. 7mm-08 Remington8x57 Mauser vs. .318 Westley Richards.358 Winchester vs. .350 Remington Magnum.22-250 Remington vs. .220 Swift.270 Winchester vs. .270 WSM.26 Nosler vs. 6.5-300 Weatherby Magnum.458 Win. Email: sales@opticsplanet.com, 9AM-7PM CT Mon-Fri All rights reserved. Login / Join. What is the average muzzle energy for a .303 British? the best wieght for 303 for hunting is 125gr, 150gr, 174gr, 180gr, an the 215gr. It can also be used for self-defense, although the .308 Winchester is a better choice for this purpose. It's not a long range cartridge but inside 300m it works well if you use a proper bullet. Continue with Recommended Cookies. That being said, the .303 can still be an effective caliber for hunting and target shooting. Item Number: X303B1. We will have to have a copy of their FFL or their resellers permit. _________________, Order Cancellation by Black Dog Ammunition. $83.39. This is because there is less mass behind the bullet when it is fired. Check out some of our other top ammo for sale - 9 mm ammo, 300 Blackout ammo, 6.5 Grendel ammo, 6.5 Creedmoor ammo, 5.56 ammo & 10mm ammo. So, whats the difference? The sixth edition of the Hornady Handbook of Cartridge Reloading shows that 35.3 grains of RL-15 powder will drive their 150 grain spire point bullet at a MV of 2200 fps. 5.0. AND contain at least one lower case character Out of Stock. The 8x57 Mauser, or the 7.92x57 Mauser, 7.92x57mm J, 7.92x57mm JS or one of several names bestowed upon the cartridge, went through a series of revisions over the years. Pro-Hunter Bullets have a flat-base design and custom tapered jacket that helps assure maximum expansion, optimum weight retention and deep penetration.
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